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tutorials health, galaxy watch
blogone of the methods for obtaining data from health services running on galaxy watch with wear os powered by samsung is to register notifications for fitness goals. galaxy watch collects physical activity data in real-time and allows the user to sign up for information about achieving their goals. this mechanism allows you to monitor the health services data in the background. a sample application named goalevent shows the above described mechanism. full source code of this application can be downloaded from goalevent. application overview goalevent is a sample application with only one task: it is designed to monitor health services data in the background. its interface allows the user to subscribe to a health event. two buttons make it possible to set the amount of steps to achieve and a third button makes it is possible to subscribe to an event. a toast with information about achieving the goal is shown when the step count is greater than or equal to the set amount of steps. the construction of the most important elements of this application is described in the next sections, step-by-step. the code below comes from the goalevent application. add health services the first step to start using health services is to add the implementation of the service client to application dependencies. there are also necessary changes in the manifest file. to interact with health services, there should be information about this package. more information about adding health services usage to a project is contained in this article: using health services on galaxy watch obtain permissions the second step of the application is to obtain permissions. to use necessary operating system elements, you should place all of the required permissions in the android manifest. there are two types of permissions needed for receiving steps information and for showing an ongoing notification. permissions required by the application: <!-- for receiving steps information. --> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.activity_recognition" /> <!-- for showing an ongoing notification. --> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.foreground_service" /> as a next step, these permissions should be requested in the main activity of the application. after receiving the results of the permissions request and making sure that all of them are granted, it is possible to go on and check capabilities. request permission example code: requestpermissions(new string[]{ manifest.permission.foreground_service, manifest.permission.activity_recognition}, 0); check capabilities the next step, after obtaining the permissions, that is necessary to use the health platform and making sure that all permissions have been obtained, is to check that the device can provide passive goals. this takes place in the passive monitoring client where there are data types corresponding to a chosen activity—for example, steps. check capabilities in goal event client: boolean supportsstepsevent = result .getsupporteddatatypesevents() .contains(datatype.steps); if(supportsstepsevent) { registergoal(context); } register a goal after getting information that step goals are supported, it is possible to register a goal. to do this, you need to create a passive goal and register the appropriate callback. the callback, which is received, must be served by a specially designed interface. this class should be appropriately marked in the android manifest as a goal receiver. register a goal in the goal event client: public class goaleventclient { //... public void registergoal(context context) { if(goalregistered) return; goalregistered = true; mpassivegoal = new passivegoal( new datatypecondition(datatype.steps, value.oflong(number_of_steps), comparisontype.greater_than_or_equal), passivegoal.triggertype.once); mpassivemonitoringclient.registerpassivegoalcallback(mpassivegoal, new componentname(context, eventreceiver.class)); } //... } add receiver information inside of the application tag in the android manifest: <application <!--....--> <receiver android:name="" android:exported="true"> <intent-filter> <action android:name="hs.passivemonitoring.goal" /> </intent-filter> </receiver> <!--...--> </application> receive notification in the receiver code, first you need to check the intent action to ensure that it is a passive goal. then reconstruct the passive goal from the intent to determine that the incoming goal is the same as the goal created earlier. override the receive method in the event receiver: public final class eventreceiver extends broadcastreceiver { private static final string tag = "eventreceiver"; @override public void onreceive(context context, intent intent) { if(!intent.getaction().equals(passivegoal.action_goal)){ return; } passivegoal goal = passivegoal.fromintent(intent); if(goal != null && goal.equals(goaleventclient.getinstance(context).getpassivegoal())){ log.i(tag, "step goal achieved!"); toast.maketext(context, r.string.step_goal_achieved, toast.length_long) .show(); goaleventclient.getinstance(context).unregistergoal(); } } } unregister the goal it is a good practice to unregister the goal when the application is destroyed by the os. to do this, add an additional boolean parameter which holds information about the registration status. this parameter should be set to "true" at the time of registration and to "false" at the time of goal deregistration. add a function to unregister a goal which is triggered at the time of destroying the application: public class goaleventclient { //... public void unregistergoal() { if(!goalregistered) return; goalregistered = false; mpassivemonitoringclient.unregisterpassivegoalcallback(mpassivegoal); mpassivegoal = null; } //... } test the application on a device the application can be tested on the galaxy watch with wear os powered by samsung by running it directly from android studio. to test the application, follow these steps: set the number of steps you want to achieve. push the 'set goal' button. 3. put your watch on your wrist and walk the set number of steps. 4. after reaching the goal, you receive information on the screen about achieving the goal and the watch vibrates. enjoy your adventure creating the ultimate health application now you are ready to start handling fitness goals using health services data in the background in your application on galaxy watch with wear os powered by samsung. check out our next series of posts that cover ways to access exercises using the health services api!
tutorials health, galaxy watch
bloghealth services provides an advanced set of apis that allow your application to take full advantage of the powerful hardware available on galaxy watches running wear os powered by samsung. thanks to this careful combination of hardware and software, applications are able to reliably track information from sensors in the watch. this solution allows developers to specify what type of data they are using in their applications, as well as allowing users to decide what data can be processed and accessed. getting things ready to take advantage of health services health services works on devices such as galaxy watch4 and galaxy watch4 classic operating on wear os powered by samsung. health services requires android 11 (api level 30) or above. add required information to your app’s configuration files to start using health services in a new or existing android studio project, you just need to follow a series of steps described below: add the appropriate library dependency to your app’s build.gradle file. dependencies { implementation ' // ... } in your app’s android manifest, add the necessary configuration to allow your app to connect with the health service. <queries> <package android:name="" /> </queries> add the permissions required by your app. <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.body_sensors" /> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.activity_recognition" /> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.foreground_service" /> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.access_fine_location" /> in order to improve the security of your application and to ensure a good user experience, you should only add the permissions that are required by your application from the list above. additionally, if your application features passive monitoring, you have to add the lines below to your app’s manifest to register the health event broadcast receiver. <receiver android:name="" android:exported="true"> <intent-filter> <action android:name="hs.passivemonitoring.health_event" /> </intent-filter> <receiver/> requesting permissions programmatically apart from being registered in the app’s manifest, permissions have to be requested programmatically to validate and get user consent at runtime. the code below shows how to request these permissions: requestpermissions(new string[] {manifest.permission.body_sensors, manifest.permission.foreground_service, manifest.permission.activity_recognition, manifest.permission.access_fine_location}, 0); at runtime, if your application has requested the permissions correctly, a popup similar to the one below appears after the execution of your application: to get the result of the permission request you have made previously, you should check the result as shown in the code below: @override public void onrequestpermissionsresult(int requestcode, @nonnull string[] permissions, @nonnull int[] grantresults) { if(requestcode == 0) { list<string> notgrantedpermissions= new linkedlist<>(); setpermissiongranted(true); for(int i=0; i<permissions.length; i++) { if(grantresults[i] == permission_denied) { setpermissiongranted(false); notgrantedpermissions.add(permissions[i]); } } if(!getpermissiongranted()) { // handle permission denied here. } } super.onrequestpermissionsresult(requestcode,permissions,grantresults); } checking the device capabilities there is nothing more annoying than an application that does not work as expected, causing a bad user experience or even worse, a crash. fortunately, health services provides a way to verify if the current setup you have configured supports the functionality required. it accomplishes this by using apis to get the capabilities and supported data types for the current configuration. this allows developers to handle errors and decide the best way to notify the users of the app about potential problems. the code below is an example of the usage of such apis for exerciseclient: // connection to the health services healthservicesclient healthclient = healthservices.getclient(this); exerciseclient exerciseclient = healthclient.getexerciseclient(); listenablefuture<exercisecapabilities> capabilitiesfuture = passiveclient.getcapabilities(); futures.addcallback(capabilitiesfuture, new futurecallback<exercisecapabilities>() { @override public void onsuccess(@nullable exercisecapabilities result) { runningcapabilities = result .supporteddatatypesexcercise() .contains(exercisetype.running) } @override public void onfailure(throwable t) { // display an error } }, contextcompat.getmainexecutor(this)); enjoy your adventure creating the ultimate health application now that you have finally set up health services in your app’s project, you are ready to start using the apis to enhance the capabilities of your application. we encourage you to check our next series of posts to discover even more from health services on galaxy watch!
