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Develop Smart Hospitality Display
apiavplayextension api to use samsung product api, <script type="text/javascript" src="$webapis/avplayextension/avplayextension js"></script> should be loaded in index html the module defines the functionalities of the player that are exposed and which could be easily used by an application or widget developer to support multimedia rtp/udp playback for audio or video that are provided by the tizen samsung product api since 6 5 product b2b htv remark webapp should include avplayextension js file in index html summary of interfaces and methods interface method avplaymanagerobject avplaymanager void open domstring url ;void close ;void prepare ;void prepareasync optional successcallback? successcallback, optional errorcallback? errorcallback ;void setdisplayrect unsigned long x, unsigned long y, unsigned long width, unsigned long height ;void play ;void stop ;avplayplayerstate getstate ;unsigned long getcurrenttime ;void setlistener avplayplaybackcallback playbackcallback ;domstring setdrm avplaydrmtype drmtype, avplaydrmoperation drmoperation, domstring jsonparam ;void setdisplaymethod avplaydisplaymode displaymode ;void setselecttrack avplaystreamtype tracktype, long trackindex ;avplaystreaminfo getcurrentstreaminfo ;avplaystreaminfo[] gettotaltrackinfo ;void setstreamingproperty avplaystreamingpropertytype propertytype, any propparam ;domstring getversion ;void setdisplayrotation domstring displayrotation ; avplayplaybackcallback void onevent avplayevent eventid, domstring data ;void onerror avplayerror eventid ;void ondrmevent avplaydrmtype type, drmdata data ; 1 type definitions 1 1 avplayplayerstate this enumeration defines the player states enum avplayplayerstate { "none", "idle", "ready", "playing", "paused" }; the following values are supported none indicates that the player is not created idle indicates that the player is created but not prepared ready indicates that the player is ready to play a media playing indicates that the player is playing a media paused indicates that the player is paused 1 2 avplaydisplaymode this enumeration defines the possible values for webapis avplay setdisplaymethod enum avplaydisplaymode { "player_display_mode_letter_box", "player_display_mode_full_screen", "player_display_mode_auto_aspect_ratio" }; the following values are supported player_display_mode_letter_box letter box mode player_display_mode_full_screen full screen mode player_display_mode_auto_aspect_ratio use the dar/par from the video info to show video 1 3 avplaystreamingpropertytype this enumeration specifies the values for a specific feature in udp/rtp enum avplaystreamingpropertytype { "enable_ttx", "set_interactive_mode" }; the following values are supported enable_ttx sets the player to handle ttx dataservice in streams it has one string parameter, which is either "true" or "false" for setstreamingproperty set_interactive_mode enables the interactive mode which sets the latency to the player it has two parameters, one is the "mode" and the other is the "latency" for setstreamingproperty the mode value can be 0 off and 1 on , the latency must be given in milliseconds 1 4 avplaydrmtype this enumeration specifies the different drm types defined by the player enum avplaydrmtype { "proidiom", "lynk" }; the following values are supported proidiom indicates drm type is pro idiom lynk indicates drm type is lynkdrm scas 1 5 avplaydrmoperation this enumeration defines the different drm operations by the player enum avplaydrmoperation { "initialize", "finalize" }; the following values are supported initialize initializes the drm instance for further processing finalize finalizes the drm instance which was created earlier this must be done at the end before closing the player instance 1 6 avplaystreamtype this enumeration defines the stream types defined by the player enum avplaystreamtype { "video", "audio", "text" }; the following values are supported video indicates the video track audio indicates the audio track text indicates the subtitle track 1 7 avplayerror this enumeration defines the player error message types defined by the player enum avplayerror { "player_error_none", "player_error_invalid_parameter", "player_error_invalid_operation", "player_error_invalid_state", "player_error_not_supported_file", "player_error_invalid_uri", "player_error_connection_failed", "player_error_genereic" }; the following values are supported player_error_none indicates that the operation is successfully completed player_error_invalid_parameter if the player finds any parameter which a caller is trying to configure on it to be incorrect, this error is generated player_error_invalid_operation indicates an invalid api call at the moment player_error_invalid_state indicates the error that is generated when any api is called in a state where it is not suggested to be called refer to apis description for valid states player_error_not_supported_file indicates the error that is generated, when required multimedia components are not available to play the given content player_error_invalid_uri indicates an error that is generated when an input uri is in the invalid format player_error_connection_failed indicates the error that is generated, when no data is coming from the network player_error_genereic if the player fails to create a display window, this error is generated 1 8 avplayevent this enumeration defines the events that come from the player enum avplayevent { "player_msg_none", "player_streaming_event" }; the following values are supported player_msg_none notifies that a multimedia component message is not recognized by the player player_streaming_event any type of streaming data that the caller needs would be posted through this event 1 9 avplaystreaminfo the avplaystreaminfo dictionary specifies the streaming media-related information for the video, audio, and the subtitles during various streaming scenarios dictionary avplaystreaminfo { unsigned long index; avplaystreamtype type; domstring extra_info; }; the following values are supported index index value of the stream type type of the stream, either video, audio, or text extra_info domstring json string containing all the media-related information all stream types have an extra_info string //video extra_info example "{fourcc "h264","width" "1920","height" "1080","bit_rate" " 477000"}" //audio extra_info example "{"language" "fr","channels" "2","sample_rate" "48000","bit_rate" "256000","fourcc" "mpeg","track_lang" "fra","audio_type" "0"}" //text subtitle extra_info example "{"track_lang" "eng","subtitle_type" "0","pid" "258","subtitle_mode" "0"}" if the stream type is invalid, the domstring becomes null and the index value becomes -1 1 10 drmdata the drmdata dictionary specifies information about the data received from the player via the drm event dictionary drmdata { domstring name; long code; domstring message; long reserved; }; the following values are supported name name for the message received from the player code signifies the drm error code message drm error message generally, it is a human readable message reserved reserved for future use 2 interfaces 2 1 avplaymanagerobject the interface defines what is instantiated by the webapi object of the tizen-based samsung tv product api there will be a webapis object that allows access to the functionality of the avplay api [nointerfaceobject] interface avplaymanagerobject { readonly attribute avplaymanager avplay; }; webapi implements avplaymanagerobject; attributes readonly avplaymanager avplay namespace for the avplay api 2 2 avplaymanager this interface provides methods to use the avplay functionalities [nointerfaceobject] interface avplaymanager { void open domstring url ; void close ; void prepare ; void prepareasync optional successcallback? successcallback, optional errorcallback? errorcallback ; void setdisplayrect unsigned long x, unsigned long y, unsigned long width, unsigned long height ; void play ; void stop ; avplayplayerstate getstate ; unsigned long getcurrenttime ; void setlistener avplayplaybackcallback playbackcallback ; domstring setdrm avplaydrmtype drmtype, avplaydrmoperation drmoperation, domstring jsonparam ; void setdisplaymethod avplaydisplaymode displaymode ; void setselecttrack avplaystreamtype tracktype, long trackindex ; avplaystreaminfo getcurrentstreaminfo ; avplaystreaminfo gettotaltrackinfo ; void setstreamingproperty avplaystreamingpropertytype propertytype, any propparam ; domstring getversion ; void setdisplayrotation domstring displayrotation ; }; methods open this method instantiates the player object and takes the content url as the input parameter void open domstring url ; product b2b htv constraint can be called in the following states "none", "idle" privilege level partner privilege http //developer samsung com/privilege/streamingtvplayer parameters url the url of content to play it supports udp and rtp multicast urls exceptions webapiexception with error type typemismatcherror, if the input parameter is not compatible with the expected type with error type notsupportederror, if this feature is not supported with error type invalidvalueserror, if any of the input parameters contains an invalid value with error type invalidstateerror, if it is called in an invalid state with error type unknownerror in any other error case code example try { webapis avplay open url ; } catch e { console log e ; } close this method destroys the avplay object void close ; product b2b htv constraint can be called in the following states "none", "idle", "ready", "paused" , "playing" exceptions webapiexception with error type notsupportederror, if this feature is not supported with error type unknownerror in any other error case code example try { webapis avplay close ; } catch e { console log e ; } prepare this method prepares the media player for playback the player must have been created beforehand with a valid uri this prepare method is synchronous hence, the calling context would be blocked until the player is prepared void prepare ; product b2b htv constraint can be called in the following states "idle", "ready" exceptions webapiexception with error type notsupportederror, if this feature is not supported with error type invalidvalueserror, if the given url through open is invalid //for example, webapis avplay open "invalidurl" with error type invalidaccesserror, if the given url through open is valid but have outside multicast range //for example, webapis avplay open "udp //219 10 10 10" with error type invalidstateerror, if it is called in an invalid state with error type unknownerror in any other error case code example try { webapis avplay prepare ; } catch e { console log e ; } prepareasync this method prepares the media player for playback, asynchronously this api prepares the mm core module, asynchronously it means that the internal media elements will change the state, asynchronously we recommend this asynchronous prepareasync call instead of the prepare call which is synchronous api which blocks the entire application during its execution prepareasync returns immediately, rather than blocking until enough data has been buffered since this works in asynchronous model, this does not block the executing thread and the application is responsive during its execution when prepareasync gets successfully completed, it returns with successcallback and player reached in ready state for some reason, e g network error, it returns with errorcallback with error value void prepareasync optional successcallback? successcallback, optional errorcallback? errorcallback ; product b2b htv constraint can be called in the following states "idle", "ready" parameters successcallback [optional][nullable] callback method to be invoked when this api is successful errorcallback [optional][nullable] callback method to invoke when an error occurs this function has one parameter which shows the following errortypes notsupportederror, if this feature is not supported invalidvalueserror, if the given url through open is invalid e g , webapis avplay open "invalidurl" invalidaccesserror, if the given url through open is valid, but does not exist or network issue e g , webapis avplay open "http //abc" invalidstateerror, if it is called in an invalid state unknownerror, for any other error exceptions webapiexception with error type typemismatcherror, if an input parameter is not compatible with the expected type code example webapis avplay prepareasync = function successcallback, errorcallback { if typeof successcallback === 'undefined' { successcallback = null; } if typeof errorcallback === 'undefined' { errorcallback = null; } try { webapis epavplay prepareasync successcallback, errorcallback ; } catch e { logerror e ; throw e ; } }; setdisplayrect this method sets the display area for playing the video content on the tv screen it should be called for showing the video after calling an open method app's default resolution is 1920x1080 it needs 4 parameters left,top,width,height that always use 1920 x 1080 coordinate system regardless of your application resolution void setdisplayrect unsigned long x, unsigned long y, unsigned long width, unsigned long height ; product b2b htv constraint can be called in the following states "idle", "paused", "ready", "playing" parameters x coordinate of the display area in the tv screen coordinates this x value is smaller than the tv screen width y coordinate of the display area in the tv screen coordinates this y value is smaller than the tv screen height width the width of the display area this value is smaller than the width of the tv screen height the height of the display area from the source image this value is smaller than the height of the source image exceptions webapiexception with error type typemismatcherror, if the input parameter is not compatible with the expected type with error type notsupportederror, if this feature is not supported with error type invalidvalueserror, if any of the input parameters contains an invalid value with error type invalidstateerror, if it is called in an invalid state with error type unknownerror in any other error case code example try { webapis avplay setdisplayrect 0, 0, 1920, 1080 ; } catch e { console log e ; } play this method starts the playback of the stream void play ; product b2b htv constraint can be called in the following states "ready", "paused" exceptions webapiexception with error type notsupportederror, if this feature is not supported with error type invalidstateerror, if it is called in an invalid state with error type unknownerror in any other error case code example try { webapis avplay play ; } catch e { console log e ; } stop this method stops the player and hence any video that is currently being played void stop ; product b2b htv constraint can be called in the following states "none", "idle", "ready", "paused", "playing" exceptions webapiexception with error type notsupportederror, if this feature is not supported with error type unknownerror in any other error case code example try { webapis avplay stop ; } catch e { console log e ; } getstate this method returns the current state of the underlying player which is associated with the avplay object avplayplayerstate getstate ; product b2b htv constraint can be called in the following states "none", "idle", "ready", "playing", "paused" return value avplayplayerstate returns the state of the player "none", "idle", "ready", "playing", "paused" exceptions webapiexception with error type notsupportederror, if this feature is not supported with error type unknownerror in any other error case code example var bret = webapis avplay getstate ; getcurrenttime this method returns the current play time in milliseconds unsigned long getcurrenttime ; product b2b htv constraint can be called in the following states "none", "idle", "ready", "playing", "paused" return value unsigned long current playback time in milliseconds exceptions webapiexception with error type notsupportederror, if this feature is not supported with error type unknownerror in any other error case code example var currentplaytime = webapis avplay getcurrenttime ; setlistener this method is used in order to obtain the player information, the drm mode information etc , and the callback function is registered when the relevant event occurs, the relevant callback function gets called asynchronously void setlistener avplayplaybackcallback playbackcallback ; product b2b htv constraint can be called in the following states "none", "idle" recommended , "ready", "paused", "playing" but it is highly recommended to call this api just after player_status_idle for onerror, onevent, ondrmevent, it must be in player_status_idle i e just after player is created , otherwise the necessary information will be missed parameters playbackcallback avplayplaybackcallback exceptions webapiexception with error type typemismatcherror, if the input parameter is not compatible with the expected type with error type notsupportederror, if this feature is not supported with error type invalidvalueserror, if any of the input parameters contains an invalid value with error type unknownerror in any other error case code example var listener = { onevent function eventtype, eventdata { console log "event type error " + eventtype + ", data " + eventdata ; }, onerror function eventtype { console log "event type error " + eventtype ; }, ondrmevent function drmevent, drmdata { console log "drm callback " + drmevent + ", data " + drmdata ; } } webapis avplay setlistener listener ; setdrm this method updates the drm information, such as setproperties, etc it changes the drm mode, and runs the control feature every drm has difference between avplaydrmoperation and jsonparam domstring setdrm avplaydrmtype drmtype, avplaydrmoperation drmoperation, domstring jsonparam ; product b2b htv constraint can be called in the following states "idle" privilege level public privilege http //developer samsung com/privilege/drmplay