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Design OneUI
docdesigning for foldables samsung unveiled the galaxy fold in 2019, the first foldable device with one ui since then, we've partnered with companies around the world to optimize user experiences for foldable devices galaxy z fold and z flip devices provide a seamless experience while users open and close their device apps should provide an optimized experience for all situations, including when the device is open, when it is closed, or when it is partially folded these guidelines can help you deliver enjoyable and productive experiences on foldable devices app continuity and responsive layouts galaxy z fold and z flip devices have two screens on the same device the cover screen is visible when the device is closed, and the main screen is visible when the device is open since users open and close their devices frequently, continuity between the two screens is important transitions between the cover screen and main screen should be seamless and intuitive when users open their device, your app should appear on the main screen, right where the user left off ①apps should be resizable ②apps should support landscape ③apps should provide a large screen layout find out more on app continuity android developers app continuity samsung developers things to check 1 when the user switches to a different screen, your app should fill the entire screen 2 if the user is viewing scrollable content, keep the scroll position the same when switching to a different screen 3 if the user was entering text before switching screens, the text input and keyboard should remain when switching to a different screen a responsive layout is also important for continuity between screens since z fold users open and close their devices frequently, your app should provide an optimized layout for each screen find out more on different screen sizes android developers responsive ui material design things to check 1 make sure your app displays correctly on screens with various sizes, widths, and aspect ratios 2 make sure your app supports landscape orientation 3 make sure your app displays correctly on both the cover screen and main screen 4 make sure your app fills the entire screen without letterboxing flex mode partially folding the phone allows comfortable use while the device is on a flat surface, such as a table content is shown on the top of the screen, which is angled up controls and buttons are shown on the bottom of the screen, which lays flat apps should automatically adjust when the device is partially folded camera & photo taking video playing video call find out more on flex mode samsung developers support new form factors medium things to check 1 show content on the top and provide controls on the bottom 2 show a visual transition effect when changing into or out of flex mode 3 avoid positioning interactive elements near the crease in the middle of the screen 4 some apps or screens may not need to change their layout when the device is partially folded for example, a list of settings layout design for large screens
Learn Code Lab
codelabimplement app continuity and optimize large screen ui of a gallery app objective learn how to apply app continuity and large screen optimization on a gallery app for seamless experience on foldable devices overview samsung foldable devices have two different physical screens the cover display and the larger main display app continuity lets you experience a seamless transition between these displays when using an app that supports app continuity, you can unfold the device and continue where you left off with this feature, apps can run without interruption when it receives a configuration change event, such as when a device is folded or unfolded it is essential to continue the operation by keeping the same state and location of the app after the transition large screen optimization plays another significant role in terms of ux designing for foldable devices the screens of foldable devices have a wide range of aspect ratios, careful ux design is needed to suit two different size displays set up your environment you will need the following java se development kit jdk 8 or later android studio latest version recommended samsung galaxy fold, z fold2, z fold3, or newer remote test lab if physical device is not available requirements samsung account java runtime environment jre 7 or later with java web start internet environment where port 2600 is available sample code here is a sample code for you to start coding in this code lab download it and start your learning experience! app continuity sample code 2 80 mb start your project after downloading the sample code containing the project file for this code lab, open your android studio and click open an existing project locate the downloaded android project from the directory and click ok handle the configuration change to have a seamless experience when using a gallery app, the photo that is displayed after folding or unfolding the device should be the same as the previous you need to store the position or id of the photo, as android destroys and recreate the activity when folding and unfolding the phone use bundle with its key/value pair to store and restore the values in addition, you need to consider the screen rotation in order to keep the app running, as android restarts the activity of the app after the configuration changes let's first start to prevent the activity from restarting, by handling the configuration change for mainactivity in androidmanifest xml file android configchanges="keyboardhidden|orientation|screensize" save the instance state by storing the data before the activity is destroyed when the screen changes from main to cover display or vice versa, android provides us an override method called onsaveinstancestate it accepts a bundle as a parameter use putint method to store data into key/value pair override fun onsaveinstancestate outstate bundle { outstate putint "currentposition", currentimageposition log i "tag", "onsave "+currentimageposition super onsaveinstancestate outstate } retrieve the stored values when the app is first developed, the savedinstancestate will be null inside the oncreate method if it is not null, you can retrieve the stored values from the bundle using getint and the key name you set up in the previous step while storing if savedinstancestate != null { selectedimageview!! setimageresource images[savedinstancestate getint "currentposition" ] customgalleryadapter!! updateposition images[savedinstancestate getint "currentposition" ] currentimageposition = savedinstancestate getint "currentposition" log i "tag", "onsaved " + savedinstancestate getint "currentposition" } create a layout file for the main display the next thing to do, is to optimize the app's large screen ui here, you will add a navigator for the photos when using the app in the main display, since it has more space android offers an alternate resources option based on various criteria like display size, density, and other more you can use two different layout files for each display using alternate resources of android create a new directory in res in the form of [resource]-[qualifier] for cover display and main display the appropriate version of the resource is shown automatically by the system based on the smallest width qualifier of sw the cover display will be between sw240 and sw480, while the main display will be sw600 create a new directory named layout-sw600dp under the res directory and then create an xml file named activity_main res/ layout/ activity_main xml layout-sw600dp/ activity_main xml add the layout code add the gallery layout code shown below, in layout-sw600dp/activity_main xml file <?xml version="1 0" encoding="utf-8"?> <androidx constraintlayout widget constraintlayout xmlns android="http //schemas android com/apk/res/android" xmlns app="http //schemas android com/apk/res-auto" xmlns tools="http //schemas android com/tools" android id="@+id/linearlayout" android layout_width="match_parent" android layout_height="match_parent" tools context="com xyz gallery mainactivity"> <imageview android id="@+id/imageview" android layout_width="wrap_content" android layout_height="match_parent" android gravity="center_vertical" app layout_constraintend_toendof="parent" app layout_constraintstart_tostartof="parent" app layout_constrainttop_totopof="parent" /> <gallery android id="@+id/allgallery" android layout_width="fill_parent" android layout_height="108dp" android layout_marginbottom="4dp" android gravity="fill" android orientation="horizontal" android padding="10dp" android spacing="5dp" app layout_constraintbottom_tobottomof="parent" app layout_constraintend_toendof="parent" app layout_constrainthorizontal_bias="0 0" app layout_constraintstart_tostartof="parent" /> </androidx constraintlayout widget constraintlayout> run the app after building the apk, you can run the gallery app and see how it change when you fold and unfold the device if you don’t have any physical device, you can also test it on a remote test lab device tipwatch this tutorial video and know how to easily test your app via remote test lab noteapp continuity when folding the device, can be turned on for selected apps in settings if the app supports app continuity to continue using the gallery app on the cover display when you close your phone, go to settings> display > continue apps on cover screen > toggle on gallery app foldable devices let you decide whether you want to see less or more content at the same time in the main display to see the photo navigator added in the app, go to settings> display > screen layout and zoom > see more content at the same time you're done! congratulations! you have successfully achieved the goal of this code lab now, you can optimize your app to support continuity and large screen layout by yourself! if you're having trouble, you may download this file app continuity complete code 24 44 mb to learn more about developing apps for galaxy foldable devices, visit www developer samsung com/galaxy-z
Develop Mobile Galaxy Z
docux and ui considerations foldable devices bring different screen size and shape to the market hence, the way people use your app may vary from past years by considering new layouts and navigation patterns, app developers can explore opportunities to build greater experience in larger screen devices handle diverse aspect ratios on devices where your application takes up the entire screen, large-screen form factors mean you need to allow for various aspect ratios for example, in the samsung z fold series, the aspect ratio of the cover screen is similar to a bar-type device, whereas the ratio of the main screen is close to square take a communication app, users may place it in a tall, narrow window at the edge of the screen so they can view and respond to messages while working with another app that occupies the rest of the screen there is no magic bullet to addressing this diversity of aspect ratios, you will need to test and support these as best as possible however, if your app’s content is unsuitable for certain aspect ratios, use the minaspectratio flag, introduced in android 10, or the maxaspectratio flag to constrain your app within workable aspect ratios to be compatible with samsung foldable devices, you should test your apps for these ratios responsive layout you can make better use of larger screens by considering ways to surface more information or to show content more efficiently spotify is one good example, which is designed to deliver more content and to provide more optimized and convenient navigation according to various screen sizes find out more on android at large how to bring optimized experiences to the big screen
Learn Developers Podcast
docseason 3, episode 7 previous episode | episode index | next episode this is a transcript of one episode of the samsung developers podcast, hosted by and produced by tony morelan a listing of all podcast transcripts can be found here host tony morelan senior developer evangelist, samsung developers instagram - twitter - linkedin guests guy merin, senior director of engineering, surface duo developer experience, microsoft ade oshineye, senior staff developer advocate, google søren lambæk, developer relations engineer, samsung foldables, games not only do we chat about the emerging trends in the foldable industry but how companies are working together to help developers create for this new and innovative technology listen download to this episode topics covered foldable industry trends growth of foldables target audience making foldables mainstream benefits of the foldable form factor extending a traditional app to a foldable device process for supporting foldables foldable device example apps consumer adoption challenges developer opportunities resources for developers companies working together on foldables helpful links large screen/foldable guidance large screen app quality jetpack windowmanager jetpack slidingpanelayout jetpack windowmanager foldable/dual-screens surface duo layout libraries surface duo android emulator figma - surface duo design kit surface duo blog surface duo twitch surface duo twitter adopting native language discover quality apps on large screens foldables design/development perspectives learn about foldables case studies 5 steps to large screen designing understanding layout code lab testing window size classes jetnews different screen sizes migrate to responsive layouts compose/activity embedding unfolding gaming potential samsung remote test lab samsung developer program website samsung developer program newsletter samsung developer program blog samsung developer program news samsung developer program facebook samsung developer program instagram samsung developer program twitter samsung developer program youtube samsung developer program linkedin tony morelan linkedin guy merin, microsoft, linkedin ade oshineye, google, linkedin søren lambæk, samsung, linkedin transcript note transcripts are provided by an automated service and reviewed by the samsung developers web team inaccuracies from the transcription process do occur, so please refer to the audio if you are in doubt about the transcript tony morelan 00 01 hey, i'm tony morelan and this is the samsung developers podcast, where we chat with innovators using samsung technologies, award winning app developers and designers, as well as insiders working on the latest samsung tools welcome to season three, episode seven recently i hosted a roundtable discussion on developing for foldable devices not only do we chat about the emerging trends in the foldable industry, but how companies are working together to help developers create for this new and innovative technology enjoy today's show, we're doing something pretty special i've got three guests on the podcast all from leading companies in the foldable space i've got guy merin, senior director of engineering on the surface duo developer experience team at microsoft guy merin 00 53 hi tony, good morning great to be here tony morelan 00 55 excellent i've also got ade oshineye, senior staff developer advocate at google ade oshineye 01 00 hi nice to be here tony morelan 01 03 and i've also got søren lambæk, developer relations engineer at samsung søren lambæk 01 09 hello good to be here tony morelan 01 11 this is amazing i've got all of you on the podcast at the same time we actually haven't tried this format before so let's take him for a ride and see how much fun we can have let me start with guy over at microsoft tell me who is guy merin? guy merin 01 25 hey, yeah, hey, folks so i'm guy the journey in microsoft a few years back started that windows went through the windows mobile, because mobile gadgets and devices are really my passion and then the last five or so years, i've been working full time on android, building a couple of software products, and recently the surface duo so this mobile and android is really my passion and i'm really at my dream job now working with developers, you know, reaching out really great on the personal level, i got recently into mountain climbing so just last weekend, we had a big expedition to summit, one of the washington mountains i live in seattle in washington, okay and