overviewpackageclasstreedeprecatedindex com samsung android sdk healthdata interface healthconstants common all known subinterfaces healthconstants albumin, healthconstants alp, healthconstants alt, healthconstants ambienttemperature, healthconstants amylase, healthconstants ast, healthconstants bloodglucose, healthconstants bloodpressure, healthconstants bodyfat, healthconstants bodymuscle, healthconstants bodytemperature, healthconstants bun, healthconstants caffeineintake, healthconstants cpk, healthconstants creatinine, healthconstants directbilirubin, healthconstants discretemeasurement, healthconstants electrocardiogram, healthconstants exercise, healthconstants fev1, healthconstants floorsclimbed, healthconstants foodinfo, healthconstants foodintake, healthconstants fvc, healthconstants ggt, healthconstants globulin, healthconstants hba1c, healthconstants hdlc, healthconstants healthdocument, healthconstants heartrate, healthconstants height, healthconstants hipcircumference, healthconstants homocysteine, healthconstants ldh, healthconstants ldlc, healthconstants nutrition, healthconstants oxygensaturation, healthconstants sessionmeasurement, healthconstants sleep, healthconstants sleepstage, healthconstants stepcount, healthconstants stepdailytrend, healthconstants totalbilirubin, healthconstants totalcholesterol, healthconstants totalprotein, healthconstants triglyceride, healthconstants uph, healthconstants usg, healthconstants uvexposure, healthconstants waistcircumference, healthconstants waterintake, healthconstants weight enclosing class healthconstants public static interface healthconstants common this interface contains the common constants for health data such as the data's unique id, the application package name which provides data, and the data's source device information since 1 0 0 field summary fields modifier and type field and description static string create_time utc milliseconds when a data is created in the health data store static string custom custom info which is formatted with json and compressed data static string device_uuid device identifier of the source device which provides a health data static string package_name package name which provides a data static string update_time utc milliseconds when a data is updated static string uuid unique id for each health data field detail uuid static final string uuid unique id for each health data you don't need to set its value because it is assigned by the system when a new data is inserted assigned by the system type string value length 10 ~ 36 since 1 0 0 see also constant field values create_time static final string create_time utc milliseconds when a data is created in the health data store you don't need to set its value because it is assigned by the system when a new data is inserted it is different with start_time that indicates the start time for measurement assigned by the system type long value range 0 and above since 1 0 0 see also constant field values update_time static final string update_time utc milliseconds when a data is updated you don't need to set its value when a new data is inserted, it is assigned as the same value with create_time by the system then it is replaced to the updated time by the system if existing health data is updated assigned by the system type long value range 0 and above since 1 0 0 see also constant field values package_name static final string package_name package name which provides a data you don't need to set its value because it is assigned by the system when a new data is inserted assigned by the system type string value length 0 ~ 64 since 1 0 0 see also constant field values device_uuid static final string device_uuid device identifier of the source device which provides a health data mandatory type string value length 10 ~ 36 set the device id with healthdata setsourcedevice string to query health data since 1 0 0 see also constant field values custom static final string custom custom info which is formatted with json and compressed data it is used to customize the predefined data type otherwise, custom info can be retrieved from the saved data if you know the custom property's json format already optional type byte[] compressed json conversion can be converting data to compressed json getting data from compressed json since 1 3 0 see also healthdatautil, constant field values