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codelabaccess rich sleep data from samsung health measured by galaxy wearables objective create a health app for android devices, utilizing the samsung health data sdk to obtain samsung health's rich sleep data overview samsung health offers various features to monitor user health data, including automatic sleep recording the samsung health data sdk grants access to the collected data, allowing developers to filter it based on factors such as the device used or a specific timeframe this sdk obtains comprehensive sleep information, including sleep scores, sleep sessions, sleep stages, and associated data such as skin temperature and blood oxygen levels you can retrieve rich sleep data from samsung health using the samsung health data sdk and apply device and local time filters to refine your queries effectively set up your environment you will need the following android studio latest version recommended java se development kit jdk 17 or later android mobile device compatible with the latest samsung health version sample code here is a sample code for you to start coding in this code lab download it and start your learning experience! health data sleep sample code 588 3 kb set up your android device click on the following links to set up your android device enable developer options run apps on a hardware device activate samsung health's developer mode to enable the developer mode in the samsung health app, follow these steps go to settings > about samsung health then, tap the version number quickly 10 times or more if you are successful, the developer mode new button is shown tap developer mode new and choose on now, you can test your app with samsung health notethe samsung health developer mode is only intended for testing or debugging your application it is not for application users start your project in android studio, click open to open an existing project locate the downloaded android project sleepdiary from the directory and click ok check gradle settings before using the samsung health data sdk library, certain configurations are necessary these steps are already applied in the sample code provided the samsung-health-data-api-1 0 0b1 aar library is added to the app\libs folder, and included as a dependency in the module-level build gradle file in the same file, the gson library is also added as a dependency dependencies { implementation files "libs/samsung-health-data-api-1 0 0b1 aar" implementation libs gson } next, the kotlin-parcelize plugin is applied plugins { id "kotlin-parcelize" } lastly, the following entries are also added in the gradle > libs version toml file [versions] gson = "2 11 0" [libraries] gson = { module = "com google code gson gson", version ref = "gson" } request sleep data permissions the application requires the appropriate permissions and the user's agreement to share their health data for the app to read their sleep data from samsung health while this code lab focuses solely on datatypes sleep, it is important to recognize that other data types such as skin temperature and blood oxygen levels are also available during sleep these additional data types can be accessed using datatypes skin_temperature and datatypes blood_oxygen respectively go to app > kotlin+java > com samsung health sleepdiary > repository in the healthdatastorerepository kt file, navigate to the preparepermissionset function create a permission object consisting of sleep data type and read access type, and assign it to the sleeppermission variable permission indicates the unit of permission to obtain user consent to share data with the samsung health's data store it's a pair of datatype and accesstype permission companion object of datatype datatype, accesstype accesstype creates a permission /****************************************************************************************** * [practice 1] prepare permission set to receive sleep data * * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * use the provided variable 'sleeppermission' which is currently null and replace "todo 1" * create a permission object of type 'datatypes sleep' and of 'accesstype read' and * assign it to 'sleeppermission' variable ******************************************************************************************/ fun preparepermissionset mutableset<permission> { val permissionset mutableset<permission> = mutablesetof var sleeppermission permission? = null // todo 1 sleeppermission? let { permissionset add sleeppermission } return permissionset } prepare a read request for sleep data in order to retrieve sleep data from samsung health, the client app should prepare a readdatarequest object and send it to the healthdatastore this read request includes filters such as localtimefilter or readsourcefilter to ensure that only the desired data is received moreover, if the user wears both a galaxy watch and a galaxy ring while sleeping, samsung health combines the data from both devices to create an integrated sleep session, providing the most accurate sleep data not setting the device filter allows access to the combined data in the healthdatastorerepository kt file, navigate to the preparereadsleeprequest function prepare a read request that retrieves data from a specific day within the past week and includes the option to specify a device filter for either a ring or a watch using the provided localtimefilter object, update the readrequestbuilder object you can take your time to familiarize yourself with the readdatarequest builder creation datatypes sleep readdatarequestbuilder function creates a builder for sleep data type setlocaltimefilter function, called on a builder object, adds a time filter to the request setsourcefilter function, called on a builder object, adds a read source filter to the request it can be either an application filter, device filter, or both build function, called on a builder object, builds readdatarequest from the configuration of this builder readdatarequest it represents a request for read query over a period of time to get a list of original healthdatapoints readdatarequest dualtimebuilder<t> setlocaltimefilter localtimefilter localtimefilter sets the local time filter of the request readdatarequest dualtimebuilder<t> setsourcefilter sourcefilter readsourcefilter sets the source filter of the request readdatarequest build builds readdatarequest from the configuration of this builder /****************************************************************************************** * [practice 2] prepare a read request for sleep data * * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * use the provided variable 'localtimefilter' and replace "todo 2" * set a time filter by calling ' setlocaltimefilter localtimefilter ' on 'readrequestbuilder' ******************************************************************************************/ fun preparereadsleeprequest localtimefilter localtimefilter, readsourcefilter readsourcefilter? readdatarequest<healthdatapoint> { val readrequestbuilder = datatypes sleep readdatarequestbuilder // todo 2 readsourcefilter? let { readrequestbuilder setsourcefilter readsourcefilter } return readrequestbuilder build } learn how to receive a response from samsung health receiving sleep data from samsung health is done by sending a readdatarequest query to the healthdatastore notethis is a blocking call and should not be called from the main thread healthdatastore it is a proxy which provides a way to access samsung health data an application can access the data through operations healthdatastore provides, such as inserting, updating, deleting, reading, and aggregating data a healthdatastore instance can be obtained by healthdataservice getstore method dataresponse<t> abstract suspend fun <t datapoint> readdata request readdatarequest<t> reads a set of data from samsung health according to the given request this method returns the original data point which is not processed or aggregated the code below, which is already included in the project file, shows how to receive a response from samsung health val healthdatalist = healthdatastore readdata readrequest datalist understand how the collected sleep data is processed a sleep healthdatapoint is a specific type of healthdatapoint that contains samsung health sleep data it includes various fields that can be accessed by calling getvalue function on the data point some of the fields include duration - returns a duration object that indicates how long the sleep lasted sleep score - returns the calculated quality of the sleep sessions - returns a list of sessions during the sleep period if the user wakes up during sleep for an extended period, multiple sleep sessions may be generated within a single sleep data point additionally, each session can consist of various sleep stages including light, rem rapid eye movement , deep, or awake the code below, which is already included in the project file, shows how the collected sleep data is processed private fun preparesleepresult healthdata healthdatapoint sleepdata { healthdata let { val score int score = preparesleepscore it ? 0 val duration = it getvalue datatype sleeptype duration ? duration zero val sleepsessionlist = it getvalue datatype sleeptype sessions ? emptylist return sleepdata score, sleepsessionlist size, duration tohours toint , duration minushours duration tohours tominutes toint , it starttime, it endtime, extractsessions sleepsessionlist } } notesamsung health can also measure the user's blood oxygen level and skin temperature during sleep, if supported by the wearable device these values are associated to the sleep data in the samsung health data sdk an application can use the healthdatapoint’s unique id uid to create an associatedreadrequest and retrieve the blood oxygen level and skin temperature data associated with the sleep data point extract sleep score from a health data point most of the data accessible through the samsung health data sdk is stored as fields within data points these fields can be extracted by specifying the appropriate keys in the getvalue function in the healthdatastorerepository kt file, navigate to the preparesleepscore function read the sleep score field from the healthdatapointby by calling the getvalue function with the key datatype sleeptype sleep_score healthdatapoint it indicates each health data record saved in the samsung health's data store <t> t? getvalue field field<t> returns the value of the given field /************************************************************************************ * [practice 3] extract a sleep score from the sleep data * * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * obtain a sleep score from health data point by calling 'healthdatapoint getvalue ' * and passing 'datatype sleeptype sleep_score' as an argument * assign the obtained sleep score to 'sleepscore' variable ***********************************************************************************/ @suppress "variable_with_redundant_initializer" fun preparesleepscore healthdatapoint healthdatapoint int? { var sleepscore int? = null // todo 3 return sleepscore } run unit tests for your convenience, an additional unit tests package is provided this package lets you verify your code changes even without using a physical phone right-click on com samsung health sleepdiary test > run 'tests in 'com samsung health sleepdiary' if you completed all the tasks correctly, you can see that all the unit tests passed successfully run the app after building the apk, you can run the application on a connected device to read your sleep data once the app starts, allow all permissions to read sleep data from samsung health and tap done afterwards, the app's main screen appears, displaying today's sleep data from all connected devices you can use the calendar or device filter to show sleep data from a different day or a specific device you can tap on any sleep data to see the list of sessions you can tap on any session to see details such as sleep stages you're done! congratulations! you have successfully achieved the goal of this code lab now, you can create a mobile health app that reads samsung health rich sleep data by yourself! if you are having trouble, you may download this file health data sleep complete code 588 1 kb to learn more about samsung health, visit developer samsung com/health
Learn Code Lab
