Advanced Professional Video Codec
The Advanced Professional Video codec is a new codec for high quality video capture and post-production on smart phones.
AI & MLOps infrastructure for enterprise-grade LLMs
VESSL AI's tech session on MLOps practices for training, tuning, and deploying Llama2-scale LLMs and generative AI.
Bringing AI/ML into Production: Where do we stand?
Unlock the future of education with AI and IoT, learn how tech is personalizing classrooms, and gain insights for your own setting.
Developer Center Announcement
Our new Developer Center makes it easier to get your products integrated and "Works With SmartThings" certified.
Experience Interactive Advertisement on Samsung TV Plus
Introduction to the features of Interactive Advertisements on Samsung TV Plus and the technology behind them.
Exploring the Digital Health Ecosystem: Samsung Health as Digital Front Door
New Samsung Health features, Samsung Privileged Health SDK, and collaboration for research with Samsung Health Stack.
Gamepad on Tizen TV
This session provides valuable tips and techniques for game application developers and gamepad manufacturers.
Games with Samsung Galaxy
The latest in mobile gaming development technologies, responsive UI for Flex mode, and mobile cloud gaming.
Generative AI for coding: Improving productivity in SW development
Introduce Samsung's multilingual code generation model and internal AI-powered coding assistant tool.
HDR10+ Gaming
The HDR10+ GAMING Panel discussion covers an overview of HDR10+ GAMING and how game developers can support it.
Next-Gen Pet Care with Dr.Tail
Merging past health records with cutting-edge veterinary consultations for pet wellness.
Open License of SolarCell Remote Tech
We explain the eco-friendly SolarCell Remote technology, and introduce the technology license open to everyone.
Open Source On-Device AI SW Platform for Optimized Executions, Personalization, Pipelines, and MLOps
Introduce open source On-Device AI Software platform NNStreamer, NNTrainer
Programmable Picture Quality Enhancement Architecture
Introducing a programmable picture quality enhancement architecture to remove the limitations of the conventional model.
Relumino for People with Low Vision
Relumino Mode enhances video playback to enable people with low vision to enjoy their favorite content.
Revolutionizing App Design and Development: PRISM
PRISM and FLUX revolutionize the design process by automating the transition from design to code.
S/W Platform for Digital Appliance: Part I. TizenRT
Introducing a full-fledged software platform for smart appliances that provides technologies for IoT and on-device AI./conference/sdc23/sessions/sw-platform-for-digital-appliance-part-i-tizenrt
S/W Platform for Digital Appliance: Part II. Tizen
Samsung's home appliances aim to create a better and more meaningful home ecosystem using the Tizen OS.
Samsung Wallet: Expanding the Ecosystem
How Samsung Wallet is expanding and building experiences that improve our daily lives.
SmartThings and Matter
Get a brief introduction to Matter, new enhancements with SmartThings, and new developer tools that make it easy to integrate your devices.
SmartThings Enterprise API for Multifamily
Learn more about the Enterprise API, a new way to unlock the power of the SmartThings platform for complex, multi-unit environments.
SmartThings Find service update
Updates On The Latest SmartThings Find Developements, including SmartThings Find SDK.
SmartThings Intelligence Platform
Introduction to the SmartThings Intelligence Platform and models for presence detection in the home.
The Role of AI & IoT in making Classrooms Smarter & enabling Personalized Education
Unlock the future of education with AI & IoT. Learn how tech is personalizing classrooms. Gain insights for your own setting.
Tizen SDK
Public launch of Remote Test Lab for TV, enabling application testing on various TV models through your web browser.
Trends & challenges in AI/LLM business, and how Samsung co-operates with Start-ups
Covering trends in AI tech and business (on LLM), upcoming regulations, and Samsung's innovation efforts with start-ups.
What's New and Next in Watch Face Studio 2023
Let's learn the main new features of Watch Face Studio 2023 and enjoy the new Watch Face Studio Plugin experience.
What's new in foldables
Discover new possibilities with the large Flex Window and how to develop applications and widgets for foldables.
What's new in Tizen 8.0
Unveiling of the new features in Tizen 8.0, elevating both developer and user experiences.
What's new in Tizen Enterprise Platform
Sharing the progress of the Tizen Enterprise Platform and highlighting the new TBM Portal and UEM Framework features.
Why Tizen Licensing?
How Tizen platform licensing and becoming a Samsung partner can enhance your product and business.
Works With SmartThings 2.0
Learn how WWST helps your products stand out, perform their best, and how our new tools let you get to market faster.