parameters drmtype is the type of the drm drmoperation avplaydrmoperation this is a string parameter which specifies the drm operation to be performed for the current playback session it can have these values{"initialize", "finalize" } "setproperties" this operation is used when the drm related information is stringified in "json_string" format and passed along with this operation this is mainly used for setting the drm information like license server, etc //example setting license server some of the code examples are given below jsonparam domstring drm parameter represented by json string not object the application can call json stringify to generate json string in java script the above given drm operation examples could be stringified in this json_string param return value domstring "true" in case of success and "false" if fails exceptions webapiexception with error type typemismatcherror, if the input parameter is not compatible with the expected type with error type notsupportederror, if this feature is not supported with error type invalidvalueserror, if any of the input parameters contains an invalid value with error type securityerror, if the application does not have the privilege to call this method with error type invalidstateerror, if it is called in an invalid state, "none" with error type unknownerror in any other error case during failure scenarios this api would post an exception the following could be the possible exception scenarios drm create failed if creation of the underlying drm module failed, an exception would be sent back with "false" return status of this api call invalid drm session if an invalid drm session is detected, an exception would be sent back with "false" return status of this api call drm configuration failure if a drm configuration failure is detected, an exception would be sent back with "false" return status of this api call note if you use this api, a special privilege level is required insert the http //developer samsung com/privilege/drmplay in the config xml file of the web application check below example <tizen privilege name="http //developer samsung com/privilege/drmplay"/> code example // example proidiom setting forensic data var drmparam = new object ; drmparam forensicdata = "xxxxxxx"; playerobj setdrm "proidiom", "initialize", json stringify drmparam ; // example lynkdrm setting type and lynk server var drmparam = new object ; drmparam type ="2"; drmparam lynkserver="xxx xxx xxx xxx xxxxx"; playerobj setdrm "lynk", "initialize", json stringify drmparam ; setdisplaymethod this method sets the video screen mode within the given display area void setdisplaymethod avplaydisplaymode displaymode ; product b2b htv constraint can be called in the following states "idle", "paused", "ready", "playing" limitation this api works when set as setdisplayrect 0,0,1920,1080 parameters displaymode could be one of "player_display_mode_letter_box", "player_display_mode_full_screen", "player_display_mode_auto_aspect_ratio" exceptions webapiexception with error type typemismatcherror, if the input parameter is not compatible with the expected type with error type notsupportederror, if this feature is not supported with error type invalidvalueserror, if any of the input parameters contains an invalid value with error type invalidstateerror, if it is called in an invalid state with error type unknownerror in any other error case code example webapis avplay setdisplaymethod "player_display_mode_full_screen" ; setselecttrack this method is used with multi audio/subtitle, when you want to change the audio and subtitle while playing void setselecttrack avplaystreamtype tracktype, long trackindex ; product b2b htv constraint can be called in the following state "playing" parameters tracktype it may be audio or text value trackindex it sets the index value of the avplaystreaminfo obtained through the webapis avplay gettotaltrackinfo function exceptions webapiexception with error type typemismatcherror, if the input parameter is not compatible with the expected type with error type notsupportederror, if this feature is not supported with error type invalidvalueserror, if any of the input parameters contains an invalid value with error type invalidstateerror, if it is called in an invalid state with error type unknownerror in any other error case code example var totaltrackinfo = webapis avplay gettotaltrackinfo ; for var i=0; i<totaltrackinfo length; i++ { if totaltrackinfo type == 'text' { console log 'find subtitle track ' ; console log 'subtitle track index is ' + totaltrackinfo index ; console log 'subtitle track language is ' + totaltrackinfo extra_info track_lang ; } } //for example, choose the subtitle track index number 2 webapis avplay setselecttrack 'text',2 ; getcurrentstreaminfo this method gets the currently playing streams video, audio, and subtitle information it informs that a stream is playing avplaystreaminfo getcurrentstreaminfo ; product b2b htv constraint can be called in the following states "playing" return value avplaystreaminfo avplaystreaminfo structure containing tracktype, extrainfo and index of current stream exceptions webapiexception with error type notsupportederror, if this feature is not supported with error type invalidstateerror, if it is called in an invalid state with error type unknownerror in any other error case code example var streaminfo = webapis avplay getcurrentstreaminfo ; var text = ''; for var i = 0; i < streaminfo length; i++ { text += 'index ' + streaminfo[i] index + ''; text += 'type ' + streaminfo[i] type + ''; text += 'extra_info ' + streaminfo[i] extra_info + ''; } all of stream type has extra_info which is jsonstring //video extra_info example "{fourcc "h264","width" "1920","height" "1080","bit_rate" " 477000"}" //audio extra_info example "{"language" "fr","channels" "2","sample_rate" "48000","bit_rate" "256000","fourcc" "mpeg","track_lang" "fra","audio_type" "0"}" //text subtitle extra_info example "{"track_lang" "eng","subtitle_type" "0","pid" "258","subtitle_mode" "0"}" in the case of invalid stream, the domstring becomes null and the index value becomes -1 gettotaltrackinfo this method gets the currently playing streams information avplaystreaminfo[] gettotaltrackinfo ; product b2b htv constraint can be called in the following state "playing" return value avplaystreaminfo avplaystreaminfo[] structure containing the tracktype, extrainfo, and the index of current stream it returns information for all the available tracks for the entire stream that is available in the current playback the following structure is used to send the information back to the caller for video tracks "{"fourcc" "%s","width" "%u","height" "%u","bit_rate" "%u"}" for audio track "{"language" "%s","channels" "%d","sample_rate" "%d","bit_rate" "%d","fourcc" "%s","track_lang" "%s","audio_type" "%d"}" for subtitle tracks "{"track_lang" "%s","subtitle_type" "%d","pid" "%d","subtitle_mode" "%s"}" exceptions webapiexception with error type notsupportederror, if this feature is not supported with error type invalidstateerror, if it is called in an invalid state with error type unknownerror in any other error case code example var trackinfo = webapis avplay gettotaltrackinfo ; var text = 'type of track info ' + typeof trackinfo + ''; text += 'length ' + trackinfo length + ''; for var i = 0; i<trackinfo length; i++ { text += 'index ' + trackinfo[i] index + ''; text += 'type ' + trackinfo[i] type + ''; text += 'extra_info ' + trackinfo[i] extra_info + ''; } setstreamingproperty this method sets the value for a specific feature in the udp/rtp playback void setstreamingproperty avplaystreamingpropertytype propertytype, any propparam ; product b2b htv constraint can be called in the following player state "idle" parameters propertytype property type to be set to the player propparam value according to the propertytype e g "enable_ttx" propetytypes are true, false, and for the "set_interactive_mode" mode is 1 with latency in milliseconds exceptions webapiexception with error type typemismatcherror, if the input parameter is not compatible with the expected type with error type notsupportederror, if this feature is not supported with error type invalidvalueserror, if any of the input parameters contains an invalid value with error type invalidstateerror, if it is called in an invalid state with error type unknownerror in any other error case code example //set interactive mode example var propparam = new object ; propparam mode ="1"; propparam latency="100"; //latency in ms webapis avplay setstreamingproperty "set_interactive_mode", propparam ; //enable ttx mode example webapis avplay setstreamingproperty "enable_ttx", true ; getversion this method gets the version of avplay domstring getversion ; product b2b htv constraint can be called in the following states "none", "idle", "ready", "paused", "playing" return value domstring domstring string current version exceptions webapiexception with error type notsupportederror, if this feature is not supported with error type unknownerror in any other error case code example var version = webapis avplay getversion ; setdisplayrotation this method sets the rotation settings of the video surface display if no display is set, no operation is performed use this method to change the video orientation to portrait mode this api call will change the origin of the coordinates hence, the application should call setdisplayrect again after calling this api void setdisplayrotation domstring displayrotation ; product b2b htv constraint can be called in the following states "idle", "ready", "playing", "paused" parameters displayrotation the rotation of the display the valid values for the display rotation are "player_display_rotation_none", "player_display_rotation_90", "player_display_rotation_180", "player_display_rotation_270" exceptions webapiexception with error type typemismatcherror, if an input parameter is not compatible with the expected type with error type notsupportederror, if this feature is not supported with error type invalidvalueserror, if any input parameter contains an invalid value with error type invalidstateerror, if it is called in an invalid state with error type unknownerror, for any other error code example webapis avplay setdisplayrotation "player_display_rotation_90" ; 2 3 avplayplaybackcallback this callback interface defines subscriptions for any notification on the buffering, playback [callback=functiononly, nointerfaceobject] interface avplayplaybackcallback { void onevent avplayevent eventid, domstring data ; void onerror avplayerror eventid ; void ondrmevent avplaydrmtype type, drmdata data ; }; methods onevent this method gets called async when some kind of event other event is received from the player void onevent avplayevent eventid, domstring data ; parameters eventid id of the event triggered by the player data description of the event received from the player exceptions webapiexception with error type notsupportederror, if this feature is not supported with error type unknownerror in any other error case code example onevent function eventid, data { console log "onevent callback with eventtype " + eventid ; } onerror this method gets called when an error event is received from the player void onerror avplayerror eventid ; parameters eventid id of the error event trigerred by the player exceptions webapiexception with error type notsupportederror, if this feature is not supported with error type unknownerror in any other error case code example onerror function eventid { console log "onerror event callback with eventtype " + eventid ; } ondrmevent this method gets called when the drm information is received from the player void ondrmevent avplaydrmtype type, drmdata data ; parameters type drm type data detailed information about the drm event received from the player { readonly attribute name name for the message, means an error occurred during the drm processing readonly attribute code signifies the drm error code readonly attribute message drm error message readonly attribute reserved not currently applicable } exceptions webapiexception with error type notsupportederror, if this feature is not supported with error type unknownerror in any other error case code example ondrmevent function type, data { console log "drm callback " + type + ", data " + data ; var errorinfo = { "name" data name, "error_code" data code, "error_message" data message // generally, the error message is human readable } } 3 full webidl module avplayextension { enum avplayplayerstate { "none", "idle", "ready", "playing", "paused" }; enum avplaydisplaymode { "player_display_mode_letter_box", "player_display_mode_full_screen", "player_display_mode_auto_aspect_ratio" }; enum avplaystreamingpropertytype { "enable_ttx", "set_interactive_mode" }; enum avplaydrmtype { "proidiom", "lynk" }; enum avplaydrmoperation { "initialize", "finalize" }; enum avplaystreamtype { "video", "audio", "text" }; enum avplayerror { "player_error_none", "player_error_invalid_parameter", "player_error_invalid_operation", "player_error_invalid_state", "player_error_not_supported_file", "player_error_invalid_uri", "player_error_connection_failed", "player_error_genereic" }; enum avplayevent { "player_msg_none", "player_streaming_event" }; dictionary avplaystreaminfo { unsigned long index; avplaystreamtype type; domstring extra_info; }; dictionary drmdata { domstring name; long code; domstring message; long reserved; }; [nointerfaceobject] interface avplaymanagerobject { readonly attribute avplaymanager avplay; }; webapi implements avplaymanagerobject; [nointerfaceobject] interface avplaymanager { void open domstring url ; void close ; void prepare ; void prepareasync optional successcallback? successcallback, optional errorcallback? errorcallback ; void setdisplayrect unsigned long x, unsigned long y, unsigned long width, unsigned long height ; void play ; void stop ; avplayplayerstate getstate ; unsigned long getcurrenttime ; void setlistener avplayplaybackcallback playbackcallback ; domstring setdrm avplaydrmtype drmtype, avplaydrmoperation drmoperation, domstring jsonparam ; void setdisplaymethod avplaydisplaymode displaymode ; void setselecttrack avplaystreamtype tracktype, long trackindex ; avplaystreaminfo getcurrentstreaminfo ; avplaystreaminfo[] gettotaltrackinfo ; void setstreamingproperty avplaystreamingpropertytype propertytype, any propparam ; domstring getversion ; void setdisplayrotation domstring displayrotation ; }; [callback=functiononly, nointerfaceobject] interface avplayplaybackcallback { void onevent avplayevent eventid, domstring data ; void onerror avplayerror eventid ; void ondrmevent avplaydrmtype type, drmdata data ; }; };
Develop Smart Hospitality Display
apitizen tv web device api reference the tizen web device api, based on javascript, provides you advanced access to the device's platform capabilities you can develop rich web applications using the tizen web device apis you can, for example, control the application life-cycle, manage your schedules, exchange data, or make payments using nfc the apis listed in this category are created by the tizen platform to expose device capabilities to web applications warning some apis, such as tvaudiocontrol api, may not run on a device whose tv model group does not support muting or tv channel source base api description version since tv supported on emulator archive this api provides interfaces and methods to create an archive file as well as various other kinds of manipulation e g extract files, add a file to an archive file 2 3 mandatory yes filesystem this api provides access to the file system of a device this api might be obsolete in the future when w3c file apis are extended to access system-sensitive files by web applications 1 0 mandatory yes tizen the base object for accessing the tizen web device api 1 0 mandatory yes table 1 base apis application framework api description version since tv supported on emulator alarm this api provides functionality for setting and unsetting alarms 1 0 mandatory yes application this api provides information about running and installed applications and controls them 1 0 mandatory yes datacontrol this api provides interfaces and methods for accessing specific data exported by other applications 2 4 mandatory yes messageport this api provides the functionality for communication with other applications 2 1 mandatory yes package this api provides information install/uninstall package and get information about installed packages 2 1 mandatory yes table 2 application framework apis content api description version since tv supported on emulator content this api provides functionality to discover multimedia content such as images, videos or music 2 0 mandatory yes download this api provides interfaces and methods for downloading remote objects by http request 2 0 optional yes table 3 content apis machine learning api description version since tv supported on emulator machine learning this api provides functions for machine learning features that help you to handle neural network frameworks 6 5 mandatory yes single this api provides functionality for a simple usage scenario of neural network models 6 5 mandatory yes pipeline this api provides functionality for managing machine learning inference pipelines 6 5 mandatory yes table 4 machine learning apis messaging api description version since tv supported on emulator push this api provides the functionality for receiving push notifications 3 0 optional yes table 5 messaging apis multimedia api description version since tv supported on emulator exif this api provides interfaces and methods for manipulating exif data from jpeg file 2 3 mandatory yes media controller this api provides functions for communication between the media controller server and the media controller client 5 0 optional yes metadata this api provides interfaces and methods for extracting metadata information from a media file 6 0 mandatory yes table 6 multimedia apis network api description version since tv supported on emulator bluetooth this api enables control over bluetooth 6 0 optional no iotcon this api provides functions for iot internet of things connectivity 3 0 optional yes table 7 network apis security api description version since tv supported on emulator keymanager this api provides interfaces and methods for a secure repository for storing, retrieving and removing the sensitive data of users and their applications 2 4 mandatory yes table 8 security apis system api description version since tv supported on emulator system information this api provides information about the device's display, network, storage and other capabilities getting device capabilities using systeminfo api 1 0 mandatory yes time this api exposes information about date, time and time zones 1 0 mandatory yes web setting this api manages the setting states of the web view in web applications 2 2 mandatory yes table 9 system apis tv controls api description version since tv supported on emulator tv audio control this api provides interfaces and methods for control of tv audio 2 3 optional no tv display control this api provides interfaces and methods to get information about the effects of stereoscopy 3d mode 2 3 optional no tv information this api provides interfaces and methods to get information about the tv settings 2 4 optional no tv window this api provides interfaces and methods to control the tv window for example, the main window and pip window 2 3 optional no table 10 tv controls apis deprecated api api description version since deprecated since tv supported on emulator libteec this api provides interfaces and methods for a trustzone 4 0 6 5 mandatory yes table 11 deprecated apis note the tvinfo api of samsung product apis is more detailed than the tvinfo api of tizen web device apis when getting information about tv setting, refer to the samsung product api, tvinfo api samsung display devices like tv and hospitality display do not support the push api of messaging category among tizen web device apis for tv profile except as noted, this content - excluding the code examples - is licensed under creative commons attribution 3 0 and all of the code examples contained herein are licensed under bsd-3-clause for details, see the content license copyright © 2024 samsung all rights reserved
