Content Type
Visual Display
Digital Appliance
Develop Samsung Wallet
docsecurity the following contents describe how to generate jwt json web token it follows rfc 7519 specification for more details, refer to https //jwt io json web token jwt card data token for secure data inter-communication, the token must be encrypted and signed using security factors see the chapter security factors factors for details jwt details jwe format jwe header jwe header requirement description alg required cryptographic algorithm used to encrypt the content encryption key cek , e g , rsa1_5 enc required content encryption algorithm used to perform authenticated encryption on the plaintext to produce the ciphertext jwe payload jwe payload requirement description encrypted_key required contains the base64url jwe encrypted key value the content encryption key is encrypted with the public key iv required contains the base64url jwe initialization vector value initialization vector used in the encryption algorithm ciphertext required ciphertext value resulting from authenticated encryption of the "cdata" object, which is encrypted using "encrypted_key" and "iv" authentication tag required contains the base64url jwe authentication tag value, used for verifying the integrity of the ciphertext jwe example base64url utf8 jwe header + ' ' + base64url jwe encrypted_key + ' ' + base64url jwe iv + ' ' + base64url jwe ciphertext + ' ' + base64url jwe authentication tag jwe header {"enc" "a128gcm","alg" "rsa1_5"} jwe payload ciphertext refer to the tables in "add to wallet" interfaces, and wallet cards result eyjrawqioijxtfquufvcs0vziiwizw5jijoiqteyoeddtsisimfszyi6iljtqtffnsj9 abo_ci81btj2d1a8tcgkfwbx9wpri4tkhhzwms8swct_2nnzhasi_nklmj3wnkm5gwaouny14zx_6eozhj6tdiicuq-rairs6woesu8xa2dt1sc5l17wu9wdsgok4anj0kiunii4pler3d-4fox1hx1fok9siwwqqfql4vnqg3he-i4j6cywoybphznybmkyynkiqfczl6lbttehc4tdaorpkwra3vmb0bbz5nyzf1axzfk-17tz0gfhs82a7gl9rej1k5b10_2qfgmhttffvcyytmkv3inmahq0b48l3sk1oppmfcuqigymvludbg_qwdnbl9eilinojjt8ar2nua zviyghusi5fb2rl2 gm5ivizrqqdr8npk1n2qreyai4md-fisfwtbbbgebhnhjmnu-c_o1yuyrvdhcm0ki_rvcdnzkdlcp_g7shskmroyin3bi92qgtkfh2v4y-kcug2dvgv9uiv3oxawvlikfcntmzizj3thv_fue7jrnrbwf2xmviwsqo5b0lmouskbhuhasqilre0rtc1fgn03qfe_e-b87vht5en2pnbydjv-6_8g3aessyodvhyzyayonlxw_kwqif-i5auwfiigk5lgvmuz9dsl6-qkgyiz5pl9nyydjjjpilibtualyvzb1ch-gskweuhiml62zr-chz2ado8vn0sroccjhcax6pbsp3x6fhyxhr65bjzan4lmdfsskn92bcfyclx8j_pgrlm4vui_-kx1lwparkwrtyxmebkmj-2w8numrnnpgt2erlo_hvtz8xh1kopvqjldjdg_qqfu_oewo3hvunkgqeu3qhi6eywvarb7ozsisz-f95o7k-kqtjhfbwz_yra2nxd2bcgc9ua966_9uq4ombwa-8fccawpxyyu4vzbz_ycv25j8grdqhhtw6n9tkzy4nu07jit4ccofvu5n_gsyn1qowd11-_lmk8amf-l5ddipvrun7dealjd8me4nsaakeslqfkz_sddsu0-05icfkm33quqp6fzn5ocy6dmn5kzbvqxzhghcg_a_k1xqqlx_kupl4jsaxcnciuyptdqbc0hxxwuiyrm3tcde6picymgcbpkc205niyld-6en43di4ykc029yqx8rsldoaa6rwvp-zehdkxynyilja-_8fw4ioqp6vk98ajz5t-ajqdk1h6n_opt-zcjkjzz-7r2x07bsa_5ng7iwambrsv1defxhiyv-esce1meif-na_411hgpja-gwczp_wsswlqra0rpdq208ly70xppu4h_3eh_6q8cy5yhhns93vfuo0nsqfniker25zwnid39zoiyj_de9gzjawxa3k0tprpn5mfdpxvtd0-ro4oqi34ab62-rubcdydsmtggihzy3shlgtyafrbzhmpmdkauoj9buirasqpnr4nahfq_s1m1uy5peeq3j0bozmcc4uasnqqnrrelqm8bkfqi41ggjrjm9uvkcr-pmfonsheoqjmce6zkua1qtoefxycdfoejbjqdbcycnoqgugodlqn2-3mkggrpvqvyaolomykc_sl8kpdvjxntkggzqb9vnlnlq9_fy3hmyor0zeexytajfua-4ilsfkg3crqkx3sccsp-w6rf7vfzx5vdhqbhfzbhbuxypfj1bdmis_w-xqdvr1kgblzmsw9grbwm2mk8rt9qpzinhcaqfv2dqagqth4vyuccq0mjcs5qgnbkwdiggvxfk7bhwhk2jrw3k4egjqna9lssnhcjhqz69m16ivbffktnz5ot0l-npkcqeifia-rjmwyy6beodzi8s7s4l4yvlmvjjidujxkb7zsqusvrvizpljmk1rsbvgww7rfojlci9ed-mhpsmxvepj2uxezxu95z_vx7i8xgszxmlwrmsi0eepa5tl7gqfxfimtv4v_o8rjiipqtdjmkenkflnvkn8wio7nosfyak1gplxkpr2scieltcirpweu_4y56yq3wxbvnwcax7yyjytubirk30znw84omyyljc67wntybeqi3ty1vz6wxraenn_dnwiku-ry_bvc9bjwzpgdnpzdtdqndhijleyk9zhzcwvjhvom7vms4cljs6ndqvm9yeilk55h-ejn22-1n1u6pmjeyfbvty0zfrf57sidtcitseejmhbm1uqdsk3rpfxv2hc0dyy9ok7uasdsifwhkczmue4qyurd3y4wvzhjjaprxqeqojfavz-vt-331jvajgkziifmpuyfck-kyrqbq193uya9sy6e-7ereid3cy7gylp9-tfsugobpulnydieamtqi1zaepwjkjqs9ljofdoojhxbqzy0-spitglnbmtuxpxqh6phh34vdb2fcgjttc8h1vp3_a0lvxxzumdu3jypc9ltqmxxg7xz4h4uqrvis2qm3xqwub1uto9syhfnpf16h0-u8bqdofg-yyba-qn_awn4ufs2ftfy-7yd1isp0g31lifmorplehz0pcgefo-mayacxsvgioptn67enmwe_grdwkzv27deocztmcn_fb7qvtdsle881rfz7lrhmitiuitdo4e0fkwuaz1cohrbpbhzmg30tljbxydb-lfq74rxfdc1eobj0vpcdaxomya9eoxcnt70tti16fr3lxjdysgqv_ihtfkdaummfyojjh_w9zagiwb2uxmhng0a3mpt8r80hzbppvh3hsb2uezww8aqtlmkalqf0g6nzqm181z46gnkz7w3h8a29-yci0ypz_m0pofihnwjrendjkew6azodehwyupsno7y93qdc8khhpzb84bkahbc2sye8wgvgmrhfiwsigfht_g3m8nlt3vfasqe98two0tzu3k72kmod8khdw6xq6oalxoba1m9wfi51wmjji8yr4ty-7pqdc51ombxsqurao0-6puja5dufuioq3yzm0iwr1yjciqaofp-xwn9crh287vjzhw2s4ges8s-wuda9yu61u3b1pwr0fyseouzquay_t3qkziaghvz0a2nefdy2wktmaonidqtsku8rhpknqalrc_ydnvyqooxnrdwjrxxilutvlaaqmygtl0zessrvpkh4inkiu0ikbdceqvnlcjqnuymc5u_dtic-pb7e9h4zwxm3talmlzoc-v1u0shzaqok3tvixa9uy9i3qvpz1realwg7w1yqquhpd-6pgolbddfqwxekb43jtry3wnxjizcgzoqwiuvpdhpzm0cyfzlx71cbcpyc3lkg_pduwkb2qjv2hjodusvstv8 bv9p-aoait1mfijswzevsg jws format jws header jws header requirement description alg required cryptographic algorithm used to generate signature e g , rs256 cty required payload content type set as "card" ver required token version set as 3 certificateid required certificate identifier based on a csr during onboarding 4 digits alphanumeric partnerid required partner identifier utc required creation time to prevent repeated use, the token expires after a certain period of time unix timestamp in milliseconds * time offset from utc of +00 00 jws payload jws payload requirement description jwe compact serialization required contains base64url jwe value jws signature jws signature requirement description jws signature required base64url signature of base64url utf8 jws header + ' ' + base64url jws payload jws example base64url utf8 jws header +' ' + base64url jws payload + ' ' + base64url jws signature jws header {"cty" "card","ver" 3,”certificateid” ”ymtt”,"partnerid" "1234567890","utc" 1631776245876,"alg" "rs256"} jws payload jwe result result eyjjdhkioijqqvntiiwidmvyijoxlcjwyxj0bmvyswqioiixmjm0nty3odkwiiwidxrjijoxnjm1odq1odu2mjq0lcjhbgcioijsuzi1niisimtpzci6ilbuti5qukllrvkifq 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bwqnq5n8apkes9fbb4htdqbterdklaztmphx6r_h7k7og4lx3gmgds3fep6o4cs6jttutost6gdmudwzozztptwetj64p4of1wlzkf6tx8alrkaiqr2nptxh_ah87bkw69myzakb4d9obngp7qdk7izgkpq180olmbtpxiv-wkin92f6n2fpoi5bt1ws_hh8wxgla6nkm0s-roayl7gtvgbs6gohkhvgaxnhesqy7kzgqte9orcc_fliqyyrabhtpgybwb7wp0hpodzq0dpadumkkprs05vidfzjufxduyc7zbze-g_tixrjk3linf4rnzxyi0gohbw5grphu3wltg authorization token the restful api needs to include an authentication token jwt samsung and partners can use the token to authenticate api calls jwt details jws header jws header requirement description alg required cryptographic algorithm used to sign the payload e g , rs256 cty required payload content type, such as "auth" ver required token version set as 3 certificateid required certificate identifier based on a csr during onboarding 4 digits alphanumeric partnerid required partner id same as partnercode utc required creation time to prevent repeated use, the token expires after a certain period of time unix timestamp in milliseconds * time offset from utc of +00 00 jws payload jwe payload requirement description api required current api information api method required api method api path required api path refid optional a unique content identifier defined by the content provider authentication optional authentication value to be used in accordance with the pre-configured authentication method on wallet card * see the chapter authentication for more details updatedat optional data update timestamp epoch timestamp in milliseconds authentication token example jws header {"cty" "auth","ver" 3,”certificateid” ”ymtt”,"partnerid" "1234567890","utc" 1631775948348,"alg" "rs256"} jws payload *samsung server api > update notification { "api" { "method" "post", "path" "/wltex/cards/12584806754/notification" }, "refid" " ref-20230304-0003" } *partner server api > get card data { "api" { "method" "get", "path" "/cards/12584806754/ref-20230304-0003" }, "refid" "ref-20230304-0003" } jws result eyjjdhkioijbvvriiiwidmvyijoxlcjwyxj0bmvyswqioiixmjm0nty3odkwiiwidxrjijoxnjmxnzc1otq4mzq4lcjhbgcioijsuzi1niisimtpzci6ildmvc5qukllrvkifq ewogicagikfqssi6ihskicagicagicaibwv0ag9kijogikdfvcisciagicagicaginbhdggioiail2nhcmqvq1mxnjezodm1mzixmju4ndgwnjc1ncikicagih0sciagicaicmvmswqioiaiq1mxnjezodm1mzixmju4ndgwnjc1ncikfqo ascawii-ambjkoly_auzagxrwuumkfuhbznrlk0ykvbyog2dsljs-_xyq9tooh4cwsfpkej0vqkwbyrokabkhwmrdbkjrajeaq-87s-bqp1rcbelnzmfq66gcmbg9xpd6dmwwlnrazyszjrcyzkllu9si5qykrkyuoz34mcwzwdneos3z3gl1xft42m2-cduxkqwi0wfryanxiedwboiyu12sdnpsrbwlb7liw4omm6fg01dirtbk6ayumbf7zqjl_oygelv9jfdyoze0tqyklttshgdws7imyamha5nhagplhqivzaqoosa14gbcm1u0zdqw4jqa4-1vgjr_i5xea authorization token bearer eyjjdhkioijbvvriiiwidmvyijoxlcjwyxj0bmvyswqioiixmjm0nty3odkwiiwidxrjijoxnjmxnzc1otq4mzq4lcjhbgcioijsuzi1niisimtpzci6ildmvc5qukllrvkifq ewogicagikfqssi6ihskicagicagicaibwv0ag9kijogikdfvcisciagicagicaginbhdggioiail2nhcmqvq1mxnjezodm1mzixmju4ndgwnjc1ncikicagih0sciagicaicmvmswqioiaiq1mxnjezodm1mzixmju4ndgwnjc1ncikfqo ascawii-ambjkoly_auzagxrwuumkfuhbznrlk0ykvbyog2dsljs-_xyq9tooh4cwsfpkej0vqkwbyrokabkhwmrdbkjrajeaq-87s-bqp1rcbelnzmfq66gcmbg9xpd6dmwwlnrazyszjrcyzkllu9si5qykrkyuoz34mcwzwdneos3z3gl1xft42m2-cduxkqwi0wfryanxiedwboiyu12sdnpsrbwlb7liw4omm6fg01dirtbk6ayumbf7zqjl_oygelv9jfdyoze0tqyklttshgdws7imyamha5nhagplhqivzaqoosa14gbcm1u0zdqw4jqa4-1vgjr_i5xea secure add to samsung wallet authentication defines the data format to authenticate the user registering/updating the card if need a custom user verification process, please get in touch with us via tech support authentication data set case type value description connecting information ci user’s ci value identifier of identity verification agency samsung account sa user’s samsung account verifying that the signed-in samsung account on the user's galaxy device matches subscriber identity module sim sim card information on mobile telephone devices verify the sim information being used on the user's mobile phone one-time password otp dynamic password the temporary password provided by the partner to the user is verified by receiving user input during the add to samsung wallet process access token token token to verify data retrieval request token data included in card data is used as a key accessed when querying a partner server this tokenized key can be reissued when the partner delivers updated card data example type sample data ci {"ci" "hsd0iuf9bew8ugb7wqeu6i"} sa {"account" "samsungwallet@samsung com"} sim [{"uiccid" "abcderwyt","telno" "821012345678","isprimary" true},{"uiccid" "abcderwys","telno" "01012345679","isprimary" false}] otp {"otp" "947253"} token {"x-access-token" "7c8d38690d0e3b6aa077198abd2554a3a7940b52cf86bd690c1"}
