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Develop Samsung Wallet
docid cardtemplate templaterefid string 19 required partner template id cardtemplate title string 32 required wallet card name cardtemplate countrycode string 2 conditional the main headquarters location * required when creating a template cardtemplate cardtype string 100 conditional this value is set to “boardingpass” * required when creating a template cardtemplate subtype string 100 conditional select from these values “airlines”, “trains”, or “buses” * required when creating a template cardtemplate prtnrapppckgname string 128 optional the application package name cardtemplate applogoimg string 200 optional the banner logo image url cardtemplate nonetworksupportyn string 1 optional this must be set to either 'y' or 'n' * default 'n' cardtemplate sharebuttonexposureyn string 1 optional this must be set to either 'y' or 'n' * default 'y' cardtemplate privacymodeyn string 1 optional this must be set to either 'y' or 'n' * default 'n' cardtemplate preventcaptureyn string 1 optional this value is a screen capture prevention flag that defines whether the content view prevents screen capture cardtemplate state string 15 optional wallet card's state* default 'draft' cardtemplate testingmodeoff string 1 optional testmode off this must be set to either 'y' or 'n' * default ‘n’ available only when updating templates cardtemplate desc string 500 optional description { "cardtemplate" { "prtnrid" "4082825513190138240", "templaterefid" "2138240408282551312", "title" "wallet card title", "prtnrapppckgname" "prtnrapppckgname", "countrycode" "us", "desc" "desc", "cardtype" "boardingpass", "subtype" "airlines", "applogoimg" "http //www yourdomain com/banner_logo_image png", "nonetworksupportyn" "n" "sharebuttonexposureyn" "y" "privacymodeyn" "n" "preventcaptureyn" "n" } } -event ticket card type ticket sub type performances, sports, movies, entrances, others type value description payload object cardtemplate object required wallet card template object cardtemplate prtnrid string 32 required partner id cardtemplate templaterefid string 19 required partner template id cardtemplate title string 32 required wallet card name cardtemplate countrycode string 2 conditional the main headquarters location * required when creating a template cardtemplate cardtype string 100 conditional this value set “ticket”* required when creating a template cardtemplate subtype string 100 conditional select from these values performances, sports, movies, entrances, and others * required when creating a template cardtemplate prtnrapppckgname string 128 optional the application package name cardtemplate applogoimg string 200 optional the banner logo image url cardtemplate nonetworksupportyn string 1 optional this must be set to either 'y' or 'n' * default 'n' cardtemplate sharebuttonexposureyn string 1 optional this must be set to either 'y' or 'n' * default 'y' cardtemplate privacymodeyn string 1 optional this must be set to either 'y' or 'n' * default 'n' cardtemplate preventcaptureyn string 1 optional this value is a screen capture prevention flag that defines whether the content view prevents screen capture cardtemplate state string 15 optional wallet card's state* default 'draft' cardtemplate testingmodeoff string 1 optional testmode offeither 'y' or 'n'* default ‘n’available only when updating templates cardtemplate desc string 500 optional description { "cardtemplate" { "prtnrid" "4082825513190138240", "templaterefid" "2138240408282551314", "title" "wallet card title", "prtnrapppckgname" "prtnrapppckgname", "countrycode" "us", "desc" "desc", "cardtype" "ticket", "subtype" "entrances", "applogoimg" "http //www yourdomain com/banner_logo_image png", "nonetworksupportyn" "n", "sharebuttonexposureyn" "n", "privacymodeyn" "n", "preventcaptureyn" "n" } } -coupon card type coupon sub type others type value description payload object cardtemplate object required wallet card template object cardtemplate prtnrid string 32 required partner id cardtemplate templaterefid string 19 required partner template id cardtemplate title string 32 required wallet card name cardtemplate countrycode string 2 conditional the main headquarters location * required when creating a template cardtemplate cardtype string 100 conditional this value is set to “coupon” * required when creating a template cardtemplate subtype string 100 conditional this value is set to “others” * required when creating a template cardtemplate prtnrapppckgname string 128 optional the application package name cardtemplate applogoimg string 200 optional the banner logo image url cardtemplate nonetworksupportyn string 1 optional this must be set to either 'y' or 'n' * default 'n' cardtemplate sharebuttonexposureyn string 1 optional this must be set to either 'y' or 'n' * default 'y' cardtemplate privacymodeyn string 1 optional this must be set to either 'y' or 'n' * default 'n' cardtemplate preventcaptureyn string 1 optional this value is a screen capture prevention flag that defines whether the content view prevents screen capture cardtemplate state string 15 optional wallet card's state* default 'draft' cardtemplate testingmodeoff string 1 optional testmode off either 'y' or 'n'* default ‘n’available only when updating templates cardtemplate desc string 500 optional description { "cardtemplate" { "prtnrid" "4082825513190138240", "templaterefid" "2138240408282551313", "title" "wallet card title", "prtnrapppckgname" "prtnrapppckgname", "countrycode" "us", "desc" "desc", "cardtype" "coupon", "subtype" "others", "applogoimg" "http //www yourdomain com/banner_logo_image png", "nonetworksupportyn" "n", "sharebuttonexposureyn" "y", "privacymodeyn" "n", "preventcaptureyn" "n", } } -gift card card type giftcard sub type others type value description payload object cardtemplate object required wallet card template object cardtemplate prtnrid string 32 required partner id cardtemplate templaterefid string 19 required partner template id cardtemplate title string 32 required wallet card name cardtemplate countrycode string 2 conditional the main headquarters location * required when creating a template cardtemplate cardtype string 100 conditional this value is set to “giftcard” * required when creating a template cardtemplate subtype string 100 conditional this value is set to “others” * required when creating a template cardtemplate prtnrapppckgname string 128 optional the application package name cardtemplate applogoimg string 200 optional the banner logo image url cardtemplate nonetworksupportyn string 1 optional this must be set to either 'y' or 'n' * default 'n' cardtemplate sharebuttonexposureyn string 1 optional this must be set to either 'y' or 'n' * default 'y' cardtemplate privacymodeyn string 1 optional this must be set to either 'y' or 'n' * default 'n' cardtemplate preventcaptureyn string 1 optional this value is a screen capture prevention flag that defines whether the content view prevents screen capture cardtemplate state string 15 optional wallet card's state* default 'draft' cardtemplate testingmodeoff string 1 optional testmode off either 'y' or 'n'* default ‘n’available only when updating templates cardtemplate desc string 500 optional description { "cardtemplate" { "prtnrid" "4082825513190138240", "templaterefid" "2138240408282551315", "title" "wallet card title", "prtnrapppckgname" "prtnrapppckgname", "countrycode" "us", "desc" "desc", "cardtype" "gift", "subtype" "others", "applogoimg" "http //www yourdomain com/banner_logo_image png", "nonetworksupportyn" "n", "sharebuttonexposureyn" "y", "privacymodeyn" "n", "preventcaptureyn" "n", } } -loyalty card type loyalty sub type others type value description payload object cardtemplate object required wallet card template object cardtemplate prtnrid string 32 required partner id cardtemplate templaterefid string 19 required partner template id cardtemplate title string 32 required wallet card name cardtemplate countrycode string 2 conditional the main headquarters location * required when creating a template cardtemplate cardtype string 100 conditional this value is set to “loyalty” * required when creating a template cardtemplate subtype string 100 conditional this value is set to “others” * required when creating a template cardtemplate prtnrapppckgname string 128 optional the application package name cardtemplate applogoimg string 200 optional the banner logo image url cardtemplate nonetworksupportyn string 1 optional this must be set to either 'y' or 'n' * default 'n' cardtemplate sharebuttonexposureyn string 1 optional this must be set to either 'y' or 'n' * default 'y' cardtemplate privacymodeyn string 1 optional this must be set to either 'y' or 'n' * default 'n' cardtemplate preventcaptureyn string 1 optional this value is a screen capture prevention flag that defines whether the content view prevents screen capture cardtemplate state string 15 optional wallet card's state* default 'draft' cardtemplate testingmodeoff string 1 optional testmode off either 'y' or 'n'* default ‘n’available only when updating templates cardtemplate desc string 500 optional description { "cardtemplate" { "prtnrid" "4082825513190138240", "templaterefid" "2138240408282551316", "title" "wallet card title", "prtnrapppckgname" "prtnrapppckgname", "countrycode" "us", "desc" "desc", "cardtype" "loyalty", "subtype" "others", "applogoimg" "http //www yourdomain com/banner_logo_image png", "nonetworksupportyn" "n", "sharebuttonexposureyn" "n", "privacymodeyn" "n", "preventcaptureyn" "n" } } -id card card type idcard sub type employees, nationals, drivers, others type value description payload object cardtemplate object required wallet card template object cardtemplate prtnrid string 32 required partner id cardtemplate templaterefid string 19 required partner template id cardtemplate title string 32 required wallet card name cardtemplate countrycode string 2 conditional the main headquarters location * required when creating a template cardtemplate cardtype string 100 conditional this value is set to “idcard” * required when creating a template cardtemplate subtype string 100 conditional select from these values employees, nationals, drivers, and others * required when creating a template cardtemplate saveinserveryn string 2 optional this must be set to either 'y' or 'n' * default 'y' cardtemplate prtnrapppckgname string 128 optional the application package name cardtemplate applogoimg string 200 optional the banner logo image url cardtemplate nonetworksupportyn string 1 optional this must be set to either 'y' or 'n' * default 'n' cardtemplate sharebuttonexposureyn string 1 optional this must be set to either 'y' or 'n' * default 'y' cardtemplate privacymodeyn string 1 optional this must be set to either 'y' or 'n' * default 'n' cardtemplate preventcaptureyn string 1 optional this value is a screen capture prevention flag that defines whether the content view prevents screen capture cardtemplate state string 15 optional wallet card's state* default 'draft' cardtemplate testingmodeoff string 1 optional testmode off either 'y' or 'n'* default ‘n’available only when updating templates cardtemplate desc string 500 optional description { "cardtemplate" { "prtnrid" "4082825513190138240", "templaterefid" "2138240408282551317", "title" "wallet card title", "prtnrapppckgname" "prtnrapppckgname", "countrycode" "us", "desc" "desc", "cardtype" "idcard", "subtype" "employees", "applogoimg" "http //www yourdomain com/banner_logo_image png", "saveinserveryn" "y", "nonetworksupportyn" "n", "sharebuttonexposureyn" "y", "privacymodeyn" "n", "preventcaptureyn" "n" } } -pay as you go card type payasyougo sub type evcharges type value description payload object cardtemplate object required wallet card template object cardtemplate prtnrid string 32 required partner id cardtemplate templaterefid string 19 required partner template id cardtemplate title string 32 required wallet card name cardtemplate countrycode string 2 conditional the main headquarters location * required when creating a template cardtemplate cardtype string 100 conditional this value is set to “payasyougo” * required when creating a template cardtemplate subtype string 100 conditional this value is set to “evcharges” * required when creating a template cardtemplate prtnrapppckgname string 128 optional app package name cardtemplate applogoimg string 200 optional the banner logo image url cardtemplate nonetworksupportyn string 1 optional this must be set to either 'y' or 'n' * default 'n' cardtemplate sharebuttonexposureyn string 1 optional this must be set to either 'y' or 'n' * default 'y' cardtemplate privacymodeyn string 1 optional this must be set to either 'y' or 'n' * default 'n' cardtemplate preventcaptureyn string 1 optional this value is a screen capture prevention flag that defines whether the content view prevents screen capture cardtemplate state string 15 optional wallet card's state* default 'draft' cardtemplate testingmodeoff string 1 optional testmode offeither 'y' or 'n'* default ‘n’available only when updating templates cardtemplate desc string 500 optional description { "cardtemplate" { "prtnrid" "4082825513190138240", "templaterefid" "2138240408282551318", "title" "wallet card title", "prtnrapppckgname" "prtnrapppckgname", "countrycode" "us", "desc" "desc", "cardtype" "payasyougo", "subtype" "evcharges", "applogoimg" "http //www yourdomain com/banner_logo_image png", "nonetworksupportyn" "n", "sharebuttonexposureyn" "y", "privacymodeyn" "n", "preventcaptureyn" "n" } } -generic card card type generic sub type others type value description payload object cardtemplate object required wallet card template object cardtemplate prtnrid string 32 required partner id cardtemplate templaterefid string 19 required partner template id cardtemplate title string 32 required wallet card name cardtemplate countrycode string 2 conditional the main headquarters location * required when creating a template cardtemplate cardtype string 100 conditional this value is set to “generic” * required when creating a template cardtemplate subtype string 100 conditional this value is set to “others” * required when creating a template cardtemplate designtype string 100 optional select from these values “generic 01”, “generic 02”, “generic 03”* default “generic 01” cardtemplate prtnrapppckgname string 128 optional app package name cardtemplate applogoimg string 200 optional banner logo image url cardtemplate nonetworksupportyn string 1 optional either 'y' or 'n'* default 'n' cardtemplate privacymodeyn string 1 optional either 'y' or 'n'* default 'n' cardtemplate preventcaptureyn string 1 optional screen capture prevention flag cardtemplate category string 20 optional select from the following values “parking_pass”, “membership”, “reservations”, “insurance”, “health”, “receipt”, “coupon_stamp”, “note”, “photo”, and “others” cardtemplate state string 15 optional wallet card's state* default 'draft' cardtemplate testingmodeoff string 1 optional testmode offeither 'y' or 'n'* default ‘n’available only when updating templates cardtemplate desc string 500 optional description { "cardtemplate" { "prtnrid" "4082825513190138240", "templaterefid" "2138240408282551319", "title" "wallet card title", "prtnrapppckgname" "prtnrapppckgname", "countrycode" "us", "desc" "desc", "cardtype" "generic", "subtype" "others", "applogoimg" "http //www yourdomain com/banner_logo_image png", "designtype" "generic 02", "nonetworksupportyn" "n", "category" "membership", "privacymodeyn" "n", "preventcaptureyn" "n" } }
