Class ArtistApi

  • java.lang.Object

  • public class ArtistApi
    extends java.lang.Object
    This class sends requests related to artist information.
    PEN.UP 1.0
    • Method Detail

      • getArtist

        public static void getArtist(PenupClient penupClient,
                     java.lang.String artistId,
                     ResourceCallback<ArtistResource> resourceCallback)
        Gets the artist with the specified ID.
        The Scope.READ_RESOURCES scope is required.
        penupClient - The PenupClient instance
        artistId - The artist ID
        resourceCallback - The ResourceCallback instance for receiving the artist
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - Thrown when either of the following conditions has occurred:
        • The penupClient is null.
        • The artistId is null or empty.
        • The resourceCallback is null.
        PEN.UP 1.0
      • getMyProfile

        public static void getMyProfile(PenupClient penupClient,
                        ResourceCallback<ArtistResource> resourceCallback)
        Gets the user's profile.
        The Scope.READ_MY_RESOURCES scope is required.
        penupClient - The PenupClient instance
        resourceCallback - The ResourceCallback instance for receiving the user's profile
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - Thrown when one of the parameters is null.
        PEN.UP 1.0
      • getMyFollowingArtists

        public static void getMyFollowingArtists(PenupClient penupClient,
                                 int maxResults,
                                 java.lang.String pageToken,
                                 ResourceListCallback<ArtistResource> resourceListCallback)
        Gets artists whom the user follows.
        The Scope.READ_MY_RESOURCES scope is required.
        penupClient - The PenupClient instance
        maxResults - The maximum number of artists to include in the response, which is used for paging.
        The value should be between 1 and 100.
        pageToken - The page token obtained from ResourceListCallback for getting the specific page.
        Sets null to get the first page.
        resourceListCallback - The ResourceListCallback instance for receiving the artists whom the user follows
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - Thrown when either of the following conditions has occurred:
        • The penupClient is null.
        • The maxResults is less than 1 or greater than 100.
        • The resourceListCallback is null.
        PEN.UP 1.0
      • getMyFollowers

        public static void getMyFollowers(PenupClient penupClient,
                          int maxResults,
                          java.lang.String pageToken,
                          ResourceListCallback<ArtistResource> resourceListCallback)
        Gets user's followers.
        The Scope.READ_MY_RESOURCES scope is required.
        penupClient - The PenupClient instance
        maxResults - The maximum number of artists to include in the response, which is used for paging.
        The value should be between 1 and 100.
        pageToken - The page token obtained from ResourceListCallback for getting the specific page.
        Sets null to get the first page.
        resourceListCallback - The ResourceListCallback instance for receiving the user's followers
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - Thrown when either of the following conditions has occurred:
        • The penupClient is null.
        • The maxResults is less than 1 or greater than 100.
        • The resourceListCallback is null.
        PEN.UP 1.0
      • getPopularArtists

        public static void getPopularArtists(PenupClient penupClient,
                             int maxResults,
                             java.lang.String pageToken,
                             ResourceListCallback<ArtistResource> resourceListCallback)
        Gets popular artists.
        The Scope.READ_RESOURCES scope is required.
        penupClient - The PenupClient instance
        maxResults - The maximum number of artists to include in the response, which is used for paging.
        The value should be between 1 and 100.
        pageToken - The page token obtained from ResourceListCallback for getting the specific page.
        Sets null to get the first page.
        resourceListCallback - The ResourceListCallback instance for receiving the popular artists
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - Thrown when either of the following conditions has occurred:
        • The penupClient is null.
        • The maxResults is less than 1 or greater than 100.
        • The resourceListCallback is null.
        PEN.UP 1.0