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Visual Display
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Develop Smart TV
api'tizen tv service billing billingplugin' class reference events billingclientclosedeventhandler buyitemeventhandler the billing transaction event handler, which can be added/removed more billingrequestapicallbackeventhandler requestapieventhandler the billing request api event handler, which can be added/removed more billingshowdeeplinkcallbackeventhandler showdeeplinkeventhandler the billing deep-link feature event handler, which can be added/removed more public functions string getversion gets the billing cs plugin version more bool buyitem string appid, billingrequestservertype servertype, string paydetail launches the billing client more bool isserviceavailable billingrequestservertype eservertype gets the payment service availability more bool getpurchaselist string strappid, string strcustomid, string strcountrycode, int ipagenumber, string strcheckvalue, billingrequestservertype eservertype 'get purchase list' server open api interface more bool showpurchasehistory string strhistoryapp, billingrequestpurchasehistorytype ehistorydetail a billing client deep-link feature launches the billing client's purchasehistory page more bool showregisterpromotionalcode a billing client deep-link feature launches the billing client's promotional codes page more bool showregistercreditcard a billing client deep-link feature launch the billing client's credit card registration page more bool cancelsubscription string strappid, string strcustomid, string strinvoiceid, string strcountrycode, billingrequestservertype eservertype the 'cancel subscription' server open api interface more bool applyinvoice string strappid, string strcustomid, string strinvoiceid, string strcountrycode, billingrequestservertype eservertype the 'applyinvoice' server open api interface more bool verifyinvoice string strappid, string strcustomid, string strinvoiceid, string strcountrycode, billingrequestservertype eservertype the 'verifyinvoice' server open api interface more bool getproductslist string strappid, string strcountrycode, int ipagesize, int ipagenumber, string strcheckvalue, billingrequestservertype eservertype the 'request product list' server open api interface more events billingclientclosedeventhandler buyitemeventhandler the billing transaction event handler, which can be added/removed privilege http //developer samsung com/privilege/billing privilege level public product tv version 4 4 0 sdk support n billingrequestapicallbackeventhandler requestapieventhandler the billing request api event handler, which can be added/removed privilege http //developer samsung com/privilege/billing privilege level public product tv version 4 4 0 sdk support n billingshowdeeplinkcallbackeventhandler showdeeplinkeventhandler the billing deep-link feature event handler, which can be added/removed privilege http //developer samsung com/privilege/billing privilege level public product tv deprecated deprecated since 5 5 0 version 4 4 0 sdk support n public functions string getversion gets the billing cs plugin version returns billing cs plugin version string value privilege http //developer samsung com/privilege/billing privilege level public legal review result this api is already posted at sd product tv version 4 4 0 sdk support n bool buyitem string appid, billingrequestservertype servertype, string paydetail launches the billing client parameters appid the application id servertype the payment server type paydetail the detailed payment information returns a boolean value returns true if the billing client is launched privilege http //developer samsung com/privilege/billing privilege level public legal review result this api is already posted at sd product tv version 4 4 0 sdk support n bool isserviceavailable billingrequestservertype eservertype gets the payment service availability parameters eservertype the billing server type to check returns a boolean value returns true if this api is called successfully privilege http //developer samsung com/privilege/billing privilege level public legal review result this api is already posted at sd product tv version 4 4 0 sdk support n bool getpurchaselist string strappid, string strcustomid, string strcountrycode, int ipagenumber, string strcheckvalue, billingrequestservertype eservertype 'get purchase list' server open api interface parameters strappid the application id strcustomid unique customer id which can be used to identify the user strcountrycode the country code, such as "us" ipagenumber the page number strcheckvalue the security hash code for more information, see the api guide documentation eservertype the request server type for more information, see the api guide documentation returns a boolean value returns true if this api is called successfully privilege http //developer samsung com/privilege/billing privilege level public legal review result this api is already posted at sd product tv version 4 4 0 sdk support n bool showpurchasehistory string strhistoryapp, billingrequestpurchasehistorytype ehistorydetail a billing client deep-link feature launches the billing client's purchasehistory page parameters strhistoryapp the application id to view the payment history for to view the payment history for all applications, use the string "all" ehistorydetail the requested payment history data type for more information, see the api guide documentation returns a boolean value returns true if this api is called successfully privilege http //developer samsung com/privilege/billing privilege level public legal review result this api is already posted at sd product tv deprecated deprecated since 5 5 0 version 4 4 0 sdk support n bool showregisterpromotionalcode a billing client deep-link feature launches the billing client's promotional codes page returns a boolean value returns true if this api is called successfully privilege http //developer samsung com/privilege/billing privilege level public legal review result this api is already posted at sd product tv deprecated deprecated since 5 5 0 version 4 4 0 sdk support n bool showregistercreditcard a billing client deep-link feature launch the billing client's credit card registration page returns a boolean value returns true if this api is called successfully privilege http //developer samsung com/privilege/billing privilege level public legal review result this api is already posted at sd product tv deprecated deprecated since 5 5 0 version 4 4 0 sdk support n bool cancelsubscription string strappid, string strcustomid, string strinvoiceid, string strcountrycode, billingrequestservertype eservertype the 'cancel subscription' server open api interface parameters strappid the application id strcustomid unique customer id which can be used to identify the user strinvoiceid the invoice id for which the subscription is to be cancelled strcountrycode the country code, such as "us" eservertype the request server type for more information, see the api guide documentation returns a boolean value returns true if this api is called successfully privilege http //developer samsung com/privilege/billing privilege level public legal review result this api is already posted at sd product tv version 4 4 0 sdk support n bool applyinvoice string strappid, string strcustomid, string strinvoiceid, string strcountrycode, billingrequestservertype eservertype the 'applyinvoice' server open api interface parameters strappid the application id strcustomid unique customer id which can be used to identify the user strinvoiceid the invoice id to set the invoice status to "apply" strcountrycode the country code, such as "us" eservertype the request server type for more information, see the api guide documentation returns a boolean value returns true if this api is called successfully privilege http //developer samsung com/privilege/billing privilege level public legal review result this api is already posted at sd product tv version 4 4 0 sdk support n bool verifyinvoice string strappid, string strcustomid, string strinvoiceid, string strcountrycode, billingrequestservertype eservertype the 'verifyinvoice' server open api interface parameters strappid the application id strcustomid unique customer id which can be used to identify the user strinvoiceid the invoice id whose status is to be checked strcountrycode the country code, such as "us" eservertype the request server type for more information, see the api guide documentation returns a boolean value returns true if this api is called successfully privilege http //developer samsung com/privilege/billing privilege level public legal review result this api is already posted at sd product tv version 4 4 0 sdk support n bool getproductslist string strappid, string strcountrycode, int ipagesize, int ipagenumber, string strcheckvalue, billingrequestservertype eservertype the 'request product list' server open api interface parameters strappid the application id strcountrycode the country code, such as "us" ipagesize the number of products to show on each page ipagenumber the page number strcheckvalue the security hash code for more information, see the api guide documentation eservertype the request server type for more information, see the api guide documentation returns a boolean value returns true if this api is called successfully privilege http //developer samsung com/privilege/billing privilege level public legal review result this api is already posted at sd product tv version 4 4 0 sdk support n
Develop Samsung Pay
apioverview package class tree index help package com samsung android sdk samsungpay v2 class samsungpay java lang object samsungpaybase com samsung android sdk samsungpay v2 samsungpay public final class samsungpay extends samsungpaybase this class provides apis to get the samsung pay status on the device also, this class provides apis to activate samsung pay on the device partner apps must check the samsung pay status on the device before performing any card management or payment operation since api level 1 1 constructor summary constructors constructor description samsungpay android content context context, partnerinfo partnerinfo constructor to get the samsungpay instance the caller should set the valid serviceid in partnerinfo method summary all methodsinstance methodsconcrete methods modifier and type method description void activatesamsungpay api to bring the samsung pay app to a state in which cards can be added samsung pay might be either in stub only state or samsung account is not signed in state partner app checks the samsung pay status with getsamsungpaystatus statuslistener api if the status is #spay_not_ready and #extra_error_reason is #error_spay_setup_not_completed , partner app can call this api to launch samsung pay and user can sign in to the app void getsamsungpaystatus statuslistener listener api to get the samsung pay status on the device partner issuers, merchants, and so on applications must call this api to check the current state of samsung pay before doing any operation void getwalletinfo list<string> keys, statuslistener listener api to get the requested wallet information from samsung pay partner app can use this information to uniquely identify the user and samsung pay app on a particular device void gotoupdatepage api to go to samsung pay update page partner app checks the samsung pay status with getsamsungpaystatus statuslistener api if the status is #spay_not_ready and #extra_error_reason is #error_spay_app_need_to_update, partner app can call this api to go to update samsung pay app if samsung pay app version is same or bigger than 2 1 00, it goes to "about samsungpay" menu if samsung pay app version is lower than 2 1 00 or kr device, it launches samsung pay app main screen methods inherited from class java lang object equals, getclass, hashcode, notify, notifyall, tostring, wait, wait, wait constructor details samsungpay public samsungpay android content context context, partnerinfo partnerinfo constructor to get the samsungpay instance the caller should set the valid serviceid in partnerinfo partnerinfo is passed to samsung pay for partner verification context ct = activity; // or context ct = service; // set the serviceid which is assigned by the samsung pay developer during on boarding string serviceid = "sampleserviceid"; bundle bundle = new bundle ; bundle putstring samsungpay partner_service_type, samsungpay servicetype inapp_payment tostring ; partnerinfo pinfo = new partnerinfo serviceid, bundle ; samsungpay samsungpay = new samsungpay ct, pinfo ; parameters context - activity context or service context partnerinfo - partner information throws nullpointerexception - thrown if parameters are null since api level 1 1 method details getsamsungpaystatus public void getsamsungpaystatus statuslistener listener api to get the samsung pay status on the device partner issuers, merchants, and so on applications must call this api to check the current state of samsung pay before doing any operation // set the serviceid which is assigned by the samsung pay developer during on boarding string serviceid = "sampleserviceid"; bundle bundle = new bundle ; bundle putstring samsungpay partner_service_type, samsungpay servicetype inapp_payment tostring ; partnerinfo pinfo = new partnerinfo serviceid, bundle ; samsungpay samsungpay = new samsungpay context, pinfo ; samsungpay getsamsungpaystatus new statuslistener { @override public void onsuccess int status, bundle data { // success case if status == spay_ready { log d tag, "samsung pay is ready on the device" ; // perform your operation } else if status == spay_not_ready { // samsung pay is supported but not fully ready // if extra_error_reason is error_spay_app_need_to_update, // call gotoupdatepage // if extra_error_reason is error_spay_setup_not_completed, // call activatesamsungpay } else if status == spay_not_allowed_temporally { log d tag, "samsung pay is not allowed temporally" ; // if extra_error_reason is error_spay_connected_with_external_display, // guide user to disconnect it } else { // samsung pay is not supported on this device log d tag, "device does not support samsung pay" ; } } @override public void onfail int errorcode, bundle errordata { log e tag, "onfail callback is called, errorcode " + errorcode ; // to get more reason of the failure, // check some extra error codes in the errordata bundle such as samsungpay extra_error_reason if provided } } ; parameters listener - callback through which the result is provided on success, samsung pay status code is provided via statuslistener onsuccess int status, bundle data if samsung pay is ready to be used, samsungpay#spay_ready will be returned otherwise, samsungpay#spay_not_ready or samsungpay#spay_not_supported or samsungpay#spay_not_allowed_temporally can be returned with samsungpay#extra_error_reason from bundle also, partner can get extra information from bundle data bundle keys if provided bundle values #extra_country_code device country code iso 3166-1 alpha-2 #extra_member_id string memberid for korean issuers only on any failure, the failure code is provided via statuslistener onfail int errorcode, bundle errordata note please refer spaysdk common_status_table in detail throws nullpointerexception - thrown if the callback passed is null since api level 1 1 gotoupdatepage public void gotoupdatepage api to go to samsung pay update page partner app checks the samsung pay status with getsamsungpaystatus statuslistener api if the status is #spay_not_ready and #extra_error_reason is #error_spay_app_need_to_update, partner app can call this api to go to update samsung pay app if samsung pay app version is same or bigger than 2 1 00, it goes to "about samsungpay" menu if samsung pay app version is lower than 2 1 00 or kr device, it launches samsung pay app main screen // set the serviceid which is assigned by the samsung pay developer during on boarding string serviceid = "sampleserviceid"; bundle bundle = new bundle ; bundle putstring samsungpay partner_service_type, samsungpay servicetype inapp_payment tostring ; partnerinfo pinfo = new partnerinfo serviceid, bundle ; samsungpay samsungpay = new samsungpay context, pinfo ; samsungpay gotoupdatepage ; since api level 1 2 activatesamsungpay public void activatesamsungpay api to bring the samsung pay app to a state in which cards can be added samsung pay might be either in stub only state or samsung account is not signed in state partner app checks the samsung pay status with getsamsungpaystatus statuslistener api if the status is #spay_not_ready and #extra_error_reason is #error_spay_setup_not_completed, partner app can call this api to launch samsung pay and user can sign in to the app // set the serviceid which is assigned by the samsung pay developer during on boarding string serviceid = "sampleserviceid"; bundle bundle = new bundle ; bundle putstring samsungpay partner_service_type, samsungpay servicetype inapp_payment tostring ; partnerinfo pinfo = new partnerinfo serviceid, bundle ; samsungpay samsungpay = new samsungpay context, pinfo ; samsungpay activatesamsungpay ; since api level 1 1 getwalletinfo public void getwalletinfo list<string> keys, statuslistener listener api to get the requested wallet information from samsung pay partner app can use this information to uniquely identify the user and samsung pay app on a particular device // set the serviceid which is assigned by the samsung pay developer during on boarding string serviceid = "sampleserviceid"; bundle bundle = new bundle ; bundle putstring samsungpay extra_issuer_name, "issuer name" ; bundle putstring samsungpay partner_service_type, samsungpay servicetype app2app tostring ; partnerinfo pinfo = new partnerinfo serviceid, bundle ; samsungpay samsungpay = new samsungpay context, pinfo ; // bundle keys added to get wallet information from samsung pay // this information can be delivered to the partner server for eligibility check arraylist<string> keys = new arraylist<> ; keys add samsungpay wallet_user_id ; keys add samsungpay device_id ; samsungpay getwalletinfo keys, new statuslistener { @override public void onsuccess int status, bundle walletdata { // log d tag, "dowalletinfo onsuccess callback is called" ; // for visa, deviceid can be set to "clientdeviceid" as defined by visa string deviceid = walletdata get samsungpay device_id ; // for visa, walletuserid can be set to "clientwalletaccountid" as defined by visa string walletuserid = walletdata get samsungpay wallet_user_id ; } @override public void onfail int errorcode, bundle errordata { log e tag, "onfail callback is called, errorcode " + errorcode ; // to get more reason of the failure, // check some extra error codes in the errordata bundle such as samsungpay extra_error_reason if provided } } parameters keys - key list to get wallet information if the list is empty, all possible key values are returned the possible keys are #wallet_dm_id #device_id #wallet_user_id listener - callback through which the result is provided on success, statuslistener onsuccess int status, bundle data is invoked with wallet information the success code can be one of the following codes with bundle data status bundle keys bundle values usage vts mdes #error_none samsungpay#wallet_dm_id string device management id n/a paymentappinstanceid = device_id + padding "00" + wallet_dm_id *if you need 'paymentappinstanceid', you can generate it as above samsungpay#device_id string device id clientdeviceid samsungpay#wallet_user_id string wallet user id clientwalletaccountid on any failure, the error code is provided via statuslistener onfail int errorcode, bundle errordata note please refer spaysdk common_status_table in detail throws nullpointerexception - thrown if parameters are null since api level 1 2 samsung electronics samsung pay sdk 2 21 00 - sep 06 2024
Develop Smart Hospitality Display