Develop Smart TV
apitizen tv web device api reference the tizen web device api, based on javascript, provides you advanced access to the device's platform capabilities you can develop rich web applications using the tizen web device apis you can, for example, control the application life-cycle, manage your schedules, exchange data, or make payments using nfc the apis listed in this category are created by the tizen platform to expose device capabilities to web applications warning some apis, such as tvaudiocontrol api, may not run on a device whose tv model group does not support muting or tv channel source base api description version since tv supported on emulator archive this api provides interfaces and methods to create an archive file as well as various other kinds of manipulation e g extract files, add a file to an archive file 2 3 mandatory yes filesystem this api provides access to the file system of a device this api might be obsolete in the future when w3c file apis are extended to access system-sensitive files by web applications 1 0 mandatory yes tizen the base object for accessing the tizen web device api 1 0 mandatory yes table 1 base apis application framework api description version since tv supported on emulator alarm this api provides functionality for setting and unsetting alarms 1 0 mandatory yes application this api provides information about running and installed applications and controls them 1 0 mandatory yes datacontrol this api provides interfaces and methods for accessing specific data exported by other applications 2 4 mandatory yes messageport this api provides the functionality for communication with other applications 2 1 mandatory yes package this api provides information install/uninstall package and get information about installed packages 2 1 mandatory yes table 2 application framework apis content api description version since tv supported on emulator content this api provides functionality to discover multimedia content such as images, videos or music 2 0 mandatory yes download this api provides interfaces and methods for downloading remote objects by http request 2 0 optional yes table 3 content apis machine learning api description version since tv supported on emulator machine learning this api provides functions for machine learning features that help you to handle neural network frameworks 6 5 mandatory yes single this api provides functionality for a simple usage scenario of neural network models 6 5 mandatory yes pipeline this api provides functionality for managing machine learning inference pipelines 6 5 mandatory yes table 4 machine learning apis messaging api description version since tv supported on emulator push this api provides the functionality for receiving push notifications 3 0 optional yes table 5 messaging apis multimedia api description version since tv supported on emulator exif this api provides interfaces and methods for manipulating exif data from jpeg file 2 3 mandatory yes media controller this api provides functions for communication between the media controller server and the media controller client 5 0 optional yes metadata this api provides interfaces and methods for extracting metadata information from a media file 6 0 mandatory yes table 6 multimedia apis network api description version since tv supported on emulator bluetooth this api enables control over bluetooth 6 0 optional no iotcon this api provides functions for iot internet of things connectivity 3 0 optional yes table 7 network apis security api description version since tv supported on emulator keymanager this api provides interfaces and methods for a secure repository for storing, retrieving and removing the sensitive data of users and their applications 2 4 mandatory yes table 8 security apis system api description version since tv supported on emulator system information this api provides information about the device's display, network, storage and other capabilities getting device capabilities using systeminfo api 1 0 mandatory yes time this api exposes information about date, time and time zones 1 0 mandatory yes web setting this api manages the setting states of the web view in web applications 2 2 mandatory yes table 9 system apis tv controls api description version since tv supported on emulator tv audio control this api provides interfaces and methods for control of tv audio 2 3 optional no tv display control this api provides interfaces and methods to get information about the effects of stereoscopy 3d mode 2 3 optional no tv information this api provides interfaces and methods to get information about the tv settings 2 4 optional no tv window this api provides interfaces and methods to control the tv window for example, the main window and pip window 2 3 optional no table 10 tv controls apis deprecated api api description version since deprecated since tv supported on emulator libteec this api provides interfaces and methods for a trustzone 4 0 6 5 mandatory yes table 11 deprecated apis note the tvinfo api of samsung product apis is more detailed than the tvinfo api of tizen web device apis when getting information about tv setting, refer to the samsung product api, tvinfo api samsung display devices like tv and hospitality display do not support the push api of messaging category among tizen web device apis for tv profile except as noted, this content - excluding the code examples - is licensed under creative commons attribution 3 0 and all of the code examples contained herein are licensed under bsd-3-clause for details, see the content license copyright © 2024 samsung all rights reserved
Develop Smart Signage
apitizen tv web device api reference the tizen web device api, based on javascript, provides you advanced access to the device's platform capabilities you can develop rich web applications using the tizen web device apis you can, for example, control the application life-cycle, manage your schedules, exchange data, or make payments using nfc the apis listed in this category are created by the tizen platform to expose device capabilities to web applications warning some apis, such as tvaudiocontrol api, may not run on a device whose tv model group does not support muting or tv channel source base api description version since tv supported on emulator archive this api provides interfaces and methods to create an archive file as well as various other kinds of manipulation e g extract files, add a file to an archive file 2 3 mandatory yes filesystem this api provides access to the file system of a device this api might be obsolete in the future when w3c file apis are extended to access system-sensitive files by web applications 1 0 mandatory yes tizen the base object for accessing the tizen web device api 1 0 mandatory yes table 1 base apis application framework api description version since tv supported on emulator alarm this api provides functionality for setting and unsetting alarms 1 0 mandatory yes application this api provides information about running and installed applications and controls them 1 0 mandatory yes datacontrol this api provides interfaces and methods for accessing specific data exported by other applications 2 4 mandatory yes messageport this api provides the functionality for communication with other applications 2 1 mandatory yes package this api provides information install/uninstall package and get information about installed packages 2 1 mandatory yes table 2 application framework apis content api description version since tv supported on emulator content this api provides functionality to discover multimedia content such as images, videos or music 2 0 mandatory yes download this api provides interfaces and methods for downloading remote objects by http request 2 0 optional yes table 3 content apis machine learning api description version since tv supported on emulator machine learning this api provides functions for machine learning features that help you to handle neural network frameworks 6 5 mandatory yes single this api provides functionality for a simple usage scenario of neural network models 6 5 mandatory yes pipeline this api provides functionality for managing machine learning inference pipelines 6 5 mandatory yes table 4 machine learning apis messaging api description version since tv supported on emulator push this api provides the functionality for receiving push notifications 3 0 optional yes table 5 messaging apis multimedia api description version since tv supported on emulator exif this api provides interfaces and methods for manipulating exif data from jpeg file 2 3 mandatory yes media controller this api provides functions for communication between the media controller server and the media controller client 5 0 optional yes metadata this api provides interfaces and methods for extracting metadata information from a media file 6 0 mandatory yes table 6 multimedia apis network api description version since tv supported on emulator bluetooth this api enables control over bluetooth 6 0 optional no iotcon this api provides functions for iot internet of things connectivity 3 0 optional yes table 7 network apis security api description version since tv supported on emulator keymanager this api provides interfaces and methods for a secure repository for storing, retrieving and removing the sensitive data of users and their applications 2 4 mandatory yes table 8 security apis system api description version since tv supported on emulator system information this api provides information about the device's display, network, storage and other capabilities getting device capabilities using systeminfo api 1 0 mandatory yes time this api exposes information about date, time and time zones 1 0 mandatory yes web setting this api manages the setting states of the web view in web applications 2 2 mandatory yes table 9 system apis tv controls api description version since tv supported on emulator tv audio control this api provides interfaces and methods for control of tv audio 2 3 optional no tv display control this api provides interfaces and methods to get information about the effects of stereoscopy 3d mode 2 3 optional no tv information this api provides interfaces and methods to get information about the tv settings 2 4 optional no tv window this api provides interfaces and methods to control the tv window for example, the main window and pip window 2 3 optional no table 10 tv controls apis deprecated api api description version since deprecated since tv supported on emulator libteec this api provides interfaces and methods for a trustzone 4 0 6 5 mandatory yes table 11 deprecated apis note the tvinfo api of samsung product apis is more detailed than the tvinfo api of tizen web device apis when getting information about tv setting, refer to the samsung product api, tvinfo api samsung display devices like tv and hospitality display do not support the push api of messaging category among tizen web device apis for tv profile except as noted, this content - excluding the code examples - is licensed under creative commons attribution 3 0 and all of the code examples contained herein are licensed under bsd-3-clause for details, see the content license copyright © 2024 samsung all rights reserved
Develop Smart Hospitality Display
apigetting device capabilities using systeminfo api the following keys are available to obtain the device capability information using systeminfo api device capability keys battery camera content api database download api graphics input iotcon push api led location microphone multi-point touch multimedia transcoder network opengl® es platform profile sensor screen shell dynamic box sip speech tv usb vision web service system keys build information model name platform name tizen id the following table lists the keys to check if a device has a battery key type description version http //tizen org/feature/battery boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device has a battery if it is true, w3c battery status api, battery property in systeminfo api, and power api must be supported 2 3 the following table lists the camera feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/camera boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device provides any kind of a camera if it is true, w3c getusermedia and html media capture apis are supported 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/camera back boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/camera key, if the device provides a back-facing camera 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/camera back flash boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/camera back key, if the device provides a back-facing camera with a flash 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/camera front boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/camera key, if the device provides a front-facing camera 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/camera front flash boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/camera front key, if the device provides a front-facing camera with a flash 2 2 1 the following table lists the keys related to content api features key type description version http //tizen org/feature/content scanning others boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the media scanning feature for "other"-type files which are not included in the media content types such as "image", "video", "sound" or "music" 4 0 the following table lists the database feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/database encryption boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports database encryption 2 2 1 the following table lists the keys to check if download api is supported on a tizen device key type description version http //tizen org/feature/download boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports download api 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/network telephony boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports all apis which require telephony feature if it is true, "cellular" in downloadnetworktype is supported 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/network wifi boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports all apis which require wi-fi if it is true, "wifi" in downloadnetworktype is supported 2 2 1 the following table lists the graphics feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/graphics acceleration boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports graphics hardware acceleration 2 2 1 the following table lists the input feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/input keyboard boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device provides a built-in keyboard supporting any keyboard layout 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/input keyboard layout domstring the platform returns the keyboard layout such as qwerty supported by the built-in keyboard for this key and returns true for the http //tizen org/feature/input keyboard key if the device does not provide a built-in keyboard, the platform returns an empty string for this key and returns false for the http //tizen org/feature/input keyboard key 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/input rotating_bezel boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device provides a built-in rotating bezel 2 3 1 the following table lists the keys related to iotcon api features key type description version http //tizen org/feature/iot ocf boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the iot connectivity if it is true, iotcon api is supported 4 0 the following table lists the led feature key key type description version