codelabdevelop a secure blockchain app objective learn how to create your own decentralized applications dapp using samsung blockchain keystore sdk overview integrating with new technology like blockchain is a burden to most developers for this reason, we offer a way to interwork with samsung blockchain keystore sdk with less effort developers can easily become a dapp developer with our samsung blockchain keystore sdk decentralized applications dapps run and store data on the blockchain network instead of a central server dapps offer increased security and reliability compared to centralized applications moreover, it provides a simple method for in-app payments using cryptocurrency samsung blockchain keystore sdk is used to obtain account information and sign a transaction to transfer cryptocurrency or execute smart contract execution in this code lab, you can learn how to integrate samsung blockchain keystore sdk into your app and how to implement blockchain basic concepts such as account information and signing transactions set up your environment you will need the following java se development kit 8 or later android studio latest version recommended mobile phone which supports samsung blockchain sample code here is a sample code for you to start coding in this code lab download it and start your learning experience! keystore sdk sample code 897 12 kb enable developer mode the developer mode helps developers test the samsung blockchain keystore in developer mode, app id verification is bypassed, so samsung blockchain keystore apis will be enabled to activate developer mode on your mobile device, follow the steps below navigate through settings > biometrics and security > samsung blockchain keystore and click about blockchain keystore tap the samsung blockchain keystore app name quickly, ten times or more if succeeded, developer mode will show noteonly a limited number of devices can be activated for one test app open project file after downloading the sample code, open the given android application project this project is a simple comments dapp based on ethereum ropsten test network it retrieves comments data from smart contract, displays them on the screen, and makes a transaction to execute smart contract function to post user’s comment in the next steps, you can get an account address and execute dapp service with blockchain keystore and you can see the result of successful dapp execution set the app id here, you don’t need to set the application id to use samsung blockchain keystore sdk instead, you must enable developer mode as described previously for the release version of your android app, in your android manifest file, add a metadata with a name as scw_app_id and a value as the app id issued by samsung blockchain keystore team samsung blockchain keystore aar file will read this value when your android app is initialized and help your android app connect to samsung blockchain keystore <manifest xmlns android="http //schemas android com/apk/res/android" package="com samsung android sdk coldwallet test" android versioncode="1" android versionname="1 0"> <application> <meta-data android name="scw_app_id" android value= <!-- put your app id here --> /> </application> </manifest> import samsung blockchain keystore sdk library into the project the sdk library is located at aar/keystoresdk_v1 5 1 aar of the project file to import the library go to gradle scripts > build gradle and enter the following dependencies dependencies { repositories { flatdir{ dirs 'aar' } } implementation 'com samsung android sdk coldwallet keystoresdk_v1 5 1@aar' } check the status of samsung blockchain keystore the first thing to do is to check the status of samsung blockchain keystore in the sample application, it is implemented at initializekeystore in presenter intropresenter java you can find the following steps to check the status of keystore in your android app, call scwservice getinstance if the returned value is an instance and not null, then it means samsung blockchain keystore is supported on the device however, if null is returned, the user must use a different keystore in the sample code, toast a message to notify that the device doesn’t support the keystore // check samsung blockchain keystore is supported or not if scwservice getinstance == null { mcontract toastmessage "samsung blockchain keystore is not supported on your device " ; } call getkeystoreapilevel api to see if the current samsung blockchain keystore being used, properly supports the features that your android app is currently aiming for if the required api level is higher than the current samsung blockchain keystore level, users are directed to samsung blockchain keystore app page in galaxy store through the provided deeplink to update // check installed api level else if scwservice getinstance getkeystoreapilevel < 1 { // if api level is lower, jump to galaxy apps to update keystore app mcontract showdialog "" , "ok" , "the api level is too low jump to galaxy store" , -> mcontract launchdeeplink scwdeeplink galaxy_store ; } check if a user has set up the samsung blockchain keystore and is ready to use it by calling getseedhash api if the seed hash value in string is zero-length, this means the user has not set up samsung blockchain keystore yet hence, your app will need to guide the user to jump to samsung blockchain keystore via deeplink to either create or import a wallet // check seed hash exist else if scwservice getinstance getseedhash length == 0 { // if seed hash is empty, // jump to blockchain keystore to create or import wallet mcontract showdialog "" , "ok" , "the seed hash is empty " + "jump to blockchain keystore to create/import wallet " , -> mcontract launchdeeplink scwdeeplink main ; } if the getseedhash api returned value is not zero-length, it means that the user has successfully set up samsung blockchain keystore if there is a previously saved or cached seed hash value, compare the two seed hash values if those two values are not equal, nor if there is no such saved cached seed hash value, then the address has to be checked again if the seed hash value has been changed, it means the master seed has been changed as well, meaning the address that your android app was linked to may no longer be the same address // check seed hash cached else if !textutils equals cachedseedhash, scwservice getinstance getseedhash { // if the seed hash is different from cached, update seed hash and address // go to next activity final string ethereumhdpath = "m/44'/60'/0'/0/0"; getethereumaddress ethereumhdpath , success, errorcode, address, seedhash -> { if success { updateaddress address ; updateseedhash seedhash ; mcontract showtimelineactivity true ; } else { mcontract toastmessage "cannot get address error code " + errorcode ; } mcontract setloading false ; } ; return false; } if those two values are equal, it means checking the keystore status was successful, and you can move on to the next step // success else { // set address from cached value // go to next activity string address = prefshelper getinstance getcachedaddress ; updateseedhash cachedseedhash ; updateaddress address ; mcontract showtimelineactivity false ; } get the ethereum address in the blockchain network, the address can be used like a user’s account as the balance and the transaction history can be checked using the address in this sample project, get the address from keystore and display the address and account balance in the bottom sheet of the screen keystore is a hierarchical deterministic hd wallet, a standard tree structure represented by derivation paths for the ethereum address, use “m/44'/60'/0'/0/0” follow bip44 it is implemented at getethereumaddress string hdpath, getethereumaddresscallback callback in presenter/intropresenter java arraylist<string> path = new arraylist<> ; path add hdpath ; scwservice getinstance getaddresslist new scwservice scwgetaddresslistcallback { @override public void onsuccess list<string> list { string seedhash = scwservice getinstance getseedhash ; string address = list get 0 ; callback onaddressreceived true, 0, address, seedhash ; } @override public void onfailure int errorcode, string errormessage { callback onaddressreceived false, errorcode, "", "" ; } }, path ; sign a transaction ether value transfer or smart contract execution is executed by transactions that users create and sign signing a transaction is the process of generating a signature on it using the private key of the transaction sender samsung blockchain keystore can be utilized to sign a cryptocurrency transaction, such as ethereum by implementing the following steps creates an unsigned transaction, and requests samsung blockchain keystore to sign the transaction via apis like signethtransaction then the user will see a transaction confirmation page on a secure screen called, trusted user interface tui executed in trusted execution environment tee by samsung blockchain keystore once the user confirms the transaction with pin or biometrics authentication, like fingerprint, samsung blockchain keystore will sign a transaction with the private key derived from the given hd path when samsung blockchain keystore returns the signed transaction, your app can submit or send the signed transaction to the blockchain network in this sample project, create an unsigned transaction to execute posting a comment smart contract in addition, sign the transaction with keystore and send the transaction it is implemented at signtransaction in presenter/writefeedpresenter java // sign the transaction with samsung blockchain keystore // use hdpath m/44'/60'/0'/0/0 final string hdpath = "m/44'/60'/0'/0/0"; scwservice getinstance signethtransaction new scwservice scwsignethtransactioncallback { @override public void onsuccess byte[] signedtransaction { boolean result = sendsignedtransaction signedtransaction ; listener transactiondidfinish result, "" ; } @override public void onfailure int errorcode, string errormessage { listener transactiondidfinish false, "error code " + errorcode ; } }, unsignedtx, hdpath, null ; run the app and try it out the app screen should look like below you're done! congratulations! you have successfully achieved the goal of this code lab now, you can create a decentralized app by yourself! if you're having trouble, you may download this file keystore sdk complete code 897 07 kb
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codelabtransfer erc20 token with blockchain app objective develop a decentralized application dapp to transfer erc20 tokens between ethereum accounts using samsung blockchain platform sdk overview blockchain technology has been creating a significant impact in multiple sectors, such as banking, cybersecurity, and supply chain management it is widely used as a means of secure payment between different parties samsung blockchain platform sdk brings developers and consumers to the blockchain world by providing a complete set of functions that the decentralized app dapp or blockchain app needs ethereum is a decentralized blockchain network where you can perform transactions using its native currency, ether, and token you can interact with the network through simple api calls provided by the sdk for detailed information, see samsung blockchain platform sdk set up your environment you will need the following java se development kit 8 or later android studio latest version recommended samsung galaxy device that supports samsung blockchain sample code here is a sample code for you to start coding in this code lab download it and start your learning experience! token transaction sample code 2 73 mb enable developer mode to activate developer mode on your mobile device, follow the steps below navigate through settings > biometrics and security > samsung blockchain keystore and click about blockchain keystore tap the samsung blockchain keystore app name quickly, ten times or more if succeeded, developer mode will show start your project after downloading the sample code containing the project files, in android studio, click open to open the existing project locate the downloaded android project codelab-send-token-transaction-blank-code from the directory and click ok noteuser interface ui resources are already included in the provided project simply apply the code in the next steps in this code lab moreover, going through the sdk document is recommended initialize the instance since sblockchain is the initial base class of the samsung blockchain platform sdk, the first thing you need to do is create an