apigetting device capabilities using systeminfo api the following keys are available to obtain the device capability information using systeminfo api device capability keys battery camera content api database download api graphics input iotcon push api led location microphone multi-point touch multimedia transcoder network opengl® es platform profile sensor screen shell dynamic box sip speech tv usb vision web service system keys build information model name platform name tizen id the following table lists the keys to check if a device has a battery key type description version http //tizen org/feature/battery boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device has a battery if it is true, w3c battery status api, battery property in systeminfo api, and power api must be supported 2 3 the following table lists the camera feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/camera boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device provides any kind of a camera if it is true, w3c getusermedia and html media capture apis are supported 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/camera back boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/camera key, if the device provides a back-facing camera 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/camera back flash boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/camera back key, if the device provides a back-facing camera with a flash 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/camera front boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/camera key, if the device provides a front-facing camera 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/camera front flash boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/camera front key, if the device provides a front-facing camera with a flash 2 2 1 the following table lists the keys related to content api features key type description version http //tizen org/feature/content scanning others boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the media scanning feature for "other"-type files which are not included in the media content types such as "image", "video", "sound" or "music" 4 0 the following table lists the database feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/database encryption boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports database encryption 2 2 1 the following table lists the keys to check if download api is supported on a tizen device key type description version http //tizen org/feature/download boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports download api 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/network telephony boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports all apis which require telephony feature if it is true, "cellular" in downloadnetworktype is supported 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/network wifi boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports all apis which require wi-fi if it is true, "wifi" in downloadnetworktype is supported 2 2 1 the following table lists the graphics feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/graphics acceleration boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports graphics hardware acceleration 2 2 1 the following table lists the input feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/input keyboard boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device provides a built-in keyboard supporting any keyboard layout 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/input keyboard layout domstring the platform returns the keyboard layout such as qwerty supported by the built-in keyboard for this key and returns true for the http //tizen org/feature/input keyboard key if the device does not provide a built-in keyboard, the platform returns an empty string for this key and returns false for the http //tizen org/feature/input keyboard key 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/input rotating_bezel boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device provides a built-in rotating bezel 2 3 1 the following table lists the keys related to iotcon api features key type description version http //tizen org/feature/iot ocf boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the iot connectivity if it is true, iotcon api is supported 4 0 the following table lists the led feature key key type description version http //tizen org/feature/led boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports led 2 3 the following table lists the location feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/location boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports location positioning 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/location batch boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/location key, if the device supports gps batch feature 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/location gps boolean the platform returns true and the http //tizen org/feature/location, if the device supports the global positioning system gps 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/location wps boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/location key, if the device supports the wi-fi-based positioning system wps 2 2 1 the following table lists the microphone feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/microphone boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports a microphone if it is true, w3c getusermedia and html media capture apis are supported 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/media audio_recording boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports to record audio files on a device if it is true, cordova media api is supported 3 0 the following table lists the multi-point touch feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/multi_point_touch pinch_zoom boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports pinch zoom gestures 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/multi_point_touch point_count long the platform returns the maximum number of supported multi-touch points for this key the platform returns a value less than 2 for this key, if the device does not support multi-point touch 2 2 1 the following table lists the multimedia transcoder feature key key type description version http //tizen org/feature/multimedia transcoder boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports multimedia transcoder 2 3 the following table lists the network feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/capability/network bluetooth always_on boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device must always enable bluetooth it means that an application cannot change the bluetooth's state visibility, connectivity, device name 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/network bluetooth boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports bluetooth 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/network bluetooth audio call boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports bluetooth handsfree profile hfp 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/network bluetooth audio media boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports bluetooth advanced audio distribute profile a2dp 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/network bluetooth health boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports bluetooth health device profile hdp 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/network bluetooth hid boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports bluetooth human input device hid 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/network bluetooth le boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports bluetooth low energy related methods in bluetooth api 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/network bluetooth opp boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports bluetooth object push profile opp 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/network ethernet boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports ethernet if it is true, "all" in downloadnetworktype and systeminfoethernetnetwork is supported 2 4 http //tizen org/feature/network internet boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports internet 2 3 1 http //tizen org/feature/network net_proxy boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports network proxy for internet connection 3 0 http //tizen org/feature/network nfc boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports near field communication nfc 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/network nfc card_emulation boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device is recognized by the nfc card readers 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/network nfc card_emulation hce boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports nfc host-based card emulation 2 3 1 http //tizen org/feature/network nfc p2p boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports p2p apis which require near field communication nfc 2 3 1 http //tizen org/feature/network nfc reserved_push boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/network nfc key, if the device supports the nfc reserved push feature 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/network nfc tag boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports tag apis which require near field communication nfc 2 3 1 http //tizen org/feature/network push boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports push api which requires the ip push service provided by the tizen reference implementation 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/network secure_element boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports secure elements 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/network telephony boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the telephony related apis 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/network telephony mms boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/network telephony key, if the device supports mms 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/network wifi boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports all apis which require wi-fi 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/network wifi direct boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/network wifi key, if the device supports wi-fi direct™ 2 2 1 the following table lists the opengl® es feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/opengles boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports any opengl® es version and any texture format 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/opengles texture_format domstring the supported texture formats for the opengl® es e g "3dc/atc/etc/ptc" the platform returns an empty string for this key if opengl® es or compressed texture formats are not supported 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/opengles texture_format 3dc boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/opengles key, if the device supports the 3dc texture format for opengl® es 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/opengles texture_format atc boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/opengles key, if the device supports the atc texture format for opengl® es 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/opengles texture_format etc boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/opengles key, if the device supports the etc texture format for opengl® es 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/opengles texture_format ptc boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/opengles key, if the device supports the ptc texture format for opengl® es 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/opengles texture_format pvrtc boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/opengles key, if the device supports the pvrtc texture format for opengl® es 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/opengles texture_format utc boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/opengles key, if the device supports the utc texture format for opengl® es 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/opengles version 1_1 boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/opengles key, if the device supports the opengl® es version 1 1 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/opengles version 2_0 boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/opengles key, if the device supports the opengl® es version 2 0 2 2 1 the following table lists the platform feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/platform core api version domstring the version of the tizen core api in the [major] [minor] format for example, "1 0" represents a web api version where the major version is 1 and the minor version is 0 if a device doesn't provide tizen core api, it returns an empty string "" 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/platform core cpu arch domstring the platform returns the cpu architecture e g "armv7", "x86" of a device 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/platform core cpu arch armv6 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device runs on the armv6 cpu architecture 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/platform core cpu arch armv7 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device runs on the armv7 cpu architecture 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/platform core cpu arch x86 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device runs on the x86 cpu architecture 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/platform core cpu frequency long the platform returns the frequency at which a core cpu is running unit mhz 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/platform core fpu arch domstring the platform returns the fpu architecture e g "vfpv3", "ssse3" of a device if there is no fpu on a device, it returns an empty string "" 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/platform core fpu arch sse2 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device runs on the sse2 fpu architecture 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/platform core fpu arch sse3 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device runs on the sse3 fpu architecture 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/platform core fpu arch ssse3 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device runs on the ssse3 fpu architecture 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/platform core fpu arch vfpv2 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device runs on the vfpv2 fpu architecture 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/platform core fpu arch vfpv3 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device runs on the vfpv3 fpu architecture 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/platform native api version domstring the version of the native api in the [major] [minor] format for example, 1 0 represents a native api version where the major version is 1 and the minor version is 0 if a device doesn't provide tizen native api, it returns an empty string "" 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/platform native osp_compatible boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the bada compatibility mode 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/platform version domstring the version of the platform in the [major] [minor] [patch version] format for example, 1 0 0 represents a platform version where the major version is 1 and the minor and build versions are 0 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/platform web api version domstring the version of the web api in the [major] [minor] format for example, 1 0 represents a web api version where the major version is 1 and the minor version is 0 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/platform version name domstring the platform return the platform version name e g tizen 2 0 magnolia, tizen 2 1 nectarine 2 3 the following table lists the profile feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/profile systeminfoprofile the platform returns a compliant device profile such as "mobile", "wearable" for this key 2 2 1 the following table lists the sensor feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/sensor accelerometer boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the acceleration sensor 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor accelerometer wakeup boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/sensor accelerometer key, if the device supports the wake-up operation by the acceleration sensor 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor activity_recognition boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports activity recognition 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/sensor barometer boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the barometer pressure sensor 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor barometer wakeup boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/sensor barometer key, if the device supports the wake-up operation by the barometer sensor 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor gesture_recognition boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the gesture recognition 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/sensor gravity boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports gravity 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/sensor gyroscope boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports gyroscope 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor gyroscope_rotation_vector boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports gyroscope rotation vector 3 0 http //tizen org/feature/sensor gyroscope wakeup boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/sensor gyroscope key, if the device supports the wake-up operation by the gyro sensor 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor heart_rate_monitor boolean the platform returns true for this key if the device supports hrm 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/sensor heart_rate_monitor led_green boolean the platform returns true for this key if the device supports green light spectrum 2 3 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor heart_rate_monitor led_ir boolean the platform returns true for this key if the device supports infrared spectrum 2 3 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor heart_rate_monitor led_red boolean the platform returns true for this key if the device supports red light spectrum 2 3 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor humidity boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the humidity sensor 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/sensor linear_acceleration boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the linear acceleration sensor 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/sensor magnetometer boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the magnetic sensor 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor magnetometer wakeup boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/sensor magnetometer key, if the device supports the wake-up operation by the magnetic sensor 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor pedometer boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports pedometer 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/sensor photometer boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the photometer sensor 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor photometer wakeup boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/sensor photometer key, if the device supports the wake-up operation by the photo sensor 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor proximity boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the proximity sensor 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor proximity wakeup boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/sensor proximity key, if the device supports the wake-up operation by the proximity sensor 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor rotation_vector boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the rotation vector sensor 