http //tizen org/feature/led boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports led 2 3 the following table lists the location feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/location boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports location positioning 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/location batch boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/location key, if the device supports gps batch feature 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/location gps boolean the platform returns true and the http //tizen org/feature/location, if the device supports the global positioning system gps 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/location wps boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/location key, if the device supports the wi-fi-based positioning system wps 2 2 1 the following table lists the microphone feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/microphone boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports a microphone if it is true, w3c getusermedia and html media capture apis are supported 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/media audio_recording boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports to record audio files on a device if it is true, cordova media api is supported 3 0 the following table lists the multi-point touch feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/multi_point_touch pinch_zoom boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports pinch zoom gestures 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/multi_point_touch point_count long the platform returns the maximum number of supported multi-touch points for this key the platform returns a value less than 2 for this key, if the device does not support multi-point touch 2 2 1 the following table lists the multimedia transcoder feature key key type description version http //tizen org/feature/multimedia transcoder boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports multimedia transcoder 2 3 the following table lists the network feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/capability/network bluetooth always_on boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device must always enable bluetooth it means that an application cannot change the bluetooth's state visibility, connectivity, device name 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/network bluetooth boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports bluetooth 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/network bluetooth audio call boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports bluetooth handsfree profile hfp 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/network bluetooth audio media boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports bluetooth advanced audio distribute profile a2dp 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/network bluetooth health boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports bluetooth health device profile hdp 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/network bluetooth hid boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports bluetooth human input device hid 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/network bluetooth le boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports bluetooth low energy related methods in bluetooth api 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/network bluetooth opp boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports bluetooth object push profile opp 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/network ethernet boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports ethernet if it is true, "all" in downloadnetworktype and systeminfoethernetnetwork is supported 2 4 http //tizen org/feature/network internet boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports internet 2 3 1 http //tizen org/feature/network net_proxy boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports network proxy for internet connection 3 0 http //tizen org/feature/network nfc boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports near field communication nfc 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/network nfc card_emulation boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device is recognized by the nfc card readers 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/network nfc card_emulation hce boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports nfc host-based card emulation 2 3 1 http //tizen org/feature/network nfc p2p boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports p2p apis which require near field communication nfc 2 3 1 http //tizen org/feature/network nfc reserved_push boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/network nfc key, if the device supports the nfc reserved push feature 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/network nfc tag boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports tag apis which require near field communication nfc 2 3 1 http //tizen org/feature/network push boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports push api which requires the ip push service provided by the tizen reference implementation 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/network secure_element boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports secure elements 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/network telephony boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the telephony related apis 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/network telephony mms boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/network telephony key, if the device supports mms 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/network wifi boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports all apis which require wi-fi 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/network wifi direct boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/network wifi key, if the device supports wi-fi direct™ 2 2 1 the following table lists the opengl® es feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/opengles boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports any opengl® es version and any texture format 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/opengles texture_format domstring the supported texture formats for the opengl® es e g "3dc/atc/etc/ptc" the platform returns an empty string for this key if opengl® es or compressed texture formats are not supported 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/opengles texture_format 3dc boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/opengles key, if the device supports the 3dc texture format for opengl® es 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/opengles texture_format atc boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/opengles key, if the device supports the atc texture format for opengl® es 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/opengles texture_format etc boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/opengles key, if the device supports the etc texture format for opengl® es 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/opengles texture_format ptc boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/opengles key, if the device supports the ptc texture format for opengl® es 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/opengles texture_format pvrtc boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/opengles key, if the device supports the pvrtc texture format for opengl® es 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/opengles texture_format utc boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/opengles key, if the device supports the utc texture format for opengl® es 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/opengles version 1_1 boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/opengles key, if the device supports the opengl® es version 1 1 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/opengles version 2_0 boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/opengles key, if the device supports the opengl® es version 2 0 2 2 1 the following table lists the platform feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/platform core api version domstring the version of the tizen core api in the [major] [minor] format for example, "1 0" represents a web api version where the major version is 1 and the minor version is 0 if a device doesn't provide tizen core api, it returns an empty string "" 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/platform core cpu arch domstring the platform returns the cpu architecture e g "armv7", "x86" of a device 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/platform core cpu arch armv6 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device runs on the armv6 cpu architecture 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/platform core cpu arch armv7 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device runs on the armv7 cpu architecture 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/platform core cpu arch x86 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device runs on the x86 cpu architecture 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/platform core cpu frequency long the platform returns the frequency at which a core cpu is running unit mhz 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/platform core fpu arch domstring the platform returns the fpu architecture e g "vfpv3", "ssse3" of a device if there is no fpu on a device, it returns an empty string "" 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/platform core fpu arch sse2 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device runs on the sse2 fpu architecture 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/platform core fpu arch sse3 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device runs on the sse3 fpu architecture 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/platform core fpu arch ssse3 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device runs on the ssse3 fpu architecture 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/platform core fpu arch vfpv2 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device runs on the vfpv2 fpu architecture 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/platform core fpu arch vfpv3 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device runs on the vfpv3 fpu architecture 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/platform native api version domstring the version of the native api in the [major] [minor] format for example, 1 0 represents a native api version where the major version is 1 and the minor version is 0 if a device doesn't provide tizen native api, it returns an empty string "" 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/platform native osp_compatible boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the bada compatibility mode 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/platform version domstring the version of the platform in the [major] [minor] [patch version] format for example, 1 0 0 represents a platform version where the major version is 1 and the minor and build versions are 0 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/platform web api version domstring the version of the web api in the [major] [minor] format for example, 1 0 represents a web api version where the major version is 1 and the minor version is 0 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/platform version name domstring the platform return the platform version name e g tizen 2 0 magnolia, tizen 2 1 nectarine 2 3 the following table lists the profile feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/profile systeminfoprofile the platform returns a compliant device profile such as "mobile", "wearable" for this key 2 2 1 the following table lists the sensor feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/sensor accelerometer boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the acceleration sensor 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor accelerometer wakeup boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/sensor accelerometer key, if the device supports the wake-up operation by the acceleration sensor 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor activity_recognition boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports activity recognition 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/sensor barometer boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the barometer pressure sensor 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor barometer wakeup boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/sensor barometer key, if the device supports the wake-up operation by the barometer sensor 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor gesture_recognition boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the gesture recognition 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/sensor gravity boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports gravity 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/sensor gyroscope boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports gyroscope 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor gyroscope_rotation_vector boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports gyroscope rotation vector 3 0 http //tizen org/feature/sensor gyroscope wakeup boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/sensor gyroscope key, if the device supports the wake-up operation by the gyro sensor 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor heart_rate_monitor boolean the platform returns true for this key if the device supports hrm 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/sensor heart_rate_monitor led_green boolean the platform returns true for this key if the device supports green light spectrum 2 3 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor heart_rate_monitor led_ir boolean the platform returns true for this key if the device supports infrared spectrum 2 3 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor heart_rate_monitor led_red boolean the platform returns true for this key if the device supports red light spectrum 2 3 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor humidity boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the humidity sensor 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/sensor linear_acceleration boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the linear acceleration sensor 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/sensor magnetometer boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the magnetic sensor 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor magnetometer wakeup boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/sensor magnetometer key, if the device supports the wake-up operation by the magnetic sensor 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor pedometer boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports pedometer 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/sensor photometer boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the photometer sensor 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor photometer wakeup boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/sensor photometer key, if the device supports the wake-up operation by the photo sensor 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor proximity boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the proximity sensor 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor proximity wakeup boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/sensor proximity key, if the device supports the wake-up operation by the proximity sensor 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor rotation_vector boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the rotation vector sensor 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/sensor sleep_monitor boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports sleep_monitor 3 0 http //tizen org/feature/sensor temperature boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the temperature sensor 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/sensor tiltmeter boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the tilt sensor 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor tiltmeter wakeup boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/sensor tiltmeter key, if the device supports the wake-up operation by the tilt sensor 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor ultraviolet boolean the platform returns true for this key if the device supports ultraviolet sensor 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/sensor wrist_up boolean the platform returns true for this key if the device supports wrist_up 2 3 the following table lists the screen feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/screen boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device has a display screen 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/screen auto_rotation boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports screen auto-rotation 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen bpp long the platform returns the number of bits per pixel supported by the device for this key the value depends on the screen, and is typically 8, 16, 24, or 32 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen coordinate_system size large boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the large screen size for the coordinate system 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen coordinate_system size normal boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the normal screen size for the coordinate system 