sblockchain instance along with that, create the following in sendtokenfragment java hardwarewalletmanager for wallet operations accountmanager for account operations ethereumservice for transactions msblockchain = new sblockchain ; try { msblockchain initialize mcontext ; } catch ssdkunsupportedexception e { e printstacktrace ; } maccountmanager = msblockchain getaccountmanager ; mhardwarewalletmanager = msblockchain gethardwarewalletmanager ; mcoinnetworkinfo = new coinnetworkinfo cointype eth, ethereumnetworktype goerli, rpcurl ; mcoinservice = coinservicefactory getcoinservice getcontext , mcoinnetworkinfo ; ethereumservice = ethereumservice mcoinservice; connecttohardwarewallet ; connect to samsung blockchain keystore connect the app to the hardware wallet, which, in this case, is the samsung blockchain keystore you can get a hardware wallet instance from hardwarewalletmanager if you want to reset the wallet, set the second parameter of connect api to true otherwise, set it to false mhardwarewalletmanager connect hardwarewallettype samsung, false setcallback new listenablefuturetask callback<hardwarewallet> { @override public void onsuccess hardwarewallet hardwarewallet { handler post new runnable { @override public void run { log i tag, "hardwarewallet is connected " ; mprogressbar setvisibility view invisible ; getaccount ; } } ; } @override public void onfailure @nonnull executionexception e { mprogressbar setvisibility view invisible ; log e tag, "hardwarewallet connection failed " + e ; } @override public void oncancelled @nonnull interruptedexception e { mprogressbar setvisibility view invisible ; log e tag, "hardwarewallet connection cancelled " + e ; } } ; generate new account samsung blockchain platform sdk manages the address on blockchain as an account it contains the information required for signing and the blockchain address accountmanager provides apis dedicated for fetching, creating, and restoring accounts use generatenewaccount api for the creation of a new ethereum account upon clicking the create account button in the app hardwarewallet connectedhardwarewallet = mhardwarewalletmanager getconnectedhardwarewallet ; maccountmanager generatenewaccount connectedhardwarewallet, mcoinnetworkinfo setcallback new listenablefuturetask callback<account> { @override public void onsuccess account account { mprogressbar setvisibility view invisible ; log i tag, "generate new account successful " + account ; handler post new runnable { @override public void run { getaccount ; } } ; } @override public void onfailure @nonnull executionexception e { mprogressbar setvisibility view invisible ; log e tag, "generate new account failed " + e ; } @override public void oncancelled @nonnull interruptedexception e { mprogressbar setvisibility view invisible ; log e tag, "generate new account cancelled " + e ; } } ; after creating a new account, call the getaccounts api to get the account list if you already have an account, the textview will show the account's address and the create account button will be disabled in the app accounts = maccountmanager getaccounts null, cointype eth, ethereumnetworktype goerli ; if !accounts isempty { methereumaccount = ethereumaccount accounts get accounts size - 1 ; showaccounttextview settext methereumaccount getaddress ; generateaccountbutton setenabled false ; } create a token account to perform a token transaction, add the token address with the corresponding ethereum account and create a token account by calling the addtokenaddress api use the generated token account to perform token-related actions an ethereum account can add one or more tokens ethereumservice addtokenaddress methereumaccount, tokenaddress setcallback new listenablefuturetask callback<ethereumaccount> { @override public void onsuccess ethereumaccount ethereumaccount { mprogressbar setvisibility view invisible ; log i tag, "add token successful " + ethereumaccount ; handler post new runnable { @override public void run { toast maketext getcontext , "add token successful", toast length_short show ; } } ; } @override public void onfailure @nonnull executionexception e { mprogressbar setvisibility view invisible ; log e tag, "add token failed " + e ; } @override public void oncancelled @nonnull interruptedexception e { mprogressbar setvisibility view invisible ; log e tag, "add token cancelled " + e ; } } ; get token balance fetch the balance of the added token using gettokenbalance api ethereumservice gettokenbalance mtokenaccount, ethereumblockparameter latest setcallback new listenablefuturetask callback<biginteger> { @override public void onsuccess biginteger biginteger { mprogressbar setvisibility view invisible ; bigdecimal tokendecimal = bigdecimal ten pow 18 ; bigdecimal balance = new bigdecimal biginteger divide tokendecimal ; log d tag, "gettokenbalance success " + balance ; handler post new runnable { @override public void run { tokenbalance settext balance tostring ; } } ; } @override public void onfailure @nonnull executionexception e { mprogressbar setvisibility view invisible ; log e tag, "gettokenbalance failed " + e ; } @override public void oncancelled @nonnull interruptedexception e { mprogressbar setvisibility view invisible ; log e tag, "gettokenbalance cancelled " + e ; } } ; transfer token to transfer tokens between accounts, set the receiver address and the amount of tokens to send the trusted ui of the samsung blockchain keystore hardware wallet appears upon pressing the send button in the app, showing all the information regarding the transaction for confirmation generate a transaction hash upon confirmation of the transaction ethereumservice sendtokentransaction mhardwarewalletmanager getconnectedhardwarewallet , mtokenaccount, mtoaddress, tokenaddress, maxpriorityfee, methereumfeeinfo getestimatedbasefee add maxpriorityfee , mgaslimit, msendtokenamount, null setcallback new listenablefuturetask callback<transactionresult> { @override public void onsuccess transactionresult transactionresult { mprogressbar setvisibility view invisible ; log i tag, "send token successful " + transactionresult gethash ; handler post new runnable { @override public void run { toast maketext getcontext , "transaction hash " + transactionresult gethash , toast length_short show ; } } ; } @override public void onfailure @nonnull executionexception e { mprogressbar setvisibility view invisible ; log e tag, "send token failed " + e ; } @override public void oncancelled @nonnull interruptedexception e { mprogressbar setvisibility view invisible ; log i tag, "send token cancelled " + e ; } } ; run the app after building the apk, follow the steps below to test the application on a samsung blockchain-compatible device in send token tab, click create account copy the generated account address go to eth faucet tab to open the free faucet site already added to the application paste the account address and press the send me eth button click the hash string under your transactions to open etherscan and wait until the transaction succeeded go to token faucet tab and press get token to add some tokens in the account confirm the transaction go back to send token tab, click add token and press token balance to see added tokens press gas limit and max priority fee lastly, press send to transfer tokens confirm the transaction check the transaction status and details by finding the account address or the generated transaction hash txn hash in goerli testnet explorer you're done! congratulations! you have successfully achieved the goal of this code lab now, you can develop a decentralized application that can transfer erc20 tokens using samsung blockchain platform sdk if you face any trouble, you may download this file token transaction complete code 2 73 mb to learn more about developing apps with samsung blockchain, visit developer samsung com/blockchain
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codelabimplement flex mode into a unity game objective learn how to implement flex mode into a unity game using android jetpack windowmanager and unity's java native interface jni wrapper overview the flexible hinge and glass display on galaxy foldable devices, such as the galaxy z fold4 and galaxy z flip4, let the phone remains propped open while you use apps when the phone is partially folded, it will go into flex mode apps will reorient to fit the screen, letting you watch videos or play games without holding the phone for example, you can set the device on a flat surface, like on a table, and use the bottom half of the screen to navigate unfold the phone to use the apps in full screen mode, and partially fold it again to return to flex mode to provide users with a convenient and versatile foldable experience, developers need to optimize their apps to meet the flex mode standard set up your environment you will need the following unity hub with unity 2022 3 5f1 or later must have android build support visual studio or any source code editor galaxy z fold2 or newer remote test lab if physical device is not available requirements samsung account java runtime environment jre 7 or later with java web start internet environment where port 2600 is available sample code here is a sample project for you to start coding in this code lab download it and start your learning experience! flex mode on unity sample code 1 17 gb start your project after downloading the sample project files, follow the steps below to open your project launch the unity hub click projects > open locate the unzipped project folder and click open to add the project to the hub and open in the editor notethe sample project was created in unity 2022 3 5f1 if you prefer using a different unity version, click choose another editor version when prompted and select a higher version of unity configure android player settings to ensure that the project runs smoothly on the android platform, configure the player settings as follows go to file > build settings under platform, choose android and click switch platform wait until this action finishes importing necessary assets and compiling scripts then, click player settings to open the project settings window go to player > other settings and scroll down to see target api level set it to api level 33 as any less than this will result in a dependency error regarding an lstar variable you can set the minimum api level on lower levels without any problem next, in the resolution and presentation settings, enable resizable window it is also recommended that render outside safe area is enabled to prevent black bars on the edges of the screen lastly, enable the custom main manifest, custom main gradle template, and custom gradle properties template in the publishing settings after closing the project settings window, check for the new folder structure created within your assets in the project window the newly created android folder contains androidmanifest xml, gradletemplate properties, and maintemplate gradle files import the foldablehelper and add dependencies foldablehelper is a java file that you can use in different projects it provides an interface to the android jetpack windowmanager library, enabling application developers to support new device form factors and multi-window environments before proceeding, read how to use jetpack windowmanager in android game dev and learn the details of how foldablehelper uses windowmanager library to retrieve information about the folded state of the device flat for normal mode and half-opened for flex mode , window size, and orientation of the fold on the screen download the foldablehelper java file here foldablehelper java 6 22 kb to import the foldablehelper java file and add dependencies to the project, follow the steps below in assets > plugins > android, right-click and select import new asset locate and choose the foldablehelper java file, then click import next, open the gradletemplate properties file to any source code editor like visual studio and add the following lines below the **additional_properties** marker android useandroidx = true android enablejetifier = true useandroidx sets the project to use the appropriate androidx libraries instead of support libraries enablejetifier automatically migrates existing third-party libraries to use androidx by rewriting their binaries lastly, open the maintemplate gradle file and add the dependencies for the artifacts needed for the project **apply_plugins** dependencies { implementation filetree dir 