Develop Mobile Samsung eSE SDK
docid cards, health insurance cards, driver licenses, digital car keys, and door lock keys. embedded secure element (ese) chips on samsung devices have been certified by authorities such as globalplatform, emvco and common criteria. all of them have at least an eal5+ (evaluation assurance level), which can provide equal or higher security level as an electronic passport can. samsung is ready to open ese for service providers who wants to utilize our products. our ese also supports industry standards such as javacard and globalplatform card specifications. use cases the following are some use cases for ese on samsung devices transits payments digital key access (door key, car key, and etc.) identification / authentication secure storage / certificate manager samsung devices with ese allow customers to use secure services. in general, certain levels of security are required for services that deal with sensitive information. with a highly secured samsung device, the service provider can provide their services securely to its customers. samsung ese sdk samsung ese sdk provides the way for the service provider to deploy a service using ese on samsung devices. it enables the service provider to manage their own service on each customer’s device. it requires communication between, not only on the client application and ese, but also the server and device. hence, there are a few requirements for the service provider to proceed with service development. you can use samsung ese sdk to: deploy a service on a customer’s device. communicate with ese using a client application. manage service provider’s own storage within ese. requirements for the service provider : applet development (resides within ese) tsm (trusted service manager) server : service provider can choose one of the options below. service provider tsm server samsung tsm tsm-less how to request partnership to use the samsung ese sdk, you must become a samsung partner. to request partnership: open the partnership request form. if prompted, log in to your samsung account. if you do not already have a samsung account, create one. enter your company and developer information. your name, email address, and country are filled in for you. enter information about the application for which you are applying to use the samsung ese sdk. provide the name and description for the application, and attach documents that detail the application features and use cases. when you are ready to submit the request, click “submit.” your partnership request will be reviewed. when it is approved, you will receive confirmation letter. nda(non-disclosure agreement) shall be established between samsung and service provider after confirmation letter. samsung ese sdk can be accessed under nda. faq q.01 is there a device list for ese eligibility? a. the device list will be provided after an nda (non-disclosure agreement) has been completed between the service provider and samsung. q.02 do i need to have/develop an javacard applet for service? a. yes, samsung will only provide certain storage within ese. the service provider shall prepare an applet itself to be loaded / installed within ese. q.03 who can apply for partnership? a. samsung intends to provide service opportunities for 3rd parties who can manage secure service stable for a valuable customer. however individual developer can't apply partnership for samsung ese sdk.
Develop Samsung Pay
apioverview package class tree index help package com samsung android sdk samsungpay v2 card class card java lang object com samsung android sdk samsungpay v2 card card all implemented interfaces android os parcelable public class card extends object implements android os parcelable this class provides card information related to the card management operations since api level 1 1 nested class summary nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface android os parcelable android os parcelable classloadercreator<t extends object>, android os parcelable creator<t extends object> field summary fields modifier and type field description static final string active card is fully registered on samsung pay and current state is "active" static final string card_type indicates that the key for card type static final string card_type_credit indicates that the card type is credit card static final string card_type_credit_debit indicates that the card type is either credit or debit static final string card_type_debit indicates that the card type is debit card static final string card_type_gift indicates that the card type is gift card static final string card_type_loyalty indicates that the card type is loyalty card static final string card_type_transit indicates that the card type is transit card static final string card_type_vaccine_pass indicates that the card type is vaccine pass static final string disposed card is deleted from samsung pay static final string expired card is registered on samsung pay, but its current status is "expired" this might occur if the card or token expiration time has reached and samsung pay has not renewed it static final string pending_activation card is registered on samsung pay but not activated yet a notification of card activation is expected to be pushed to samsung pay in a moment static final string pending_provision card is not fully registered on samsung pay and current state is "pending provision" usually, this state returns when the user has not completed the secondary authentication idv static final string suspended card is registered on samsung pay and current state is "suspended" suspend can be triggered by issuer, card network, or the user fields inherited from interface android os parcelable contents_file_descriptor, parcelable_write_return_value method summary all methodsinstance methodsconcrete methods modifier and type method description spaysdk brand getcardbrand api to get card brand string getcardid api to get unique identification of a card in samsung pay android os bundle getcardinfo api to get extra card information if any related to the card string getcardstatus api to get current status of the card methods inherited from class java lang object equals, getclass, hashcode, notify, notifyall, wait, wait, wait field details active public static final string active card is fully registered on samsung pay and current state is "active" since api level 1 1 see also constant field values disposed public static final string disposed card is deleted from samsung pay since api level 1 1 see also constant field values expired public static final string expired card is registered on samsung pay, but its current status is "expired" this might occur if the card or token expiration time has reached and samsung pay has not renewed it since api level 1 1 see also constant field values pending_provision public static final string pending_provision card is not fully registered on samsung pay and current state is "pending provision" usually, this state returns when the user has not completed the secondary authentication idv since api level 1 1 see also constant field values suspended public static final string suspended card is registered on samsung pay and current state is "suspended" suspend can be triggered by issuer, card network, or the user since api level 1 1 see also constant field values pending_activation public static final string pending_activation card is registered on samsung pay but not activated yet a notification of card activation is expected to be pushed to samsung pay in a moment since api level 2 3 see also constant field values card_type public static final string card_type indicates that the key for card type since api level 1 8 see also constant field values card_type_credit_debit public static final string card_type_credit_debit indicates that the card type is either credit or debit this is a valid type for addcardinfo setcardtype string since api level 1 1 see also constant field values card_type_gift public static final string card_type_gift indicates that the card type is gift card since api level 1 1 see also constant field values card_type_loyalty public static final string card_type_loyalty indicates that the card type is loyalty card since api level 1 1 see also constant field values card_type_credit public static final string card_type_credit indicates that the card type is credit card this is a valid type for addcardinfo setcardtype string since api level 1 2 see also constant field values card_type_debit public static final string card_type_debit indicates that the card type is debit card this is a valid type for addcardinfo setcardtype string since api level 1 2 see also constant field values card_type_transit public static final string card_type_transit indicates that the card type is transit card since api level 1 8 see also constant field values card_type_vaccine_pass public static final string card_type_vaccine_pass indicates that the card type is vaccine pass since api level 2 16 see also constant field values method details getcardid public string getcardid api to get unique identification of a card in samsung pay returns unique id to refer a card in samsung pay since api level 1 1 getcardbrand public spaysdk brand getcardbrand api to get card brand returns brand name of the card since api level 1 9 see also spaysdk brand getcardinfo public android os bundle getcardinfo api to get extra card information if any related to the card returns extra cardinfo the following are list of extra card information provided on the bundle keys values apptoappconstants extra_app2app_intent string app2app intent name apptoappconstants extra_app2app_payload string app2app payload spaysdk extra_last4_dpan string last 4 digit of dpan spaysdk extra_last4_fpan string last 4 digit of fpan spaysdk extra_card_type card_type_credit_debit card_type_credit card_type_debit card_type_gift card_type_loyalty card_type_transit spaysdk extra_device_type samsungpay#device_type_phone samsungpay#device_type_gear spaysdk extra_issuer_name string issuername issuercode for korean issuers since api level 1 1 getcardstatus public string getcardstatus api to get current status of the card returns current card status the status can be one of the following pending_provision pending_activation active suspended disposed expired since api level 1 1 samsung electronics samsung pay sdk 2 21 00 - sep 06 2024
Develop Samsung Wallet
webadd to wallet, boost your business. you can now create and publish content such as coupons, boarding pass or tickets to the users of samsung wallet. get started together with new partner you can now create and publish content such as coupons, boarding pass or tickets to the users of samsung wallet. this is enabled by a two-step process where you onboarding on our partner portal. what can be added to samsung wallet boarding pass boarding passes can be added to wallet. registered boarding passes enable smoother check-ins and boarding time reminders. gift cards gift cards can be added to wallet. registered gift cards are securely stored and easy to access when needed. membership memberships can be added to wallet. registered membership cards display the membership point status and addtional membership program information. tickets movie and event tickets can be added to wallet. registered tickets can provide expiration reminders and additional ticket information. coupons coupons from various channels, such as sms, mms, email, and in-service can be added to wallet. registered coupons can provide expiration reminders and usage status information. generic cards generic cards can be added to wallet. registered generic cards can display various types of card art templates and undefined label fields. this type lets you add a variety of scalable cards to the wallet. ev charge cards ev charge cards can be added to wallet. registered ev charge cards allow the user to start charging their vehicles and receive benefits from their charging networks easily and conveniently. digital ids digital ids, such as driver's licenses, company ids, student ids, and others, can be added to wallet. registered digital ids can be used to access your place or prove your identity online and offline. boarding pass boarding passes can be added to wallet. registered boarding passes enable smoother check-ins and boarding time reminders. gift cards gift cards can be added to wallet. registered gift cards are securely stored and easy to access when needed. membership memberships can be added to wallet. registered membership cards display the membership point status and addtional membership program information. tickets movie and event tickets can be added to wallet. registered tickets can provide expiration reminders and additional ticket information. coupons coupons from various channels, such as sms, mms, email, and in-service can be added to wallet. registered coupons can provide expiration reminders and usage status information. generic cards generic cards can be added to wallet. registered generic cards can display various types of card art templates and undefined label fields. this type lets you add a variety of scalable cards to the wallet. ev charge cards ev charge cards can be added to wallet. registered ev charge cards allow the user to start charging their vehicles and receive benefits from their charging networks easily and conveniently. digital ids digital ids, such as driver's licenses, company ids, student ids, and others, can be added to wallet. registered digital ids can be used to access your place or prove your identity online and offline. how to design samsung wallet we encourage you to learn and follow the rules and guidelinessuggested to ensure message consistency and drive brand awareness. learn more news and blogs learn more tutorials apr 23, 2024 get started with "add to samsung wallet" digital content provided by samsung wallet: a guide for developers and service providers choi, jonghwa apr 23, 2024 tutorials mobile jun 12, 2024 introduce loyalty cards to your application with samsung wallet learn how to create a loyalty card in the samsung wallet partners portal and read the guidelines for integrating it into your app. m. a. hasan molla jun 12, 2024 tutorials mobile may 15, 2024 implementing "add to wallet" in an android application tutorial on how your app can add movie tickets (or other wallet cards) to samsung wallet mobassir ahsan may 15, 2024 how can we help you? faq search frequently asked questions by keywords. join the forum visit the forum to ask questions and exchange ideas with other developers. get support submit a 1:1 support request and receive a response within 2 business days.