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen dpi long the platform returns the number of dots per inch supported by the device for this key 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen height long the platform returns the height of the screen in pixels supported by the device for this key 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen output hdmi boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports hdmi output 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen output rca boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports rca output 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen shape circle boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports a circular shaped screen 2 3 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen shape rectangle boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports a rectangular shaped screen 2 3 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen size all boolean the platform can return true if the device supports any of screen sizes and resolutions if the device has a display screen, it returns true 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen size large boolean the platform can return true if the device supports the large screen size 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen size normal boolean the platform can return true the device supports the normal screen size 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen size normal 240 400 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the 240 x 400 resolution for the normal screen size the platform can return true for multiple resolution keys 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen size normal 320 320 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the 320 x 320 resolution for the normal screen size the platform can return true for multiple resolution keys 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/screen size normal 320 480 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the 320 x 480 resolution for the normal screen size the platform can return true for multiple resolution keys 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen size normal 360 360 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the 360 x 360 resolution for the normal screen size the platform can return true for multiple resolution keys 2 3 2 http //tizen org/feature/screen size normal 360 480 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the 360 x 480 resolution for the normal screen size the platform can return true for multiple resolution keys 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/screen size normal 480 800 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the 480 x 800 resolution for the normal screen size the platform can return true for multiple resolution keys 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen size normal 540 960 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the 540 x 960 resolution for the normal screen size the platform can return true for multiple resolution keys 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen size normal 600 1024 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the 600 x 1024 resolution for the normal screen size the platform can return true for multiple resolution keys 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen size normal 720 1280 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the 720 x 1280 resolution for the normal screen size the platform can return true for multiple resolution keys 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen size normal 1080 1920 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the 1080 x 1920 resolution for the normal screen size the platform can return true for multiple resolution keys 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen width long the platform returns the width of the screen in pixels supported by the device for this key 2 2 1 the following table lists the shell dynamic box feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/shell appwidget boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the widget since 2 3 1, this key indicates only native widget 2 2 1 the following table lists the sip feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/sip voip boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the voice over internet protocol voip 2 2 1 the following table lists the speech feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/speech recognition boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports speech recognition stt 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/speech synthesis boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports speech synthesis tts 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/speech control boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports speech control 4 0 the following table lists the tv feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/tv audio boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports control of tv audio if it is true, tvaudiocontrol api is supported 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/tv display boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports getting information about the effects of stereoscopy 3d mode if it is true, tv display control api is supported 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/tv inputdevice boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports receiving key events generated when the user presses a key of an input device for example a tv remote control if it is true, tv input device api is supported 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/tv pip boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports control of tv window e g main window, pip window if it is true, tv window api is supported 2 3 the following table lists the usb feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/usb accessory boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the usb client or accessory mode 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/usb host boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the usb host mode 2 2 1 the following table lists the vision feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/vision face_recognition boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports face recognition 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/vision image_recognition boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports image recognition 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/vision qrcode_generation boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports qr code generation 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/vision qrcode_recognition boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports qr code recognition 2 2 1 the following table lists the web service model feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/web service boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the web service model 2 3 the following table lists the build information key key type description version http //tizen org/system/build date domstring the platform returns the build date the format yyyy mm dd 2 3 http //tizen org/system/build string domstring the platform returns the build string including build date and time 2 3 http //tizen org/system/build time domstring the platform returns the build time the format hh mm ss 2 3 http //tizen org/system/manufacturer domstring the platform returns the device manufacturer's name 2 3 http //tizen org/system/build release domstring the platform returns the build version information the build version information is made when the platform image is created 3 0 http //tizen org/system/build type domstring the platform returns the build type, such as "user" or "eng" the build type is made when the platform image is created 3 0 http //tizen org/system/build variant domstring the platform returns the variant release information the variant release information is made when the platform image is created 3 0 http //tizen org/system/build id domstring the platform returns the build id the build id is made when the platform image is created 3 0 the following table lists the model name key key type description version http //tizen org/system/model_name domstring the platform returns the model name 2 3 the following table lists the platform system keys key type description version http //tizen org/system/platform communication_processor domstring the platform returns the device communication processor name 2 3 http //tizen org/system/platform name domstring the platform returns the platform name it must be tizen 2 2 1 http //tizen org/system/platform processor domstring the platform returns the device processor name 2 3 the following table lists the tizen id system key key type description version http //tizen org/system/tizenid domstring the platform returns the tizen id it is a randomly generated value based on the model name 2 3
Develop Smart Signage
apigetting device capabilities using systeminfo api the following keys are available to obtain the device capability information using systeminfo api device capability keys battery camera content api database download api graphics input iotcon push api led location microphone multi-point touch multimedia transcoder network opengl® es platform profile sensor screen shell dynamic box sip speech tv usb vision web service system keys build information model name platform name tizen id the following table lists the keys to check if a device has a battery key type description version http //tizen org/feature/battery boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device has a battery if it is true, w3c battery status api, battery property in systeminfo api, and power api must be supported 2 3 the following table lists the camera feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/camera boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device provides any kind of a camera if it is true, w3c getusermedia and html media capture apis are supported 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/camera back boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/camera key, if the device provides a back-facing camera 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/camera back flash boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/camera back key, if the device provides a back-facing camera with a flash 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/camera front boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/camera key, if the device provides a front-facing camera 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/camera front flash boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/camera front key, if the device provides a front-facing camera with a flash 2 2 1 the following table lists the keys related to content api features key type description version http //tizen org/feature/content scanning others boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the media scanning feature for "other"-type files which are not included in the media content types such as "image", "video", "sound" or "music" 4 0 the following table lists the database feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/database encryption boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports database encryption 2 2 1 the following table lists the keys to check if download api is supported on a tizen device key type description version http //tizen org/feature/download boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports download api 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/network telephony boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports all apis which require telephony feature if it is true, "cellular" in downloadnetworktype is supported 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/network wifi boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports all apis which require wi-fi if it is true, "wifi" in downloadnetworktype is supported 2 2 1 the following table lists the graphics feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/graphics acceleration boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports graphics hardware acceleration 2 2 1 the following table lists the input feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/input keyboard boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device provides a built-in keyboard supporting any keyboard layout 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/input keyboard layout domstring the platform returns the keyboard layout such as qwerty supported by the built-in keyboard for this key and returns true for the http //tizen org/feature/input keyboard key if the device does not provide a built-in keyboard, the platform returns an empty string for this key and returns false for the http //tizen org/feature/input keyboard key 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/input rotating_bezel boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device provides a built-in rotating bezel 2 3 1 the following table lists the keys related to iotcon api features key type description version http //tizen org/feature/iot ocf boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the iot connectivity if it is true, iotcon api is supported 4 0 the following table lists the led feature key key type description version http //tizen org/feature/led boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports led 2 3 the following table lists the location feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/location boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports location positioning 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/location batch boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/location key, if the device supports gps batch feature 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/location gps boolean the platform returns true and the http //tizen org/feature/location, if the device supports the global positioning system gps 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/location wps boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/location key, if the device supports the wi-fi-based positioning system wps 2 2 1 the following table lists the microphone feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/microphone boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports a microphone if it is true, w3c getusermedia and html media capture apis are supported 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/media audio_recording boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports to record audio files on a device if it is true, cordova media api is supported 3 0 the following table lists the multi-point touch feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/multi_point_touch pinch_zoom boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports pinch zoom gestures 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/multi_point_touch point_count long the platform returns the maximum number of supported multi-touch points for this key the platform returns a value less than 2 for this key, if the device does not support multi-point touch 2 2 1 the following table lists the multimedia transcoder feature key key type description version http //tizen org/feature/multimedia transcoder boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports multimedia transcoder 2 3 the following table lists the network feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/capability/network bluetooth always_on boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device must always enable bluetooth it means that an application cannot change the bluetooth's state visibility, connectivity, device name 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/network bluetooth boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports bluetooth 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/network bluetooth audio call boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports bluetooth handsfree profile hfp 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/network bluetooth audio media boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports bluetooth advanced audio distribute profile a2dp 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/network bluetooth health boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports bluetooth health device profile hdp 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/network bluetooth hid boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports bluetooth human input device hid 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/network bluetooth le boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports bluetooth low energy related methods in bluetooth api 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/network bluetooth opp boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports bluetooth object push profile opp 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/network ethernet boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports ethernet if it is true, "all" in downloadnetworktype and systeminfoethernetnetwork is supported 2 4 http //tizen org/feature/network internet boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports internet 2 3 1 http //tizen org/feature/network net_proxy boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports network proxy for internet connection 3 0 http //tizen org/feature/network nfc boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports near field communication nfc 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/network nfc card_emulation boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device is recognized by the nfc card readers 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/network nfc card_emulation hce boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports nfc host-based card emulation 2 3 1 http //tizen org/feature/network nfc p2p boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports p2p apis which require near field communication nfc 2 3 1 http //tizen org/feature/network nfc reserved_push boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/network nfc key, if the device supports the nfc reserved push feature 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/network nfc tag boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports tag apis which require near field communication nfc 2 3 1 http //tizen org/feature/network push boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports push api which requires the ip push service provided by the tizen reference implementation 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/network secure_element boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports secure elements 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/network telephony boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the telephony related apis 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/network telephony mms boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/network telephony key, if the device supports mms 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/network wifi boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports all apis which require wi-fi 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/network wifi direct boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/network wifi key, if the device supports wi-fi direct™ 2 2 1 the following table lists the opengl® es feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/opengles boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports any opengl® es version and any texture format 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/opengles texture_format domstring the supported texture formats for the opengl® es e g "3dc/atc/etc/ptc" the platform returns an empty string for this key if opengl® es or compressed texture formats are not supported 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/opengles texture_format 3dc boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/opengles key, if the device supports the 3dc texture format for opengl® es 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/opengles texture_format atc boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/opengles key, if the device supports the atc texture format for opengl® es 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/opengles texture_format etc boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/opengles key, if the device supports the etc texture format for opengl® es 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/opengles texture_format ptc boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/opengles key, if the device supports the ptc texture format for opengl® es 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/opengles texture_format pvrtc boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/opengles key, if the device supports the pvrtc texture format for opengl® es 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/opengles texture_format utc boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/opengles key, if the device supports the utc texture format for opengl® es 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/opengles version 1_1 boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/opengles key, if the device supports the opengl® es version 1 1 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/opengles version 2_0 boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/opengles key, if the device supports the opengl® es version 2 0 2 2 1 the following table lists the platform feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/platform core api version domstring the version of the tizen core api in the [major] [minor] format for example, "1 0" represents a web api version where the major version is 1 and the minor version is 0 if a device doesn't provide tizen core api, it returns an empty string "" 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/platform core cpu arch domstring the platform returns the cpu architecture e g "armv7", "x86" of a device 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/platform core cpu arch armv6 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device runs on the armv6 cpu architecture 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/platform core cpu arch armv7 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device runs on the armv7 cpu architecture 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/platform core cpu arch x86 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device runs on the x86 cpu architecture 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/platform core cpu frequency long the platform returns the frequency at which a core cpu is running unit mhz 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/platform core fpu arch domstring the platform returns the fpu architecture e g "vfpv3", "ssse3" of a device if there is no fpu on a device, it returns an empty string "" 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/platform core fpu arch sse2 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device runs on the sse2 fpu architecture 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/platform core fpu arch sse3 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device runs on the sse3 fpu architecture 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/platform core fpu arch ssse3 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device runs on the ssse3 fpu architecture 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/platform core fpu arch vfpv2 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device runs on the vfpv2 fpu architecture 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/platform core fpu arch vfpv3 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device runs on the vfpv3 fpu architecture 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/platform native api version domstring the version of the native api in the [major] [minor] format for example, 1 0 represents a native api version where the major version is 1 and the minor version is 0 if a device doesn't provide tizen native api, it returns an empty string "" 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/platform native osp_compatible boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the bada compatibility mode 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/platform version domstring the version of the platform in the [major] [minor] [patch version] format for example, 1 0 0 represents a platform version where the major version is 1 and the minor and build versions are 0 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/platform web api version domstring the version of the web api in the [major] [minor] format for example, 1 0 represents a web api version where the major version is 1 and the minor version is 0 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/platform version name domstring the platform return the platform version name e g tizen 2 0 magnolia, tizen 2 1 nectarine 2 3 the following table lists the profile feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/profile systeminfoprofile the platform returns a compliant device profile such as "mobile", "wearable" for this key 2 2 1 the following table lists the sensor feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/sensor accelerometer boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the acceleration sensor 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor accelerometer wakeup boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/sensor accelerometer key, if the device supports the wake-up operation by the acceleration sensor 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor activity_recognition boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports activity recognition 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/sensor barometer boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the barometer pressure sensor 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor barometer wakeup boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/sensor barometer key, if the device supports the wake-up operation by the barometer sensor 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor gesture_recognition boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the gesture recognition 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/sensor gravity boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports gravity 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/sensor gyroscope boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports gyroscope 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor gyroscope_rotation_vector boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports gyroscope rotation vector 3 0 http //tizen org/feature/sensor gyroscope wakeup boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/sensor gyroscope key, if the device supports the wake-up operation by the gyro sensor 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor heart_rate_monitor boolean the platform returns true for this key if the device supports hrm 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/sensor heart_rate_monitor led_green boolean the platform returns true for this key if the device supports green light spectrum 2 3 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor heart_rate_monitor led_ir boolean the platform returns true for this key if the device supports infrared spectrum 2 3 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor heart_rate_monitor led_red boolean the platform returns true for this key if the device supports red light spectrum 2 3 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor humidity boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the humidity sensor 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/sensor linear_acceleration boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the linear acceleration sensor 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/sensor magnetometer boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the magnetic sensor 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor magnetometer wakeup boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/sensor magnetometer key, if the device supports the wake-up operation by the magnetic sensor 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor pedometer boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports pedometer 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/sensor photometer boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the photometer sensor 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor photometer wakeup boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/sensor photometer key, if the device supports the wake-up operation by the photo sensor 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor proximity boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the proximity sensor 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor proximity wakeup boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/sensor proximity key, if the device supports the wake-up operation by the proximity sensor 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor rotation_vector boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the rotation vector sensor 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/sensor sleep_monitor boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports sleep_monitor 3 0 http //tizen org/feature/sensor temperature boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the temperature sensor 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/sensor tiltmeter boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the tilt sensor 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor tiltmeter wakeup boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/sensor tiltmeter key, if the device supports the wake-up operation by the tilt sensor 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor ultraviolet boolean the platform returns true for this key if the device supports ultraviolet sensor 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/sensor wrist_up boolean the platform returns true for this key if the device supports wrist_up 2 3 the following table lists the screen feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/screen boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device has a display screen 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/screen auto_rotation boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports screen auto-rotation 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen bpp long the platform returns the number of bits per pixel supported by the device for this key the value depends on the screen, and is typically 8, 16, 24, or 32 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen coordinate_system size large boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the large screen size for the coordinate system 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen coordinate_system size normal boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the normal screen size for the coordinate system 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen dpi long the platform returns the number of dots per inch supported by the device for this key 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen height long the platform returns the height of the screen in pixels supported by the device for this key 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen output hdmi boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports hdmi output 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen output rca boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports rca output 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen shape circle boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports a circular shaped screen 2 3 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen shape rectangle boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports a rectangular shaped screen 2 3 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen size all boolean the platform can return true if the device supports any of screen sizes and resolutions if the device has a display screen, it returns true 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen size large boolean the platform can return true if the device supports the large screen size 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen size normal boolean the platform can return true the device supports the normal screen size 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen size normal 240 400 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the 240 x 400 resolution for the normal screen size the platform can return true for multiple resolution keys 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen size normal 320 320 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the 320 x 320 resolution for the normal screen size the platform can return true for multiple resolution keys 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/screen size normal 320 480 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the 320 x 480 resolution for the normal screen size the platform can return true for multiple resolution keys 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen size normal 360 360 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the 360 x 360 resolution for the normal screen size the platform can return true for multiple resolution keys 2 3 2 http //tizen org/feature/screen size normal 360 480 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the 360 x 480 resolution for the normal screen size the platform can return true for multiple resolution keys 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/screen size normal 480 800 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the 480 x 800 resolution for the normal screen size the platform can return true for multiple resolution keys 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen size normal 540 960 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the 540 x 960 resolution for the normal screen size the platform can return true for multiple resolution keys 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen size normal 600 1024 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the 600 x 1024 resolution for the normal screen size the platform can return true for multiple resolution keys 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen size normal 720 1280 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the 720 x 1280 resolution for the normal screen size the platform can return true for multiple resolution keys 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen size normal 1080 1920 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the 1080 x 1920 resolution for the normal screen size the platform can return true for multiple resolution keys 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen width long the platform returns the width of the screen in pixels supported by the device for this key 2 2 1 the following table lists the shell dynamic box feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/shell appwidget boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the widget since 2 3 1, this key indicates only native widget 2 2 1 the following table lists the sip feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/sip voip boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the voice over internet protocol voip 2 2 1 the following table lists the speech feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/speech recognition boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports speech recognition stt 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/speech synthesis boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports speech synthesis tts 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/speech control boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports speech control 4 0 the following table lists the tv feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/tv audio boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports control of tv audio if it is true, tvaudiocontrol api is supported 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/tv display boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports getting information about the effects of stereoscopy 3d mode if it is true, tv display control api is supported 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/tv inputdevice boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports receiving key events generated when the user presses a key of an input device for example a tv remote control if it is true, tv input device api is supported 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/tv pip boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports control of tv window e g main window, pip window if it is true, tv window api is supported 2 3 the following table lists the usb feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/usb accessory boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the usb client or accessory mode 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/usb host boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the usb host mode 2 2 1 the following table lists the vision feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/vision face_recognition boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports face recognition 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/vision image_recognition boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports image recognition 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/vision qrcode_generation boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports qr code generation 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/vision qrcode_recognition boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports qr code recognition 2 2 1 the following table lists the web service model feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/web service boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the web service model 2 3 the following table lists the build information key key type description version http //tizen org/system/build date domstring the platform returns the build date the format yyyy mm dd 2 3 http //tizen org/system/build string domstring the platform returns the build string including build date and time 2 3 http //tizen org/system/build time domstring the platform returns the build time the format hh mm ss 2 3 http //tizen org/system/manufacturer domstring the platform returns the device manufacturer's name 2 3 http //tizen org/system/build release domstring the platform returns the build version information the build version information is made when the platform image is created 3 0 http //tizen org/system/build type domstring the platform returns the build type, such as "user" or "eng" the build type is made when the platform image is created 3 0 http //tizen org/system/build variant domstring the platform returns the variant release information the variant release information is made when the platform image is created 3 0 http //tizen org/system/build id domstring the platform returns the build id the build id is made when the platform image is created 3 0 the following table lists the model name key key type description version http //tizen org/system/model_name domstring the platform returns the model name 2 3 the following table lists the platform system keys key type description version http //tizen org/system/platform communication_processor domstring the platform returns the device communication processor name 2 3 http //tizen org/system/platform name domstring the platform returns the platform name it must be tizen 2 2 1 http //tizen org/system/platform processor domstring the platform returns the device processor name 2 3 the following table lists the tizen id system key key type description version http //tizen org/system/tizenid domstring the platform returns the tizen id it is a randomly generated value based on the model name 2 3
Develop Smart TV
apigetting device capabilities using systeminfo api the following keys are available to obtain the device capability information using systeminfo api device capability keys battery camera content api database download api graphics input iotcon push api led location microphone multi-point touch multimedia transcoder network opengl® es platform profile sensor screen shell dynamic box sip speech tv usb vision web service system keys build information model name platform name tizen id the following table lists the keys to check if a device has a battery key type description version http //tizen org/feature/battery boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device has a battery if it is true, w3c battery status api, battery property in systeminfo api, and power api must be supported 2 3 the following table lists the camera feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/camera boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device provides any kind of a camera if it is true, w3c getusermedia and html media capture apis are supported 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/camera back boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/camera key, if the device provides a back-facing camera 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/camera back flash boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/camera back key, if the device provides a back-facing camera with a flash 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/camera front boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/camera key, if the device provides a front-facing camera 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/camera front flash boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/camera front key, if the device provides a front-facing camera with a flash 2 2 1 the following table lists the keys related to content api features key type description version http //tizen org/feature/content scanning others boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the media scanning feature for "other"-type files which are not included in the media content types such as "image", "video", "sound" or "music" 4 0 the following table lists the database feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/database encryption boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports database encryption 2 2 1 the following table lists the keys to check if download api is supported on a tizen device key type description version http //tizen org/feature/download boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports download api 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/network telephony boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports all apis which require telephony feature if it is true, "cellular" in downloadnetworktype is supported 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/network wifi boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports all apis which require wi-fi if it is true, "wifi" in downloadnetworktype is supported 2 2 1 the following table lists the graphics feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/graphics acceleration boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports graphics hardware acceleration 2 2 1 the following table lists the input feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/input keyboard boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device provides a built-in keyboard supporting any keyboard layout 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/input keyboard layout domstring the platform returns the keyboard layout such as qwerty supported by the built-in keyboard for this key and returns true for the http //tizen org/feature/input keyboard key if the device does not provide a built-in keyboard, the platform returns an empty string for this key and returns false for the http //tizen org/feature/input keyboard key 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/input rotating_bezel boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device provides a built-in rotating bezel 2 3 1 the following table lists the keys related to iotcon api features key type description version http //tizen org/feature/iot ocf boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the iot connectivity if it is true, iotcon api is supported 4 0 the following table lists the led feature key key type description version http //tizen org/feature/led boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports led 2 3 the following table lists the location feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/location boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports location positioning 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/location batch boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/location key, if the device supports gps batch feature 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/location gps boolean the platform returns true and the http //tizen org/feature/location, if the device supports the global positioning system gps 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/location wps boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/location key, if the device supports the wi-fi-based positioning system wps 2 2 1 the following table lists the microphone feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/microphone boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports a microphone if it is true, w3c getusermedia and html media capture apis are supported 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/media audio_recording boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports to record audio files on a device if it is true, cordova media api is supported 3 0 the following table lists the multi-point touch feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/multi_point_touch pinch_zoom boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports pinch zoom gestures 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/multi_point_touch point_count long the platform returns the maximum number of supported multi-touch points for this key the platform returns a value less than 2 for this key, if the device does not support multi-point touch 2 2 1 the following table lists the multimedia transcoder feature key key type description version http //tizen org/feature/multimedia transcoder boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports multimedia transcoder 2 3 the following table lists the network feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/capability/network bluetooth always_on boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device must always enable bluetooth it means that an application cannot change the bluetooth's state visibility, connectivity, device name 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/network bluetooth boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports bluetooth 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/network bluetooth audio call boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports bluetooth handsfree profile hfp 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/network bluetooth audio media boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports bluetooth advanced audio distribute profile a2dp 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/network bluetooth health boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports bluetooth health device profile hdp 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/network bluetooth hid boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports bluetooth human input device hid 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/network bluetooth le boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports bluetooth low energy related methods in bluetooth api 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/network bluetooth opp boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports bluetooth object push profile opp 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/network ethernet boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports ethernet if it is true, "all" in downloadnetworktype and systeminfoethernetnetwork is supported 2 4 http //tizen org/feature/network internet boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports internet 2 3 1 http //tizen org/feature/network net_proxy boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports network proxy for internet connection 3 0 http //tizen org/feature/network nfc boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports near field communication nfc 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/network nfc card_emulation boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device is recognized by the nfc card readers 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/network nfc card_emulation hce boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports nfc host-based card emulation 2 3 1 http //tizen org/feature/network nfc p2p boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports p2p apis which require near field communication nfc 2 3 1 http //tizen org/feature/network nfc reserved_push boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/network nfc key, if the device supports the nfc reserved push feature 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/network nfc tag boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports tag apis which require near field communication nfc 2 3 1 http //tizen org/feature/network push boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports push api which requires the ip push service provided by the tizen reference implementation 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/network secure_element boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports secure elements 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/network telephony boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the telephony related apis 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/network telephony mms boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/network telephony key, if the device supports mms 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/network wifi boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports all apis which require wi-fi 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/network wifi direct boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/network wifi key, if the device supports wi-fi direct™ 2 2 1 the following table lists the opengl® es feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/opengles boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports any opengl® es version and any texture format 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/opengles texture_format domstring the supported texture formats for the opengl® es e g "3dc/atc/etc/ptc" the platform returns an empty string for this key if opengl® es or compressed texture formats are not supported 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/opengles texture_format 3dc boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/opengles key, if the device supports the 3dc texture format for opengl® es 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/opengles texture_format atc boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/opengles key, if the device supports the atc texture format for opengl® es 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/opengles texture_format etc boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/opengles key, if the device supports the etc texture format for opengl® es 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/opengles texture_format ptc boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/opengles key, if the device supports the ptc texture format for opengl® es 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/opengles texture_format pvrtc boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/opengles key, if the device supports the pvrtc texture format for opengl® es 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/opengles texture_format utc boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/opengles key, if the device supports the utc texture format for opengl® es 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/opengles version 1_1 boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/opengles key, if the device supports the opengl® es version 1 1 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/opengles version 2_0 boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/opengles key, if the device supports the opengl® es version 2 0 2 2 1 the following table lists the platform feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/platform core api version domstring the version of the tizen core api in the [major] [minor] format for example, "1 0" represents a web api version where the major version is 1 and the minor version is 0 if a device doesn't provide tizen core api, it returns an empty string "" 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/platform core cpu arch domstring the platform returns the cpu architecture e g "armv7", "x86" of a device 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/platform core cpu arch armv6 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device runs on the armv6 cpu architecture 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/platform core cpu arch armv7 