Implementing ATW button
implementing atw button for wallet integration, you need to insert ‘add to wallet’ script into your system we usually follow the procedures below to implement the ‘add to wallet’ button first, proceed with script composition with the sample script on the partners portal or see the integration sample code second, create tokenized card data cdata and insert the data token into the script above card data is the actual content data of wallet cards and has several formats based on card type please see generate_cdata sample code for detail importantcdata token should expire in 30 seconds after creation, so cdata token needs to be created right after users actually click “add to wallet” button to implement ‘add to wallet’ button, you may need some base data you can find the base data and other necessary information on partner portal’s wallet card page samsung wallet on the web this section explains how to implement an "add to wallet" button using javascript in a web view web button reference with importing api javascript if you implement the "add to wallet" button using this script, the button is shown only on the devices that support samsung wallet to automatically parse <samsung wallet> html tags when the page is loaded, include the following standard javascript <script src="https //us-cdn-gpp mcsvc samsung com/lib/wallet-card js" type="text/javascript"></script> you can use these tags or javascript functions for the web button if you're rendering html and you have proper partner permissions you can also use the script by referring to the various attributes samsung wallet html tag the ‘samsung wallet’ namespace tag defines the placement and various attributes of the "add to wallet" web button for samsung wallet <samsung wallet cardid="card_id" cdata="cdata" partnercode="partner_code" buttonid="button_id" rdclickurl="rd_click_url" rdimpressionurl="rd_impression_url" ></samsung wallet> button attributes attribute description cardid string required wallet card identifier * value granted from the partners portal cdata string required encrypted card object json * this field needs to be encrypted * see security partnercode string required partner code * value granted from the partners portal buttonid string required dom element id for the "add to wallet" web button for samsung wallet buttontype string optional “add to wallet” button type [“btnsw” / “btnatsw” / “qrcode”, default btnsw] * see image resources authtoken string optional token generated when “qrcode” is used * required only if the “buttontype” is set to “qrcode” model string optional device model to display button* by default, value from user-agent is used if no value from user-agent, the button is displayed * to display buttons only on devices supporting samsung wallet, explicitly include the model name * for example, you can retrieve the device model name e g , sm-s928f from the browser's user-agent inline string optional flag to display the "add to wallet" image button in one-line format default true one-line locale string optional locale of the "add to wallet" image button * see image resources rdclickurl string required url for logging a button click event * value granted from the partners portal rdimpressionurl string required url for logging a button impression event * value granted from the partners portal showforced string optional flag to force the "add to wallet" button to be displayed default false mediatheme string optional load the button’s resources from the media theme policy there are 4 themes default, inversion, lightonly, and darkonly default default *default load the button’s theme according to the prefers-color-scheme policy inversion load the inverse of the default button’s theme lightonly load the light theme of the default button *darkonly load the dark theme of the default button style string cssstyledeclaration optional load the button with custom style target string optional option to choose button’s target name * default “wallet” onshowbutton function optional callback handler function for the button’s on-show event onclickbutton function optional callback handler function for the button’s on-click event if you register the handler function, you must return a callback or promise value * see usage of onclickbutton handler samsungwallet addbutton function this function allows you to explicitly render the samsung wallet api for the "add to wallet" web button samsungwallet addbutton { cardid "card_id", cdata "cdata", partnercode "partner_code", targetid "target_id", buttonid "button_id", rdclickurl "rd_click_url", rdimpressionurl "rd_impression_url", } button attributes unlike the samsung wallet html tag, you must use camelcase in the button attributes in function case attributes description cardid string required wallet card identifier * value granted from the partners portal cdata string required encrypted card object json * this field needs to be encrypted * see security partnercode string required partner code * value granted from the partners portal targetid string required dom document object model element id to place the "add to wallet" web button for samsung wallet buttonid string required dom element id for the "add to wallet" web button for samsung wallet buttontype