Develop Samsung Wallet
docid cards also known as gift certificate, gift voucher or gift token links urls to get balance and transactions history in real time is provided in the partners portal if a partner needs to integrate communication between samsung wallet server and the partner’s server to support the feature, the partner has to set the links in partners portal wallet card type wallet card subtype giftcard others type value description attributes {fields} 1 title string 32 required main title e g , samsung gift card 2 eventid string 36 optional if full cancelation of the event occurs, find and process all gift cards with this id 3 orderid string 36 optional a unique identifier for an order 4 subtitle1 string 32 optional the auxiliary field which displays supporting information 5 logoimage string 256 optional logo image url to be displayed in the card item the file size should not exceed 256 kb 6 logoimage darkurl string 256 optional logo image url in dark mode the file size should not exceed 256 kb 7 logoimage lighturl string 256 optional logo image url in light mode the file size should not exceed 256 kb 8 providername string 32 required gift card provider name 9 user string 64 optional name of person who holds the gift card 10 preventcaptureyn string 1 optional flag whether this wallet card view prevents screen capture either 'y' or 'n', the default value is 'n' 11 startdate long 13 optional start date display start date epoch timestamp in milliseconds 12 enddate long 13 optional end date display end date epoch timestamp in milliseconds 13 locations string 1024 optional list of locations where the gift card can be used * see location format 14 noticedesc string 5000 optional text of the notice * long content is allowed * see additional information format 15 csinfo string 512 optional providers’ customer service informationusing data in json format converted to escape string * allowed items call, email, or website* see the example below 16 applinklogo string 256 required app link image url the file size should not exceed 256 kb 17 applinkname string 32 required app link name 18 applinkdata string 256 required information about the partner app link 19 bgimage string 256 optional url for card art background image the recommended size for image resources is 888 x 555 px 20 mainimg string 256 optional url for gift card image the file size should not exceed 512 kb 21 bgcolor string 8 optional color of the card art e g ,#00ffff 22 fontcolor string 8 optional color of the font on the card art acceptable values dark, light 23 blinkcolor string 8 optional color of the blinking effect which indicates that a card cannot be captured in the indicator area e g , #00ffff 24 barcode value string 4096 optional actual data that is delivered when the barcode/qr code is scanned 25 barcode serialtype string 32 optional presentation type e g , serialnumber, barcode *see barcode format 26 barcode ptformat string 32 optional presentation format e g , barcode, qrcode, serial *see barcode format 27 barcode ptsubformat string 32 optional presentation sub-format e g , code_128, qr_code * see barcode format 28 barcode pin string 16 optional pin to show with a barcode 29 barcode errorcorrectionlevel string 4 optional amount of redundancy or error correction data included in the code there are four error correction levels available in qr codes * code options l/m/q/h 30 merchantid string 36 optional merchant identifier 31 merchantname string 32 optional merchant name to display 32 amount string 32 optional initial balance this is going to be shown as received e g , $1,000 33 balance string 32 optional remaining balance this is going to be shown as received e g , $1,000 34 summaryurl string 256 optional web url that show details, such as balance or transactions history example { "card" { "type" "giftcard", "subtype" "others", "data" [ { "refid" "b3fdc982-28c9-47a3-b02f-d484779698a7", "createdat" 1672574400000, "updatedat" 1672574400000, "language" "en", "attributes" { "title" "samsung gift card", "eventid" "event-001", "logoimage" "https //gpp walletsvc samsung com/mcs/images/contents/wallet_intro_logo png", "logoimage darkurl" "https //gpp walletsvc samsung com/mcs/images/contents/wallet_intro_logo png", "providername" "samsung gift card provider", "user" "ms jane doe", "noticedesc" "<ul><li>gift card test</li></ul>", "csinfo" "{\"call\" \"0000-0000\",\"email\" \"samsungwallet@samsungwallet com\",\"website\" \"https //www samsungwallet com/cs/\" }", "applinklogo" "https //play-lh googleusercontent com/znfa1roz7hpv9j-jiacbjmjudl2x-fnuwte0oyvbbcwvf5vpzoqqikbxgk7d-aptvag=w240-h480-rw", "applinkname" "gift card link", "applinkdata" "https //www samsung com/", "bgcolor" "#0a1a4f", "fontcolor" "light", "blinkcolor" "#00ffff", "barcode value" "cs16138353212584806754fg1802", "barcode serialtype" "qrcode", "barcode ptformat" "qrcodeserial", "barcode ptsubformat" "qr_code" } } ] } } loyalty 'loyalty' cards support enrolling loyalty cards also known as membership links urls to get points in real time can be provided in the partners portal if a partner needs to integrate communication between samsung wallet server and the partner’s server to support the feature, the partner has to set the links in the partners portal wallet card type wallet card subtype loyalty others type value description attributes {fields} 1 title string 32 required main title e g ,samsung loyalty card 2 eventid string 36 optional if full cancelation of the event occurs, find and process all loyalty cards with this id 3 groupingid string 36 optional identifier used to group related cards 4 orderid string 36 optional a unique identifier for an order 5 subtitle1 string 32 optional the auxiliary field which displays supporting information 6 logoimage string 256 optional logo image url to be displayed in the card item the file size should not exceed 256 kb 7 logoimage darkurl string 256 optional logo image url in dark mode the file size should not exceed 256 kb 8 logoimage lighturl string 256 optional logo image url in light mode the file size should not exceed 256 kb 9 providername string 32 required loyalty card provider name 10 startdate long 13 optional start date display start date epoch timestamp in milliseconds 11 enddate long 13 optional end date display end date epoch timestamp in milliseconds 12 locations string 1024 optional list of locations where the card can be used * see location format 13 noticedesc string 5000 optional text of notice *html supported 14 csinfo string 512 optional providers’ customer service information using data in json format converted to escape string * allowed items call, email, website, facebook, pinterest, x, or instagram * see the example below 15 applinklogo string 256 required app link image url the file size should not exceed 256 kb 16 applinkname string 32 required app link name 17 applinkdata string 256 required information about the partner app link 18 bgimage string 256 optional background image for a card art the recommended size for image resources is 888 x 555 px 19 bgcolor string 8 optional color of the card art e g , #00ffff 20 fontcolor string 8 optional color of the font on the card art acceptable values dark, light 21 blinkcolor string 8 optional color of the blinking effect which indicates that a card cannot be captured in the indicator area e g , #00ffff 22 barcode value string 4096 optional actual data that is delivered when the barcode/qr code is scanned 23 barcode serialtype string 32 optional presentation type e g , serialnumber, barcode * see barcode format 24 barcode ptformat string 32 optional presentation format e g , barcode, qrcode, serial * see barcode format 25 barcode ptsubformat string 32 optional presentation sub-format e g , code_128, qr_code *see barcode format 26 barcode errorcorrectionlevel string 4 optional amount of redundancy or error correction data included in the code there are four error correction levels available in qr codes * code options l/m/q/h 27 merchantid string 36 optional merchant identifier 28 merchantname string 32 optional merchant name to display 29 amount string 32 optional total amount of points or initial balance this is going to be shown as received it is recommended to use a one letter currency symbol e g , $ 1,000, 1,000p 30 balance string 32 optional available points or remaining balance this is going to be shown as received it is recommended to use a one letter currency symbol e g , $ 1,000, 1,000p 31 summaryurl string 256 optional webpage url that shows details, such as balance or transactions history example { "card" { "type" "loyalty", "subtype" "others", "data" [ { "refid" "b3fdc982-28c9-47a3-b02f-d484779698a8", "createdat" 1672574400000, "updatedat" 1672574400000, "language" "en", "attributes" { "title" "samsung loyalty card", "eventid" "event-001", "logoimage" "https //gpp walletsvc samsung com/mcs/images/contents/wallet_intro_logo png", "logoimage darkurl" "https //gpp walletsvc samsung com/mcs/images/contents/wallet_intro_logo png", "providername" "samsung loyalty card provider", "noticedesc" "<ul><li>loyalty card test</li></ul>", "csinfo" " {\"call\" \"0000-0000\",\"email\" \"samsungwallet@samsungwallet com\",\"website\" \"https //www samsungwallet com/cs/\",\"instagram\" \"https //www instagram com/samsungwallet\",\"pinterest\" \"https //www pinterest com/samsungwallet\",\"x\" \"https //www twitter com/samsungwallet\",\"facebook\" \"https //www facebook com/samsungwallet\" }", "applinklogo" "https //play-lh googleusercontent com/znfa1roz7hpv9j-jiacbjmjudl2x-fnuwte0oyvbbcwvf5vpzoqqikbxgk7d-aptvag=w240-h480-rw", "applinkname" "loyalty card link", "applinkdata" "https //www samsung com/", "bgcolor" "#0a1a4f", "barcode value" "cs16138353212584806754fg1802", "barcode serialtype" "qrcode", "barcode ptformat" "qrcodeserial", "barcode ptsubformat" "qr_code", "amount" "1,000p", "balance" "500p" } } ] } } digital ids 'digital id' cards are used to present identification for employees, students, drivers, guests, etc wallet card type wallet card subtype idcard employees, nationals, students, drivers, guests, others -employees -nationals -students -drivers type value description attributes {fields} 1 title string 32 required main title of cardse g , commercial access, employee badge 2 holdername string 64 required name of card holders 3 secondholdername string 64 optional second name of card holders 4 organization string 64 optional organization of card holders belongingi e , name of department, division, affiliation, association or team, name of college or school 5 position string 64 optional position of card holderse g , engineer, 5th grade 6 identifier string 64 required unique id valuei e , unique card number assigned to the card holdere g , s 123 456 789 012 x 7 idnumber string 64 optional representative value for an idi e , id number, document number, card/roll number assigned by the institution or collegee g , b19mba115 8 address string 256 optional address of card holders 9 placeoflocation string 64 optional place of location associated with the cardholder 10 idphoto string 128k optional holder’s photo image data encoded base64the file size should not be greater than 128 kb 11 idphoto format string 32 optional image file formate g , jpeg, png* unsupported image formats may exist 12 idphoto status string 16 optional status of the dataallowed value unchanged 13 document string 1024k optional first document of identity 14 document format string 32 optional document format- allowed value pdf, jpeg, png 15 document status string 16 optional status of the dataallowed value unchanged 16 issuedate long 13 required issue date epoch timestamp in milliseconds 17 birthdate string 16 optional date of birth 18 gender string 16 optional gender of card holders 19 classification string 16 optional classified identity type 20 expiry long 13 optional expiry date in timestamp format issued data is cleaned up after it expires epoch timestamp in milliseconds 21 contacts string 32 optional personal contact information such as phone number 22 logoimage string 256 optional logo image url to be displayed in card item the file size should not exceed 256 kb 23 logoimage darkurl string 256 optional logo image url in dark mode the file size should not exceed 256 kb* if this value does not exist, logoimage will be substituted 24 logoimage lighturl string 256 optional logo image url in light mode the file size should not exceed 256 kb* if this value does not exist, logoimage will be substituted 25 logotext string 16 optional text as an alternative to