tutorials health
bloghealth connect is a platform that enables you to integrate samsung health data with your applications, creating new opportunities for health applications that enhance the user's journey towards better health. using the health connect apis, you can, for example, retrieve a user's samsung health data, such as their exercise, sleep, and heart rate information, and send data to the samsung health application. this is the first blog post in a series introducing you to the health connect api features and how you can use them in your applications. let's begin by looking at how health connect interacts with samsung health data and the basic workflow. understanding this is essential for creating applications that use data from samsung health and health connect. samsung health samsung health is an application that can be installed on android smartphones and tablets, and on galaxy watches. it can use the sensors on the device, including the galaxy watch's bioactive sensor, to measure the user's overall health data, including steps, exercises, heart rate, sleep, blood oxygen saturation and body composition. the samsung health application is installed on both the galaxy watch and a smartphone. the application synchronizes the measurements between both devices and manages the user's health data securely on them. figure 1: samsung health on galaxy watch and android smartphone health connect since the samsung health application supports various useful health data types and gathers data from all connected devices, developers have been interested in obtaining access to that data. samsung health has supported synchronizing data with health connect since application version 6.22.5, released in october 2022. the health connect apis support devices using android sdk 28 (pie) or higher. health connect enables applications to share health and fitness data across android devices with the user's consent. for more information about health connect, see health connect guide and health connect apis. notesince android 14, health connect is a system application and is supported by the health connect api versions 1.1.0 and higher. make sure your samsung health application version is up to date, to enable support for the latest health connect features. for more information on health connect as a system application, see: migrate health connect. once the user has connected samsung health to health connect, new or updated data in samsung health is shared to health connect. this means that your applications can use the health connect apis to access samsung health data. samsung health synchronizes health data with health connect in both directions: when samsung health has new or updated data, it writes the data to health connect. when health connect has updated data, samsung health retrieves it. for example, a blood glucose meter connected to samsung health measures the user's blood glucose level. this data is saved in samsung health and then sent to health connect. similarly, whenever there is new blood glucose data in health connect, samsung health retrieves that data and saves it in samsung health. figure 2: accessing samsung health data through health connect to demonstrate how data synchronization works, let's walk through an example of adding nutrition information to samsung health. to start data synchronization between samsung health and health connect, you must enable it in the samsung health application on your android device. from the settings menu, select health connect. if health connect is not installed, you are prompted to install it. the first time you access the health connect menu item in samsung health, tap get started. figure 3: get started screen you are asked to grant permissions to share your samsung health data with health connect. select the data you consent to sharing and tap allow. note“read” and “write” permissions are granted separately. figure 4: data sharing consent samsung health and health connect are now linked and data is shared between them. to test the data synchronization, in samsung health, go to food tracker and create some nutrition data. figure 5: nutrition data input in samsung health, go to settings > health connect, and select data and access. if health connect has received nutrition data from samsung health, a nutrition item appears in the browse data list. figure 6: synchronized nutrition data to view the synchronized data, select nutrition. figure 7: nutrition data in health connect data synchronization timing data synchronization between samsung health and health connect occurs on the smartphone side. to take advantage of health data collected by a galaxy watch, you must understand at which times the galaxy watch sends its data to the samsung health smartphone application. figure 8: data synchronization between watch and smartphone new or updated health data on each connected device is generally synchronized with samsung health in the following situations: the galaxy watch reconnects with the smartphone the user opens the samsung health application home screen on the smartphone the user pulls down on the samsung health application home screen on the smartphone however, some types of health data are synchronized differently: for battery conservation reasons, continuous heart rate data from the galaxy watch is not sent to the samsung health application on the smartphone immediately. however, manual heart rate measurements on the watch are synchronized immediately. enabling settings in samsung health to synchronize health data between samsung health and health connect please consider: using the latest samsung health application. if you're interested in galaxy watch's data, check its version too. allowing required data permissions in health connect through the following path: samsung health > settings > health connect noteif you allow permissions in the android phone's settings > search "health connect" > health connect > app permissions > samsung health, launch the samsung health application after granting the permissions. synchronizing samsung health data in: samsung health > settings > sync with samsung cloud > switch to 'on'. accessing health connect apis if the user has synchronized their samsung health data with health connect, you can use the health connect apis to interact with it in various ways. for example: read and write data: you can retrieve data that has been shared from samsung health to health connect and send data to health connect to be synchronized to samsung health. delete specific data records: you can remove a specific data point or data of a specific type within a time interval. aggregate and filter data: you can filter the retrieved data by type or tag and analyze it, such as determining the average, maximum, minimum or sum of the values. session data: you can group data into sessions by time interval, such as to generate a sleep or activity session report. notefor security reasons, health connect data can only be retrieved by applications running in the foreground. the following table lists the various health data that can be synchronized between samsung health and health connect. samsung health data corresponding health connect data type all steps stepsrecord blood glucose bloodglucoserecord blood oxygen oxygensaturationrecord blood pressure bloodpressurerecord exercise, session exercisesessionrecord exercise, calories totalcaloriesburnedrecord exercise, distance distancerecord exercise, heart rate heartraterecord exercise, power powerrecord exercise, speed speedrecord exercise, vo2max vo2maxrecord heart rate heartraterecord nutrition nutritionrecord sleep session sleep stage sleepsessionrecord weight weightrecord weight, body fat bodyfatrecord weight, basial metabolic rate basalmetabolicraterecord weight, height heightrecord notea synchronized data scope can be changed depending on the samsung health version. notethe health connect's total calories burned, distance, power, speed, and vo2max in the table above are matched with the samsung health exercise tracker's data. the samsung health’s activity tracker data are not synchronized with health connect. to get started with implementing health connect api functionality in your application: add the latest version of the health connect api library dependencies to your application's "build.gradle" file, for example: implementation "" declare the health connect package name in your "androidmanifest.xml" file. declare the permissions for the health data types you want to use. now your application is ready to use the health connect apis. other blog posts in this series explore various health connect api use cases in more detail. related blogs reading body composition data with galaxy watch via health connect api
tutorials health, galaxy watch