'libs', include ['* jar'] implementation "androidx appcompat appcompat 1 6 1" implementation "androidx core core 1 10 1" implementation "androidx core core-ktx 1 10 1" implementation "androidx window window 1 0 0" implementation "androidx window window-java 1 0 0" implementation "org jetbrains kotlin kotlin-stdlib-jdk8 1 9 0" **deps**} create a new playeractivity to implement flex mode on your applications, you must make necessary changes to the activity since it is impossible to access and change the original unityplayeractivity, you need to create a new playeractivity that inherits from the original to do this create a new file named foldableplayeractivity java and import it into the android folder, same as when you imported the foldablehelper java file to extend the built-in playeractivity from unity, write below code in the foldableplayeractivity java file package com unity3d player; import android os bundle; import com unity3d player unityplayeractivity; import com samsung android gamedev foldable foldablehelper; import com samsung android gamedev foldable foldablehelper windowinfolayoutlistener; import android util log; public class foldableplayeractivity extends unityplayeractivity { @override protected void oncreate bundle savedinstancestate { super oncreate savedinstancestate ; foldablehelper init this ; } @override protected void onstart { super onstart ; foldablehelper start this ; } @override protected void onstop { super onstop ; foldablehelper stop ; } @override protected void onrestart { super onrestart ; foldablehelper init this ; } public void attachunitylistener windowinfolayoutlistener listener { foldablehelper attachnativelistener listener, this ; } } oncreate calls the foldablehelper init to ensure that the windowinfotracker and metrics calculator gets created as soon as possible onstart calls the foldablehelper start since the first windowlayoutinfo doesn't get created until onstart onstop calls the foldablehelper stop to ensure that when the application closes, the listener gets cleaned up onrestart calls foldablehelper init when returning to the app after switching away windowinfotracker must be re-initialized; otherwise, flex mode will no longer update after creating the foldableplayeractivity, ensure that the game uses it open the androidmanifest xml file and change the activity name to the one you've just created <activity android name="com unity3d player foldableplayeractivity" android theme="@style/unitythemeselector"> … </activity> store foldablelayoutinfo data to flexproxy implement a native listener that receives calls from java when the device state changes by following these steps use the androidjavaproxy provided by unity in its jni implementation androidjavaproxy is a class that implements a java interface, so the next thing you need to do is create an interface in the foldablehelper java file public interface windowinfolayoutlistener { void onchanged foldablelayoutinfo layoutinfo ; } this interface replaces the temporary native function therefore, remove the code below from the foldablehelper java file public static native void onlayoutchanged foldablelayoutinfo resultinfo ; then, go to the assets > flex_scripts folder and right-click to create a new c# script called flexproxy cs inside this script, replace the automatically generated class with the flexproxy class inheriting from androidjavaproxy public class flexproxy androidjavaproxy { } in flexproxy class, define the variables needed to store the data from foldablelayoutinfo and use enumerators for the folded state, hinge orientation, and occlusion type for the various bounds, use unity's rectint type also, use a boolean to store whether the data has been updated or not public enum state { undefined, flat, half_opened }; public enum orientation { undefined, horizontal, vertical }; public enum occlusiontype { undefined, none, full }; public state state = state undefined; public orientation orientation = orientation undefined; public occlusiontype occlusiontype = occlusiontype undefined; public rectint foldbounds; public rectint currentmetrics; public rectint maxmetrics; public bool needsupdate = false; next, define what java class the flexproxy is going to implement by using the interface's fully qualified name as below public flexproxy base "com samsung android gamedev foldable foldablehelper$windowinfolayoutlistener" { } com samsung android gamedev foldable is the package name of the foldablehelper java file foldablehelper$windowinfolayoutlistener is the class and interface name separated by a $ after linking the proxy to the java interface, create a helper method to simplify java to native conversions private rectint converttorectint androidjavaobject rect { if rect != null { var left = rect get<int> "left" ; var top = rect get<int> "top" ; var width = rect call<int> "width" ; var height = rect call<int> "height" ; return new rectint xmin left, ymin top, width width, height height ; } else { return new rectint -1, -1, -1, -1 ; } } this method takes a java rect object and converts it into a unity c# rectint now, use this converttorectint function for the onchanged function to retrieve the information from the java object and store it in the flex proxy class public void onchanged androidjavaobject layoutinfo { foldbounds = converttorectint layoutinfo get<androidjavaobject> "bounds" ; currentmetrics = converttorectint layoutinfo get<androidjavaobject> "currentmetrics" ; maxmetrics = converttorectint layoutinfo get<androidjavaobject> "maxmetrics" ; orientation = orientation layoutinfo get<int> "hingeorientation" + 1 ; state = state layoutinfo get<int> "state" + 1 ; occlusiontype = occlusiontype layoutinfo get<int> "occlusiontype" + 1 ; needsupdate = true; } implement native flex mode this section focuses on creating the flex mode split-screen effect on the game’s ui create a new c# script in the flex_scripts folder called flexmodemanager cs after creating the script, define the variables you need for this implementation public class flexmodemanager monobehaviour { private flexproxy windowmanagerlistener; [serializefield] private camera maincamera; [serializefield] private camera skyboxcamera; [serializefield] private canvas controlscanvas; [serializefield] private canvas healthcanvas; [serializefield] private gameobject flexbg; [serializefield] private gameobject uiblur; windowmanagerlistener is the callback object which receives the foldablelayoutinfo from the foldablehelper java implementation maincamera and skyboxcamera are two cameras to modify in this project for creating a seamless flex mode implementation controlscanvas and healthcanvas are the two ui elements to manipulate for implementing the flex mode flexbg is a background image to disable in normal mode and enable in flex mode to fill the bottom screen uiblur is a background blur element used as part of the tutorial text it doesn't function properly with flex mode, so disabling it when in flex mode makes the ui looks better next, in the start method, create a new instance of the flexproxy class and attach it to the unity application's activity via the attachunitylistener function void start { windowmanagerlistener = new flexproxy ; using androidjavaclass javaclass = new androidjavaclass "com unity3d player unityplayer" { using androidjavaobject activity = javaclass getstatic<androidjavaobject> "currentactivity" { activity call "attachunitylistener", windowmanagerlistener ; } } } in the update method, check if the windowmanagerlistener has received any new data on the folded state of the device if the system needs an update, then call updateflexmode void update { if windowmanagerlistener needsupdate { updateflexmode ; } } create the updateflexmode method to enable or disable flex mode notethis project is set up for landscape mode only the implementation discussed in this code lab only covers setting up flex mode with a horizontal fold in landscape however, if you were able to follow, it should be simple to set up something similar for different fold orientations on devices such as the galaxy z flip series of devices private void updateflexmode { } check the folded state of the device via the windowmanagerlistener if the device is half_opened, implement flex mode private void updateflexmode { if windowmanagerlistener state == flexproxy state half_opened { } } to split the ui screen horizontally, set the anchor points of the controlscanvas and the healthcanvas so they are locked at the bottom screen or below the fold also, set the viewports of the maincamera and skyboxcamera to be above the fold - which is the top screen next, set the anchors for the flexbg object and enable it to fill the space behind the ui on the bottom screen deactivate the uiblur element if it exists the ui blur element is only present at level 1 of the demo game a check is necessary to ensure the flex mode manager works on the second level private void updateflexmode { if windowmanagerlistener state == flexproxy state half_opened { float lowerscreenanchormax = float windowmanagerlistener foldbounds ymin / windowmanagerlistener currentmetrics height; recttransform controlscanvastransform = controlscanvas getcomponent<recttransform> ; recttransform healthcanvastransform = healthcanvas getcomponent<recttransform> ; recttransform flexbgtransform = flexbg getcomponent<recttransform> ; controlscanvastransform anchormin = new vector2 0, 0 ; controlscanvastransform anchormax = new vector2 1, lowerscreenanchormax ; healthcanvastransform anchormin = new vector2 0, lowerscreenanchormax ; healthcanvastransform anchormax = new vector2 0, lowerscreenanchormax ; flexbgtransform anchormin = new vector2 0, 0 ; flexbgtransform anchormax = new vector2 1, lowerscreenanchormax ; float upperscreenrectheight = float windowmanagerlistener foldbounds ymax / windowmanagerlistener currentmetrics height; maincamera rect = new rect 0, upperscreenrectheight, 1, upperscreenrectheight ; skyboxcamera rect = new rect 0, upperscreenrectheight, 1, upperscreenrectheight ; flexbg setactive true ; if uiblur != null uiblur setactive false ; } } return the ui to full screen when the device is no longer in flex mode by disabling flexbg; enabling uiblur when it exists; and setting all the anchor points and viewports back to their original values and finally, inform the windowmanagerlistener that it doesn't need an update else { recttransform controlscanvastransform = controlscanvas getcomponent<recttransform> ; recttransform healthcanvastransform = healthcanvas getcomponent<recttransform> ; controlscanvastransform anchormin = new vector2 0, 0 ; controlscanvastransform anchormax = new vector2 1, 1 ; healthcanvastransform anchormin = new vector2 0, 1 ; healthcanvastransform anchormax = new vector2 0, 1 ; maincamera rect = new rect 0, 0, 1, 1 ; skyboxcamera rect = new rect 0, 0, 1, 1 ; flexbg setactive false ; if uiblur != null uiblur setactive true ; } windowmanagerlistener needsupdate = false; set up the scenes for flex mode go back to the unity editor in assets > 3dgamekit > scenes > gameplay, double-click on the level 1 scene to open it right-click in the hierarchy window and select create empty name the new gameobject as flexmanager or a similar name to reflect its purpose select the flexmanager object and click the add component button in the inspector window type in flexmodemanager, and select the script when it shows up select the relevant objects for each camera, canvas and game object as below do the same for level 2 but leave the ui blur empty build and run the app go to file > build settings click build at the bottom of the window to build the apk after building the apk, run the game app on a foldable galaxy device and see how the ui switches from normal to flex mode if you don’t have any physical device, you can also test it on a remote test lab device tipwatch this tutorial video and know how to easily test your app via remote test lab you're done! congratulations! you have successfully achieved the goal of this code lab now, you can implement flex mode in your unity game app by yourself! to learn more, visit www developer samsung com/galaxy-z www developer samsung com/galaxy-gamedev
Learn Code Lab
