release note introduction release date nov 3, 2020 release contents content description libraries libraries to sync health data with samsung health sample sample app codes with simplehealth, stepdiary, and foodnote tool dataviewer to test a created app documents api reference, programming guide change history jan 14, 2021 service package removal from samsung health v6 15, the service package doesn't work the data library is not changed nov 3, 2020 data 1 5 0 [changes] data library the data library is provided with 'aar' from 1 5 0 compatible samsung health version samsung health 6 12 or above works with the data package 1 5 0 data types "com samsung shealth step_daily_trend" is defined with a new interface use healthconstants stepdailytrend instead of it the new interface doesn't affect to existing apps that use "com samsung shealth step_daily_trend" vo2_max is added to healthconstants exercise data viewer tool removing electrocardiogram and healthdocument from a data type list [deprecation] healthconstants electrocardiogram is deprecated august 7, 2020 [changes] developer mode from samsung health 6 11, the developer mode needs a dev access key see developer mode guide data viewer tool dataviewer is updated with reading data only stepdiary sample app it is provided with kotlin june 22, 2020 service package - deprecated the service package is deprecated do not use this feature any more nov 28, 2019 service 1 4 0 [android 10 support] in samsung health 6 8, trackermanager startactivity is updated for android 10 to work well even samsung health is on the background [deprecation] the following trackers are deprecated in trackermanager trackerid spo2 thermo_hygrometer uv apr 11, 2019 data 1 4 0 [important notice] data 1 4 0 library includes important changes all partner app must use this version until july 2019 otherwise, your app will do not work with samsung health properly it supports security enhancements in android 8 0 applications that target android 9 or higher cannot share data with other applications using socket it works with samsung health 6 2 or above healthconnectionerrorresult old_version_platform must be handled to install the latest samsung health update your app by applying all changes below to make a seamless service [new] healthconstants nutrition a nutrition data type is added replace healthconstants foodinfo & healthconstants foodintake to healthconstants nutrition they will be removed in the next release [deprecation & behavior changes] healthdataservice is deprecated call just healthdatastore connectservice without after calling healthdataservice initialize remove sdk-v1 0 0 jar healthuserprofile’s some apis are deprecated and have a behavior change getuserid is not valid anymore its behavior is changed to return an empty string for privacy policy enhancement it will be removed in the next release getimage is not valid anymore its behavior is changed to return null for privacy policy enhancement it will be removed in the next release healthdataresolver's inserting and updating data apis have a behavior change `healthdataresolver insert ` <br> `healthdataresolver update ` <br> `healthdataresolver insertwithpermission ` - `illegalargumentexception` is returned only if the request contains invalid instance type - check the result with `getstatus ` of `healthresultholder baseresult` a data validation error is received as `status_invalid_input_data` in `healthresultholder resultlistener onresult ` the data validation includes missing mandatory fields, wrong field type, out of the data value range and oversized blob - see its [example] https //img-developer samsung com/onlinedocs/health/android/data/com/samsung/android/sdk/healthdata/healthdataresolver insertrequest html [sample & tool update] sample apps foodnote is updated as replacing healthconstants healthconstants foodinfo and healthconstants foodintake to healthconstants nutrition stepdiary's typo is fixed dataviewer a data type list is updated with healthconstants nutrition healthconstants foodinfo and healthconstants foodintake is dropped out sep 13, 2018 service 1 3 1 trackermanager destination reward destination is deprecated it goes to an error page from samsung health 6 0 trackertile setting date and content color in a tracker tile is not available from samsung health 6 0 setdate is deprecated setcontentcolor is deprecated tracker design guide is updated may 25, 2018 data 1 3 0 daily step count trend "com samsung shealth step_daily_trend" "1" and "2" source type values that indicate wearable and activity trackers are deprecated see deprecated info here the data library is same jan 11, 2018 data 1 3 0 healthconstants foodinfo deprecated as he data library is same do not use it any more it will be removed healthconstants foodintake food_info_id is deprecated oct 26, 2017 service 1 3 0 trackermanager trackerid added the existing fields for samsung health's trackers are deprecated use the new class fields jumping to a tracker's specific destination like trends is available trackermanager destination added a new startactivity api that has a destination param is added to trackermanager sample app is updated to sampleservice for more detailed information, refer to here oct 