that was a very, very fun experience that i found a lot of similarities to, you know, projects we have at work, climbing a mountain and summit thing is really a project on its own with preparation and planning and found a lot of interesting similarities tony morelan 02 29 it gives you a lot of time to think also, i'm sure that when you're climbing so are you like with ropes and rappelling or yeah, rope really guy merin 02 38 is, is more snow so it's ropes and ice axes and stuff but oh, gosh tony morelan 02 45 that is great how many feet would you say? was the summit? guy merin 02 50 close to 11,000 tony morelan 02 52 wow, that is absolutely impressive what was your journey to get to the state of washington? were you born there? or is this? the accent i'm picking up? i'm not quite sure is from the northwest? guy merin 03 07 no, no so no, i was born and raised in israel okay and i moved over to washington eight years ago, i've been working at microsoft in israel, actually doing some fun stuff with windows phone in israel and then pretty much my wife wanted to move over to seattle and that that made us take the trip and we love it here tony morelan 03 32 so now let's move over to google tell me who is ade oshineye? ade oshineye 03 38 so i work in android developer relations i've worked all over the different aspects of google over the last 15 years before that was in consultancy, when i'm not at a desk in front of cameras and things i'm out with a camera, taking photos in zurich, where we have really nice mountains that i like to climb them by sitting in a train that just gently takes you to the top and then i also play badminton and play go so between that i'm pretty busy i tony morelan 04 05 wonder if i understand you actually were born and raised in england is that correct? yes ade oshineye 04 09 so i'm an east londoner but now i live in switzerland, which is strange and very different to east london but i also live in the middle of a whole collection of british shops, so that i can get british food very easily really? okay yes tony morelan 04 27 tell me how did you get involved with foldables at google? ade oshineye 04 30 well, let's see well, me specifically, i mean, i started out with the samsung flip and then we've got this planet of surface duo for us as a company, it's more around the whole beat together not the same idea that the point of the entity ecosystem is that all of these oem can try different things users can try different kinds of experiences developer can try to serve all of them and we power all of that with the platform tony morelan 04 57 and from samsung tell me who is søren lambæk? søren lambæk 05 02 hello, i work at samsung as a developer relations engineer and basically, i building relationships between the games industry and samsung there are so many mobile games out there so we were reaching out to them at a technical level and try to help their games to run smooth on certain devices on a more personal level, i am one of those artists that just got obsessed with programming sure so my background is actually a lot of with art, drawing and music and that kind of thing but i just could see, the programming hat was so powerful so i just, i got this obsession is programming tony morelan 05 48 excellent and i know that you guys can't see on the podcast but soren has some beautiful guitars behind him and before we hit the record button, we were all having a nice conversation about music now, i understand you were born in chile, but raised in england that correct søren lambæk 06 04 and so i was born i was born in chile that's correct and i was raised up in denmark, hence my name and my name is danish and okay because then i guess such a small country and at the time, i wanted to do get a career we didn't have any games industry in denmark so i decided i wanted to go to england and when university studying games design, because there was art, but then i realized programming that's where the future is, for me and then so i was one of the only students that went from art to programming is usually the other way around yeah, tony morelan 06 47 so yeah, i would definitely think so so let's talk foldables back in 2019, samsung released the galaxy fold, which was the first foldable device to really hit the mainstream market since then, other companies like microsoft, motorola, huawei, have released foldable devices and in such a short amount of time, we've seen some really great improvements with this technology guy, you've been from microsoft, what are some of the trends that you've noticed in the foldable industry? guy merin 07 17 some of the trends one we're seeing, as you said, more, more oems picking those up? are you seeing more and more companies bringing for the world? and it's really starting to become a commodity but the cool thing about it that each one has their own different angle to it so you know, for the microsoft one, it's, you know, mainly around productivity and two screens, for others is mainly around more real estate or something that is a small form that can then go to, to a bigger form and it's all really about the form factors and the posters that you can really do with it so how does the phone react when it's folded when it's open when it's tilted 90 degrees? and i think we'll see more of those in the future tony morelan 08 07 are they are you seeing different trends for the way developers are designing and building apps? ade oshineye 08 12 so i think we're seeing three main trends one is the oems exploring the space of possible designs, does the device folding fold out full vertically filled horizontally full three times, there's so many different things oems are doing second stylus is becoming more and more mainstream, that's changing the set of available postures and then the final thing is the way keyboards and trackpads are blurring the distinctions between phones, phablets tablets so the whole notion of what is an android app is becoming this flexible, multi-dimensional space and there's always people exploring that space and trying new things yeah, tony morelan 08 55 yeah soren, what about the growth in this industry? is this been something that you think, you know, over the past several years, it's really been, you know, going much higher? søren lambæk 09 04 yeah so last year, we had 150% growth, and we are expecting that in the future, more and more people seem to get foldable phones and when it comes to games, it does have like quite a lot of benefits because you can use the second screen if you're put it in like a folder but sure you can you can change this from full screen to a two completely different mode where the bottom screen, you can use it for items or mini map and that kind of thing tony morelan 09 35 yeah, yeah you know, this technology is so new that it's at this time, i think we're still trying to figure out what is this this target audience a day? what are your thoughts on who is the target audience for foldables? ade oshineye 09 49 well, i think a good way of thinking about it would be to look at the flips and the surface drill as capturing the two sets of ordinances we see there are very often younger people woohoo, looking for cool new experiences, i tend to see a lot of those people walking around with a samsung flip but then you also see a set of people at the high end with a lot more money tend to be more business people, they tend to have the larger the fold or a duel or something like that, that has a stylus that runs multiple apps at the same time, that sort of almost a replacement laptop and those are the two sets of people i tend to see using foldables tony morelan 10 25 guy, do you have any thoughts on them? on the demographic of who is attracted to foldables? guy merin 10 31 i don't see it as a demographic thing i think i think it will become a commodity that more and more users across the world will? we'll see i think right now we're still seeing trends, because he's on the higher end, of course, yeah so we're seeing trend around there but when this becomes more of a commodity, and i think it will, and more of a mainstream device, i don't think it's going to be a demographic thing, just like we've seen with other form, form factors that are spread across the world tony morelan 11 00 yeah, yeah in certain you'd mentioned about gamers and tell me your thoughts on you know why something like foldable device would be attracted to the gaming community? søren lambæk 11 09 well, obviously, a big screen will have a big effect, not only can you see like a lot of graphics do you like and can change and you can have like, a different benefits doing tony morelan 11 20 that so what would it take for foldables to become more mainstream? søren lambæk 11 24 the price is it's a major one for reforms are quite pricey sure, reducing the price wouldn't make it more accessible for a lot of people tony morelan 11 34 yeah and i also think that really trying to teach developers how to build apps, you know, more education on app adoption is also important søren lambæk 11 43 yeah, definitely, we see a lot of games developer don't even consider foldable phones yet so i hope that is something that is going to change, where they could like start maybe changing the ui before they actually building the game guy merin 11 58 i think it would only if i may add one thing i think it's is a triangle of three things there is, you know, the users and the users’ need to see the benefit of why they should, you know, try a foldable phone or a large screen and then what drives that is apps so the more apps that we see that utilize it, that gives them benefits over using just a single screen, smaller device, the more apps that will use things like side by side or split screen or drag and drop between and just productivity and thinks that users can get more out of these apps when running on these new form factors i think that's another key factor and i think the third piece of this triangle is, in order to make the app better on those, you need to support it, that sdk level and the platform yeah, that's a lot of work that has been done by everybody here so mainly by google, because they of course, own the platform so the more we will see those things as standard like jetpack compose so how do you support foldables? there? how do you support all the other sdks, the more they will come native, the better the apps will get, the better the users will benefit from them? and i think that triangle, doing it correctly, will make it much more mainstream in the future ade oshineye 13 20 i agree with that i think one other thing that we've been pushing is getting developers across the chasm of thinking about this so we have a code lab, we put together with microsoft shows developers how to build for a world where the devices can be radically different sizes i mean, on my desk here, i have a samsung flip and a samsung ultra and they are radically different sizes, one of them can fold to be even smaller so if you want to build for both of these devices, and all the things in between, you have to think about am i going to be a responsive design app or when adaptive app, i had to think about which layouts i'm going to support which postures are going to support which aspect ratios, which resolutions, and developers for a long time, we've been able to sort of not really think very hard about that because most phones for a long time were fairly similar sizes now, the same kindle app that has to fold nicely on a surface duo has to also work on a giant tablet, for example, we have duo and meet and the same apk more or less that runs on your phone also runs on your television when we think of this as large screens, the screens can be very tony morelan 14 35 large what about google's quality guidelines? so the challenge for ade oshineye 14 39 us with quality guidelines is we don't want to stifle innovation but we do want to make sure that when a user downloads an app from our store, that it works well on the device, and that there are there's a well-lit path for developers in how do i give users the best possible experience so we have fatal guidelines and implemented shouldn't advice on what is a high-quality experience and then we have tiers of quality, so that you don't have to take a big jump, you don't have to eat the elephant in one bite you can, i think it's eat the rhinoceros in one bite, you can do it in, in lots of little bites so there are steps you can take to improve your quality and we have an easy-to-understand website that shows you, here's all the things you haven't done yet and you can decide which ones to invest in and when tony morelan 15 29 yeah, and i'll mention here that i know throughout this podcast that you guys will be referencing lots of resources for developers to really learn more about how to create for foldables, i'll be sure to include links in the show notes so that you guys can easily find this content so guy, tell me who do you think would benefit by developing for the foldable form factor and why guy merin 15 52 i think everybody will benefit from it the bottom of the funnel is the apps and the user so the users would benefit the most but i think you're asking more about the developers, i think every developer should look at is how they said here before my app is not going to run now only on a single screen, small device, it will span across others, every developer should think about their app what else can i do now that i have more real estate? and again, if it's a game, okay, what do i do with the second screen? how will my game maybe if i run the game, in a split screen with discord on the other side, because i'm using that for gaming as well, to start thinking about all these new scenarios that your app can now do? how can i provide content to the app that sits just beside me with drag and drop functionalities with these kinds of things? and i think every app, every developer, can benefit from those and you should start thinking about that, because this is preparing for, for the future and for more and more of these devices showing in market yeah, tony morelan 17 02 and i know the other day, a day and i were actually having a conversation about multi app user journeys ade oshineye 17 08 so we've tried to move away from thinking of use cases or scenarios to what we call cjs critical user journeys and part of that is because if i'm at home during the pandemic, i tend to have google docs open with meeting notes and then google meat open that if you move that to a foldable, well, that's one screen each but then i need to drag and drop things across them which means both developers need to think, am i a good citizen? does my app play well with others? historically, developers have tended to think about the user journey only within their own app but if you're a video chat app, you need to think okay, how do i work well, with a game with video content, somebody's watching, if i'm a video app, do i have picture in picture, if i have picture and picture, it unlocks all sorts of interesting new user journeys for the user if i'm a game, and i support multi window scenarios, it becomes possible somebody to play a game and live, stream it or play a game and have a chat conversation going on at the same time so trying to think about the user journey that's not just inside your one app, but it's across your app and other apps or even across multiple instances of your app tony morelan 18 17 store and tell me, what should the developer with an existing app do to extend it to foldables? søren lambæk 18 23 so there's quite a lot of sdk is that can be used already jetpack? windows manager is an android library that can help you with detecting if your app is expanding over multiple screens or not tony morelan 18 39 what about specifically game developers? maybe someone who's developing, you know, for unity or for unreal? are there resources out there to help them? søren lambæk 18 47 yeah, so samsung got like, some tutorials that will help you to set up phone apps for unity and unreal, boston guy merin 18 56 tony, if i may i can add one thing on the first question, what can developers do with an existing app, we put up a three-step guide and it's not specifically for the microsoft surface device for large screen