Introducing the Samsung Internet 16.0 Beta
lola odelola
Web Developer Advocate
Enhanced search experience and tracking protection top the bill of new features for our latest version, rolling out now on our Beta channel.
Samsung Internet 16 updates the Chromium engine and continues improving the user experience of the browser whilst also providing a privacy enhanced browsing experience. You can install Samsung Internet 16 from the Play Store or the Galaxy Store:
New Features
1. Enhanced Search Experience
Searching in Samsung Internet 16.0 is made easier and more intuitive by the enhanced suggestion results. Address bar searching now provides a list of potential results while searching and reorders the results for easier recognition. The chip-type view allows more results to be displayed on the screen while still being easy to read. Order of search results:
Results that are pre-loaded domains or answer suggestions
Search suggestions related to the user input
Bookmarks & history suggestions

2. Smart Protect against transparent pixels
There is a type of malicious tracker where tracking sites use a very small, almost invisible, image to see what websites you visit across domains. This information is often sold to advertisers or used to place you in a demographic for targeting adverts. Smart Protect will find these images and block them so that subsequent attempts to track you (for example, on a different domain) get blocked. This helps to mitigate against tracking networks building up a profile about you as a person.
1. Page zoom support on phone & tablet
This feature is a first for mobile browsers, as part of a committed effort to accessibility, we have implemented page zoom support, allowing users to zoom into all and any web page.
2. Web Engine Rebase
Chromium web engine has been upgraded to Chromium M92 supporting many new Web features.
We hope you continue to enjoy using Samsung Internet as we strive to make browsing the Web a safe and pleasant experience.