Content Type
Visual Display
Digital Appliance
Develop Samsung Wallet
docadd to wallet" interfaces, and wallet cards result eyjrawqioijxtfquufvcs0vziiwizw5jijoiqteyoeddtsisimfszyi6iljtqtffnsj9 abo_ci81btj2d1a8tcgkfwbx9wpri4tkhhzwms8swct_2nnzhasi_nklmj3wnkm5gwaouny14zx_6eozhj6tdiicuq-rairs6woesu8xa2dt1sc5l17wu9wdsgok4anj0kiunii4pler3d-4fox1hx1fok9siwwqqfql4vnqg3he-i4j6cywoybphznybmkyynkiqfczl6lbttehc4tdaorpkwra3vmb0bbz5nyzf1axzfk-17tz0gfhs82a7gl9rej1k5b10_2qfgmhttffvcyytmkv3inmahq0b48l3sk1oppmfcuqigymvludbg_qwdnbl9eilinojjt8ar2nua zviyghusi5fb2rl2 gm5ivizrqqdr8npk1n2qreyai4md-fisfwtbbbgebhnhjmnu-c_o1yuyrvdhcm0ki_rvcdnzkdlcp_g7shskmroyin3bi92qgtkfh2v4y-kcug2dvgv9uiv3oxawvlikfcntmzizj3thv_fue7jrnrbwf2xmviwsqo5b0lmouskbhuhasqilre0rtc1fgn03qfe_e-b87vht5en2pnbydjv-6_8g3aessyodvhyzyayonlxw_kwqif-i5auwfiigk5lgvmuz9dsl6-qkgyiz5pl9nyydjjjpilibtualyvzb1ch-gskweuhiml62zr-chz2ado8vn0sroccjhcax6pbsp3x6fhyxhr65bjzan4lmdfsskn92bcfyclx8j_pgrlm4vui_-kx1lwparkwrtyxmebkmj-2w8numrnnpgt2erlo_hvtz8xh1kopvqjldjdg_qqfu_oewo3hvunkgqeu3qhi6eywvarb7ozsisz-f95o7k-kqtjhfbwz_yra2nxd2bcgc9ua966_9uq4ombwa-8fccawpxyyu4vzbz_ycv25j8grdqhhtw6n9tkzy4nu07jit4ccofvu5n_gsyn1qowd11-_lmk8amf-l5ddipvrun7dealjd8me4nsaakeslqfkz_sddsu0-05icfkm33quqp6fzn5ocy6dmn5kzbvqxzhghcg_a_k1xqqlx_kupl4jsaxcnciuyptdqbc0hxxwuiyrm3tcde6picymgcbpkc205niyld-6en43di4ykc029yqx8rsldoaa6rwvp-zehdkxynyilja-_8fw4ioqp6vk98ajz5t-ajqdk1h6n_opt-zcjkjzz-7r2x07bsa_5ng7iwambrsv1defxhiyv-esce1meif-na_411hgpja-gwczp_wsswlqra0rpdq208ly70xppu4h_3eh_6q8cy5yhhns93vfuo0nsqfniker25zwnid39zoiyj_de9gzjawxa3k0tprpn5mfdpxvtd0-ro4oqi34ab62-rubcdydsmtggihzy3shlgtyafrbzhmpmdkauoj9buirasqpnr4nahfq_s1m1uy5peeq3j0bozmcc4uasnqqnrrelqm8bkfqi41ggjrjm9uvkcr-pmfonsheoqjmce6zkua1qtoefxycdfoejbjqdbcycnoqgugodlqn2-3mkggrpvqvyaolomykc_sl8kpdvjxntkggzqb9vnlnlq9_fy3hmyor0zeexytajfua-4ilsfkg3crqkx3sccsp-w6rf7vfzx5vdhqbhfzbhbuxypfj1bdmis_w-xqdvr1kgblzmsw9grbwm2mk8rt9qpzinhcaqfv2dqagqth4vyuccq0mjcs5qgnbkwdiggvxfk7bhwhk2jrw3k4egjqna9lssnhcjhqz69m16ivbffktnz5ot0l-npkcqeifia-rjmwyy6beodzi8s7s4l4yvlmvjjidujxkb7zsqusvrvizpljmk1rsbvgww7rfojlci9ed-mhpsmxvepj2uxezxu95z_vx7i8xgszxmlwrmsi0eepa5tl7gqfxfimtv4v_o8rjiipqtdjmkenkflnvkn8wio7nosfyak1gplxkpr2scieltcirpweu_4y56yq3wxbvnwcax7yyjytubirk30znw84omyyljc67wntybeqi3ty1vz6wxraenn_dnwiku-ry_bvc9bjwzpgdnpzdtdqndhijleyk9zhzcwvjhvom7vms4cljs6ndqvm9yeilk55h-ejn22-1n1u6pmjeyfbvty0zfrf57sidtcitseejmhbm1uqdsk3rpfxv2hc0dyy9ok7uasdsifwhkczmue4qyurd3y4wvzhjjaprxqeqojfavz-vt-331jvajgkziifmpuyfck-kyrqbq193uya9sy6e-7ereid3cy7gylp9-tfsugobpulnydieamtqi1zaepwjkjqs9ljofdoojhxbqzy0-spitglnbmtuxpxqh6phh34vdb2fcgjttc8h1vp3_a0lvxxzumdu3jypc9ltqmxxg7xz4h4uqrvis2qm3xqwub1uto9syhfnpf16h0-u8bqdofg-yyba-qn_awn4ufs2ftfy-7yd1isp0g31lifmorplehz0pcgefo-mayacxsvgioptn67enmwe_grdwkzv27deocztmcn_fb7qvtdsle881rfz7lrhmitiuitdo4e0fkwuaz1cohrbpbhzmg30tljbxydb-lfq74rxfdc1eobj0vpcdaxomya9eoxcnt70tti16fr3lxjdysgqv_ihtfkdaummfyojjh_w9zagiwb2uxmhng0a3mpt8r80hzbppvh3hsb2uezww8aqtlmkalqf0g6nzqm181z46gnkz7w3h8a29-yci0ypz_m0pofihnwjrendjkew6azodehwyupsno7y93qdc8khhpzb84bkahbc2sye8wgvgmrhfiwsigfht_g3m8nlt3vfasqe98two0tzu3k72kmod8khdw6xq6oalxoba1m9wfi51wmjji8yr4ty-7pqdc51ombxsqurao0-6puja5dufuioq3yzm0iwr1yjciqaofp-xwn9crh287vjzhw2s4ges8s-wuda9yu61u3b1pwr0fyseouzquay_t3qkziaghvz0a2nefdy2wktmaonidqtsku8rhpknqalrc_ydnvyqooxnrdwjrxxilutvlaaqmygtl0zessrvpkh4inkiu0ikbdceqvnlcjqnuymc5u_dtic-pb7e9h4zwxm3talmlzoc-v1u0shzaqok3tvixa9uy9i3qvpz1realwg7w1yqquhpd-6pgolbddfqwxekb43jtry3wnxjizcgzoqwiuvpdhpzm0cyfzlx71cbcpyc3lkg_pduwkb2qjv2hjodusvstv8 bv9p-aoait1mfijswzevsg jws format jws header jws header requirement description alg required cryptographic algorithm used to generate signature e g , rs256 cty required payload content type set as "card" ver required token version set as 3 certificateid required certificate identifier based on a csr during onboarding 4 digits alphanumeric partnerid required partner identifier utc required creation time to prevent repeated use, the token expires after a certain period of time unix timestamp in milliseconds * time offset from utc of +00 00 jws payload jws payload requirement description jwe compact serialization required contains base64url jwe value jws signature jws signature requirement description jws signature required base64url signature of base64url utf8 jws header + ' ' + base64url jws payload jws example base64url utf8 jws header +' ' + base64url jws payload + ' ' + base64url jws signature jws header {"cty" "card","ver" 3,”certificateid” ”ymtt”,"partnerid" "1234567890","utc" 1631776245876,"alg" "rs256"} jws payload jwe result result eyjjdhkioijqqvntiiwidmvyijoxlcjwyxj0bmvyswqioiixmjm0nty3odkwiiwidxrjijoxnjm1odq1odu2mjq0lcjhbgcioijsuzi1niisimtpzci6ilbuti5qukllrvkifq 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bwqnq5n8apkes9fbb4htdqbterdklaztmphx6r_h7k7og4lx3gmgds3fep6o4cs6jttutost6gdmudwzozztptwetj64p4of1wlzkf6tx8alrkaiqr2nptxh_ah87bkw69myzakb4d9obngp7qdk7izgkpq180olmbtpxiv-wkin92f6n2fpoi5bt1ws_hh8wxgla6nkm0s-roayl7gtvgbs6gohkhvgaxnhesqy7kzgqte9orcc_fliqyyrabhtpgybwb7wp0hpodzq0dpadumkkprs05vidfzjufxduyc7zbze-g_tixrjk3linf4rnzxyi0gohbw5grphu3wltg authorization token the restful api needs to include an authentication token jwt samsung and partners can use the token to authenticate api calls jwt details jws header jws header requirement description alg required cryptographic algorithm used to sign the payload e g , rs256 cty required payload content type, such as "auth" ver required token version set as 3 certificateid required certificate identifier based on a csr during onboarding 4 digits alphanumeric partnerid required partner id same as partnercode utc required creation time to prevent repeated use, the token expires after a certain period of time unix timestamp in milliseconds * time offset from utc of +00 00 jws payload jwe payload requirement description api required current api information api method required api method api path required api path refid optional a unique content identifier defined by the content provider authentication optional authentication value to be used in accordance with the pre-configured authentication method on wallet card * see the chapter authentication for more details updatedat optional data update timestamp epoch timestamp in milliseconds authentication token example jws header {"cty" "auth","ver" 3,”certificateid” ”ymtt”,"partnerid" "1234567890","utc" 1631775948348,"alg" "rs256"} jws payload *samsung server api > update notification { "api" { "method" "post", "path" "/wltex/cards/12584806754/notification" }, "refid" " ref-20230304-0003" } *partner server api > get card data { "api" { "method" "get", "path" "/cards/12584806754/ref-20230304-0003" }, "refid" "ref-20230304-0003" } jws result eyjjdhkioijbvvriiiwidmvyijoxlcjwyxj0bmvyswqioiixmjm0nty3odkwiiwidxrjijoxnjmxnzc1otq4mzq4lcjhbgcioijsuzi1niisimtpzci6ildmvc5qukllrvkifq ewogicagikfqssi6ihskicagicagicaibwv0ag9kijogikdfvcisciagicagicaginbhdggioiail2nhcmqvq1mxnjezodm1mzixmju4ndgwnjc1ncikicagih0sciagicaicmvmswqioiaiq1mxnjezodm1mzixmju4ndgwnjc1ncikfqo ascawii-ambjkoly_auzagxrwuumkfuhbznrlk0ykvbyog2dsljs-_xyq9tooh4cwsfpkej0vqkwbyrokabkhwmrdbkjrajeaq-87s-bqp1rcbelnzmfq66gcmbg9xpd6dmwwlnrazyszjrcyzkllu9si5qykrkyuoz34mcwzwdneos3z3gl1xft42m2-cduxkqwi0wfryanxiedwboiyu12sdnpsrbwlb7liw4omm6fg01dirtbk6ayumbf7zqjl_oygelv9jfdyoze0tqyklttshgdws7imyamha5nhagplhqivzaqoosa14gbcm1u0zdqw4jqa4-1vgjr_i5xea authorization token bearer eyjjdhkioijbvvriiiwidmvyijoxlcjwyxj0bmvyswqioiixmjm0nty3odkwiiwidxrjijoxnjmxnzc1otq4mzq4lcjhbgcioijsuzi1niisimtpzci6ildmvc5qukllrvkifq ewogicagikfqssi6ihskicagicagicaibwv0ag9kijogikdfvcisciagicagicaginbhdggioiail2nhcmqvq1mxnjezodm1mzixmju4ndgwnjc1ncikicagih0sciagicaicmvmswqioiaiq1mxnjezodm1mzixmju4ndgwnjc1ncikfqo ascawii-ambjkoly_auzagxrwuumkfuhbznrlk0ykvbyog2dsljs-_xyq9tooh4cwsfpkej0vqkwbyrokabkhwmrdbkjrajeaq-87s-bqp1rcbelnzmfq66gcmbg9xpd6dmwwlnrazyszjrcyzkllu9si5qykrkyuoz34mcwzwdneos3z3gl1xft42m2-cduxkqwi0wfryanxiedwboiyu12sdnpsrbwlb7liw4omm6fg01dirtbk6ayumbf7zqjl_oygelv9jfdyoze0tqyklttshgdws7imyamha5nhagplhqivzaqoosa14gbcm1u0zdqw4jqa4-1vgjr_i5xea secure add to samsung wallet authentication defines the data format to authenticate the user registering/updating the card if need a custom user verification process, please get in touch with us via tech support authentication data set case type value description connecting information ci user’s ci value identifier of identity verification agency samsung account sa user’s samsung account verifying that the signed-in samsung account on the user's galaxy device matches subscriber identity module sim sim card information on mobile telephone devices verify the sim information being used on the user's mobile phone one-time password otp dynamic password the temporary password provided by the partner to the user is verified by receiving user input during the add to samsung wallet process access token token token to verify data retrieval request token data included in card data is used as a key accessed when querying a partner server this tokenized key can be reissued when the partner delivers updated card data example type sample data ci {"ci" "hsd0iuf9bew8ugb7wqeu6i"} sa {"account" "samsungwallet@samsung com"} sim [{"uiccid" "abcderwyt","telno" "821012345678","isprimary" true},{"uiccid" "abcderwys","telno" "01012345679","isprimary" false}] otp {"otp" "947253"} token {"x-access-token" "7c8d38690d0e3b6aa077198abd2554a3a7940b52cf86bd690c1"}