codelabcontrol a smart bulb objective control a smart light bulb and change its color using bixby home studio overview bixby home studio bhs provides a simple and optimized way for accessing and controlling devices connected to your smartthings account you can quickly create complex diagrams and condition-based flows with bhs's user-friendly graphical user interface gui any device compatible with smartthings can be adjusted, controlled, and updated through bixby home studio for more information, visit getting started with bixby home studio set up your environment you will need the following samsung and smartthings account same email address smart rgb light bulb added to smartthings account virtual switch from smartthings labs if a smart rgb light bulb is not available a go to smartthings app b in the menu, select labs c choose virtual switch and click + to add a virtual switch d enter the name of virtual switch, location, and room notewhen you use a virtual switch, you can only create metadata and test the turning on and off functionality however, a physical smart rgb light bulb is necessary for testing other functions of this code lab activity, such as changing the light bulb color to red smartthings labs feature is available only on android app in us, canada, uk, india, and south korea start your project go to bhs bixbydevelopers com and sign in using your samsung account create a new project select your smartthings location and smart rgb light bulb or virtual switch for the device click create metadata from scratch then, click next choose powerswitch under bixby voice category select the powerswitch-turnoff and powerswitch-turnon voice intents click next input a project name and click done use a sample graph to switch on the bulb sample graphs are various example action flows that you can explore to learn more about the different voice intents, nodes, and smartthings capabilities you can use these sample graphs as starter points for your own devices each sample graph generically handles specific capabilities covered under various user utterances through the different voice intents for example, the turn on device sample graph works for any device it covers a variety of user utterances such as "turn on air conditioner ", "turn on fan ", "turn on speaker ”, and so on follow the steps below to use the turn on device sample graph to switch on the device go to voice intents > powerswitch-turnon > graph click the sample graphs icon on the left sidebar menu to show all the available sample graphs scroll down to see the turn on device sample graph or find it using the search bar drag and drop the sample graph into your powerswitch-turnon graph editor click try it to turn on your light bulb noteif you're using a virtual switch, it will turn on, but you won't be able to see the switch itself however, you can see the state of the virtual switch change from off to on in the smartthings app turn off the light bulb and add an alternative response the turn on device sample graph functions to switch on the device when the start node triggers the command node this graph can be modified to reverse its function, to do that copy the nodes from the powerswitch-turnon graph to the powerswitch-turnoff graph editor click the command node to open the node configuration pane and change the command from on to off right-click on the command node and change its comment to turn off device click try it to turn off the device after the command is performed, the response is either success or execution failed to make the light bulb more responsive, design the graph to provide different responses depending on whether the light bulb is already off or currently on a click the raw button and delete the existing code in the raw graph b copy and paste the following json into it and click add [{"nodeid" "5b648da1-a2c3-4912-baff-a559b968070e","nodever" "1 0","nodetype" "capabilityattribute","isstateful" true,"group" null,"inputports" {"device" {"nodes" [],"portinfo" null}},"triggerports" {"success" {"nodes" ["ccf1cbb8-c99b-439f-8246-bc9e7b7abfbf"],"portinfo" null},"failure" {"nodes" [],"portinfo" null}},"valueports" {},"triggerinports" {},"configurations" {"attribute" {"datatype" "datatype schema afcapabilityattribute","datavalue" {"component" "main","capability" "switch","attribute" "switch","property" {"name" "value","datatype" "datatype primitive afstring"}}},"required" {"datatype" "datatype primitive afboolean","datavalue" true}},"styles" {"x" 415,"y" 360}},{"nodeid" "ccf1cbb8-c99b-439f-8246-bc9e7b7abfbf","nodever" "1 0","nodetype" "equalcomparison","isstateful" true,"group" null,"inputports" {"leftvalue" {"nodes" ["5b648da1-a2c3-4912-baff-a559b968070e"],"portinfo" null},"rightvalue" {"nodes" ["8d9bf8ec-7cb1-4ffe-b4c0-b0424d394027"],"portinfo" null}},"triggerports" {"true" {"nodes" ["593250c4-9c19-4155-8f90-1318f9484aab"],"portinfo" null},"false" {"nodes" ["a9c4d152-eb0d-45d2-a2bd-20217de6fee6"],"portinfo" null}},"valueports" {},"triggerinports" {},"configurations" {"operator" {"datatype" "datatype operator equalcomparisonoperator","datavalue" "equalto"}},"styles" {"x" 585,"y" 332}},{"nodeid" "8d9bf8ec-7cb1-4ffe-b4c0-b0424d394027","nodever" "1 0","nodetype" "constant","isstateful" true,"group" null,"inputports" {},"triggerports" {},"valueports" {},"triggerinports" {},"configurations" {"value" {"datatype" "datatype primitive afstring","datavalue" "on"}},"styles" {"x" 415,"y" 500}},{"nodeid" "a9c4d152-eb0d-45d2-a2bd-20217de6fee6","nodever" "1 0","nodetype" "responsefeaturealreadyset","isstateful" true,"group" null,"inputports" {},"triggerports" {},"valueports" {},"triggerinports" {},"configurations" {},"styles" {"x" 635,"y" 480}}] c four nodes were added to the graph an attribute node that receives and passes an on or off value; a constant node with on as its value; an equal comparison node that compares if the attribute value is equal to the constant value; and a response already set node d rewire the graph to make it work properly by clicking the line coming from the start node and pressing the delete key e create a new line from the start node and connect it to the attribute node's trigger port f connect the equal comparison node's true port to the command node's trigger port g click the align button a couple of times to automatically organize the graph h then, click try it while the device is already off or already on, to observe the different responses change the light bulb's color based on time the command node has two capabilities that can adjust the color of light bulb, such as colorcontrol and colortemperature in this step, use these command node capabilities together with the get current datetime node and get datetime attributes node to set the light bulb's color to red or warm, if the current date time is 8 00 pm or later otherwise, the light bulb's color remains blue add the following json into the powerswitch-turnon graph [{"nodeid" "a31659e2-68fc-42b6-8076-01c2cb9fec23","nodever" "1 0","nodetype" "getcurrentdatetime","isstateful" true,"group" null,"inputports" {"__zoneid" {"nodes" [],"portinfo" null}},"triggerports" {"main" {"nodes" ["ea58c225-7d40-45b9-85d6-d8d941de9b2e"],"portinfo" null}},"valueports" {},"triggerinports" {},"configurations" {},"styles" {"x" 715,"y" 280}},{"nodeid" "ea58c225-7d40-45b9-85d6-d8d941de9b2e","nodever" "1 0","nodetype" "getdatetimeattributes","isstateful" true,"group" null,"inputports" {"input" {"nodes" ["a31659e2-68fc-42b6-8076-01c2cb9fec23"],"portinfo" null}},"triggerports" {"main" {"nodes" ["880416f6-d288-4b97-b763-2abd46bf2737"],"portinfo" null}},"valueports" {"seconds" {"name" "seconds"},"month" {"name" "month"},"hour" {"name" "hour"},"year" {"name" "year"},"minutes" {"name" "minutes"},"timestampinseconds" {"name" "timestampinseconds"},"day" {"name" "day"}},"triggerinports" {},"configurations" {},"styles" {"x" 815,"y" 280}},{"nodeid" "880416f6-d288-4b97-b763-2abd46bf2737","nodever" "1 0","nodetype" "comparablecomparison","isstateful" true,"group" null,"inputports" {"leftvalue" {"nodes" ["gr //node/ea58c225-7d40-45b9-85d6-d8d941de9b2e/value/hour"],"portinfo" null},"rightvalue" {"nodes" ["606796bc-d8ea-4421-942d-91544271615d"],"portinfo" null}},"triggerports" {"true" {"nodes" ["b2ba65ab-5e3e-4615-8d3a-79015a03d7bc"],"portinfo" null},"false" {"nodes" [],"portinfo" null}},"valueports" {},"triggerinports" {},"configurations" {"operator" {"datatype" "datatype operator comparablecomparisonoperator","datavalue" "greaterthanorequalto"}},"styles" {"x" 975,"y" 320}},{"nodeid" "606796bc-d8ea-4421-942d-91544271615d","nodever" "1 0","nodetype" "constant","isstateful" true,"group" null,"inputports" {},"triggerports" {},"valueports" {},"triggerinports" {},"configurations" {"value" {"datatype" "datatype primitive afinteger","datavalue" 20}},"styles" {"x" 815,"y" 420}},{"nodeid" "2b22b1a1-b9cb-4881-a861-3bf74ccd7847","nodever" "1 0","nodetype" "capabilitycommand","isstateful" true,"group" null,"inputports" {"device" {"nodes" [],"portinfo" null},"1 color" {"nodes" ["2389baa9-db45-4eb3-a40c-1166bf1e620f"],"portinfo" {"datatypes" ["undefined"],"minitems" 1,"maxitems" 1,"iscustomport" true}}},"triggerports" {"success" {"nodes" ["a31659e2-68fc-42b6-8076-01c2cb9fec23"],"portinfo" null},"failure" {"nodes" [],"portinfo" null}},"valueports" {},"triggerinports" {},"configurations" {"commands" {"datatype" "datatype util aflist","datavalue" [{"datatype" "datatype schema afcapabilitycommand","datavalue" {"component" "main","capability" "colorcontrol","command" "setcolor","arguments" [{"datatype" "datatype schema afcommandargument","datavalue" {"name" "color","optional" false,"datatype" "datatype primitive afjsonobject"}}]}}]}},"styles" {"x" 590,"y" 274}},{"nodeid" "2389baa9-db45-4eb3-a40c-1166bf1e620f","nodever" "1 0","nodetype" "constant","isstateful" true,"group" null,"inputports" {},"triggerports" {},"valueports" {},"triggerinports" {},"configurations" {"value" {"datatype" "datatype primitive afjsonobject","datavalue" {"hue" 55,"saturation" 55}}},"styles" {"x" 675,"y" 440}},{"nodeid" "b2ba65ab-5e3e-4615-8d3a-79015a03d7bc","nodever" "1 0","nodetype" "capabilitycommand","isstateful" true,"group" null,"inputports" {"device" {"nodes" [],"portinfo" null},"1 temperature" {"nodes" ["4d02fcda-df99-4c75-8b0a-73bb67933acd"],"portinfo" {"datatypes" ["undefined"],"minitems" 1,"maxitems" 1,"iscustomport" true}}},"triggerports" {"success" {"nodes" [],"portinfo" null},"failure" {"nodes" [],"portinfo" null}},"valueports" {},"triggerinports" {},"configurations" {"commands" {"datatype" "datatype util aflist","datavalue" [{"datatype" "datatype schema afcapabilitycommand","datavalue" {"component" "main","capability" "colortemperature","command" "setcolortemperature","arguments" [{"datatype" "datatype schema afcommandargument","datavalue" {"name" "temperature","optional" false,"datatype" "datatype primitive afinteger"}}]}}]}},"styles" {"x" 1115,"y" 380}},{"nodeid" "4d02fcda-df99-4c75-8b0a-73bb67933acd","nodever" "1 0","nodetype" "constant","isstateful" true,"group" null,"inputports" {},"triggerports" {},"valueports" {},"triggerinports" {},"configurations" {"value" {"datatype" "datatype primitive afinteger","datavalue" 500}},"styles" {"x" 975,"y" 478}}] rewire the graph as follows a delete the wire that connects command switch node's success port and response success node's trigger port b connect the command switch node's success port to the command colorcontrol node's trigger port c connect the command colortemperature node's success port to the response success node's trigger port d connect the numerical comparison node's false port to the response success node's trigger port noteadd a constant node with time zone, for example america/new_york, as string value if you want to test this section based on your local time click align then, click try it to see how the light bulb color change based on time you're done! congratulations! you have successfully achieved the goal of this code lab now, you can control a smart light bulb using bixby home studio if you face any trouble, you may download this file control bulb complete code 25 72 kb notewatch this short clip to quickly know how to navigate your way in this code lab and to see how easy it is to use bixby home studio to learn more about bixby, visit developer samsung com/bixby
