Manage Wallet Cards

Overall Managing Process

The following image illustrates the process of managing wallet cards:

Create Wallet Cards (Draft status)

Partners can create and manage their wallet cards with this step-by-step guide.

Manage Wallet Cards

  • You can manage all registered wallet cards.
  • You can edit wallet cards and check their status.

General Information

The General Information page allows the partner to enter administrative details to manage their cards, as well as to define common parameters for the wallet.

Item Description
Testing mode All data generated in Testing mode is periodically deleted.
Be sure to turn off the "Testing mode" setting after the test is over.

Wallet Card name Representative title of the wallet card
Wallet Card ID Unique wallet card domain name
Partner app package name Partner application package name
Wallet Card Template Pre-defined partner wallet card template
Partner Get card data URL for the partner API call to receive card data.
If the partner uses this API, enter the URL. Otherwise leave it blank.

Partner Send card state URL for the partner API call to send a card state notification.
If the partner uses this API, enter the URL. Otherwise leave it blank.

Samsung Server IPs Samsung Wallet Server IPs which need to be allowed by the partner’s firewall, separately described for inbound and outbound
Wearable Wallet assistance Whether to support the Wearable Wallet service
Support ‘No Network’ status Whether to support wallet card opening during the ‘No Network’ status
Description Description of the wallet card

Select Template

You can choose from various types of wallet card templates optimized for partners such as boarding pass, ticket, coupon, and digital ID. You can select the type of wallet card from the Select Wallet Card Template pop-up window. First, select the one you want in the Wallet Card Type drop-down menu and then click Wallet Card Sub Type to select one of the templates belonging to the card type.

  • Wallet card type: Boarding pass

  • Wallet card type: Tickets

  • Wallet card type: Coupons

  • Wallet card type: Digital ID

  • Wallet card type: Gift cards

  • Wallet card type: Loyalty

View Wallet Card

You can view all registered information for a wallet card, as well as edit and delete it.

Launch Wallet Cards

You can launch and activate cards, at which point they move to verification.

  • You can activate a card by clicking the "Launch" button.
  • Once a card is launched, the button text changes to 'Launched'. The activation cannot be canceled.
  • When a card is launched, its status changes to 'Verifying', and then to ‘Active’ after administrator approval.

Rejected Wallet Cards

If the wallet card is rejected after launching, you can modify the card and re-launch.

  • The administrator registers the reason for rejection when rejecting the launched wallet card.
  • It is sent to the partner by email from the system, including the reason for rejection.
  • Partners can apply for launch again by checking the reason for rejection and modifying the wallet card information.

Testing Mode

You can test a card internally to make sure everything works before you officially expose it to users.

  • The "Testing mode" option is enabled by default.
  • All data generated in Testing mode is periodically deleted.
  • Card exposure is not affected even when the Testing mode is enabled.
  • When Testing Mode is activated, Samsung Wallet may show error code and message on the card addition screen.
  • Be sure to turn off Testing mode after the test is over.

Admin Approval (Active status)

All launched cards are activated after the administrator's approval.

  • When a card is launched, its status changes to 'Verifying' and then to 'Active' after administrator approval.
  • When the card is activated, it is made visible to the user.

"Add To Wallet" Integration

For Wallet integration, you need to insert an "Add to Wallet" script to your system. The "Add to Wallet" script is available for Web, Android, and Email/MMS. Each system has different script composition. To implement an "Add to Wallet" button, follow the procedure below:

  1. Create the tokenized card data (Cdata). Card data is the actual content data of wallet card and it has several formats based on the card type. Refer to CData Generation Sample Code for details.
  2. Copy the sample "Add to Wallet" script from the Partners Portal’s Wallet Card page and replace "cdata" with the data token created above.
  3. Apply the script to your system. See Web Integration Sample Code and Android Integration Sample Code for details.

Below is the "Add to Wallet" script guide in the Partners Portal.

For "Add to Wallet" integration, you may need some base data. You can find that and other necessary information on Partners Portal and Wallet API Spec. You can also add image beacon in the script for tracking effect analysis.

Performance Monitoring

The Samsung Wallet Service is monitored to get an effective measure of the wallet performance.


  • Wallet Card: Total number of wallet cards registered in the portal.
  • Wallet Card Type: Total number of wallet card types registered in the portal.
  • Wallet Card Template: Total number of templates registered in the portal.

Recent Trends

  • Provides key indicators and trend charts for the selected period.
  • You can change the period and wallet card type being reviewed.
Item Description
Registered Registration by Wallet Card category
Impressions Count when the coupon or banner is displayed on each screen(page)
Click Count of click on a specific link to the number of total users who view a coupon or banner
Click through rate Percentage of clicks against impressions in the coupon or banner
[CTR(%) = Clicks/Impressions]

Stats of All Wallet Cards

  • Provides detailed statistical information for the selected wallet card.
  • You can change the period, template, and wallet card type.
  • You can check detailed information and charts for each indicator.
Item Description
Registered Registration by Wallet Card category (Number of registrations by Wallet Card category) and Registrations by template (Number of registrations by template), Registered (Number of registrations for the specified wallet card category/template), Registration by partner (Number of registrations by partner)
Active Device Number of Device registering cards in the wallet.
Max number of unique device ids(DMID). The Max number means the maximum value during the statistical period.
- The Hourly graph shows the maximum time's value.
- The Daily graph shows the maximum date's value.

Top 10 of all Templates Statistics on top 10 templates based on number of registrations or Clicks & CTR
Add to wallet - Impressions Number of Impressions counts for 'Add to wallet' Button
Add to wallet - Clicks Number of Clicks for 'Add to wallet' Button
Add to wallet – Click through rate Ratio of clicks against impressions for 'Add to wallet' Button
[CTR(%) = Clicks/Impressions]

Wallet Cards - Impressions Number of exposures of registered content
Wallet Cards – Clicks Number of clicks on registered content
Wallet Cards – Click through rate Click through rate of registered content
Age & Gender Age & Gender statistics for impression/click/CTR data by wallet card / wallet category registered by end user.