Develop Samsung Wallet
docapi specification app2app sdk integration specs description & use rp sdk is an app2app sdk for samsung wallet driver's license service online scenarios this sdk provides an implementation for direct communication between the samsung wallet and partner applications build the settings rpsdk requires additional dependencies with dependencies { implementation "rp-sdk-1 0-release aar" implementation "androidx core core-ktx 1 3 2" implementation "androidx lifecycle lifecycle-runtime-ktx 2 7 0" implementation "androidx lifecycle lifecycle-livedata-core-ktx 2 7 0" implementation "io reactivex rxjava2 rxjava 2 2 21" implementation "io reactivex rxjava2 rxkotlin 2 4 0" implementation "io reactivex rxjava2 rxandroid 2 1 1" implementation "com squareup okhttp3 okhttp 4 11 0" implementation "com google code gson gson 2 10 1" implementation "org bouncycastle bcprov-jdk15to18 1 66" implementation "com nimbusds nimbus-jose-jwt 9 37 3" } androidmanifest xml <manifest xmlns android="http //schemas android com/apk/res/android"> <uses-permission android name="android permission internet" /> <queries> <package android name="com samsung android spay" /> </queries> </manifest> r8 / proguard the specific rules are already bundled into the aar which can be interpreted by r8 automatically sdk method app2app sdk supports one method request signature & parameters of the request method fun request targetpackagename string, requestid string, applink string, onresponselistener onresponselistener? = null parameter name description targetpackagename the pakcage name to connect to requestid a random string to identify each request applink the applink built by samsung mcs server guide onresponselistener a listener to receive each events or requests sample code binding button setonclicklistener { rpclientapis request "com samsung android spay", uuid randomuuid tostring , applink, object rpclientapis onresponselistener { override fun ongetmdocrequestdata deviceengagementbytes bytearray bytearray? { log i tag, "ongetmdocrequestdata $deviceengagementbytes " /** * 1 prepare mdoc request data iso-18013-5 * 2 build sessionestablishmentbytes iso-18013-5 * 3 encrypt it with hkdf iso-18013-5, 9 1 1 5 cryptographic operations **/ return "encryptedsessionestablishmentbytes" } override fun onmdocresponse encryptedresponse bytearray { log i tag, "onmdocresponse $encryptedresponse " /** * 1 decrypt it with hkdf iso-18013-5, 9 1 1 5 cryptographic operations * 2 cbor decode it **/ } override fun onmdocresponsefailed exception exception { log i tag, "onmdocresponsefailed $exception " } } } error code explanation the below exceptions might occur through the onmdocresponsefailed callback exceptions name description rpcommunicationexception this error occurs when the data requested by the listener is incorrect rpconnectionfailedexception this occurs when the app 2 app communication between apps is not working this usually occurs when the target package name is written incorrectly web2app api integration specs the api specifications that need to be implemented by the rp partner are described below called by samsung to the rp partner send key send the wallet application key info and return the data field types requested to the client for authentication of the mdl [request] type value description method post url {partner server url}/rp/v1 0/{cardid}/{refid}/key headers authorization string 1024 required credential token the token can have the prefix "bearer" as an authorization type, e g , bearer <credentials> * refer to authorization token for more details path parameters cardid string 32 required wallet card identifier issued from partner portal when the partner manager signs up for partner services and registers the wallet card they want to service refid string 32 required unique content identifier defined by the content provider query parameter n/a payload data string 3000 required jwt data encrypted with the public key information and card type if decrypted this data is decoded, and it has the following format information { “data” “xxxxxxxxxxx”, “card” {"type" "relyingparty", "subtype" "others", "designtype" "us-01" }} example post {partner server url}/rp/v1 0/{cardid}/{refid}/key content-type application/json { “data” “eyjjdhkioijbvvriiiwidmvyijoimiisinbhcnruzxjjzci6inrlc3qilcj1dgmioje3mtyymdyznjaxmtasimfszyi6iljtmju2in0 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 e07yyl7ior3885vykss5_q1icpx750uu2ge5sujsedx3dr_u0x4tse9_0nxm46dywnfuxruagfjdnjhibc707li9vi3xtyihwnweifydgv1qb9oddkyyzuahxqmjhvuqncdt6df2caqzf5qgmvqfmgse_t7ipu8vqfxe34do-skzj8ftduss2ecdanbqokchih3m39noubpfhcx68plpcw50dixlupxwegniu2t3co24yliaklgac669accxdqr34utvuqhtjt_ftxkahalzoa34_hj_s82fivixh1itd74uojzse7ibwya_kvysozavnmztz2th9cbwycvx8wa” } [response] type value description http status code 200 ok payload data string 3000 required jwt data encrypted with the data field types requested to the client for authentication of the mdl [result] http status code description 200 ok success 400 bad request requests cannot or will not be processed due to something that is perceived to be a client error 401 unauthorized authorization token is invalid or expired 500 internal server error the server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request 503 service unavailable the server is not ready to handle the request send authentication data the data is encrypted according to the requested data and then transmitted along with the data card information [request] type value description method post url {partner server url}/rp/v1 0/{cardid}/{refid}/auth headers authorization string 1024 required credential token the token can have the prefix "bearer" as an authorization type, e g , bearer <credentials> * refer to authorization token for more details pathparameters cardid string 32 required wallet card identifier issued from partner portal when the partner manager signs up for partner services and registers the wallet card they want to service refid string 32 required unique content identifier defined by the content provider queryparameter n/a payload data string 3000 required jwt data encrypted with the public key information and card type if decrypted this data is decoded, it has the following format information { “data” “xxxxxxxxxxx”, “card” {"type" "idcard","subtype" "drivers","designtype" "us-01" }} example post {partner server url}/rp/v1 0/{cardid}/{refid}/auth content-type application/json { “data” “eyjjdhkioijbvvriiiwidmvyijoimiisinbhcnruzxjjzci6inrlc3qilcj1dgmioje3mtyymdyznjaxmtasimfszyi6iljtmju2in0 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 e07yyl7ior3885vykss5_q1icpx750uu2ge5sujsedx3dr_u0x4tse9_0nxm46dywnfuxruagfjdnjhibc707li9vi3xtyihwnweifydgv1qb9oddkyyzuahxqmjhvuqncdt6df2caqzf5qgmvqfmgse_t7ipu8vqfxe34do-skzj8ftduss2ecdanbqokchih3m39noubpfhcx68plpcw50dixlupxwegniu2t3co24yliaklgac669accxdqr34utvuqhtjt_ftxkahalzoa34_hj_s82fivixh1itd74uojzse7ibwya_kvysozavnmztz2th9cbwycvx8wa” } [response] type value description http status code 200 ok400 bad request [result] http status code description 200 ok success 400 bad request requests cannot or will not be processed due to somethingthat is perceived to be a client error 401 unauthorized authorization token is invalid or expired 500 internal server error the server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request 503 service unavailable the server is not ready to handle the request code explanation based on the sample code jwt jws + jwe decryption between the wallet backed server and partner server 1 verify by generateing a jws using the body data // generate jws by the body data private static signedjwt parsejwt final string data { try { return signedjwt parse data ; } catch parseexception e { log error "parserjwt error class {}, error message {}", e getclass , e getmessage ; throw new customexception httpstatus internal_server_error, "parserjwt error" ; } } // verify jws using samsung public key public requestbody getrequestbody final keyring keyring { final signedjwt signedjwt = jwtutils verify keyring gettargetpublickey , encrypteddata, 60 * 10000 ; // verify and generate jws try { final string strbody = jwtutils getdecryptedpayloadfrom keyring getsourceprivatekey , jweobject parse signedjwt getpayload tostring ; // decryption jwe by the jws return objectmapper readvalue strbody, requestbody class ; // convert to data format requested by client } catch parseexception | jsonprocessingexception e { log error "getrequestbody {}", e getmessage ; throw new customexception httpstatus internal_server_error, "data body parse error" ; } } 2 decrypt the jwe using the jws jweobject parse signedjwt getpayload tostring public static string getdecryptedpayloadfrom final key privatekey, final jweobject data { try { data decrypt new rsadecrypter privatekey privatekey ; // decryption jwe using partner private key return data getpayload tostring ; } catch joseexception e { log error "joseexception message {}", e getmessage ; throw new customexception httpstatus internal_server_error, "getdecryptedpayloadfrom error" ; } } 3 convert to the format send by the client public requestbody getrequestbody final keyring keyring { final signedjwt signedjwt = jwtutils verify keyring gettargetpublickey , encrypteddata, 60 * 10000 ; // verify and generate jws try { final string strbody = jwtutils getdecryptedpayloadfrom keyring getsourceprivatekey , jweobject parse signedjwt getpayload tostring ; // decryption jwe by the jws return objectmapper readvalue strbody, requestbody class ; // convert to data format requested by client } catch parseexception | jsonprocessingexception e { log error "getrequestbody {}", e getmessage ; throw new customexception httpstatus internal_server_error, "data body parse error" ; } } generate mdocestablishment 1 generate rsa key per refid public class transactioncontext { private final keypair keypair; // rsa key private final byte[] clientengagement; // body data received through key api, base64url decoded value @equalsandhashcode exclude private int encryptmessagecounter = 0; // count value when encrypted @equalsandhashcode exclude private int decryptmessagecounter = 0; // count value when decrypted } private cache<string, transactioncontext> contextcache; // rsa key management per refid with memory cache // generate and store rsa key per refid only once upon first request public transactioncontext settransactioncontext final string key, final string base64encodedclientengagement { log info "base64encodedclientpublickey {}", base64encodedclientengagement ; this contextcache put key, new transactioncontext keyutils generatekeypair , base64utils decode base64encodedclientengagement getbytes ; return this gettransactioncontextby key ; } // part of retrieving ras key based on refid public transactioncontext gettransactioncontextby final string key { return optional ofnullable this contextcache getifpresent key orelsethrow -> { log info "{} is empty", key ; return new customexception httpstatus bad_request, "no key matching the refid" ; } ; } 2 create request field values @override public mono<list<string>> createrequest final partnerinputdto inputdto { final string mockdata = "{ \"doctype\" \"org iso 18013 5 1 mdl\", \"namespaces\" { \"org iso 18013 5 1\" { \"sex\" false, \"portrait\" false, \"given_name\" false, \"issue_date\" false, \"expiry_date\" false, \"family_name\" false, \"document_number\" false, \"issuing_authority\" false }, \"org iso 18013 5 1 aamva\" { \"dhs_compliance\" false, \"edl_credential\" false } } }"; return mono just collections singletonlist mockdata ; } 3 generate establishment @allargsconstructor public class establishment { private final transactioncontext context; // info of client public key , partner private key, public key private final list<string> strreqs; // data field information required for authentication to the client private final keyring keyring; // rsa key information for jwt jws + jwe encryption and decryption between wallet backed server and partner server } protected cborobject generate { final cborobject sessionestablishment = cborobject newmap ; sessionestablishment set e_reader_key, cborobject fromobjectandtag keyutils getereaderkey context , tag_size ; // generate onekey by public key in transactioncontext sessionestablishment set data, cborobject fromobject cipherutils encrypt context, generaterequestformat getrequestcborobjectsfrom strreqs ; // add request data field information for authentication return sessionestablishment; } generate the response value jwt jws + jwe 1 generate establishment with jwe public static string encryptedstringjwe final key publickey, final string data { // please enter samsung public key and establishment data final jweobject jwe = new jweobject new jweheader builder jwealgorithm rsa_oaep_256, encryptionmethod a128gcm build , new payload data ; try { jwe encrypt new rsaencrypter rsapublickey publickey ; return jwe serialize ; } catch joseexception e { log error "encryptedstringjwe exception message {}", e getmessage ; throw new customexception httpstatus internal_server_error, "encryptedstringjwe error" ; } } 2 generate jws by jwe public static string generatesignedstringjws final key privatekey, final key publickey, final string payload { // enter your partner’s public key, private key, and jwe data try { final jwsobject jwsobj = new jwsobject getdefaultjwsheader , new payload payload ; jwssigner signer = new rsassasigner new rsakey builder rsapublickey publickey privatekey rsaprivatekey privatekey build ; jwsobj sign signer ; return jwsobj serialize ; } catch joseexception e { log error "encryptedstringjws exception message {}", e getmessage ; throw new customexception httpstatus internal_server_error, "generatesignedstringjws error" ; } } 3 generate jwt jws + jwe public partneroutputdto topartneroutputdto { final cborobject generate = this generate ; final string establishment = base64 geturlencoder encodetostring generate encodetobytes ; final string strjwe = jwtutils encryptedstringjwe keyring gettargetpublickey , establishment ; final jwsheader jwsheader = jwtutils getdefaultjwsheader keyring getversion , keyring getcertificateid , "partnerid" ; return new partneroutputdto jwtutils generatesignedstringjws jwsheader, keyring getsourceprivatekey , keyring getsourcepublickey ,strjwe ; } authentication processing for values in data fields requested for authentication 1 retrieve transactioncontext value stored in cache using refid value @override public mono<transactioncontext> getcontext final partnerinputdto inputdto { return mono just this transactioncontextmanager gettransactioncontextby inputdto getrefid ; } 2 processes the decryption process of the request body data like jwt jws + jwe decryption between wallet backed server and partner server 3 generate mdocresponse public class mdocresponse { private final transactioncontext context; // managed tranactioncontext by refid private final byte[] data; // base64url decoded data after decrypting jwt jws + jwe data public mdocresponse final transactioncontext context, final string inputdto { this context = context; this data = base64utils decode inputdto getbytes standardcharsets utf_8 ; } } 4 get the field values requested for authentication from the data in mdocresponse public string getdata { // sessiondata = { // ? "data" bstr ; encrypted mdoc response or mdoc request // ? "status" uint ; status code // } final cborobject response = cborobject decodefrombytes data ; checktype response, cbortype map ; final cborobject data = response get data ; checktype data, cbortype bytestring ; return cborobject decodefrombytes isencryptedmode ? cipherutils decrypt this context, data getbytestring data getbytestring tojsonstring ; } 5 create a session value using the transactioncontext value managed by refid and then decrypt it private static byte[] processcipher final ciphermode ciphermode, final transactioncontext context, final byte[] bytes { // ciphermode encrypt or decrypt, bytes data passed by the client try { cipher cipher = cipher getinstance "aes/gcm/nopadding" ; final int counter = ciphermode encrypt == ciphermode ? context getencryptmessagecounter context getdecryptmessagecounter ; gcmparameterspec parameterspec = new gcmparameterspec 128, getsessionkeyiv ciphermode identifier, counter ; cipher init ciphermode ciphermode , getsecretkeyspec context, ciphermode info , parameterspec ; return cipher dofinal bytes ; } catch invalidalgorithmparameterexception | nosuchpaddingexception | illegalblocksizeexception | nosuchalgorithmexception | badpaddingexception | invalidkeyexception e { log error "error type {}, message {}", e getclass , e getmessage ; throw new customexception httpstatus internal_server_error, "processcipher error" ; } } 6 examining data received from the client @override public mono<void> authentication final string response { log info "response info {}", response ; return mono empty ; } wallet cards refer to the wallet cards this chapter defines wallet card data fields for the attributes object of each wallet card type the structure for configuring wallet cards follows the defined specification configuring the card data in the specified formatted json structure is required see the details for each card type type value description card object card object required card information card type string 16 required wallet card type card subtype string 16 required allet card sub type card data[] array of object required wallet card data containerallows up to 6 objects at once data[] refid string 32 required a unique content identifier definedby the content provider data[] createdat long 13 required data creation timestamp epoch timestamp in milliseconds utc±00 00 data[] updatedat long 13 required data creation timestamp epoch timestamp in milliseconds utc±00 00 data[] language string 8 required default content language code e g , en, ko data[] attributes object required card data attributes * refer to the following chapters for each type data[] attributes {fields} attribute fields by card type data[] localization[] array of object optional information for multilingual support localization[] language string 8 required multilingual content language code e g , en, ko, etc localization[] attributes {fields} for displaying a given language,‘data[] attributes’ can be replaced bylocalized versions * refer to the following chapters for each type example example card object { "card" { "type" "ticket", "subtype" "movies", "data" [{ "refid" "ref-20230304-001", "createdat" 1612660039000, "language" "en", "attributes" { "title" "samsung wallet", "mainimg" "https // /main png" *refer to wallet cards for each type }, "localization" [{ "language" "ko", "attributes" { "title" "삼성 월렛" } }] }] } } to ensure secure card data transmission, it must be tokenized in jwt format for this purpose, partner will need the certificate obtained using the partner's email account when signing up for the partner portal for detailed information on secure data tokenization, partners can refer to the security chapter *image resources provided by urls can be cached therefore, for the image resource to be replaced immediately, the corresponding url path must be changed relying party ‘relyingparty’ cards are used for verifier authentication when partners create the verify with samsung wallet button, they will need to create cdata this is the data spec included when creating the cdata of relayingparty type wallet card type wallet card subtype relyingparty others type value description attributes{fields} 1 logoimage string 256 required url of the logo image the file size must not be greater than 256 kb 2 logoimage darkurl string 256 required url of the logo image the file size must not be greater than 256 kb 3 logoimage lighturl string 256 required url of the logo image the file size must not be greater than 256 kb 4 fontcolor string 8 optional display color of the font during user authentication 5 providername string 32 required display name during user authentication 6 clienttype string 32 required information on whether the client operates as an application or web 7 clientpackagename string 32 required if the client is operating as an app, enter the package name, if it works on the web, enter a service name example { "card" { "type" "relyingparty", "subtype" "others", "data" [ { "refid" "0613001", "createdat" 1686657600000, "updatedat " 1686657600000, "language" "en", "attributes" { "logoimage" "https //samsung com", "logoimage darkurl" "https //dark samsung com", "logoimage lighturl" "https //light samsung com", "fontcolor" "black", "providername" "company name", "clienttype" "app", "clientpackagename" "com companyname app" } } ] } }