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codelabmeasure blood oxygen level on galaxy watch objective create a health app for galaxy watch, operating on wear os powered by samsung, utilizing samsung health sensor sdk to trigger and obtain blood oxygen level spo2 measurement results overview samsung health sensor sdk provides means of accessing and tracking health information contained in the health data storage its tracking service gives raw and processed sensor data such as accelerometer and body composition data sent by the samsung bioactive sensor the latest bioactive sensor of galaxy watch runs powerful health sensors such as photoplethysmogram ppg , electrocardiogram ecg , bioelectrical impedance analysis bia , sweat loss, and spo2 see samsung health sensor sdk descriptions for detailed information set up your environment you will need the following galaxy watch4 or newer android studio latest version recommended java se development kit jdk 11 or later sample code here is a sample code for you to start coding in this code lab download it and start your learning experience! measuring blood oxygen level sample code 146 3 kb connect your galaxy watch to wi-fi go to settings > connection > wi-fi and make sure that wi-fi is enabled from the list of available wi-fi networks, choose and connect to the same one as your pc turn on developer mode and adjust its settings on your watch, go to settings > about watch > software and tap on software version 5 times upon successful activation of developer mode, a toast message will display as on the image below afterwards, developer options will be visible under settings tap developer options and enable the following options adb debugging in developer options find wireless debugging turn on wireless debugging check always allow on this network and tap allow go back to developer options and click turn off automatic wi-fi notethere may be differences in settings depending on your one ui version connect your galaxy watch to android studio go to settings > developer options > wireless debugging and choose pair new device take note of the wi-fi pairing code, ip address & port in android studio, go to terminal and type adb pair <ip address> <port> <wi-fi pairing code> when prompted, tap always allow from this computer to allow debugging after successfully pairing, type adb connect <ip address of your watch> <port> upon successful connection, you will see the following message in android studio’s terminal connected to <ip address of your watch> now, you can run the app directly on your watch turn on developer mode for health platform on your watch go to settings > apps > health platform quickly tap health platform title for 10 times this enables developer mode and displays [dev mode] below the title to stop using developer mode, quickly tap health platform title for 10 times to disable it start your project in android studio, click open to open existing project locate the downloaded android project from the directory and click ok check capabilities for the device to track data with the samsung health sensor sdk, it must support a given tracker type – blood oxygen level to check this, get the list of available tracker types and verify that the tracker is on the list in the connectionmanager java file, navigate to the isspo2available function, use a provided healthtrackingservice object to create a healthtrackercapability instance, send it to the checkavailabletrackers function, and assign its result to the availabletrackers list gettrackingcapability returns a healthtrackercapability instance in the healthtrackingservice object healthtrackingservicehealthtrackingservice initiates a connection to samsung's health tracking service and provides a healthtracker instance to track a healthtrackertype public healthtrackercapability gettrackingcapability provide a healthtrackercapability instance to get a supporting health tracker type list /****************************************************************************************** * [practice 1] check capabilities to confirm spo2 availability * * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * hint replace todo 1 with java code * get healthtrackercapability object from healthtrackingservice * send the object to checkavailabletrackers ******************************************************************************************/ public boolean isspo2available healthtrackingservice healthtrackingservice { if healthtrackingservice == null return false; list<healthtrackertype> availabletrackers = null; //"todo 1" if availabletrackers == null return false; else return availabletrackers contains healthtrackertype spo2_on_demand ; } check connection error resolution using samsung health sensor sdk api, resolve any error when connecting to health tracking service in the connectionmanager java file, navigate to the processtrackerexception function, and check if the provided healthtrackerexception object has a resolution assign the result to hasresolution variable hasresolution function in the healthtrackerexception object checks if the api can fix the error healthtrackerexceptionhealthtrackerexception contains error codes and checks the error's resolution if there is a resolution, solving the error is available by calling resolve activity boolean hasresolution checks whether the given error has a resolution /******************************************************************************************* * [practice 2] resolve healthtrackerexception error * * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * hint replace todo 2 with java code * call hasresolution on healthtrackerexception object ******************************************************************************************/ public void processtrackerexception healthtrackerexception e { boolean hasresolution = false; //"todo 2" if hasresolution e resolve callingactivity ; if e geterrorcode == healthtrackerexception old_platform_version || e geterrorcode == healthtrackerexception package_not_installed observerupdater getobserverupdater notifyconnectionobservers r string novalidhealthplatform ; else observerupdater getobserverupdater notifyconnectionobservers r string connectionerror ; log e tag, "could not connect to health tracking service " + e getmessage ; } initialize spo2 tracker before the measurement starts, initialize the spo2 tracker by obtaining the proper health tracker object in the spo2listener java file, navigate to the init function using the provided healthtrackingservice object, create an instance of the spo2 tracker and assign it to the spo2tracker object gethealthtracker with healthtrackertype spo2_on_demand as an argument will create a healthtracker instance healthtrackingservicehealthtrackingservice initiates a connection to samsung's health tracking service and provides a healthtracker instance to track a healthtrackertype healthtracker gethealthtracker healthtrackertype healthtrackertype provides a healthtracker instance for the given healthtrackertype /******************************************************************************************* * [practice 3] initialize spo2 tracker * * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * hint replace todo 3 with java code * initialize spo2tracker with proper samsung health sensor sdk functionality * call gethealthtracker on healthtrackingservice object * use healthtrackertype spo2_on_demand as an argument ******************************************************************************************/ void init healthtrackingservice healthtrackingservice { //"todo 3" } perform measurement for the client app to start obtaining the data through the sdk, it has to set a listener method on the healthtracker the application setups the listener when the user taps on the measure button each time there is new data, the listener callback receives it after the measurement is completed, the listener has to be disconnected due to battery drain, on-demand measurement should not last more than 30 seconds the measurement is cancelled if the final value is not delivered in time note that the sensor needs a few seconds to warm up and provide correct values, which adds to the overall measurement time the blood oxygen level values come in the ondatareceived callback of trackereventlistener in spo2listener java file, you can see the code for reading the value private final healthtracker trackereventlistener spo2listener = new healthtracker trackereventlistener { @override public void ondatareceived @nonnull list<datapoint> list { for datapoint data list { updatespo2 data ; } } }; private void updatespo2 datapoint data { int status = data getvalue valuekey spo2set status ; int spo2value = 0; if status == measurement_completed spo2value = data getvalue valuekey spo2set spo2 ; observerupdater getobserverupdater notifytrackerobservers status, spo2value ; } run unit tests for your convenience, you can find an additional unit tests package this lets you verify your code changes even without using a physical watch see instructions below on how to run unit tests right click on com samsung health spo2tracking test and execute run 'tests in 'com samsung health spo2tracking'' command if you completed all the tasks correctly, you can see that all the unit tests passed successfully run the app after building the apk, you can run the application on a connected device to measure blood oxygen level right after the app is started, it requests for user permission allow the app to receive data from the body sensors afterwards, it shows the application's main screen to get the blood oxygen level, tap on the measure button to stop the measurement, tap on the stop button you're done! congratulations! you have successfully achieved the goal of this code lab now, you can create a health app that measures blood oxygen level by yourself! if you're having trouble, you may download this file measuring blood oxygen level complete code 146 2 kb to learn more about samsung health, visit developer samsung com/health
Learn Code Lab
codelabcreate a smartthings edge driver for an iot bulb objective learn how to create and customize an edge driver for an iot bulb to seamlessly interoperate on the smartthings platform overview smartthings is a platform for iot devices to communicate within its ecosystem, enabling smarter living solutions that simplify everybody else's way of life there are multiple methods to connect an iot device to the smartthings platform, one of which is through a smartthings hub hub connected devices connect to a smartthings-compatible hub using matter, zigbee, z-wave, or lan protocols the smartthings-compatible hub allows devices that utilize these protocols to integrate within the smartthings platform, permitting users to view and control devices from the smartthings app to automate actions and more the connection from a smartthings device to a smartthings hub is made possible with edge drivers smartthings edge drivers serve as translators between the protocols used by the device and the smartthings platform these drivers enable the devices to run locally on the hub, offering many benefits including speed, reliability, and enhanced functionality learn more about edge drivers in the smartthings edge architecture section set up your environment you will need the following host pc running on windows 10 or higher or ubuntu 20 04 x64 visual studio code latest version recommended devices connected on the same network android mobile device with smartthings app installed with android 10 or higher smartthings station or smartthings hub onboarded with samsung account philips hue bulb smartthings connected device sample code here is a sample code for this code lab download it and start your learning experience! edge driver sample code 6 1 kb install smartthings cli you need to install smartthings cli as this is the main tool for developing apps and drivers for smartthings edge drivers to install smartthings cli, open a web browser and download the smartthings msi installer from the latest release open the smartthings cli setup in the downloaded file, then click next accept the license agreement terms, then click next select the destination path for installation and click next to begin the installation process, click install notethe windows installer may display a warning titled windows protected your pc to continue the installation, click more info > run anyway complete the setup by clicking finish to verify if smartthings cli is installed correctly, open the command prompt and run this command smartthings --version view and run available commands for smartthings cli with this command smartthings --help for a full list of commands, visit the smartthings cli commands notethe smartthings cli supports an automatic login flow that launches a browser window, prompting the user to log in with a samsung account and grant the cli permissions to access the user's account start your project after downloading and extracting the