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Develop Samsung Pay
docsample applications sample apps, use cases, and ux strategies are included here to aid you in understanding the sdk and implementing it in your application sample source code and apks can be downloaded from download section sample merchant app included with the samsung pay sdk to demonstrate its features, the sample merchant app shows you how to implement the payment sheet’s dynamic controls to leverage additional customer order and payment data and/or create a more custom ui look and feel the following payment sheet controls are available addresscontrol plaintextcontrol amountboxcontrol spinnercontrol controls are applied to suit a particular purpose or need for example, displaying a promotion notice in the payment sheet using the plaintextcontrol applying an addresscontrol this control is used to display the billing or shipping address on the payment sheet based on samsung pay’s my info user profile or addresses provided by your merchant app during the transaction request when creating the control, controlid and sheetitemtype are needed to distinguish the billing address from the shipping address otherwise, your merchant app sets the following properties address title – displays a merchant-defined title on the payment sheet if empty, the default title such as “billing address” is displayed address – provides various methods to retrieve address details the merchant app can retrieve the phone number using the 'getphonenumber' method of 'customsheetpaymentinfo' address starting from api level 1 5, the addressee’s email address has also been added retrieve the email address using 'getemail' you can also set a display option for the shipping address with 'setdisplayoption' for more information, see the samsung pay sdk-api reference javadoc and the sample code included with the samsung pay sdk sheetupdatedlistener – used to capture the response from the samsung wallet app; merchant app must deliver to the samsung wallet app an amountboxcontrol to display payment information on a custom payment sheet when the onresult callback is called, the updatesheet method must also be called to update the current payment sheet errorcode – used for containing error codes directly related to the address the workflows for billingaddresscontrol and shippingaddresscontrol are shown below the following sample code demonstrates use of addresscontrol on the payment sheet fun makebillingaddresscontrol addresscontrol { val billingaddresscontrol = if !iszipcodeonly { // for billing address addresscontrol billing_address_id, sheetitemtype billing_address billingaddresscontrol addresstitle = "billing address" } else { /* * for billing address with zip code only * since api level 2 19, sheetitemtype zip_only_address * for us country only */ addresscontrol billing_address_id, sheetitemtype zip_only_address billingaddresscontrol addresstitle = "zip code" } //this callback is received when controls are updated billingaddresscontrol sheetupdatedlistener = sheetupdatedlistener return billingaddresscontrol } //listener for billing or zip code only billing address fun sheetupdatedlistener sheetupdatedlistener { return sheetupdatedlistener { updatedcontrolid string, customsheet customsheet -> log d tag, "onresult billingaddresscontrol updatedcontrolid $updatedcontrolid" val addresscontrol = customsheet getsheetcontrol updatedcontrolid as addresscontrol val billaddress = addresscontrol address //validate only zipcode or billing address and set errorcode if needed if addresscontrol sheetitem sheetitemtype == sheetitemtype zip_only_address { val errorcode int = validatezipcodebillingaddress billaddress log d tag, "onresult updatesheetbilling errorcode $errorcode" addresscontrol errorcode = errorcode customsheet updatecontrol addresscontrol } else { val errorcode = validatebillingaddress billaddress log d tag, "onresult updatesheetbilling errorcode $errorcode" addresscontrol errorcode = errorcode customsheet updatecontrol addresscontrol } // update transaction values val amountboxcontrol = customsheet getsheetcontrol amount_control_id as amountboxcontrol amountboxcontrol updatevalue product_item_id, 1000 0 amountboxcontrol updatevalue product_tax_id, 50 0 amountboxcontrol updatevalue product_shipping_id, 10 0 amountboxcontrol updatevalue product_fuel_id, 0 0, "pending" amountboxcontrol setamounttotal 1060 0, amountconstants format_total_price_only customsheet updatecontrol amountboxcontrol try { // call updatesheet for the full amountboxcontrol; mandatory paymentmanager updatesheet customsheet } catch e illegalstateexception { e printstacktrace } catch e nullpointerexception { e printstacktrace } } } // for shipping address fun makeshippingaddresscontrol addresscontrol { val shippingaddresscontrol = addresscontrol shipping_address_id, sheetitemtype shipping_address shippingaddresscontrol addresstitle = "shipping address" val shippingaddress = customsheetpaymentinfo address builde setaddressee "name" setaddressline1 "addline1" setaddressline2 "addline2" setcity "city" setstate "state" setcountrycode "usa" setpostalcode "zip" setphonenumber "555-123-1234" setemail "user@samsung com" build shippingaddresscontrol address = shippingaddress /* * set address display option on custom payment sheet * if displayoption is not set, then default addresscontrol is displayed on custom payment sheet * the possible values are combination of below constants * {display_option_addressee} * {display_option_address} * {display_option_phone_number} * {display_option_email} */ var displayoption_val = addressconstants display_option_addressee // addressee is mandatory displayoption_val += addressconstants display_option_address displayoption_val += addressconstants display_option_phone_number displayoption_val += addressconstants display_option_email shippingaddresscontrol displayoption = displayoption_val return shippingaddresscontrol } here’s how these controls display on a custom payment sheet applying a plaintextcontrol this control is used for displaying a title with a two lines of text or a single line of text without a title on the payment sheet when allocating this control, a controlid is needed the merchant app sets both the title, as applicable, and the text diagrammed below is the flow between your merchant app and samsung pay the merchant app code invoking this class would look something like the following fun makeplaintextcontrol plaintextcontrol { val plaintextcontrol = plaintextcontrol "exampleplaintextcontrolid" plaintextcontrol settext "plain text [example]", "this is example of plaintextcontrol" return plaintextcontrol } and this is how it displays on the custom payment sheet applying an amountboxcontrol amountboxcontrol is used for displaying purchase amount information on the payment sheet it requires a controlid and a currencycode, and consists of item s and amounttotal, defined as follows and diagrammed on the next page item – consists of id, title, price, and extraprice if there is an extraprice in amountboxcontrol, its text is displayed on the payment sheet even though there is an actual numerical price value if there is no extraprice, then currencycode with the price value is displayed amounttotal – consists of price and displayoption the displayoption allows predefined strings only your merchant app can set the text to “estimated amount”, “amount pending”, “pending”, “free”, and so forth the ui format for the string is different for each option notethe setamounttotal api may accept strings that are not predefined as an argument, but itgenerates an invalid parameter condition or returns an error code in such cases for details, see the javadoc samsung pay sdk-api reference, available in the documentation folder of your downloaded sdk package here’s a coding example to demonstrate the use of amountboxcontrol in a payment sheet fun makeamountcontrol amountboxcontrol { val amountboxcontrol = amountboxcontrol amount_control_id, "usd" amountboxcontrol additem product_item_id, "item", 1000 0, "" amountboxcontrol additem product_tax_id, "tax", 50 0, "" amountboxcontrol additem product_shipping_id, "shipping", 10 0, "" amountboxcontrol setamounttotal 1060 0, amountconstants format_total_price_only amountboxcontrol additem 3, product_fuel_id, "fuel", 0 0, "pending" return