Develop Samsung Wallet
docwallet cards & templates overall managing process the following image illustrates the process of managing wallet cards create wallet cards draft status partners can create and manage their wallet cards with this step-by-step guide manage wallet cards you can manage all registered wallet cards you can edit wallet cards and check their status general information the general information page allows the partner to enter administrative details to manage their cards, as well as to define common parameters for the wallet item description testing mode all data generated in testing mode is periodically deleted be sure to turn off the "testing mode" setting after the test is over wallet card name representative title of the wallet card wallet card id unique wallet card domain name partner app package name partner application package name wallet card template pre-defined partner wallet card template partner get card data url for the partner api call to receive card data if the partner uses this api, enter the url otherwise leave it blank partner send card state url for the partner api call to send a card state notification if the partner uses this api, enter the url otherwise leave it blank samsung server ips samsung wallet server ips which need to be allowed by the partner’s firewall, separately described for inbound and outbound wearable wallet assistance whether to support the wearable wallet service support ‘no network’ status whether to support wallet card opening during the ‘no network’ status description description of the wallet card select template you can choose from various types of wallet card templates optimized for partners such as boarding pass, ticket, coupon, and digital id you can select the type of wallet card from the select wallet card template pop-up window first, select the one you want in the wallet card type drop-down menu and then click wallet card sub type to select one of the templates belonging to the card type wallet card type boarding pass wallet card type tickets wallet card type coupons wallet card type digital id wallet card type gift card wallet card type loyalty membership view wallet card you can view all registered information for a wallet card, as well as edit and delete it launch wallet cards verifying status you can launch and activate cards, at which point they move to verification you can activate a card by clicking the "launch" button once a card is launched, the button text changes to 'launched' the activation cannot be canceled when a card is launched, its status changes to 'verifying', and then to ‘active’ after administrator approval launch wallet cards rejected status if the wallet card is rejected after launching, you can modify the card and re-launch the administrator registers the reason for rejection when rejecting the launched wallet card it is sent to the partner by email from the system, including the reason for rejection partners can apply for launch again by checking the reason for rejection and modifying the wallet card information testing mode you can test a card internally to make sure everything works before you officially expose it to users by default, the ‘testing mode’ option is enabled all data generated in testing mode is periodically deleted card exposure is not affected even when the testing mode is enabled be sure to turn off the testing mode after the test is over testing mode on → testing mode off admin approval active status all launched cards are activated after the administrator's approval when a card is launched, its status changes to 'verifying' and then to 'active' after administrator approval when the card is activated, it is made visible to the user "add to wallet" integration for wallet integration, you need to insert an "add to wallet" script to your system the "add to wallet" script is available for web, android, and email/mms each system has different script composition to implement an "add to wallet" button, follow the procedure below create the tokenized card data cdata card data is the actual content data of wallet card and it has several formats based on the card type refer to cdata generation sample code for details copy the sample "add to wallet" script from the partners portal’s wallet card page and replace "cdata" with the data token created above apply the script to your system see partners portal’s wallet card and android integration sample code for details below is the "add to wallet" script guide in the partners portal for "add to wallet" integration, you may need some base data you can find that and other necessary information on partners portal and wallet api spec you can also add image beacon in the script for tracking effect analysis merchant push notification partners can create a message template for sending pushes on each of their wallet cards type partners can only choose the merchant push type message type you can choose a message type from marketing or others rejected comment if the merchant push notification is rejected after request approval, you can modify the message template the administrator registers the reason for rejection when rejecting the merchant push notification it is sent to the partner by email from the system, including the reason for rejection partners can request for approval again by checking the reason for rejection and modifying the message template approved date displays the date and time when the push message is approved by the administrator message template you can create the contents of the push, and it is also possible to put the available variables in '{{}}' after configuring the content, click harmfulness verification to verify whether there is a harmful expression in the content the verified result is displayed as pass or fail, and if it is fail, it shows the filtered harmful expression together even if the verified result is fail, an approval request can be made, but it can be rejected by the administrator if a different language is added to the default language in general information, the message template must also be entered for each added language request approval button after completing the message template, click this button to send an e-mail requesting approval to the administrator
Develop Mobile
webmobile get set up to use samsung mobile sdks in your apps. all things for samsung mobile galaxy sdk get started create your own applications with a variety of samsung galaxy sdks, services, and tools. galaxy ar emoji sdk create your own avatar in your app galaxy gamedev build games for galaxy devices - the world's largest mobile gaming platform galaxy performance sdk optimize your application performance galaxy s pen remote sdk control apps remotely with your s pen galaxy themes with galaxy themes, you can personalize\ngalaxy devices’ screens galaxy z (foldable) app design guide for foldable phones health create a useful health app on galaxy watch and a smartphone samsung application management a solution to manage background applications for better system health samsung automation studio develop your apps using samsung automation studio samsung dex build apps to control desktops with smartphones samsung blockchain build blockchain-enabled services for mobile devices samsung ese sdk provides a way for service providers to deploy services using ese on samsung devices samsung iap sdk make it possible to sell a variety of items in samsung galaxy applications samsung internet build web apps for the samsung internet browser-powering all samsung devices samsung teegris a powerful solution to run applications in a trusted execution environment samsung wallet an all-in-one, single-swipe solution for tickets, boarding passes, coupons, and more samsung wireless fast charge enables samsung mobile devices to be fast-charged with the wireless fast charger experience the latest one ui with android 14 open to all users, the one ui beta program is an opportunity to try one ui features before their official release. learn more foldables and large screens new opportunities in the mobile experience. learn more new watch face design tool new opportunities for new watch devices. get started test your apps test your apps on your galaxy devices or on the emulator, or remotely. samsung android usb driver for windows samsung usb driver for mobile phones galaxy emulator skin check out the newly released emulator skins for galaxy z flip5 and galaxy z fold5. download now! remote test lab use the remote test lab to remotely access a real device online. distribute your apps reach customers in more than 180 countries through galaxy store. how to distribute use these guides and checklists to prepare your apps, themes, and watch faces for galaxy store. seller portal the seller portal site supports those who want to sell their apps on galaxy store galaxy store badge an one click link to your app detail page or brand page. social media kits social media is the most powerful tool in engaging an audience and attracting new fans.