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/sensor sleep_monitor boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports sleep_monitor 3 0 http //tizen org/feature/sensor temperature boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the temperature sensor 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/sensor tiltmeter boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the tilt sensor 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor tiltmeter wakeup boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/sensor tiltmeter key, if the device supports the wake-up operation by the tilt sensor 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor ultraviolet boolean the platform returns true for this key if the device supports ultraviolet sensor 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/sensor wrist_up boolean the platform returns true for this key if the device supports wrist_up 2 3 the following table lists the screen feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/screen boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device has a display screen 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/screen auto_rotation boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports screen auto-rotation 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen bpp long the platform returns the number of bits per pixel supported by the device for this key the value depends on the screen, and is typically 8, 16, 24, or 32 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen coordinate_system size large boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the large screen size for the coordinate system 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen coordinate_system size normal boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the normal screen size for the coordinate system 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen dpi long the platform returns the number of dots per inch supported by the device for this key 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen height long the platform returns the height of the screen in pixels supported by the device for this key 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen output hdmi boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports hdmi output 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen output rca boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports rca output 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen shape circle boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports a circular shaped screen 2 3 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen shape rectangle boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports a rectangular shaped screen 2 3 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen size all boolean the platform can return true if the device supports any of screen sizes and resolutions if the device has a display screen, it returns true 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen size large boolean the platform can return true if the device supports the large screen size 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen size normal boolean the platform can return true the device supports the normal screen size 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen size normal 240 400 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the 240 x 400 resolution for the normal screen size the platform can return true for multiple resolution keys 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen size normal 320 320 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the 320 x 320 resolution for the normal screen size the platform can return true for multiple resolution keys 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/screen size normal 320 480 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the 320 x 480 resolution for the normal screen size the platform can return true for multiple resolution keys 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen size normal 360 360 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the 360 x 360 resolution for the normal screen size the platform can return true for multiple resolution keys 2 3 2 http //tizen org/feature/screen size normal 360 480 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the 360 x 480 resolution for the normal screen size the platform can return true for multiple resolution keys 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/screen size normal 480 800 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the 480 x 800 resolution for the normal screen size the platform can return true for multiple resolution keys 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen size normal 540 960 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the 540 x 960 resolution for the normal screen size the platform can return true for multiple resolution keys 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen size normal 600 1024 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the 600 x 1024 resolution for the normal screen size the platform can return true for multiple resolution keys 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen size normal 720 1280 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the 720 x 1280 resolution for the normal screen size the platform can return true for multiple resolution keys 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen size normal 1080 1920 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the 1080 x 1920 resolution for the normal screen size the platform can return true for multiple resolution keys 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen width long the platform returns the width of the screen in pixels supported by the device for this key 2 2 1 the following table lists the shell dynamic box feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/shell appwidget boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the widget since 2 3 1, this key indicates only native widget 2 2 1 the following table lists the sip feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/sip voip boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the voice over internet protocol voip 2 2 1 the following table lists the speech feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/speech recognition boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports speech recognition stt 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/speech synthesis boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports speech synthesis tts 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/speech control boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports speech control 4 0 the following table lists the tv feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/tv audio boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports control of tv audio if it is true, tvaudiocontrol api is supported 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/tv display boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports getting information about the effects of stereoscopy 3d mode if it is true, tv display control api is supported 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/tv inputdevice boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports receiving key events generated when the user presses a key of an input device for example a tv remote control if it is true, tv input device api is supported 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/tv pip boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports control of tv window e g main window, pip window if it is true, tv window api is supported 2 3 the following table lists the usb feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/usb accessory boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the usb client or accessory mode 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/usb host boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the usb host mode 2 2 1 the following table lists the vision feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/vision face_recognition boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports face recognition 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/vision image_recognition boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports image recognition 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/vision qrcode_generation boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports qr code generation 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/vision qrcode_recognition boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports qr code recognition 2 2 1 the following table lists the web service model feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/web service boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the web service model 2 3 the following table lists the build information key key type description version http //tizen org/system/build date domstring the platform returns the build date the format yyyy mm dd 2 3 http //tizen org/system/build string domstring the platform returns the build string including build date and time 2 3 http //tizen org/system/build time domstring the platform returns the build time the format hh mm ss 2 3 http //tizen org/system/manufacturer domstring the platform returns the device manufacturer's name 2 3 http //tizen org/system/build release domstring the platform returns the build version information the build version information is made when the platform image is created 3 0 http //tizen org/system/build type domstring the platform returns the build type, such as "user" or "eng" the build type is made when the platform image is created 3 0 http //tizen org/system/build variant domstring the platform returns the variant release information the variant release information is made when the platform image is created 3 0 http //tizen org/system/build id domstring the platform returns the build id the build id is made when the platform image is created 3 0 the following table lists the model name key key type description version http //tizen org/system/model_name domstring the platform returns the model name 2 3 the following table lists the platform system keys key type description version http //tizen org/system/platform communication_processor domstring the platform returns the device communication processor name 2 3 http //tizen org/system/platform name domstring the platform returns the platform name it must be tizen 2 2 1 http //tizen org/system/platform processor domstring the platform returns the device processor name 2 3 the following table lists the tizen id system key key type description version http //tizen org/system/tizenid domstring the platform returns the tizen id it is a randomly generated value based on the model name 2 3
Develop Smart Signage
apigetting device capabilities using systeminfo api the following keys are available to obtain the device capability information using systeminfo api device capability keys battery camera content api database download api graphics input iotcon push api led location microphone multi-point touch multimedia transcoder network opengl® es platform profile sensor screen shell dynamic box sip speech tv usb vision web service system keys build information model name platform name tizen id the following table lists the keys to check if a device has a battery key type description version http //tizen org/feature/battery boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device has a battery if it is true, w3c battery status api, battery property in systeminfo api, and power api must be supported 2 3 the following table lists the camera feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/camera boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device provides any kind of a camera if it is true, w3c getusermedia and html media capture apis are supported 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/camera back boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/camera key, if the device provides a back-facing camera 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/camera back flash boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/camera back key, if the device provides a back-facing camera with a flash 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/camera front boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/camera key, if the device provides a front-facing camera 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/camera front flash boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/camera front key, if the device provides a front-facing camera with a flash 2 2 1 the following table lists the keys related to content api features key type description version http //tizen org/feature/content scanning others boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the media scanning feature for "other"-type files which are not included in the media content types such as "image", "video", "sound" or "music" 4 0 the following table lists the database feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/database encryption boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports database encryption 2 2 1 the following table lists the keys to check if download api is supported on a tizen device key type description version http //tizen org/feature/download boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports download api 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/network telephony boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports all apis which require telephony feature if it is true, "cellular" in downloadnetworktype is supported 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/network wifi boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports all apis which require wi-fi if it is true, "wifi" in downloadnetworktype is supported 2 2 1 the following table lists the graphics feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/graphics acceleration boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports graphics hardware acceleration 2 2 1 the following table lists the input feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/input keyboard boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device provides a built-in keyboard supporting any keyboard layout 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/input keyboard layout domstring the platform returns the keyboard layout such as qwerty supported by the built-in keyboard for this key and returns true for the http //tizen org/feature/input keyboard key if the device does not provide a built-in keyboard, the platform returns an empty string for this key and returns false for the http //tizen org/feature/input keyboard key 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/input rotating_bezel boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device provides a built-in rotating bezel 2 3 1 the following table lists the keys related to iotcon api features key type description version http //tizen org/feature/iot ocf boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the iot connectivity if it is true, iotcon api is supported 4 0 the following table lists the led feature key key type description version http //tizen org/feature/led boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports led 2 3 the following table lists the location feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/location boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports location positioning 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/location batch boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/location key, if the device supports gps batch feature 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/location gps boolean the platform returns true and the http //tizen org/feature/location, if the device supports the global positioning system gps 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/location wps boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/location key, if the device supports the wi-fi-based positioning system wps 2 2 1 the following table lists the microphone feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/microphone boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports a microphone if it is true, w3c getusermedia and html media capture apis are supported 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/media audio_recording boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports to record audio files on a device if it is true, cordova media api is supported 3 0 the following table lists the multi-point touch feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/multi_point_touch pinch_zoom boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports pinch zoom gestures 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/multi_point_touch point_count long the platform returns the maximum number of supported multi-touch points for this key the platform returns a value less than 2 for this key, if the device does not support multi-point touch 2 2 1 the following table lists the multimedia transcoder feature key key type description version http //tizen org/feature/multimedia transcoder boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports multimedia transcoder 2 3 the following table lists the network feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/capability/network bluetooth always_on boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device must always enable bluetooth it means that an application cannot change the bluetooth's state visibility, connectivity, device name 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/network bluetooth boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports bluetooth 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/network bluetooth audio call boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports bluetooth handsfree profile hfp 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/network bluetooth audio media boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports bluetooth advanced audio distribute profile a2dp 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/network bluetooth health boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports bluetooth health device profile hdp 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/network bluetooth hid boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports bluetooth human input device hid 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/network bluetooth le boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports bluetooth low energy related methods in bluetooth api 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/network bluetooth opp boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports bluetooth object push profile opp 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/network ethernet boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports ethernet if it is true, "all" in downloadnetworktype and systeminfoethernetnetwork is supported 2 4 http //tizen org/feature/network internet boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports internet 2 3 1 http //tizen org/feature/network net_proxy boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports network proxy for internet connection 3 0 http //tizen org/feature/network nfc boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports near field communication nfc 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/network nfc card_emulation boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device is recognized by the nfc card readers 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/network nfc card_emulation hce boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports nfc host-based card emulation 2 3 1 http //tizen org/feature/network nfc p2p boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports p2p apis which require near field communication nfc 2 3 1 http //tizen org/feature/network nfc reserved_push boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/network nfc key, if the device supports