amountboxcontrol } the merchant app can also add new items using the 'additem' method of 'amountcontrolbox' during callback importantyour merchant app needs to call the updatevalue item_id method of amountboxcontrol to update each amount item then call customsheet updatecontrol to make the changes take effect in customsheet eventually, paymentmanager updatesheet 'customsheet' must be called to let samsung pay know that no further action is pending in the merchant app when the custom sheet is updated, the merchant can add new items to amountboxcontrol for example, if the user selects a specific card in the payment sheet which the merchant offers, a discount item can be added via the updatesheet // example for adding new item while updating values val amount = sheet getsheetcontroll "id_amount" amount updatevalue "itemid", 900 0 amount updatevalue "taxid", 50 0 amount updatevalue "shippingid", 10 0 amount updatevalue "fuelid", 0 0 // add “discount” item amount additem 4, "discountid", "discount", -60 0, "" amount setamounttotal 1000 0, amountconstants format_total_price_only sheet updatecontrol amount // call updatesheet with amountboxcontrol; mandatory try { paymentmanager updatesheet sheet } catch e illegalstateexception { e printstacktrace } catch e nullpointerexception { e printstacktrace } applying the spinnercontrol this control is used for displaying spinner options on a payment sheet when creating the control, controlid, title, and sheetitemtype are needed to distinguish between the types of spinner to be displayed your merchant app sets the following properties with spinnercontrol title – the merchant-defined spinner title to appear the payment sheet sheetitemtype – provides various types of spinner a shipping_method_spinner and an installment_spinner are the two types of spinner available as of api level 1 6 noteshipping_method_spinner can be used when the shipping address comes from the samsung wallet app; i e , when the customsheetpaymentinfo addressinpaymentsheet option is set to need_billing_and_shipping or need_ shipping_spay when the shipping address is provided by the merchant app send_shipping or need_billing_ send_shipping , it is not changeable in the payment sheet the shipping fee if applied must be pre-calculated on the merchant app side here’s an example of constructing a spinnercontrol within your merchant app // construct spinnercontrol for shipping method val spinnercontrol = spinnercontrol shippingmethod_spinner_id, "shipping method ", sheetitemtype shipping_method_spinner // let the user can select one shipping method option on the payment sheet spinnercontrol additem "shipping_method_1", getstring android r string standard_shipping_free spinnercontrol additem "shipping_method_2", getstring android r string twoday_shipping spinnercontrol additem "shipping_method_3", getstring android r string oneday_shipping spinnercontrol selecteditemid = "shipping_method_1" // set default option // listen for sheetcontrol events spinnercontrol setsheetupdatedlistener sheetupdatedlistener { updatedcontrolid, customsheet -> val amountboxcontrol = customsheet getsheetcontrol amount_control_id as amountboxcontrol val spinnercontrol = customsheet getsheetcontrol updatedcontrolid as spinnercontrol when spinnercontrol selecteditemid { "shipping_method_1" -> amountboxcontrol updatevalue product_shipping_id, 10 0 "shipping_method_2" -> amountboxcontrol updatevalue product_shipping_id, 10 + 0 1 "shipping_method_3" -> amountboxcontrol updatevalue product_shipping_id, 10 + 0 2 else -> amountboxcontrol updatevalue product_shipping_id, 10 0 } amountboxcontrol setamounttotal 1000 + amountboxcontrol getvalue product_shipping_id , amountconstants format_total_price_only customsheet updatecontrol amountboxcontrol // call updatesheet with amountboxcontrol; mandatory try { paymentmanager updatesheet customsheet } catch e illegalstateexception { e printstacktrace } catch e nullpointerexception { e printstacktrace } } // construct spinnercontrol for installment plan val spinnercontrol = spinnercontrol installment_spinner_id, "installment", sheetitemtype installment_spinner spinnercontrol additem "installment_1", "1 month without interest" spinnercontrol additem "installment_2", "2 months with 2% monthly interest" spinnercontrol additem "installment_3", "3 months with 2 2% monthly interest" spinnercontrol selecteditemid = "installment_1" // set default option // listen for sheetcontrol events spinnercontrol setsheetupdatedlistener sheetupdatedlistener { updatedcontrolid, customsheet -> val amountboxcontrol amountboxcontrol = customsheet getsheetcontrol amount_control_id as amountboxcontrol val spinnercontrol = customsheet getsheetcontrol updatedcontrolid as spinnercontrol val totalinterest = 0 0 when spinnercontrol selecteditemid { "installment1" -> amountboxcontrol updatevalue product_total_interest_id, totalinterest "installment2" -> // calculate total interest again and updatevalue amountboxcontrol updatevalue product_total_interest_id, totalinterest "installment3" -> // calculate total interest again and updatevalue amountboxcontrol updatevalue product_total_interest_id, totalinterest else -> amountboxcontrol updatevalue product_total_interest_id, totalinterest } amountboxcontrol setamounttotal 1000 + amountboxcontrol getvalue product_total_interest_id , amountconstants format_total_price_only customsheet updatecontrol amountboxcontrol // call updatesheet with amountboxcontrol; mandatory try { paymentmanager updatesheet customsheet } catch e illegalstateexception { e printstacktrace } catch e nullpointerexception { e printstacktrace } } update sheet with custom error message to display a custom error message on the payment sheet, use updatesheet with customerrormessage fun updatesheet sheet customsheet, errorcode int, customerrormessage string this api method is an extended version of the existing updatesheet sheet method which gives the merchant the ability to display a custom error message in the payment sheet’s authentication area it can be used to inform the user of any foreseen error scenarios encountered // update sheet with custom_messsage error code paymentmanager updatesheet customsheet, paymentmanager custom_message,"phone number entered is not valid please change your phone number " sample issuer app the samsung pay sdk also provides a sample issuer app to showcase samsung pay sdk features issuer app can add card to samsung wallet by selecting specific token service provider tsp from the dropdown menu to add cobadge card you need to select primary and secondary token service providers tsp from the dropdown menus for more information, refer to the samsung pay sdk api reference and sample code
Distribute Samsung IAP for Galaxy Watch (Tizen)
docweb iap for galaxy watch samsung in-app purchase iap for galaxy watch is a galaxy store service that allows third-party watch applications to sell in-app items iap for galaxy watch only works if your galaxy watch is paired with your phone the iap client for watch communicates with the iap client for phone which internally manages communication with supporting iap services and the samsung ecosystem such as samsung account, samsung checkout, and samsung rewards in other words, it acts as an intermediary between watch app and samsung iap system of the phone you can concentrate on integrating iap api calls and iap server api calls into your watch app to integrate iap for galaxy watch using tizen extension sdk, iap web apis enable you to easily integrate iap functionality into your watch app, such as configuring iap, getting item details, offering and selling items, and managing purchased items using galaxy watch studio formerly galaxy watch designer , you can make your own watch face that prompts for payment after a free trial period, without the complexity of coding for more details, see the galaxy watch studio online tutorial by integrating iap features, your watch apps can sell these types of in-app items item type description consumable app users can use items only one time for example, coins, special powers, or gems non-consumable app users can use items any number of times for example, e-books or game boards items cannot be repurchased note during iap integration testing, if your application sets to test mode, the purchase record is initialized every 60 minutes to allow repurchase auto-recurring subscription these items are purchased automatically at specific intervals app users can access items such as magazines, e-zines, or newspapers any number of times during a free trial or while their paid subscriptions are active app users can cancel at any time after purchase during subscription period app users can repurchase items after cancellation note during iap integration testing, if your application is set to test mode, the subscription cycle is automatically renewed every 10 minutes and the subscription is automatically canceled after 12 renewals integrate iap into your watch app this section explains how to prepare your app to sell in-app items using tizen extension sdk you can use galaxy watch studio to make a watch face that prompts for payment after a free trial period, without the complexity of coding to prepare for integrating iap features and testing the integration, do the following 1 create a project create a project in tizen studio the required_version must be at least 2 3 2 in the config xml file <?xml version="1 0" encoding="utf-8"?