let's build together we provide various sdks and tools to extend your apps with our services and apis. popular services and technologies galaxy gamedev galaxy themes galaxy watch health samsung iap samsung internet mobile galaxy sdk get started get set up to use samsung mobile sdks in your apps. galaxy ar emoji sdk create your own avatar in your app galaxy gamedev build games for galaxy devices - the world's largest mobile gaming platform galaxy performance sdk optimize your application performance galaxy s pen remote sdk control apps remotely with your s pen galaxy themes with galaxy themes, you can personalize galaxy devices' screens galaxy z (foldable) app design guide for foldable phones health create a useful health app on galaxy watch and a smartphone samsung automation studio develop your apps using samsung automation studio samsung dex build apps to control desktops with smartphones samsung blockchain build blockchain-enabled services for mobile devices samsung ese sdk provides a way for service providers to deploy services using ese on samsung devices samsung iap sdk make it possible to sell a variety of items in samsung galaxy apps samsung internet build web apps for the samsung internet browser-powering all samsung devices samsung wallet an all-in-one, single-swipe solution for tickets, boarding passes, coupons, and more visual display develop your application and leverage your business with smart tv and smart display devices smart tv learn how to extend your apps to the big screen. create seamless tv experiences with tizen smart hospitality display welcome your guests in with captivating displays and memorable experiences that are managed by hotel staff using tizen smart signage professional-grade image quality and high impact messaging to suit whatever your business needs digital appliance get in-depth information and resources to design high quality apps for samsung’s products and services. family hub create your own avatar in your app platform create smartapps. develop a rich, connected experience to automate a wide variety of iot devices bixby apply voice to your apps smartthings add smartness to your users' lives knox secure your devices tizen build apps that connect everything samsung code lab learn about how to use samsung sdks and tools to implement various use cases with sample apps. go to code lab forum looking for a community? meet other developers. ask questions, find answer. go to forum newsletter monthly newsletter for samsung developers if you don't currently receive the newsletter, you can subscribe here. 뉴스레터 전송을 위한 개인정보 수집∙이용에 동의합니다(필수). detail 광고성 정보 수신에 동의합니다(필수). detail i agree to data processing for sending newsletters. (required) detail i consent to receiving newsletters via email. (required) i consent to receiving newsletters via email. detail subscribe
Develop Samsung Wallet
dochelpful resources data structure and format additional information additional information to be delivered to customers can be defined in the following format be careful of the content string length if an attribute does not allow long content, it is not displayed on the device json format key type requirement description count integer required size of information info[] object arrays required container of information info[] title string required title * need either content or chart info[] content[] string arrays optional content text info[] chart object optional chart data info[] chart headers[] string arrays optional header of chart info[] chart body[] array required body of chart info[] chart metadata[] string arrays optional metadata of chart * units or additional information of chart example * extra information for a boarding pass { "count" 3, "info" [ { "title" "baggage allowance", "content" [ "15 kg" ] }, { "title" "boarding priority", "content" [ "yes" ] }, { "title" "seat class", "content" [ "economy plus" ] } ] } * an example case of long content being allowed movie ticket policy { "count" 2, "info" [ { "title" "refunds and exchanges", "content" [ "refunds and exchanges of movie ticket s are available in certain limited circumstances ", "movie tickets purchased through the services include a non-refundable convenience fee before purchasing your movie ticket s we urge you to confirm the title, time, location and quantity of tickets for the movie you wish to see " ] }, { "title" "changes to ticket policy", "content" [ "from time to time, we may revise this ticket policy you can determine when this ticket policy was last revised by referring to the top of this page any changes to this ticket policy will become effective upon posting of the revised ticket policy on the internet, accessible through the services " ] } ] } * example usage of charts { "count" 1, "info" [{ "title" "paygo price guide for usage", "chart" { "headers" ["grade", "round", "one-way"], "body" [ ["platinum", "$25", "$10"], ["gold", "$30", "$15"], ["silver", "$40", "$20"] ], "metadata" "unit /h" } }] } paygo price guide for usage members grade round one-way platinum $25 $10 gold $30 $15 silver $40 $20 unit /h the above example may differ from what is actually displayed links linkable data which provides additional information in the following format json format key type requirement description count integer required size of links info[] array of objects required container of links info[] link string required link url info[] type string required view type that will run the link* allowed values web, app, browser info[] text string optional text of the link example { "count" 1, "info" [{ "link" "https //samsung external info link", "type" "web", "text" "see more information" }] } classification classification defines different kinds of people who can use the cards json format key type requirement description person[] array of object required container of person list who can use the card person[] category string required category name person[] count string required number of person example * 3 persons with a ticket { "person" [ { "category" "adult", "count" 2 }, { "category" "child", "count" 1 } ] } * 1 person with a ticket { "person" [ { "category" "adult", "count" 1 } ] } transactions transactions to be delivered to customers can be defined in the following format be careful of the content string length if an attribute does not allow long content, it will not be displayed on the device json format key type requirement description [] date string required transaction date [] amount string optional amount value [] description string optional description example * an example for payasyougo-evcharge-transactions [ { "date" "2023-09-10 12 00 00", "amount" "50,000 won", "description" "suwon station branch" }, { "date" "2023-09-20 18 00 00", "amount" "70,000 won", "description" "gangnam central branch" } ] locations locations refer to place information that denotes where a card can be used using this information, samsung wallet can show a map, place name, and address additionally, location information can be used to provide location-based services lbs location information can be represented by a json array and up to 10 locations can be specified notice map services are only available in certain countries json format key type requirement description [] lat double optional latitude [] lng double optional longitude [] address string required string containing the full address [] name string required branch name example * location information for the entrance to oracle park [ { "lat" 37 779337, "lng" -122 388755, "address" "24 willie mays plaza, san francisco, ca 94107", "name" "willie mays plaza" }, { "lat" 37 77814, "lng" -122 390836, "address" "king st, san francisco, ca 94107", "name" "king st" } ] card art guide loyalty description type bgimage + bgcolor bgimage only description display the bgimage and the bgcolor in a predefined ratio display bgimage fully description
Connect Samsung Developer Conference
webtech sessions dive into the future of connected customer experiences through tech sessions by developers offering further insight into the innovations introduced in the keynote filter filter filter all reset apply there are no results. sessions contents & service, open innovation 8k visual quality and ecosystem in this session, we will present how the genuine 8k contents correctly displayed on 8k display devices could deliver our customers an immersive picture quality experience. we will start with a summary of the previous studies about user perceptions regarding the 8k visual quality. we then will explain why the full-frequency 8k contents are superior to the lower resolution in producing fine details on the image. we will also discuss some technical challenges we face toward adopting and utilizing 8k contents in a real-world environment and describe how we can overcome these hurdles. specifically, we will discuss technologies such as super-resolution and new image sensors to overcome the full-frequency barrier of 8k content. last, we will introduce the 8k association (8ka), a non-profit organization composed of key technology companies in the consumer and professional 8k ecosystem, and briefly mention 8ka's ongoing effects on the research, standardization, and promotion of 8k visual quality. sessions contents & service, developer program, mobile add samsung pay as your payment method in this session, we will share learnings from our experience developing the samsung pay mobile payment service, revealing insights that can be applied to your own platforms. we will also take a look at the samsung pay development kit and how you can use this for your own service. sessions game, ar, mobile ar emoji: your avatar, your experience the ar emoji feature on samsung devices enables users to create a 3d avatar model that can be used in other applications. similar to avatars currently available in games or in the metaverse, our ar emojis are a chance for users to express themselves, their style and their personality, digitally. but this is only the beginning. in this session, we’ll explore the future of ar emojis and how the ar emoji sdk is opening more opportunities for developers to collaborate with samsung to bring to life new services featuring these avatars and optimize them for the metaverse though our collaboration with unity. sessions ai, iot, smart appliances bixby 2022 what’s new what’s new with bixby in 2022? in this session, you will hear about some of the exciting improvements to the nlu and on-device bixby as well as updates to the bixby developer studio, which introduces a brand new javascript runtime that provides a modern, secure, high-performance environment. we will also take a closer look at the brand new bixby home studio, which allows smart device developers to customize and optimize voice control of smart devices, including allowing a single command to intelligently control multiple smart home devices. sessions contents & service, game creating spectacular galaxy game audio experiences with dolby atmos galaxy smartphones and tablets can produce spectacular game audio with dolby atmos. discover how you can create deeper emotional connections with players, keep them playing for longer, and earn their loyalty by unleashing the full power of samsung galaxy mobile game audio. in this session you will hear from dolby’s partner audiokinetic who will discuss how developers can make dolby atmos games, including a walkthrough of how to use dolby atmos plug-ins in audiokinetic's wwise audio middleware. moong labs – creators of epic cricket one, of india's most popular sports games – will also share how dolby atmos benefitted their game and you will find out how dolby supports game developers and other activities on our website. sessions health, wearable expand health experiences with galaxy watch the galaxy watch’s powerful bioactive sensor, together with the wear os powered by samsung, is transforming mobile health experiences. and now, this technology is even more powerful thanks to the samsung privileged health sdk. find out how the samsung privileged health sdk is allowing developers to retrieve raw or analyzed sensor data for their applications, including bia, ecg, blood oxygen level or sweat loss, and help users’ to accurately monitor their health stats. sessions web flexible and private web experience on samsung internet in this session, you will learn how to enhance and optimize your web experience for foldable devices using device posture api and viewport segment media query. we'll also take a closer look at how samsung internet protects users’ privacy online. sessions mobile, enterprise, developer program google and samsung strengthen enterprise ecosystem together samsung’s global mobile b2b team is working closely with the android enterprise team to build a galaxy ecosystem of partners who are bringing innovation into workplaces. discover how partner solutions create unique experiences on samsung devices and how we plan to work together to help future partners step into the samsung android ecosystem for enterprises and smbs. sessions contents & service, developer program, enterprise hdr10+/salt and automatic hdr video creations for productions hdr10+ is an essential technology for premium hdr viewing experience and it is widely reach to consumer displays including mobile devices. in order to provide hdr content services, it requires changing service provider's infra structure or workflows and video processing technology from sdr to hdr with a lot of engineering efforts. then, hdr10+/salt solutions and partnership program from samsung is designed to build an extremely cost effective automatic solution up for content creators, post production houses and ott service providers even including game developers. the solution package is designed with various standalone applications, reference apps, sdks on various oses and partnership programs to help 3rd parties for creation of hdr contents. hdr10+/salt partnership program provides full compatibility to hdr10+ llc certification program and major studios, ott service providers and tool makers are already partners of the program and samsung provides them the best hdr content quality. sessions developer program, open innovation, health healthcare research hub our open source project provides end-to-end solutions such as sdk, platform, and portal for various use cases from medical research studies to clinician services using wearable devices. medical research does not have to stay complicated. anyone can easily build and customize their own research studies or clinician services using this open source. recently, as the accuracy of sensors installed on wearable devices has improved, interest in healthcare research using wearable health data is increasing. however, it takes