Public Attributes | List of all members
PPB_Var_Deprecated Struct Reference

#include <ppb_var_deprecated.h>

Collaboration diagram for PPB_Var_Deprecated:
Collaboration graph

Public Attributes

void(* AddRef )(struct PP_Var var)
void(* Release )(struct PP_Var var)
struct PP_Var(* VarFromUtf8 )(PP_Module module, const char *data, uint32_t len)
const char *(* VarToUtf8 )(struct PP_Var var, uint32_t *len)
bool(* HasProperty )(struct PP_Var object, struct PP_Var name, struct PP_Var *exception)
bool(* HasMethod )(struct PP_Var object, struct PP_Var name, struct PP_Var *exception)
struct PP_Var(* GetProperty )(struct PP_Var object, struct PP_Var name, struct PP_Var *exception)
void(* GetAllPropertyNames )(struct PP_Var object, uint32_t *property_count, struct PP_Var **properties, struct PP_Var *exception)
void(* SetProperty )(struct PP_Var object, struct PP_Var name, struct PP_Var value, struct PP_Var *exception)
void(* RemoveProperty )(struct PP_Var object, struct PP_Var name, struct PP_Var *exception)
struct PP_Var(* Call )(struct PP_Var object, struct PP_Var method_name, uint32_t argc, struct PP_Var *argv, struct PP_Var *exception)
struct PP_Var(* Construct )(struct PP_Var object, uint32_t argc, struct PP_Var *argv, struct PP_Var *exception)
bool(* IsInstanceOf )(struct PP_Var var, const struct PPP_Class_Deprecated *object_class, void **object_data)
struct PP_Var(* CreateObject )(PP_Instance instance, const struct PPP_Class_Deprecated *object_class, void *object_data)
struct PP_Var(* CreateObjectWithModuleDeprecated )(PP_Module module, const struct PPP_Class_Deprecated *object_class, void *object_data)

Detailed Description

Definition at line 30 of file ppb_var_deprecated.h.

Member Data Documentation

void(* PPB_Var_Deprecated::AddRef)(struct PP_Var var)

Adds a reference to the given var. If this is not a refcounted object, this function will do nothing so you can always call it no matter what the type.

Definition at line 36 of file ppb_var_deprecated.h.

struct PP_Var(* PPB_Var_Deprecated::Call)(struct PP_Var object, struct PP_Var method_name, uint32_t argc, struct PP_Var *argv, struct PP_Var *exception)

Invoke the function |method_name| on the given object. If |method_name| is a Null var, the default method will be invoked, which is how you can invoke function objects.

Unless it is type Null, |method_name| must be a string. Unlike other Var functions, integer lookup is not supported since you can't call functions on integers in JavaScript.

Pass the arguments to the function in order in the |argv| array, and the number of arguments in the |argc| parameter. |argv| can be NULL if |argc| is zero.

Example: Call(obj, VarFromUtf8("DoIt"), 0, NULL, NULL) = obj.DoIt() in JavaScript. Call(obj, PP_MakeNull(), 0, NULL, NULL) = obj() in JavaScript.

Definition at line 180 of file ppb_var_deprecated.h.

struct PP_Var(* PPB_Var_Deprecated::Construct)(struct PP_Var object, uint32_t argc, struct PP_Var *argv, struct PP_Var *exception)

Invoke the object as a constructor.

For example, if |object| is |String|, this is like saying |new String| in JavaScript.

Definition at line 192 of file ppb_var_deprecated.h.

struct PP_Var(* PPB_Var_Deprecated::CreateObject)(PP_Instance instance, const struct PPP_Class_Deprecated *object_class, void *object_data)

Creates an object that the plugin implements. The plugin supplies a pointer to the class interface it implements for that object, and its associated internal data that represents that object.

The returned object will have a reference count of 1. When the reference count reached 0, the class' Destruct function wlil be called.

On failure, this will return a null var. This probably means the module was invalid.

Example: Say we're implementing a "Point" object.

  void PointDestruct(void* object) {
    delete (Point*)object;
  const PPP_Class_Deprecated point_class = {
    ... all the other class functions go here ...
   * The plugin's internal object associated with the point.
  class Point {
  PP_Var MakePoint(int x, int y) {
    return CreateObject(&point_class, new Point(x, y));

Definition at line 236 of file ppb_var_deprecated.h.

struct PP_Var(* PPB_Var_Deprecated::CreateObjectWithModuleDeprecated)(PP_Module module, const struct PPP_Class_Deprecated *object_class, void *object_data)

Definition at line 242 of file ppb_var_deprecated.h.

void(* PPB_Var_Deprecated::GetAllPropertyNames)(struct PP_Var object, uint32_t *property_count, struct PP_Var **properties, struct PP_Var *exception)

Retrieves all property names on the given object. Property names include methods.