string optional “add to wallet” button type [“btnsw” / “btnatsw” / “qrcode”, default btnsw] * see image resources authtoken string optional token generated when “qrcode” is used * required only if the “buttontype” is set to “qrcode” model string optional device model to display button* by default, value from user-agent is used if no value from user-agent, the button is displayed * to display buttons only on devices supporting samsung wallet, explicitly include the model name * for example, you can retrieve the device model name e g , sm-s928f from the browser's user-agent inline string optional flag to display the "add to wallet" image button in one-line format default true one-line locale string optional locale of the "add to wallet" image button * see image resources rdclickurl string required url of logging a button click event * value granted from the partners portal rdimpressionurl string required url of logging a button impression event * value granted from the partners portal showforced string optional flag to force the "add to wallet" button to be displayed default false mediatheme string optional load the button’s resources from the media theme policy there are 4 themes default, inversion, lightonly, and darkonly default default *default load the button’s theme according to the prefers-color-scheme policy *inversion load the inverse of the default button’s theme *lightonly load the light theme of the default button *darkonly load the dark theme of the default button style object cssstyledeclaration optional load the button with a custom style target string optional option to choose button’s target name * default “wallet” onshowbutton function optional callback handler function for the button’s on-show event onclickbutton function optional callback handler function for the button’s on-click event if you register the handler function, you must return a callback or promise value * see usage of onclickbutton handler usage of onclickbutton handler you can choose whether to proceed with the next "add to wallet" step using a promise or a callback function, if you register a callback handler in onclickbutton we recommend that you add the process of generating jwt cdata add cdata to options cdata to this handler, because of the cdata expiration time the function parameters are defined as follows attributes description options button attributes optional attributes of the current button callback function optional callback function to pass the flag to proceed default false promise resolve function optional promise-resolved value to pass the flag to proceed default false callback to web button process from callback attributes for es5 by executing a callback function with a flag, you can proceed to the next 'add to wallet' process onclickbutton function options, callback { // todo partner's process callback flag } callback to web button process from returning promise for es6 by returning a promise with a resolving flag, you can proceed to the next ‘add to wallet’ process onclickbutton async options => { return new promise async resolve, reject => { // todo partner's process await resolve flag } } importantthe card data token expires in 30 seconds after creation, so it needs to be created right after the user clicks the “add to wallet” button samsung wallet on the app the following outline explains how to implement the "add to wallet" button on a native application get button graphic resources from a repository depending on your service environment for more information, see image resources check availability by calling the "check service available devices" apo, then determine whether to show up the "add to wallet" button on the user device a if "available" on response has "true" -> support b if has "false" -> not support implement a jwt web link on the button triggered action app button on android [sample code implementation] public class walletcodesample { protected final static string tag = "samsungwalletsample"; protected static final string host = "https //api-us3 mpay samsung com"; protected static final string path = "wallet/cmn/v2 0/device/available"; /** * sample entry point of the usage */ public static void main { executors newsinglethreadexecutor submit -> { final string modelname = build model; final string countrycode = null; // optional country code iso_3166-2 final string servicetype = "wallet"; // required, fixed for samsung wallet final string partnercode = null; // required try { walletcodesample sample = new walletcodesample ; boolean iswalletsupported = sample checkwalletsupported modelname, countrycode, servicetype, partnercode ; string msg = string format "query for model %s , countrycode %s , servicetype %s , partnercode %s / wallet supported? %s ", modelname, countrycode, servicetype, partnercode, iswalletsupported ; log d tag, msg ; } catch exception e { // failed to check due to some reasons log e tag, e getmessage , e ; } } ; } /** * please see the wallet api spec document > '6 6 check service available devices' for more details * * @return true if wallet supported, otherwise false * @throws exception throws exception when it's not possible to get status due to any reasons */ public boolean checkwalletsupported @nonnull string modelname, @nullable string