logoimage 26 providername string 32 required content provider namei e , partnering institute 27 issuername string 32 optional place of issue or issuing authority name 28 extrainfo string 512 optional additional informationi e , bloodgroup, guardianname, govrefid* see additional information format 29 noticedesc string 5000 optional text of the notice * long content is allowed * see additional information format 30 csinfo string 512 required providers’ customer service information using data in json format converted to escape string * allowed items call, email, or website* see the example below 31 privacymodeyn string 1 optional whether or not to require user authentication when using the card either ‘y’ or ‘n’* default ‘n’ 32 applinklogo string 256 optional app link image url the file size should not exceed 256 kb 33 applinkname string 32 optional app link name 34 applinkdata string 256 optional information about the partner app link 35 locations string 1024 optional list of locations where the card can be used* see location format 36 coverimage string 256 optional card cover image urlthe file size should not exceed 512 kb the recommended size for image resources is 888 x 555 px 37 bgimage string 256 optional card background image urlthe file size should not exceed 512 kb the recommended size for image resources is 888 x 555 px 38 bgcolor string 8 optional color of the card art support hex color code e g , #015aaa 39 fontcolor string 8 optional color of the font on the card art allowed value black, white 40 blinkcolor string 8 optional color of the blinking effect in the indicator area support hex color code e g , #015aaa 41 preventcaptureyn string 1 optional flag whether this wallet card view prevents screen capture either 'y' or 'n' * default 'n' 42 barcode value string 4096 optional actual data that is delivered when the barcode/qr code is scanned 43 barcode serialtype string 32 optional presentation type e g , serialnumber, barcode, * see barcode format 44 barcode ptformat string 32 optional presentation format e g , barcode, qrcode, serial, * see barcode format 45 barcode ptsubformat string 32 optional presentation sub-format e g , code_128, qr_code, * see barcode format 46 barcode errorcorrectionlevel string 4 optional amount of redundancy or error correction data included in the code there are four error correction levels available in qr codes - code options l/m/q/h * default l 47 barcode interval string 4 optional update interval if support for dynamic updates epoch timestamp in milliseconds 48 authentication string 64 optional authentication data which meets choose options * see authentication for details 49 provision data string 512 optional elements to complete provisioning* see provisioning for details 50 provision interval string 16 optional update interval if support for dynamic updatesepoch timestamp in milliseconds example { "card" { "type" "idcard", "subtype" "employees", "data" [ { "refid" "identitycard-bpo1r3e5-3313-0991-z404-sq12994414u8", "createdat" 1658385817000, "updatedat" 1658385817000, "language" "en", "attributes" { "title" "employee id card", "holdername" "kim samsung", "secondholdername" " samsung ", "organization" "digital wallet, mx", "position" "professional", "identifier" "2306070003", "idphoto" "{base64 encoded image data}", "idphoto format" "jpeg", "document" "{base64 encoded pdf data}", "document format" "pdf", "issuedate" "1658385817000", "expiry" "1765855665000", "logoimage" "https // /logo png", "providername" "samsung electronics", "extrainfo" "{\"count\" 1,\"info\" [{\"title\" \"shortcode\",\"content\" [\"404457\"]}]}", "noticedesc" "{\"count\" 2,\"info\" [{\"title\" \"notice1\",\"content\" [\"description1\",\"description2\"]},{\"title\" \"notice2\",\"content\" [\"description1\",\"description2\"]}]}", "csinfo" "{\"call\" \"555 123-4567\", \"email\" \"cs@email com\", \"website\" \"https //homepage com/cs\"}", "applinkname" "samsung electronics", "applinklogo" "https // /applinklogo png", "applinkdata" "https //www applinkorweblink com", "coverimage" "https // /card/cover png", "bgimage" "https // /card/background png", "fontcolor" "dark", "barcode value" "5728306720836720763017601", "barcode serialtype" "qrcode", "barcode ptformat" "qrcode", "barcode ptsubformat" "qr_code", "barcode interval" "300000", "authentication" "samsung@samsung com", "provision data" "{\"appkey\" \"abcdefaei;fadaf=\",\"telno\" \"01012345678\",\"provider\" \"sec\",\"id\" \"0000000000000000\",\"authkey\" \"a3b7fgj0ea\"}" }, "localization" [ { "language" "ko", "attributes" { "title" "사원증", "holdername" "김삼성", "secondholdername" "kim samsung", "providername" "삼성전자" } } ] } ] } } pay as you go 'pay as you go' card supports a system that pays just before using the cost for the service wallet card type wallet card subtype payasyougo evcharges, others type value description attributes {fields} 1 title string 32 required main title of cardse g , samsung charge card 2 subtitle1 string 32 optional the auxiliary field which displays supporting information 3 logoimage string 256 optional logo image url to be displayed in the card item the file size must not be greater than 256 kb 4 logoimage darkurl string 256 optional logo image url in dark mode the file size should not exceed 256 kb* if this value does not exist, logoimage will be substituted 5 logoimage lighturl string 256 optional logo image url in light mode the file size must not be greater than 256 kb * if this value does not exist, logoimage will be substituted 6 providername string 32 optional content provider name 7 holdername string 64 optional name of card holders 8 preventcaptureyn string 1 optional flag whether this wallet card view prevents screen capture either ‘y’ or ‘n’, the default value is ‘n’ 9 startdate long 13 optional start date display start date epoch timestamp in milliseconds 10 enddate long 13 optional end date display end date epoch timestamp in milliseconds 11 locations string 1024 optional list of locations where the card can be used * see location format 12 noticedesc string 5000 required text of the benefits using data in json format converted to escape string* see additional information information format 13 csinfo string 512 optional providers’ customer service information using data in json format converted to escape string * allowed items call, email, website, youtube, instagram, privacynotice, or termsandcondition* see the example below 14 applinklogo string 256 required app link image url the file size must not be greater than 256 kb 15 applinkname string 32 required app link name 16 applinkdata string 256 required information about the partner app link 17 bgimage string 256 optional url for card art background image 18 bgcolor string 8 optional color of the card art e g , #00ffff 19 fontcolor string 8 optional color of the font on the card art supported colors are white or black #000000 or #ffffff 20 blinkcolor string 8 optional color of the blinking effect which indicates that a card cannot be captured in the indicator area e g , #00ffff 21 barcode value string 4096 conditional barcode data, serial number * required if serialtype isn’t 'none' 22 barcode serialtype string 32 required presentation type barcode/qr/serial/none * see barcode format 23 barcode ptformat string 32 conditional presentation format * see barcode format* required if serialtype isn’t 'none' 24 barcode ptsubformat string 32 conditional 25 barcode pin string 16 optional pin to show with a barcode 26 identifier string 64 optional unique id value such as a membership number 27 grade string 32 optional grade value 28 authentication string 64 optional authentication data which meets choose options * see authentication for details 29 provision data string 512 optional elements to complete provisioning* see provisioning for details 30 transactions string 4096 optional transaction history * long content is allowed * see transactions format 31 summaryurl string 256 optional webpage url that show details, such as transactions example { "card" { "type" "payasyougo", "subtype" "evcharges", "data" [ { "refid" "b3fdc982-28c9-47a3-b02f-d484779698a7", "createdat" 1672574400000, "updatedat" 1672574400000, "language" "en", "attributes" { "title" "ev charge card", "logoimage" "https //gpp walletsvc samsung com/mcs/images/contents/wallet_intro_logo png", "logoimage darkurl" "https //gpp walletsvc samsung com/mcs/images/contents/wallet_intro_logo png", "providername" "ev-samsung", "holdername" "ms jane doe", "preventcaptureyn" "y", "enddate" 1772574400000, "noticedesc" "{\"count\" 2,\"info\" [{\"title\" \"포인트 적립\",\"content\" [\"결제금액 1000원당 포인트가 적립됩니다 \"]},{\"title\" \"포인트 사용방법\",\"content\" [\"적립하신 포인트의 유효기간은 발생일로부터 5년입니다 \",\"유효기간이 지난 포인트는 소멸됩니다 \"]}]}", "csinfo" " {\"call\" \"0000-0000\",\"website\" \"https //www samsungwallet com/cs/\",\"instagram\" \"https //www instagram com/samsungwallet\",\"youtube\" \"https //www youtube com/@samsungwallet\",\"privacynotice\" \"https //privacy samsungwallet com/\",\"termsandcondition\" \"https //www samsungwallet com/tnc\" }", "applinklogo" "https //play-lh googleusercontent com/znfa1roz7hpv9j-jiacbjmjudl2x-fnuwte0oyvbbcwvf5vpzoqqikbxgk7d-aptvag=w240-h480-rw", "applinkname" "ev charge link", "applinkdata" "https //www samsungev com/", "bgcolor" "#0a1a4f", "fontcolor" "#ffffff", "blinkcolor" "#00ffff", "barcode value" "1234000067890000", "barcode serialtype" "qrcode", "barcode ptformat" "qrcodeserial", "barcode ptsubformat" "qr_code", "barcode pin" "1234", "identifier" "ev-001", "grade" "prime", "authentication" "sdaiwegjhewoghewoihgewo", "provision data" "asd2hfih9gwejdahgi4uaewhgeo6whgo12ewhgoewahg1iawpriuq7hg5wel", "transactions" "{\"transactions\" [{\"date\" \"2023-09-10 12 00 00\",\"description\" \"ev-samsung suwon\"},{\"date\" \"2023-09-20 18 00 00\",\"description\" \"ev-samsung gangnam\"}]}" } } ] } } generic card 'generic card' is defined for registering various forms of cards that aren't defined as other types partners can customize the items on the generic card to display by connecting them with card data wallet card type wallet card subtype generic others type value description attributes {fields} 1 title string 32 required main title 2 subtitle string 32 optional the auxiliary field which displays supporting information 3 providername string 32 required provider name 4 eventid string 32 optional event identifier 5 groupingid string 32 optional identifier used to group related cards 6 startdate long 13 required start date display start date epoch timestamp in milliseconds 7 startdate relativenotitime string 4 optional the relative time from startdate in minutes to provide a notification to the usere g , 5, 10, 15, 30, 60, and up to 2880 8 enddate long 13 optional end date display end date epoch timestamp in milliseconds 9 enddate relativenotitime string 4 optional the relative time from enddate in minutes to provide a notification to the usere g , 5, 10, 15, 30, 60, and up to 2880 10 logoimage string 256 optional logo image url to be displayed in card item the file size should not exceed 256 kb 11 logoimage darkurl string 256 optional logo image url in dark mode the file size should not exceed 256 kb* if this value does not exist, logoimage will be substituted 12 logoimage lighturl string 256 optional logo image url in light modethe file size should not exceed 256 kb* if this value does not exist, logoimage will be substituted 13 bgimage string 256 optional card background image urlthe file size should not exceed 512 kbthe recommended size for image resources is 888 x 555 px 14 text{i} string 64 optional text item i 1~12 15 image1 string 128k optional image itemuse only type 3 16 image1 lighturl string 256 optional image item in light mode 17 image1 darkurl string 256 optional image item in dark mode 18 image1 status string 16 optional image item status 19 serial{i} value string 4096 optional actual data that is delivered when the barcode/qr code is scanned i 1~2 20 serial{i} serialtype string 32 optional presentation typee g , serialnumber, barcode, * see barcode format 21 serial{i} ptformat string 32 optional presentation formate g , barcode, qrcode, serial, * see barcode format 22 serial{i} ptsubformat string 32 optional presentation sub-formate g , code_128, qr_code, * see barcode format 23 serial{i} errorcorrectionlevel string 4 optional amount of redundancy or error correction data included in the code there are four error correction levels available in qr codes - code options l/m/q/h 24 noticedesc string 1024 required notice description * long content is allowed * see additional information format 25 csinfo string 512 optional providers’ customer service information using data in json format converted to escape string* allowed items calls, emails, or websites 26 privacymodeyn string 1 optional whether or not to require user authentication when using the cardeither ‘y’ or ‘n’* default ‘n’ 27 bgcolor string 8 optional color of the card art e g , #00ffff 28 fontcolor string 8 optional color of the font on the card art acceptable values dark, light 29 nonetworksupportyn string 1 optional sets whether to support to open the wallet card under 'no network' status either 'y' or 'n'* default 'n' 30 applinklogo string 256 required app link image url the file size should not exceed 256 kb 31 applinkname string 32 required app link name 32 applinkdata string 256 required information about the partner app link 33 locations string 1024 optional list of locations where the card can be used * see location format example { "card" { "type" "generic", "subtype" "others", "data" [ { "createdat" 1661745824345, "updatedat" 1661745824345, "language" "en", "refid" "refid-012345", "attributes" { "title" "samsung generic card", "subtitle" "personal members", "providername" "samsung", "startdate" 1661751274000, "startdate utcoffset" "utc+9", "enddate" 1761778000000, "enddate utcoffset" "utc+9", "enddate relativenotitime" "1440", "text1" "13047623", "text2" "silver", "text3" "suwon station branch", "text4" "031 000-1235", "image1" "https //www samsung com/images/image1 png", "image1 darkurl" "https //www samsung com/images/dark png", "image1 lighturl" "https //www samsung com/images/light png", "serial1 value" ">1180mm2241b7c 0000000000000298060000000000 0 090870907 ", "serial1 serialtype" "qrcode", "serial1 ptformat" "qrcode", "serial1 ptsubformat" "qr_code", "bgcolor" "#ff5000", "fontcolor" "dark", "noticedesc" "{\"count\" 2,\"info\" [{\"title\" \"notice1\",\"content\" [\"description1\",\"description2\"]},{\"title\" \"notice2\",\"content\" [\"description1\",\"description2\"]}]}", "csinfo" "{\"calls\" [{\"key\" \"emergency\",\"value\" \"82 123-4567\"},{\"key\" \"customer service\",\"value\" \"82 123-9876\"}],\"emails\" [{\"key\" \"cs team\",\"value\" \"cs@atwsample com\"}],\"websites\" [{\"key\" \"faq\",\"value\" \"https //atwhomepage com/faq\"},{\"key\" \"support\",\"value\" \"https //atwhomepage com/support\"}]}", "applinkdata" "https //www samsung com/", "applinklogo" "https //www samsung com/logo png", "applinkname" "samsung" }, "localization" [ { "language" "ko", "attributes" { "title" "삼성 제네릭 카드", "subtitle" "개인 멤버스", "providername" "삼성", "text2" "실버 등급", "text3" "수원역점" } } ] } ] } }
Develop Samsung Pay
docoutbound to partner general contract base url base url for outbound apis to be provided by the partner during the onboarding process security mutual ssl is required common headers header name type validation description request-id uuid required unique identifier for the request partner-id uuid required unique identifier that is provided to partner during onboarding response-id uuid required request-id echoed back in the response headers event notification notify partner for events request post /notifications body event regid description registration id type uuid validation required example event type description event type type enum refer to event types and errors for details validation required example event error description more information about the failure type enum refer to event types and errors for details validation optional example event desc description additional description of the event type string validation optional example user description container for user information type object validation conditional will be present for payment cards example user id description samsung account id type string validation required example emailmatches description is true if the email provided in the registration request matches with samsung account email type boolean validation conditional it is present only if an email was provided in the registration request example phonematches description is true if the phone number provided in the registration request matches with device phone number type boolean validation conditional it is present only if a phone number was provided in the registration request example device description container for device information type object validation conditional will be present for payment cards example device id description device id type string validation required example device imeilast4 description last 4 of device imei type string size 4 validation optional example device seriallast4 description last 4 of device serial number type string size 4 validation optional example device locale country description device country code type countrycode validation optional example wallet description container for wallet information type object validation conditional will be present for payment cards example wallet id description wallet id type string validation required example event types and errors type error description wa_ready wallet app is ready for provisioning wa_provisioned indicates card was successfully provisioned into the wallet wa_provision_failure indicates provisioning failed for some unknown reason wa_provision_failure card_already_present indicates card is already present response status http/1 1 200 ok header name value content-type application/json body card data encrypteddata description encrypted pan data that will be returned to the device to provision the card type string size 65536 validation conditional required if card data was not provided in the registration request example example post /notifications { "event" { "regid" "395ce2e29485442cbd9bacdc77105126", "type" "wa_ready" }, "emailmatches" true, "phonematches" true, "user" { "id" "rcsm3gwjt9mxgfwy5sg123" }, "wallet" { "id" "gpccugejs9giih8zch1111" }, "device" { "id" "mtuxmte5mdawmjawmdm1n999", "imeilast4" "6166", "locale" { "country" "us" }, "seriallast4" "4934" } } http/1 1 200 ok { "card" { "data" { "encrypteddata" "*****" } } }
tutorials web
blogid card state update and make any changes as required. for example, you can update the card status information in your own database or trigger a notification to the user. summary by completing this tutorial, you are now able to receive card state updates from the samsung wallet server using the send card state api and validate them. in a future tutorial, we will discuss how you can expand the server interaction functionality even further and how you can update samsung wallet card information on user devices through the get card data api. if you want to discuss or ask questions about this tutorial, you can share your thoughts or queries on the samsung developers forum or contact us directly for any implementation-related issues through the samsung developer support portal. if you want to keep up-to-date with the latest developments in the samsung developers ecosystem, subscribe to the samsung developers newsletter. sample code you can click on the link given below to download the complete sample code used in this tutorial. wallet card state server sample code (55 kb) dec 2024 additional resources implementing "add to wallet" in an android application send card state authorization token iso 3166 country codes
Mobassir Ahsan
Develop Samsung Wallet
docapi guidelines adding wallet cards data transmit link the most common and straightforward method is the data transmit link approach, which securely includes tokenized data in the atw link the atw link format for this method is as follows the name data transmit link has been changed from typical flow type value description url https //a swallet link/atw/v3/{cardid}#clip?cdata={cdata} path parameters cardid string required wallet card identifier issued from partner portal when the partner manager signs up for partner services and registers the wallet card they want to service hash path parameters #clip string required parameters for the hash link* the first letter is capitalized query parameters cdata string required actual payload data in basic json format to communicate between partners and samsung wallet this must be secured in jwt json web token format * see security example https //a swallet link/atw/v3/1656147182764415319#clip?cdata=eyjjdhkioijkv1qilcjhbgcioijsinrpbwvzdgftcci6imnyzwf0zwqgdgltzsisinbhcnruzxjjrci6inbhcnruzxigsuqifq … … … … dn0_oz3xcr0juq3mlszliutxfotewnz0mqj7kinjysnm5xfwqt5vcn20peebelgux8vjxly4_9g4bhq-hd4o9poyutuawew yzdlmtfho -nycel3t0yznzad2kck_hrtwigeerhlgn6ydaq_fpfdslxsa3zjtnpg3wcuqew5cidpbpfswbqlropqepnawg5nlm3dkaa4a1dzazmbsr1bgzhrh_viknx3cy5mo0jnbexl_yiz5_wb379uyswumqipitzvg2ijyvfht17i4 data fetch link in cases involving sensitive data or when providing static links, data fetch link method is highly recommended links using this approach include only a unique reference id, and wallet cards are added by querying data through get card data path as specified in partner portal the name data fetch link has been changed from slim data flow please be aware that if the link is exposed to unintended users, it can be exploited please prepare the integration with this in mind it is crucial to ensure that the refid, used for a reference value, is generated in a manner that is not easily deducible by potential attackers type value description url https //a swallet link/atw/v3/{certificateid}/{cardid}#clip?pdata={pdata} path parameters certificateid string 4 conditional certificate identifier based on a csr during onboarding 4 digits alphanumeric * must be generated from partner portal cardid string 32 required wallet card identifier * it must be generated from partners portal hash path parameters #clip string 5 required parameters for the hash link query parameter pdata string 2048 required unique id defined by content providers this has identification for each user's wallet card contents * for secure transactions, a reference id refid must be in a form that cannot be inferred example example web link https //a swallet link/atw/v3/ymtt/1656147182764415319#clip?pdata=sighcziwm9g updating wallet cards the added users’ cards allow updating its data using server interactions find the card details to configure api on partner portal if partners want to manage the added cards samsung server will notify the result of 'add to wallet' via send card state partners get the callback url for samsung server api from send card state payload using the callback url, partners can make actions for the added cards via samsung server api depending on the interfaces, samsung server triggers specific operations for example, when update notification is called, samsung server calls partners' server to look up the updated contents partner server api samsung server can call the following api by using endpoint on the registered card information if the partner server manages an inbound allow list, contact us to register samsung server ip address get card data returns the current information of the card request type value description method get url {partner server url}/cards/{cardid}/{refid}?fields={fields} headers authorization string 1024 required credential token the token can have prefix "bearer" as an authorization type, e g , bearer <credentials> * see authorization token x-request-id string 32 required request identifier randomly generated uuid string path parameters cardid string 32 required wallet card identifier * see the "add to wallet" interfaces refid string 32 required a unique content identifier defined by the content provider query parameter fields string 128 optional attributes which intended to retrieve can be specified using commas , as separators e g balance,barcode value payload n/a example get /cards/12584806754/ref-20230304-0003 response type value description http status 200 ok 204 no content payload option1 cdata string 4096 conditional card object json * this field needs to be encrypted * see security payload option2 card object conditional card information * card object as an alternative to cdata * if the card includes sensitive data, it is highly recommended to use cdata card type string 16 required wallet card type * see wallet cards card data[] array of object required wallet card data container data[] refid string 32 required a unique content identifier defined by the content provider data[] createdat long 13 required timestamp of data epoch timestamp in milliseconds data[] updatedat long 13 required timestamp of data epoch timestamp in milliseconds data[] state string 16 required wallet card state for