the nfc reserved push feature 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/network nfc tag boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports tag apis which require near field communication nfc 2 3 1 http //tizen org/feature/network push boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports push api which requires the ip push service provided by the tizen reference implementation 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/network secure_element boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports secure elements 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/network telephony boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the telephony related apis 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/network telephony mms boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/network telephony key, if the device supports mms 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/network wifi boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports all apis which require wi-fi 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/network wifi direct boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/network wifi key, if the device supports wi-fi direct™ 2 2 1 the following table lists the opengl® es feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/opengles boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports any opengl® es version and any texture format 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/opengles texture_format domstring the supported texture formats for the opengl® es e g "3dc/atc/etc/ptc" the platform returns an empty string for this key if opengl® es or compressed texture formats are not supported 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/opengles texture_format 3dc boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/opengles key, if the device supports the 3dc texture format for opengl® es 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/opengles texture_format atc boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/opengles key, if the device supports the atc texture format for opengl® es 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/opengles texture_format etc boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/opengles key, if the device supports the etc texture format for opengl® es 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/opengles texture_format ptc boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/opengles key, if the device supports the ptc texture format for opengl® es 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/opengles texture_format pvrtc boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/opengles key, if the device supports the pvrtc texture format for opengl® es 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/opengles texture_format utc boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/opengles key, if the device supports the utc texture format for opengl® es 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/opengles version 1_1 boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/opengles key, if the device supports the opengl® es version 1 1 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/opengles version 2_0 boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/opengles key, if the device supports the opengl® es version 2 0 2 2 1 the following table lists the platform feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/platform core api version domstring the version of the tizen core api in the [major] [minor] format for example, "1 0" represents a web api version where the major version is 1 and the minor version is 0 if a device doesn't provide tizen core api, it returns an empty string "" 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/platform core cpu arch domstring the platform returns the cpu architecture e g "armv7", "x86" of a device 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/platform core cpu arch armv6 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device runs on the armv6 cpu architecture 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/platform core cpu arch armv7 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device runs on the armv7 cpu architecture 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/platform core cpu arch x86 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device runs on the x86 cpu architecture 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/platform core cpu frequency long the platform returns the frequency at which a core cpu is running unit mhz 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/platform core fpu arch domstring the platform returns the fpu architecture e g "vfpv3", "ssse3" of a device if there is no fpu on a device, it returns an empty string "" 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/platform core fpu arch sse2 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device runs on the sse2 fpu architecture 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/platform core fpu arch sse3 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device runs on the sse3 fpu architecture 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/platform core fpu arch ssse3 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device runs on the ssse3 fpu architecture 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/platform core fpu arch vfpv2 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device runs on the vfpv2 fpu architecture 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/platform core fpu arch vfpv3 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device runs on the vfpv3 fpu architecture 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/platform native api version domstring the version of the native api in the [major] [minor] format for example, 1 0 represents a native api version where the major version is 1 and the minor version is 0 if a device doesn't provide tizen native api, it returns an empty string "" 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/platform native osp_compatible boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the bada compatibility mode 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/platform version domstring the version of the platform in the [major] [minor] [patch version] format for example, 1 0 0 represents a platform version where the major version is 1 and the minor and build versions are 0 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/platform web api version domstring the version of the web api in the [major] [minor] format for example, 1 0 represents a web api version where the major version is 1 and the minor version is 0 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/platform version name domstring the platform return the platform version name e g tizen 2 0 magnolia, tizen 2 1 nectarine 2 3 the following table lists the profile feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/profile systeminfoprofile the platform returns a compliant device profile such as "mobile", "wearable" for this key 2 2 1 the following table lists the sensor feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/sensor accelerometer boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the acceleration sensor 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor accelerometer wakeup boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/sensor accelerometer key, if the device supports the wake-up operation by the acceleration sensor 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor activity_recognition boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports activity recognition 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/sensor barometer boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the barometer pressure sensor 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor barometer wakeup boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/sensor barometer key, if the device supports the wake-up operation by the barometer sensor 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor gesture_recognition boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the gesture recognition 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/sensor gravity boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports gravity 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/sensor gyroscope boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports gyroscope 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor gyroscope_rotation_vector boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports gyroscope rotation vector 3 0 http //tizen org/feature/sensor gyroscope wakeup boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/sensor gyroscope key, if the device supports the wake-up operation by the gyro sensor 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor heart_rate_monitor boolean the platform returns true for this key if the device supports hrm 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/sensor heart_rate_monitor led_green boolean the platform returns true for this key if the device supports green light spectrum 2 3 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor heart_rate_monitor led_ir boolean the platform returns true for this key if the device supports infrared spectrum 2 3 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor heart_rate_monitor led_red boolean the platform returns true for this key if the device supports red light spectrum 2 3 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor humidity boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the humidity sensor 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/sensor linear_acceleration boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the linear acceleration sensor 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/sensor magnetometer boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the magnetic sensor 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor magnetometer wakeup boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/sensor magnetometer key, if the device supports the wake-up operation by the magnetic sensor 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor pedometer boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports pedometer 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/sensor photometer boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the photometer sensor 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor photometer wakeup boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/sensor photometer key, if the device supports the wake-up operation by the photo sensor 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor proximity boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the proximity sensor 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor proximity wakeup boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/sensor proximity key, if the device supports the wake-up operation by the proximity sensor 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor rotation_vector boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the rotation vector sensor 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/sensor sleep_monitor boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports sleep_monitor 3 0 http //tizen org/feature/sensor temperature boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the temperature sensor 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/sensor tiltmeter boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the tilt sensor 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor tiltmeter wakeup boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/sensor tiltmeter key, if the device supports the wake-up operation by the tilt sensor 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor ultraviolet boolean the platform returns true for this key if the device supports ultraviolet sensor 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/sensor wrist_up boolean the platform returns true for this key if the device supports wrist_up 2 3 the following table lists the screen feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/screen boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device has a display screen 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/screen auto_rotation boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports screen auto-rotation 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen bpp long the platform returns the number of bits per pixel supported by the device for this key the value depends on the screen, and is typically 8, 16, 24, or 32 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen coordinate_system size large boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the large screen size for the coordinate system 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen coordinate_system size normal boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the normal screen size for the coordinate system 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen dpi long the platform returns the number of dots per inch supported by the device for this key 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen height long the platform returns the height of the screen in pixels supported by the device for this key 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen output hdmi boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports hdmi output 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen output rca boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports rca output 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen shape circle boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports a circular shaped screen 2 3 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen shape rectangle boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports a rectangular shaped screen 2 3 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen size all boolean the platform can return true if the device supports any of screen sizes and resolutions if the device has a display screen, it returns true 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen size large boolean the platform can return true if the device supports the large screen size 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen size normal boolean the platform can return true the device supports the normal screen size 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen size normal 240 400 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the 240 x 400 resolution for the normal screen size the platform can return true for multiple resolution keys 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen size normal 320 320 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the 320 x 320 resolution for the normal screen size the platform can return true for multiple resolution keys 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/screen size normal 320 480 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the 320 x 480 resolution for the normal screen size the platform can return true for multiple resolution keys 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen size normal 360 360 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the 360 x 360 resolution for the normal screen size the platform can return true for multiple resolution keys 2 3 2 http //tizen org/feature/screen size normal 360 480 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the 360 x 480 resolution for the normal screen size the platform can return true for multiple resolution keys 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/screen size normal 480 800 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the 480 x 800 resolution for the normal screen size the platform can return true for multiple resolution keys 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen size normal 540 960 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the 540 x 960 resolution for the normal screen size the platform can return true for multiple resolution keys 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen size normal 600 1024 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the 600 x 1024 resolution for the normal screen size the platform can return true for multiple resolution keys 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen size normal 720 1280 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the 720 x 1280 resolution for the normal screen size the platform can return true for multiple resolution keys 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen size normal 1080 1920 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the 1080 x 1920 resolution for the normal screen size the platform can return true for multiple resolution keys 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen width long the platform returns the width of the screen in pixels supported by the device for this key 2 2 1 the following table lists the shell dynamic box feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/shell appwidget boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the widget since 2 3 1, this key indicates only native widget 2 2 1 the following table lists the sip feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/sip voip boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the voice over internet protocol voip 2 2 1 the following table lists the speech feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/speech recognition boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports speech recognition stt 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/speech synthesis boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports speech synthesis tts 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/speech control boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports speech control 4 0 the following table lists the tv feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/tv audio boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports control of tv audio if it is true, tvaudiocontrol api is supported 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/tv display boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports getting information about the effects of stereoscopy 3d mode if it is true, tv display control api is supported 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/tv inputdevice boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports receiving key events generated when the user presses a key of an input device for example a tv remote control if it is true, tv input device api is supported 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/tv pip boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports control of tv window e g main window, pip window if it is true, tv window api is supported 2 3 the following table lists the usb feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/usb accessory boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the usb client or accessory mode 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/usb host boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the usb host mode 2 2 1 the following table lists the vision feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/vision face_recognition boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports face recognition 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/vision image_recognition boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports image recognition 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/vision qrcode_generation boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports qr code generation 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/vision qrcode_recognition boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports qr code recognition 2 2 1 the following table lists the web service model feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/web service boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the web service model 2 3 the following table lists the build information key key type description version http //tizen org/system/build date domstring the platform returns the build date the format yyyy mm dd 2 3 http //tizen org/system/build string domstring the platform returns the build string including build date and time 2 3 http //tizen org/system/build time domstring the platform returns the build time the format hh mm ss 2 3 http //tizen org/system/manufacturer domstring the platform returns the device manufacturer's name 2 3 http //tizen org/system/build release domstring the platform returns the build version information the build version information is made when the platform image is created 3 0 http //tizen org/system/build type domstring the platform returns the build type, such as "user" or "eng" the build type is made when the platform image is created 3 0 http //tizen org/system/build variant domstring the platform returns the variant release information the variant release information is made when the platform image is created 3 0 http //tizen org/system/build id domstring the platform returns the build id the build id is made when the platform image is created 3 0 the following table lists the model name key key type description version http //tizen org/system/model_name domstring the platform returns the model name 2 3 the following table lists the platform system keys key type description version http //tizen org/system/platform communication_processor domstring the platform returns the device communication processor name 2 3 http //tizen org/system/platform name domstring the platform returns the platform name it must be tizen 2 2 1 http //tizen org/system/platform processor domstring the platform returns the device processor name 2 3 the following table lists the tizen id system key key type description version http //tizen org/system/tizenid domstring the platform returns the tizen id it is a randomly generated value based on the model name 2 3