Develop Samsung Wallet
docadd to wallet button or link the api also supports adding a wallet card automatically to the user for a special purpose with user’s consent this api allows partners to provide wallet cards to users the request payload must contain information about the target to which the card is added this information may be related to the user’s account, or it may contain information about a card that is already registered a push notification is sent to the user’s device to confirm successful card registration the success of card registration must be determined that the card is registered normally when it is updated to added of send card state an administrator must grant permission for partners to use this api [card data specification] card id {card id} is an id issued when the partner manager signs up for partner services and register the wallet card they want to service refer to partner onboarding guide document for details cdata actual payload data in basic json format to establish the communication between partners and samsung wallet see the details in the table below card data token the specific wallet card data mentioned as cdata must be secured in jwt json web token format see a chapter security for details [request] type value description method post url /atw/v1/cards/{card id} headers authorization string 1024 required credential token the token can have prefix "bearer" as an authorization type i e , bearer <credentials>* see json web token x-smcs-partner-id string 32 required partner id x-request-id string 32 required request identifier random generated uuid string path parameters card id string 32 required wallet card identifier granted through the partner portal body parameters cdata object required actual payload data in basic json format to establish the communication between partners and samsung wallet this must be in the secure jwt json web token format * see the chapter security for more details payload object card object required wallet card object card type string 16 required wallet card type *see wallet cards card subtype string 16 required wallet card sub type *see wallet cards card data[] array of object required wallet card data container data[] refid string 32 required a unique content identifier defined by the content provider data[] createdat long 13 required data creation timestamp epoch timestamp in milliseconds *utc±00 00 data[] updatedat long 13 required data update timestamp epoch timestamp in milliseconds *utc±00 00 data[] language string 8 required default card language code e g en, ko data[] attributes object required attributes container data[] attributes {fields} required attributes fields by card type*see wallet cards data[] localization[] array of object optional localized language container *see wallet cards localization[] language string 8 required multilingual content language code, e g en, ko localization[] attributes {fields} for displaying a given language, ‘data[] attributes’ can be replaced by localized versions *see wallet cards account object conditional user account object account type string 16 required type of user identifier, e g phonenumber, email account value string 64 required user identifier example * example card object { "card" { "type" "ticket", "subtype" "movies", "data" [{ "refid" "ref-20230304-001", "createdat" 1612660039000, "language" "en", "attributes" { "title" "samsung wallet", "mainimg" "https // /main png" *refer to wallet cards }, "localization" [{ "language" "ko", "attributes" { "title" "삼성 월렛" } }] }] }, "account" { "type" "phonenumber", "value" "+821012345678” } } * example post /atw/v1/cards/1656147182764415319 [headers] authorization eyjjdhkioijbvvriiiwidmvyijoxlcjwyxj0bmvyswqioiixmjg1o x-smcs-partner-id partner-id-0001 x-request-id req-202303140003 x-request-cc2 kr [payload] { "cdata" "eyjjdhkioijkv1qilcjhbgcioijsinrpbwvzdgftcci6imnyzwf0z…" } [response] type value description http status 200 ok payload n/a example 200 ok [result]] http status code description 200 200 ok 400 400 bad request requests cannot or will not be processed the request due to something that is perceived to be a client error 401 401 unauthorized authorization token is invalid or expired 500 500 internal server error 503 503 service unavailable
Develop Samsung Pay
docenable app to app service adding payment cards to samsung wallet from the card issuer’s app requesting registered card list in the samsung wallet getting wallet information adding a card to samsung wallet requesting registered card list in the samsung wallet the getallcards method of the cardmanager class is used to request a list of all cards currently registered/enrolled in samsung wallet on the same device running the issuer’s app to succeed, the issuer app must pass valid partnerinfo to 'cardmanager' for caller verification 'cardfilter' narrows the card list returned by samsung wallet to the issuername specified please be noted that getsamsungpaystatus must be called before getallcards getallcards could not return a cards list when getsamsungpaystatus responds with a code other than spay_ready as of api level sdk version 1 4, cardfilter retrieves this information from the samsung pay developers portal certain issuers may need to register multiple issuer name s with the portal, depending on their app and/or the requirements of their token service provider tsp the getallcards parameter cardfilter matches the issuer name s specified with those registered in the portal only complete matches are returned this method is typically called when your partner app wants to check the card status it does not need to be called every time the partner app resumes therefore, you should create the card list with the 'oncreate ' method, rather than the 'onresume ' method the result of a getallcards call is delivered to getcardlistener, which provides the following events onsuccess - called when the operation succeeds; provides the list of all filtered cards and their status card information includes cardid, cardstatus, and extra cardinfo data onfail - called when the operation fails here’s an example of how to use the 'getallcards ' api method in your issuer app samsungpaysdkflutterplugin getallcards getcardlistener onsuccess list { showcardlist list ; }, onfail errorcode, bundle { showerror errorcode, bundle ; } ; getting wallet information the samsungpay class provides the getwalletinfo api method, which is called to request wallet information from the samsung wallet app prior to calling the addcard api, when you want to avoid duplicate provisioning your issuer app uses this information to uniquely identify the user and the samsung wallet app on a particular device wallet device management id, device id, and wallet user id void getwalletinfo statuslistener? statuslistener the following example demonstrates how to use it string serviceid; spaysdk partner_service_type servicetype app2app name tostring samsungpaysdkflutter partnerinfo serviceid "", data {} ; samsungpay=samsungpay context,partnerinfo val keys = arraylist<string> keys add samsungpay wallet_dm_id keys add samsungpay