> <widget xmlns tizen="http //tizen org/ns/widgets" xmlns="http //www w3 org/ns/widgets" id="http //yourdomain/webiap" version="1 0 6" viewmodes="maximized"> <tizen application id="wxwmxrcelo webiap" package="wxwmxrcelo" required_version="4 0 0"/> </widget> 2 add permissions to config xml <tizen privilege name="http //tizen org/privilege/billing"/> 3 register an app and in-app items in seller portal during iap integration, you may need to test iap features samsung iap needs information about your app and in-app items registered in seller portal note your app does not need to have iap features integrated in order to register the app and its in-app items as iap integration proceeds, you can upload new versions of your app and new in-app items as needed to register an app and its in-app items sign in to seller portal https //seller samsungapps com using your samsung account click add new application click galaxy watch, select the default language, and click next in the binary tab, upload your app tpk in the app information tab, enter fundamental app details in the country / region & price tab, specify a free or paid app, a paid app price, and countries to sell your items in the in app purchase tab, register one or more in-app items caution don't click *submit beta test * or *submit * in this step for more app registration details, see the app registration guide for more in-app item registration details, see the item registration guide 4 integrate iap features get in-app items available for purhcase purchase an in-app item get a list of purchased items operation mode iap supports three operational modes one is for enabling billing for item purchases and the other two are for testing iap functions without billing app users for item purchases mode description iap_commercial_mode financial transactions do occur for successful requests, and actual results are returned successful or failed the app gets in-app item information of the app whose status in seller portal is for sale iap_success_test_mode financial transactions do not occur app users are not billed for item purchases , and successful results are always returned the app gets in-app item information of the app whose status in seller portal is registering or updating iap_failure_test_mode all iap requests fail negative testing to ensure that your app can handle errors such as improper input and user actions note the tizen emulator only supports these two modes iap_success_test_mode iap_failure_test_mode if you set the mode to iap_commercial_mode, it is automatically changed to iap_success_test_mode get in-app items available for purchase to get all registered in-app items from galaxy store, use the getitemlist method pass in the index of the first and last item, the item type, service mode, callback function, and user data as parameters when the reply is delivered, the getitemsuccesscallback or errorcallback callback is invoked with the jsonobject that stores the query results request for details, see the getitemlist void getitemlist long startnumber, long endnumber, itemtype type, iapmode mode, getitemsuccesscallback successcallback, optional errorcallback? errorcallback ; response [callback=functiononly, nointerfaceobject] interface getitemsuccesscallback { void onsuccess jsonobject result ; }; [callback=functiononly, nointerfaceobject] interface errorcallback { void onerror webapierror error ; }; common result key value type description merrorcode int error code number merrorstring string error message _items array item list item details key value type description mitemid string item id numberthis is the same as the item id used in the request mitemname string name provided during the item registration in the seller portal mitemprice string item price in a local currency mitempricestring string currency code + pricefor example €7 99 mcurrencyunit string device user currency unit for example $, won, or pound mcurrencycode string currency codefor example eur or gbp mitemdesc string item description provided during the item registration mitemimageurl string item image url provided during the item registration mitemdownloadurl string item download url provided during the item registration mtype string item type 00 consumable01 non-consumable02 non-recurring subscription03 auto-recurring subscription 10 all msubscriptiondurationunit string subscription duration unit, defined as an upper case string month msubscriptiondurationmultiplier string if the item type mtype is 02 or 03, this is the item duration combined with msubscriptiondurationunit, it expresses the subscription duration, for example, 1month code snippet request the available items, and retrieve the item details in the reply callback webapis inapppurchase getitemlist 1, 15, "consumable", "iap_commercial_mode",successcallback, errorcallback ; /* success callback */ function successcallback result { if result _items length == 0 { console log "no item" ; } else { for var i = 0; i < result _items length; i++ { console log "item id " + result _items[i] mitemid ; console log "item name " + result _items[i] mitemname ; console log "item price " + result _items[i] mitemprice ; } } } /* error callback */ function errorcallback error { /* error handling */ } purchase an in-app item to purchase items from galaxy store, use the startpayment method pass in the index of the item id, service mode, callback function, and user data as parameters when the reply is delivered, the paymentsuccesscallback or errorcallback callback is invoked with the jsonobject that stores the query results request for details, see the startpayment void startpayment domstring itemid, iapmode mode, paymentsuccesscallback successcallback, optional errorcallback? errorcallback ; response [callback=functiononly, nointerfaceobject] interface paymentsuccesscallback { void onsuccess jsonobject item ; }; [callback=functiononly, nointerfaceobject] interface errorcallback { void onerror webapierror error ; }; common result key value type description merrorcode int error code number merrorstring string error message purchased item details key value type description mitemid string item id numberthis is the same as the item id used in the request mitemname string name provided during the item registration in the seller office mitemprice double item price in a local currency mitempricestring string currency code + pricefor example €7 99 mcurrencyunit string device user currency unitfor example $, won, or pound mcurrencycode string currency codefor example eur or gbp mitemdesc string item description provided during the item registration mitemimageurl string item image url provided during the item registration mitemdownloadurl string item download url provided during the item registration mpaymentid string id of the payment mpurchaseid string purchase ticket id used to verify the purchase with the store iap server mpurchasedate string date of purchasefor example "2013-11-15 10 31 23" mverifyurl string server's url, which can be used in combination with other parameters to verify the purchase with the iap server code snippet webapis inapppurchase startpayment "item_id", "iap_commercial_mode", successcallback, errorcallback ; /* success