migrating h browser to tizen this topic describes the differences between the h browser apis and the tizen samsung product apis introduced in tizen 6 5, and how to convert your h browser applications to tizen web applications noteif you want h browser guides, contact samsung tech sales team since tizen 6 5, h browser for hospitality display solutions is no longer supported the h browser features have been replaced by new tizen samsung product apis, which are extensions of the tizen web device api these apis enable you to implement most h browser features, except those not supported in tizen 6 5 some h browser features, such as retrieving network and multimedia information, can be implemented using the existing tizen web device and tizen samsung product apis for more information, see the api references api differences the following table lists the h browser api interfaces and their corresponding tizen web api interfaces h browser api tizen api since b2bavplay api avplayextension api tizen 6 5 b2bbroadcast api broadcast api tizen 6 5 b2bcontrol api avinfo api tizen 2 3 network api tizen 2 3 productinfo api tizen 2 3 remotepower api tizen 6 5 systemcontrol api tizen 6 5 timer api tizen 6 5 table 1 h browser apis and corresponding tizen web apis b2bavplay api and avplayextension api since tizen 6 5, the tizen samsung avplayextension api replaces the h browser b2bavplay api the supported functionality and methods are the same, with the following exceptions samsung hospitality display devices do not support http streaming with mpeg-ts since tizen 6 5 consequently, the following h browser methods related to http streaming have no equivalent in the avplayextension api pause , seekto , jumpforward , jumpbackward , getduration settimeoutforbuffering , setmaxbufferingsize , setbufferingparam , setspeed for more information, see additional multimedia specifications the following h browser api methods have no equivalent in the avplayextension api, because they are available directly through the avplay api setsoundanalysislistener , unsetsoundanalysislistener setsilentsubtitle , setexternalsubtitlepath , setsubtitleposition suspend , restore to support hospitality partner requirements, the following avplayextension api methods have extended functionalities compared to their equivalent avplay api methods open , close , prepare , prepareasync , play , stop setdisplayrect , setlistener , setdrm , setdisplaymethod , setselecttrack getcurrentstreaminfo , gettotaltrackinfo , getstate setstreamingproperty , getstreamingproperty notethe avplayextension api methods are accessed through the avplay api namespace b2bbroadcast api and broadcast api the following table lists the h browser b2bbroadcast api methods and their equivalent methods in the tizen samsung product broadcast api h browser api tizen api - webapis broadcast enabledataservice webapis broadcast disabledataservice b2bapis b2bbroadcast gettotalaudioinfo webapis broadcast gettotalaudioinfo b2bapis b2bbroadcast getcurrentaudioinfo webapis broadcast getcurrentaudioinfo b2bapis b2bbroadcast setcurrentaudio webapis broadcast setcurrentaudio b2bapis b2bbroadcast gettotalsubtitleinfo webapis broadcast gettotalsubtitleinfo b2bapis b2bbroadcast getcurrentsubtitle webapis broadcast getcurrentsubtitle b2bapis b2bbroadcast setcurrentsubtitleindex webapis broadcast setcurrentsubtitleindex b2bapis b2bbroadcast sethoteldrmforensicdata webapis broadcast gethoteldrmforensicdata b2bapis b2bbroadcast tunedirect webapis broadcast tunedirect b2bapis b2bbroadcast clearrating webapis broadcast clearrating table 2 b2bbroadcast api methods and corresponding broadcast api methods b2bcontrol api and samsung product apis except for some features not supported since tizen 6 5, most h browser b2bcontrol api methods have corresponding methods within the various tizen samsung product apis network management you can change the network configurations of the devices remotely see network api for more information h browser api tizen api b2bapis b2bcontrol getmacaddress webapis network getmac b2bapis b2bcontrol getipconfigtype webapis network getipmode b2bapis b2bcontrol setipconfigtype webapis network setipmode b2bapis b2bcontrol getipaddress webapis network getip b2bapis b2bcontrol setipaddress webapis network setip b2bapis b2bcontrol getsubnetmask webapis network getsubnetmask b2bapis b2bcontrol setsubnetmask webapis network setsubnetmask b2bapis b2bcontrol getgatewayaddress webapis network getgateway b2bapis b2bcontrol setgatewayaddress webapis network setgateway b2bapis b2bcontrol getdnsserver webapis network getdns b2bapis b2bcontrol setdnsserver webapis network setdns b2bapis b2bcontrol getproxyserverinfo webapis network getproxyserverinfo b2bapis b2bcontrol setproxyserverinfo webapis network getproxyserverinfo table 3 network management - b2bcontrol api methods and corresponding tizen web api methods remote management you can set the device configurations remotely see avinfo api, network api and systemcontrol api for more