blogthe body composition measurement is one of the powerful features of samsung galaxy watch. it is an important metric of your overall health. the body composition measurement data is displayed in the samsung health application on the galaxy watch and a compatible smartphone. in this article, we show you how to read the galaxy watch’s body composition data using the android health connect api in a sample application named "bia viewer". you can download the code for this sample application from the link at the bottom of this blog. bia is an abbreviation for bioelectrical impedance analysis, and the bia data measures body composition data. notethe body composition measurement feature is available on galaxy watch4 series and later models. installing health connect api the android health connect api provides interfaces for reading and writing your health and fitness data. the samsung health application exchanges data with the health connect api. for more information, see accessing samsung health data through health connect. notesynchronization of data between the samsung health application and the health connect api is supported on samsung health v6.22.5 and later. measuring body composition with galaxy watch as the first step in developing your ultimate health application, you must collect the body composition data using the samsung health application in galaxy watch. steps to measure bia with galaxy watch: start the samsung health application. ensure that the galaxy watch is worn tightly on your wrist. raise your arms so your armpits are open. place your middle finger on the 2 o’clock key and ring finger on the 4 o’clock key on the watch. touch your watch only. don’t let your hand on the watch’s keys touch your arm or other hand on the watch. maintain the finger positions on the galaxy watch dial until the measurement is completed. example of a result obtained by measuring body composition with the samsung health application: after the bia measurement is completed on the galaxy watch, the data can be synchronized with the samsung health application. synchronizing data with the health connect application once you have data in the samsung health application, it is synchronized with the health connect application. synchronized body composition data can be found directly in the health connect application. basal metabolic rate body fat height weight bia viewer application overview bia viewer is an application that reads the body composition data collected by the samsung health application with the health connect apis. by default, this application loads the data during startup. however, you can manually reload the data using the “refresh” button. the bia viewer application reads the body composition data such as weight, height, body fat, basal metabolic rate. the user's height is not displayed and is only used to calculate bmi. the step-by-step construction of the most important elements of the application are described in the next sections. note fat mass is calculated using the formula: [fat mass] = [body fat] * [weight] / 100 bmi is calculated using the formula: [bmi] = [weight] / ([height]* [height]) adding health connect api to your project before you start writing your code, you need to import and add the health connect api library to the file application/build.gradle in the dependencies section. implementation '' now you are ready to use the health connect api. checking health connect availability on your device at the beginning of your application, it's a good idea to ensure that the device running your application actually supports the health connect api library. the library is available only when the health connect application is installed on the device. notesince android 14 health connect is part of the system and is installed by default. however in earlier versions, it's necessary to check, if health connect is present on the device. private fun checkavailability(): boolean { when (healthconnectclient.getsdkstatus(this)) { healthconnectclient.sdk_unavailable -> { //error message – unable to install health connect } return false } healthconnectclient.sdk_unavailable_provider_update_required -> { //error message – health connect not present on device, but can be installed } return false } else -> { return true } } } get healthconnectclient before going to the next step, you need to get healthconnectclient. healthconnectclient is an entry point to the health connect api. healthconnectclient automatically manages its connection to the underlying storage layer and handles all ipc and serialization of the outgoing requests and the incoming responses. private val healthconnectclient by lazy { healthconnectclient.getorcreate(context) } ask for permissions in the first step, you need to modify the androidmanifest.xml file. add <intent-filter> in the <activity> section: <intent-filter> <action android:name="" /> </intent-filter> add <activity-alias> element required in android 14: <activity-alias android:name="viewpermissionusageactivity" android:exported="true" android:targetactivity=".mainactivity" android:permission="android.permission.start_view_permission_usage"> <intent-filter> <action android:name="android.intent.action.view_permission_usage" /> <category android:name="android.intent.category.health_permissions" /> </intent-filter> </activity-alias> add <uses-permission> elements: <uses-permission android:name="" /> <uses-permission android:name="" /> <uses-permission android:name="" /> <uses-permission android:name="" /> add <queries> elements: <queries> <package android:name="" /> </queries> to start the request permissions from your application, first build a set of permissions for the required data types. make sure to only ask for permissions mentioned in the manifest file. val permissions = setof( healthpermission.getreadpermission(basalmetabolicraterecord::class), healthpermission.getreadpermission(bodyfatrecord::class), healthpermission.getreadpermission(heightrecord::class), healthpermission.getreadpermission(weightrecord::class), ) it is a good practice to ask for the required permissions whenever the application tries to use this data type. first, you should check whether the user has consented to use the particular functionality. suspend fun hasallpermissions(): boolean { return healthconnectclient.permissioncontroller.getgrantedpermissions() .containsall(permissions) } if not, you should ask for it before using the api. private fun checkpermissions() { lifecyclescope.launch { if (healthconnectmanager.hasallpermissions()) { readalldata() } else { requestpermissions.launch(healthconnectmanager.permissions) } } } to ask for permissions, you need to create a request permissions object. private fun createrequestpermissionsobject() { requestpermissions = registerforactivityresult(healthconnectmanager.requestpermissionactivitycontract) { granted -> lifecyclescope.launch { if (granted.isnotempty() && healthconnectmanager.hasallpermissions()) { toast.maketext( this@mainactivity, r.string.permission_granted, toast.length_short, ).show() } else { alertdialog.builder(this@mainactivity) .setmessage(r.string.permission_denied) .setpositivebutton(r.string.ok, null) .show() } } } } sample permission request window: creating a query to read body composition data to read data, build the readrecordsrequest object and in the parameters, specify the time range and the data type. then, read the data by passing the readrecordsrequest object as a parameter. after the request is finished, the result contains the list of returned data that you requested. then you go through the list and read individual records. in our example, we will read only the last value. readrecordsrequest example code for weightrecord data type: suspend fun readweight(start: instant, end: instant): double { val request = readrecordsrequest( recordtype = weightrecord::class, timerangefilter = timerangefilter.between(start, end) ) val response = healthconnectclient.readrecords(request) if (response.records.isnotempty()) { val weightrecord = response.records.last() return weightrecord.weight.inkilograms } return 0.0 } list of all the data types used in the application: basalmetabolicraterecord bodyfatrecord heightrecord weightrecord checking query results now you are ready to run the test application on your phone and compare the results of the application with the samsung health application. the application can be tested on the device by running it directly from android studio. the data in both pictures are identical. you were able to successfully recover the data from the samsung health application using the health connect api. resources this blog is based on the bia viewer application. the entire code in this blog comes from this application. the application can be downloaded from: bia viewer version 1.1 (84,0kb) dec 08, 2023 enjoy your adventure creating the ultimate health application now you are ready to start using the samsung health application with the health connect api to enhance the capabilities of your application.