callback */ function successcallback item { console log "item id " + item mitemid ; console log "item name " + item mitemname ; console log "item price " + item mitemprice ; } /* error callback */ function errorcallback error { /* error handling */ } get a list of purchased items to get all purchased items from galaxy stroe, use the getpurchaseditemlist or getpurchaseditemlistbyids method for getpurchaseditemlist , pass in the index of the first and last item, the item type, the start and end date, the callback function, and user data as parameters for getpurchaseditemlistbyids , pass in the item ids separated by comma , , the callback function, and user data as parameters when the reply is delivered, the getitemsuccesscallback or errorcallback callback is invoked with the jsonobject that stores the query results request for details, see the getpurchaseditemlist and getpurchaseditemlistbyids void getpurchaseditemlist long startnumber, long endnumber, tzdate startdate, tzdate enddate, getitemsuccesscallback successcallback, optional errorcallback? errorcallback void getpurchaseditemlistbyids domstring[] itemids, getitemsuccesscallback successcallback, optional errorcallback? errorcallback response [callback=functiononly, nointerfaceobject] interface getitemsuccesscallback { void onsuccess jsonobject result ; }; [callback=functiononly, nointerfaceobject] interface errorcallback { void onerror webapierror error ; }; common result key value type description merrorcode int error code number merrorstring string error message _items array item list purchased item details key value type description mitemid string item id numberthis is the same as the item id used in the request mitemname string name provided during the item registration in the seller portal mitemprice string item price in a local currency mitempricestring string currency code + price mcurrencyunit string device user currency unit mcurrencycode string currency code mitemdesc string item description provided during the item registration mitemimageurl string item image url provided during the item registration mitemdownloadurl string item download url provided during item registration mtype string item type 00 consumable01 non-consumable02 non-recurring subscription03 auto-recurring subscription10 all mpaymentid string id of the payment mpurchaseid string id of the purchase mpurchasedate string date of purchasefor example "2013-11-15 10 31 23" msubscriptionenddate string if the item type mtype is 02 or 03, this is the due date mjsonstring string original json string code snippet webapis inapppurchase getpurchaseditemlist 1, 10, new tizen tzdate 2020, 01, 01 , new tizen tzdate 2022, 12,31 , successcallback, errorcallback ; // item ids can be obtained by seperating the values returned by the getitemlist with comma , webapis inapppurchase getpurchaseditemlistbyids "item1,item2,item3", successcallback, errorcallback ; /* success callback */ function successcallback result { if result _items length == 0 { console log "no item" ; } else { for var i = 0; i < result _items length; i++ { console log "item id " + result _items[i] mitemid ; console log "item name " + result _items[i] mitemname ; console log "item price " + result _items[i] mitemprice ; } } } /* error callback */ function errorcallback error { /* error handling */ } handling errors during the iap process, various errors can occur, for example, due to an unstable network, connection error, invalid account, or invalid product if an error occurs, your application receives the webapierror error type in the errorcallback callback handle all errors appropriately error code error name description paymentiscancelederror payment canceled networkerror network is not available ioerror ioexception timeouterror timeout exception initializationerror failure during iap initialization needappupgradeerror samsung iap upgrade is required alreadypurchasederror error when a non-consumable product is repurchased or a subscription product is repurchased before the product expiration date whilerunningerror error when payment is requested without bundle information productdoesnotexisterror error when the requested item list is not available confirminboxerror the payment result is not received after requesting payment from the server, and the purchased item list is not confirmed notexistlocalpriceerror the item is not for sale in the country notavailableshoperror iap is not supported in the country invalidvalueserror invalid parameter notsupportederror the device does not support iap securityerror this functionality is not allowed unknownerror any other error case verify a purchase this server api enables your server and client app to verify that a specified in-app item purchase and payment transaction were successfully completed the api returns a json object with a successful status and details about a successful transaction and the item or with a failure status this api can help to prevent malicious purchases and ensure that purchase and payment transactions were successful when the client app experiences network interruptions after an item purchase and payment transaction request https //iap samsungapps com/iap/appsitemverifyiapreceipt as?protocolversion=2 0&purchaseid={purchaseid} the purchaseid is assigned by samsung iap your app receives it in the jsonobject of paymentsuccesscallback and the variable name is mpurchaseid response note response parameters may be added, changed, and deleted success { "itemid" "item01", "paymentid" "zpmtid20131122gbi0015292", "orderid" "s20200106kra1908790", "itemname" "test pack", "itemdesc" "iap test item best value!", "purchasedate" "2020-11-22 04 22 36", "paymentamount" "9 000", "status" "true", "paymentmethod" "credit card", "mode" "real", } fail { "status" "false" } note besides verifying a purchase, samsung iap server api also obtains service token information and gets detailed information of auto recurring subscription ars item purchase submit the app to galaxy store 1 check the operation mode after iap integration, you must check the operation mode before submitting the app if you submit the app with iap_success_test_mode, the users will get all the items for free so, before beta release or normal publication, confirm if the operation mode is iap_commercial_mode 2 submit the app when you have created an app version that is ready for review testing and normal publication, register the app and its in-app item, and then click submit for more details, see the app registration guide
Connect Samsung Developer Conference
webtech square products and services using our new technology are displayed in the space by each field, and you can find details in the keynote speech and sessions. platform innovation home & health experience mobile & screen experience sustainability category platform innovation home & health experience mobile & screen experience sustainability smartthings matter/hub the most comprehensive iot platform for matter. the matter-compatible smartthings hub has been deeply integrated across samsung tvs, family hub refrigerators, smart monitors, and mobile chargers. working together, these hubs can form a multi-hub network for wider coverage and better reliability. setting up a new hub is also easier than ever with our new hub replacement tool. smartthings find & galaxy smarttag2 to keep your belongings and loved ones safe, you can use the newly updated smartthings find and smarttag2. with the new lost mode, someone who has found your misplaced key simply can tap their phone to the tag2 to contact you. you can even use tag2 to keep your pets healthy. attach a tag2 to your dog’s collar and keep track of their walking habits. smartthings home view smartthings home view provides an indoor map of your home, allows you to set the location of rooms and easily control your home devices at once, and displays environmental information such as room temperature and humidity, making your smart device experience easier and more intuitive. we also provide various ways to create indoor maps using ai technology. smartthings tv experience find out more about enhanced tv experiences with smartthings, including ring my phone, built-in smart home hub and home monitoring, and on a galaxy smart phone, the quick tv remote functionality. wwst partner find out about upcoming "works