device_id keys add samsungpay wallet_user_id samsungpaysdkflutterplugin getwalletinfo statuslistener onsuccess status, bundle async { val deviceid string? = walletdata getstring samsungpay device_id val walletuserid string? = walletdata getstring samsungpay wallet_user_id }, onfail errorcode, bundle { util showerror context, errorcode, bundle ; } ; adding a card to samsung wallet your issuer app calls the addcard api method of cardmanager to add a card to samsung wallet by providing the required card details, your app can make it convenient and easy for users to add their bank-issued debit/credit cards to samsung wallet directly from your app without additional steps, like switching between apps for most issuers, getwalletinfo suffices for requesting current wallet information the response from samsung wallet tells the issuer app whether or not the user’s card has already been added to samsung wallet or is ineligible for provisioning it is therefore recommended that you call getwalletinfo before displaying the add to samsung pay button if the card is eligible, display the “add” button and, if the user taps it, call addcard the addcard result is delivered to addcardlistener, which provides the following events onsuccess - called when the operation succeeds; provides information and status regarding the added card onfail - called when the operation fails; returns the error code and extra bundle data such as extra_error_reason or extra_request_id if provided onprogress - called to indicate the current progress of the 'addcard ' operation; can be used to show a progress bar to the user in the issuer app this callback is supported for tsm solution issuers in china and spain here’s an example of how to use the addcard api method in your issuer app string cardtype; string tokenizationprovider; string testpayload = "testpayloadcardinfoforflutterplugin" map<string, dynamic> carddetail; carddetail {addcardinfo extra_provision_payload testpayload} ; var addcardinfo = addcardinfo cardtype walletcard card_type_credit_debit, tokenizationprovider gettokenprovider tokenprovider tostring , carddetail {addcardinfo extra_provision_payload payload} ; myapp samsungpaysdkflutterplugin addcard addcardinfo, addcardlistener onsuccess status, card { print "success $status / data $card" ; },onfail errorcode, bundle { util showerror context, errorcode, bundle ; print "error $errorcode / data $bundle" ; },onprogress currentcount, totalcount, bundle { print "currentcount $currentcount / totalcount $totalcount / data $bundle" ; } ;
Learn Code Lab
codelabverify your id with samsung wallet objective learn how to verify a user's identity with the id information registered in their samsung wallet app partnership request to create, manage, and monitor performance of wallet cards with the samsung wallet partners site, you must become an official samsung partner once done, you can fully utilize this code lab you can learn more by visiting samsung wallet partner onboarding process, here in samsung developers notein accordance with the applicable samsung wallet partners agreements, this code lab covers the setup and use of the verify with samsung wallet service for purposes of integrating samsung wallet with partner sites and apps the use cases and corresponding code samples included are representative examples only and should not be considered as either recommended or required overview verify with samsung wallet enables users to utilize the digital id added to their wallets to simplify online transactions that require an identity verification a mobile device with samsung wallet installed is required to verify the user’s identity through this feature this feature uses the relying party card type to verify a user's identity using the id information stored in samsung wallet this feature supports app-to-app app2app and web-to-app web2app integration models the web2app integration supports the partner's mobile web application to request a verification to the samsung wallet app the app2app integration supports the partner’s mobile application to request a verification to the samsung wallet app when the partner site requests the user to verify their identity, the verify with samsung wallet button is displayed the user is redirected to the samsung wallet app where they verify their identity via pin or biometrics once verified, the user's identity information is sent to the partner and the transaction will proceed noteas of 2024, this feature is only available in the united states and can be used by the state government with mobile driver's license mdl support for more information, visit https //developer samsung com/dashboard/support for detailed description, see verify with samsung wallet set up your environment you will need the following access to samsung wallet partners site samsung galaxy device that supports samsung wallet app samsung wallet app latest version android studio latest version recommended java se development kit jdk 11 or later supported mobile driver's license be added to samsung wallet app internet browser, such as google chrome openssl intellij idea or any java ide optional sample code here is a sample code for you to start coding in this code lab download it and start your learning experience! verify with wallet sample code for app2app integration 802 3 kb start the onboarding process partners can manage wallet cards and monitor performance with the samsung wallet partners site to join as partner generate a private key and certificate signing request csr using the openssl command you can follow the instructions in security factors notea private key enables encryption and is the most important component of certificates while csr, which is a necessary factor to obtain a signed certificate, includes the public key and additional information like organization and country proceed to register in the samsung wallet partners site using your samsung account follow the samsung wallet partner onboarding process upload the generated csr for data encryption in encryption setting management section after registration, you will receive a welcome email noteupon receiving the certificates via email, be sure to keep the information safe from exposure and only use them for the following purposes signed certificate used along with the private key to sign data samsung certificate used to encrypt card data and validate authentication tokens in server api headers create a relying party wallet card follow the steps below to create a wallet card in samsung wallet partners site go to wallet cards > manage wallet card and click add wallet card in wallet card template field, choose [wallet] relying party as wallet card type and relyingparty > others as sub type select the design type and click done in wallet card custom setting, click change, and choose drivers as authentication issuer you can also select specific mdls such as below notethe authentication issuer is a unique property of the relying party card type the identity provider of the authentication issuer is supported depending on the service location set for example, if the service location is in the united states, the authentication issuer field only supports any identity provider in the united states region in main headquarters location, select united states once finished, select save to view all registered information launch wallet cards you can launch and request activation of the cards by clicking the launch button upon agreeing to proceed, the launch button text changes to launched and the card status becomes verifying create a verify with samsung wallet button app2app for the app2app integration, you need to setup the button inside the mobile application in android studio, click open locate the downloaded android project rpclient_codelab from the directory and click ok go to app > kotlin+java > com samsung android sample rpclient > presentation > partners and, in the partnersrequestfragment kt file, add the verify with samsung wallet button inside the oncreateview function glide with this load partner getverifybuttonimage into binding verifybutton set up a click listener for the verifybutton binding verifybutton setonclicklistener { /// add the requestdata variable to prepare