Event Ticket
qr code is scanned barcode serialtype string 32 optional presentation type e g , serialnumber, barcode * see barcode format barcode ptformat string 32 optional presentation format e g , barcode, qrcode, serial * see barcode format barcode ptsubformat string 32 optional presentation sub-format e g , code_128, qr_code * see barcode format barcode errorcorrectionlevel string 4 optional amount of redundancy or error correction data included in the code there are four error correction levels available in qr codes * code options l/m/q/h barcode intervalstring 4 optional update interval if support for dynamic updatesepoch timestamp in milliseconds provision data string 512 optional elements to complete provisioning* see provisioning for details provision interval string 16 optional update interval if support for dynamic updates epoch timestamp in milliseconds relcoupon{i} title string 32 conditional coupon title * required if this ticket has a related couponi 1~3 relcoupon{i} subtitle string 32 optional coupon subtitlei 1~3 relcoupon{i} providername string 32 conditional coupon provider name * required if this ticket has a related coupon i 1~3 relcoupon{i} imagefilesrc string 256 optional coupon image url the file size should not exceed 256 kb i 1~3 relcoupon{i} noticedescription string 1024 optional text of the notice * long content is allowed * see additional information format i 1~3 relcoupon{i} notificationtime long 13 optional coupon exposure time epoch timestamp in milliseconds i 1~3 relcoupon{i} value string 4096 conditional actual data that is delivered when the barcode/qr code is scanned i 1~3 relcoupon{i} serialtype string 32 required presentation typee g , serialnumber, barcode, * see barcode format i 1~3 relcoupon{i} ptformatstring 32 conditional presentation formate g , barcode, qrcode, serial, * see barcode format i 1~3 relcoupon{i} ptsubformat string 32 conditional presentation sub-formate g , code_128, qr_code, * see barcode format i 1~3 relcoupon{i} errorcorrectionlevel string 4 optional amount of redundancy or error correction data included in the code there are four error correction levels available in qr codes - code options l/m/q/h i 1~3 example { "card" { "type" "ticket", "subtype" "entrances", "data" [ { "refid" "ent-ticket-0613001", "createdat" 1686657600000, "updatedat" 1686657600000, "language" "en", "attributes" { "title" "galaxy land entrance ticket", "subtitle1" "standard", "classification" "annual", "groupingid" "group-0613001", "orderid" "ent-0613001", "mainimg" "https // /main png", "logoimage" "https // /logo png", "providername" "galaxy entertainment", "logoimage darkurl" "https // /logo-dark png", "issuedate" 1686657600000, "reservationnumber" "glx-0613-001", "startdate" 1686657600000, "enddate" 1718280000000, "holdername" "kim eunha", "idphoto data" "base64-encoded{image-file-data}", "idphoto format" "png", "grade" "family", "person1" "{\"person\" [{\"category\" \"adult\", \"count\" 1 }]}", "locations" "[{\"lat\" 37 256518, \"lng\" 127 053516, \"address\" \"samsung-ro yeongtong-gu, suwon\", \"name\" \"galaxy land central park\"}]", "noticedesc" "{\"count\" 2,\"info\" [{\"title\" \"notice 1\",\"content\" [\"description 1-1\",\"description 1-2\"]},{\"title\" \"notice 2\",\"content\" [\"description 2-1\"]}]}", "groupinfo1" "adult 1", "groupinfo2" "standard", "groupinfo3" "family", "csinfo" "{\"call\" \"0000-0000\",\"email\" \"samsungwallet@samsungwallet com\",\"website\" \"https //www samsungwallet com/cs/\",\"instagram\" \"https //www instagram com/samsungwallet\",\"youtube\" \"https //www youtube com/@samsungwallet\",\"facebook\" \"https //www facebook com/samsungwallet\" }", "applinkname" "galaxy ticket", "applinklogo" "https // /applinklogo png", "applinkdata" "https //www applinkdata com", "bgcolor" "#e86d1f", "fontcolor" "light", "blinkcolor" "#e86d1f", "barcode value" "serial-0613-001", "barcode serialtype" "qrcode", "barcode ptformat" "qrcodeserial", "barcode ptsubformat" "qr_code" }, "localization" [ { "language" "ko", "attributes" { "title" "갤럭시 랜드 입장권", "holdername" "김은하", "person1" "{\"person\" [{\"category\" \"어른\", \"count\" 1 }]}", "locations" "[{\"lat\" 37 256518, \"lng\" 127 053516, \"address\" \"samsung-ro yeongtong-gu, suwon\", \"name\" \"갤럭시 랜드 센트럴 파크\"}]", "noticedesc" "{\"count\" 2,\"info\" [{\"title\" \"공지사항 1\",\"content\" [\"설명 1-1\",\"설명 1-2\"]},{\"title\" \"공지사항 2\",\"content\" [\"설명 2-1\"]}]}", "groupinfo1" "어른 1" } } ] } ] } } business support for special purposes server apis are provided for cases where it is necessary to manage a large number of cards cards created through api can also be checked and managed in the same way on the ‘wallet partners portal' changes to each card status can be processed at the ‘wallet partners portal', and information on how to change them should be checked through the partner server portal guide the attributes related to the server api are as follows attributes type value description payload object cardtemplate object required wallet card template object cardtemplate prtnridstring 32 required partner id cardtemplate templaterefidstring 19 required partner template id cardtemplate title string 32 required wallet card name cardtemplate countrycode string 2 conditional the main headquarters location * required when creating a template cardtemplate cardtype string 100 conditional this value set “ticket”* required when creating a template cardtemplate subtypestring 100 conditional select from these values performances, sports, movies, entrances, and others * required when creating a template cardtemplate prtnrapppckgname string 128 optional the application package name cardtemplate applogoimgstring 200 optional the banner logo image url cardtemplate nonetworksupportyn string 1 optional this must be set to either 'y' or 'n' * default 'n' cardtemplate sharebuttonexposureynstring 1 optional this must be set to either 'y' or 'n' * default 'y' cardtemplate privacymodeynstring 1 optional this must be set to either 'y' or 'n' * default 'n' cardtemplate preventcaptureynstring 1 optional this value is a screen capture prevention flag that defines whether the content view prevents screen capture cardtemplate statestring 15 optional wallet card's state* default 'draft' cardtemplate testingmodeoffstring 1 optional testmode offeither 'y' or 'n'* default ‘n’available only when updating templates cardtemplate descstring 500 optional description { "cardtemplate" { "prtnrid" "4082825513190138240", "templaterefid" "2138240408282551314", "title" "wallet card title", "prtnrapppckgname" "prtnrapppckgname", "countrycode" "us", "desc" "desc", "cardtype" "ticket", "subtype" "entrances", "applogoimg" "http //www yourdomain com/banner_logo_image png", "nonetworksupportyn" "n", "sharebuttonexposureyn" "n", "privacymodeyn" "n", "preventcaptureyn" "n" } }