with smartthings" partner devices, including interesting gadgets, harman speakers, and presence sensors. calm onboarding calm onboarding is a stepping stone to a convenient life. it allows the user to complete device registration in the background by linking product purchase information, or by temporarily registering nearby devices and completing the final confirmation - the user just needs to have a previously registered device to connect to. smartthings ecosystem wall smartthings has been developed with support for the matter protocol and hca standards. it's an ever-evolving system, continually expanding user device options and enhancing usability. in close partnership with major home iot companies like philips hue / aeotec and other device-focused allies, we're delivering unique advantages to both partners and end-users. back to previous page vision ai pro cooking: bespoke view camera oven and camera wall oven the vision ai pro cooking camera oven optimizes cooking settings while monitoring food. if the oven is set to cook a recognized dish, it recommends a cooking mode, temperature, and time. the user can see how their meal is coming along in real time. during cooking, the oven detects cooking status, and afterwards, creates a time-lapse. screens everywhere at home we are building a screen ecosystem by expanding the tizen os to all of our home appliances. in this booth, we will display a family hub refrigerator with a 32-inch screen and a wall oven with a 7-inch screen, which you can use to experience various services such as multimedia, iot, and ai. samsung food: food your way samsung food offers a single platform to take you from "what’s for dinner?" to food on the table. discover recipe inspiration and storage, meal planning, nutritional information, automatic shopping lists, guided cooking, and sharing recipes and reviews with your friends. we put the world’s food knowledge at your fingertips! expand your health experience with samsung health making healthy habits easier with samsung health and new galaxy watch. samsung health can help you develop healthy habits by providing insights on what you’re doing well and what needs improvement, based on measurement data. leveraging galaxy watch's advanced health sensors tracking of raw or processed health sensor data from a galaxy watch is available through the samsung privileged health sdk. specialized features of the galaxy watch, like body composition and skin temperature measurements, can easily be utilized in wear os applications. the sdk maintains low watch battery consumption during continuous data tracking. empowering research & clinical experiences with samsung health stack samsung health stack is an open source project that provides end-to-end solutions such as application sdk, web portal, and backend systems for various use cases from medical research studies to clinician services using wearable devices. in this booth, you can explore all features of samsung health stack and check out some of its real-world use cases. back to previous page where gaming comes together gaming hub is an all-in-one platform where users can spend more time together and enjoy a variety of games through streaming, with over 3,000 titles from industry-leading partners. in addition, we'll be demonstrating to game developers how to utilize gamepads effectively with live demos, and have content for gamepad manufacturers interested in tv integration. deliver the best multi-device experience between samsung devices multi-control allows you to control two or more devices at the same time with a keyboard or mouse. you can access content such as news and netflix using your mouse, without needing the remote control, and then immediately continue using the mouse to work with your pc. introduction to iris (instant rendering & immediate sign-off) for hdr10+ gaming iris is a software tool that provides real-time, simulated rendering of hdr10+ gaming, hdr10, or sdr on multiple connected displays. this exhibition covers the overview of hdr10+ gaming, iris features, and how game developers can utilize it for their development and qc process. currently, iris works based on an nvidia api for the hdr10+ gaming communication protocols. feel the pleasure and value of being together with witty conversations chat together lets you talk remotely while watching your favorite tv programs. a click on a pop-up notification will start a chat together session. you can chat using either ai-recommended text and emojis, voice input, or mobile application and web browser. we are also developing other tv applications that provide togetherness experiences with a tv chat open api and platform. camera experience for tv any application that uses a camera can join camera experience. so far, we have a video call, workout, health care and gesture applications. you can easily create camera applications for tv by using our open api and platform. cheering together with emoticons and enjoyable events while watching sports cheer together lets you move beyond just watching tv, by providing experience that family and others can share while watching sports, through cheering emoticons and co-participating in events according to the cheering mood. we are planning to auto-generate emoticons with the user's voice to provide them with more ways to express enjoyment. remote test lab for tv remote test lab is a solution that makes it easy for tv application developers to use any real tvs they want. if you have an internet-connected pc, you can configure a remote development environment using a real tv. we support various models based on product and year, and no further effort is required to get access to specific models. all you need is your pc. smart edge blending - merge screens using two freestyle 2023 projectors. to use smart edge blending, two freestyle projectors are placed horizontally or vertically, and the edge blending function, which connects the images, is set up by taking a picture on the smartthings mobile application. samsung wallet: add to wallet add to samsung wallet is an e-wallet service that allows customers using samsung devices to add various digitized contents to samsung wallet. users can add their event tickets, coupons, boarding passes, and other types of data into samsung wallet using "add to samsung wallet" buttons in applications, web pages, e-mail, or social media messages by various content providers. samsung wallet: online payment check out faster in our payment apps. there's no need to enter your credit card number for in-app or online purchases—simply select samsung pay at checkout and authenticate the purchase with your fingerprint or pin. samsung wallet: student / company id add your student or company id to samsung wallet to make access simple. open doors, get into the library and events, pay for lunch, and more with just a tap of your phone or watch. experience the convenience of your student or company id working when your screen is off and your phone is locked, and even when your battery runs out. samsung wallet: mobile driver’s license / state id users will soon be able to add their driver’s license or state id to samsung wallet. initially, mobile driver’s licenses / state ids will work in a limited number of states at select tsa checkpoints to verify an id with just a tap. advanced professional video codec the advanced professional video (apv) codec is a new video codec for prosumers who want cinematic-quality video recording and post-production with smart phones. the apv codec provides perceptually lossless video quality and consumes 20% less storage compared to existing formats. back to previous page net zero home: build a sustainable home with smartthings energy smartthings energy connects everything from solar panels to your ev chargers to build a sustainable home. through partnership, smartthings energy lets you manage your energy production, storage and consumption and lowers your monthly energy bill and carbon footprint. open license for solar cell remote tech the solar cell remote is eco-friendly remote controller made out of recyclable materials that creates no battery waste, and incorporates improvements based on research into the potential environmental pollutants caused in remote control production. by opening the solar cell remote control technology to