Develop Smart TV
apigetting device capabilities using systeminfo api the following keys are available to obtain the device capability information using systeminfo api device capability keys battery camera content api database download api graphics input iotcon push api led location microphone multi-point touch multimedia transcoder network opengl® es platform profile sensor screen shell dynamic box sip speech tv usb vision web service system keys build information model name platform name tizen id the following table lists the keys to check if a device has a battery key type description version http //tizen org/feature/battery boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device has a battery if it is true, w3c battery status api, battery property in systeminfo api, and power api must be supported 2 3 the following table lists the camera feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/camera boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device provides any kind of a camera if it is true, w3c getusermedia and html media capture apis are supported 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/camera back boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/camera key, if the device provides a back-facing camera 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/camera back flash boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/camera back key, if the device provides a back-facing camera with a flash 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/camera front boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/camera key, if the device provides a front-facing camera 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/camera front flash boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/camera front key, if the device provides a front-facing camera with a flash 2 2 1 the following table lists the keys related to content api features key type description version http //tizen org/feature/content scanning others boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the media scanning feature for "other"-type files which are not included in the media content types such as "image", "video", "sound" or "music" 4 0 the following table lists the database feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/database encryption boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports database encryption 2 2 1 the following table lists the keys to check if download api is supported on a tizen device key type description version http //tizen org/feature/download boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports download api 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/network telephony boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports all apis which require telephony feature if it is true, "cellular" in downloadnetworktype is supported 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/network wifi boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports all apis which require wi-fi if it is true, "wifi" in downloadnetworktype is supported 2 2 1 the following table lists the graphics feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/graphics acceleration boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports graphics hardware acceleration 2 2 1 the following table lists the input feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/input keyboard boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device provides a built-in keyboard supporting any keyboard layout 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/input keyboard layout domstring the platform returns the keyboard layout such as qwerty supported by the built-in keyboard for this key and returns true for the http //tizen org/feature/input keyboard key if the device does not provide a built-in keyboard, the platform returns an empty string for this key and returns false for the http //tizen org/feature/input keyboard key 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/input rotating_bezel boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device provides a built-in rotating bezel 2 3 1 the following table lists the keys related to iotcon api features key type description version http //tizen org/feature/iot ocf boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the iot connectivity if it is true, iotcon api is supported 4 0 the following table lists the led feature key key type description version http //tizen org/feature/led boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports led 2 3 the following table lists the location feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/location boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports location positioning 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/location batch boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/location key, if the device supports gps batch feature 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/location gps boolean the platform returns true and the http //tizen org/feature/location, if the device supports the global positioning system gps 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/location wps boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/location key, if the device supports the wi-fi-based positioning system wps 2 2 1 the following table lists the microphone feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/microphone boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports a microphone if it is true, w3c getusermedia and html media capture apis are supported 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/media audio_recording boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports to record audio files on a device if it is true, cordova media api is supported 3 0 the following table lists the multi-point touch feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/multi_point_touch pinch_zoom boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports pinch zoom gestures 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/multi_point_touch point_count long the platform returns the maximum number of supported multi-touch points for this key the platform returns a value less than 2 for this key, if the device does not support multi-point touch 2 2 1 the following table lists the multimedia transcoder feature key key type description version http //tizen org/feature/multimedia transcoder boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports multimedia transcoder 2 3 the following table lists the network feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/capability/network bluetooth always_on boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device must always enable bluetooth it means that an application cannot change the bluetooth's state visibility, connectivity, device name 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/network bluetooth boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports bluetooth 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/network bluetooth audio call boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports bluetooth handsfree profile hfp 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/network bluetooth audio media boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports bluetooth advanced audio distribute profile a2dp 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/network bluetooth health boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports bluetooth health device profile hdp 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/network bluetooth hid boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports bluetooth human input device hid 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/network bluetooth le boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports bluetooth low energy related methods in bluetooth api 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/network bluetooth opp boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports bluetooth object push profile opp 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/network ethernet boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports ethernet if it is true, "all" in downloadnetworktype and systeminfoethernetnetwork is supported 2 4 http //tizen org/feature/network internet boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports internet 2 3 1 http //tizen org/feature/network net_proxy boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports network proxy for internet connection 3 0 http //tizen org/feature/network nfc boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports near field communication nfc 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/network nfc card_emulation boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device is recognized by the nfc card readers 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/network nfc card_emulation hce boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports nfc host-based card emulation 2 3 1 http //tizen org/feature/network nfc p2p boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports p2p apis which require near field communication nfc 2 3 1 http //tizen org/feature/network nfc reserved_push boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/network nfc key, if the device supports the nfc reserved push feature 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/network nfc tag boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports tag apis which require near field communication nfc 2 3 1 http //tizen org/feature/network push boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports push api which requires the ip push service provided by the tizen reference implementation 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/network secure_element boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports secure elements 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/network telephony boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the telephony related apis 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/network telephony mms boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/network telephony key, if the device supports mms 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/network wifi boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports all apis which require wi-fi 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/network wifi direct boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/network wifi key, if the device supports wi-fi direct™ 2 2 1 the following table lists the opengl® es feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/opengles boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports any opengl® es version and any texture format 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/opengles texture_format domstring the supported texture formats for the opengl® es e g "3dc/atc/etc/ptc" the platform returns an empty string for this key if opengl® es or compressed texture formats are not supported 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/opengles texture_format 3dc boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/opengles key, if the device supports the 3dc texture format for opengl® es 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/opengles texture_format atc boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/opengles key, if the device supports the atc texture format for opengl® es 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/opengles texture_format etc boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/opengles key, if the device supports the etc texture format for opengl® es 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/opengles texture_format ptc boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/opengles key, if the device supports the ptc texture format for opengl® es 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/opengles texture_format pvrtc boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/opengles key, if the device supports the pvrtc texture format for opengl® es 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/opengles texture_format utc boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/opengles key, if the device supports the utc texture format for opengl® es 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/opengles version 1_1 boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/opengles key, if the device supports the opengl® es version 1 1 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/opengles version 2_0 boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/opengles key, if the device supports the opengl® es version 2 0 2 2 1 the following table lists the platform feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/platform core api version domstring the version of the tizen core api in the [major] [minor] format for example, "1 0" represents a web api version where the major version is 1 and the minor version is 0 if a device doesn't provide tizen core api, it returns an empty string "" 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/platform core cpu arch domstring the platform returns the cpu architecture e g "armv7", "x86" of a device 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/platform core cpu arch armv6 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device runs on the armv6 cpu architecture 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/platform core cpu arch armv7 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device runs on the armv7 cpu architecture 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/platform core cpu arch x86 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device runs on the x86 cpu architecture 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/platform core cpu frequency long the platform returns the frequency at which a core cpu is running unit mhz 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/platform core fpu arch domstring the platform returns the fpu architecture e g "vfpv3", "ssse3" of a device if there is no fpu on a device, it returns an empty string "" 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/platform core fpu arch sse2 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device runs on the sse2 fpu architecture 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/platform core fpu arch sse3 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device runs on the sse3 fpu architecture 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/platform core fpu arch ssse3 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device runs on the ssse3 fpu architecture 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/platform core fpu arch vfpv2 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device runs on the vfpv2 fpu architecture 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/platform core fpu arch vfpv3 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device runs on the vfpv3 fpu architecture 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/platform native api version domstring the version of the native api in the [major] [minor] format for example, 1 0 represents a native api version where the major version is 1 and the minor version is 0 if a device doesn't provide tizen native api, it returns an empty string "" 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/platform native osp_compatible boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the bada compatibility mode 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/platform version domstring the version of the platform in the [major] [minor] [patch version] format for example, 1 0 0 represents a platform version where the major version is 1 and the minor and build versions are 0 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/platform web api version domstring the version of the web api in the [major] [minor] format for example, 1 0 represents a web api version where the major version is 1 and the minor version is 0 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/platform version name domstring the platform return the platform version name e g tizen 2 0 magnolia, tizen 2 1 nectarine 2 3 the following table lists the profile feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/profile systeminfoprofile the platform returns a compliant device profile such as "mobile", "wearable" for this key 2 2 1 the following table lists the sensor feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/sensor accelerometer boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the acceleration sensor 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor accelerometer wakeup boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/sensor accelerometer key, if the device supports the wake-up operation by the acceleration sensor 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor activity_recognition boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports activity recognition 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/sensor barometer boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the barometer pressure sensor 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor barometer wakeup boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/sensor barometer key, if the device supports the wake-up operation by the barometer sensor 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor gesture_recognition boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the gesture recognition 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/sensor gravity boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports gravity 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/sensor gyroscope boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports gyroscope 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor gyroscope_rotation_vector boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports gyroscope rotation vector 3 0 http //tizen org/feature/sensor gyroscope wakeup boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/sensor gyroscope key, if the device supports the wake-up operation by the gyro sensor 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor heart_rate_monitor boolean the platform returns true for this