countrycode, @nonnull string servicetype, @nonnull string partnercode throws exception { if modelname == null || modelname isempty { log e tag, "model name is required parameter" ; throw new exception "something went wrong failed to get device model name " ; } if servicetype == null || servicetype isempty { log e tag, "servicetype is required parameter" ; throw new exception "something went wrong failed to get device servicetype " ; } if partnercode == null || partnercode isempty { log e tag, "partnercode is required parameter" ; throw new exception "something went wrong failed to get device partnercode " ; } string urlstring = makeurl modelname, countrycode, servicetype ; log i tag, "urlstring " + urlstring ; try { url url = new url urlstring ; httpurlconnection connection = httpurlconnection url openconnection ; connection setrequestproperty "partnercode", partnercode ; connection setrequestmethod "get" ; int responsecode = connection getresponsecode ; log i tag, "responsecode " + responsecode ; bufferedreader bufferedreader; if responsecode == 200 { bufferedreader = new bufferedreader new inputstreamreader connection getinputstream ; } else { bufferedreader = new bufferedreader new inputstreamreader connection geterrorstream ; } stringbuilder sb = new stringbuilder ; string inputline; while inputline = bufferedreader readline != null { log i tag, inputline ; sb append inputline ; } connection disconnect ; bufferedreader close ; // parse result jsonobject jsonobject = new jsonobject sb tostring ; string resultcode = jsonobject getstring "resultcode" ; string resultmessage = jsonobject getstring "resultmessage" ; if "0" equals resultcode && "success" equals resultmessage { return jsonobject getboolean "available" ; } else { throw new exception "something went wrong, resultcode " + resultcode + " , resultmessage " + resultmessage + " " ; } } catch ioexception e { log e tag, e getmessage , e ; throw new exception "something went wrong ioexception , " + e getmessage ; } catch jsonexception e { log e tag, e getmessage , e ; throw new exception "something went wrong, receive wrong formatted response, " + e getmessage ; } } protected string makeurl @nonnull string modelname, @nullable string countrycode, @nonnull string servicetype { stringbuilder sb = new stringbuilder ; sb append host append '/' ; sb append path ; sb append '?' append "servicetype" append '=' append servicetype ; sb append '&' append "modelname" append '=' append modelname ; if countrycode != null && !countrycode isempty { sb append '&' append "countrycode" append '=' append countrycode ; } return sb tostring ; } } importantthe card data token expires in 30 seconds after creation, so it needs to be created right after the user clicks the “add to wallet” button samsung wallet on an mms/email the following guides how to configure wallet code on email and mms messages implement the data fetch link process, including server apis you need to create a unique "reference id" for security reasons, make sure the "reference id" is complex enough that no important information can be inferred deliver a message including the web link through the chosen message platform for mms, the designed link shows up as a "smart suggestion" on samsung devices you can find a sample web link on the wallet cards guide on the partners portal for card data, samsung wallet asks the partner system to provide card details through the server api duplicate requests are prohibited on the same device link to “add to wallet” on an mms/email you can add an “add to wallet” web button even in environments where the javascript api cannot be loaded, such as sms or email these methods do not support controlling “add to wallet” button visibility [mms link] url link url attributes description url string required “add to wallet” link url * see data transmit link * see data fetch link [email on web button link] <a href="url"> <img src="image_url"> <img src="rd_impression_url" style="width 1px; height 1px;"> </a> attributes description url string required “add to wallet” link url * see data transmit link * see data fetch link image_url string required button’s image resource url * see image resources rd_impression_url string required impressions logging url * value granted from the partners portal statistics service samsung wallet serves useful statistics data of the integrated service on the partners portal the data configured by making simple api calls for each event such as button impression and click these are necessary to provide better services as well notestatistics api sample code you can find actual code sample at wallet script guide section in ‘wallet cards’ menu on the partner portal [event notification api] https //us-rd mcsvc samsung com/statistics/{event}/addtowlt?{parameters}&utm_source=partner&utm_medium={channel} {event} for each event in the following situations - impression when the “add to wallet” button has been shown - click when the “add to wallet” button has been clicked {parameters} includes key factors to figure out the service {channel} - app "samsung wallet" button in a native application - web "samsung wallet" button on the web - email "samsung wallet" button in an email for details, please visit 'wallet cards' menu on the partner portal