everyone, eco-friendly technology can be distributed wider. intelligent power saving intelligent power saving is power reduction based on human vision characteristics. a deep learning algorithm identifies regions of non-interest, which helps in reducing power consumption without letting the user notice any changes in the image. relumino mode relumino mode improves visual accessibility by making it easier to recognize objects. the edge thickness and colors in the image can be controlled depending on the user's vision level. the "together mode" supports a social tv watching experience, by displaying the original and relumino mode videos at the same time, allowing users to watch tv with their families. spoken subtitles people with low vision, or who cannot read the subtitles, will better understand foreign content such as movies if the tv gives them narration by reading the subtitles out loud. resource circulation gallery our goal at samsung is to apply recycled resin to 100% of the plastic components used in our products by 2050. we're using materials like fishing nets and recycled glass for samsung galaxy products, crafting tv covers from low-carbon resin captured from carbon emissions, and developing microplastic-filtering technology to reduce marine pollution. circular factory we’re highlighting samsung's processes for upcycling waste, showing how our research is integrated into products. we’re uncovering recyclable materials from waste products and are creating a roadmap for how that waste can be reintegrated into samsung products. back to previous page
Develop Smart TV
docsamsung checkout this topic describes how you can develop a billing system for your application, to allow users to make purchases within your application related info billing api productinfo api sso api samsung checkout dpi portal guide samsung checkout for tizen net samsung checkout dpi portal samsung checkout on tv samples samsung checkout web application samsung checkout net application samsung checkout offers an optimized purchase experience for your users on samsung tvs the user can quickly and safely register a payment method and make frictionless payments repeatedly within the tv environment in addition, samsung checkout provides a comprehensive global monetization platform, which allows you to integrate various business models and promotional campaigns into your services the tv-optimized purchase experience provides the user a quick and simple 3-step checkout, once a payment method is registered the checkout requires only number-centric information to be entered, making it easy to use with a tv remote control users can register their payment method directly on the tv or through a mobile phone to use samsung checkout, the user needs tv samsung smart tv, 2016 or later model supporting tizen excluding evolution kit payment method credit or debit card, paypal, or samsung pay in korea, united states security tizen secureime, 2nd-screen card registration mobile or pc account samsung account for sharing account and payment information with galaxy phones importanta samsung account is mandatory for using samsung checkout samsung checkout assumes that the user is logged in to samsung account at all times samsung checkout provides one solution for payment execution ✔ one solution supports all functions from payment operation ✔ operate automatically settlement and payout strong security payment solution ✔ acquire pci-dss certification and follow regulation each of countries psd2 ✔ following psd2 regulantion and gdpr deliver the coupon/promotional code in various ways of distribution with easiest ux ✔ issue coupons for promotion provide dpi digital product inventory system ✔ create and manage service items ✔ check the status of sales amounts and transaction scale ✔ refund and cancel subscription you can manage your product application and product sales through the dpi digital product inventory and process the actual purchase through samsung checkout importantall application data that is saved locally on a tv is deleted when the application is deleted from that tv if the user's purchase history is saved only in the tv storage and not remotely, and the user deletes and reinstalls the application, all application settings and content are removed, including purchased content if your application saves purchase information in the tv storage only, inform the user that uninstalling the application deletes their purchased content the dpi portal provides functions, such as "purchase history unapply" and "refund", to help you address situations when your customer inadvertently deletes application data before proceeding with the unapply and refund processes, you must contact a samsung representative by going to "samsung apps tv seller office > support" and creating a "1 1 q&a" support ticket samsung checkout purchase process when a user wants to purchase a product on your application, samsung checkout provides a common purchase gui, which identifies the user and confirms first the purchase and then the purchase completion after the user completes the purchase, samsung checkout returns the purchase result to your application product, purchase, and payment management the following figure illustrates how you can use samsung checkout and the information in the dpi server to manage in-app purchases and payments in your application request the purchase list retrieve the customer purchase list using a purchase list api request respond to the purchase list content if there are products in the purchase list which are not applied, verify the purchase and apply the products if there are products in the purchase list which have been refunded, retrieve the products send the application result to the server request the product list request the product information list using a products list api request the user purchases the product when the user selects “buy” in the application, provide a common purchase gui through samsung checkout the user can enter a voucher or coupon code to modify the purchase price the user confirms the purchase by entering a pin on the common purchase gui, or biometric information on samsung pay samsung checkout delivers the purchase result to your application request the purchase list update the customer purchase list verify the purchase verify the purchase using a verify purchase api request apply the product apply the product using an apply product api request, and send the application result to the server payment flow with dynamic product in case that partner already has cms server which manage products and price, and it is required to change the product information frequently, partner and samsung can discuss to use dynamic product when they integrate samsung checkout and once they agree on that products and prices will be managed by cms of partner not by samsung’s dpi, partner need to register a representative item on dpi so that samsung checkout system can display information on samsung smart tv app/game store which is legally required partner does not need to register each products on dpi that they sells in their app, however, they should builds and operates its own cms to manage products information including prices and provide rest api for verification of purchase requests the following figure shows data flow of initialize stage in payment process with dynamic product additional requirement for dpi as model require partner cms to manage product information, there is additional requirement that partner need to do for dpi settings verification/no verification ‘verification’ is a recommended option otherwise partner has to handle the verification process by themselves and take all the responsibility for all the error cases related to verification process if ‘verification’ is selected, ‘verify uri’ is also required this uri should serve the function of checking product information such as product itself, price and currency in sequence of initialization during payment process price setting price range information of products that you actually sells in your app is required by country it is not used for actual payment for providing the app information on samsung smart tv app/game store which is legally required thus, it has to be updated when the price range of your products is changed difference when dynamic product when buyitem