tutorials health, galaxy watch, mobile
blogsleep is an important factor in our everyday life. good sleeping habits play a major role in physical health and overall well-being. with galaxy watch and samsung health, users can track their sleep, evaluate its quality, and get coaching to develop healthy habits. when the user wakes up, the sleep data is analyzed and the user can review key sleep statistics and how much time they spent in each sleep stage. sleep coaching functionality compares data to previous days, so the user can track how their daily routine improvements influence their sleep quality. galaxy watch devices can also measure blood oxygen during sleep, and users with a galaxy watch5 or higher can also track their skin temperature. when a phone is used together with the watch for sleep tracking, snoring detection is also possible. sleep tracking you can leverage samsung health advanced sleep tracking and health connect api to create applications that can read users’ real sleep data and create custom sleep session information that can be synchronized to samsung health. this blog demonstrates how to use the health connect api to read data from health connect, work with session data, and insert data to health connect, using sleep data as an example. to follow along with the steps in this blog, download the sample application: sleep recorder version 1.0 (128,0kb) jan 15, 2024 for more information about samsung health and health connect, see accessing samsung health data through health connect.. sleep data synchronization with health connect the health connect platform collects health-related data and synchronizes it with samsung health, enabling you to use it in your applications. sleep data is created on a smartwatch when the user wakes up. the data must be transferred to a paired mobile device for processing. data transfer is initiated when the mobile device is connected. the processed data creates a sleep record, which samsung health synchronizes to health connect. transfer and synchronization tasks can be delayed, depending on processor availability. prerequisites implementing functionality that uses health data in an application requires health connect library, healthconnectionclient, and permissions. add health connect api library dependencies to use the health connect api features in your application: dependencies { // add health connect library implementation "" } configure the “androidmanifest.xml” file declare the required permissions: <uses-permission android:name=""/> <uses-permission android:name="" /> add <intent-filter> in the <activity> section: <intent-filter> <action android:name="" /> </intent-filter> add the <activity-alias> element required in android 14: <activity-alias android:name="viewpermissionusageactivity" android:exported="true" android:targetactivity=".mainmenuactivity" android:permission="android.permission.start_view_permission_usage"> <intent-filter> <action android:name="android.intent.action.view_permission_usage" /> <category android:name="android.intent.category.health_permissions" /> </intent-filter> </activity-alias> add <uses-permission> elements: <uses-permission android:name=""/> <uses-permission android:name="" /> add the <queries> element: <queries> <package android:name="" /> </queries> note that in this application we also use: <package android:name="" /> adding this element is necessary, since we are going to open the samsung health app. however, if you are interested in using only the health connect api – the above part is not required. get a healthconnect client the healthconnectclient class is an entry point to the health connect api. it automatically manages the connection to the underlying storage layer and handles all ipc and serialization of the outgoing requests and the incoming responses. it is a good practice to ensure that the device running your application actually supports the health connect api library. the library is available only when the health connect application is installed on the device. noteandroid 14 health connect is part of the system and is installed by default. however in earlier versions, it's necessary to check if health connect is present on the device. check for health connect availability. if it is missing, display an error and redirect the user to the app store if installation of the app is possible: when (healthconnectclient.getsdkstatus(this)) { healthconnectclient.sdk_unavailable -> { // error message } healthconnectclient.sdk_unavailable_provider_update_required -> { // error message try { startactivity( intent( intent.action_view, uri.parse("market://details?"), ), ) } catch (e: activitynotfoundexception) { startactivity( intent( intent.action_view, uri.parse(""), ), ) } } if health connect is available, get a healthconnectclient class instance: private val healthconnectclient by lazy { healthconnectclient.getorcreate(context) } request user permissions your application must request permission from the user to use their health data. create a set of permissions for the required data types. the permissions must match those you defined in the androidmanifest.xml file. val permissions = setof( healthpermission.getwritepermission(sleepsessionrecord::class), healthpermission.getreadpermission(sleepsessionrecord::class), ) check whether the user has granted the required permissions: suspend fun hasallpermissions(): boolean { if (healthconnectclient.sdkstatus(context) != healthconnectclient.sdk_available) { return false } return healthconnectclient.permissioncontroller.getgrantedpermissions() .containsall(permissions) } if not, launch the permission request: if (!healthconnectmanager.hasallpermissions()) { requestpermissions.launch(healthconnectmanager.permissions) } create the permissions prompt: private fun createrequestpermissionsobject() { requestpermissions = registerforactivityresult(healthconnectmanager.requestpermissionactivitycontract) { granted -> lifecyclescope.launch { if (granted.isnotempty() && healthconnectmanager.hasallpermissions()) { runonuithread { toast.maketext( this@mainmenuactivity, r.string.permission_granted, toast.length_short, ) .show() } } else { runonuithread { alertdialog.builder(this@mainmenuactivity) .setmessage(r.string.permissions_not_granted) .setpositivebutton(r.string.ok, null) .show() } } } } } retrieve sleep data from health connect in the sample application, to display sleep data, select a date and tap read data. a list of sleep sessions for that day is displayed. when you select a session, the application retrieves and displays its sleep stage information from health connect. to retrieve and display sleep session data: define the desired time range and send it to health connect manager. since a sleep session can start on the day before the selected date, be sure the application also retrieves sleep sessions from the previous day and later ignores the sessions that do not match the desired time range. val starttime = chosenday.minusdays(1).atstartofday(zoneid.systemdefault()).toinstant() val endtime =, chronounit.days).minus(1, chronounit.millis) val sleepsessions = healthconnectmanager.readsleepsessionrecords( starttime, endtime, ) retrieve the list of sleep session records in health connect manager. create a readrecordsrequest object and send it to health connect: val request = readrecordsrequest( recordtype = sleepsessionrecord::class, timerangefilter = timerangefilter.between(start, end), ) val response = healthconnectclient.readrecords(request) return response.records display the records in a listview on the application screen: for (session in sleepsessions) { sleepsessionranges.add(timerange.between(session.starttime, session.endtime)) val sessionstart = session.starttime.atzone(zoneid.systemdefault()).format( datetimeformatter.iso_local_time, ) val sessionend = session.endtime.atzone(zoneid.systemdefault()).format( datetimeformatter.iso_local_time, ) sleepstageslists.add(session.stages) sleepsessionsadapter.add("start: $sessionstart\t\tend: $sessionend gmt ${session.startzoneoffset}") } when a session is selected, display its sleep stage details: for (stage in sleepstageslists[sleepsessionindex]) { val stagestart = stage.starttime.atzone(zoneid.systemdefault()).format( datetimeformatter.iso_local_time, ) val stageend = stage.endtime.atzone(zoneid.systemdefault()).format( datetimeformatter.iso_local_time, ) val stagename = healthconnectmanager.enumtostagemap.getvalue(stage.stage) sleepstagesadapter.add("$stagestart\t-\t$stageend\t\t$stagename") } notealthough data is inserted to and stored in health connect in utc time with time zone offset, data retrieved from health connect is displayed in local time. you can extract health connect sleep data from any source, including data from galaxy watch. the following figure shows a sleep session in samsung health and the same data presented in the sample application. sleep data in samsung health and sample application create and insert sleep session data health connect not only allows you to read sleep data that is collected through samsung health, it also enables you to manually insert sleep data that can be synchronized to samsung health. to manually insert sleep data to health connect, you must prepare both a sleep session and sleep stage data. a session is a time interval during which a user performs an activity, such as sleeping. to prepare a session, you need to know its start and end time. in the sample application, an optional time zone offset is also implemented, since data in health connect database is stored in utc. if the session start hour and minute is later than the end hour and minute, the session is interpreted as starting on the previous day. in the following figure, the session is interpreted to have started at 22:00 on 2023-12-10 and ended at 06:00 on 2023-12-11. sleep session duration in the following part of the application, sleep stages can be added within the sleep session. to add a sleep stage, define its start time, end time, and name. for compatibility with samsung health, use the sleep stage names awake, light, rem, and deep. each defined sleep stage is visible in the list. ideally, sleep stages cover the entire sleep session, but this is not a requirement for synchronizing with samsung health. sleep stage creation to create and add a sleep session to health connect: check that the user has granted the necessary permissions: if (!healthconnectmanager.hasallpermissions()) { showdialoginfo(r.string.permissions_not_granted_api_call) return@launch } define the sleep session start and end time: val starttime = sleepsessiontimerange.startdatetimemillis val endtime = sleepsessiontimerange.enddatetimemillis val timezoneoffset = dateofsleepend.offset to add sleep stage data to the session, create a sleepstage record for each stage var sleepstageslist: arraylist<sleepsessionrecord.stage> val sleepstage = sleepsessionrecord.stage( starttime = sleepstagestart, endtime = sleepstageend, stage = healthconnectmanager.stagetoenummap.getvalue( activitysleepstagesbinding.spinstage.selecteditem.tostring(), ), ) sleepstageslist.add(sleepstage) in health connect manager, create a sleep session record and include the sleep stage list: suspend fun insertsleepsessionrecord( sleepstarttime: instant, sleependtime: instant, timezoneoffset: zoneoffset, stages: arraylist<sleepsessionrecord.stage>, ): boolean { var wasinsertsuccessful = false try { val sleepsessionrecord = sleepsessionrecord( sleepstarttime, timezoneoffset, sleependtime, timezoneoffset, "sleep record sample", "this is a sleep record sample recorded by sleeprecorder app", stages, ) insert the sleep session record into health connect: var wasinsertsuccessful = false try { wasinsertsuccessful = healthconnectclient.insertrecords(listof(sleepsessionrecord)).recordidslist.isnotempty() } catch (e: exception) { log.i(app_tag, "error inserting record: " + e.message) } the sleep session is now in health connect and visible in samsung health after data synchronization. in samsung health, go to the “sleep” screen. the inserted sleep session can be reviewed there with visualizations and analysis just like any other sleep session, such as those tracked on a galaxy watch. below is a sleep session from the sample application: sleep session conclusion this blog has demonstrated how you can develop an application that retrieves data from and inserts data into health connect, making it visible in the samsung health application after data synchronization.
