Update GWS
update galaxy watch studio if a later version of galaxy watch studio gws is available, you may be prompted to update gws after you launch it you can update gws now or manually update it at a later time to manually update gws, simply download the latest version and run the executable during installation, the installer will verify that you want to remove the current version installed on your system you cannot install more than one version of gws on your system if you added the java path to the gws initialization file windows or property list file macos , after an update, you must add this path to the file again see step 4 of the galaxy watch studio fails to launch section on the install galaxy watch studio page updating to galaxy watch studio 1 8 1 in gws 1 8 1, new rules for digital clock language settings have been added if you have updated to gws 1 8 1 and are using digital clock components, you must re-select supported languages in your digital clock components back up your existing projects by default, located in /users/<user name>/gearwatchdesigner/workspace in gws, open your project select the digital watch component in the properties window, go to the type section and click setting next to language unselect then re-select the supported languages and click ok repeat steps 3-5 for each digital watch component in your project save your project repeat steps 2-7 for each project that contains a digital clock component if you do not update your digital clock components, watch hand components may freeze or text may not display if these components are used in the same project galaxy watch studio fails to update if gws displays a window asking if you want to update to a newer version and you launch the update, sometimes the update will not complete will remain at 0% you will need to manually install the latest version of gws instead cancel the download and go to https //developer samsung com/galaxy-watch-design/studio/overview html to install the latest version of gws common issues after update after an update, when you open an existing project, if text disappears, components cannot be edited, fonts are displayed incorrectly, or something is not working the way it did before the update, clear your system cache by restarting your system if you shut down your computer, wait a couple of minutes or the amount of time for the dram to lose its charge as dram may store cache information before rebooting it if, after restarting your system, the problem persists, do the following make a copy of the project with the problem open the copy in gws and start deleting components until you can identify which component is causing the problem go to the galaxy watch studio forum and search to see if other developers have reported the same problem if not, start a new thread in the forum, explaining your problem if the problem cannot be solved in the forum, submit a support request and include a copy of the project