qr code error correction level. four error correction levels are available: l/m/q/h. merchantid optional. merchant identifier. use this field if you have merchant id. merchantname optional. merchant name. amount optional. total amount of points or initial balance. it is recommended to use a one-letter currency symbol. use any of these formats: $1,000 or 1,000p. balance optional. available points or remaining balance. use the same format as the amount field. card json example the card data must be in the json format and needs to follow the specific structure. the example below shows a card data sample that we have used to implement the loyalty card used in this content. modify the card data as per your card information. find more about the card data format in the wallet cards documentation. { "card": { "type": "loyalty", "subtype": "others", "data": [ { "refid": "9400ae65-751b-4327-866c-37e8c228f1c4", "createdat": 1672574400000, "updatedat": 1672574400000, "language": "en", "attributes": { "title": "card title", "eventid": "event-001", "groupingid": "group-001", "orderid": "order-001", "subtitle1": "card subtitle", "logoimage": "https://kr-cdn-gpp.stg.mcsvc.samsung.com/devops/ops/partner-portal/test-tool/assets/img/ticket_movie.jpg", "logoimage.lighturl": "https://kr-cdn-gpp.stg.mcsvc.samsung.com/devops/ops/partner-portal/test-tool/assets/img/ticket_movie.jpg", "logoimage.darkurl": "https://kr-cdn-gpp.stg.mcsvc.samsung.com/devops/ops/partner-portal/test-tool/assets/img/ticket_movie.jpg", "providername": "provider name", "startdate": 1715533051242, "enddate": 1715833051242, "noticedesc": "<ul><li>loyalty card notice. <a href=\"https://www.samsung.com/\">learn more.</a></li><li>loyalty card notice.</li></ul>", "csinfo": "{\"website\":\"https://homepage.com/cs\",\"email\":\"cs@email.com\",\"call\":\"555 333 111\"}", "applinklogo": "https://play-lh.googleusercontent.com/znfa1roz7hpv9j-jiacbjmjudl2x-fnuwte0oyvbbcwvf5vpzoqqikbxgk7d-aptvag=w240-h480-rw", "applinkname": "loyalty card link", "applinkdata": "www.samsung.com", "bgimage": "https://djcpagh05u38x.cloudfront.net/wlt/us/stg/x1iwgocnroqa5dmwpykfkq/qupknpwntmqt7letkgufag.png", "bgcolor": "#ffffff", "fontcolor": "#ffffff", "locations": "[{\"lat\":48.861614505643196,\"lng\":2.380811870098114,\"address\":\"38 rue saint-maur, 75011 paris\",\"name\":\"atelier des lumieres\"}]", "amount": "$1,000", "balance": "$100", "barcode.value": "cs16138353212584806754fg1802", "barcode.serialtype": "qrcode", "barcode.ptsubformat": "qr_code", "barcode.ptformat": "qrcodeserial", "barcode.errorcorrectionlevel": "m", "merchantid": "123344433", "merchantname": "merchantname" } } ] } } test with the add to wallet test tool once the card data specification details and the json structure of the loyalty card are established, we can test the "add to samsung wallet" functionality. first, we use the add to wallet test tool as this tool provides minimal card data in json format by default. after that, you can modify the json data and test the cards as you want. follow the instructions below to use the add to wallet test tool. for more details, refer to the add to wallet test tool documentation. sign in to the add to wallet test tool. enter the private key in the enter partner private key field. select the loyalty card we have created and then enter the json in the data field. finally add the card to samsung wallet. create jwt token if testing with add to wallet test tool is successful, you can implement the "add to samsung wallet" functionality with your application or website and handle the card data token generation process on your server. finally, generate the url and integrate it with the "add to samsung wallet" button. for more details on the implementation, check out our implementing "add to wallet" in an android application article, which is a complete guide to implementing the "add to samsung wallet" button on an android application and handling the card data token generation process on the server side. conclusion once the implementation of both the application and server is completed, you can integrate the loyalty card with your production server and perform a full test on the loyalty card. after the test is done, an admin will check and set the card as active. while implementing your card, follow the steps shown in seamlessly integrate "add to wallet" for samsung wallet, as this article focuses on the common mistakes. if you have any questions or face difficulties implementing the card, you can contact samsung developer support. related resources integrate "add to samsung wallet" button into partner services implementing "add to wallet" in an android application seamlessly integrate "add to wallet" for samsung wallet