the request fields /// add the applink variables to request the card information /// call the applink method to request verification } inside the listener, add the requestdata variable to prepare the request fields for verification val requestdata = demodata requestdata add the applink variables to request the card information val applink = rpclientapis buildapplink partnerid = partner getpartnerid , cardid = partner getcardid , payload = partner buildapp2apppayload , samsungpublickey = partner getsamsungpublickey , partnerpublickey = partner getpartnerpublickey , partnerprivatekey = partner getpartnerprivatekey , isstagingserver = true the data being requested are as follows partnerid = gets the partner id from the identification card used cardid = gets the card id from the identification card used payload = builds the app2app payload samsungpublickey = gets the samsung public key partnerpublickey = gets the partner's public key partnerprivatekey = gets the partner's private key isstagingserver = checks if the application runs on a staging environment noterequested data such as partnerid, public keys, and private keys are generated during the onboarding process, while cardid is generated when you create a wallet card however, in this code lab, these data is already predefined and included in the sample mobile app call the applink method to request verification this method creates a channel between the test app and samsung wallet app to create the request and response data for the verification process applink? let { log i tag, applink rpclientapis request "com samsung android spay", uuid randomuuid tostring , applink, object rpclientapis onresponselistener { override fun ongetmdocrequestdata deviceengagementbytes bytearray bytearray? { log i tag, "deviceengagementbytes=${deviceengagementbytes tohex }" val keypair = securerepository generateeckeypair log i tag, "requestdata=$requestdata" val encryptedsessionestablishmentbytes = securerepository buildsessionestablishment requestdata, deviceengagementbytes, keypair log i tag, "encryptedsessionestablishmentbytes=${encryptedsessionestablishmentbytes? tohex }" return encryptedsessionestablishmentbytes } override fun onmdocresponse encryptedresponsebytes bytearray { log i tag, "encryptedresponsebytes=${encryptedresponsebytes tohex }" try { val plainresponse = securerepository decryptmdocresponse encryptedresponsebytes log i tag, "plainresponse=${plainresponse? toprettyjson }" val responsedata = plainresponse? toprettyjson onresponse postvalue responsedata } catch e exception { e printstacktrace } } override fun onmdocresponsefailed exception exception { log i tag, "onmdocresponsefailed ${exception} " onerror postvalue exception } } } run and test the application app2app go to build > build app bundle s / apk s > build apk s to build the application install the apk file to your mobile device and test the sample app as follows open the sample app and choose sdc code lab press the verify with samsung wallet button once you are redirected to the samsung wallet app, press the verify button the samsung wallet app shows a checkmark to indicate that the identity has already been verified while the sample app displays a verification success screen test the verify with samsung wallet button web2app for the web2app integration, you can use the test tool to test the verify with samsung wallet button open a web browser on your computer or galaxy mobile device and go to the following link partner walletsvc samsung com/addtowallettest go to verify with wallet tab and click choose key file to upload your private key in the select card dropdown menu, select the card you created to display its details navigate to the form tab and modify the data as desired you can change the logo image or provider name press the verify with samsung wallet button once you are redirected to samsung wallet, press the verify button the samsung wallet app shows a checkmark to indicate that the identity has already been verified go back to the test tool, open the mdoc tab, and click the check result button it displays a result success popup when the verification process is successful tokenize card data and implement the verify with wallet button to your service optional notethis step is optional, but if you want to learn how to integrate the verify with wallet button into your services like an android app, web app, or email, you can follow these steps the samsung wallet partners site provides generated verify with samsung wallet scripts for each wallet card you create you can simply copy and paste these scripts into your partner apps web and android or include them in emails/mms messages to implement the verify with wallet button, follow these steps go to the [verify with wallet script guide] section of the card you created click show to view the available scripts and then copy the appropriate script for your service develop a program that can generate tokenized card data cdata the cdata represents the actual content of the wallet card and comes in different formats depending on the card type you can check the cdata generation sample code for reference the cdata is derived from the card data, which is in json format for testing purposes, you can utilize the generated json from the test tool follow the implementing button guide to determine where to incorporate the generated cdata and gain further insights into this process you are redirected back to your app and your identity is verified you're done! congratulations! you have successfully accomplished the topic of this code lab now, you are ready to verify your id with the verify with samsung wallet button into your application on your own! if you're having trouble, you may download this file verify with wallet complete code for app2app integration 802 5 kb to learn more about samsung wallet, visit developer samsung com/wallet
Develop Samsung Pay
docenable app to app service the following diagram illustrates the flows of the app-to-app apis for payment card push provisioning bank appsamsung wallet apptoken service providerref[checking samsungpay status]section in common flowalt[if neccessary optional ]1cardmanager getallcards 2onsuccess card cardid, card cardstatus 3request card information with card cardid4success5samsungpay getwalletinfo 6onsuccess device_id, wallet_user_id 7create provisioningpayloadwith card information & wallet informationrefer to card networks spec8cardmanager addcard payload 9request token provision10success11onsuccess flows of push provisioning apis the main classes involved are samsung pay – for fetching samsung wallet app status and wallet information on the device paymentmanager – for card provisioning and invoking favorite cards payment functionalities cardmanager – for payment card management watchmanager – for all functions related to samsung pay watch let’s now take a look at how each one works in the context of your bank app requesting registered card list in the samsung pay the'getallcards method of the cardmanager class is used to request a list of all cards currently registered/enrolled in samsung wallet on the same device running the issuer’s app to succeed, the issuer app must pass valid partnerinfo to 'cardmanager' for caller verification 'cardfilter' narrows the card list returned by samsung wallet to the issuername specified please be noted that getsamsungpaystatus must be called before getallcards getallcards could not return a cards list when getsamsungpaystatus responds with a code other than spay_ready noteto get the cards list of samsung pay watch, you have to use the watchmanager class instead of the cardmanager class as of api level sdk version 1 4, cardfilter retrieves this information from the samsung pay developers portal certain issuers may need to register multiple issuer name s with the portal, depending on their app and/or the requirements of their token service provider tsp the getallcards parameter cardfilter matches the issuer name s specified with those registered in the portal only complete matches are returned this method is typically called when your partner app wants to check the card status it does not need to be called every time the partner app resumes therefore, you should