sample code containing the project files, click file > open folder in visual studio code to open it locate the sample code directory and click select folder once finished, the project files are seen on the explorer menu set the bulb's color configuration in init lua, under the device_init function, write the code below to set the bulb's colors and its transition time local colorcontrol = clusters colorcontrol local philips_hue_colors = { {0xed, 0xc4}, -- red {0xae, 0xe3}, -- blue {0x2c, 0xc3}, -- yellow {0x53, 0xd3}, -- green {0xca, 0x08}, -- white } local index = 1 local transition_time = 0 --1/10ths of a second -- when sent with a command, these options mask and override bitmaps cause the command -- to take effect when the switch/light is off local options_mask = 0x01 local options_override = 0x01 device send colorcontrol server commands movetohueandsaturation device, philips_hue_colors[5][1], philips_hue_colors[5][2], transition_time, options_mask, options_override local timer = device thread call_on_schedule 1, function local hue = philips_hue_colors[index][1] local sat = philips_hue_colors[index][2] device send colorcontrol server commands movetohueandsaturation device, hue, sat, transition_time, options_mask, options_override index = index + 1 % 6 if index == 0 then index = 1 end end, "color_schedule_timer" save the file and open either the command prompt or terminal notemake sure that the path directory in your cli contains the project file build and upload your edge driver in the terminal, type the following command to build and upload your edge driver package to the smartthings cloud smartthings edge drivers package create a private channel create a new channel for your edge driver and enter the following channel details smartthings edge channels create channel name smartthings edge driver channel channel description channel for sdc2024 channel terms of service url www smartthings com enroll the smartthings hub in your channel enroll your hub in your newly created channel and select the corresponding channel and hub smartthings edge channels enroll assign the edge driver to your channel assign your driver to the created channel smartthings edge channels assign install the edge driver to your hub install the created edge driver from your channel to your own hub smartthings edge drivers install control the bulb via smartthings app on your mobile phone, launch the smartthings app and tap the + icon once you're on the add device page, tap scan nearby make sure that the philips light bulb is turned on wait for the light bulb to be visible once visible, tap done now, observe the blinking and changing colors of your bulb you're done! congratulations! you have successfully achieved the goal of this code lab now, you can create an edge driver for smartthings devices that can be integrated into the smartthings ecosystem! if you're having trouble, you may download this file edge driver complete code 8 6 kb to learn more about smartthings hub connected devices and edge drivers, visit smartthings hub connected devices smartthings edge driver documentation
Learn Code Lab
codelabcreate a daily step counter on galaxy watch objective create a native app for galaxy watch, operating on wear os powered by samsung, using health platform to read your daily steps overview health platform provides a unified and straightforward way for accessing a wide range of health and wellness related data with health platform api, you may easily read and write data stored in health platform on android and wear os powered by samsung applications can have access to these secured data only with explicit user consent additionally, users may disable access to the data at any point in time see health platform descriptions for detailed information set up your environment you will need the following galaxy watch4 or newer android studio latest version recommended java se development kit jdk 11 or later sample code here is a sample code for you to start coding in this code lab download it and start your learning experience! health step count sample code 119 87 kb turn on developer mode and adjust its settings on your watch, go to settings > about watch > software and tap on software version 5 times upon successful activation of developer mode, a toast message will display as on the image below afterwards, developer options will be visible under settings tap developer options and enable the following options adb debugging debug over wi-fi turn off automatic wi-fi connect your galaxy watch to wi-fi go to settings > connection > wi-fi and make sure that wi-fi is enabled from the list of available wi-fi networks, choose and connect to the same one as your pc when successfully connected, tap a wi-fi network name, swipe down, and note the ip address you will need this to connect your watch over adb from your pc connect your galaxy watch to android studio in android studio, go to terminal and type adb connect <ip address as mentioned in previous step> when prompted, tap always allow from this computer to allow debugging upon successful connection, you will see the following message in android studio’s terminal connected to <ip address of your watch> now, you can run the app directly on your watch start your project after downloading the sample code containing the project files, in android studio click open to open existing project locate the downloaded android project stepcount from the directory and click ok check dependency and app manifest in the dependencies section of stepcount/app/build gradle file, see the appropriate dependency for health platform dependencies { implementation com google android libraries healthdata health-data-api 1 0 0-alpha01' // } notelibrary might update from time to time if necessary, choose the version suggested by android studio request for data permissions before accessing any data through health platform, the client app must obtain necessary permissions from the user in permissions java, create a permission instance to trigger relevant permission screen and obtain required consent from end user data type name intervaldatatypes steps read access accesstype read /******************************************************************************************* * [practice 1] build permission object grand permissions for read today's steps * - set interval data type of steps * - set read access type ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * - hint uncomment lines below and fill todos with * 1 for interval data type intervaldatatypes steps * 2 for read access accesstype read ******************************************************************************************/ permission stepsreadpermission = permission builder // setdatatype "todo 1 1 " // setaccesstype "todo 1 2 " build ; make a query to aggregate today’s steps create read request with all necessary information to read data through health platform api the answer from the platform will be asynchronous with the result from which you can get all the data you are interested in follow the steps below to get today's steps count in stepsreader java, create a readaggregateddatarequest with cumulativeaggregationspec instance data type name intervaldatatypes steps /******************************************************************************************* * [practice 2] build read aggregated data request object for read today's steps * - set interval data type of steps ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * - hint uncomment line below and fill todo 2 with * 1 for interval data type intervaldatatypes steps ******************************************************************************************/ readaggregateddatarequest readaggregateddatarequest = readaggregateddatarequest builder settimespec timespec builder setstartlocaldatetime localdatetime now with localtime midnight build // addcumulativeaggregationspec cumulativeaggregationspec builder "todo 2 1 " build build ; read cumulative steps count from cumulativedata set variable steps value to 0l it is the count of daily steps get aggregatedvalue object using cumulativedata api cumulativedataaggregateddata representing total of intervaldata over a period of time e g total steps in a day public aggregatedvalue gettotal check the result if it is not null, get aggregated value using aggregatedvalue api aggregatedvaluevalue fields aggregated over a period of time only numeric fields longfield, doublefield can be included in aggregation public long getlongvalue returns all longfields and their values that are already set add value to the daily steps result counter /******************************************************************************************* * [practice 3] read aggregated value from cumulative data and add them to the result * - get aggregatedvalue from cumulativedata object * - get steps count from aggregatedvalue object ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * - hint uncomment lines below and replace todo 3 with parts of code * 1 get aggregatedvalue object 'obj' using cumulativedata gettotal * 2 get value using obj getlongvalue and add to the result ******************************************************************************************/ long steps = 0l; if result != null { list<cumulativedata> cumulativedatalist = result getcumulativedatalist ; if !cumulativedatalist isempty { for cumulativedata cumulativedata cumulativedatalist { //"todo 3 1 " //"todo 3 2 " } } } return steps; run unit tests for your convenience, you will find an additional unit tests package this will let you verify your code changes even without using a physical watch see instruction below on how to run unit tests right click on com samsung sdc21 stepcount test and execute run 'tests in 'com samsung sdc21 stepcount'' command if you completed all the tasks correctly, you will see all the unit tests passed successfully run the app after building the apk, you can run the application on a connected device to see real-life aggregated steps count measured by a smartwatch right after the app is started, it will request for the user permission allow the app to receive data of the activity afterwards, the application main screen will be shown it will automatically display today’s step count tap on refresh button to read current steps count from health platform you're done! congratulations! you have successfully achieved the goal of this code lab now, you can create a daily step counter app by yourself! if you're having trouble, you may download this file health step count complete code 119 79 kb learn more by going to health platform
Learn Code Lab