on older foldables and the really the three steps are crawl, walk, run so you should start with taking your app and just trying it out on these new form factors if you have access to one of these devices, just try it there if you don't, there is emulators for everything for foldables for a duo for a large screen so just try your app on the emulator that's step one just see that it behaves well on these new form factors using an email lender step two is what we call the low hanging fruit so don't super invest but start small, as they say, maybe think about how can my app behave when it's running within other apps? so maybe support drag and drop either is a source of or is or is a destination cause doing picture and picture, things like that these are things that are super easy that you know, there's samples, there's code snippets, and you can just go in and copy paste into your app and just support that these are really small additions you can do and then it will really shine on those new devices and step three, is where really all the magic can happen you know, you have more real estate now so there's many new design patterns, you can think about lease details, you can think about a companion plane and a few others so what now will you do in your app that, you know, you have more real estate, you can do things differently? this is step three, which is i think, you know, where all the big value will come but it's a journey towards getting there ade oshineye 20 43 definitely, i think one other thing you may want to include is, at the most basic level, you check things like if i rotate my phone, does your device crash? does the app crash? or does it handle it? and then use thing? okay, so you handle rotation, you don't lose state if i'm halfway through typing a message, and i accidentally rotate my tablet, do you lose my message? that's bad yeah so that continuity is an important thing, all the way up to things like handling hinge occlusion so if you've got a surface duo, there's a hinge down the middle, you've got to remember that there we have an api for that, handling different postures of the device, and even trying to see if you can use those postures to offer new functionality but for a lot of developers, it's stepping back thinking about all the different contexts in which people are going to try to use your app and then making sure that you've handled them tony morelan 21 31 yeah, and guy you had mentioned about them testing, i wanted to also bring up that samsung has their remote tests lab, where you can online access a real device for testing your app so another great resource for developers to, to work with guy merin 21 49 definitely, it's also that in the emulator, the emulator is also an amazing resource, because you can run it locally, you can run it on the cloud, we have some workflows that connect to a cloud emulator so every time you know we have a few samples, so every time we do a check in for the sample, it spins off an emulator and test it looks great so we have all these test steps and none of that is specific to us to the to the demo, you can run it with any other devices well, tony morelan 22 15 tell me what is the figma design kit guy merin 22 18 figma design kit is a tool for designers to start thinking about foldables and large screens and dual screens so when we started the journey with developers, we first were thinking about the developers, how do we support you with sdks and with samples and with documentation, that's step two, actually, step one is thinking about your designs and then we started looking at what are the tools that designers use so figma is one of them and there are others so we just created figma design kit for foldables so it lists out all the layouts that are possible again, the list detail, the companion pane and a few others, gives you all the frames and really helps you think about the scenarios you want to cover in your in your app for these new form factors and then you start working with the developers and the sdk, there's actually a step three that we're trying to do in the future, which is, how do we make it easy? taking a figma design kit or another slope and making that into code? that's going to be the next step in the future? tony morelan 23 30 are they tell me about the jetpack window manager and the jet news demo app? ade oshineye 23 36 so like many people, we have quite some quite old demos that were written in a world where you had a phone and you had a tablet and so we like everybody else had to think about, okay, how do we change this to handle different postures, different aspect ratios so we have an article where we walked through the process we went through to use jetpack window manager to handle a lot of these configuration changes to handle continuity, rotation, a lot of those things so we got actually pretty good article about this i think one of the things we don't touch on in that article that i think is really important, is if i have an existing app that people like, and it's too expensive for me to do a complete rewrite, how do i start adding some of the new things into it so we have a new thing called activity embedding, which lets you get a foot in the door of compose, or we're starting to add these new, more complex layouts so maybe your app was just, oh, i have a bunch of cards that go vertically up and down the screen but it's actually no longer a phone it's a device that folds out is not twice the size so now i need to think, okay, i need to go to a list detail view gmail is a good example of this you do that unfold or you rotate and now you have so much more screen estate the challenge is, how do i embed the new more complex layout index? system set of layouts i already have without having to do a rewrite so there's a lot of that functionality that we're trying to show people because we don't want to fall in the trap of the only way you can get to the new world is to burn everything down and start again we want to give people an incremental path from where they are to where they need to get tony morelan 25 18 i was at gdc, this past year in samsung had a great presentation this morning did you get a chance to see that that presentation at gdc? where they talked about developing for foldables? søren lambæk 25 30 yeah, yeah yeah, yeah, it was one of our team members, mike there was doing a presentation tony morelan 25 37 yeah, i'll make sure to include a link to that to that presentation it was great because they covered foldable optimizations for game engines like unity and unreal, talked about android jetpack apis, and window manager showed examples of things like flex mode and ui scaling, and even had an engineer from unity talk about adaptive performance 4 0 ade tell me what should a developer consider when writing a new app for foldables? ade oshineye 25 46 my immediate reaction to this is, first of all, should i use views? or should i use compose, but i'm talking to more and more of my colleagues, they all go? well, obviously, they should compose because composers the future so the official google recommendation, if you're starting from scratch, start with compose, it will mature as your app matures the other things to think about is what makes foldable special, it's the fact they have all these postures, they have all of these different kinds of usage scenarios that they offer and then you want to avoid littering your code with designs that are attached to a specific screen size, or a specific aspect ratio, or a specific resolution and instead, you've got to decide am i adaptive or responsive? will i try to scale the same design? or will i move the components around when the posture or the orientation or the size changes? it's a difference between an app with a list of cards and the cards just get bigger? and an app that says, well, when you rotate me, i go to a list detail view? tony morelan 26 52 guy, what are your thoughts on what a developer should consider when they're writing a new app for foldables guy merin 26 59 so i think a developer should consider a couple of things one, there's folding features specifically for duo, we have, we have a hinge in the middle so if you have like controls, do you want to put them in the middle, or maybe you want to lay them out a little? a little differently for game developers, we did a lot of work for example, with xbox so when you play a game, you can have the controls on one screen and the game on the other screen so the controls, you know, are now have their own dedicated space so maybe you can do some stuff with it so for example, the one thing we did is depending on where you are in the game itself, the controller themes and the way they look change so if you're now a pirate on a ship, and you're in a sword fight or something, the controller is changed to be a sword, for example, or things like that and then other considerations are the posters so what happens when the device is folded? what happens when it's open? what happens when you rotate it? and all these will change the layout of the app and show different controls and options for the use of yeah, tony morelan 28 12 yeah soren, what would you say are some of the common issues that could come up when designing around foldables? søren lambæk 28 22 i think it's important for developers to consider the ui because on the samsung fold, when the phone is folded, we got like a single display so the aspect ratio on that one is very different to when you're when you got it unfolded so the ui, you will have much less space for ui so that is something that's very important that the transition from going from single display to what's the display, that the ui will change so it fits, there's no point on like, you can see all the ui on when it's when it's unfolded and then when you go to the single screen, half of the ui is not a clickable or you can see it so that's very, very important that you test that on your on your phone tony morelan 29 11 yeah, and i know it's a gdc presentation that's one of the things that mike covered was how to have your game go from the single screen and then when you open up the device, how it transitions to the to the door screen søren lambæk 29 25 yeah, exactly ade oshineye 29 26 oh, actually, that reminds me one thing i, i keep mentioning continuity and mostly people think, oh, i have my device, let's say to tablet like this ultra i have in my hand and in in the vertical orientation that's easy and if i rotate, i don't want to lose my state that's typically what we've always meant by continuity but once you have a device that falls, especially if you've got something that has three screens and how to screen them into screens, i may launch something on the outer screen then i open it up and then the app has to move on or the activity as we found that out the screen to now maybe spread out across both screens and then if i fold it the other way, so i'm now on one of the inner screens, the app has to not lose state now we have a bunch of guidance on how you define normal apps, where it gets especially tricky is when it's things like camera, where you may not just be moving an activity across screens, but it may actually move it across cameras okay, so this is one of those places where, if you have a real device in your hand, you can see it and you can see how for a user, this would be a very comfortable, obvious thing, they would expect holding the device in their hands but for you sitting behind your keyboard, it might not leap out as you as an obvious thing for a user to do yeah, so if you sit with erica, with us a samsung flip, you can take a selfie on it, but you might just very easily rotating your hand and because you want to take a selfie with the other camera for your app that's a very complicated thing for the user it's the most natural thing in the world sure so it's important to think about continuity across the different surfaces of the foldable yeah, guy merin 31 07 yeah and let me give, let me give another example with an email app can be gmail, it can be outlook, it can be whatever it whatever you're using and i think foldable or dual screen is really a great way to read emails so if, if until now, i was used to, you know, in the morning to get to my emails on a single screen device so i just have a list of emails, and then i go into each one of them, read it, go back, go to each one of them, read it, go back reply, what have you, if you don't have a larger screen, you can have the least detail so i see all the emails in one place, i click them and then the other side, i see the actual email that i need to address and now if i have to, is a lengthy email, if i have to read it, i can rotate the device and then i get into this a form, that i across the whole screen, i just see the whole email as detail and then when i hit the reply button, it can go into this laptop mode that you know, the keyboard goes from the bottom and then i could start replying to it and when i'm done, i get back to the least detail up to my next email so it really can serve as a laptop replacement yeah, because you have a larger screen, you can do pretty much in a productive manner, which you can do with your regular pc or mac tony morelan 32 27 yeah, for sure so guy, do you think it's a misconception that developers need to do a lot of custom work, that's only going to be that's only going to add value to a foldable device guy merin 32 38 i think it's a misconception, definitely, there's actually not a lot of work you need to do as i said before, you could start small with just adding drag and drop functionality or picture in picture and that will work across every place, every form factor around large screen small screen, and you're using native api's and sdk to support a foldable, you don't need to pick up another sdk for it it's all supported natively and whatever you do will work across all these devices and again, in the future, it can work on the tv or other on a watch so whatever your app will do, consider all these layouts provide layout screens, for each one of those new form factors, a single app will work on all of it ade oshineye 33 28 yeah, i think something i did this weekend is i went and dug up all my old android devices, i have android devices, going back to the g one and even the ones before the g one that i'm not sure i'm allowed to talk about in public, all the way to the latest ones from today and as developer, handling all of these different scenarios, is actually increasing the maintainability of your app because if i think about the screen on the g one and the resolution of that, and i think about that, compared to the resolution, the pixel six, it's a huge jump, and the screens are so much bigger so think about the kinds of devices we'll have five years from now, how much bigger how much higher resolution will those screens be? how often do you want to rewrite your app between now and then? versus oh, it's just a bigger screen at all it's a different posture and being able to make it a relatively simple migration or maintenance that versus a yet another rewrite tony morelan 34 31 so tell me, soren, what are some good examples of existing apps that are taking advantage of the foldable form factor? søren lambæk 34 39 so we have seen a lot of retro games actually, you are utilizing the phone a lot so because retro games don't really have that much heavy graphics so they've got like, plenty of space that they can use so we have seen where people are using a virtual gamepad on one screen and using live small mini maps and that kind of thing so that's okay seems but i also think that like when you're watching it like a video and you start like folding it, and you just see the video slide up on just one screen, because it assumes that you want to put it on tape or something i think that is really clever and i would like to see more of that thinking tony morelan 35 19 in a day, what are some great examples of existing apps that are taking advantage of the foldable form factor? ade oshineye 35 24 so we see a lot, but actually, my two favorites were shown to me by guy, one was a battleships game where you basically have the device in a tabletop posture, and you basically rotate it the other way for the other person to play oh, i