a lot of time for researchers to develop research applications and server infrastructure for storing and analyzing data from scratch. sr is developing android sdk and data platform solutions that support healthcare research using health data from our wearable devices (watch 4 and later versions) and provide them as open source in order to solve the pain points of these researchers and establish a digital health care research ecosystem centered on our wearable devices. sessions iot, monetization, smart appliances home connectivity alliance introduction of home connectivity alliance and how appliance manufactures can enable interoperability across brands. hear how hca interoperability can benefit consumers and partners including b2b (home builders, mfu, etc). join the hca and become a leader in innovation within the connected iot ecosystem. sessions ai, ar immersive audio we will demonstrate an audio system with dramatically improved immersive 3d audio experience. hardware will be similar to samsung’s critically acclaimed hw-q990b soundbar, but will include several new technologies that will be found in future samsung products. these technologies automatically correct for room acoustics and the location of the listeners and loudspeakers. visitors will compare the sound of the system before and after the system’s unique automated calibration process. listeners will enjoy improved spatial and timbral performance in stereo, surround and immersive audio formats with both music and cinematic content. sessions security & privacy introducing blockchain wallet with knox vault in this session, we introduce blockchain wallet for samsung smart tv. blockchain wallet allows our smart tv users to manage their blockchain accounts and transfer their cryptocurrency to another blockchain account. it ensures to retain a key for blockchain transactions in a secure way. dapp developers can build their tv dapp with blockchain wallet for blockchain functions such as blockchain connection and transaction signing. knox vault is an enhanced hardware-based security solution to protect sensitive data such as cryptographic keys, passwords and personal data. knox vault provides strong security guarantees against hardware attacks such as physical attack, side-channel attack and fault attack. as a core component of the knox security platform, knox vault is an isolated, tamper-proof, secure subsystem with its own secure processor and memory. sessions developer program, enterprise, android introducing samsung galaxy camera ecosystem discover how advanced camera technologies, based on samsung’s leading hardware and software, can enable developers to create more powerful camera experiences for their users. we will take a look at some of the incredible partnerships samsung has already formed with numerous app developers and reveal how these collaborations enriched users’ camera experiences. sessions mobile, android, productivity intuitive multitasking experience based upon android 12l join us to see how samsung continues to enhance the large screen user experience further with fast app switching and intuitive multitasking capabilities. to maximize the galaxy foldable experience, we're expanding flex mode even further with more apps and partners as well as google's ongoing collaborative effort in android 12l. sessions iot, mobile, uwb joint efforts on standardization toward open ecosystem of uwb services the presentation will introduce samsung's joint efforts with industry partners on the uwb tech/service standardization, which is essential for creating an interoperable open ecosystem of uwb products and services. especially, it will introduce activities at fira consortium, which was established by samsung jointly with industry leaders to provide interoperability specifications as well as certification programs. it may also include target uwb services and relevant standardization status & plan. sessions ar, game, tizen journey to immersive interactive exp in big screen with xr and avatar fw xr framework webapis enable developers to build xr applications on the tizen platform. we will go over features of the webapis, share some demos, and provide information on how to get started. additionally we will show you a sample code of how to capture and handle user's gestures and full body movement. avatar framework for tizen is a unified solution providing high level apis that allow samsung developers to easily include the 3d avatar models and features in their samsung tv applications. we will go over all the cool features and options of our framework in this video. sessions connectivity, android, mobile le audio: the future of wireless sound introducing le audio: a new standard for bluetooth technology on galaxy devices. le audio will enhance the performance of classic bluetooth audio and introduce isochronous communication, creating whole new wireless audio experience on galaxy devices. in this session, we will introduce the technical features of le audio, what it means for the galaxy ux and how you could enhance wireless audio experience of your app with le audio. sessions design, ui/ux one ui design principles in partnership one ui creates a unified experience across our galaxy devices, from phones and tablets to watches and galaxy books. in creating and refining one ui, we've followed four key principles: simplicity, effortlessness, consistency, and authenticity. with one ui, we've also made a commitment to openness, which means some of the best things in one ui come from partnerships. in this session, we'll talk about some of those partnerships and how we aligned them with our four design principles to get great results. sessions ui/ux, design, android one ui: customer centric design one ui starts with a true understanding what our customers want. hear more about what samsung have learned from listening to extensive customer feedback and usage data, and how we have adapted our designs in response. we'll take a look at some real-life examples of how the ux design of the calendar, settings and samsung health app has evolved over time to better meet customer needs. sessions enterprise, data, security & privacy our journey to responsibly handling data at samsung, we place personal data protection as one of our top priorities. learn how we responsibly handle personal data in our applications and platforms. we'll share with you our journey in protecting personal data. we'll talk about what it means to responsibly govern and access data in samsung's enterprise environment. we'll cover specifics on how to classify & protect data as a whole. pick up insights on privacy technologies and design patterns we apply in our data intensive applications today. sessions developer program, tizen, ui/ux prism: the new ux development tool and process in today’s environment of rapid and unpredictable transformation, establishing a creative and increasingly collaborative tech culture is one of the most challenging requirements. in this session, we would like to introduce a new method to revolutionize the tizen platform-based app development process. a new development process named prism automates most of the inefficient overheads from design to implementation of app ui, innovatively improving app development productivity. we will introduce prism-based development process and deliver this innovative app development culture to developers through the sessions. sessions developer program, smart appliances, tizen remote test lab: what’s new in tv development environment the current tizen tv development environment, represented by emulator and tv, is a very limited support method for developers. depending on the version of emulator, the latest features currently supported by the tv may not be available, and various models of physical tvs may be required to verify actual operation. rtl tv tries to overcome the limitations of the current development environment. sessions contents & service, monetization, data samsung tv plus: the advanced ad-tech and partnerships that fund free tv samsung’s free ad-supported tv (fast) service “tv plus” has been a breakout success. although it looks and feels like traditional tv, it is anything but! behind the scenes of this slick tv & mobile experience is high-performance technology, vast amounts of data & algorithms, and a thriving partner ecosystem. join this session to learn more about the mind-boggling world of advertising technology, how it works, and how multiple companies come together to provide free tv to millions of consumers worldwide. sessions android, contents & service samsung wallet, it's convenient, personal and safe as the growth of digital wallets skyrockets, samsung recently announced samsung wallet – a new platform bringing almost all of the cards you’d typically find in a physical wallet, as well as important documents, into one easy-to-use and secure mobile application. as samsung wallet rapidly expands its content set, find out more about the future of digital wallets and how open api’s can allow developers to build integrations for this service. sessions iot, security & privacy smartthings edge: the next level experience discover how samsung is transitioning the smartthings-published groovy dths to edge drivers while maintaining a seamless experience for our users. we’ll walk through the process of onboarding edge-based devices and how to set up an automation with an edge device that runs locally. sessions iot, monetization, smart appliances smartthings energy service introduction of smartthings energy service and how partners (energy companies, smart device mfgs, etc) can integrate to provide a seamless energy management service for their consumers leveraging samsung's smartthings energy ecosystem. sessions iot, contents & service, open innovation smartthings find: find alongside 200+ million users smartthings find is samsung’s fastest growing service, powered by more than 200 million galaxy users. discover some of the new features and functions added over the past year and learn how partners can leverage the service to innovate their own solutions to meet the needs of businesses and consumers alike. sessions iot, contents & service, open innovation smartthings platform enhancements for openness and interoperability the smartthings platform continues to evolve to promote openness and interoperability. in this session, we will share some exciting new updates to the smartthings platform to support matter and thread, and discuss the home connectivity alliance. sessions health, tizen telehealth in samsung devices samsung display device (smart tvs & smart monitors) users will be able to launch telemedicine service within the samsung products. once you pick your physician, you can use one of the approved usb cameras to connect to the tv and jump on a video call with a physician via external service provider's built-in web applications. after a few account setup process on mobile / pc, you can easily start your session any time on tv without any additional complicated inputs. at your session, you can also receive a prescription to be filled in at a mail-in online pharmacy (pc or mobile) to receive prescription drugs at your doorstep. sessions open innovation, enterprise, productivity the next generation samsung retail solutions in a mobile-first world, device convergence, simplification, ergonomically designed accessories, sw solutions and the connected galaxy ecosystem are helping to boost productivity and efficiency in the retail industry. in this session, we will explore how the next generation of retail solutions are shaping the industry’s future and will take a closer look at samsung’s three major retail solutions - data capturing, payment, and push-to-talk. sessions developer program, mobile, android the samsung knox partner program: partner success journey the samsung knox partner program (kpp) equips you with everything you need to build ideas and market your mobile solutions. in this session, we will take a look at some of our partners’ solutions and how collaborating with the samsung kpp has helped enhance their user experience. join us to see why kpp is causing a stir in the business developer community! sessions enterprise, tizen tizen everywhere this session highlighted samsung's direction and goals for the enterprise and b2b markets, focused on taking tizen to the next level on so many platforms. various enterpriser displays based on tizen and solutions suitable for business purposes will always be together. tizen enterprise platform will provide all the technology infrastructure you need, including the samsung developers portal for b2b for developer support and the samsung apps tv seller office for custom application support in your own business. after announcing "tizen open" at sdc in 2019, samsung established licensing system to provide tizen tv os to other tv makers. in order for partners to develop tizen tv products faster, samsung prepared reference tv solution. in europe, australia, türkiye, tizen tvs have been released sequentially through more than 10 tv brands since september 22. sessions wearable, design, android watch face studio's first journey and expectation for next a must-have to create beautiful watch faces! watch face studio (wfs) is now a little over a year old. hear the developers of wsh share the highs and lows of bringing the tool to life and meet the designers responsible for creating the eco watch face. this session is an insight into the year-long journey to create wfs – and the story of where we’re going next. sessions iot, tizen, ui/ux what's new in tizen? are you curious about the direction in which intelligent iot platform “tizen” is developing? this session introduces ui assistant technology and extended 3d ui framework for providing advanced user experience, and explains innovative technologies that make run the tizen platform on top of the android hardware abstraction layer to facilitate securing new hws. and introduce the iot standard 'matter', which will be newly supported on tizen. finally, we provide a guide and tip for cross platform application development. sessions ai, iot, smart appliances what’s new in bixby for smart home bixby brings the smart home experience to life with the power of voice. find out how our new tool, bixby home studio, will enable device manufacturers to build more intelligent, more engaging voice experiences for smartthings-connected devices. sessions mobile, design, ui/ux what’s new in one ui 5 one ui 5 pushes personalization and productivity to the next level. explore new features that enable you to build a galaxy experience that reflects your personal style and help you to get more done on all your devices, wherever or whenever you need to.
