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samsung pay", "contentid" "000001234567", "contentstatus" "registering", "standardprice" null, "paid" "n", "modifydate" "2021-02-23 01 26 26 0" }, { "contentname" "samsung health", "contentid" "000002345678", "contentstatus" "for_sale", "standardprice" "0", "paid" "n", "modifydate" "2021-02-23 00 23 19 0" }, { "contentname" "samsung gallery", "contentid" "000003456789", "contentstatus" "ready_for_change", "standardprice" "0", "paid" "n", "modifydate" "2021-02-22 23 40 46 0" }, { "contentname" "samsung music", "contentid" "000004567890", "contentstatus" "ready_to_preexamination", "standardprice" "10", "paid" "y", "modifydate" "2021-02-18 06 48 08 0" }, { "contentname" "smartthings", "contentid" "000009876543", "contentstatus" "under_content_review", "standardprice" "0", "paid" "n", "modifydate" "2020-10-06 06 44 35 0" }, { "contentname" "galaxy wearable", "contentid" "000008765432", "contentstatus" "canceled", "standardprice" "0", "paid" "n", "modifydate" "2020-08-11 04 40 27 0" } ] notethe contentstatus of registering returned by the api is the same as the updating state displayed in seller portal see failure response codes for a list of possible response codes when a request fails