thought that was beautiful yes love that and the second thing he showed me was just the kindle yes so basically be able to have the kindle open like a book, but also be able to fold it the other way so like a like a cheap paperback, where you fold it and you hold him in one hand exactly i would never do that for any of my books, but been able to do that and like surface to that field like that is so nicely that i think was really compelling tony morelan 36 02 and that was the first thing when i when i pulled out the surface duo showed my wife, the first thing she did was grab it in, folded it around like it was a traditional paperback book that was so easy to hold she absolutely loved that that aspect of it guy tell me, what are some other examples of some great apps that are already taking advantage of a foldable, guy merin 36 25 i think two kinds of app one is apps for consuming and i think the kindle is a good example of flipping a page, which is supernatural i really liked that experience as well, but also apps around creation so for example, if you need to edit a video, or edit your photos, or edit the blog post, it's very easy with dual screen or with the foldable or our screen to have the actual video or photo on one side, and on the other side, all the controls, and then you hit a control and you see it real time, what happens, how does it change the other, it's really, really helpful to create and edit your memories that way so it's really a great creation tool, as well, not just for consuming tony morelan 37 12 yeah, i could definitely see that also be a great value with a program like adobe acrobat you know, i'm often editing pdfs and so i could see that would be a great use case for, you know, not only being able to read documents, but then you know, making edits ade oshineye 37 28 i can also imagine with that sort of notebook, passport, sort of novel types, device, where if it's light enough and thin enough, you can sort of fold it in half with a stylus, and just scribble it like you would have a normal notebook, basically, like a moleskin but it's a moleskin with an infinite number of pages there's, guy merin 37 49 there's also psychological sense here, about the folding, and that you can close it so for example, if i'm writing or scribbling or journaling with a stylus on the device, when it's open, when i'm done, consider if you're doing it on a regular notebook, what are you doing, you're closing it, and it gives you a sense that you're done you accomplished something and i think this is where foldables really shine because you're doing something you're reading an email, you're journaling, you're even playing a game, once you're done, you close it, even you hear that little click yes and it gives you a sense, you know, it's like checking a box in your to do and i think this is something that you don't see in other form factors and you see it only on this folding devices that really helps users stay in their flow and then move away to, you know, do something else that is not related to the phone so leave it off and you know, digital wellbeing and stuff tony morelan 38 46 yeah, it's funny that you say that, because that was the one of the first things i noticed when i closed my duo hearing that little click sound it's sitting on my desk i was like, ah, okay, put that away ade oshineye 38 56 yeah, yeah, that's actually not the interesting effectiveness is that with the foldables, initially, because of weight, and then eventually, because of new user journeys, they switch from being in your trouser pocket, at least for me to being in a jacket pocket and that's something changes all the places i use them tony morelan 39 14 interesting yeah and i know when i first got my hands on the z flip, folding it to that such small form factor and putting it in my pocket just felt so much better than some of the bulky devices that i seem to carry around with me søren lambæk 39 30 i actually heard that people who using the ac flip, use the phone less because they have to open it manually so for them, it actually helps them a lot to not like spend too much time on the phone so there, i guess there's some psychological effect ade oshineye 39 47 i mean, i've had the opposite with my flip in that because it's so small, and because it sorts of made me take more selfies i don't usually take selfies because well, i usually have a real camera with me, but i have this thing, it's small enough that it's in the back pocket of my jeans and it's just arms were nice and i would normally just take a photo of the place but as thing i can pull it out, then basically without having to unfold it, or unlock it just pointed on my face, click selfie, put it in my pocket again so for that one particular user journey, i use it more tony morelan 40 20 interesting yeah, i could, i could totally see that but tell me a day, what are some of the challenges that foldable technology needs to overcome to increase consumer adoption? ade oshineye 40 31 i mean, if i look at the variety of devices, i have the flip back pocket of jeans every time when it comes to the fold, i have to sort of look at the jacket i'm wearing and think about, okay, will the material the lining handles the weight, or should it go into my bag, if i'm carrying this surface duo, it's light enough that i can just casually put it in my jacket pocket, it'll be fine but it's too bulky for me to put in the front pocket of any of my jeans and it feels dangerous to put in the back pocket so weight is an issue cost is also an issue because the more expensive it is, the more careful you have to be when you put it away to think, will it be safe in this pocket but as these things get thinner, lighter, cheaper, and we discover more and more user journeys, i think that's going to be really interesting if i give an example, i have the surface level one, and it's great but every now and again, i see somebody surface two or two and i go, oh, they have a pen oh, that's interesting and i find myself thinking, well, that might be an interesting upgrade if it were thin enough and light enough, but then i'm thinking, but will it fit in my jacket? pocket? tony morelan 41 37 sure that's interesting guy tell me what do you think are some of the challenges that the foldable technology needs to overcome? i guy merin 41 45 think the first obvious one is the price point, they're still more expensive than other form factors so i think we're going to see the prices, the prices go down? for sure i think that would be probably my biggest one i think we did not hit the point of, you know, apps, enough apps are there, we'll see more and more apps, and then everybody will want to join the party i don't think we are in that stage yet and i think that will come soon tony morelan 42 13 and so on, what are your thoughts on what sort of challenges that the foldable technology needs to overcome? søren lambæk 42 19 the foldable phone at the moment is very bulky, and it's very heavy, it will be great that it was if it's lighter, i'd know that people that it actually puts people off some people that it is so bulky and heavy, where they will rather i get the flip phone for that reason i also think speaking of the flip, i think battery life is an it's very important i don't know how much bigger battery they can put in them without even giving more bulky and heavier but when you have like on the samsung one, there are three displays and if you use it for game watching films, it's really draining battery so that is i will say that is the big ones for me tony morelan 43 03 so guy, what resources would you recommend for developers interested in creating foldable apps, guy merin 43 09 i think you know; our modal is really meeting the developers where they're at so continue using whatever you're using if you're using a mac or pc, we have emulators for each one of those things so i would start with just following the recommendations you know, we have documentation samsung has google, start there, download an emulator, try it out and then just write a sample app, there was a code lab that we built with google, you could try there to test some of these new capabilities on the emulator on a specific device and then start your journey from there to commutations samples emulator we post a weekly blog, a weekly developer blog every thursday, that brings new information, for example, how to write again, how to use drag and drop, how to run side by side with another app, how to address the post changes, well, layout changes so we have a blog every week that covers code it's a developer blog with specific code and tips and tricks, try those resources and just reach out if you have a question and if you're blocked on anything, we are really here to help you out with your journey because we're creating the future and we want you to be successful with your app on all these new form factors tony morelan 44 34 yeah are there any conferences or events the that you know that you'll be attending? guy merin 44 40 definitely so google io was just completed a few weeks back, a lot of talks around large screens, you can still follow that and see some of the talks droidcon is coming up we just had droidcon san francisco a couple of days ago, and the next one is in berlin, and it's a worldwide conference google's probably going to have a few to prevent samsung has a few events microsoft build was just a couple of weeks ago and we also had to talk about tony morelan 45 08 foldables excellent and i know a day you shared with me a large list of links tells me, you know, what are some of these resources the developers can utilize ade oshineye 45 19 so for us, it's really three buckets there are introductory materials, such as our quality guidelines that i think are really important to sort of absorb into your bones so you can feel what a good experience will be like, and it will nudge you as you go on then we have a large collection of design resources, often at the material design website, but also woven through developers@android com and then the final piece is a set of resources for the developers things like how do i do testing the code library with microsoft but those three buckets of resources are the right ones for you to start with i'd also recommend come to door con berlin, were given a talk a teammate of mine, romano, france will be their co presenting with somebody from microsoft and again, you can go grill those people get lots of questions and of course, there will be future android events, where we'll have more stuff to share tony morelan 46 14 wonderful insight on what does samsung have to offer to help developers søren lambæk 46 20 so sometimes we got our own a game dev space where we posted blocks and tutorials, articles and we will have some when this podcast is out, we should have some tutorials available we also got the gdc presentation that mike did tony morelan 46 37 excellent so any more thoughts as we close the podcasts on this new technology in foldables ade oshineye 46 45 from my perspective, looking at my desk, i've got a flip duo, a samsung tab and that really captures just the variety of form factors that are happening on the android platform and i look forward to seeing more i think that's one of the things i learned here is that there's so much going on and there's so much more to come søren lambæk 47 06 i'm really looking forward to the future to see what new technology and what new devices coming out how the foldable phones will hopefully be more like lighter and more affordable and yeah, i'm really looking forward to see how developers is going to utilize them for all kinds of different apps guy merin 47 28 i think i think this is super exciting times, we are really in a pivotal point of, you know, something new, something a new generation of four factors evolving, and it's happening right now we started seeing the version one of the foldables and tools, we're now seeing a second version and a third version and i think we're going to see more of that and this is just amazing we are creating the future right now and i think developers are the most important part of it, because it will succeed based on the apps, and what developers will do with it and this is a great time now to join this ride and really create the future because i think 10 years from now, we will see things that really start happening right now with apps that take you to the next steps with foldables yeah, tony morelan 48 21 my key takeaway with the foldable industry is how many of these big companies in this industry are working together to further the technology it was great to have you know, someone from google from microsoft, and of course, from samsung, all on the podcast today before we close this out, i want to ask a question of each of you soren, what is it that you do for fun and when you're not at your desk working for samsung? søren lambæk 48 46 as i already said that i do like art to play music and draw and i have an eight-month-old son that's taking up a lot of my time at the moment tony morelan 49 00 wonderful wonderful yeah, congratulations on that thank you in a day, what is it the you do for fun when you can step away from your role at ade oshineye 49 09 google? so i do a lot of things but i think the main thing that occupies my time nowadays has been playing badminton it's an it's a huge part of the swiss culture and there's just a lot of people who play badminton, so it's a great game you can actually get seriously injured in it but you can also get very good at it so i'd recommend it tony morelan 49 32 in guy what is it that you do for fun up in the great northwest? when you get to put aside your responsibilities at microsoft i can see in your background now i noticed on your wall, you've got your own indoor rock-climbing gym guy merin 49 45 yeah, exactly so trivia in the last six months i've been training really, really hard to climb and summit some of the mountains around north washington goal is to get even bigger mountains but we did a couple of summits last weekend and really into climbing and something mountains now wow takes a lot of mental prep, nutrition, fitness level and i've seen a lot of similarities between the experiences i have with preparing for a climb, to even things i do at work it's really managing a project, a lot of insights i got from climbing that i apply in other places tony morelan 50 25 that's great that's great hey, i wanted to thank all of you for being on the podcast today it was wonderful to hear the different voices and get a chance to chat with you all ade oshineye 50 34 thank you very much for having us you closing 50 35 just looking to start creating for samsung download the latest tools to code your next app, or get software for designing apps without coding at all sell your apps to the world on the samsung galaxy store check out developer samsung com today and start your journey with samsung the samsung developers podcast is hosted by tony morelan and produced by jeanne hsu