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device runs on the armv7 cpu architecture 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/platform core cpu arch x86 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device runs on the x86 cpu architecture 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/platform core cpu frequency long the platform returns the frequency at which a core cpu is running unit mhz 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/platform core fpu arch domstring the platform returns the fpu architecture e g "vfpv3", "ssse3" of a device if there is no fpu on a device, it returns an empty string "" 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/platform core fpu arch sse2 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device runs on the sse2 fpu architecture 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/platform core fpu arch sse3 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device runs on the sse3 fpu architecture 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/platform core fpu arch ssse3 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device runs on the ssse3 fpu architecture 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/platform core fpu arch vfpv2 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device runs on the vfpv2 fpu architecture 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/platform core fpu arch vfpv3 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device runs on the vfpv3 fpu architecture 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/platform native api version domstring the version of the native api in the [major] [minor] format for example, 1 0 represents a native api version where the major version is 1 and the minor version is 0 if a device doesn't provide tizen native api, it returns an empty string "" 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/platform native osp_compatible boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the bada compatibility mode 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/platform version domstring the version of the platform in the [major] [minor] [patch version] format for example, 1 0 0 represents a platform version where the major version is 1 and the minor and build versions are 0 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/platform web api version domstring the version of the web api in the [major] [minor] format for example, 1 0 represents a web api version where the major version is 1 and the minor version is 0 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/platform version name domstring the platform return the platform version name e g tizen 2 0 magnolia, tizen 2 1 nectarine 2 3 the following table lists the profile feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/profile systeminfoprofile the platform returns a compliant device profile such as "mobile", "wearable" for this key 2 2 1 the following table lists the sensor feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/sensor accelerometer boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the acceleration sensor 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor accelerometer wakeup boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/sensor accelerometer key, if the device supports the wake-up operation by the acceleration sensor 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor activity_recognition boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports activity recognition 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/sensor barometer boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the barometer pressure sensor 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor barometer wakeup boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/sensor barometer key, if the device supports the wake-up operation by the barometer sensor 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor gesture_recognition boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the gesture recognition 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/sensor gravity boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports gravity 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/sensor gyroscope boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports gyroscope 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor gyroscope_rotation_vector boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports gyroscope rotation vector 3 0 http //tizen org/feature/sensor gyroscope wakeup boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/sensor gyroscope key, if the device supports the wake-up operation by the gyro sensor 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor heart_rate_monitor boolean the platform returns true for this key if the device supports hrm 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/sensor heart_rate_monitor led_green boolean the platform returns true for this key if the device supports green light spectrum 2 3 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor heart_rate_monitor led_ir boolean the platform returns true for this key if the device supports infrared spectrum 2 3 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor heart_rate_monitor led_red boolean the platform returns true for this key if the device supports red light spectrum 2 3 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor humidity boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the humidity sensor 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/sensor linear_acceleration boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the linear acceleration sensor 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/sensor magnetometer boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the magnetic sensor 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor magnetometer wakeup boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/sensor magnetometer key, if the device supports the wake-up operation by the magnetic sensor 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor pedometer boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports pedometer 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/sensor photometer boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the photometer sensor 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor photometer wakeup boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/sensor photometer key, if the device supports the wake-up operation by the photo sensor 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor proximity boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the proximity sensor 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor proximity wakeup boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/sensor proximity key, if the device supports the wake-up operation by the proximity sensor 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor rotation_vector boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the rotation vector sensor 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/sensor sleep_monitor boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports sleep_monitor 3 0 http //tizen org/feature/sensor temperature boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the temperature sensor 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/sensor tiltmeter boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the tilt sensor 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor tiltmeter wakeup boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/sensor tiltmeter key, if the device supports the wake-up operation by the tilt sensor 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor ultraviolet boolean the platform returns true for this key if the device supports ultraviolet sensor 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/sensor wrist_up boolean the platform returns true for this key if the device supports wrist_up 2 3 the following table lists the screen feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/screen boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device has a display screen 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/screen auto_rotation boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports screen auto-rotation 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen bpp long the platform returns the number of bits per pixel supported by the device for this key the value depends on the screen, and is typically 8, 16, 24, or 32 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen coordinate_system size large boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the large screen size for the coordinate system 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen coordinate_system size normal boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the normal screen size for the coordinate system 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen dpi long the platform returns the number of dots per inch supported by the device for this key 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen height long the platform returns the height of the screen in pixels supported by the device for this key 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen output hdmi boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports hdmi output 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen output rca boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports rca output 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen shape circle boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports a circular shaped screen 2 3 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen shape rectangle boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports a rectangular shaped screen 2 3 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen size all boolean the platform can return true if the device supports any of screen sizes and resolutions if the device has a display screen, it returns true 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen size large boolean the platform can return true if the device supports the large screen size 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen size normal boolean the platform can return true the device supports the normal screen size 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen size normal 240 400 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the 240 x 400 resolution for the normal screen size the platform can return true for multiple resolution keys 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen size normal 320 320 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the 320 x 320 resolution for the normal screen size the platform can return true for multiple resolution keys 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/screen size normal 320 480 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the 320 x 480 resolution for the normal screen size the platform can return true for multiple resolution keys 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen size normal 360 360 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the 360 x 360 resolution for the normal screen size the platform can return true for multiple resolution keys 2 3 2 http //tizen org/feature/screen size normal 360 480 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the 360 x 480 resolution for the normal screen size the platform can return true for multiple resolution keys 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/screen size normal 480 800 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the 480 x 800 resolution for the normal screen size the platform can return true for multiple resolution keys 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen size normal 540 960 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the 540 x 960 resolution for the normal screen size the platform can return true for multiple resolution keys 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen size normal 600 1024 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the 600 x 1024 resolution for the normal screen size the platform can return true for multiple resolution keys 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen size normal 720 1280 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the 720 x 1280 resolution for the normal screen size the platform can return true for multiple resolution keys 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen size normal 1080 1920 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the 1080 x 1920 resolution for the normal screen size the platform can return true for multiple resolution keys 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen width long the platform returns the width of the screen in pixels supported by the device for this key 2 2 1 the following table lists the shell dynamic box feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/shell appwidget boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the widget since 2 3 1, this key indicates only native widget 2 2 1 the following table lists the sip feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/sip voip boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the voice over internet protocol voip 2 2 1 the following table lists the speech feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/speech recognition boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports speech recognition stt 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/speech synthesis boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports speech synthesis tts 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/speech control boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports speech control 4 0 the following table lists the tv feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/tv audio boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports control of tv audio if it is true, tvaudiocontrol api is supported 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/tv display boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports getting information about the effects of stereoscopy 3d mode if it is true, tv display control api is supported 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/tv inputdevice boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports receiving key events generated when the user presses a key of an input device for example a tv remote control if it is true, tv input device api is supported 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/tv pip boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports control of tv window e g main window, pip window if it is true, tv window api is supported 2 3 the following table lists the usb feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/usb accessory boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the usb client or accessory mode 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/usb host boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the usb host mode 2 2 1 the following table lists the vision feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/vision face_recognition boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports face recognition 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/vision image_recognition boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports image recognition 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/vision qrcode_generation boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports qr code generation 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/vision qrcode_recognition boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports qr code recognition 2 2 1 the following table lists the web service model feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/web service boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the web service model 2 3 the following table lists the build information key key type description version http //tizen org/system/build date domstring the platform returns the build date the format yyyy mm dd 2 3 http //tizen org/system/build string domstring the platform returns the build string including build date and time 2 3 http //tizen org/system/build time domstring the platform returns the build time the format hh mm ss 2 3 http //tizen org/system/manufacturer domstring the platform returns the device manufacturer's name 2 3 http //tizen org/system/build release domstring the platform returns the build version information the build version information is made when the platform image is created 3 0 http //tizen org/system/build type domstring the platform returns the build type, such as "user" or "eng" the build type is made when the platform image is created 3 0 http //tizen org/system/build variant domstring the platform returns the variant release information the variant release information is made when the platform image is created 3 0 http //tizen org/system/build id domstring the platform returns the build id the build id is made when the platform image is created 3 0 the following table lists the model name key key type description version http //tizen org/system/model_name domstring the platform returns the model name 2 3 the following table lists the platform system keys key type description version http //tizen org/system/platform communication_processor domstring the platform returns the device communication processor name 2 3 http //tizen org/system/platform name domstring the platform returns the platform name it must be tizen 2 2 1 http //tizen org/system/platform processor domstring the platform returns the device processor name 2 3 the following table lists the tizen id system key key type description version http //tizen org/system/tizenid domstring the platform returns the tizen id it is a randomly generated value based on the model name 2 3
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