unlike ordinary purchase, when dynamic product, partner need to set values as below in order to complete payment process "orderitemid" - representative productid that registered to dpi portal as dynamic product type "ordertitle" - customized name for each purchase displayed as in figure 9 "ordertotal" - customized price for each purchase displayed as in figure 9 "dynmcproductid" - unique product id managed by partner cms when verify product partner need to strictly verify the below values in order to identify if it's appropriate product information "appid" - if it's appropriate application for this payment process "productid" - if this is same as representative productid from dpi portal "productprice" - if price of product that partner intended to sell to user "dynmcproductid" - if this is is appropriate id that are under control of partner cms checkout service county/location list no area country eng biz model 1 north america canada agent 2 north america united states commissionaire 3 europe aland islands commissionaire 4 europe albania agent 5 europe austria commissionaire 6 europe belgium commissionaire 7 europe bosnia and herzegovina agent 8 europe bulgaria commissionaire 9 europe croatia commissionaire 10 europe cyprus commissionaire 11 europe czech republic commissionaire 12 europe denmark commissionaire 13 europe estonia commissionaire 14 europe faroe islands commissionaire 15 europe finland commissionaire 16 europe france commissionaire 17 europe germany commissionaire 18 europe greece commissionaire 19 europe greenland commissionaire 20 europe guernsey commissionaire 21 europe hungary commissionaire 22 europe iceland agent 23 europe ireland commissionaire 24 europe isle of man commissionaire 25 europe italy commissionaire 26 europe jersey commissionaire 27 europe latvia commissionaire 28 europe lithuania commissionaire 29 europe luxembourg commissionaire 30 europe montenegro agent 31 europe netherlands commissionaire 32 europe north macedonia agent 33 europe norway commissionaire 34 europe poland commissionaire 35 europe portugal commissionaire 36 europe romania commissionaire 37 europe serbia agent 38 europe slovakia commissionaire 39 europe slovenia commissionaire 40 europe spain commissionaire 41 europe sweden commissionaire 42 europe switzerland agent 43 europe united kingdom commissionaire 44 asia australia agent 45 asia hong kong agent 46 asia india agent 47 asia indonesia agent 48 asia korea, republic of agent 49 asia malaysia agent 50 asia new zealand agent 51 asia philippines agent 52 asia singapore agent 53 asia taiwan agent 54 asia thailand agent 55 asia vietnam agent 56 cis belarus agent 57 cis kazakhstan agent 58 cis kyrgyzstan agent 59 cis moldova agent 60 cis mongolia agent 61 cis russian federation agent 62 cis tajikistan agent 63 cis turkmenistan agent 64 cis ukraine agent 65 cis uzbekistan agent 66 latam argentina agent 67 latam bolivia agent 68 latam brazil agent 69 latam chile agent 70 latam colombia agent 71 latam costa rica agent 72 latam dominican republic agent 73 latam ecuador agent 74 latam guatemala agent 75 latam mexico agent 76 latam panama agent 77 latam peru agent 78 latam venezuela agent 79 mena algeria agent 80 mena bahrain agent 81 mena egypt agent 82 mena ghana agent 83 mena iraq agent 84 mena israel agent 85 mena jordan agent 86 mena kenya agent 87 mena kuwait agent 88 mena lebanon agent 89 mena libya agent 90 mena mauritius agent 91 mena morocco agent 92 mena nigeria agent 93 mena oman agent 94 mena pakistan agent 95 mena qatar agent 96 mena saudi arabia agent 97 mena south africa agent 98 mena tunisia agent 99 mena turkey agent 100 mena united arab emirates agent 101 mena yemen agent 102 latam paraguay agent 103 latam uruguay agent 104 latam el salvador agent 105 latam honduras agent 106 latam nicaragua agent 107 latam bahamas agent 108 latam jamaica agent 109 latam trinidad & tobago agent 110 asia cambodia agent 111 asia myanmar agent 112 asia laos agent 113 asia macao agent 114 asia bangladesh agent 115 asia nepal agent 116 asia sri lanka agent 117 cis armenia agent 118 cis azerbaijan agent 119 cis georgia agent 120 europe liechtenstein agent
Distribute Samsung IAP for Galaxy Watch (Tizen)
docnative iap for galaxy watch samsung in-app purchase iap for galaxy watch is a galaxy store service that allows third-party watch applications to sell in-app items iap for galaxy watch only works if your galaxy watch is paired with your phone the iap client for watch communicates with the iap client for phone, which internally manages communication with supporting iap services and the samsung ecosystem such as samsung account, samsung checkout, and samsung rewards in other words, it acts as an intermediary between the watch app and samsung iap phone system you can concentrate on integrating iap api calls and iap server api calls into your watch app to integrate iap for galaxy watch using tizen extension sdk, iap native apis enables you to easily integrate iap functionality into your watch app, such as configuring iaps, getting item details, offering and selling items, and managing purchased items using galaxy watch studio formerly galaxy watch designer , you can make your own watch face that prompts for payment after a free trial period, without the complexity of coding for more details, see the galaxy watch studio online tutorial by integrating iap features, your watch apps can sell these types of in-app items item type description consumable app users can use items only one time for example, coins, special powers, or gems nonconsumable app users can use items any number of times for example, e-books or game boards items cannot be repurchased noteduring iap integration testing, if your application is set to test mode, the purchase record is initialized every 60 minutes to allow repurchase autorecurring subscription these items are purchased automatically at specific intervals app users can access items such as magazines, e-zines, or newspapers any number of times during a free trial or while their paid subscriptions are active app users can cancel at any time after purchase during subscription period app users can repurchase items after cancellation noteduring iap integration testing, if your application is set to test mode, the subscription cycle is automatically renewed every 10 minutes, and the subscription is automatically canceled after 12 renewals integrate iap into your watch app this section explains how to prepare your app to sell in-app items using tizen extension sdk you can use galaxy watch studio to make a watch face that prompts for payment after a free trial period, without the complexity of coding see the galaxy watch studio online tutorial for more information to prepare for integrating iap features and testing the integration, perform the following steps 1 create a project create a project in tizen studio the application api version must be at least 2 3 2 in the tizen-manifest xml file <?xml version="1 0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?> <manifest xmlns="http //tizen org/ns/packages" api-version="4 0 0" package="org tizen nativeiap" version="1 0 0"> </manifest> 2 add permissions to tizen-manifest xml <privileges> <privilege>http //tizen org/privilege/billing</privilege> </privileges> 3 register app and in-app items in seller portal during iap integration, you may need to test iap features samsung iap needs information about your app and in-app items registered in seller portal noteyour app does not need to have iap features integrated in order to register the app and its in-app items as iap integration proceeds, you can upload new versions of your app and new in-app items as needed to register an app and its in-app items sign in to seller portal https //seller samsungapps com using your samsung account click add new application click galaxy watch, select the default language, and click next in the binary tab, upload your app tpk in the app information tab, enter fundamental app details in the country / region & price tab, specify a free or paid app, a paid app price, and countries to sell your items in the in app purchase tab, register one or more in-app items cautiondon't click *submit beta test * or *submit * in this step 4 integrate iap features #include <iap-galaxyapps h> get in-app items available for purchase