create the card list with the 'oncreate ' method, rather than the 'onresume ' method the result of a getallcards call is delivered to getcardlistener, which provides the following events onsuccess - called when the operation succeeds; provides the list of all filtered cards and their status card information includes cardid, cardstatus, and extra cardinfo data onfail - called when the operation fails here’s an example of how to use the 'getallcards ' api method in your issuer app val cardfilter = bundle // since api level 1 4, cardfilter param is ignored partner does not need to use it here // it is retrieved from the samsung pay developers portal cardfilter putstring cardmanager extra_issuer_name, issuername cardmanager getallcards null, object getcardlistener{ override fun onsuccess cards mutablelist<card>? { // getting card status is success if cards == null || cards isempty { log e tag, "no card is found" return } else { // perform operation with card data for s in cards { log d tag, "cardid " + s cardid + "cardstatus " + s cardstatus // get extra card data if s cardinfo != null { val cardid = s cardid // since api level 2 13, id from card network val last4fpan = s cardinfo getstring cardmanager extra_last4_fpan val last4dpan = s cardinfo getstring cardmanager extra_last4_dpan val cardtype = s cardinfo getstring cardmanager extra_card_type val cardissuername = s cardinfo getstring cardmanager extra_issuer_name log d tag, "last4fpan $last4fpan last4dpan $last4dpan cardid $cardid" } } } } override fun onfail errorcode int, errordata bundle? { // getting card status is failed } } getting wallet information the samsungpay class provides the getwalletinfo api method, which is called to request wallet information from the samsung wallet app prior to calling the addcard api, when you want to avoid duplicate provisioning your issuer app uses this information to uniquely identify the user and the samsung wallet app on a particular device wallet device management id, device id, and wallet user id noteto get wallet information of samsung pay watch, you have to use the watchmanager class instead of the cardmanager class fun getwalletinfo list<string> keys, statuslistener callback the following example demonstrates how to use it // set the serviceid assigned by the samsung pay developers portal during service creation val serviceid = "sampleserviceid" val bundle = bundle bundle putstring samsungpay extra_issuer_name, "issuer name" bundle putstring samsungpay partner_service_type, servicetype app2app tostring val pinfo = partnerinfo serviceid, bundle val samsungpay = samsungpay context, pinfo // add bundle keys to get wallet information from samsung pay // this information can be delivered to the partner server for an eligibility check val keys = arraylist<string> keys add samsungpay wallet_user_id keys add samsungpay device_id samsungpay getwalletinfo keys, object statuslistener{ override fun onsuccess status int, walletdata bundle { // log d tag, "dowalletinfo onsuccess callback is called" ; // for visa, deviceid can be set to "clientdeviceid" as defined by visa val deviceid = walletdata getstring samsungpay device_id // for visa, walletuserid can be set to "clientwalletaccountid" as defined by visa val walletuserid = walletdata getstring samsungpay wallet_user_id } override fun onfail errorcode int, errordata bundle? { log e tag, "onfail callback is called, errorcode " + errorcode ; // check the extra error codes in the errordata bundle for all the reasons in // samsungpay extra_error_reason, when provided } } adding a card to samsung pay your issuer app calls the 'addcard ' api method of cardmanager to add a card to samsung wallet by providing the required card details, your app can make it convenient and easy for users to add their bank-issued debit/credit cards to samsung wallet directly from your app without additional steps, like switching between apps noteif you want to add a card to samsung pay watch, you have to use the 'watchmanager' class instead of the cardmanager class for most issuers, getwalletinfo suffices for requesting current wallet information the response from samsung wallet tells the issuer app whether or not the user’s card has already been added to samsung wallet or is ineligible for provisioning it is therefore recommended that you call getwalletinfo before displaying the add to samsung pay button if the card is eligible, display the “add” button and, if the user taps it, call addcard importantremember to obtain the governing issuer implementation guide s and specifications from the respective card network and implement each network’s required handling in your partner app and server the 'addcard ' result is delivered to addcardlistener, which provides the following events onsuccess - called when the operation succeeds; provides information and status regarding the added card onfail - called when the operation fails; returns the error code and extra bundle data such as extra_error_reason or extra_request_id if provided onprogress - called to indicate the current progress of the 'addcard ' operation; can be used to show a progress bar to the user in the issuer app this callback is supported for tsm solution issuers in china and spain here’s an example of how to use the addcard api method in your issuer app val cardtype = card card_type_credit val tokenizationprovider string = addcardinfo provider_abcd // samsung pay does not provide detailed payload information; generate the provisioning payload in // accordance with your card network specifications val testpayload = "thisistestpayloadcardinfo1234567890" val carddetail = bundle carddetail putstring extra_provision_payload, testpayload val addcardinfo = addcardinfo cardtype, tokenizationprovider, carddetail cardmanager addcard addcardinfo, object addcardlistener { override fun onsuccess status int, card card? { log d tag, "onsuccess callback is called" ; } override fun onfail errorcode int, errordata bundle? { log d tag, "onfail callback is called" ; // check some extra error codes in the errordata bundle // such as samsungpay extra_error_reason or samsungpay extra_request_id if provided } override fun onprogress currentcount int, totalcount int, bundledata bundle? { log d tag,"onprogress callback is called " + currentcount + " / " + totalcount ; } }
Develop Samsung Wallet
docoverview once the partner service onboarding is complete, you can create your own templates such as boarding passes, coupons and tickets in samsung wallet before you can create a new wallet type, you must first create a base template in general, wallet card creation and modification are possible through the ‘wallet partners portal' however, a server api is provided for cases where it is necessary to manage a large number of cards cards created through api can also be checked and managed in the same way on the ‘wallet partners portal' changes to each card status can be processed at the ‘wallet partners portal', and information on how to change them should be checked through the partner server portal guide the description of each state is as follows state description draft when a wallet card is created for the first time, it transitions to “draft” state in this state, all setting values can be modified verifying to launch and activate the card, the verification step must be completed the “verifying” state is a step in which the card is approved by an administrator for a card to be verified, at least one csr must be registered, and general information must be configured rejected the administrator registers the reason for rejection when rejecting the launched wallet card the reason for rejection is then sent to the partner by email through the system partners can apply for relaunch by checking the reason for rejection and modifying the wallet card information active the administrator has approved the partner’s requests the card is activated, and the activation cannot be canceled when the card is activated, it becomes visible to the user blocked the activated card has been blocked this function can only be performed by the administrator note that when a card is first created, testing mode is switched on automatically even if the card is active, if the testing mode is on, the service does not behave normally the testing mode must be changed to off first note that it is not possible to return to testing mode after switching the mode off, so ensure that the testing is complete before switching the testing mode off it is now possible to add wallet cards to a user's wallet wallet cards are added as described in 'add to samsung wallet', but in special cases, wallet cards can be added automatically only to allowed partners without user interaction