tutorials health, galaxy watch
blogthe galaxy watch running wear os powered by samsung can detect events like hard falls. to detect the hard falls, the watch uses a built-in accelerometer. using the health services api, you can receive a fall detection event in your watch application. in this blog, we create a wear os application to identify a fall detection event and demonstrate how to use the health services api to achieve this on the galaxy watch. the galaxy watch uses the fall detection event in its sos feature. for more information, see use your samsung smart watch in an emergency situation. it can be used to take care of elderly people or patients. how to trigger a fall detection event in your application on the galaxy watch if the functionality provided with the watch is not sufficient for your solution, you can use the health services api to detect this event in your own application. in this section, we describe all the important steps that you must follow when building an events tracking app. as an example, we use the eventsmonitor sample project. project settings before you start writing your code, you need to import the health services api library in the dependencies section of the app/build.gradle file. implementation now you are ready to use the health services api. get passivemonitoringclient passivemonitoringclient enables tracking of the data in the background (without requiring an ongoing workout) and the events that can occur. you need to get this client to make your application suscribe to the events. private var healthservicesclient: healthservicesclient private var passivemonitoringclient: passivemonitoringclient init { healthservicesclient = healthservices.getclient(context) passivemonitoringclient = healthservicesclient.passivemonitoringclient } ask for permissions in the first step, you need to modify the androidmanifest.xml file. add the <uses-permission> element in the global section: <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.activity_recognition" /> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.receive_boot_completed" /> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.foreground_service" /> add the <queries> element: <queries> <package android:name="" /> </queries> it is a good practice to ask for the required permissions whenever the application tries to use this data type. first, you should check whether the user has consented to use the particular functionality. permissiongranted = applicationcontext.checkselfpermission( manifest.permission.activity_recognition) == packagemanager.permission_granted if not, you must ask for it before using the api. private fun requestpermissions() { permissionlauncher.launch(android.manifest.permission.activity_recognition) } to ask about permissions, you need to create a request permissions object. permissionlauncher = registerforactivityresult(activityresultcontracts.requestpermission()) { result -> permissiongranted = result } this is an example of a permission request window: using health services api to get events to asynchronously receive information about a fall detection event, provide the class which inherits from the passivelistenerservice class and override the onhealtheventreceived method. class passivehealtheventservice : passivelistenerservice() { override fun onhealtheventreceived(event: healthevent) { runblocking { log.i(tag, "onhealtheventreceived received with type: ${event.type}") healthservicesmanager.getinstance(applicationcontext).recordhealthevent(event) super.onhealtheventreceived(event) } } } add information about this class with the permissions to the androidmanifest.xml file. <service android:name=".passivehealtheventservice" android:exported="true" android:permission="" /> when you have the passivemonitoringclient and passivehealtheventservice classes, you can then subscribe to the events. private val healtheventtypes = setof(healthevent.type.fall_detected) suspend fun registerforhealtheventsdata() { log.i(tag, "registering listener") val passivelistenerconfig = passivelistenerconfig.builder() .sethealtheventtypes(healtheventtypes) .build() passivemonitoringclient.setpassivelistenerserviceasync(, passivelistenerconfig ).await() registered = true } if you no longer want to receive information about the fall detection event, please unregister your application from the service. this can be done using the passivemonitoringclient api. suspend fun unregisterhealtheventsdata() { log.i(tag, "unregistering listeners") passivemonitoringclient.clearpassivelistenerserviceasync().await() registered = false } the healthevent class contains information about the event, such as: type - returns the type of the event (fall_detected, unknown). instant - returns the time of the health event. datapointcontainer - returns the metrics associated with the event. test application on the galaxy watch you can test this functionality in the following two ways: manual test you can simulate a fall by trying to fall on a mat. notebefore performing the manual test, ensure that you have taken all safety precautions for yourself. for example, use cushions to soften the fall impact, etc. use synthetic data testing is available on an emulator. use the command line to run and execute commands for synthetic data generation. for more details about this feature, see simulate sensor data with health services. with adb, you can send subsequent commands to the device. notethis blog is based on wear os 4. you can check your watch’s wear os version in galaxy watch > settings > about watch > software information> wear os version. for testing on wear os 3, see more information here. to start the synthetic data generation, run the following command: $ adb shell am broadcast \ -a "whs.use_synthetic_providers" \ to simulate a fall, run the following command: $ adb shell am broadcast \ -a "whs.fall_over" \ when the tests are finished, to switch back to using real sensors, run the following command: $ adb shell am broadcast \ -a "whs.use_sensor_providers" \ resources this blog is based on the eventsmonitor application. the whole presented code comes from this application. the entire application can be downloaded from: eventsmonitor version 1.0 (86,0kb) dec 12, 2022 enjoy your adventure creating the ultimate health application now you are ready to start the fall detection event in your application. we encourage you to try doing it by yourself and explore other features provided by the health services sdk.
Samsung Developers
tutorials health, galaxy watch
blogtracking exercise progress throughout its duration can be a problematic task requiring a lot of work from the developer. health services available on a samsung galaxy watch provide a precise and convenient way to gather statistics. in this blog post we cover different ways to gather exercise data. we created an example application called exercise monitor which gathers statistics about your heart rate and speed while running on a treadmill. in the application we use two ways to gather statistics: statisticaldatapoint for speed and manual heart rate tracking for comparison. you can download it here. we also include an example in this blog using cumulativedatapoint to gather statistics. the basics of connecting to health services are covered in the blog using health services on galaxy watch. let's start by setting up your exercise then continue by working with the exercise data. tracking data with statisticaldatapoint to obtain a statisticaldatapoint object, we need to read aggregated metrics in the exercise configuration builder: exercisecapabilitiesset = result.getexercisetypecapabilities(exercisetype).getsupporteddatatypes(); exerciseconfigbuilder = exerciseconfig.builder() .setexercisetype(exercisetype) .setdatatypes(exercisecapabilitiesset) .setaggregatedatatypes(exercisecapabilitiesset); after that we can read these metrics from exerciseupdate: map<datatype, aggregatedatapoint> aggregatemap = update.getlatestaggregatemetrics(); then we have to read the appropriate datatype from the map. in this case—speed: aggregatedatapoint aggregatespeed = aggregatemap.get(datatype.speed); the aggregatedatapoint object that is obtained can be an instance of two classes—either statisticaldatapoint or cumulativedatapoint (which we cover later): statisticaldatapoint sdpspeed = (statisticaldatapoint) aggregatespeed; from there we can easily read all important statistical data: double minspeed = sdpspeed.getmin().asdouble(); double maxspeed = sdpspeed.getmax().asdouble(); double avgspeed = sdpspeed.getaverage().asdouble(); and use them however we like in the application, for example updating text on labels: txtminspeed.settext(string.format("min speed: %.1f km/h", minspeed)); txtmaxspeed.settext(string.format("max speed: %.1f km/h", maxspeed)); txtavgspeed.settext(string.format("average speed: %.1f km/h", avgspeed)); that’s all we need to do—easy to read and fast to implement. in this case we have only read exercise data, but statistics can be obtained from other health services areas as well. tracking data manually now let's compare tracking data with statisticaldatapoint to tracking heart rate manually. first we need to create appropriate global variables required to track data—especially for the average heart rate that requires information about count samples we gather throughout exercising: double hrmin = 1000, hrmax = 0, hrsum = 0; int hrcount = 0; since our application assumes that we can exercise multiple times, we need to reset these global variables each time we stop and start an exercise. therefore, we need a separate function that resets the variables each time we start an exercise: void init() { hrcount = 0; hrmin = 1000; hrmax = 0; hrsum = 0; txtminhr = binding.txtminhr; txtminspeed = binding.txtminspeed; txtmaxhr = binding.txtmaxhr; txtmaxspeed = binding.txtmaxspeed; txtavghr = binding.txtavghr; txtavgspeed = binding.txtavgspeed; } we are ready to work on reading data from exerciseupdate. first we get