example, active, updated, expired, redeemed, held, deleted, canceled, pending, suspended * see card states for details data[] language string 8 required default content language code e g , en, ko data[] attributes object required card data attributes data[] attributes {fields} attribute fields by card type *see wallet cards data[] localization[] array of object optional information for multilingual support localization[] language string 8 required multilingual content language code e g , en, ko localization[] attributes {fields} for displaying a given language, "data[] attributes" can be replaced by localized versions *see wallet cards example option1 { "cdata" "eyjhbgcioijiuzi1niisinr5cci6ikpxvcj9 eyjzdwiioiixmjm0nty3odkwiiwibmftzsi6ikpvag4grg9liiwiawf0ijoxnte2mjm5mdiyfq sflkxwrjsmekkf2qt4fwpmejf36pok6yjv_adqssw5c" } example option2 { "card" { "type" "ticket", "subtype" "movies", "data" [{ "refid" "ref-20230304-001", "createdat" 1612660039000, "language" "en", "attributes" { "title" "samsung wallet" *see wallet cards }, "localization" [{ "language" "ko", "attributes" { "title" "삼성월렛" } }] }] } } example filtered using select parameter get /cards/12584806754/ref-20230304-0003?select=idphoto { "card" { "type" "ticket", "subtype" "entrances", "data" [{ "refid" "ref-20230304-0003", "createdat" 1612660039000, "language" "en", "attributes" { "idphoto" "{idphoto data}" } }] } } or { "cdata" tokenize{data} } result http status code description 200 ok success 204 no content card doesn't exist 400 bad request requests cannot or will not be processed the request due to something that is perceived to be a client error 401 unauthorized authorization token is invalid or expired 500 internal server error server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it fromfulfilling the request 503 service unavailable server is not ready to handle the request send card state partners can manage the state or history of the card using this api if the card state is changed on the samsung device, samsung calls this api using a refid request type value description method post url {partner server url}/cards/{cardid}/{refid} headers authorization string 1024 required credential token the token can have prefix "bearer" as an authorization type, e g , bearer <credentials> * see authorization token /wallet/api_new/references/security html x-request-id string 32 required request identifier randomly generated uuid string path parameters cardid string 32 required wallet card identifier * see the ["add to wallet" interfaces]["add to wallet" interfaces_] refid string 32 required a unique content identifier defined by the content provider query parameters cc2 string 2 required country code cc2 for samsung server api event string 16 required events on wallet carde g , added, updated, deleted, provisioned* see card states for details payload callback string 1024 optional callback url for samsung server api example post /cards/12584806754/ref-20230304-001?cc2=us&event=added { "callback" "https //us-tsapi walletsvc samsung com" } response type value description http status 200 ok payload n/a example 200 ok result http status code description 200 ok success 401 unauthorized authorization token is invalid or expired 500 internal server error server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request 503 service unavailable server is not ready to handle the request samsung server api partners can notify their contents changes with the following api service domain environment domain public domain https //tsapi-card walletsvc samsung com private domain ‘callback’ field from send card state api request payload the domains can be selectively used depending on your service requirement if the service needs to register static ips on your system, we recommend using private domain in this case, use the domain received in the request 'callback' field from send card state api if the service does not require ip registration, public domain can be a good choice in this case, country code cc2 is required as a path parameter to configure integration for each environment, register a new card service and get new card id to guarantee safe communication, servers should configure token-based authentication see authorization token for the details update notification if wallet card data content is updated, send a notification to the samsung server request type value description method post url {cc2}/wltex/cards/{cardid}/updates headers authorization string 1024 required credential token the token can have prefix "bearer" as an authorization type, e g , bearer <credentials> * see authorization token x-smcs-partner-id string 32 required partner id x-request-id string 32 required request identifier randomly generated uuid string path parameters cc2 string 2 conditional country code cc2 from send card state * required if using public domain cardid string 32 required wallet card identifier granted from partners portal payload card object required wallet card object card type string 16 required wallet card type * see wallet cards card data[] array of object required wallet card data container data[] refid string 32 required unique content identifier defined by the content provider data[] state string 16 required wallet card state for example, active, updated, expired, redeemed, held, deleted, suspended * see card states for details data[] fields string 128 optional wallet cards attributes which has been updated can be specified using commas , as separators it is used when 'data[] state' is updated e g balance,barcode value* supported wallet card types generic example post /wltex/cards/12584806754/notification [headers] authorization bearer eyjjdhkioijbvvriiiwidmvyijoxlcjwyxj0bmvyswqioiixmjg1o x-smcs-partner-id partner-id-0001 x-request-id req-202303140003 [payload] case 1 in general cases { "card" { "type" "ticket", "data" [ { "refid" "ref-ticket-0001", "state" "updated" } ] } } case 2 in case of deletion { "card" { "type" "boardingpass", "data" [ { "refid" "ref-boardingpass-0001", "state" "deleted" } ] } } case 3 when a specific field is updated { "card" { "type" "idcard", "data" [ { "refid" "ref-idcard-0001", "state" "updated", "fields" "balance" } ] } } response type value description http status 200 ok 204 no content payload n/a example 200 ok result http status code description 200 ok success 204 no content card doesn’t exist 400 bad request requests cannot or will not be processed the request due to somethingthat is perceived to be a client error 401 unauthorized authorization token is invalid or expired 500 internal server error server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it fromfulfilling the request 503 service unavailable server is not ready to handle the request cancel notification if a cancelation happens for events such as performances, sports, movies, and journeys, partners can send a notification about it and set all of the related cards to expire this api does not support updates for specific attributes on the card request type value description method post url {cc2}/wltex/cards/{cardid}/cancels headers authorization string 1024 required credential token the token can have prefix "bearer" as an authorization type, e g , bearer <credentials> *see authorization token x-smcs-partner-id string 32 required partner id x-request-id string 32 required request identifier randomly generated uuid string path parameters cc2 string 2 conditional country code cc2 from send card state * required if using public domain cardid string 32 required wallet card identifier granted from the partners portal payload card object required wallet card object card type string 16 required wallet card type * see wallet cards card data[] array of object required wallet card data container data[] eventid string 32 conditional required if card type has been set as ‘ticket’ data[] vehicle number string 32 required if "card type" has been set as "boardingpass" data[] estimated oractualstartdate long 13 data[] state string 16 required wallet card state for example canceled* see card states for details example post /wltex/cards/12584806754/cancelation [headers] authorization bearer eyjjdhkioijbvvriiiwidmvyijoxlcjwyxj0bmvyswqioiixmjg1o x-smcs-partner-id partner-id-0001 x-request-id req-202303140004 [payload] * a movie ticket has been canceled { "card" { "type" "ticket", "data" [ { "eventid" "event-722164a1a7", "state" "canceled" } ] } } response type value description http status 200 ok payload n/a example 200 ok result http status code description 200 ok success 204 no content card doesn’t exist 400 bad request requests cannot or will not be processed the request due to somethingthat is perceived to be a client error 401 unauthorized authorization token is invalid or expired 500 internal server error server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it fromfulfilling the request 503 service unavailable server is not ready to handle the request implementing button for wallet integration, you need to insert ‘add to wallet’ script into your system we usually follow the procedures below to implement the ‘add to wallet’ button first, proceed with script composition with the sample script on the partners portal or see the integration sample code second, create tokenized card data cdata and insert the data token into the script above card data is the actual content data of wallet cards and has several formats based on card type please see generate_cdata sample code for detail importantcdata token should expire in 30 seconds after creation, so cdata token needs to be created right after users actually click “add to wallet” button to implement ‘add to wallet’ button, you may need some base data you can find the base data and other necessary information on partner portal’s wallet card page samsung wallet on the web this section explains how to implement an "add to wallet" button using javascript in a web view web button reference with importing api javascript if you implement the "add to wallet" button using this script, the button is shown only on the devices that support samsung wallet to automatically parse <samsung wallet> html tags when the page is loaded, include the following standard javascript <script src="https //us-cdn-gpp mcsvc samsung com/lib/wallet-card js" type="text/javascript"></script> you can use these tags or javascript functions for the web button if you're rendering html and you have proper partner permissions you can also use the script by referring to the various attributes samsung wallet html tag the ‘samsung wallet’ namespace tag defines the placement and various attributes of the "add to wallet" web button for samsung wallet <samsung wallet cardid="card_id" cdata="cdata" partnercode="partner_code" buttonid="button_id" rdclickurl="rd_click_url" rdimpressionurl="rd_impression_url" ></samsung wallet> button attributes attribute type required description cardid string y wallet card identifier * value granted from the partners portal cdata string y encrypted card object json * this field needs to be encrypted * see security partnercode string y partner code * value granted from the partners portal buttonid string y dom element id for the "add to wallet" web button for samsung wallet buttontype string n "add to wallet" button type [ "btnsw" / "btnatsw", default btnsw ] * see image resources inline string n flag to display the "add to wallet" image button in one-line format default true one-line locale string n locale of the "add to wallet" image button * see image resources rdclickurl string y url for logging a button click event * value granted from the partners portal rdimpressionurl string y url for logging a button impression event * value granted from the partners portal showforced string n flag to force the "add to wallet" button to be displayed default false mediatheme string n load the button’s resources from the media theme policy there are 4 themes default, inversion, lightonly, and darkonly default default *default load the button’s theme according to the prefers-color-scheme policy *inversion load the inverse of the default button’s theme *lightonly load the light theme of the default button *darkonly load the dark theme of the default button style string cssstyledeclaration n load the button with custom style target string n option to choose button’s target name * default “wallet” onshowbutton function n callback handler function for the button’s on-show event onclickbutton function n callback handler function for the button’s on-click event if you register the handler function, you must return a callback or promise value * see usage of onclickbutton handler samsungwallet addbutton function this function allows you to explicitly render the samsung wallet api for the "add to wallet" web button samsungwallet addbutton { cardid "card_id", cdata "cdata", partnercode "partner_code", targetid "target_id", buttonid "button_id", rdclickurl "rd_click_url", rdimpressionurl "rd_impression_url", } button attributes unlike the samsung wallet html tag, you must use camelcase in the button attributes in function case attributes type required description cardid string y wallet card identifier * value granted from the partners portal cdata string y encrypted card object json * this field needs to be encrypted * see security partnercode string y partner code * value granted from the partners portal targetid string y dom document object model element id to place the "add to wallet" web button for samsung wallet buttonid string y dom element id for the "add to wallet" web button for samsung wallet buttontype string n "add to wallet" button type "btnsw" and "btnatsw" default btnsw * see image resources inline string n flag to display the "add to wallet" image button in one-line format default true one-line locale string n locale of the "add to wallet" image button * see image resources rdclickurl string y url of logging a button click event * value granted from the partners portal rdimpressionurl string y url of logging a button impression event *value granted from the partners portal showforced string n flag to force the "add to wallet" button to be displayed default false mediatheme string n load the button’s resources from the media theme policy there are 4 themes default, inversion, lightonly, and darkonly default default *default load the button’s theme according to the prefers-color-scheme policy *inversion load the inverse of the default button’s theme *lightonly load the light theme of the default button *darkonly load the dark theme of the default button style object cssstyledeclaration n load the button with a custom style target string n option to choose button’s target name * default “wallet” onshowbutton function n callback handler function for the button’s on-show event onclickbutton function n callback handler function for the button’s on-click event if you register the handler function, you must return a callback or promise value * see usage of onclickbutton handler usage of onclickbutton handler you can choose whether to proceed with the next "add to wallet" step using a promise or a callback function, if you register a callback handler in onclickbutton we recommend that you add the process of generating jwt cdata add cdata to options cdata to this handler, because of the cdata expiration time the function parameters are defined as follows attributes type required description options button attributes n attributes of the current button callback function n callback function to pass the flag to proceed default false promise resolve function n promise-resolved value to pass the flag to proceed default false callback to web button process from callback attributes for es5 by executing a callback function with a flag, you can proceed to the next 'add to wallet' process onclickbutton function options, callback { // todo partner's process callback flag } callback to web button process from returning promise for es6 by returning a promise with a resolving flag, you can proceed to the next ‘add to wallet’ process onclickbutton async options => { return new promise async resolve, reject => { // todo partner's process await resolve flag } } importantthe card data token expires in 30 seconds after creation, so it needs to be created right after the user clicks the “add to wallet” button samsung wallet on the app the following outline explains how to implement the "add to wallet" button on a native application get button graphic resources from a repository depending on your service environment for more information, see image resources check availability by calling the "check service available devices" apo, then determine whether to show up the "add to wallet" button on the user device a if "available" on response has "true" -> support b if has "false" -> not support implement a jwt web link on the button triggered action app button reference app button on android sample code implementation public class walletcodesample { protected final static string tag = "samsungwalletsample"; protected static final string host = "https //api-us3 mpay samsung com"; protected static final string path = "wallet/cmn/v2 0/device/available"; /** * sample entry point of the usage */ public static void main { executors newsinglethreadexecutor submit -> { final string modelname = build model; final string countrycode = null; // optional country code iso_3166-2 final string servicetype = "wallet"; // required, fixed for samsung wallet final string partnercode = null; // required try { walletcodesample sample = new walletcodesample ; boolean iswalletsupported = sample checkwalletsupported modelname, countrycode, servicetype, partnercode ; string msg = string format "query for model %s , countrycode %s , servicetype %s , partnercode %s / wallet supported? %s ", modelname, countrycode, servicetype, partnercode, iswalletsupported ; log d tag, msg ; } catch exception e { // failed to check due to some reasons log e tag, e getmessage , e ; } } ; } /** * please see the wallet api spec document > '6 6 check service available devices' for more details * * @return true if wallet supported, otherwise false * @throws exception throws exception when it's not possible to get status due to any reasons */ public boolean checkwalletsupported @nonnull string modelname, @nullable string countrycode, @nonnull string servicetype, @nonnull string partnercode throws exception { if modelname == null || modelname isempty { log e tag, "model name is required parameter" ; throw new exception "something went wrong failed to get device model name " ; } if servicetype == null || servicetype isempty { log e tag, "servicetype is required parameter" ; throw new exception "something went wrong failed to get device servicetype " ; } if partnercode == null || partnercode isempty { log e tag, "partnercode is required parameter" ; throw new exception "something went wrong failed to get device partnercode " ; } string urlstring = makeurl modelname, countrycode, servicetype ; log i tag, "urlstring " + urlstring ; try { url url = new url urlstring ; httpurlconnection connection = httpurlconnection url openconnection ; connection setrequestproperty "partnercode", partnercode ; connection setrequestmethod "get" ; int responsecode = connection getresponsecode ; log i tag, "responsecode " + responsecode ; bufferedreader bufferedreader; if responsecode == 200 { bufferedreader = new bufferedreader new inputstreamreader connection getinputstream ; } else { bufferedreader = new bufferedreader new inputstreamreader connection geterrorstream ; } stringbuilder sb = new stringbuilder ; string inputline; while inputline = bufferedreader readline != null { log i tag, inputline ; sb append inputline ; } connection disconnect ; bufferedreader close ; // parse result jsonobject jsonobject = new jsonobject sb tostring ; string resultcode = jsonobject getstring "resultcode" ; string resultmessage = jsonobject getstring "resultmessage" ; if "0" equals resultcode && "success" equals resultmessage { return jsonobject getboolean "available" ; } else { throw new exception "something went wrong, resultcode " + resultcode + " , resultmessage " + resultmessage + " " ; } } catch ioexception e { log e tag, e getmessage , e ; throw new exception "something went wrong ioexception , " + e getmessage ; } catch jsonexception e { log e tag, e getmessage , e ; throw new exception "something went wrong, receive wrong formatted response, " + e getmessage ; } } protected string makeurl @nonnull string modelname, @nullable string countrycode, @nonnull string servicetype { stringbuilder sb = new stringbuilder ; sb append host append '/' ; sb append path ; sb append '?' append "servicetype" append '=' append servicetype ; sb append '&' append "modelname" append '=' append modelname ; if countrycode != null && !countrycode isempty { sb append '&' append "countrycode" append '=' append countrycode ; } return sb tostring ; } } importantthe card data token expires in 30 seconds after creation, so it needs to be created right after the user clicks the “add to wallet” button samsung wallet on an mms/email the following guides how to configure wallet code on email and mms messages implement the data fetch link process, including server apis you need to create a unique "reference id" for security reasons, make sure the "reference id" is complex enough that no important information can be inferred deliver a message including the web link through the chosen message platform for mms, the designed link shows up as a "smart suggestion" on samsung devices you can find a sample web link on the wallet cards guide on the partners portal for card data, samsung wallet asks the partner system to provide card details through the server api duplicate requests are prohibited on the same device link to “add to wallet” on an mms/email you can add an “add to wallet” web button even in environments where the javascript api cannot be loaded, such as sms or email these methods do not support controlling “add to wallet” button visibility mms link url link url attributes type required description url string y “add to wallet” link url * see [data transmit link][data transmit link] * see [data fetch link][data transmit link] email on web button link <a href="url"> <img src="image_url"> <img src="rd_impression_url" style="width 1px; height 1px;"> </a> attributes type required description url string y “add to wallet” link url * see [data transmit link][data transmit link] * see [data fetch link] [data transmit link] image_url string y button’s image resource url * see image resources rd_impression_url string y impressions logging url * value granted from the partners portal statistics service samsung wallet serves useful statistics data of the integrated service on the partners portal the data configured by making simple api calls for each event such as button impression and click these are necessary to provide better services as well notestatistics api sample code you can find actual code sample at wallet script guide section in ‘wallet cards’ menu on the partner portal event notification api https //us-rd mcsvc samsung com/statistics/{event}/addtowlt?{parameters}&utm_source=partner&utm_medium={channel} {event} for each event in the following situations - impression when the “add to wallet” button has been shown - click when the “add to wallet” button has been clicked {parameters} includes key factors to figure out the service {channel} - app "samsung wallet" button in a native application - web "samsung wallet" button on the web - email "samsung wallet" button in an email for details, please visit 'wallet cards' menu on the partner portal
Develop Samsung Pay