Develop Samsung Pay
doccommon flow once setup is complete, you’re ready to add the samsung pay sdk flutter plugin code within your partner app for calling the samsung pay sdk’s apis and receiving callbacks the following functionalities are ready to call through apis checking samsung wallet status activating the samsung wallet app updating the samsung wallet app checking samsung wallet status the first step in implementing the samsung pay sdk flutter plugin within your partner app is to create the samsungpaysdkflutter instance, this will check the samsung wallet status on the device it's determine the support for samsung wallet or lack thereof , and whether or not to display the samsung pay button to the user for selection as a payment option the samsung pay button also lets issuer apps add a card to samsung wallet in both instances, the partner app must have valid partnerinfo to pass to samsungpay for caller verification to set its partnerinfo, the partner app passes its serviceid sid and servicetype, both of which are assigned by the samsung pay developers portal when you create the service this will be used for checking blocked list and version control between the samsung pay sdk flutter plugin and the samsung wallet app on the device you must set the servicetype in partnerinfo to call other samsung wallet apis string serviceid; map<string,dynamic> data; static final samsungpaysdkflutterplugin = samsungpaysdkflutter partnerinfo serviceid 'partner_app_service_id', data {spaysdk partner_service_type servicetype app2app name tostring } ; after setting partnerinfo, your partner app can now call getsamsungpaystatus this method of the samsungpay class must be called before using any other feature in the samsung pay sdk flutter plugin future<void> getsamsungpaystatus statuslistener? statuslistener the result is delivered to statuslistener and provides onsucccess and onfail events check the android sdk common flow for more details the following sample code shows how to use the getsamsungpaystatus api method myhomepage samsungpaysdkflutterplugin getsamsungpaystatus statuslistener onsuccess status, bundle async { showstatus status, bundle ; }, onfail errorcode, bundle { showerror errorcode, bundle ; } ; activating the samsung walllet app the samsungpaysdkflutter class provides the following api method to activate the samsung wallet app on a device future<void> activatesamsungpay activatesamsungpay is called to activate the samsung wallet app on the same device on which the partner app is running first, the partner app must check the samsung wallet status with a getsamsungpaystatus call if the status is spay_not_ready and extra_error_reason is error_spay_setup_not_complete, the partner app needs to display an appropriate message to user, then call activatesamsungpay to launch the samsung wallet app so the user can sign in here’s an example of how to code this samsungpaysdkflutterplugin activatesamsungpay ; updating the samsung wallet app the samsungpaysdkflutter class provides the following api method to update the samsung wallet app on the device future<void> gotoupdatepage gotoupdatepage is called to update samsung wallet app on the same device on which the partner app is running as with all api calls, the partner app must first check the samsung wallet status with getsamsungpaystatus if this returns spay_not_ready and extra_error_reason is error_spay_app_need_to_update, then the partner app needs to display an appropriate message to the user and call gotoupdatepage , which launches the samsung wallet update page the following code sample reflects how to update samsung wallet samsungpaysdkflutterplugin gotoupdatepage ;
Develop Samsung Pay
docunderstanding and using the sdk the samsung pay sdk is an application framework for integrating selected samsung wallet features with android-based partner apps on samsung devices the following major operations are supported in-app payment gives customers the option of paying for products and services with samsung wallet push provisioning allows customers add a bank card to samsung wallet from the issuer app by providing the required card details to integrate your partner application with the samsung pay sdk, the following components are included your sdk download samsungpay jar contains classes and interfaces of the samsung pay sdk which need to be integrated to partner apps javadoc provides descriptions of the apis included in the samsung pay sdk, along with sample code showing how to use them sample merchant app and sample issuer app showing how samsung pay apis can be coded in a finished android project all major operations of samsung pay sdk are implemented for demonstration purposes samsung pay sdk architecture the following diagram shows a high-level architecture revealing the general interactions between the samsung pay sdk and a partner app viewed at this level, the partner apps leverage the samsung pay sdk to perform the operations shown ― push provisioning and opening favorite cards for issuers; online payments for merchants ― with samsung pay the key components involved are partner app - merchant- or issuer-developed app for making online/offline payments and provisioning payment cards through samsung wallet samsung pay sdk - sdk integrated into the partner app for direct communication with samsung wallet samsung wallet app - wallet app that the samsung pay sdk communicates with financial network - comprises the payment gateways, acquirers, card associations, and issuers that participate in transaction processing under agreement with the merchant the main classes comprising the samsung pay sdk include samsungpay – used by the partner app to get the samsung pay sdk information and the status of samsung wallet app on the device paymentmanager – provides payment/transaction functionality cardmanager – manages card list get, add, update functionality watchmanager – manages all functions related to samsung pay watch cardinfolistener – interface for requestcardinfo result from samsung wallet customsheettransactioninfolistener – interface for transaction success/failure callbacks from samsung wallet use case in-app payment the most common in-app online payment use cases take the following form merchant app presents user with the option of making payment with samsung wallet upon the user selecting the samsung pay option, the merchant app calls the apis included in the samsung pay sdk to initiate a transaction with samsung wallet app samsung wallet app responds with the tokenized payment information necessary to complete the transaction merchant app forwards this payment information to the designated payment gateway pg , either directly through the merchant's web server, or indirectly via the samsung-pg interface server for normal transaction processing use case app-to-app push provisioning the push provisioning use case ― adding payment cards to samsung wallet from the card issuer’s app ― typically takes this form the user logs into the issuer app the issuer app checks if samsung wallet is activated on the device and ready to use if it is in the ready status, the issuer app displays an add button for cards not currently registered/enrolled with the samsung wallet app if the add card option is selected, the issuer app calls an api to push the proper payload data to samsung wallet while the card is being provisioned, samsung wallet stays in background setting up sdk development environment the importance of maintaining a good development environment cannot be overstated for integrating the samsung pay sdk with your partner app, the following prerequisites and recommendations help ensure a successful sdk implementation system requirements the samsung pay sdk is designed