View Seller’s App List
view seller’s app list view a list of all of the seller's registered apps using the content publish api request get /seller/contentlist example curl -i -x get \ -h "authorization bearer <your-access-token>" \ -h "service-account-id <your-service-account-id>" \ "https //devapi samsungapps com/seller/contentlist" response parameters name type description contentname string name of the app contentid integer the unique 12-digit identifier of the app contentstatus string the status of the app in seller portal standardprice double the standard price in usd united states of america dollars that determines the default country-specific price for all distribution countries paid boolean whether or not the app download requires a user payment y the user must pay to download the appn the app is free to download modifydate string the date the app was last updated in seller portal success [ { "contentname" "samsung pay", "contentid" "000001234567", "contentstatus" "registering", "standardprice" null, "paid" "n", "modifydate" "2021-02-23 01 26 26 0" }, { "contentname" "samsung health", "contentid" "000002345678", "contentstatus" "for_sale", "standardprice" "0", "paid" "n", "modifydate" "2021-02-23 00 23 19 0" }, { "contentname" "samsung gallery", "contentid" "000003456789", "contentstatus" "ready_for_change", "standardprice" "0", "paid" "n", "modifydate" "2021-02-22 23 40 46 0" }, { "contentname" "samsung music", "contentid" "000004567890", "contentstatus" "ready_to_preexamination", "standardprice" "10", "paid" "y", "modifydate" "2021-02-18 06 48 08 0" }, { "contentname" "smartthings", "contentid" "000009876543", "contentstatus" "under_content_review", "standardprice" "0", "paid" "n", "modifydate" "2020-10-06 06 44 35 0" }, { "contentname" "galaxy wearable", "contentid" "000008765432", "contentstatus" "canceled", "standardprice" "0", "paid" "n", "modifydate" "2020-08-11 04 40 27 0" } ] notethe contentstatus of registering returned by the api is the same as the updating state displayed in seller portal see failure response codes for a list of possible response codes when a request fails