key if the device supports hrm 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/sensor heart_rate_monitor led_green boolean the platform returns true for this key if the device supports green light spectrum 2 3 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor heart_rate_monitor led_ir boolean the platform returns true for this key if the device supports infrared spectrum 2 3 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor heart_rate_monitor led_red boolean the platform returns true for this key if the device supports red light spectrum 2 3 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor humidity boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the humidity sensor 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/sensor linear_acceleration boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the linear acceleration sensor 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/sensor magnetometer boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the magnetic sensor 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor magnetometer wakeup boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/sensor magnetometer key, if the device supports the wake-up operation by the magnetic sensor 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor pedometer boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports pedometer 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/sensor photometer boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the photometer sensor 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor photometer wakeup boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/sensor photometer key, if the device supports the wake-up operation by the photo sensor 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor proximity boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the proximity sensor 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor proximity wakeup boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/sensor proximity key, if the device supports the wake-up operation by the proximity sensor 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor rotation_vector boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the rotation vector sensor 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/sensor sleep_monitor boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports sleep_monitor 3 0 http //tizen org/feature/sensor temperature boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the temperature sensor 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/sensor tiltmeter boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the tilt sensor 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor tiltmeter wakeup boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/sensor tiltmeter key, if the device supports the wake-up operation by the tilt sensor 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor ultraviolet boolean the platform returns true for this key if the device supports ultraviolet sensor 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/sensor wrist_up boolean the platform returns true for this key if the device supports wrist_up 2 3 the following table lists the screen feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/screen boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device has a display screen 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/screen auto_rotation boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports screen auto-rotation 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen bpp long the platform returns the number of bits per pixel supported by the device for this key the value depends on the screen, and is typically 8, 16, 24, or 32 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen coordinate_system size large boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the large screen size for the coordinate system 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen coordinate_system size normal boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the normal screen size for the coordinate system 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen dpi long the platform returns the number of dots per inch supported by the device for this key 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen height long the platform returns the height of the screen in pixels supported by the device for this key 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen output hdmi boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports hdmi output 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen output rca boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports rca output 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen shape circle boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports a circular shaped screen 2 3 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen shape rectangle boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports a rectangular shaped screen 2 3 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen size all boolean the platform can return true if the device supports any of screen sizes and resolutions if the device has a display screen, it returns true 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen size large boolean the platform can return true if the device supports the large screen size 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen size normal boolean the platform can return true the device supports the normal screen size 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen size normal 240 400 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the 240 x 400 resolution for the normal screen size the platform can return true for multiple resolution keys 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen size normal 320 320 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the 320 x 320 resolution for the normal screen size the platform can return true for multiple resolution keys 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/screen size normal 320 480 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the 320 x 480 resolution for the normal screen size the platform can return true for multiple resolution keys 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen size normal 360 360 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the 360 x 360 resolution for the normal screen size the platform can return true for multiple resolution keys 2 3 2 http //tizen org/feature/screen size normal 360 480 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the 360 x 480 resolution for the normal screen size the platform can return true for multiple resolution keys 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/screen size normal 480 800 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the 480 x 800 resolution for the normal screen size the platform can return true for multiple resolution keys 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen size normal 540 960 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the 540 x 960 resolution for the normal screen size the platform can return true for multiple resolution keys 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen size normal 600 1024 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the 600 x 1024 resolution for the normal screen size the platform can return true for multiple resolution keys 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen size normal 720 1280 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the 720 x 1280 resolution for the normal screen size the platform can return true for multiple resolution keys 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen size normal 1080 1920 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the 1080 x 1920 resolution for the normal screen size the platform can return true for multiple resolution keys 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen width long the platform returns the width of the screen in pixels supported by the device for this key 2 2 1 the following table lists the shell dynamic box feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/shell appwidget boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the widget since 2 3 1, this key indicates only native widget 2 2 1 the following table lists the sip feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/sip voip boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the voice over internet protocol voip 2 2 1 the following table lists the speech feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/speech recognition boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports speech recognition stt 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/speech synthesis boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports speech synthesis tts 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/speech control boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports speech control 4 0 the following table lists the tv feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/tv audio boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports control of tv audio if it is true, tvaudiocontrol api is supported 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/tv display boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports getting information about the effects of stereoscopy 3d mode if it is true, tv display control api is supported 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/tv inputdevice boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports receiving key events generated when the user presses a key of an input device for example a tv remote control if it is true, tv input device api is supported 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/tv pip boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports control of tv window e g main window, pip window if it is true, tv window api is supported 2 3 the following table lists the usb feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/usb accessory boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the usb client or accessory mode 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/usb host boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the usb host mode 2 2 1 the following table lists the vision feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/vision face_recognition boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports face recognition 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/vision image_recognition boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports image recognition 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/vision qrcode_generation boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports qr code generation 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/vision qrcode_recognition boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports qr code recognition 2 2 1 the following table lists the web service model feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/web service boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the web service model 2 3 the following table lists the build information key key type description version http //tizen org/system/build date domstring the platform returns the build date the format yyyy mm dd 2 3 http //tizen org/system/build string domstring the platform returns the build string including build date and time 2 3 http //tizen org/system/build time domstring the platform returns the build time the format hh mm ss 2 3 http //tizen org/system/manufacturer domstring the platform returns the device manufacturer's name 2 3 http //tizen org/system/build release domstring the platform returns the build version information the build version information is made when the platform image is created 3 0 http //tizen org/system/build type domstring the platform returns the build type, such as "user" or "eng" the build type is made when the platform image is created 3 0 http //tizen org/system/build variant domstring the platform returns the variant release information the variant release information is made when the platform image is created 3 0 http //tizen org/system/build id domstring the platform returns the build id the build id is made when the platform image is created 3 0 the following table lists the model name key key type description version http //tizen org/system/model_name domstring the platform returns the model name 2 3 the following table lists the platform system keys key type description version http //tizen org/system/platform communication_processor domstring the platform returns the device communication processor name 2 3 http //tizen org/system/platform name domstring the platform returns the platform name it must be tizen 2 2 1 http //tizen org/system/platform processor domstring the platform returns the device processor name 2 3 the following table lists the tizen id system key key type description version http //tizen org/system/tizenid domstring the platform returns the tizen id it is a randomly generated value based on the model name 2 3
Develop Smart TV
apibilling api to use samsung product api, <script type="text/javascript" src="$webapis/webapis/webapis js"></script> should be loaded in index html this module defines the billing samsung checkout functionalities provided by the tizen samsung product api since 2 4 product tv privilege level public privilege http //developer samsung com/privilege/billing summary of interfaces and methods interface method billingmanagerobject billingmanager void buyitem domstring appid, tvservertype servertype, domstring paymentdetails, billingbuydatasuccesscallback onsuccess, optional errorcallback? onerror ;void getproductslist domstring appid, domstring countrycode, domstring pagesize, domstring pagenumber, domstring checkvalue, tvservertype servertype, billingproductslistcallback onsuccess, optional errorcallback? onerror ;void applyinvoice domstring appid, domstring customid, domstring invoiceid, domstring countrycode, tvservertype servertype, billingapplyinvoicecallback onsuccess, optional errorcallback? onerror ;void verifyinvoice domstring appid, domstring customid, domstring invoiceid, domstring countrycode, tvservertype servertype, billingverifyinvoicecallback onsuccess, optional errorcallback? onerror ;void getservicecountryavailability domstring appid, domstring[] countrycodes, domstring checkvalue, tvservertype servertype, billinggetservicecountryavailabilitycallback onsuccess, optional errorcallback? onerror ;void getuserpurchaselist domstring appid, domstring customid, domstring countrycode, domstring pagenumber, domstring checkvalue, tvservertype servertype, billinggetuserpurchaselistcallback onsuccess, optional errorcallback? onerror ;void cancelsubscription domstring appid, domstring invoiceid, domstring customid, domstring countrycode, tvservertype servertype, billingcancelsubscriptioncallback onsuccess, optional errorcallback? onerror ;void isserviceavailable tvservertype servertype, billingisserviceavailablecallback onsuccess, optional errorcallback? onerror ;domstring getversion ; billingbuydatasuccesscallback void onsuccess billingbuydata data ; billingbuydata billingproductslistcallback void onsuccess productslistdata data ; billingapplyinvoicecallback void onsuccess applyinvoicedata data ; billingverifyinvoicecallback void onsuccess verifyinvoicedata data ; billinggetuserpurchaselistcallback void onsuccess userpurchasedata data ; billinggetservicecountryavailabilitycallback void onsuccess servicecountryavailabilitydata data ; billingcancelsubscriptioncallback void onsuccess cancelsubscriptiondata data ; billingisserviceavailablecallback void onsuccess serviceavailabledata data ; 1 type definitions 1 1 tvservertype specifies billing server types enum tvservertype { "dev", "prd" }; the following values are supported dev staging server prd operating server 1 2 historytype specifies product types for the purchase history enum historytype { "all", "subscription", "non-subscription" }; the following values are supported all all product types this type is not supported since 2019 product subscription subscription products only non-subscription non-subscription products only 1 3 productslistdata defines a dictionary for product list data returned by the getproductslist api dictionary productslistdata { domstring apiresult; }; the following values are supported apiresult getproductslist api result dictionary in json format this value is json string type data, so please use it by json parsing after you parse this value, you can use it in productslistapiresult format at the below 1 4 productslistapiresult defines a dictionary for the productslistdata dictionary apiresult parameter dictionary productslistapiresult { domstring cpstatus; domstring? cpresult; long totalcount; domstring checkvalue; itemdetails[]? itemdetails; }; the following values are supported cpstatus dpi result code returns "100000" on success and other codes on failure cpresult [optional] optional additional message "eof" last page of the product list "hasnext true" product list has further pages other error message, depending on the dpi result code totalcount total number of invoices checkvalue security check value itemdetails [optional] optional dictionary in json format 1 5 itemdetails defines a dictionary for the productslistapiresult dictionary 'itemdetails' parameter dictionary itemdetails { long seq; domstring itemid; domstring itemtitle; long itemtype; long? period; long price; domstring currencyid; productsubscriptioninfo? subscriptioninfo; }; the following values are supported seq sequence number 1 ~ totalcount itemid product id itemtitle product name itemtype product type "1" consumable "2" non-consumable "3" limited-period "4" subscription period [optional] limited period product duration, in minutes price product price, in "xxxx yy" format currencyid currency code subscriptioninfo [optional] subscription information mandatory for subscription products 1 6 productsubscriptioninfo defines a dictionary for the itemdetails dictionary 'subscriptioninfo' parameter dictionary productsubscriptioninfo { domstring paymentcycleperiod; long paymentcyclefrq; long paymentcycle; }; the following values are supported paymentcycleperiod subscription payment period "d" days "w" weeks "m" months paymentcyclefrq payment cycle frequency paymentcycle number of payment cycles 1 7 applyinvoicedata defines a dictionary for data returned by the applyinvoice api dictionary applyinvoicedata { domstring apiresult; }; the following values are supported apiresult applyinvoice api result dictionary in json format this value is json string type data, so please use it by json parsing after you parse this value, you can use it in applyinvoiceapiresult format at the below 1 8 applyinvoiceapiresult defines a dictionary for the applyinvoicedata dictionary 'apiresult' parameter dictionary applyinvoiceapiresult { domstring cpstatus; domstring? cpresult; domstring appliedtime; }; the following values are supported cpstatus dpi result code returns "100000" on success and other codes on failure cpresult [optional] optional additional message "success" other error message, depending on the dpi result code appliedtime time product applied, in 14-digit utc time 1 9 verifyinvoicedata defines a dictionary for data returned by the verifyinvoice api dictionary verifyinvoicedata { domstring apiresult; }; the following values are supported apiresult verifyinvoice api result dictionary in json format this value is json string type data, so please use it by json parsing after you parse this value, you can use it in verifyinvoiceapiresult format at the below 1 10 verifyinvoiceapiresult defines a dictionary for the verifyinvoicedata dictionary 'apiresult' parameter dictionary verifyinvoiceapiresult { domstring cpstatus; domstring? cpresult; domstring appid; domstring invoiceid; }; the following values are supported cpstatus dpi result code returns "100000" on success and other codes on failure cpresult [optional] optional additional message "success" other error message, depending on the dpi result code appid application id invoiceid invoice id