exclusively for samsung mobile devices supporting samsung pay and running android lollipop 5 1 android api level 22 or later versions of the android os the sdk’s in-app payments functionality requires android 6 0 m android api level 23 or later versions of the android os note as of sdk version 1 5, if the device runs android lollipop 5 1 android api level 22 or an earlier version, the getsamsungpaystatus api method returns a spay_not supported status code merchant apps still using samsung pay sdk 1 4 or earlier not recommended must check the android version running their app use the following snippet to determine the os version running on a device and whether or not to display the samsung pay button in your partner app import android os build; // in-app payment supported on android m or above // check android version of the device if build version sdk_int < build version_codes m { //hide samsung pay button } service registration to develop a samsung pay sdk service, merchants and issuers need to register for an account with samsung pay developers in order to create the appropriate service type for their applications here are some helpful links inside the portal become a member https //pay samsung com/developers/tour/memberguide create services https //pay samsung com/developers/tour/svcguide register apps https //pay samsung com/developers/tour/appsguide manage services and apps https //pay samsung com/developers/tour/svcnappsguide add samsung pay sdk to your project be sure to do the following before attempting to use the sdk if not already part of your environment, download and install an ide android studio is recommended download the samsung pay sdk the sdk package has the following directory structure folder contents docs javadoc – api reference documentation libs samsungpay jar sdk java archive file – contains the samsung pay apis to be used by your partner app samples sample apps configure your ide to integrate the samsung pay sdk with your partner app a add samsungpay jar to the libs folder of your android project b go to gradle scripts > build gradle and enter the following dependency dependencies { compile files 'libs/samsungpay jar' } c import the sdk package into your code import com samsung android sdk samsungpay v2; proguard rules if your app s have any issue with proguard, the following rules are recommended dontwarn com samsung android sdk samsungpay ** -keep class com samsung android sdk ** { *; } -keep interface com samsung android sdk ** { *; } when dexguard is employed, the following additional rules apply -keepresourcexmlelements manifest/application/meta-data@name=spay_sdk_api_level android r os targetsdkversion 30 informationfrom android r os if the target sdk version is 30 , you must include the following <queries> element in the androidmanifest <?xml version="1 0" encoding="utf-8"?> <manifest xmlns android="http //schemas android com/apk/res/android" xmlns tools="http //schemas android com/tools" package="xxx xxx xxx xxx"> <queries> <package android name="com samsung android spay" /> <package android name="com samsung android samsungpay gear" /> </queries> configuring api level api level attributes as of sdk version 1 4, enhanced version control management has been introduced to improve backward compatibility and handle api dependency from country and service type for example, if a partner integrates the latest sdk―for instance, api level 2 21―but continues to use apis based in level 1 4, the partner app remains compatible with samsung wallet apps supporting api level 1 4 without the necessity of upgrading the samsung pay app the chief characteristics and properties of the api level include every api starting from version 1 4 has an api level assigned based on the sdk version number in which it is introduced the sdk’s javadoc reference can be filtered by api level so you can determine the minimum api level you need to configure in the metadata section of your app’s androidmanifest file the earliest possible version is 1 4 this lets you use the api level defined in your androidmanifest without having to trigger an upgrade of the samsung wallet app on the user’s device implement the following usage in your androidmanifest <application <meta-data android name="spay_sdk_api_level" android value="2 21" /> // most recent sdk version is recommended to leverage the latest apis but it need to be set to 2 17 for russia </application> partner app verification in partner verification process samsung pay sdk verify your registered app, version in samsung pay portal and service it also determines device and app compatibility your app needs to verify the presence of the samsung wallet app on the device, its status, and whether or not its version is sufficient to support your implementation of the sdk appendix a common terminology terminology description aavs automatic add value service aidl android interface definition language for communication merchant a business entity engaged in retail e-commerce that provides an online checkout service for purchasing its products and/or services to registered end users issuer financial institution empowered to issue credit and/or debit payment cards to qualified consumers and businesses payment gateway pg e-commerce app service provider equipped to authorize credit card payments for e-businesses, online retailers, bricks and clicks, or traditional brick and mortar payment token secure method for payment ensuring that a cardholder’s information is not exploited by unauthorized parties samsung pay samsung’s proprietary mobile wallet app and payment system samsung pay service the server and service components of samsung pay samsung pay watch samsung pay app on samsung galaxy watches to support payment system eligibility check a query by third-party apps to check whether or not samsung pay is supported/activated/ready-to-use on a samsung device mst magnetic secure transmission tui trusted user interface
Develop Samsung Wallet
docimplementing vww button for samsung wallet integration, partners will need to insert an "verify with samsung wallet" script into their systems to implement an "verify with samsung wallet" button, partner should follow the procedure below first, proceed with script composition with the sample script on the partner portal or refer to the integration sample code create the tokenized card data cdata card data is the actual content of the wallet card and it has several formats based on the card type refer to the cdata generation sample code for details important the card data token expires in 30 seconds after creation, so it needs to be created right after the user clicks the "verify with samsung wallet” button for "verify with samsung wallet" integration, you may also need some base data you can find that and other necessary information on partners portal implementing vww button on the web this section explains how to implement an "verify with samsung wallet" button using javascript in a web view web button reference with importing api javascript if partner implement the "verify with samsung wallet" button using this script, the button is shown only on the devices that support samsung wallet to automatically parse <samsung wallet> html tags when the page is loaded, partners should include the following standard javascript <script src="https //us-cdn-gpp mcsvc samsung com/lib/wallet-card js" type="text/javascript"></script> partners can use these tags or javascript functions for the web button if they are rendering html and have proper partner permissions partners can also use the script by referring to the various attributes samsung wallet html tag the ‘samsung wallet’ namespace tag defines the placement and various attributes of the "verify with samsung wallet" web button for samsung wallet <samsung wallet type="vww" cardid="card_id" cdata="cdata" partnercode="partner_code" buttonid="button_id" buttontype="btnvwsw" rdclickurl="rd_click_url" rdimpressionurl="rd_impression_url"></samsung wallet> button attributes attribute type required description type string y service type default is "atw"• "atw" 'add to samsung wallet' • "vww" verify with samsung wallet' cardid string y wallet card identifier* value granted from the partners