overview package class tree deprecated index com samsung android sdk healthdata interface healthconstants sessionmeasurement all superinterfaces healthconstants common all known subinterfaces healthconstants electrocardiogram, healthconstants exercise, healthconstants floorsclimbed, healthconstants heartrate, healthconstants oxygensaturation, healthconstants sleep, healthconstants sleepstage, healthconstants stepcount enclosing class healthconstants public static interface healthconstants sessionmeasurement extends healthconstants common this interface contains measurement constants that has a session with the end time since 1 0 0 field summary fields modifier and type field and description static string end_time utc milliseconds after the measurement has ended static string start_time utc milliseconds when the measurement is started static string time_offset time offset which considers the time zone and daylight saving time fields inherited from interface com samsung android sdk healthdata healthconstants common create_time, custom, device_uuid, package_name, update_time, uuid field detail start_time static final string start_time utc milliseconds when the measurement is started time_offset needs to set for showing the data's measured time properly mandatory type long value range 0 and above since 1 0 0 see also constant field values end_time static final string end_time utc milliseconds after the measurement has ended time_offset needs to set for showing the data's measured time properly mandatory type long value range equal or bigger than start_time since 1 0 0 see also constant field values time_offset static final string time_offset time offset which considers the time zone and daylight saving time e g tehran utc+3 30 is presented as 12600000 3 5 * 60 * 60 * 1000 it affects to start_time and end_time to show measured time properly to the user mandatory type long value range -43200000 -12 * 60 * 60 * 1000 ~ 50400000 14 * 60 * 60 * 1000 refer to the following example for getting the time offset value as the current device's preferred time zone, which daylight is not used public class heathdataexample { long gettimeoffset long currenttime { return timezone getdefault getoffset currenttime ; } } since 1 0 0 see also constant field values