the latest readings: map<datatype, list<datapoint>> datamap = update.getlatestmetrics(); then we read heartrate datatype from the map: list<datapoint> hrpoints = datamap.get(datatype.heart_rate_bpm); this returns a list of heart rates registered since the previous exerciseupdate callback. we have to iterate through every element and compare its values to our statistical points: for (int i = 0; i < hrpoints.size(); i++) { double curval = hrpoints.get(i).getvalue().asdouble(); if (curval == 0) continue; hrcount++; hrsum += curval; if (curval < hrmin) hrmin = curval; if (curval > hrmax) hrmax = curval; } this covers min and max values. as for the average, we have to remember that not every exerciseupdate may contain heart rate readings. if it doesn’t, we need to prevent division by 0: if (hrcount == 0) return; double avghr = hrsum / hrcount; now we are ready to update our text labels—with the exception of the minimum heart rate. if there were no readings, we leave it at 0 instead of updating it to the initialized value: txtavghr.settext(string.format("average hr: %.0f bpm", avghr)); if (hrmin < 1000) txtminhr.settext(string.format("min hr: %.0f bpm", hrmin)); txtmaxhr.settext(string.format("max hr: %.0f bpm", hrmax)); tracking data with cumulativedatapoint the third option to gather data statistics is using cumulativedatapoint. it is not used in the exercise monitor sample application, but we present an example application in this post. one example cumulativedatapoint can be used for is repetition statistics, like counting deadlift or dumbbell curl repetitions throughout sets. we start similarly to statisticaldatapoint by gathering the latest aggregate metrics. but, this time we read the repetition count and cast it to cumulativedatapoint: map<datatype, aggregatedatapoint> aggregatemap = update.getlatestaggregatemetrics(); cumulativedatapoint cdprepetitions = (cumulativedatapoint) aggregatereps; now we can measure total repetitions done throughout sets, as well as the workout start and end time: long totalreps = cdprepetitions.gettotal().aslong(); instant starttime = cdprepetitions.getstarttime(); instant endtime = cdprepetitions.getendtime(); enjoy your adventure creating an application that will track anything you want! we have shown you three ways of gathering exercise statistics. we encourage you to use statisticaldatapoint or cumulativedatapoint whenever possible, as they are well-designed to track exercise progress and might significantly simplify development of your fitness app. now you are ready to start gathering aggregated exercise statistics using health services data in the background in your application on galaxy watch with wear os powered by samsung. we encourage you to experiment on your own with data you wish to track and exercises you want to perform and see how easy and convenient it is!
tutorials health, galaxy watch
blogin our using health services on galaxy watch article, we introduced you to health services and the series of steps you need to follow in order to start using it within your application. now, we present the different client types provided by health services and their core functionality. exerciseclient in recent years, many applications that use and process health data are focused on workouts due to increasing awareness of the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. some of those applications are more complex than others and have a lot of features, from tracking exercise performance to setting daily, weekly or monthly goals. health services provides a specialized client to facilitate tracking ongoing workouts from a wide range of exercise types, such as running, playing soccer and skiing, among others. checking the capabilities on the device as mentioned in our previous post, you have to ensure at runtime that your configuration is supported. remember, there is nothing more confusing to users than dealing with an application that does not work as expected. the code below describes how to check the capabilities of the device for an exercise type for running: healthservicesclient healthclient = healthservices.getclient(this); exerciseclient exerciseclient = healthclient.getexerciseclient(); listenablefuture<exercisecapabilities> capabilitiesfuture = passiveclient.getcapabilities(); futures.addcallback(capabilitiesfuture, new futurecallback<exercisecapabilities>() { @override public void onsuccess(@nullable exercisecapabilities result) { runningcapabilities = result .supporteddatatypesexcercise() .contains(exercisetype.running) } @override public void onfailure(throwable t) { // display an error } }, contextcompat.getmainexecutor(this)); tracking workouts using exerciseclient after ensuring that the device running your application supports the type of exercise(s) you want to track, you must specify the relevant information, such as exercise type, exercise goal, and additional parameters supported by health services. health services provides an exerciseconfig class to help you to define a configuration for an exercise tracked by your application. with the help of this class, you can define and have access to information related to the exercise such as: exercise type exercise goals data type of the exercise flags to indicate the exercise state once you set up your configuration, you can start your exercise and then listen for its progress using an update listener. the basic setup flow should be something like: set up exerciseconfig call exerciseclient.startexercise set up an update listener listen for progress and update your app finally, health services provides a useful class to set goals and keep track of them. the exercisegoal class allows you to set goals based on certain parameters, so the users of your application can create milestones or one-time goals. an example of a milestone could be a hiking app that sets a goal that is achieved multiple times when the user has covered a distance of 200m. the event is triggered every 200m. in contrast, a one-time goal could be defined as a goal that sets a milestone with a threshold equivalent to the height of mount everest. the ability to work with exercise goals in health services will be described in more detail in a separate post. note: when using exerciseclient, make sure your app requests and maintains the necessary permissions. if your app uses location data, you should consider permissions on the device, like checking that gps is enabled. also, you should ensure that a foregroundservice with the appropriate foregroundservicetype is maintained throughout the workout, as shown in the code below: <!-- add foreground service location permission for exercise tracking --> <service android:name=".exerciseservice" android:foregroundservicetype="location" android:exported="false" /> measureclient using this client is highly recommended if your application requires constant updates. in a real-world scenario, your application should use this client when its ui is in the foreground. as a good practice, your application should minimize the amount of time reading data with this client. registering callbacks to read health data can increase sensor sampling rates, increasing power consumption. use this client carefully, having user experience in mind and taking into account that users want to extend the power of the device as much as possible. checking the capabilities on the device healthservicesclient healthclient = healthservices.getclient(this); listenablefuture<measurecapabilities> capabilitiesfuture = healthclient.getcapabilities(); futures.addcallback(capabilitiesfuture, new futurecallback<capabilities>() { @override public void onsuccess(@nullable capabilities result) { boolean supportsheartrate = result .supporteddatatypesmeasure() .contains(datatype.heart_rate_bpm) } @override public void onfailure(throwable t) { // handle error here. } }, contextcompat.getmainexecutor(this)); passivemonitoringclient this client is suitable for applications that monitor health data in the background. this client makes it easier to keep track of activities during longer periods of time, taking advantage of the fact that it does not require your application to be in the foreground. some examples of activities tracked by this client are step count or floors climbed during the day, week or month. checking the capabilities on the device healthservicesclient healthclient = healthservices.getclient(this); passivemonitoringclient passiveclient = healthclient.getpassivemonitoringclient(); listenablefuture<passivemonitoringcapabilities> capabilitiesfuture = passiveclient.getcapabilities(); futures.addcallback(capabilitiesfuture, new futurecallback<passivemonitoringcapabilities>() { @override public void onsuccess(@nullable passivemonitoringcapabilities result) { supportsheartrate = result .getsupporteddatatypespassivemonitoring() .contains(datatype.heart_rate_bpm) supportsstepsevent = result .supporteddatatypesevents() .contains(datatype.steps) } @override public void onfailure(throwable t) { // display an error } }, contextcompat.getmainexecutor(this)); choosing the right health services client having a clear understanding of every client type and their applications help you to make informed decisions when creating your application. this information helps you avoid unexpected results while interacting with the sensors on the device and it improves the overall user experience of your application. receiving health data updates in the background to receive data updates in the background, your application must have a broadcastreceiver declared in its androidmanifest.xml, as we mentioned in our previous post. the updates from health services regarding passive data is delivered to this receiver. so far, we have presented the key features for every client. you can make a more informed and confident decision of how to make the most of health services within your application. we encourage you to check health services to take advantage of all of these features.