portal cdata string y encrypted card object json * this field needs to be encrypted * refer to security for more details partnercode string y partner code * value granted from the partners portal buttonid string y dom element id for the "verify with samsung wallet" web button for samsung wallet buttontype string n "verify with samsung wallet" button type ["btnsw" / "btnvwsw", default btnsw] inline string n flag to display the "verify with samsung wallet" image button in one-line format default true one-line locale string n locale of the "verify with samsung wallet" image button rdclickurl string y url for logging a button click event * value granted from the partners portal rdimpressionurl string y url for logging a button impression event * value granted from the partners portal showforced string n flag to force the "verify with samsung wallet" button to be displayed default false mediatheme string n load the button’s resources from the media theme policy there are 4 themes default, inversion, lightonly, and darkonly default default *default load the button’s theme according to the prefers-color-scheme policy *inversion load the inverse of the default button’s theme *lightonly load the light theme of the default button *darkonly load the dark theme of the default button style string cssstyledeclaration n load the button with custom style onshowbutton function n callback handler function for the button’s on-show event onclickbutton function n callback handler function for the button’s on-click event if you register the handler function, you must return a callback or promise value samsungwallet addbutton function this function allows partners to explicitly render the samsung wallet api for the "verify with samsung wallet" web button samsungwallet addbutton { type "vww", cardid "card_id", cdata "cdata", partnercode "partner_code", targetid "target_id", buttonid "button_id", buttontype "btnvwsw", rdclickurl "rd_click_url", rdimpressionurl "rd_impression_url", } button attributes unlike the samsung wallet html tag, you must use camelcase in the button attributes in function case attribute type required description type string y service type default is "atw"• "atw" 'add to samsung wallet' • "vww" verify with samsung wallet' cardid string y wallet card identifier* value granted from the partners portal cdata string y encrypted card object json * this field needs to be encrypted * refer to security for more details partnercode string y partner code * value granted from the partners portal targetid string y dom document object model element id to place the "verify with samsung wallet" web button for samsung wallet buttonid string y dom element id for the "verify with samsung wallet" web button for samsung wallet buttontype string n "verify with samsung wallet" button type ["btnsw" / "btnvwsw", default btnsw] inline string n flag to display the "verify with samsung wallet" image button in one-line format default true one-line locale string n locale of the "verify with samsung wallet" image button rdclickurl string y url for logging a button click event * value granted from the partners portal rdimpressionurl string y url for logging a button impression event * value granted from the partners portal showforced string n flag to force the "verify with samsung wallet" button to be displayed default false mediatheme string n load the button’s resources from the media theme policy there are 4 themes default, inversion, lightonly, and darkonly default default *default load the button’s theme according to the prefers-color-scheme policy *inversion load the inverse of the default button’s theme *lightonly load the light theme of the default button *darkonly load the dark theme of the default button style object cssstyledeclaration n load the button with custom style onshowbutton function n callback handler function for the button’s on-show event onclickbutton function n callback handler function for the button’s on-click event if you register the handler function, you must return a callback or promise value usage of onclickbutton handler partners can choose whether to proceed with the next "verify with samsung wallet" step using a promise or a callback function, if they register a callback handler in onclickbutton we recommend that partner add the process of generating jwt cdata add cdata to options cdata to this handler, because of the cdata expiration time the function parameters are defined as follows attribute type required description options button attributes n attributes of the current button callback function n callback function to pass the flag to proceed default false promise resolve function n promise-resolved value to pass the flag to proceeddefault false callback to web button process from callback attributes for es5 by executing a callback function with a flag, you can proceed to the next 'verify with samsung wallet' process onclickbutton function options, callback { // todo partner's process callback flag } callback to web button process from returning promise for es6 by returning a promise with a resolving flag, you can proceed to the next ‘verify with samsung wallet’ process onclickbutton async options => { return new promise async resolve, reject => { // todo partner's process await resolve flag } } implementing vww button on the app this section explains how to implement an "verifying with samsung wallet" button in the partner’s app please download below sample code and refer it refer to android sample code data transmit link the most common and straightforward method is the data transmit link approach, which securely includes tokenized data in the atw link the atw link format for this method is as follows the name data transmit link has been changed from typical flow type value description url https //a swallet link/vww/v1/{cardid}#clip?cdata={cdata} path parameters cardid string required wallet card identifier issued from partner portal when the partner manager signs up for partner services and registers the wallet card they want to service hash path parameters #clip string required parameters for the hash link* the first letter is capitalized query parameters cdata string required actual payload data in basic json format to communicate between partners and samsung wallet this must be secured in jwt json web token format * refer to security for more details example https //a swallet link/vww/v1/1656147182764415319#clip?cdata=eyjjdhkioijkv1qilcjhbgcioijsinrpbwvzdgftcci6imnyzwf0zwqgdgltzsisinbhcnruzxjjrci6inbhcnruzxigsuqifq … … … … dn0_oz3xcr0juq3mlszliutxfotewnz0mqj7kinjysnm5xfwqt5vcn20peebelgux8vjxly4_9g4bhq-hd4o9poyutuawew yzdlmtfho -nycel3t0yznzad2kck_hrtwigeerhlgn6ydaq_fpfdslxsa3zjtnpg3wcuqew5cidpbpfswbqlropqepnawg5nlm3dkaa4a1dzazmbsr1bgzhrh_viknx3cy5mo0jnbexl_yiz5_wb379uyswumqipitzvg2ijyvfht17i4
Develop Samsung Pay
docin mobile payment card provisioning, id&v identity verification is the process of verifying the user’s identity before they can add their payment card to their mobile device samsung wallet supports various ways to ensure that only authorized individuals have access to their own payment cards and to prevent fraud these id&v methods are shown in the following screenshot they include receiving an sms, email, phone call, or access code, or verifying their identity through their bank’s website, banking application, or phone support this guide focuses on app-to-app id&v, which allows the user to verify their identity through another application, typically the application for their own bank you can implement app-to-app id&v through the samsung wallet application in 2 ways using the samsung wallet sdk, which must be integrated into the banking application itself using android intents, which enables you to implement the feature without the samsung wallet sdk specifically, this documentation describes using android intents to implement app-to-app id&v in your banking application card network specification details related to app-to-app id&v are not within the scope of this document note american express amex does not support app-to-app id&v if you want to support adding amex cards to samsung wallet, you must use other id&v methods
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