overviewpackageclasstreedeprecatedindex com samsung android sdk healthdata interface healthconstants caffeineintake all superinterfaces healthconstants common, healthconstants discretemeasurement enclosing class healthconstants public static interface healthconstants caffeineintake extends healthconstants discretemeasurement this interface defines caffeine intake data of the user properties properties of the following extending interfaces are available for this data type healthconstants common healthconstants discretemeasurement caffeine intake data has the following properties see more common properties by spreading this section out property name description healthconstants caffeineintake uuid [mandatory] data's unique id, assigned by the system when a new data is inserted healthconstants caffeineintake create_time [mandatory] utc milliseconds when a data is created in the health data store, assigned by the system when a new data is inserted healthconstants caffeineintake update_time [mandatory] utc milliseconds when a data is updated in the health data store, assigned by the system when a new data is inserted or the existing data is updated healthconstants caffeineintake package_name [mandatory] package name which provides data, assigned by the system when a new data is inserted healthconstants caffeineintake device_uuid [mandatory] device identifier which provides the health data healthconstants caffeineintake start_time [mandatory] utc milliseconds when the measurement is started healthconstants caffeineintake time_offset [mandatory] time offset in milliseconds which considers the time zone and daylight saving time healthconstants caffeineintake amount [mandatory] amount of caffeine intake healthconstants caffeineintake unit_amount [mandatory] amount for one unit of caffeine healthconstants caffeineintake comment comment healthconstants caffeineintake custom custom info which is formatted with json and compressed data data permission the user's consent is required to read or write this data type healthpermissionmanager requestpermissions displays a data permission ui to the user see permission manager and request data permission since 1 0 0 field summary fields modifier and type field and description static string amount amount of caffeine intake in milligrams static string comment comment for data static string health_data_type data type name for caffeine intake static string unit_amount amount in milligram for one unit of caffeine, e g in regular size cup or large size cup fields inherited from interface com samsung android sdk healthdata healthconstants discretemeasurement start_time, time_offset fields inherited from interface com samsung android sdk healthdata healthconstants common create_time, custom, device_uuid, package_name, update_time, uuid field detail amount static final string amount amount of caffeine intake in milligrams mandatory type float value range 0 and above since 1 0 0 see also constant field values unit_amount static final string unit_amount amount in milligram for one unit of caffeine, e g in regular size cup or large size cup if a regular size cup of coffee is 80ml, unit_amount is 80 mandatory type float value range 0 and above since 1 0 0 see also constant field values comment static final string comment comment for data optional type string value length 0 ~ 255 since 1 0 0 see also constant field values health_data_type static final string health_data_type data type name for caffeine intake use "com samsung health caffeine_intake" to add permission to the manifest file see also constant field values