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docseason 2, episode 8 previous episode | episode index | next episode this is a transcript of one episode of the samsung developers podcast, hosted by and produced by tony morelan a listing of all podcast transcripts can be found here host tony morelan senior developer evangelist, samsung developers instagram - twitter - linkedin guests aleksander tyszka, hyun kim, dan appelquist, aaron swift, roger kibbe, sooyeon kim, eric cloninger samsung developer conference after taking a year off due to the pandemic, we recently held our annual developer conference, sdc21 this year’s conference was a virtual conference, with insightful highlight sessions and in-depth tech talks in this episode, i sit down with several samsung insiders, to recap the many highlights from this year’s show we'll chat about one ui 4, the samsung incubation program, smartthings, bixby, our partnership with google and the new watch ecosystem, samsung internet and our new podcast platform listen download this episode topics covered samsung incubation program one ui 4 samsung internet smartthings bixby developers watch ecosystem samsung podcast platform transcript note transcripts are provided by an automated service and reviewed by the samsung developers web team inaccuracies from the transcription process do occur, so please refer to the audio if you are in doubt about the transcript tony morelan 00 01 hey, i'm tony morelan, and this is pow!, the samsung developers podcasts, where we chat with innovators using samsung technologies, award winning app developers and designers, as well as insiders working on the latest samsung tools welcome to season two, episode eight after taking a year off due to the pandemic, we recently held our annual developer conference sdc21 this year's conference was a virtual conference with insightful highlight sessions in in depth tech talks in this episode, i sit down with several samsung insiders to recap some of the great moments from this year's show we'll chat about one ui 4, the samsung incubation program, smartthings, the new watch ecosystem, samsung internet and a new podcast platform enjoy so at sdc21, one of the most interesting talk sessions that i watched was the kafir innovator session where they talked about the samsung incubation program and joining me on the podcast is someone who works closely with that incubation program, alec tyszka, who's a manager technology strategy and partnerships at samsung yeah, welcome to the podcast hey, tony, how are you doing? well, let's start with what is the samsung incubation program? aleksander tyszka 01 20 sure so samsung innovation program is an incubation program that we've launched already in europe a few years back, and that we've expanded this year in the us the program itself has two main goals is one we want our business unit so you know, different groups at samsung that work on digital appliances, tvs, smartphones, wearables, we want to give them a way to do very sort of rapid prototyping to quickly develop new products and services but very highly innovative ones things that weren't organically be created if we just did our everyday work the other one is to also be able to work with the labs that samsung have done work on, though, on long term projects, we want to have sort of all the brands that that leverage all the brands we have at samsung to create these, these this long-term vision that we have about what are the services that people are going to use? what are the products that people are going to need, and try to find a way to bring these products and services to life? tony morelan 02 22 yeah, so i saw, you know, in that session where they, you know, talked about that, that need to innovate in some of those technologies that came out of those partnerships, where you know, like the health sensors with wearables, z fold, things like that, it's pretty interesting to think that those technologies came out of those partnership collaborations aleksander tyszka 02 41 yeah, i think when we start working with cutting edge technology, and you mentioned the z fold, especially some technologies i've been that have been developed internally at samsung, for flexible and foldable screens does are quite unique, right? there's only a handful of company that that make them in the world and then if you talk of, of the scale, by which we work with these, we don't make five foldable phones, right, we make 10s of millions so sure what when you work at this scale, with those sort of cutting-edge bleeding edge technology, it just takes a lot, a lot of efforts to bring them to life and samsung alone can't really do it, we need to find partners, and we need to work with them and those are typically startups and all that all sort of the people that work around startups, incubators, accelerators, venture capitalist industry experts, in we need to find the solutions to improve the product and bring these products to life tony morelan 03 34 yeah, and i'm sure that, you know, having that collaboration with those, those innovators really help you like think ahead, thinking to the future, you know, where do you need to go? where do you need to focus your energy? so it's great that there is this program to allow samsung to work with these, these innovators so tell me what are some of the details of the of the program aleksander tyszka 03 54 so the program itself is a six-month long program, we get we'll provide some funding stun company, anywhere from 20 to 100k, depending on what the companies do, if it's hardware, a software, there's no string attached with this funding, we don't take any equity and like some of the big household names like y combinator is 500 startups and then we provide a lot of mentoring, mostly technical mentoring from our engineers and our labs sure and the idea is just to help them build a prototype help them showcase a demo to our executive immediately after the program after six months, two years, two outcomes we're really looking for and then we'll qualify as successful outcomes is either investment or commercialization meaning we'll work with the companies will leverage our solution to build a product tony morelan 04 41 ah, that's great so in the call for innovator session, what was the key highlight the key takeaway from that session? aleksander tyszka 04 47 sure the key highlight for us is really that we need partners we want to be part of the ecosystem and we want to give back that ecosystem you know, startups are a major part of that ecosystem they're very forward looking we want to, we want to leverage their ideas, and we want to contribute positively to them want to help them and we want to be able to connect with the entire ecosystem behind the startups, the universities, the vcs, incubators, we want to work with all these people that's the main takeaway is samsung wants to remain, you know, very innovative, but we want to do it tony morelan 05 22 with partners you know, my takeaway from that session was hearing that success story fibricheck, where they created that on device, ecg sensing, that would help detect irregular and rapid heart rate using ai in our in our galaxy watch and seeing that, you know, it wasn't just that we provided funding, but it was that collaboration where you know, where we helped build the medical grade application, we, you know, helped with the regulatory approval, but then also learning that that we helped with, you know, define what their business model was in their in their go to market strategy that was really neat to see that that success story that was shared aleksander tyszka 06 02 yeah, i think for especially when companies in the health space, right, we did that, that's a pretty fragmented space, right? there's a lot of device manufacturers in many different countries that have their own sort of regulatory constraints by working with these types of companies, we provide a very sort of great way, a great go to market strategy for them, it's sort of built in, it's like, here's our wearables, we sell, you know, 10s of millions of them every year and they're very standard, they're easy to integrate, and well will support older go to market, going through retail stores, and those sort of things i mean, it makes it easier for the company right to quickly grow their company and for help, specifically, that fear check is such a great example of the sort of things we're trying to achieve, right and there's a ton more we can do at that space, people are talking about noninvasive, continuous glucose monitoring, maybe hydration as well in the future, and we want to find a company building these features and try to work with them tony morelan 07 01 yeah, and, you know, just at large, we've got this enormous ecosystem, you know, with our devices, you know, with galaxy store smartthings, bixby and there's just so many areas that we can be involved with aleksander tyszka 07 11 yeah, the ecosystem we provide is it's huge and it's sometimes it's hard for us to prioritize which companies we want to bring in into that ecosystem, right but going through a program like samsung's incubation program, were able to quickly filter for the best partners and focus our efforts, our efforts, sorry, on the ones that were most contribute to that ecosystem tony morelan 07 32 so it was great to hear you know, all about the samsung incubation program, what is the best way for people to connect with your team? aleksander tyszka 07 41 so we will have a website up and running pretty soon until then you can email us at info jump@samsung com tony morelan 07 49 so there were a lot of great sessions at sdc21 what were some of the favorite sessions that you saw that developers should check out? aleksander tyszka 07 56 yeah, i think the first one i have in mind is the one on the foldable device, i have a full device myself, i really, really like it, i get a lot of comment when people see it and then when they know and looking at stuff with it, there's basically different modes, right? you can you can use the front screen and use it like a regular device but the second you fold it, like a 45-degree angle, you want the app to act differently with the application so a good example of that is what if it became sort of like a gameboy where you have your screen on one on one ends? and bottom part of your controllers? yeah and there's a lot more use case like that what about video conferencing tool where you can see other people in the top screen in the bottom screen is a whiteboard where people can collaborate so i think there's a lot of use cases that can develop and we haven't even begun sort of scratching the surface of what can be devops so i look forward to see more developers think about that start developing around that and see what they can come up with tony morelan 08 49 excellent that's great hey, alec, i really appreciate you coming on the podcast today it was it was wonderful to learn much more about what you guys are doing at the samsung incubation program aleksander tyszka 08 58 oh, thank you very much for having me tony was a pleasure excellent thanks tony morelan 09 01 so one ui four was one of the biggest announcements we made at sdc and i'm excited to have on the podcast, head of the core ux group for samsung mobile, he and kim hyun kim 09 12 hi, i'm leon kim, and for inviting me and it's very exciting to be joining podcast tony morelan 09 19 so when you why is the user interface installed on samsung devices and was originally released back in 2019 for people who are listening to the podcast that might not be familiar with the details of one ui? can you give us a brief overview? hyun kim 09 32 oh, sure one ui means entire software experience that galaxy devices are delivering to our users, meaning it actually includes productivity experience and watching videos and privacy experience, onboarding experience and all different services and apps and all that our customer can enjoy from galaxy devices tony morelan 09 56 you gave a highlight session at sdc on the soon to be released one ui four that was really insightful can you share some of the key takeaways from that session? hyun kim 10 06 sure ever since we launched the one ui, we've been emphasized our users to be able to focus on what matters at each moment so focus is one of the highlighted experience that we want to enhance, as well and when you're a 4 0 on top of it, we also want to deliver the comfort experience as well especially these days, pandemic gives our users screen for t, meaning the screen time is increasing and the number of apps that people are juggling, and for period of time that they are looking at the screen is increasing and then people are having eye fatigue and we actually really need to deliver more comfortable experience for their eyes and for their peace of mind so we took care of all those aspects when we design on ui four so we took out visual lewis's as much as possible, we took out the number of colors, we took out the number of different font sizes, minimize the visual noises, so that user can focus on and consume the important content and third test that they think it matters at the moment very comfortably also, we allow extra diem feature, when user see the screen went dark, we want their eyes to be more comfortable so we collaborate with google make the screen even darker than the darkest level right now and we believe that would be more comfortable with those new features and new design tony morelan 11 56 yeah, no, that's great and i loved hearing about the natural interactions, these intuitive interactions that are being developed into one uio 4 talk about that hyun kim 12 05 recently, people are juggling more number of apps, and they are facing the more number of features and they're consuming more amount of content, meaning we need to provide very simple ui, ui needs to be higher level of intuitiveness so we wanted to put more gesture on the content itself so that user can feel they manipulate and control content itself without looking at ui component so then, non-visual component should help users to feel the reaction when user touch the screen so we put motions, visuals and physical feedback harmonize together, so that when user touch the content and move the content and drag and drop the content, we want them to feel they are moving the real physical object to one place to another tony morelan 13 08 yeah, and those vibrations, those are called haptics, correct haptics, hyun kim 13 11 right? every version of you on ui, we enhance the haptics and this year, the direction of enhancement of haptic feedback is not only just adding a right bit back in the right place, but also, we add the haptic feedback with motion and visuals together to create a feeling of natural interaction in the physical world tony morelan 13 35 yeah, so i know that that that combination of sound animation and haptics will definitely provide for some very, very real-life device interactions talk a bit about privacy, because i know that privacy was mentioned in your session, what are some of the improvements related around privacy? hyun kim 13 53 basically, what we believe is transparency is very important so providing peace of mind, for our customer, about the privacy, the basically transparency is really important the first one is we're showing all the apps list that are using user's personal data so the user can see which apps are using which data and then user can easily access the individual apps permission, turning on and off also, on offered right corner of the device the screen is showing when camera or mic is on then icon is displayed, so that user can clearly recognize okay, camera is on mic is on and if it's not fair, then you can feel safe okay, nobody's listening or watching tony morelan 14 47 yeah, that's, that's great so coming from one ui three, what are some of the biggest improvements that we're now going to see in one ui for hyun kim 14 55 improvement wise as a new experience is self-expression, the more we research customers, the more we're sure that they're expressing themselves in many different ways and have any fun ways and they want to express their emotions and thoughts, and creativities and their identities and themselves, as they are in many different places in our galaxy one ui for we want them to enjoy expressing themselves for instance, we're launching a new tool for them to create a fun emoji pair animation for them to create their own content to express their emotions but sometimes one emoji isn't just enough for them to express their rich emotions people can choose two different images to put together and put animation to bring the combo to life and then there are chosen to emoji can be animated and delivered to their friends and family via messenger and it'll be very fun content, like exploding head yeah, you can create your own content there are many, many fun, any major that we're providing also, there are presets so we believe people will enjoy this in samsung keyboard when they communicate each other and they will express their emotion in a very fun way also, we enhance photo editor a lot so that people can express their thoughts and creativity when they picture and edit it and share every year we've been enhancing photo editor video earlier about this year, we redesigned editors so that user can see this very seamless and easy, simple, intuitive editor ux tony morelan 16 54 and i loved when you spoke about extracting wallpaper colors to be used throughout the ui experience hyun