If there is a failure, the given exception will be set (if it is non-NULL). On failure, |*properties| will be set to NULL and |*property_count| will be set to 0.

A pointer to the array of property names will be placesd in |*properties|. The caller is responsible for calling Release() on each of these properties (as per normal refcounted memory management) as well as freeing the array pointer with PPB_Core.MemFree().

This function returns all "enumerable" properties. Some JavaScript properties are "hidden" and these properties won't be retrieved by this function, yet you can still set and get them.


  uint32_t count;
  PP_Var* properties;
  ppb_var.GetAllPropertyNames(object, &count, &properties);
  ...use the properties here...
  for (uint32_t i = 0; i < count; i++)

Definition at line 138 of file ppb_var_deprecated.h.

struct PP_Var(* PPB_Var_Deprecated::GetProperty)(struct PP_Var object, struct PP_Var name, struct PP_Var *exception)

Returns the value of the given property. If the property doesn't exist, the exception (if non-NULL) will be set and a "Void" var will be returned.

Definition at line 106 of file ppb_var_deprecated.h.

bool(* PPB_Var_Deprecated::HasMethod)(struct PP_Var object, struct PP_Var name, struct PP_Var *exception)

Identical to HasProperty, except that HasMethod additionally checks if the property is a function.

Definition at line 98 of file ppb_var_deprecated.h.

bool(* PPB_Var_Deprecated::HasProperty)(struct PP_Var object, struct PP_Var name, struct PP_Var *exception)

Returns true if the property with the given name exists on the given object, false if it does not. Methods are also counted as properties.

The name can either be a string or an integer var. It is an error to pass another type of var as the name.

If you pass an invalid name or object, the exception will be set (if it is non-NULL, and the return value will be false).

Definition at line 90 of file ppb_var_deprecated.h.

bool(* PPB_Var_Deprecated::IsInstanceOf)(struct PP_Var var, const struct PPP_Class_Deprecated *object_class, void **object_data)

If the object is an instance of the given class, then this method returns true and sets *object_data to the value passed to CreateObject provided object_data is non-NULL. Otherwise, this method returns false.

Definition at line 202 of file ppb_var_deprecated.h.

void(* PPB_Var_Deprecated::Release)(struct PP_Var var)

Removes a reference to given var, deleting it if the internal refcount becomes 0. If the given var is not a refcounted object, this function will do nothing so you can always call it no matter what the type.

Definition at line 43 of file ppb_var_deprecated.h.

void(* PPB_Var_Deprecated::RemoveProperty)(struct PP_Var object, struct PP_Var name, struct PP_Var *exception)

Removes the given property from the given object. The property name must be an string or integer var, using other types will throw an exception (assuming the exception pointer is non-NULL).

Definition at line 157 of file ppb_var_deprecated.h.

void(* PPB_Var_Deprecated::SetProperty)(struct PP_Var object, struct PP_Var name, struct PP_Var value, struct PP_Var *exception)

Sets the property with the given name on the given object. The exception will be set, if it is non-NULL, on failure.

Definition at line 147 of file ppb_var_deprecated.h.

struct PP_Var(* PPB_Var_Deprecated::VarFromUtf8)(PP_Module module, const char *data, uint32_t len)

Creates a string var from a string. The string must be encoded in valid UTF-8 and is NOT NULL-terminated, the length must be specified in |len|. It is an error if the string is not valid UTF-8.

If the length is 0, the |data| pointer will not be dereferenced and may be NULL. Note, however, that if you do this, the "NULL-ness" will not be preserved, as VarToUtf8 will never return NULL on success, even for empty strings.

The resulting object will be a refcounted string object. It will be AddRef()ed for the caller. When the caller is done with it, it should be Release()d.

On error (basically out of memory to allocate the string, or input that is not valid UTF-8), this function will return a Null var.

Definition at line 62 of file ppb_var_deprecated.h.

const char*(* PPB_Var_Deprecated::VarToUtf8)(struct PP_Var var, uint32_t *len)

Converts a string-type var to a char* encoded in UTF-8. This string is NOT NULL-terminated. The length will be placed in |*len|. If the string is valid but empty the return value will be non-NULL, but |*len| will still be 0.

If the var is not a string, this function will return NULL and |*len| will be 0.

The returned buffer will be valid as long as the underlying var is alive. If the plugin frees its reference, the string will be freed and the pointer will be to random memory.

Definition at line 78 of file ppb_var_deprecated.h.

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