codelabtrack deadlift exercise on galaxy watch objective create a native app for galaxy watch, operating on wear os powered by samsung, using health services to track deadlift exercise this app measures repetition count, calories burned, and time spent during the exercise overview health services provides a simple and unified way for accessing a wide range of health and wellness related data with health services api, you will no longer need to develop your own algorithms processing sensors data in order to compute metrics like heart rate, steps counts, distance, calories burned, and other more these are now accessible through health services embedded on wearables operating on wear os powered by samsung see health platform descriptions for detailed information set up your environment you will need the following galaxy watch4 or newer android studio latest version recommended java se development kit jdk 11 or later sample code here is a sample code for you to start coding in this code lab download it and start your learning experience! health track deadlift sample code 132 83 kb turn on developer mode and adjust its settings on your watch, go to settings > about watch > software and tap on software version 5 times upon successful activation of developer mode, a toast message will display as on the image below afterwards, developer options will be visible under settings tap developer options and enable the following options adb debugging debug over wi-fi turn off automatic wi-fi connect your galaxy watch to wi-fi go to settings > connection > wi-fi and make sure that wi-fi is enabled from the list of available wi-fi networks, choose and connect to the same one as your pc when successfully connected, tap a wi-fi network name, swipe down, and note the ip address you will need this to connect your watch over adb from your pc connect your galaxy watch to android studio in android studio, go to terminal and type adb connect <ip address as mentioned in previous step> when prompted, tap always allow from this computer to allow debugging upon successful connection, you will see the following message in android studio’s terminal connected to <ip address of your watch> now, you can run the app directly on your watch start your project after downloading the sample code containing the project files, open your android studio and click open to open an existing project locate the downloaded android project deadlift from the directory and click ok check dependency and app manifest in the dependencies section of gradle scripts > build gradle module app file, see the appropriate dependency for health services dependencies { implementation 'androidx health health-services-client 1 0 0-beta03' // } notesince the library might update from time to time, it is recommended to choose the version suggested by android studio in androidmanifest xml file, note the following <queries> element <queries> <package android name="com google android wearable healthservices" /> </queries> section with requests for necessary permissions <uses-permission android name="android permission body_sensors" /> <uses-permission android name="android permission activity_recognition" /> check capabilities to check what can be measured during an exercise, you need to check its capabilities go to app > java > com samsung sdc21 deadlift open the deadliftutil java file and navigate to the checkcapabilities method an inner class c definition implements the methods of the futurecallback interface within this definition, define the onsuccess method to retrieve the exercise type capabilities public void onsuccess exercisecapabilities result { objects requirenonnull result ; log i tag, "got exercise capabilities" ; /*********************************************************************************** * [practice 1] define the onsuccess method * * - hint uncomment lines below and replace todo 1 * call getexercisetypecapabilities method of result object, * passing already initialized t as an argument **********************************************************************************/ final exercisetype t = exercisetype deadlift; // final exercisetypecapabilities capabilities = "todo 1" // final exerciseconfig builder builder = exerciseconfig builder t ; // builder setdatatypes capabilities getsupporteddatatypes ; // exerciseconfigbuilder = builder; } next, implement the findcapabilitesfuture method to get a callback with exercisecapabilities getcapabilitiesasync returns the exercisecapabilities of the exerciseclient for the device static listenablefuture<exercisecapabilities> findcapabilitiesfuture exerciseclient client { /******************************************************************************************* * [practice 1] create a listenablefuture object that will get a callback with * with exercise capabilities choose the correct method from exerciseclient * * - hint uncomment line and replace null with todo 2 * for checking capabilities use getcapabilitiesasync method ******************************************************************************************/ return null; //"todo 2"; } start the exercise inside the startexercise method, there is a call to the futures addcallback method this method adds a callback function that executes when the asynchronous operation of starting the exercise completes set an update callback for the exercise client within the onsuccess method of the callback function public void onsuccess void result { log i tag, "successfully started" ; /*************************************************************************** * [practice 2] set an update callback * * - hint uncomment lines below and fill todos * 1 make appropriate call of setupdatecallback method * and pass exerciseupdatelistener object as an argument * 2 change ismeasurementrunning flag value to true **************************************************************************/ // exerciseclient setupdatecallback "todo 3 1 " ; log i tag, "successfully set update listener" ; // "todo 3 2 " } in the deadlift java file, call the startexercise method in onbuttonclickhelper public void onbuttonclickhelper { /******************************************************************************************* * [practice 2] start the exercise using a method from deadliftutil java * * - hint uncomment line below and fill todo 4 * call startexercise method on util object * ****************************************************************************************/ // "todo 4" } get the results go to the deadliftutil java file, and in the getnewrepsvalue method, call the getlatestmetrics method from the exerciseupdate class to get the data collected during the exercise store the data in the resultlist, where the last element holds the most up-to-date value of all your repetitions public long getnewrepsvalue exerciseupdate update, deltadatatype<long, intervaldatapoint<long>> datatype { /******************************************************************************************* * [practice 3] get the data collected during exercise * * - hint uncomment lines below and fill todo 5 * call getlatestmetrics method of exerciseupdate object * then, get the data of appropriate type * for this, you can use dedicated method getdata , passing datatype as an argument * ****************************************************************************************/ // final list<intervaldatapoint<long>> resultlist = "todo 5" // if !resultlist isempty { // final int lastindex = resultlist size - 1; // return resultlist get lastindex getvalue ; // } return no_new_value; } run unit tests for your convenience, you will find an additional unit tests package this will let you verify your code changes even without using a physical watch see instruction below on how to run unit tests right click on com samsung sdc21 deadlift test > deadliftunittest and execute run 'deadliftunittest' command if you completed all the tasks correctly, you will see all the unit tests passed successfully run the app after building the apk, you can run the application on a connected device to measure actual deadlift parameters right after the app is started, it will request for the user permission allow the app to receive data of the activity afterwards, the application main screen will be shown before doing deadlifts, press the start button to track your exercise when done, tap on the stop button you're done! congratulations! you have successfully achieved the goal of this code lab now, you can create a deadlift exercise tracker app by yourself! if you're having trouble, you may download this file health track deadlift complete code 132 42 kb learn more by going to health platform
Learn Code Lab
codelabimplement keyevent callback by mapping air actions objective learn how to implement keyevent callback on your s pen remote by mapping the air actions to a car racing game overview s pen connects via bluetooth low energy ble to a device and the s pen framework manages the connection ble events are converted by the s pen framework into keyevents before sending to the app apps are able to handle s pen events by reusing existing keyevent callback without adding other interfaces collecting and sending s pen remote events to apps the s pen framework collects and manages keyevents to be received by the app, and are defined in xml format before making them public below is the process of the s pen remote event handling and sending s pen remote event-defined keyevents to apps ble event is sent to the s pen framework the s pen framework checks for the foreground app and looks for the keyevent that the app made public the found keyevent is sent to the app's keyevent callback the app performs the actions defined in the keyevent set up your environment you will need the following java se development kit 10 jdk or later android studio latest version recommended samsung galaxy device with s pen remote capability galaxy tab s6 series or newer galaxy s22 ultra or newer galaxy fold3 or newer sample code here is a sample code for you to start coding in this code lab download it and start your learning experience! air actions sample code 6 4 mb start your project in android studio, click open an existing android studio project locate the android project from the directory and click ok implement remote actions check for the activity to handle the keyevent in a manifest file, androidmanifest xml add <intent-filter> and <meta-data> elements to that activity androidmanifest xml resource file defining remoteactions must be specified for <meta-data> <?xml version="1 0" encoding="utf-8"?> <manifest xmlns android="http //schemas android com/apk/res/android" package="com example spenremote racingcar"> <application <activity android name=" mainactivity" <intent-filter> <action android name="com samsung android support remote_action" /> </intent-filter> <meta-data android name="com samsung android support remote_action" android resource="@xml/remote_action_sample"/> </activity> </application> </manifest> noteonly one remoteaction per app is allowed at the moment if you define remoteactions to several activities, all other except one may be ignored create an xml file under res/xml/ name the file with the same name as the resource specified previously create the desired <action> elements in the xml file created as seen below xml has a root element of <remote-actions>, and may include several <action> elements in addition, each <action> contains information about id, label, priority, trigger_key, etc if you want to map a default action to a specific gesture, you need to add a <preference> element <?xml version="1 0" encoding="utf-8"?> <remote-actions version="1 2"> <action id="pause_or_resume" label="@string/pause_or_resume" priority="1" trigger_key="space"> <preference name="gesture" value="click"/> <preference name="button_only" value="true"/> </action> <action id="move_left" label="@string/move_car_left" priority="2" trigger_key="dpad_left"> <preference name="gesture" value="swipe_left"/> <preference name="motion_only" value="true"/> </action> <action id="move_right" label="@string/move_car_right" priority="3" trigger_key="dpad_right"> <preference name="gesture" value="swipe_right"/> <preference name="motion_only" value="true"/> </action> <action id="restart" label="@string/restart" priority="4" trigger_key="ctrl+r"> <preference name="gesture" value="circle_cw|circle_ccw"/> <preference name="motion_only" value="true"/> </action> </remote-actions> implement keyevent callback apply the keyevent callback to the activity where remoteactions have been declared it is recommended to handle the sent keyevent at onkeydown tiplearn more about keyevent callback in android developers add the following keyevent callback as seen below space key pause or resume the racing game left key move the car to left direction right key move the car to right direction ctrl + r key restart the racing game @override public boolean onkeydown int keycode, keyevent event { if keycode == keyevent keycode_space { racingcar playstate state = racingcar getplaystate ; if state == racingcar playstate playing { pause ; } else { resume ; } } else if keycode == keyevent keycode_dpad_left { movecarto racingcar pos_left ; } else if keycode == keyevent keycode_dpad_right { movecarto racingcar pos_right ; } else if event getmetastate & keyevent meta_ctrl_on != 0 && keycode == keyevent keycode_r { restart ; } return super onkeydown keycode, event ; } notepay attention to cases when the child view consumes the keyevent for example, if the edittext is focused on a screen where the edittext co-exists, most keyevents will be consumed for text inputs or a cursor movement and they may not be sent to the activities or container layouts on this screen, you must specify the key code or key combination that the child view cannot consume run the app now, everything is ready when you install your app, make sure that your app icon appears properly in the settings, settings > advanced features > s pen > air actions you can now control the car in the game using air actions you're done! congratulations! you have successfully achieved the goal of this code lab now, you can map air actions events on a game or app by yourself! if you're having trouble, you may download this file air actions complete code 6 4 mb
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