that you want to verify whether a purchase was successful 1 11 userpurchasedata defines a dictionary for data returned by the getuserpurchaselist api dictionary userpurchasedata { domstring apiresult; }; the following values are supported apiresult getuserpurchaselist api result dictionary in json format this value is json string type data, so please use it by json parsing after you parse this value, you can use it in getuserpurchaselistapiresult format at the below 1 12 getuserpurchaselistapiresult defines a dictionary for the userpurchasedata dictionary 'apiresult' parameter dictionary getuserpurchaselistapiresult { domstring cpstatus; domstring? cpresult; long totalcount; domstring checkvalue; invoicedetails[]? invoicedetails; }; the following values are supported cpstatus it returns "100000" in success, [errorcode] in failure refer to dpi error code cpresult [optional] optional additional message "eof" last page of the product list "hasnext true" product list has further pages other error message, depending on the dpi result code totalcount total number of invoices checkvalue security check value invoicedetails [optional] optional dictionary in json format 1 13 invoicedetails defines a dictionary for the getuserpurchaselistapiresult dictionary 'invoicedetails' parameter dictionary invoicedetails { long seq; domstring invoiceid; domstring itemid; domstring itemtitle; long itemtype; domstring ordertime; long? period; long price; domstring ordercurrencyid; boolean cancelstatus; boolean appliedstatus; domstring? appliedtime; domstring? limitendtime; domstring? remaintime; purchasesubscriptioninfo? subscriptioninfo; }; the following values are supported seq sequence number 1 ~ totalcount invoiceid invoice id of this purchase history itemid product id itemtitle product name itemtype product type "1" consumable "2" non-consumable "3" limited-period "4" subscription ordertime payment time, in 14-digit utc time period [optional] limited period product duration, in minutes price product price, in "xxxx yy" format ordercurrencyid currency code cancelstatus cancellation status "true" sale canceled "false" sale ongoing appliedstatus product application status "true" applied "false" not applied appliedtime [optional] time product applied, in 14-digit utc time limitendtime [optional] limited period product end time, in 14-digit utc time remaintime [optional] limited period product time remaining, in seconds subscriptioninfo [optional] subscription information mandatory for subscription products 1 14 purchasesubscriptioninfo defines a dictionary for the invoicedetails dictionary 'subscriptioninfo' parameter dictionary purchasesubscriptioninfo { domstring subscriptionid; domstring subsstarttime; domstring subsendtime; domstring subsstatus; }; the following values are supported subscriptionid id of subscription history subsstarttime subscription start time, in 14-digit utc time subsendtime subscription expiry time, in 14-digit utc time subsstatus subscription status "00" active "01" subscription expired "02" canceled by buyer "03" canceled for payment failure "04" canceled by cp "05" canceled by admin 1 15 servicecountryavailabilitydata defines a dictionary for data returned by the getservicecountryavailability api dictionary servicecountryavailabilitydata { domstring apiresult; }; the following values are supported apiresult getservicecountryavailability api result dictionary in json format this value is json string type data, so please use it by json parsing after you parse this value, you can use it in getuserpurchaselistapiresult format at the below 1 16 getservicecountryavailabilityapiresult defines a dictionary for the servicecountryavailabilitydata dictionary 'apiresult' parameter dictionary getservicecountryavailabilityapiresult { domstring cpstatus; domstring? cpresult; countries[]? countryavailability; }; the following values are supported cpstatus it returns "100000" in success, [errorcode] in failure refer to dpi error code cpresult [optional] returns "success" on success countryavailability [optional] list of countries with information of service availability 1 17 countries defines a dictionary for the getservicecountryavailabilityapiresult dictionary 'countryavailability' parameter dictionary countries { domstring countrycode; boolean isbillingsupported; }; the following values are supported countrycode countrycode to check service availability isbillingsupported status "true" service is available "false" service is not available 1 18 cancelsubscriptiondata defines a dictionary for subscription cancellation data returned by the cancelsubscription api dictionary cancelsubscriptiondata { domstring apiresult; }; the following values are supported apiresult cancelsubscription api result dictionary in json format this value is json string type data, so please use it by json parsing after you parse this value, you can use it in cancelsubscriptionapiresult format at the below 1 19 cancelsubscriptionapiresult defines a dictionary for the cancelsubscriptiondata dictionary apiresult parameter dictionary cancelsubscriptionapiresult { domstring cpstatus; domstring? cpresult; domstring invoiceid; domstring? subscanceltime; domstring? subsstatus; }; the following values are supported cpstatus dpi result code returns "100000" on success and other codes on failure cpresult [optional] optional additional message "success" other error message, depending on the dpi result code invoiceid invoice id of subscription that you want to cancel subscanceltime [optional] optional time subscription canceled, in 14-digit utc time subsstatus [optional] optional subscription status "00" active "01" subscription expired "02" canceled by buyer "03" canceled for payment failure "04" canceled by cp "05" canceled by admin 1 20 showregisterpromotionalcodedata this defines data set that is coming from showregisterpromotionalcode api dictionary showregisterpromotionalcodedata { domstring opendeeplinkresult; domstring opendeeplinkdetail; }; the following values are supported opendeeplinkresult it returns "success" in success, "fail" in failure opendeeplinkdetail it returns the detail information of coupon or gift card it is a dictionary in json format, so you have to parse it to use for more information, please refer to "promotionalcodedetail" at the below 1 21 promotionalcodedetail this defines data set of promotionalcodedetail parameter that contains showregisterpromotionalcodedata dictionary dictionary promotionalcodedetail { domstring appliedcouponcount; domstring[] appliedcouponlist; domstring registedbenefitcount; domstring[] registedbenefitlist; }; the following values are supported appliedcouponcount it returns the number of applied coupon count appliedcouponlist it returns the list of applied coupon registedbenefitcount it returns the number of benefit registedbenefitlist it returns the list of benefit code 1 22 showregistercreditcarddata this defines data set that is coming from showregistercreditcard api dictionary showregistercreditcarddata { domstring opendeeplinkresult; domstring? opendeeplinkdetail; }; the following values are supported opendeeplinkresult it returns "success" in success, "fail" in failure opendeeplinkdetail [optional] it is optional and not used now 1 23 showpurchasehistorydata this defines data set that is coming from showpurchaseshistory api dictionary showpurchasehistorydata { domstring opendeeplinkresult; domstring opendeeplinkdetail; }; the following values are supported opendeeplinkresult it returns "success" in success, "fail" in failure opendeeplinkdetail it returns the detail information of refund or cancel it is a dictionary in json format, so you have to parse it to use for more information, please refer to "purchasehistorydetail" at the below 1 24 purchasehistorydetail this defines data set of purchasehistorydetail parameter that contains showpurchasehistorydata dictionary dictionary purchasehistorydetail { domstring invoicerefundcount; domstring[] invoicerefundlist; domstring subscriptioncancelcount; domstring[] subscriptioncancellist; }; the following values are supported invoicerefundcount it returns the number of product that user make refunded invoicerefundlist it returns array that contains the list of refunded invoice id subscriptioncancelcount it returns the number of subscription product that user make cancelled subscriptioncancellist it returns array that contains the list of cancelled subscription 1 25 serviceavailabledata defines a dictionary for data returned by the isserviceavailable api dictionary serviceavailabledata { domstring apiresult; }; the following values are supported apiresult isserviceavailable api result dictionary in json format this value is json string type data, so please use it by json parsing after you parse this value, you can use it in serviceavailableapiresult format at the below 1 26 serviceavailableapiresult defines a dictionary for the serviceavailabledata dictionary 'apiresult' parameter dictionary serviceavailableapiresult { domstring status; domstring result; domstring serviceyn; }; the following values are supported status returns "100000" on success and other codes on failure result returns "success" on success serviceyn returns "y" if the service is available 2 interfaces 2 1 billingmanagerobject defines a webapi object instance of the tizen samsung product api the webapis billing object enables access to billing api functionality [nointerfaceobject] interface billingmanagerobject { readonly attribute billingmanager billing; }; webapi implements billingmanagerobject; since 2 4 attributes readonly billingmanager billing billing api namespace 2 2 billingmanager provides methods for billing functionalities [nointerfaceobject] interface billingmanager { void buyitem domstring appid, tvservertype servertype, domstring paymentdetails, billingbuydatasuccesscallback onsuccess, optional errorcallback? onerror ; void getproductslist domstring appid, domstring countrycode, domstring pagesize, domstring pagenumber, domstring checkvalue, tvservertype servertype, billingproductslistcallback onsuccess, optional errorcallback? onerror ; void applyinvoice domstring appid, domstring customid, domstring invoiceid, domstring countrycode, tvservertype servertype, billingapplyinvoicecallback onsuccess, optional errorcallback? onerror ; void verifyinvoice domstring appid, domstring customid, domstring invoiceid, domstring countrycode, tvservertype servertype, billingverifyinvoicecallback onsuccess, optional errorcallback? onerror ; void getservicecountryavailability domstring appid, domstring[] countrycodes, domstring checkvalue, tvservertype servertype, billinggetservicecountryavailabilitycallback onsuccess, optional errorcallback? onerror ; void getuserpurchaselist domstring appid, domstring customid, domstring countrycode, domstring pagenumber, domstring checkvalue, tvservertype servertype, billinggetuserpurchaselistcallback onsuccess, optional errorcallback? onerror ; void cancelsubscription domstring appid, domstring invoiceid, domstring customid, domstring countrycode, tvservertype servertype, billingcancelsubscriptioncallback onsuccess, optional errorcallback? onerror ; void isserviceavailable tvservertype servertype, billingisserviceavailablecallback onsuccess, optional errorcallback? onerror ; domstring getversion ; }; methods buyitem enables implementing the samsung checkout client module within the application after authenticating the purchase information through the application, the user can proceed to purchase payment void buyitem domstring appid, tvservertype servertype, domstring paymentdetails, billingbuydatasuccesscallback onsuccess, optional errorcallback? onerror ; product tv privilege level public privilege http //developer samsung com/privilege/billing parameters appid application id servertype billing server type paymentdetails payment parameters orderitemid[mandatory]/ordertitle[mandatory]/ordertotal[mandatory]/ordercurrencyid[mandatory]/orderid[optional]/ordercustomid[mandatory] onsuccess returns "payresult" and "paydetail" if there is no internal error occurs until client to server data communication payresult, can still contains error when billing server confirms that the given parameters does not have expected value or have problem while processing it paydetail, can have additional data when it's returned, such as invoiceid please refer to the development guide of "buyitem" for details onerror [optional][nullable] optional callback method to invoke if an internal error occurs before the client to server data communication securityerror, if the application does not have the privilege to call this method unknownerror, if other error occur, such as internal error or "billing client already running" error exceptions webapiexception with error type typemismatcherror, if any of input parameter is not compatible with its expected type with error type invalidvalueserror, if servertype contains an invalid value since 2 4 code example var strappid = ""; var struid = webapis sso getloginuid ; var paymentdetails = new object ; paymentdetails orderitemid="pid_2_consum_cupn"; paymentdetails ordertitle="hello consum us coupon"; paymentdetails ordertotal="2"; paymentdetails ordercurrencyid="usd"; paymentdetails ordercustomid=struid; var stringifyresult = json stringify paymentdetails ; var onsuccess = function data {}; var onerror = function error {}; webapis billing buyitem strappid, "dev", stringifyresult, onsuccess, onerror ; getproductslist retrieves the list of products registered on the billing dpi server void getproductslist domstring appid, domstring countrycode, domstring pagesize, domstring pagenumber, domstring checkvalue, tvservertype servertype, billingproductslistcallback onsuccess, optional errorcallback? onerror ; product tv privilege level public privilege http //developer samsung com/privilege/billing parameters appid application id countrycode tv country code pagesize number of products retrieved per page maximum 100 pagenumber requested page number 1 ~ n checkvalue security check value required parameters = "appid" + "countrycode" the check value is used by the dpi service to verify api requests it is a base64 hash generated by applying the hmac sha256 algorithm on a concatenated string of parameters using the dpi security key you can see the example how to generate checkvalue from the following code example you can use any open library to generate the hmac sha256 hash the following example uses the cryptojs library servertype billing server type onsuccess returns the product list if there is no internal error occurs until client to server data communication apiresult, can still contains error when billing server confirms that the given parameters does not have expected value or have problem while processing it when cpstatus value from apiresult is "100000", it means server communication is done properly and other values are valid in returns onerror [optional][nullable] optional callback method to invoke if an internal error occurs before the client to server data communication securityerror, if the application does not have the privilege to call this method unknownerror, if any other error occurs exceptions webapiexception with error type typemismatcherror, if any of input parameter is not compatible with its expected type with error type invalidvalueserror, if servertype contains an invalid value since 4 0 code example var strsecuritykey = ""; // the dpi security key is issued at the dpi portal var strappid = ""; var strcountrycode = webapis productinfo getsystemconfig webapis productinfo productinfoconfigkey config_key_service_country ; var reqparams = strappid + strcountrycode; var hash = cryptojs hmacsha256 reqparams, strsecuritykey ; var strcheckvalue = cryptojs enc base64 stringify hash ; var onsuccess = function data {}; var onerror = function error {}; webapis billing getproductslist strappid, strcountrycode, "100", "1", strcheckvalue, "dev", onsuccess, onerror ; applyinvoice updates the apply status of purchase item to dpi server void applyinvoice domstring appid, domstring customid, domstring invoiceid, domstring countrycode, tvservertype servertype, billingapplyinvoicecallback onsuccess, optional errorcallback? onerror ; product tv privilege level public privilege http //developer samsung com/privilege/billing parameters appid application id customid same value as "ordercustomid" parameter for the buyitem api samsung account uid invoiceid invoice id of purchased item that you want to update apply status countrycode tv country code servertype billing server type onsuccess returns purchase apply status if there is no internal error occurs until client to server data communication apiresult, can still contains error when billing server confirms that the given parameters does not have expected value or have problem while processing it when cpstatus value from apiresult is "100000", it means server communication is done properly and other values are valid in returns onerror [optional][nullable] optional callback method to invoke if an internal error occurs before the client to server data communication securityerror, if the application does not have the privilege to call this method unknownerror, if any other error occurs exceptions webapiexception with error type typemismatcherror, if any of input parameter is not compatible with its expected type with error type invalidvalueserror, if servertype contains an invalid value since 4 0 code example var strappid = ""; var struid = webapis sso getloginuid ; var invoiceid = ""; // issued by getproductslist var strcountrycode = webapis productinfo getsystemconfig webapis productinfo productinfoconfigkey config_key_service_country ; var onsuccess = function data {}; var onerror = function error {}; webapis billing applyinvoice strappid, struid, invoiceid, strcountrycode, "dev", onsuccess, onerror ; verifyinvoice checks whether a purchase, corresponding to a specific "invoiceid", was successful void verifyinvoice domstring appid, domstring customid, domstring invoiceid, domstring countrycode, tvservertype servertype, billingverifyinvoicecallback onsuccess, optional errorcallback? onerror ; product tv privilege level public privilege http //developer samsung com/privilege/billing parameters appid application id customid same value as "ordercustomid" parameter for the buyitem api samsung account uid invoiceid invoice id that you want to verify whether a purchase was successful countrycode tv country code servertype billing server type onsuccess returns the payment status if there is no internal error occurs until client to server data communication apiresult, can still contains error when billing server confirms that the given parameters does not have expected value or have problem while processing it when cpstatus value from apiresult is "100000", it means server communication is done properly and other values are valid in returns onerror [optional][nullable] optional callback method to invoke if an internal error occurs before the client to server data communication securityerror, if the application does not have the privilege to call this method unknownerror, if any other error occurs exceptions webapiexception with error type typemismatcherror, if any of input parameter is not compatible with its expected type with error type invalidvalueserror, if servertype contains an invalid value since 4 0 code example var strappid = ""; var struid = webapis sso getloginuid ; var invoiceid = ""; // issued by getproductslist var strcountrycode = webapis productinfo getsystemconfig webapis productinfo productinfoconfigkey config_key_service_country ; var onsuccess = function data {}; var onerror = function error {}; webapis billing verifyinvoice strappid, struid, invoiceid, strcountrycode, "dev", onsuccess, onerror ; getservicecountryavailability get service country availability for samsung checkout void getservicecountryavailability domstring appid, domstring[] countrycodes, domstring checkvalue, tvservertype servertype, billinggetservicecountryavailabilitycallback onsuccess, optional errorcallback? onerror ; product tv privilege level public privilege http //developer samsung com/privilege/billing parameters appid application id countrycodes to check