CAPH is a Web UI Framework which is optimized for Samsung Smart TV using only W3C standard. CAPH supports jQuery and Angular JS. CAPH provides the features such as plug-in modules for each frameworks.


CAPH has completely different APIs with previous version. CAPH don't have compatibility for previous version. If you want to use previous APIs, you can use CAPH 2.1.1.


CAPH 3.0 has the following modules.

  • All modules support AngularJS and jQuery.
  • All modules work with Key Navigation.
  • All UI Components is customizable.
Modules Description
Key Navigation Key Navigation helps you to handle the focus of UI element easily by arrow keys of remote controller.
List&Grid List&Grid is the UI component has high performance scroll animation. You can customize it for your own UX very easily. It supports large data handling.
Dialog Dialog is popup window to interact with user. You can place your components on the dialog.
Button This is very basic UI components. If you need the button supporting Key Navigation, use it.
Toggle Button This is very basic UI components. If you need the toggle button supporting Key Navigation, use it.
Radio Button This is very basic UI components. If you need the radio button supporting Key Navigation, use it.
Check Box This is very basic UI components. If you need the check box supporting Key Navigation, use it.
Input This is very basic UI components. If you need the input supporting Key Navigation, use it.
Context Menu Context Menu will be shown at specified location when it is needed.
Drop Down Menu This is very basic UI components. If you need the drop down menu supporting Key Navigation, use it.





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