Connect Samsung Developer Conference
websessions dive into the future of connected customer experiences through tech sessions by developers offering further insight into the innovations introduced in the keynote filter filter filter all reset apply there are no results. advanced professional video codec open theater mobile experience, mobile the advanced professional video codec is a new codec for high quality video capture and post-production on smart phones. ai & mlops infrastructure for enterprise-grade llms tech session sustainability / innovation, ai vessl ai's tech session on mlops practices for training, tuning, and deploying llama2-scale llms and generative ai. bringing ai/ml into production: where do we stand? open theater sustainability / innovation, ai unlock the future of education with ai and iot, learn how tech is personalizing classrooms, and gain insights for your own setting. developer center announcement tech session platform innovation, iot, developer program our new developer center makes it easier to get your products integrated and "works with smartthings" certified. experience interactive advertisement on samsung tv plus tech session screen experience, contents&service, smarttv, monetization introduction to the features of interactive advertisements on samsung tv plus and the technology behind them. exploring the digital health ecosystem: samsung health as digital front door mega session health experience, health, wearable, mobile new samsung health features, samsung privileged health sdk, and collaboration for research with samsung health stack. gamepad on tizen tv mega session screen experience, game, developer program, tizen this session provides valuable tips and techniques for game application developers and gamepad manufacturers. games with samsung galaxy mega session mobile experience, game, android, mobile the latest in mobile gaming development technologies, responsive ui for flex mode, and mobile cloud gaming. generative ai for coding: improving productivity in sw development tech session sustainability / innovation, ai introduce samsung's multilingual code generation model and internal ai-powered coding assistant tool. hdr10+ gaming mega session screen experience, game the hdr10+ gaming panel discussion covers an overview of hdr10+ gaming and how game developers can support it. next-gen pet care with dr.tail open theater sustainability / innovation, health, contents&service, mobile merging past health records with cutting-edge veterinary consultations for pet wellness. open license of solarcell remote tech tech session screen experience, esg we explain the eco-friendly solarcell remote technology, and introduce the technology license open to everyone. open source on-device ai sw platform for optimized executions, personalization, pipelines, and mlops tech session platform innovation, ai, open source introduce open source on-device ai software platform nnstreamer, nntrainer programmable picture quality enhancement architecture tech session sustainability / innovation, ai introducing a programmable picture quality enhancement architecture to remove the limitations of the conventional model. relumino for people with low vision open theater sustainability / innovation, esg relumino mode enhances video playback to enable people with low vision to enjoy their favorite content. revolutionizing app design and development: prism open theater screen experience, ui/ux, productivity, ai prism and flux revolutionize the design process by automating the transition from design to code. s/w platform for digital appliance: part i. tizenrt tech session home experience, digital appliances, ai, iot introducing a full-fledged software platform for smart appliances that provides technologies for iot and on-device ai./conference/sdc23/sessions/sw-platform-for-digital-appliance-part-i-tizenrt s/w platform for digital appliance: part ii. tizen tech session home experience, digital appliances, tizen samsung's home appliances aim to create a better and more meaningful home ecosystem using the tizen os. samsung wallet: expanding the ecosystem tech session mobile experience, contents&service, productivity, wearable how samsung wallet is expanding and building experiences that improve our daily lives. smartthings and matter tech session platform innovation, iot, open source, developer program get a brief introduction to matter, new enhancements with smartthings, and new developer tools that make it easy to integrate your devices. smartthings enterprise api for multifamily tech session platform innovation, iot, enterprise, digital appliances learn more about the enterprise api, a new way to unlock the power of the smartthings platform for complex, multi-unit environments. smartthings find service update tech session platform innovation, developer program, iot, enterprise updates on the latest smartthings find developements, including smartthings find sdk. smartthings intelligence platform tech session platform innovation, iot, ai introduction to the smartthings intelligence platform and models for presence detection in the home. the role of ai & iot in making classrooms smarter & enabling personalized education open theater sustainability / innovation, iot, ai, esg unlock the future of education with ai & iot. learn how tech is personalizing classrooms. gain insights for your own setting. tizen sdk tech session screen experience, developer program, smarttv, tizen public launch of remote test lab for tv, enabling application testing on various tv models through your web browser. trends & challenges in ai/llm business, and how samsung co-operates with start-ups tech session sustainability / innovation, ai, enterprise, monetization covering trends in ai tech and business (on llm), upcoming regulations, and samsung's innovation efforts with start-ups. what's new and next in watch face studio 2023 tech session mobile experience, wearable, design, mobile let's learn the main new features of watch face studio 2023 and enjoy the new watch face studio plugin experience. what's new in foldables tech session mobile experience, android, mobile discover new possibilities with the large flex window and how to develop applications and widgets for foldables. what's new in tizen 8.0 tech session platform innovation, tizen, smarttv unveiling of the new features in tizen 8.0, elevating both developer and user experiences. what's new in tizen enterprise platform tech session screen experience, enterprise, tizen, productivity sharing the progress of the tizen enterprise platform and highlighting the new tbm portal and uem framework features. why tizen licensing? tech session screen experience, tizen how tizen platform licensing and becoming a samsung partner can enhance your product and business. works with smartthings 2.0 open theater platform innovation, developer program, iot learn how wwst helps your products stand out, perform their best, and how our new tools let you get to market faster. back to 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Develop Samsung Pay
docbecome a member to become a samsung pay partner, firstly you need to sign up to the samsung pay portal and then register your membership sign up/sign in to sign up as a samsung pay partner and request access to the samsung pay developers site, do the following in your browser, go to samsung pay developers if you already have a samsung account, click log in otherwise, click sign up and create an account a company business email address that won't change over time is recommended as the primary samsung account user id for managing your portal projects agree to the site's terms and conditions and acknowledge that you understand the samsung pay partners privacy policy, then click create a samsung account fill out the onscreen account creation form, making sure to correctly type the security code, then click continue click sign up, enter your samsung account id email address and password, then click sign in look in your email inbox for a welcome message with an account activation link and click the link this opens the developers site registration page complete the company and user profile described in the next step to become a registered samsung pay developer partner register your membership while becoming a member of the samsung pay developer community, you need to provide some information about your company - contact information, type of business, size, etc this information is entered into a company and user profile, which you can subsequently update as changes occur if you are the first one in your company to join samsung pay developers, you will be the principal contact as such, you will be given permissions to manage projects and invite others in your company to collaborate if you are an invited co-worker, you'll need your company's partner id to register follow these steps to register if you are the first samsung pay member of your company to register, select the first option "i am the first samsung pay member of my company" if you were given a samsung pay partner id by a co-worker, select the second option "my company is already registered" and enter your company's partner id in the field provided click next complete the company information form and agree to the terms and conditions of use, then click save and next if you cannot complete the profile at this time, click skip and verify later complete the user information form, then click done; or, if you cannot provide the information at this time, click skip and verify later upon review of the information provided, your samsung pay relationship manager rm may request additional details once your membership registration is approved, you'll be granted access to currently restricted areas of the samsung pay portal and you can invite members of your team to collaborate on your samsung pay projects until then, take advantage of valuable resources like the samsung pay sdk and sdk programming guide from the following link android sdk [in-app payment and push provisioning] https //developer samsung com/pay/native/sdk-overview html web checkout sdk https //developer samsung com/pay/web/overview html w3c mobile payment https //developer samsung com/internet/android/web-payments-integration-guide html when you receive the email notifying you of membership approval, you're ready to get started in your browser, return to the samsung pay portal and sign in set up your partner project when you integrate your project with samsung pay, it is important to have a clear understanding of what is involved for starters, consider the difference between apps and services app an app can be your issuer app or merchant app service a service is a combination of your app, its service type, a csr and a service id your app will pass these information to samsung wallet for partnership verification you can create different service for the same package for multiple purpose testing note that,only one application can be added under one service id for example app deployment scenario unique service-app combinations global issuer app using a different csr encryption key for services in different regions to interact with local servers service 1 = com issuer walletapp, csr1_us service 2 = com issuer walletapp, csr2_plcc_abcmart same issuer app for all customers but different csrs for managing different card services b2b vs plcc service 1 = com issuer walletapp, csr1_regular service 2 = com issuer walletapp, csr2_plcc_abcmart multiple merchant apps using the same pg service 1 = com merchant electronicsapp, csr_pg1 service 2 = com merchant groceryapp, csr_pg1 global merchant app using a different pg for each country service 1 = com merchant electronicsapp, csr_pg1 service 2 = com merchant electronicsapp, csr_pg2 multiple web sites using the same pg service 1 = electronicssite merchant com, csr_pg1 service 2 = grocerysite merchant com, crs_pg1 global merchant web site using a different pg for each country service 1 = electronicsapp merchant com, csr_pg1 service 2 = electronicsapp merchant com, csr_pg2 create new service to create a new service follow the below steps go to my projects > service management or click services management in the navigation panel on the left, then click create new service select for test or for release to define the service for integration with samsung pay, then click next note that, samsung pay will verify all services requested only for release purpose this is to ensure all samsung pay features are functioning correctly and follows samsung pay guideline select your desired service type web online payment service w3c mobile web payments in-app online payment service app to app card enrollment click save and next web online payment service enter the new service name select your service country select your payment gateway from the list of supported payment gateways if your payment gateway uses the network token mode, upload the certificate signing request csr you obtained from your pg supported formats are csr or pem contact your pg for details confirm your agreement with the portal's terms and conditions click the link to read and print , then click done thus, you have completed service configuration for web online payment w3c mobile web payments service enter the new service name select your service country select your payment gateway from the list of supported payment gateways if your payment gateway uses the network token mode, upload the certificate signing request csr you obtained from your pg supported formats are csr or pem contact your pg for details enter the payment domain name s for your website in the service domain field and click add for example, if your domain is mywebstore com but the checkout page is hosted on the subdomain payments mywebstore com, you will need to enter payments mywebstore com as the service domain in the portal for each additional domain name, click add confirm your agreement with the portal's terms and conditions click the link to read and print , then click done thus, you have completed service configuration for w3c mobile web payments in-app online payment service enter the new service name select your service country select your payment gateway from the list of supported payment gateways drag and drop the csr you share with your payment gateway in the box provided or click the paperclip to browse confirm your agreement with the portal's terms and conditions click the link to read and print , then click save and next app to app card enrollment service enter the new service name select your service country add issuer names these correspond to your financial institution/bank's name s registered with the card networks be sure to click the add button after each entry note that, the issuer name on the samsung pay portal and the actual issuer name of the card must match if you cannot confirm the actual issuer name of the card, just add your card to samsung wallet app and see its details information open wallet app > tap on the card > three-dot menu > customer services option under the title you will find the issuer name confirm your agreement with the portal's terms and conditions click the link to read and print , then click save and next for android sdk in-app online payment service and push provisioning service , you have to go through two additional steps- providing app information and setting test environment providing app information if you have already registered an app following register a partner app for android sdk section, select i already registered app information then select the desired app name from the app list you can add a new app on the fly by selecting i will upload new app information click next setting test environment now enter up to 30 test accounts comma-separated these are samsung accounts associated with a registered samsung pay app on a supported device you can always edit the service later to add or delete test accounts click done to save the service configuration and see it listed in your service management dashboard register a partner app for android sdk go to my projects > app management in the navigation panel on the left, then click add new app enter the app name enter its package name to specifically identify this app enter an app description optional; helpful for version control upload the apk file by dragging and dropping it in the corresponding box click the paperclip icon to browse upload representative screenshots showing ui branding elements/buttons in a supported format png, jpeg, gif indicating samsung pay as a supported payment option in your app steps 5 and 6 are required for release versions of your app; not required for initial integration testing click create, then click next at the bottom of the plug-in configuration page your newly added app is now listed in your app management dashboard you can view its details by clicking its app name then, on the app details page, you can edit the app name and description by clicking the corresponding pencil icon
tutorials blockchain
blogsdks for blockchain developers at samsung, we understand that one size does not fit all of your development needs. that’s why we offer two different sdks to cover your blockchain development needs: samsung blockchain platform (sbp) sdk and samsung blockchain keystore (sbk) sdk. the sbp sdk aims to be an overall solution for your dapp’s every need, from connecting to supported hardware wallets to uploading transactions in the supported blockchain networks. on the other hand, the sbk sdk allows you to securely access the samsung blockchain keystore cold wallet and supports signing transactions of a wide range of cryptocurrencies. samsung blockchain platform sdk the samsung blockchain platform sdk offers a full set of functions for your decentralized app (dapp) or blockchain app needs. it helps you manage blockchain accounts easily and make a transaction easier by using abstracted transfer apis. additionally, the sbp sdk offers a ui-based cryptocurrency payment solution for even more rapid development. the samsung blockchain platform sdk can easily connect your dapp to different hardware wallets for securely signing transactions. currently, three hardware wallets are supported: samsung blockchain keystore, ledger nano x, and ledger nano s. once successfully connected to a hardware wallet, the sbp sdk offers abstracted apis, so you never have to worry about what hardware wallet to which the user is connected. the sbp sdk also has a blockchain browser solution for your web dapp. with the sbp sdk’s cucumber webview, you can migrate your web-based dapp into the mobile environment with little to no changes in your web app. this can help you drastically reduce development time and resources, and to reach millions of new galaxy devices. with the sbp sdk’s payment sheet ui, developing a native android dapp has never been easier. simply launch the desired payment sheet intent and let the sdk take care of the rest of your dapp’s payment or transfer flows. the sbp sdk currently supports two major blockchain networks: ethereum and tron. with the sbp sdk’s abstracted apis for cryptocurrency and token transfers, you never have to worry about complex details. the sbp automatically estimates transaction fees and handles code for underlying smart contract function abis for token transfer. you can simply plug in your json-rpc endpoint/node to the sbp and develop your dapp faster. you can check out all of the aforementioned apis (and more) in action, on the aero wallet sample application for the sbp sdk. using aero wallet’s source code, you can learn how to easily build a fully functional cryptocurrency wallet application from scratch. to learn more about how the sbp sdk can greatly simplify your dapp development, check out the sdk overview. samsung blockchain keystore sdk the samsung blockchain keystore, powered by the knox security platform, is a built-in secure cold wallet available on a wide range of galaxy devices. the samsung blockchain keystore sdk allows your android apps and dapps to communicate directly with this highly secure cold wallet for fetching address lists and public keys and signing cryptocurrency transactions. with the sbk sdk, your dapp can fetch the user’s blockchain address and link it to the user’s account. using this address, you can query on the blockchain network (using a blockchain explorer or another library such as sbp) to find the user’s account balance and transaction history. furthermore, you can use the sbk sdk to request the keystore app to sign a cryptocurrency transaction. the keystore app then shows the requested transaction to the user inside a trusted user interface (tui), executed within the trusted execution environment (tee). once the user approves the transaction with a pin or a biometric authentication like a fingerprint, the keystore app signs the transaction with the associated private key and returns it to you through the sbk sdk. to learn more about how you can integrate the sbk sdk into your app, check out the sdk overview. choosing the right sdk for your dapp both of the samsung blockchain sdks can help make your dapp more feature-rich and cut down development time and effort. if you are still confused about which sdk is best for your dapp, check out our brief comparison below. api samsung blockchain platform sdk samsung blockchain keystore sdk fetch public address supported supported sign transaction supported supported send transaction supported unsupported send token transaction supported unsupported built-in payment screen ui supported unsupported seamless integration with webapps supported unsupported external hardware wallet supported unsupported blockchain networks supported (at the time of writing) ethereum and tron bitcoin, ethereum, klaytn, stellar and tron services for end-users samsung blockchain apps and services aim to provide you with a secure and convenient experience in the blockchain world. samsung currently offers two applications under its blockchain platform: the samsung blockchain keystore app and the samsung blockchain wallet app. you can find out more about each of these offerings from this article and from the global samsung site. samsung blockchain keystore samsung blockchain keystore offers defense-grade, vault-like security for your crypto assets. the blockchain keystore app runs within the tee of the knox platform. this allows the samsung blockchain keystore to provide security unlike ever before, as the private key and information located in the samsung blockchain keystore are never saved to a samsung or an external cloud, nor is it seen by the devices’ android os. you can easily set up the keystore app by importing your existing account by using a 12-word mnemonic, or create an entirely new one. samsung blockchain wallet the samsung blockchain wallet app allows you to conveniently send and receive major cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin and ether. not only does the samsung blockchain wallet app support the built-in samsung blockchain keystore wallet, it also supports external physical wallets such as ledger nano s and nano x, using usb. beyond sending and receiving crypto assets, you can also explore partner dapps through the blockchain wallet app. partner dapps on the samsung blockchain wallet app unlock the door to a wide range of experiences such as cryptocurrency exchanges, staking pools, and nft marketplaces. furthermore, you can stay on top of the latest trends and ongoing events in the blockchain world with the samsung blockchain wallet’s news section. conclusion blockchain technology has the potential to revolutionize many aspects of our lives. with samsung blockchain sdks and applications, you and your dapp users can always stay at the forefront of this technology. we want to continuously improve your experience in the blockchain world. feel free to share your thoughts with us and with the global blockchain developer community on the samsung blockchain developer forum.
Shuvo Saha
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