kim 17 00 oh, yeah, that's, that's another very fun feature, except for expression isn't just about what you send out self-expression is about your styles, you can style your phone, you can extract the color from your wallpaper, you also can pick your wallpaper from your gallery so you can choose whatever your favorite pictures from your gallery and put your wallpaper and then we're providing four different color palette that can apply to your one ui and you can choose one of the four options, then your ui color will be changed and color schemes will be different or depending on what you're choosing and this is a little different than other like theming services because when your eyes original usability and identity are still there but the color keeping the readability usability, the only the color is going to be changing yeah and you can still enjoy the benefit of one ui with only the color that you choose from the wallpaper tony morelan 18 12 yeah, in you get that single experience across all platforms, meaning you know all of your devices, whether it's your phone, your tablet, your watch galaxy book, tell me a little bit more about that cross-platform experience, hyun kim 18 24 we have been putting effort, the device eco system experience this year, we launched the wherewith for when you watch and more than ever, we put the best seamless experience between galaxy book galaxy watch, and flip and folder and phone and tablet and we also launched enhanced version of quick share the experience for sending receiving files between devices, click share allows users to send and receive any type of files to your friends who has galaxy and to your devices and receive as well quickly if the devices are around you tony morelan 19 14 yeah, that's great so tell me when will when ui for be available on different devices hyun kim 19 21 we're really excited to be releasing one ui four update before the end of the year tony morelan 19 26 and to upgrade is it as simple as going into your menu settings, your software, update menu settings and just selecting the upgrade? hyun kim 19 35 yeah, you can update it go to settings and software update tony morelan 19 39 excellent so for developers that want to learn more about when ui for what is the best way, hyun kim 19 45 you can go to websites like www dot developer at samsung com/one-ui tony morelan 19 56 what other sessions at sdc would you suggest that developers checkout? hyun kim 19 59 sure, there are many, many exciting helpful sessions but one other person that i want to recommend is one of the highlights session for the title was what's new in foldable and they're talking about multitasking capabilities and flex mode to help developers optimize their own apps and optimizing web pages supporting flex mode by using the web share device posture api tony morelan 20 25 yeah, yeah and there was also there was a tech talk session that i liked, called one ui designing a more intuitive, approachable experience that was by jung woo, you that was another great, great session hyun kim 20 36 yeah, he's actually a member in my group and he has been putting a huge amount of effort to prepare that session and i know the content is very fun and exciting tony morelan 20 48 well, thanks for joining me on the podcast again it was wonderful to chat with you and about the upcoming release of one ui for sure thank hyun kim 20 55 you thanks thanks for having me here tony morelan 20 58 all right next on the podcast is someone very familiar with the show who i've had on the podcast several times now, dan, apple quest from samsung internet dan appelquist 21 06 hi, tony it's great to be back on the podcast tony morelan 21 10 excellent so dan is the director of developer advocacy for samsung internet we did an episode last year and actually did another episode earlier this year so be sure to go check out those to learn a ton about samsung internet, and what dan's team's doing but for those that might not be familiar with samsung internet, can you tell us what is samsung internet? dan appelquist 21 28 sure i'm leading the developer advocacy group of samsung internet, our group is based in in the uk, actually and we're kind of an international team what is samsung internet? samsung internet is samsung's mobile browser for android phones it's also available for any android phone, but it is shipped on samsung phones it's the purple planet you know, if you're if you're familiar with your normal samsung icon, set your one ui concept that's us that's the purple planet we also just launched a version for galaxy watch, which is very cool that's hot off the press news right now so if you've got a one of the latest galaxy watches, you can also download samsung internet for galaxy watch it's based on chromium, the chromium project, which is the same open source project that google chrome is based off of, a lot of other browsers are based on chromium however, samsung is also a major contributor into the chromium project into the chromium open source projects so we're not just taking the chromium browser and slapping our own ui on it that we're actually contributing in to chromium and we do an awful lot to build our own features and technologies into samsung internet so in, in particular, we focus on privacy so we protect your privacy with features like safe browsing, our own in house smart anti tracking technology, and the ability to install third party blockers, ad blockers, tracking blockers, that kind of thing so those are the kinds of things that we're doing to kind of protect people as they use the web and that's an that's such a key important role that browsers have we're also a great platform first progressive web apps if you have attended any of our previous sessions at previous sdcs you'll know that we're big fans of progressive web apps just briefly, a progressive web app is a web application that can be installed onto your device and looks to the user as if it is a native application but it's actually running inside the browser so good example is twitter has a progressive web app pwa many other web sites and web properties have progressive web app versions of their other applications and in fact, we just participated in a separate conference, which just ran recently in collaboration with microsoft and google, and that had a complete focus on pwa s and if you're interested in that, it's all streamable from pwa summit org tony morelan 24 06 awesome so there were some great sessions at sec related to samsung at both when it came to foldables and with extensions, can you tell me what were some of the highlights for you? sure dan appelquist 24 16 so we're really, really excited to be able to speak at sdc this year about our work with foldables so as far as foldables go, the exciting news that we're able to talk about is that we're launching an experimental api called the device posture api it's being developed in the world wide web consortium in the w three c as a proposed web standard with intel and microsoft as partners this api is launched behind a flag right now, tony morelan 24 47 what does that mean dan appelquist 24 48 behind a flag? it means you have to you have to activate it, in order to make it work it's not going to work out of the box and that's because it is experimental the reason it's like that is because we want people to experiment with this api sure, it may change, right and usually when api's are in this kind of place where are in a phase of their development where they might change their launched behind a flag, so that developers get a chance to play with it, play with it feedback into the process and by the way, laura, for my team who gave the talk on device posture api at sdc is also the person participating in the standards committee, the w three c devices and sensors working group and contributing that into that work all of that is happening on github so there's absolutely an opportunity for developers to get engaged and all of that information is in is in laura's talk as well tony morelan 25 45 oh, yeah, that's great yeah, i had laura on the podcast earlier this year that she would she was an excellent guest dan appelquist 25 50 she's, she's great she's really good we've also been working with some partners to get their feedback and to get some early implementations out there so that we can get some experience with this in particular, we're working with youtube and we're working with a company called whereby, which is a video conferencing company based out of norway okay so these are good examples of where you might want to change the ui of your web application when the user folds the device and that's basically the key element here that we're talking about and that's also why when we're talking about this new api, we're talking about it in the context of responsive design yeah, and that was a lot of the focus of laura's talk as well responsive design, meaning that the application itself responds to changes in the screen size in the orientation, that kind of thing so you are responding and being i'm adapting the ui to the to the user's needs tony morelan 26 52 yeah and i love the interactive code lab, the laura had been involved with there dan appelquist 26 58 that's right and, and that, again, can allow you to kind of sink your teeth into this api, and, you know, with code examples, and, and real tutorial about how to get up and running with this so yeah, so again, very excited to be able to do this in the virtual sdc environment tony morelan 27 20 yeah excellent so next, let's talk about the extensions, the session that that was that was given, right tell me about that so dan appelquist 27 27 yeah, my colleague cyclon gave a talk on the current state of our extensions api so we launched a third-party extensions api this year and we opened that up to a wider developer community by the way, we're on one of very few mobile browsers that actually allow third party extensions and we also have within the browser itself, you can go to the extensions menu, and you can find a list of the of the kinds of approved extensions that we have excellent but those are also they're downloadable from the galaxy store but once installed, they become part of the browser, right? so the extensions add new features to the browser right so just to highlight two of the extensions that are currently available for installation, we have the translator extension, which allows you to translate web pages from one language to another that's actually developed in house really, yeah, very, very cool, very cool stuff and we recently launched an extension from the web monetization company coil that is, that's a technology that can make anonymous micro transactions micro payments to websites that you browse from a cryptocurrency wallet and this is, this is a kind of approach that is seen by some people as a replacement for pervasive tracking networks that currently power advertising on the web one way of moving beyond that is to pay websites directly for the time that you spend on them so this is a really interesting idea we've been tracking this for a while and talking to people at coyle, who are also participants in w three, c, and a lot of the other kind of developer activities that were that we're involved in as well so we're very excited to be able to launch this extension it's their extension, but it's launched in the in the samsung browser, and you can install it and then you can start kind of paying websites through coil for the time that you spend on them it only supports websites that that are subscribed to the coil system, right so it's exactly yeah, it's early days on it, but it's something that's very exciting tony morelan 29 34 yeah, yeah interesting concept, sort of like the pay as you go yeah, format dan appelquist 29 38 yeah yeah you know, i don't work for coyle, right but one of the things i think is interesting about it is that those transactions are anonymous so it's very privacy preserving, and it fits together with our philosophy of trying to enhance and protect user privacy tony morelan 29 53 yeah, no, i know privacy is a big thing for you guys over samsung internet yeah, definitely so are there any other sessions at sdc21, that developers should be sure to check out dan appelquist 30 03 well, i would suggest checking out the session called what's new and foldables first of all, which is a kind of highlight session, give it gives a high-level overview and gives a lot of really good context about flex mode, what flex mode is, or what we're referring to as flex mode, which is, again, adapting the user experience of any application to the conditions of the folding device and how that's so important from a user experience standpoint and my colleague dongbu actually gives a brief intro in that session to the device postures api, which leads into laura's longer, more detailed talk got it, and he gives a demo a little demo of how that works as well, which is, which is very cool tony morelan 30 49 yeah, i love learning about all the multitasking capabilities with foldables that was that was great to hear yeah so if developers want to learn more about samsung internet, what is the best way? dan appelquist 31 00 well, you can visit our page on developer samsung com/internet that's got links to our blog, and we blog on medium as well but really, if you go to developer samsung com/internet you can find links there to all the places on the web where, we're present you can also follow us at samsung internet on twitter excellent, where you can always find out what we're doing and you know, we try to keep that up to date with news about samsung internet, but also just the developer activities that we're participating in the standards activities that we're participating in our team manages that twitter handle directly so it's a direct line to our team and our dms are open so if you do have questions about samsung internet, you can feel free to dm us they're tony morelan 31 50 awesome awesome hey, dan, thanks very much for being on the podcast and giving us an insight into the highlights with samsung internet and sdc21 dan appelquist 31 59 thank you, tony it's always a pleasure awesome thanks, tony morelan 32 01 dan there were some great tech talks at sdc related to smart things and lots of great new innovations for shared i'm excited to have aaron swift on the podcast director of customer and partner strategy at smart thanks hey, aaron aaron swift 32 16 hey, tony, how are you doing? tony morelan 32 18 doing just fine, lots of tech talks and even a highlight session for smart things so let's start with the session smart things find from lost to found what were some of the key points with this session aaron swift 32 28 smartthings find launched last year as a service to enable customers to locate galaxy devices such as phones, watches earbuds, your s pen pro, like whatever you might leave on the bus or the train accidentally it comprises more than 100 million find nodes and over 230,000 devices are located every day tony morelan 32 49 so a find no just to clarify, find note is that like another device that's this part of this network, aaron swift 32 55 yeah, like a phone or a tablet, a galaxy phone or a galaxy tablet, running the smartthings app with smartthings fine and as you saw, philip and moon did a great presentation talking about other hardware oems can now integrate their products with smart things fine so we have today our first smart tag device which you could attach to your keys that's available on the market now for everyone but anyone who wants to can start building their own tag devices or integrating their hardware products into the final tony morelan 33 29 yeah, i think that opening up the smartthings five network to the outside hardware oems is going to be huge and will absolutely expand the network tremendously aaron swift 33 39 yeah and they made a set of tools there's this fine device sdk and the test suites they make it really easy for any device manufacturer, whether it's ble, or ultra-wideband, to start integrating their devices if you're using the nordic dialogue or nxp chipset yeah, it's really easy to add the fine sdk into your device for certification tony morelan 34 01 that's going to be that's going to be great