docenable app to app service the following diagram illustrates the flows of the app-to-app apis for payment card push provisioning bank appsamsung wallet apptoken service providerref[checking samsungpay status]section in common flowalt[if neccessary optional ]1cardmanager getallcards 2onsuccess card cardid, card cardstatus 3request card information with card cardid4success5samsungpay getwalletinfo 6onsuccess device_id, wallet_user_id 7create provisioningpayloadwith card information & wallet informationrefer to card networks spec8cardmanager addcard payload 9request token provision10success11onsuccess flows of push provisioning apis the main classes involved are samsung pay – for fetching samsung wallet app status and wallet information on the device paymentmanager – for card provisioning and invoking favorite cards payment functionalities cardmanager – for payment card management watchmanager – for all functions related to samsung pay watch let’s now take a look at how each one works in the context of your bank app requesting registered card list in the samsung pay the'getallcards method of the cardmanager class is used to request a list of all cards currently registered/enrolled in samsung wallet on the same device running the issuer’s app to succeed, the issuer app must pass valid partnerinfo to 'cardmanager' for caller verification 'cardfilter' narrows the card list returned by samsung wallet to the issuername specified please be noted that getsamsungpaystatus must be called before getallcards getallcards could not return a cards list when getsamsungpaystatus responds with a code other than spay_ready noteto get the cards list of samsung pay watch, you have to use the watchmanager class instead of the cardmanager class as of api level sdk version 1 4, cardfilter retrieves this information from the samsung pay developers portal certain issuers may need to register multiple issuer name s with the portal, depending on their app and/or the requirements of their token service provider tsp the getallcards parameter cardfilter matches the issuer name s specified with those registered in the portal only complete matches are returned this method is typically called when your partner app wants to check the card status it does not need to be called every time the partner app resumes therefore, you should create the card list with the 'oncreate ' method, rather than the 'onresume ' method the result of a getallcards call is delivered to getcardlistener, which provides the following events onsuccess - called when the operation succeeds; provides the list of all filtered cards and their status card information includes cardid, cardstatus, and extra cardinfo data onfail - called when the operation fails here’s an example of how to use the 'getallcards ' api method in your issuer app val cardfilter = bundle // since api level 1 4, cardfilter param is ignored partner does not need to use it here // it is retrieved from the samsung pay developers portal cardfilter putstring cardmanager extra_issuer_name, issuername cardmanager getallcards null, object getcardlistener{ override fun onsuccess cards mutablelist<card>? { // getting card status is success if cards == null || cards isempty { log e tag, "no card is found" return } else { // perform operation with card data for s in cards { log d tag, "cardid " + s cardid + "cardstatus " + s cardstatus // get extra card data if s cardinfo != null { val cardid = s cardid // since api level 2 13, id from card network val last4fpan = s cardinfo getstring cardmanager extra_last4_fpan val last4dpan = s cardinfo getstring cardmanager extra_last4_dpan val cardtype = s cardinfo getstring cardmanager extra_card_type val cardissuername = s cardinfo getstring cardmanager extra_issuer_name log d tag, "last4fpan $last4fpan last4dpan $last4dpan cardid $cardid" } } } } override fun onfail errorcode int, errordata bundle? { // getting card status is failed } } getting wallet information the samsungpay class provides the getwalletinfo api method, which is called to request wallet information from the samsung wallet app prior to calling the addcard api, when you want to avoid duplicate provisioning your issuer app uses this information to uniquely identify the user and the samsung wallet app on a particular device wallet device management id, device id, and wallet user id noteto get wallet information of samsung pay watch, you have to use the watchmanager class instead of the cardmanager class fun getwalletinfo list<string> keys, statuslistener callback the following example demonstrates how to use it // set the serviceid assigned by the samsung pay developers portal during service creation val serviceid = "sampleserviceid" val bundle = bundle bundle putstring samsungpay extra_issuer_name, "issuer name" bundle putstring samsungpay partner_service_type, servicetype app2app tostring val pinfo = partnerinfo serviceid, bundle val samsungpay = samsungpay context, pinfo // add bundle keys to get wallet information from samsung pay // this information can be delivered to the partner server for an eligibility check val keys = arraylist<string> keys add samsungpay wallet_user_id keys add samsungpay device_id samsungpay getwalletinfo keys, object statuslistener{ override fun onsuccess status int, walletdata bundle { // log d tag, "dowalletinfo onsuccess callback is called" ; // for visa, deviceid can be set to "clientdeviceid" as defined by visa val deviceid = walletdata getstring samsungpay device_id // for visa, walletuserid can be set to "clientwalletaccountid" as defined by visa val walletuserid = walletdata getstring samsungpay wallet_user_id } override fun onfail errorcode int, errordata bundle? { log e tag, "onfail callback is called, errorcode " + errorcode ; // check the extra error codes in the errordata bundle for all the reasons in // samsungpay extra_error_reason, when provided } } adding a card to samsung pay your issuer app calls the 'addcard ' api method of cardmanager to add a card to samsung wallet by providing the required card details, your app can make it convenient and easy for users to add their bank-issued debit/credit cards to samsung wallet directly from your app without additional steps, like switching between apps noteif you want to add a card to samsung pay watch, you have to use the 'watchmanager' class instead of the cardmanager class for most issuers, getwalletinfo suffices for requesting current wallet information the response from samsung wallet tells the issuer app whether or not the user’s card has already been added to samsung wallet or is ineligible for provisioning it is therefore recommended that you call getwalletinfo before displaying the add to samsung pay button if the card is eligible, display the “add” button and, if the user taps it, call addcard importantremember to obtain the governing issuer implementation guide s and specifications from the respective card network and implement each network’s required handling in your partner app and server the 'addcard ' result is delivered to addcardlistener, which provides the following events onsuccess - called when the operation succeeds; provides information and status regarding the added card onfail - called when the operation fails; returns the error code and extra bundle data such as extra_error_reason or extra_request_id if provided onprogress - called to indicate the current progress of the 'addcard ' operation; can be used to show a progress bar to the user in the issuer app this callback is supported for tsm solution issuers in china and spain here’s an example of how to use the addcard api method in your issuer app val cardtype = card card_type_credit val tokenizationprovider string = addcardinfo provider_abcd // samsung pay does not provide detailed payload information; generate the provisioning payload in // accordance with your card network specifications val testpayload = "thisistestpayloadcardinfo1234567890" val carddetail = bundle carddetail putstring extra_provision_payload, testpayload val addcardinfo = addcardinfo cardtype, tokenizationprovider, carddetail cardmanager addcard addcardinfo, object addcardlistener { override fun onsuccess status int, card card? { log d tag, "onsuccess callback is called" ; } override fun onfail errorcode int, errordata bundle? { log d tag, "onfail callback is called" ; // check some extra error codes in the errordata bundle // such as samsungpay extra_error_reason or samsungpay extra_request_id if provided } override fun onprogress currentcount int, totalcount int, bundledata bundle? { log d tag,"onprogress callback is called " + currentcount + " / " + totalcount ; } }
Develop Samsung Pay
docenable app to app service adding payment cards to samsung wallet from the card issuer’s app requesting registered card list in the samsung wallet getting wallet information adding a card to samsung wallet requesting registered card list in the samsung wallet the getallcards method of the cardmanager class is used to request a list of all cards currently registered/enrolled in samsung wallet on the same device running the issuer’s app to succeed, the issuer app must pass valid partnerinfo to 'cardmanager' for caller verification 'cardfilter' narrows the card list returned by samsung wallet to the issuername specified please be noted that getsamsungpaystatus must be called before getallcards getallcards could not return a cards list when getsamsungpaystatus responds with a code other than spay_ready as of api level sdk version 1 4, cardfilter retrieves this information from the samsung pay developers portal certain issuers may need to register multiple issuer name s with the portal, depending on their app and/or the requirements of their token service provider tsp the getallcards parameter cardfilter matches the issuer name s specified with those registered in the portal only complete matches are returned this method is typically called when your partner app wants to check the card status it does not need to be called every time the partner app resumes therefore, you should create the card list with the 'oncreate ' method, rather than the 'onresume ' method the result of a getallcards call is delivered to getcardlistener, which provides the following events onsuccess - called when the operation succeeds; provides the list of all filtered cards and their status card information includes cardid, cardstatus, and extra cardinfo data onfail - called when the operation fails here’s an example of how to use the 'getallcards ' api method in your issuer app samsungpaysdkflutterplugin getallcards getcardlistener onsuccess list { showcardlist list ; }, onfail errorcode, bundle { showerror errorcode, bundle ; } ; getting wallet information the samsungpay class provides the getwalletinfo api method, which is called to request wallet information from the samsung wallet app prior to calling the addcard api, when you want to avoid duplicate provisioning your issuer app uses this information to uniquely identify the user and the samsung wallet app on a particular device wallet device management id, device id, and wallet user id void getwalletinfo statuslistener? statuslistener the following example demonstrates how to use it string serviceid; spaysdk partner_service_type servicetype app2app name tostring samsungpaysdkflutter partnerinfo serviceid "", data {} ; samsungpay=samsungpay context,partnerinfo val keys = arraylist<string> keys add samsungpay wallet_dm_id keys add samsungpay device_id keys add samsungpay wallet_user_id samsungpaysdkflutterplugin getwalletinfo statuslistener onsuccess status, bundle async { val deviceid string? = walletdata getstring samsungpay device_id val walletuserid string? = walletdata getstring samsungpay wallet_user_id }, onfail errorcode, bundle { util showerror context, errorcode, bundle ; } ; adding a card to samsung wallet your issuer app calls the addcard api method of cardmanager to add a card to samsung wallet by providing the required card details, your app can make it convenient and easy for users to add their bank-issued debit/credit cards to samsung wallet directly from your app without additional steps, like switching between apps for most issuers, getwalletinfo suffices for requesting current wallet information the response from samsung wallet tells the issuer app whether or not the user’s card has already been added to samsung wallet or is ineligible for provisioning it is therefore recommended that you call getwalletinfo before displaying the add to samsung pay button if the card is eligible, display the “add” button and, if the user taps it, call addcard the addcard result is delivered to addcardlistener, which provides the following events onsuccess - called when the operation succeeds; provides information and status regarding the added card onfail - called when the operation fails; returns the error code and extra bundle data such as extra_error_reason or extra_request_id if provided onprogress - called to indicate the current progress of the 'addcard ' operation; can be used to show a progress bar to the user in the issuer app this callback is supported for tsm solution issuers in china and spain here’s an example of how to use the addcard api method in your issuer app string cardtype; string tokenizationprovider; string testpayload = "testpayloadcardinfoforflutterplugin" map<string, dynamic> carddetail; carddetail {addcardinfo extra_provision_payload testpayload} ; var addcardinfo = addcardinfo cardtype walletcard card_type_credit_debit, tokenizationprovider gettokenprovider tokenprovider tostring , carddetail {addcardinfo extra_provision_payload payload} ; myapp samsungpaysdkflutterplugin addcard addcardinfo, addcardlistener onsuccess status, card { print "success $status / data $card" ; },onfail errorcode, bundle { util showerror context, errorcode, bundle ; print "error $errorcode / data $bundle" ; },onprogress currentcount, totalcount, bundle { print "currentcount $currentcount / totalcount $totalcount / data $bundle" ; } ;
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