information h browser api tizen api b2bapis b2bcontrol getserialnumber webapis systemcontrol getserialnumber b2bapis b2bcontrol getspeakertype webapis avinfo getspeakerselection b2bapis b2bcontrol setspeakertype webapis avinfo setspeakerselection b2bapis b2bcontrol getcurrenttemperature webapis tvinfo gettvinfovalue "board_temperature" b2bapis b2bcontrol setforwardmessagelistener not supported b2bapis b2bcontrol gethotelid webapis network gettvname b2bapis b2bcontrol sethotelid webapis network settvname b2bapis b2bcontrol collectlogs not supported b2bapis b2bcontrol getlanguage b2bapis b2bcontrol setlanguage b2bapis b2bcontrol deleteappprivateinfo see note table 4 remote management - b2bcontrol api methods and corresponding tizen web api methods time management you can set the device time configuration like the osd time, the ntp time and timezone remotely see timer api for more information h browser api tizen api b2bapis b2bcontrol getcurrenttime webapis timer getcurrenttime b2bapis b2bcontrol setcurrenttime webapis timer setcurrenttime b2bapis b2bcontrol getntpuse webapis timer getntp b2bapis b2bcontrol getntpserveraddress b2bapis b2bcontrol getcurrenttimezone b2bapis b2bcontrol setntpuse webapis timer setntp b2bapis b2bcontrol setntpserveraddress b2bapis b2bcontrol setcurrenttimezone table 5 time management - b2bcontrol api methods and corresponding tizen web api methods application management you can set the local application installation information see systemcontrol api for more information h browser api tizen api b2bapis b2bcontrol geturllauncheraddress webapis systemcontrol getcustomappinfo b2bapis b2bcontrol seturllauncheraddress webapis systemcontrol setcustomappinfo table 6 application management - b2bcontrol api methods and corresponding tizen web api methods firmware management you can update the device firmware remotely see systemcontrol api for more information h browser api tizen api b2bapis b2bcontrol getfirmwareversion webapis productinfo getfirmware b2bapis b2bcontrol updatefirmware webapis systemcontrol updatefirmware b2bapis b2bcontrol setupdatefirmwareprogresschangelistener webapis systemcontrol setupdatefirmwarelistener b2bapis b2bcontrol unsetupdatefirmwareprogresschangelistener webapis systemcontrol unsetupdatefirmwarelistener table 7 firmware management - b2bcontrol api methods and corresponding tizen web api methods power control you can control the device power remotely see remotepower api and systemcontrol api for more information h browser api tizen api b2bapis b2bcontrol rebootdevice webapis systemcontrol rebootdevice b2bapis b2bcontrol setpoweroff webapis remotepower poweroff b2bapis b2bpower setpoweron webapis remotepower poweron b2bapis b2bpower getpowerstate webapis remotepower getpowerstate - webapis remotepower getvirtualstandbymode b2bapis b2bpower setpowerstatechangelistener not supported b2bapis b2bpower unsetpowerstatechangelistener table 8 power management - b2bcontrol api methods and corresponding tizen web api methods importantsince tizen 6 5, for information about implementing the following features, contact the samsung tech sales team deleting private datahandling special keys of an input device migrating applications before, the h browser web apis were packaged in a "b2bapis js" javascript library independent of the tizen samsung product api library now, the new apis are included within the "webapis js" library, along with the other tizen samsung product apis notesthe "tv-samsung 6 5" profile is supported since tizen studio 4 5 1 to use the new tizen samsung product api functionalities in your application, you must sign the application with a partner-level certificate to migrate an application from h browser to tizen web in the "config xml" file set the value of the required_version attribute to "6 5" replace the h browser api privileges with those for the corresponding tizen samsung product apis for information on the privileges and how to add them, see configuring web applications in the "index html" file replace the h browser api library with the tizen web api library before <script type="text/javascript" src="$b2bapis/b2bapis/b2bapis js"/> after <script type="text/javascript" src="$webapis/webapis/webapis js"/> if you want to implement avplayextension api features, you must also add <script type="text/javascript" src="$webapis/avplayextension/avplayextension js"/> modify the application code to implement the new apis for example, the following code snippet illustrates how to implement rebooting the device before var onsuccess = function val { console log "[rebootdevice] success " + val ; } var onerror = function error { console log "[rebootdevice] code " + error code + " error name " + error name + " message " + error message ; } console log "[rebootdevice] " ; b2bapis b2bcontrol rebootdevice onsuccess, onerror ; after try { webapis systemcontrol rebootdevice ; } catch e { console log "[rebootdevice] call syncfunction exception [" + e code + "] name " + e name + " message " + e message ; }