there was a session called smart things build and tell me what were some of the highlights for you in that session aaron swift 34 09 that session was led by jenny brand meyer and andy sayer are director of product management and director of engineering okay, and they talked about extending our platform, which historically has been very end user focus, you are buying samsung tvs and appliances for your home and now we're extending the platform for multifamily builders and apartment managers to put in the new apartment buildings okay, there's a new toolset with that, that will allow an installer to go set up hundreds of apartments and hundreds of refrigerators and dishwashers and washing machines and apartments really tony morelan 34 46 quickly so this is giving them the ability to sort of monitor the like what's happening with the with these devices if there's you know, you've got some sort of fault that happens within the system, they can detect that aaron swift 34 58 yeah, so property managers we'll be able to integrate your monitor their fleet of samsung appliances from their property management tool are there any tony morelan 35 08 apis or sdks? related to this? aaron swift 35 12 yeah, so one of the cool things about this new offering is there's a dedicated set of tools and api and sdk set to make it easy for property management software companies, like in trata, to come integrate and provide fleet management for all of the appliances tony morelan 35 28 the one thing that comes to mind, though, when you mentioned something about, you know, giving property managers, the ability to sort of monitor all these devices that are in these homes, comes down to privacy, what's in place related to privacy, when you're talking about something like this aaron swift 35 43 user privacy is front of mind to us, whether you are a home owner or a renter and so what we've done is we put together a new set of permissions on the platform, so that property managers only have the minimum access to data coming off of the appliance is needed to troubleshoot for failures got it if there happens to be something wrong, the property managers will be able to pull some information off of the appliances to troubleshoot the air, but they cannot tell that you're getting your 11pm glass of milk before you go to bed tony morelan 36 18 yeah, the last thing i need is my property manager knowing that i was in my freezer last night going for little ice cream bins aaron swift 36 24 right, right and so we've made sure that users are front of mind in this, that's, that's great, and that their privacy is protected tony morelan 36 31 yeah, that's super important there was also a session called smartthings edge and i thought this was really interesting this is where the execution is done locally without reliance on the cloud tell me more about that session aaron swift 36 44 in summer 2020, we announced major changes coming to our platform, this session ended up being such a long session with so many great speakers, because we are really excited to be talking about those changes sure a couple of my favorite ones are from zack and vlad talking about smart things edge before, when you use smart things to turn on a light with a motion sensor, your motion sensor would detect motion in your home, it would send that motion event to your hub up to the cloud, the cloud would tell you to run that automation, send the event back down to the hub to tell the light ball to turn on sure and that happened quickly but it's not quite as natural as still being able to go turn on the light or the local motion sensor in your home yeah so what smartthings edge does is it took the device events and the automation event and was able to start processing them locally yeah so now when you use that motion sensor to turn on a light motion is detected that goes to the hub, the automation is processed on the hub, and sent back over to the light to turn off without ever having to reach out to the cloud to confirm that event tony morelan 37 56 like what would be a device where you needed like instant, instant, you know, reaction time between the hub and the and the device aaron swift 38 05 so all zigbee and z wave and wi fi devices have the ability to run locally on the hub now with automations okay, so one of the most natural feeling ones is that example i gave with the light you want light to turn on right away? yeah similarly, if you want to be walking into a room and having the temperatures change, or having the vents open and close, the thermostat adjusts those are great use cases for local automations as well okay, what we're doing now is we're investing more features into the rules api to make more automations run locally got it so over time, you'll see more and more complex automations be able to run locally on your hub tony morelan 38 43 for edge devices is it a closed ecosystem? or is it can anyone build for edge? aaron swift 38 49 great question so we've released a collection of edge devices on our smartthings developers github repository that anyone can reference and then any hardware oem can add their fingerprint or their devices to that repository anyone can build their own edge devices if they want to tony morelan 39 10 wow, that's, that's, that's great so i saw there was a highlight session building the future smart home today that talked about the new matter standard can you tell me what was shared in that in that session? aaron swift 39 21 matter is the foundation for smart homes of the future? over 200 companies have come together to develop a standard that is going to be the basis for smart home devices to integrate in the future tony morelan 39 34 would you say that like today the is the ecosystem? is it pretty fragmented? aaron swift 39 39 correct there are all sorts of different smart home standards from all sorts of different companies out there, and each one operates just a little bit different from each other, which makes it hard for device manufacturers to integrate with each platform mater is going to take that fragmentation and create a common application language and data model that will apply across all the data from smartphone platforms, regardless of tony morelan 40 02 yeah, i think that's going to be great, especially for consumers so that they don't have to like decide between which technologies they want to, to purchase that it's all going to kind of seamlessly work together aaron swift 40 12 correct and if you buy a light bulb with the with the matter logo on it, you will know that it'll work with smart things, or any other matters supported ecosystem tony morelan 40 21 that's awesome that is super, super great to hear so you've talked a lot about all these different technologies related to smart things what's the best way for developers to learn even more about smart things? aaron swift 40 34 the best place to go for more information is developer samsung com/smartthings from there you can learn more about building edge devices or cloud devices or stay tuned for future updates on our investment in matter you know all of the sdc sessions on smartthings were great are there any other sessions that you would recommend developers checkout i'm personally a bit of a tv nerd so i'm really excited for redefining the experience of watching tv and what's new in samsung smart tv services tony morelan 41 04 yeah, no, i know, a bunch of the people over the tv plus and it's a great group and doing a lot of amazing things over there a lot of great content coming out that's exciting excellent hey, aaron, i really appreciate you coming on the podcast it was great chatting with you and learning a bit more about smart things and looking forward to chatting with you again in the in the near future aaron swift 41 22 great thanks, tony tony morelan 41 26 so next, i'd like to welcome roger kibbe to the podcast senior developer evangelist for bixby samsung's intelligent assistant technology welcome, roger roger kibbe 41 35 well, thanks you and i talked gosh, was probably over a year ago yeah, actually on the podcast so i'm excited to be back and talk to you about what's new and what we just saw at sdc yeah tony morelan 41 47 so it was i think about a year and a half ago safe to say that a lots happened since then so tell me what is the latest with bixby developers? roger kibbe 41 55 yeah, so we just announced several things that sdc are highlighted some things that changed first thing i want to talk about is some of the ways we've made it easier to develop for bixby and these weren't new announcements, but kind of highlighting some of the changes we've made over the past year or so and so a lot of these are focusing on improving the developer experience, one of the things we did is we created a new training ui so use the training ui to create natural language training and one of the great challenges and voice experiences is to get your natural language training, working well after all, it's the way users interact with all the business logic that you've written so that's a great challenge and so we built a new ui to make that more intuitive and hopefully easier and simpler to build great experiences we also built something we call the component gallery because bixby is on multimodal devices, there is a ui for bixby experience and the component gallery is a wysiwyg component editor so i'm writing some code for what we call bixby views, i can pop up the component gallery, configure something graphically, and it just dumps the code right in so it just makes it easier and then finally, we made it super simple to load a capsule directly from github so we have a bunch of sample code on github and now directly in the studio you can load that sample code from github without having to go and clone it or download it and go through all the previous hassles he had to do so just an example of some of the improvements we made to make it frankly, just easier if your day to day life as a developer developing something for bixby tony morelan 43 32 awesome so let me ask on the end, that component gallery actually was watching one of the sdc sessions on that is pretty cool so just to clarify, this is where like on the device when you give a voice prompt, and the device bixby reacts to that you can then have graphic images appearing on the device is that correct? roger kibbe 43 50 yeah, yeah so you can either when you're basically whenever bixby is communicating with the user, you can actually have a graphical ui on there that's complimentary and it also could have things like buttons on it, or sliders or controls, because one of the things is all these samsung devices so you know, the phone, the watch the television, the tv, all have a ui on there so bixby is not just a voice experience, but it's really a multimodal experience so you need to build graphical ui, we built a tool to make it pretty darn easy to do so tony morelan 44 26 so i heard a bit about bixby on windows tell me tell me about this new announcement roger kibbe 44 30 yeah, so brand new so bixby is available on the galaxy book notebooks so there's the samsung's newest notebooks so bixby is right there is a command key to launch bixby can turn on hi bixby so you can talk to your windows notebook you can ask questions and you can have it control smartthings home automation, you can ask it to find files you can ask them to change windows settings so right now, you know it's focused on a fairly narrow set of things but i'm super excited about we have this brand-new device, a windows laptop, what can you do with a voice front end in front of that? and what are ways where we can make it simpler and easier for a user to use their laptop? by talking to it? to my mind? there's a lot to be discovered there yeah, what we created is kind of step one in a journey toward, you know, making voice a modality that makes it easier for us to interact with our technology, which is what it's all about yeah, exactly tony morelan 45 31 and you had mentioned smart things there was a session at sdc titled enabling intelligent voice control on your iot devices and i know in that they talked about smart things and a lot about bixby tell me, what were some of the key takeaways for you from that session? roger kibbe 45 45 yeah so we introduced something called the bixby home platform, and it's a way of interfacing what you've done a big sweet voice with some of the smart things capabilities and the best way to explain it is for me to give some examples of what you can do and so first example is i might say hi, bixby turn on the dining room lights now if i'd set up dining room lights in smart things, boom, work great today but if i hadn't set up something called dining room lights, today, bixby re prompt you? or say, i can't find dining room lights, that's not a really good user experience sure so what you can set up with the bixby home platform is a lot more smarter logics so hi, bixby turn on the dining room lights, because we can say sorry, i can't find dining room lights, but you have kitchen lights, your bedroom lights, you have den lights? which one would you like to turn on? and so then you kind of the user asked for something that it didn't understand but at a set of airing out? it's like, well, i know you wanted to turn a light on yeah, here's the lights i can turn on and so i kind of prompted the user to, you know, what's the right can you want, much like we would do, frankly, a natural conversation tony morelan 47 00 exactly if roger kibbe 47 01 you ask me something that i didn't understand, i'd probably go can you clarify that? right yeah and so and this is a little bit of adding that kind of logic there so i think that's one great example of just a quote unquote, air becoming a success sure the other thing i want to highlight, and i think this is where it gets really interesting, and frankly, pretty sexy, to me, is where you're actually taking the voice input and you're taking what the iot device, its state and what it's sensing and combining them for some intelligent response okay, so let me let me give you an example so i could say hi bixby, turn on my air purifier, yeah, buy an air purifier, boom, today would turn it on all good but now with the bixby home platform, i can set it up so when i say hi bixby turn on the air purifier, instead of instantly turning on, i can go query the air purifier and say, hey, you know, what's, what's the air quality? okay, and if air quality was moderate, or acceptable, boom, i just turn it on and the default fan speed, maybe medium is on but let's say the air quality is poor well, then when i query it back and says, oh, air quality is poor now i can say, well, you want to turn it on and the air quality is poor i'll turn it on but i'm actually going to turn on and turn the fan to high so you're getting this this feedback loop? it's really, you're getting the user what they asked for, you're getting the state of an iot device you're combining those together? yeah and then the action is just smarter to my mind, this is pretty, i say, sexy and exciting because if you think about this, this is getting into much more intelligence sure the devices know, i know what you asked for, i know the state, i'm going to take the most intelligent action based upon those two inputs and that's what bixby home platform is all about it's really a development tool that lets you build experiences, like what i was just talking about tony morelan 48 59 yeah, i absolutely love that and i loved when he said in the session, that there's they're planning to open this up to partners and also to third party devices yeah, reach is going to be huge roger kibbe 49 10 absolutely well, i mean, i think that's one of the big things with a smartthings ecosystem, right is it's not just for samsung devices, but it's for, you know, devices from dozens or hundreds of manufacturers so if i can read some information on the device, i can get that information and i can do something very logical and just make things work more intelligently isn't that what we all want from our technology? tony morelan 49 32 exactly, yeah so on that note, you know, something i saw also very interesting in that session was the bixby home studio i absolutely love the whole idea of, you know, with your mouse, you