17, 2017 the sdk name became "samsung health android sdk" aug 24, 2017 dataviewer tool is updated a minor defect is patched jul 27, 2017 data 1 3 0 new data types supported data types are added including floors climbed and health document instant permission instant permission apis to handle health document are added some properties are added healthconstants common custom healthconstants exercise additional, max_rpm healthconstants heartrate min, max, binning_data healthconstants weight body_fat_mass, fat_free, fat_free_mass, skeletal_muscle_mass, total_body_water healthdata apis to handle inputstream are added setlocaltimerange is added to handle the local time zone change easily healthdataresolver aggregaterequest builder healthdataresolver readrequest builder iterator and close are added to healthdataresolver aggregateresult more health data units are added healthdatautil class is added a new sample app stepdiary is added the dataviewer tool is updated more supported data types are added the user interfaces are improved for more detailed information, refer to here apr 27, 2017 some terms are changed "s health" app name is rebranded to "samsung health" "samsung health sdk" is used for the sdk’s name instead of "samsung digital health sdk" only the library names are changed according to the sdk naming you don’t need to update your app sample apps are updated by the changed terms related documents are updated by the changed terms jun 23, 2016 service 1 2 0 apis for the feature availability check are added in the shealth class feature_tracker_launch feature_tracker_tile isfeatureenabled int shealth isfeatureenabled int was the default implementation and didn't work it is updated to check the feature availability to launch the s health’s specific tracker with trackerinfo and trackermanager, s health 4 8 or above is needed feb 25, 2016 data 1 2 1 a new meal type, meal_type_before_sleep is added to healthconstants bloodglucose mean_rpm is added to healthconstants exercise in 1 2 0, healthconnectionerrorresult unknown had been retrieved when s health prior to 4 6 is installed on the device in this release, a bug for the wrong error value is fixed to give healthconnectionerrorresult old_version_platform you can solve the error situation by calling healthconnectionerrorresult resolve the following apis are deprecated healthresultholder cancel healthresultholder baseresult status_canceled nov 26, 2015 data 1 2 0 healthdevapp is removed use dataviewer to test your application "com samsung android health platform_type" in manifest to use healthdevapp is not required to make a clear operation after the permission ui is popped up, the existing permissionmanager requestpermissions is deprecated use new api with the activity parameter instead of it connectservice with the timeout parameter is added to healthdatastore healthconstants sleepstage to present detailed sleep data is added body fat, skeletal muscle, muscle mass, and basal metabolic rate properties are added to healthconstants weight the minimum heart rate property is added to healthconstants exercise the user name and user’s picture image can be retrieved through healthuserprofile for more detailed information, refer to here service 1 1 0 s health simulator is removed from the sdk tool because s health’s available devices had been expanded shealth initialize doesn’t throw ssdkunsupportedexception and securityexception com samsung android providers context permission write_use_app_feature_survey permission is not required the title of tile design guidelines is changed to tracker design guidelines jun 18, 2015 data 1 1 0 sample application projects are updated to import them on android studio healthconnectionerrorresult the device that supports s health 4 x can be checked with hasresolution hasresolution and resolve require the android permission internet permission healthconstants bloodglucose meal_type before_meal and meal_type general are added meal_type_after_bedtime is deprecated "treadmill" and "elliptical trainer" are added to the predefined type of healthconstants exercise putnull to set a value of data property as null is added to healthdata available ranges or operations of some apis are changed for more detailed information, refer to here mar 31, 2015 data 1 0 0 healthconnectionerrorresult resolve 's operation is changed without a dialog some constants for unit are added and descriptions of healthconstants interfaces are changed if the handler parameter of the healthdataobserver’s constructor is null, the looper of the current thread will be used for the callback a permissible range of medical data for countries is expanded for more detailed information, refer to here service 1 0 0 guide for trackereventlistener is supplemented check your application after referring to the api reference and programming guide description of tile design guideline for tracker is supplemented the icon size of tracker_tile_type_1 is changed to 60 known issues none features health data store handles the service connection inserts, reads, updates and deletes health data health data type predefined data types such as counting steps or nutrition data permission checks and requests permissions to handle health data