tutorials health, galaxy watch
bloggalaxy watch offers a convenient way of measuring exercise progress. modern sensors designed specifically for health services provide the most precise readings. after connecting to health services, you can measure certain exercises and track their values. this blog describes all the important steps to build an exercise tracking app using the health services api. we use example code introduced in health code lab for tracking exercise. you can download the source code from this code lab. health services defines a variety of exercise types. for a full exercise type list, take a look at exercisetype. on galaxy watch4 and galaxy watch4 classic, a repetition counter is available for the following exercises: back_extension barbell_shoulder_press bench_press bench_sit_up burpee crunch deadlift forward_twist dumbbell_curl_right_arm dumbbell_front_raise dumbbell_lateral_raise dumbbell_triceps_extension_left_arm dumbbell_triceps_extension_right_arm dumbbell_triceps_extension_two_arm dumbbell_curl_left_arm jump_rope jumping_jack lat_pull_down lunge squat upper_twist in this application, we are going to use deadlift. the example code used for deadlift can be easily adapted to track all repetition-based exercises. the basics of connecting to health services are covered in the blog using health services on galaxy watch. setting up an exercise once connected to the health services api, we are ready to set up the exercise. in this case we use deadlift as a sample exercise. first, we need to get the exercise client: exerciseclient exerciseclient = client.getexerciseclient(); after that, we need to set the exercise type in the configuration builder: exercisetype exercisetype = exercisetype.deadlift exerciseconfigbuilder exerciseconfigbuilder = exerciseconfig.builder() .setexercisetype(exercisetype); to see what can be tracked for our exercise, we need to check its capabilities. we do this by using a listenablefuture object and listening for a callback from health services. listenablefuture<exercisecapabilities> capabilitieslistenablefuture = exerciseclient.getcapabilities(); when we receive a callback, we can receive a set with capabilities: futurecallback<exercisecapabilities>() { @override public void onsuccess(@nullable exercisecapabilities result) { try { exercisetypecapabilities exercisetypecapabilities = result.getexercisetypecapabilities(exercisetype); set<datatype> exercisecapabilitiesset = exercisetypecapabilities.getexercisecapabilities(result); } if you do not want to track some of these values, at this point, you can remove them from a set. by default, all datatypes that a certain exercise can measure are being stored as a set. by removing them before setting up a configuration builder, you can exclude tracking unnecessary values. once we are ready, we can finish configuring an exercise: exerciseconfigbuilder = exerciseconfig.builder() .setexercisetype(exercisetype) .setdatatypes(exercisecapabilitiesset); setting up exercise listener an exercise listener is an object that allows us to get exercise updates from health services, whenever they are available. to set up the listener, we need to override three methods: exerciseupdatelistener exerciseupdatelistener = new exerciseupdatelistener() { @override public void onexerciseupdate(exerciseupdate update) { //processing your update } @override public void onavailabilitychanged(datatype datatype, availability availability) { //processing availability } @override public void onlapsummary(exerciselapsummary summary) { //processing lap summary } }; starting and stopping the exercise we are ready to start tracking our exercise. to do that, we use the listenablefuture object that gets callbacks from the healthservices api whenever an update is available. to build this object, we send our configuration to the exercise client while starting measurement: listenablefuture<void> startexerciselistenablefuture = exerciseclient.startexercise(; when we get a callback from the healthservices api, we start our listener: listenablefuture<void> updatelistenablefuture = exerciseclient.setupdatelistener(exerciseupdatelistener); we finish exercise in a similar way, by creating a listenablefuture object that asks the health services api to stop tracking exercise: listenablefuture<void> endexerciselistenablefuture = exerciseclient.endexercise() processing exercise update data exercise update data contains various information about the performed exercise. after setting up a listener, we retrieve it in a callback: public void onexerciseupdate(@nonnull exerciseupdate update) { try { updaterepcount(update); } catch (deadliftexception exception) { log.e(tag, "error getting exercise update: ", exception); } } in this example, we focus on one of most important readings—latest metrics. we store them in a map: map<datatype, list<datapoint>> map = update.getlatestmetrics(); now we can read particular values by looking for their key: list<datapoint> reppoints = map.get(datatype.rep_count); list<datapoint> caloriespoints = map.get(datatype.total_calories); the last value on the list is the latest reading in the current update. we can use it in our application, for example, when updating a label: string repvalue = string.format("%d", iterables.getlast(reppoints).getvalue().aslong()); txtreps.settext(string.format("reps count: %s", repvalue)); this is how exercise data can be accessed and processed using health services on galaxy watch. it’s a quick and convenient way to track its progress that everybody can implement into a watch application.
tutorials health, galaxy watch, mobile
blogthe samsung privileged health sdk enables your application to collect vital signs and other health parameters tracked on galaxy watch running wear os powered by samsung. the tracked data can be displayed immediately or retained for later analysis. some kinds of tracked data, such as batching data, are impractical to display on a watch screen in real-time, so it is common to store the data in a database or server solution or show them on the larger screen of a mobile device. this blog demonstrates how to develop 2 connected sample applications. a watch application uses the samsung privileged health sdk to collect heart rate tracker data, then uses the wearable data layer api to transmit it to a companion application on the user’s android mobile device, which displays the data as a simple list on its screen. you can follow along with the demonstration by downloading the sample application project. to test the applications, you need a galaxy watch4 (or higher model) and a connected android mobile device. creating the application project the application project consists of a wearable module for the watch, and a mobile module for android mobile devices: in android studio, select open file > new > new project. select wear os > empty wear app and click next. new wear app define the project details. project details to create a companion mobile application for the watch application, check the pair with empty phone app box. notemake sure that the application id is identical for both modules in their “build.gradle” files. for more information about creating multi-module projects, see from wrist to hand: develop a companion app for your wearable application. implementing the watch application the watch application ui has 2 buttons. the start/stop button controls heart data tracking, and the send button transfers the collected data to the connected mobile device. the screen consists of a heart rate field and 4 ibi value fields, since there can be up to 4 ibi values in a single tracking result. watch application ui track and extract heart rate data when the user taps the start button on the wearable application ui, the starttracking() function from the mainviewmodel class is invoked. the application must check that the galaxy watch supports the heart rate tracking capability that we want to implement, as the supported capabilities depend on the device model and software version. retrieve the list of supported health trackers with the trackingcapability.supporthealthtrackertypes of the healthtrackingservice class: override fun hascapabilities(): boolean { log.i(tag, "hascapabilities()") healthtrackingservice = healthtrackingserviceconnection.gethealthtrackingservice() val trackers: list<healthtrackertype> = healthtrackingservice!!.trackingcapability.supporthealthtrackertypes return trackers.contains(trackingtype) } to track the heart rate values on the watch, read the flow of values received in the ondatareceived() listener: @experimentalcoroutinesapi override suspend fun track(): flow<trackermessage> = callbackflow { val updatelistener = object : healthtracker.trackereventlistener { override fun ondatareceived(datapoints: mutablelist<datapoint>) { for (datapoint in datapoints) { var trackeddata: trackeddata? = null val hrvalue = datapoint.getvalue(valuekey.heartrateset.heart_rate) val hrstatus = datapoint.getvalue(valuekey.heartrateset.heart_rate_status) if (ishrvalid(hrstatus)) { trackeddata = trackeddata() = hrvalue log.i(tag, "valid hr: $hrvalue") } else { coroutinescope.runcatching { trysendblocking(trackermessage.trackerwarningmessage(geterror(hrstatus.tostring()))) } } val validibilist = getvalidibilist(datapoint) if (validibilist.size > 0) { if (trackeddata == null) trackeddata = trackeddata() trackeddata.ibi.addall(validibilist) } if ((ishrvalid(hrstatus) || validibilist.size > 0) && trackeddata != null) { coroutinescope.runcatching { trysendblocking(trackermessage.datamessage(trackeddata)) } } if (trackeddata != null) { validhrdata.add(trackeddata) } } trimdatalist() } fun geterror(errorkeyfromtracker: string): string { val str = errors.getvalue(errorkeyfromtracker) return context.resources.getstring(str) } override fun onflushcompleted() { log.i(tag, "onflushcompleted()") coroutinescope.runcatching { trysendblocking(trackermessage.flushcompletedmessage) } } override fun onerror(trackererror: healthtracker.trackererror?) { log.i(tag, "onerror()") coroutinescope.runcatching { trysendblocking(trackermessage.trackererrormessage(geterror(trackererror.tostring()))) } } } heartratetracker = healthtrackingservice!!.gethealthtracker(trackingtype) setlistener(updatelistener) awaitclose { log.i(tag, "tracking flow awaitclose()") stoptracking() } } each tracking result is within a list in the datapoints argument of the ondatareceived() update listener. the sample application implements on-demand heart rate tracking, the update listener is invoked every second and each data point list contains 1 element. to extract a heart rate from data point: val hrvalue = datapoint.getvalue(valuekey.heartrateset.heart_rate) val hrstatus = datapoint.getvalue(valuekey.heartrateset.heart_rate_status) a status parameter is returned in addition to the heart rate data. if the heart rate reading was successful, its value is 1. each inter-beat interval data point consists of a list of values and the corresponding status for each value. since samsung privileged health sdk version 1.2.0, there can be up to 4 ibi values in a single data point, depending on the heart rate. if the ibi reading is valid, the value of the status parameter is 0. to extract only ibi data that is valid and whose value is not 0: private fun isibivalid(ibistatus: int, ibivalue: int): boolean { return ibistatus == 0 && ibivalue != 0 } fun getvalidibilist(datapoint: datapoint): arraylist<int> { val ibivalues = datapoint.getvalue(valuekey.heartrateset.ibi_list) val ibistatuses = datapoint.getvalue(valuekey.heartrateset.ibi_status_list) val validibilist = arraylist<int>() for ((i, ibistatus) in ibistatuses.withindex()) { if (isibivalid(ibistatus, ibivalues[i])) { validibilist.add(ibivalues[i]) } } send data to the mobile application the application uses the messageclient class of the wearable data layer api to send messages to the connected mobile device. messages are useful for remote procedure calls (rpc), one-way requests, or in request-or-response communication models. when a message is sent, if the sending and receiving devices are connected, the system queues the message for delivery and returns a successful result code. the successful result code does not necessarily mean that the message was delivered successfully, as the devices can be disconnected before the message is received. to advertise and discover devices on the same network with features that the watch can interact with, use the capabilityclient class of the wearable data layer api. each device on the network is represented as a node that supports various capabilities (features) that an application defines at build time or configures dynamically at runtime. your watch application can search for nodes with a specific capability and interact with it, such as sending messages. this can also work in the opposite direction, with the wearable application advertising the capabilities it supports. when the user taps the send button on the wearable application ui, the sendmessage() function from the mainviewmodel class is invoked, which triggers code in the sendmessageusecase class: override suspend fun sendmessage(message: string, node: node, messagepath: string): boolean { val nodeid = var result = false nodeid.also { id -> messageclient .sendmessage( id, messagepath, message.tobytearray(charset = charset.defaultcharset()) ).apply { addonsuccesslistener { log.i(tag, "sendmessage onsuccesslistener") result = true } addonfailurelistener { log.i(tag, "sendmessage onfailurelistener") result = false } }.await() log.i(tag, "result: $result") return result } } to find a destination node for the message, retrieve all the available capabilities on the network: override suspend fun getcapabilitiesforreachablenodes(): map<node, set<string>> { log.i(tag, "getcapabilities()") val allcapabilities = capabilityclient.getallcapabilities(capabilityclient.filter_reachable).await() return allcapabilities.flatmap { (capability, capabilityinfo) -> { it to capability } } .groupby( keyselector = { it.first }, valuetransform = { it.second } ) .mapvalues { it.value.toset() } } since the mobile module of the sample application advertises having the “wear” capability, to find an appropriate destination node, retrieve the list of connected nodes that support it: override suspend fun getnodesforcapability( capability: string, allcapabilities: map<node, set<string>> ): set<node> { return allcapabilities.filtervalues { capability in it }.keys } select the first node from the list, encode the message as a json string, and send the message to the node: suspend operator fun invoke(): boolean { val nodes = getcapablenodes() return if (nodes.isnotempty()) { val node = nodes.first() val message = encodemessage(trackingrepository.getvalidhrdata()) messagerepository.sendmessage(message, node, message_path) true } else { log.i(tag, "no compatible nodes found") false } } implementing the mobile application the mobile application ui consists of a list of the heart rate and inter-beat interval values received from the watch. the list is scrollable. mobile application ui receive and display data from the watch application to enable the mobile application to listen for data from the watch and launch when it receives data, define the datalistenerservice service in the mobile application’s androidmanifest.xml file, within the <application> element: <service android:name="" android:exported="true"> <intent-filter> <action android:name="" /> <action android:name="" /> <action android:name="" /> <action android:name="" /> <action android:name="" /> <data android:host="*" android:pathprefix="/msg" android:scheme="wear" /> </intent-filter> </service> implement the datalistenerservice class in the application code to listen for and receive message data. the received json string data is passed as a parameter: private const val tag = "datalistenerservice" private const val message_path = "/msg" class datalistenerservice : wearablelistenerservice() { override fun onmessagereceived(messageevent: messageevent) { super.onmessagereceived(messageevent) val value = log.i(tag, "onmessagereceived(): $value") when (messageevent.path) { message_path -> { log.i(tag, "service: message (/msg) received: $value") if (value != "") { startactivity( intent(this, .addflags(intent.flag_activity_new_task).putextra("message", value) ) } else { log.i(tag, "value is an empty string") } } } to decode the message data: fun decodemessage(message: string): list<trackeddata> { return json.decodefromstring(message) } to display the received data on the application screen: @composable fun mainscreen( results: list<trackeddata> ) { column( modifier = modifier .fillmaxsize() .background(, verticalarrangement =, horizontalalignment = alignment.centerhorizontally ) { spacer( modifier .height(70.dp) .fillmaxwidth() .background( ) listview(results) } } running the applications to run the wearable and mobile applications: connect your galaxy watch and android mobile device (both devices must be paired with each other) to android studio on your computer. select wear from the modules list and the galaxy watch device from the devices list, then click run. the wearable application launches on the watch. connected devices select mobile from the modules list and the android mobile device from the devices list, then click run. the mobile application launches on the mobile device. wear the watch on your wrist and tap start. the watch begins tracking your heart rate. after some tracked values appear on the watch screen, to send the values to the mobile application, tap send. if the mobile application is not running, it is launched. the tracked heart data appears on the mobile application screen. to stop tracking, tap stop on the watch. conclusions the samsung privileged health sdk enables you to track health data, such as heart rate, from a user’s galaxy watch4 or higher smartwatch model. to display the tracked data on a larger screen, you can use the messageclient of the wearable data layer api to send the data to a companion application on the connected mobile device. to develop more advanced application features, you can also use the dataclient class to send data to devices not currently in range of the watch, delivering it only when the device is connected. resources heart rate data transfer code lab
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