can just drag and drop it and build out, you know, these experiences, all without coding yeah, that's on bixby home studio so like that is roger kibbe 49 50 the tooling behind what the experiences that i just talked about, so that you could intuitively built out, i use that air purifier example because actually, if you look at the session, they built out that exact experience and i think except i encourage people to go take a look at that because that is a really good way to kind of understand what i'm talking about, and hopefully get you excited about, huh, wow, there's something cool that i could build as an end user experience tony morelan 50 22 yeah and the demo they gave was pretty in depth i mean, this is not just a you know, they didn't just skim over the, you know, the concept of bixby home studio, they actually went through and built it out yes, it was pretty nice so that was an awesome session but i know there were a bunch of other sessions all kind of related to, you know, smart things in bixby what were some of the other sessions that you would suggest developers to check out? roger kibbe 50 44 yeah, so i would definitely check out the two bixby sessions that we that we mentioned and as you can see, a lot of the focus is on bixby and smart things yeah so if you're a bixby developer, i would suggest you check out some of the spark thing sessions and understand that, because i think a lot of the focus of what we're looking at is, hey, how do we get home controller devices to work super, super well with voice so that and that really is a dance between what bixby is doing and what smartthings is doing, and building that together and that's what the bixby home studio is all about so understand the two sides of the equation and then you'll understand and hopefully can build some really cool tony morelan 51 27 stuff yeah, i love the collaboration that's happening between smartthings and bixby so if developers want to learn more about bixby what's the what's the best way? roger kibbe 51 37 i yeah, so first thing would be go to bixbydevelopers com and that's a homepage for everything bixby that's download the studio, where we have our documentation, and just a bunch of information the other thing is we have a pretty active youtube channel so just look for bixby developers on youtube, youtube slash bixby developers, loads and then pretty much everything we do that's new, or we introduce a new youtube video, we would definitely post that to twitter okay, so that's twitter and that's bixby developers and then i do a weekly like tech tip of the week, like a two-minute video tutorial, and that's posted to twitter as well or also facebook so you can find that on facebook and then finally, i am the host of a podcast yeah, i guess focuses on all things voice not just bixby it is called bixby developers chat you can find it in your favorite podcast player or you should be able to ask your voice assistant hi bixby play bixby developers chat, podcast or another voice assistant and all of them should be able to play it so that is another resource tony morelan 52 45 that's awesome and it's a great podcast i have listened to your to your work you do you do an excellent job from one podcaster to another roger kibbe 52 52 well, thank you that's the kind of compliment you'd like to hear because we all understand the challenges and what you need to do to make a great podcast tony morelan 53 01 guests and let me remind everyone go check out that episode we did it was in the first season with roger, you can learn a bunch more about bixby and how to get started creating voice assisted capsules roger kibbe 53 11 well, thanks, tony really appreciate it and go check out those sdc videos to get a really more in depth understanding of the things we've talked about today tony morelan 53 19 thanks, roger banks one of the biggest announcements we made this past year is our latest watches now run on a new operating system called wear os powered by samsung and joining me on the podcast today is su yong kim, one of the software engineers here at samsung that has worked closely on our new watch ecosystem hey, sam thanks for joining me on the podcast today sooyeon kim 53 38 hi, tony thanks for having me today my name is yan qin and i'm a software engineer at samsung i'm very excited today to briefly recap our sdc sessions on samsung galaxy watch and where it was powered by samsung, which we jointly built with google tony morelan 53 55 yeah so there were several sessions related to the new watch ecosystem in the unified platform what would you say are the benefits of the new wear os powered by samsung? rooyen kim 54 04 so there are many, many benefits but first, we have created a seamless and deeply connected experience across not only samsung galaxy devices, but also for wear smartwatches and android smartphones with this new unified platform, we want to expand our ecosystem bring greater scale to our developer community, and at the same time, delight consumers with a variety of choices from watches to watch faces and apps tony morelan 54 33 yeah, it's true not only this, the developer community going to expand it but also the consumer reach is going to grow even wider can you talk about the growth of the smartwatch market over the past several years? sooyeon kim 54 44 well, the smartwatch market is continuously growing and in fact, according to counterpoint research shipments grew by 35% for the first quarter of 2021 compared to last year and after samsung galaxy watch for launch before august, we once again recognize this explosive growth and will continue to work hard to meet the demands of this growing market tony morelan 55 08 yeah, i agree as smartwatches get smarter than market demand is only going to increase can you tell me what are some of the new and exciting apps available for the new wear os powered by samsung? sooyeon kim 55 19 so users can enjoy familiar samsung apps like samsung pay smartthings and bixby but now google apps are also available like google maps, and youtube music we are also partnering with a wide variety of partners and developers on apps that are available for download from the play store on your watch on your phone there is also a dedicated category for watch apps, so you can easily browse and download them directly to your watch tony morelan 55 46 yeah, i love that youtube music is now available on galaxy watch for many people are buying the watch because they like to track workouts and have an active lifestyle and listening to music has always been a key component to working out can you tell me how is the new samsung galaxy watch for taking advantage of the health and wellness market? sooyeon kim 56 03 so we want to help users keep track of their health status and fitness activities so we brought groundbreaking health features and sophisticated sensors to our new samsung galaxy watch four in selected markets users can check body composition, blood pressure, electrocardiogram skeletal muscle mass based on the tablet grade water, fat percentage, and so on tony morelan 56 26 yeah, it's absolutely amazing that with this little device on your wrist, you can now check things like skeletal muscle mass and fat percentage and can conduct an ekg test can current android developers build watch apps for the new wireless powered by samsung and publish just as they've done before sooyeon kim 56 41 so we aim to make every step of watch app development from ease of bill to market launch as simple as possible with this new unified platform so yes, android developers, you can continue to build your apps within this familiar environment using android studio with watch emulators and existing and new wear os specific api's developers can also deploy and increase exposure for their apps with the watch apps category on the google play store tony morelan 57 11 yeah, so my background is in graphic design and for me, my biggest question was, were we going to build a new tool that would allow designers to create watch faces for the new unified platform? and when they learned the answer was yes, i was really excited so what are some of the new exciting features with the new west powered by samsung watch base design tool, watch face studio, sooyeon kim 57 31 anyone can download, design and publish watch faces for whereas on the play store, you don't have to learn how to code and just need to explore the new design tool watch face studio for more details there is a separate tech talk session on this tony morelan 57 45 yeah, so that session was called introducing the new watch face studio, it was a great overview of the new tool that showed just how easy it is for someone to create a watch face without any coding what are some of the other sessions from sdc21 that watch face developers should check out? sooyeon kim 57 59 oh, first there is the highlight session watch ecosystem or new era where we cover the new samsung galaxy watch ecosystem at a high level then there are tick tock sessions, build your app and the new watch ecosystem is where we specifically talk about watch app development and run through a range of api's by inviting a special guest from google and there is also a session on a new health platform that runs on where was powered by samsung tony morelan 58 27 yeah, there were a lot of great sessions all related to wearables, and lots of new opportunities for developers what is the best way for developers to learn more about the new watch ecosystem? sooyeon kim 58 36 for developers, i encourage visiting the samsung developers and the android developer sites, you can go to developer samsung com/galaxy-watch and also developer android com/where i really appreciate you coming on to the podcast today and giving your insight in to the new watch ecosystem super exciting times thanks tony thanks for inviting me so tony morelan 58 51 i'd like to welcome back to the podcast, eric clung injure, who leads developer relations at samsung eric and i did a pre sdc podcast where we gave a little preview on what to expect it sdc21, and highlights from some of our past developer conferences if you haven't checked out that episode yet, be sure to go back in and give it a listen eric, welcome back to the podcast eric cloninger 59 22 hey, tony, that was a lot of fun you know, we've been doing conferences for years and even though sdc21 was a virtual conference, it was a lot of work and a lot of work by a lot of people at samsung, yourself included and you know, i'd like to really give a shout out to everybody who put in a lot of effort a lot of late nights and all on it so i hope that the people who listened to the keynote and the spotlight session and all the technical sessions got something out of it yeah and hopefully next year, we can do this live yeah, tony morelan 59 54 no, i'm looking forward to that but yes, it was it was a great virtual conference so i've asked eric to join me on this episode to chat about the sdc session that i gave called grow your podcast audience with samsung eric cloninger 1 00 06 earlier this year, samsung made it really easy for device users to listen to podcasts can you share? what is the new podcast platform? tony morelan 1 00 14 yeah, so the new podcast platform, it's super easy to access from your device on the home screen, all you do is swipe left, which is our minus one screen that is samsung free, which is basically free entertainment from samsung all in one place there's four tabs there so there's the watch tab, which is if you wanted to stream tv, there's the read tab, if you want it to read news, there's the play tab, which is playing games and then of course, there is the listen tab, which is all about listening to podcasts eric cloninger 1 00 47 so who can access all of that content with samsung free? yeah, so tony morelan 1 00 50 samsung free is available on all of our latest devices so this is basically the note devices and s series going all the way back to s nine plus all the versions of z fold in z flip right now samsung free is only available in the us but we are expanding to europe soon i've been told that by the end of the year, we will be hitting some european countries eric cloninger 1 01 12 that's great so why did we launch a new podcast service? tony morelan 1 01 15 samsung's podcast strategy is to make it easy for the millions of samsung device users to listen to their favorite podcast shows and discover new episodes quickly and easily and also it gives publishers an impactful way to reach new listeners and really expand their audience eric cloninger 1 01 31 so how do those publishers bring their shows to samsung so grab tony morelan 1 01 34 your url from your podcast rss feed, and you can find that from your podcast hosting provider, take that rss feed in go to samsung podcast com sign up for a free samsung account and all you do is fill out a short form that allows you to import your rss feed url typically, it takes less than five minutes for you to fill out that form and that quickly, your show is now available on all of the samsung free devices eric cloninger 1 02 00 so what samsung free and the podcast platform doing to help publishers get their shows discovered tony morelan 1 02 05 so our editorial team is always looking for new and exciting shows to promote every week, we feature about seven new shows on our homepage and these promotional features have been extremely valuable for publishers in fact, there was one publisher in mind recently, marty ray project chats he saw a 2,000% increase in downloads just after being featured on our homepage so that was really great to see the value in that promotion for him eric cloninger 1 02 29 yeah, that's incredible numbers there so you're the host of our podcast, the samsung developer podcast is that how you got involved with the podcast platform team? tony morelan 1 02 39 exactly they reached out to me when they were first building the service and eventually asked if i would help promote it i said, absolutely that's when they asked me to present an sdc so you can check out my session and learn much more about the new podcast platform eric cloninger 1 02 53 right so the sdc content that is on the website is available for anyone to see at any time so are there any other sessions on the sdc21 website that potential podcasters and developers should check out? tony morelan 1 03 10 yeah, well, i would say what really got me excited was seeing all of the game focus sessions that we had up there so there's one session called galaxy store games focused developer friendly that was a great session on all the new game focused improvements for both gamers and developers and there was another session called games for everyone that samsung instant plays it's another great session for game developers to learn how to bring their html5 games directly to galaxy store, making it easy for users to play games without having to download and install anything eric cloninger 1 03 42 that is an exciting new way for people who are interested in playing casual games to get into something new without having to download hundreds of megabytes of content so i think that's going to be a game changer for all of us yeah, definitely so tony, thank you for giving us some insight on the new podcast platform and also for sitting down with different people associated with sdc21 it was a fantastic virtual conference and it was great to hear about the sessions on one ui, the incubation program smart things in bixby tony morelan 1 04 11 yeah and i also like the interviews that we did on our new watch ecosystem, you know, chatting with dan again on samsung internet that was great and, of course, our new podcast platform i'd like to thank all of my guests today and to you, eric for taking a moment to chat about sdc21 eric cloninger 1 04 27 thank you very much, tony closing 1 04 30 looking to start creating for samsung download the latest tools to code your next app, or get software for designing apps without coding at all sell your apps to the world on the samsung galaxy store check out developer samsung com today and start your journey with samsung tony morelan 1 04 46 the pow! podcast is brought to you by samsung developers and produced us by tony morelan
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