multiple countrycodes available add as array, only uppercase allowed ex countrycodes=["de","us","kr"] checkvalue security check value required parameters = "appid" + "countrycodes" the check value is used by the dpi service to verify api requests it is a base64 hash generated by applying the hmac sha256 algorithm on a concatenated string of parameters using the dpi security key you can see the example how to generate checkvalue from the following code example you can use any open library to generate the hmac sha256 hash the following example uses the cryptojs library servertype billing server type onsuccess returns the service availability status of each country if there is no internal error occurs until client to server data communication apiresult, can still contains error when billing server confirms that the given parameters does not have expected value or have problem while processing it when cpstatus value from apiresult is "100000", it means server communication is done properly and other values are valid in returns onerror [optional][nullable] optional callback method to invoke if an internal error occurs before the client to server data communication securityerror, if the application does not have the privilege to call this method unknownerror, if any other error occurs exceptions webapiexception with error type typemismatcherror, if any of input parameter is not compatible with its expected type with error type invalidvalueserror, if servertype contains an invalid value since 5 5 code example var strsecuritykey = ""; // the dpi security key is issued at the dpi portal var strappid = ""; var countrycodes = ["de","us","kr"]; var reqparams = strappid + "deuskr"; var hash = cryptojs hmacsha256 reqparams, strsecuritykey ; var strcheckvalue = cryptojs enc base64 stringify hash ; var onsuccess = function data {}; var onerror = function error {}; webapis billing getservicecountryavailability strappid, countrycodes, strcheckvalue, "dev", onsuccess, onerror ; getuserpurchaselist retrieves the user's purchase list void getuserpurchaselist domstring appid, domstring customid, domstring countrycode, domstring pagenumber, domstring checkvalue, tvservertype servertype, billinggetuserpurchaselistcallback onsuccess, optional errorcallback? onerror ; product tv privilege level public privilege http //developer samsung com/privilege/billing parameters appid application id customid same value as "ordercustomid" parameter for the buyitem api samsung account uid countrycode tv country code pagenumber requested page number 1 ~ n checkvalue security check value required parameters = "appid" + "customid" + "countrycode" + "itemtype" + "pagenumber" itemtype, must use 2 as value "all items" the check value is used by the dpi service to verify api requests it is a base64 hash generated by applying the hmac sha256 algorithm on a concatenated string of parameters using the dpi security key you can see the example how to generate checkvalue from the following code example you can use any open library to generate the hmac sha256 hash the following example uses the cryptojs library servertype billing server type onsuccess returns the purchase list if there is no internal error occurs until client to server data communication apiresult, can still contains error when billing server confirms that the given parameters does not have expected value or have problem while processing it when cpstatus value from apiresult is "100000", it means server communication is done properly and other values are valid in returns onerror [optional][nullable] optional callback method to invoke if an internal error occurs before the client to server data communication securityerror, if the application does not have the privilege to call this method unknownerror, if any other error occurs exceptions webapiexception with error type typemismatcherror, if any of input parameter is not compatible with its expected type with error type invalidvalueserror, if servertype contains an invalid value since 4 0 code example var strsecuritykey = ""; // the dpi security key is issued at the dpi portal var strappid = ""; var struid = webapis sso getloginuid ; var strcountrycode = webapis productinfo getsystemconfig webapis productinfo productinfoconfigkey config_key_service_country ; var strpagenumber = "1"; var reqparams = strappid + struid + strcountrycode + "2" + strpagenumber; var hash = cryptojs hmacsha256 reqparams, strsecuritykey ; var strcheckvalue = cryptojs enc base64 stringify hash ; var onsuccess = function data {}; var onerror = function error {}; webapis billing getuserpurchaselist strappid, struid, strcountrycode, strpagenumber, strcheckvalue, "dev", onsuccess, onerror ; cancelsubscription cancels a subscription product void cancelsubscription domstring appid, domstring invoiceid, domstring customid, domstring countrycode, tvservertype servertype, billingcancelsubscriptioncallback onsuccess, optional errorcallback? onerror ; product tv privilege level public privilege http //developer samsung com/privilege/billing parameters appid application id invoiceid invoice id of subscription that you want to cancel customid same value as "ordercustomid" parameter for the buyitem api samsung account uid countrycode tv country code servertype billing server type onsuccess returns the subscription cancellation status if there is no internal error occurs until client to server data communication apiresult, can still contains error when billing server confirms that the given parameters does not have expected value or have problem while processing it when cpstatus value from apiresult is "100000", it means server communication is done properly and other values are valid in returns onerror [optional][nullable] optional callback method to invoke if an error occurs before the client to server data communication securityerror, if the application does not have the privilege to call this method unknownerror, if any other error occurs exceptions webapiexception with error type typemismatcherror, if any of input parameter is not compatible with its expected type with error type invalidvalueserror, if servertype contains an invalid value since 4 0 code example var strappid = ""; var struid = webapis sso getloginuid ; var invoiceid = ""; // issued by getproductslist var strcountrycode = webapis productinfo getsystemconfig webapis productinfo productinfoconfigkey config_key_service_country ; var onsuccess = function data {}; var onerror = function error {}; webapis billing cancelsubscription strappid, invoiceid, struid , strcountrycode , "dev", onsuccess, onerror ; isserviceavailable checks whether the billing server is available however, this api will be replaced by getservicecountryavailability after deprecation void isserviceavailable tvservertype servertype, billingisserviceavailablecallback onsuccess, optional errorcallback? onerror ; product tv privilege level public privilege http //developer samsung com/privilege/billing parameters servertype billing server onsuccess returns the server availability onerror [optional][nullable] optional callback method to invoke if an internal error occurs before the client to server data communication securityerror, if the application does not have the privilege to call this method unknownerror, if any other error occurs exceptions webapiexception with error type typemismatcherror, if any of input parameter is not compatible with its expected type with error type invalidvalueserror, if any input parameter contains an invalid value since 4 0 deprecated 5 5 code example var onsuccess = function data {}; var onerror = function error {}; webapis billing isserviceavailable "dev", onsuccess, onerror getversion retrieves the billing api version domstring getversion ; product tv privilege level public privilege http //developer samsung com/privilege/billing return value domstring billing api version exceptions webapiexception with error type securityerror, if the application does not have the privilege to call this method with error type notsupportederror, if this feature is not supported with error type unknownerror, for any other error since 4 0 code example var version = webapis billing getversion ; 2 3 billingbuydatasuccesscallback defines the payment success callback [callback = functiononly, nointerfaceobject] interface billingbuydatasuccesscallback { void onsuccess billingbuydata data ; }; methods onsuccess callback method returning the payment status void onsuccess billingbuydata data ; privilege level public privilege http //developer samsung com/privilege/billing parameters data payment status code example void onsuccess data { if data payresult == 'success' { // implement success logic } else { // implement cancel or fail logic } } 2 4 billingbuydata defines the payment result and information [nointerfaceobject] interface billingbuydata { attribute domstring payresult; attribute domstring paydetail; }; attributes domstring payresult payment result domstring paydetail payment information it is same with paymentdetails param of buyitem 2 5 billingproductslistcallback defines the product list success callback [callback = functiononly, nointerfaceobject] interface billingproductslistcallback { void onsuccess productslistdata data ; }; methods onsuccess callback method returning the product list request status void onsuccess productslistdata data ; privilege level public privilege http //developer samsung com/privilege/billing parameters data it includes getproductlist api result but you can't use it as it is you have to parse it as json format data code example void onsuccess data { var resproductslist = json parse data apiresult ; if resproductslist cpstatus == "100000" { // implement success logic } else { // implement cancel or fail logic } } 2 6 billingapplyinvoicecallback defines the apply invoice success callback [callback = functiononly, nointerfaceobject] interface billingapplyinvoicecallback { void onsuccess applyinvoicedata data ; }; methods onsuccess callback method returning the apply invoice request status void onsuccess applyinvoicedata data ; privilege level public privilege http //developer samsung com/privilege/billing parameters data it includes applyinvoice api result but you can't use it as it is you have to parse it as json format data code example void onsuccess data { resapplyproduct = json parse data apiresult ; if resapplyproduct cpstatus == "100000" { // implement success logic } else { // implement cancel or fail logic } } 2 7 billingverifyinvoicecallback defines the payment verification success callback [callback = functiononly, nointerfaceobject] interface billingverifyinvoicecallback { void onsuccess verifyinvoicedata data ; }; methods onsuccess callback method returning the payment verification request status void onsuccess verifyinvoicedata data ; privilege level public privilege http //developer samsung com/privilege/billing parameters data it includes verifyinvoice api result but you can't use it as it is you have to parse it as json format data code example void onsuccess data { resverifypurchase = json parse data apiresult ; if resverifypurchase cpstatus == "100000" { // implement success logic } else { // implement cancel or fail logic } } 2 8 billinggetuserpurchaselistcallback defines the purchase history success callback [callback = functiononly, nointerfaceobject] interface billinggetuserpurchaselistcallback { void onsuccess userpurchasedata data ; }; methods onsuccess callback method returning the purchase history request status void onsuccess userpurchasedata data ; privilege level public privilege http //developer samsung com/privilege/billing parameters data it includes getuserpurchaselist api result but you can't use it as it is you have to parse it as json format data code example void onsuccess data { respurchaseslist = json parse data apiresult ; if respurchaseslist cpstatus == "100000" { // implement success logic } else { // implement cancel or fail logic } } 2 9 billinggetservicecountryavailabilitycallback defines the get service country availability callback [callback = functiononly, nointerfaceobject] interface billinggetservicecountryavailabilitycallback { void onsuccess servicecountryavailabilitydata data ; }; methods onsuccess callback method returning availability of country list status void onsuccess servicecountryavailabilitydata data ; privilege level public privilege http //developer samsung com/privilege/billing parameters data it includes getservicecountryavailability api result but you can't use it as it is you have to parse it as json format data code example void onsuccess data { resservicecountryavailability = json parse data apiresult ; if resservicecountryavailability cpstatus == "100000" { // implement success logic } else { // implement cancel or fail logic } } 2 10 billingcancelsubscriptioncallback defines the subscription cancel success callback [callback = functiononly, nointerfaceobject] interface billingcancelsubscriptioncallback { void onsuccess cancelsubscriptiondata data ; }; methods onsuccess callback method returning the subscription cancel request status void onsuccess cancelsubscriptiondata data ; privilege level public privilege http //developer samsung com/privilege/billing parameters data it includes cancelsubscription api result but you can't use it as it is you have to parse it as json format data code example void onsuccess data { rescancelsubscription = json parse data apiresult ; if rescancelsubscription cpstatus == "100000" { // implement success logic } else { // implement cancel or fail logic } } 2 11 billingisserviceavailablecallback defines the service availability check success callback [callback = functiononly, nointerfaceobject] interface billingisserviceavailablecallback { void onsuccess serviceavailabledata data ; }; deprecated 5 5 methods onsuccess callback method returning the service availability check status void onsuccess serviceavailabledata data ; privilege level public privilege http //developer samsung com/privilege/billing parameters data it includes isserviceavailable api result but you can't use it as it is you have to parse it as json format data code example void onsuccess data { resjson = json parse data apiresult if resjson serviceyn == "y" { // implement success logic } else { // implement cancel or fail logic } } 3 full webidl module billing { enum tvservertype { "dev", "prd" }; enum historytype { "all", "subscription", "non-subscription" }; dictionary productslistdata { domstring apiresult; }; dictionary productslistapiresult { domstring cpstatus; domstring? cpresult; long totalcount; domstring checkvalue; itemdetails[]? itemdetails; }; dictionary itemdetails { long seq; domstring itemid; domstring itemtitle; long itemtype; long? period; long price; domstring currencyid; productsubscriptioninfo? subscriptioninfo; }; dictionary productsubscriptioninfo { domstring paymentcycleperiod; long paymentcyclefrq; long paymentcycle; }; dictionary applyinvoicedata { domstring apiresult; }; dictionary applyinvoiceapiresult { domstring cpstatus; domstring? cpresult; domstring appliedtime; }; dictionary verifyinvoicedata { domstring apiresult; }; dictionary verifyinvoiceapiresult { domstring cpstatus; domstring? cpresult; domstring appid; domstring invoiceid; }; dictionary userpurchasedata { domstring apiresult; }; dictionary getuserpurchaselistapiresult { domstring cpstatus; domstring? cpresult; long totalcount; domstring checkvalue; invoicedetails[]? invoicedetails; }; dictionary invoicedetails { long seq; domstring invoiceid; domstring itemid; domstring itemtitle; long itemtype; domstring ordertime; long? period; long price; domstring ordercurrencyid; boolean cancelstatus; boolean appliedstatus; domstring? appliedtime; domstring? limitendtime; domstring? remaintime; purchasesubscriptioninfo? subscriptioninfo; }; dictionary purchasesubscriptioninfo { domstring subscriptionid; domstring subsstarttime; domstring subsendtime; domstring subsstatus; }; dictionary servicecountryavailabilitydata { domstring apiresult; }; dictionary getservicecountryavailabilityapiresult { domstring cpstatus; domstring? cpresult; countries[]? countryavailability; }; dictionary countries { domstring countrycode; boolean isbillingsupported; }; dictionary cancelsubscriptiondata { domstring apiresult; }; dictionary cancelsubscriptionapiresult { domstring cpstatus; domstring? cpresult; domstring invoiceid; domstring? subscanceltime; domstring? subsstatus; }; dictionary showregisterpromotionalcodedata { domstring opendeeplinkresult; domstring opendeeplinkdetail; }; dictionary promotionalcodedetail { domstring appliedcouponcount; domstring[] appliedcouponlist; domstring registedbenefitcount; domstring[] registedbenefitlist; }; dictionary showregistercreditcarddata { domstring opendeeplinkresult; domstring? opendeeplinkdetail; }; dictionary showpurchasehistorydata { domstring opendeeplinkresult; domstring opendeeplinkdetail; }; dictionary purchasehistorydetail { domstring invoicerefundcount; domstring[] invoicerefundlist; domstring subscriptioncancelcount; domstring[] subscriptioncancellist; }; dictionary serviceavailabledata { domstring apiresult; }; dictionary serviceavailableapiresult { domstring status; domstring result; domstring serviceyn; }; [nointerfaceobject] interface billingmanagerobject { readonly attribute billingmanager billing; }; webapi implements billingmanagerobject; [nointerfaceobject] interface billingmanager { void buyitem domstring appid, tvservertype servertype, domstring paymentdetails, billingbuydatasuccesscallback onsuccess, optional errorcallback? onerror ; void getproductslist domstring appid, domstring countrycode, domstring pagesize, domstring pagenumber, domstring checkvalue, tvservertype servertype, billingproductslistcallback onsuccess, optional errorcallback? onerror ; void applyinvoice domstring appid, domstring customid, domstring invoiceid, domstring countrycode, tvservertype servertype, billingapplyinvoicecallback onsuccess, optional errorcallback? onerror ; void verifyinvoice domstring appid, domstring customid, domstring invoiceid, domstring countrycode, tvservertype servertype, billingverifyinvoicecallback onsuccess, optional errorcallback? onerror ; void getservicecountryavailability domstring appid, domstring[] countrycodes, domstring checkvalue, tvservertype servertype, billinggetservicecountryavailabilitycallback onsuccess, optional errorcallback? onerror ; void getuserpurchaselist domstring appid, domstring customid, domstring countrycode, domstring pagenumber, domstring checkvalue, tvservertype servertype, billinggetuserpurchaselistcallback onsuccess, optional errorcallback? onerror ; void cancelsubscription domstring appid, domstring invoiceid, domstring customid, domstring countrycode, tvservertype servertype, billingcancelsubscriptioncallback onsuccess, optional errorcallback? onerror ; void isserviceavailable tvservertype servertype, billingisserviceavailablecallback onsuccess, optional errorcallback? onerror ; domstring getversion ; }; [callback = functiononly, nointerfaceobject] interface billingbuydatasuccesscallback { void onsuccess billingbuydata data ; }; [nointerfaceobject] interface billingbuydata { attribute domstring payresult; attribute domstring paydetail; }; [callback = functiononly, nointerfaceobject] interface billingproductslistcallback { void onsuccess productslistdata data ; }; [callback = functiononly, nointerfaceobject] interface billingapplyinvoicecallback { void onsuccess applyinvoicedata data ; }; [callback = functiononly, nointerfaceobject] interface billingverifyinvoicecallback { void onsuccess verifyinvoicedata data ; }; [callback = functiononly, nointerfaceobject] interface billinggetuserpurchaselistcallback { void onsuccess userpurchasedata data ; }; [callback = functiononly, nointerfaceobject] interface billinggetservicecountryavailabilitycallback { void onsuccess servicecountryavailabilitydata data ; }; [callback = functiononly, nointerfaceobject] interface billingcancelsubscriptioncallback { void onsuccess cancelsubscriptiondata data ; }; [callback = functiononly, nointerfaceobject] interface billingisserviceavailablecallback { void onsuccess serviceavailabledata data ; }; };
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