purchase an in-app item get a list of purchased items operation mode iap supports three operational modes one is for enabling billing for item purchases, and the other two are for testing iap functions without billing app users for item purchases mode description iap_galaxyapps_commercial_mode financial transactions do occur for successful requests, and actual results are returned successful or failed the app gets in-app item information of the app whose status in seller portal is for sale iap_galaxyapps_success_test_mode financial transactions do not occur app users are not billed for item purchases , and successful results are always returned the app gets in-app item information of the app whose status in seller portal is registering or updating iap_galaxyapps_failure_test_mode all iap requests fail negative testing to ensure that your app can handle errors such as improper input and user actions notethe tizen emulator only supports these two modes iap_galaxyapps_success_test_mode iap_galaxyapps_failure_test_mode if you set the mode to iap_galaxyapps_commercial_mode, it is automatically changed to iap_galaxyapps_success_test_mode get in-app items available for purchase to get all registered in-app items from galaxy store, use the iap_galaxyapps_get_item_list method pass in the index of the first and last item, the item type, service mode, callback function, and user data as parameters when the reply is delivered, the iap_galaxyapps_reply_cb callback is invoked with the iap_galaxyapps_h object that stores the query results to get the request result from the iap_galaxyapps_h object, use the iap_galaxyapps_get_value method if the request was successful, you can get all the item details from the iap_galaxyapps_h object using the iap_galaxyapps_foreach_item_info method request for details, see the iap_galaxyapps_get_item_list int iap_galaxyapps_get_item_list int start_number, int end_number, const char *item_type, iap_galaxyapps_mode_e mode, iap_galaxyapps_reply_cb reply_cb, void *user_data response typedef void * iap_galaxyapps_reply_cb iap_galaxyapps_h reply, iap_galaxyapps_error_e result, void *user_data common result key value type description merrorcode int error code number merrorstring string error message mextrastring string extra result mstartnumber int index of the first item on the list mendnumber int index of the last item on the list mtotalcount int total number of items based on the first and last item index item details key value type description mitemid string item id numberthis is the same as the item id used in the request mitemname string name provided during the item registration in the seller portal mitemprice string item price in a local currency mitempricestring string currency code + pricefor example €7 99 mcurrencyunit string device user currency unit for example $, won, or pound mcurrencycode string currency codefor example eur or gbp mitemdesc string item description provided during the item registration mitemimageurl string item image url provided during the item registration mitemdownloadurl string item download url provided during the item registration mtype string item type 00 consumable01 non-consumable02 non-recurring subscription03 auto-recurring subscription 10 all msubscriptiondurationunit string subscription duration unit, defined as an upper case string month msubscriptiondurationmultiplier string if the item type mtype is 02 or 03, this is the item duration combined with msubscriptiondurationunit, it expresses the subscription duration, for example, 1month mjsonstring string original json string code snippet to handle the request output data, define a structure for it struct output_data { char* merrorcode; char* merrorstring; char* mextrastring; char* mstartnumber; char* mendnumber; char* mtotalcount; char* mitemid; char* mitemname; char* mitemprice; char* mitempricestring; char* mcurrencyunit; char* mcurrencycode; char* mitemdesc; char* mitemimageurl; char* mitemdownloadurl; char* mpaymentid; char* mpurchaseid; char* mpurchasedate; char* mverifyurl; char* mtype; char* msubscriptiondurationunit; char* msubscriptiondurationmultiplier; char* msubscriptionenddate; char* mjsonstring; }; typedef struct output_data_s; request the available items, and retrieve the item details in the reply callback /* request the available item list */ int ret = iap_galaxyapps_get_item_list 1, 10, "10", iap_galaxyapps_commercial_mode, __get_item_list_cb, null ; if ret != iap_galaxyapps_error_none { /* error handling */ return; } static bool __foreach_item iap_galaxyapps_h handle, void *user_data { output_data value = {0,}; /* get item properties */ iap_galaxyapps_get_value handle, "mitemid", &value mitemid ; iap_galaxyapps_get_value handle, "mitemname", &value mitemname ; iap_galaxyapps_get_value handle, "mitempricestring", &value mitempricestring ; iap_galaxyapps_get_value handle, "mitemdesc", &value mitemdesc ; /* handle properties */ return true; } /* callback */ static void __get_item_list_cb iap_galaxyapps_h reply, iap_galaxyapps_error_e result, void *user_data { if result != iap_galaxyapps_error_none { char *merrorstring = null; iap_galaxyapps_get_value reply, "merrorstring", &merrorstring ; /* error handling */ return; } /* retrieve all items contained in the handle */ int ret = iap_galaxyapps_foreach_item_info reply, __foreach_item, null ; if ret != iap_galaxyapps_error_none { /* error handling */ return; } return; } purchase an in-app item to purchase items from galaxy store, use the iap_galaxyapps_start_payment method pass in the index of the item id, service mode, callback function, and user data as parameters when the reply is delivered, the iap_galaxyapps_reply_cb callback is invoked with the iap_galaxyapps_h object that stores the query results to get both the request result and the purchased item details from the iap_galaxyapps_h object, use the iap_galaxyapps_get_value method request for details, see the iap_galaxyapps_start_payment int iap_galaxyapps_start_payment const char *item_id, iap_galaxyapps_mode_e mode, iap_galaxyapps_reply_cb reply_cb, void *user_data response typedef void * iap_galaxyapps_reply_cb iap_galaxyapps_h reply, iap_galaxyapps_error_e result, void *user_data common result key value type description merrorcode int error code number merrorstring string error message mextrastring string extra result purchased item details key value type description mitemid string item id numberthis is the same as the item id used in the request mitemname string name provided during the item registration in the seller office mitemprice double item price in a local currency mitempricestring string currency code + pricefor example €7 99 mcurrencyunit string device user currency unitfor example $, won, or pound mcurrencycode string currency codefor example eur or gbp mitemdesc string item description provided during the item registration mitemimageurl string item image url provided during the item registration mitemdownloadurl string item download url provided during the item registration mpaymentid string id of the payment mpurchaseid string purchase ticket id used to verify the purchase with the store iap server mpurchasedate string date of purchasefor example "2020-11-15 10 31 23" mverifyurl string server's url, which can be used in combination with other parameters to verify the purchase with the iap server mjsonstring string original json string code snippet /* purchase an item */ int ret = iap_galaxyapps_start_payment "item_id", iap_galaxyapps_commercial_mode, __purchase_cb, null ; if ret != iap_galaxyapps_error_none { /* error handling */ return; } /* callback */ static void __purchase_cb iap_galaxyapps_h reply, iap_galaxyapps_error_e result, void *user_data { output_data value = {0,}; if result != iap_galaxyapps_error_none { iap_galaxyapps_get_value reply, "merrorstring", &value merrorstring ; /* error handling */ return; } /* get properties of the purchased item */ iap_galaxyapps_get_value reply, "mitemid", &value mitemid ; iap_galaxyapps_get_value reply, "mitemname", &value mitemname ; iap_galaxyapps_get_value reply, "mitempricestring", &value mitempricestring ; iap_galaxyapps_get_value reply, "mitemdesc", &value mitemdesc ; /* handle properties */ return; } get a list of purchased items to get a list of all items purchased from galaxy store, use the iap_galaxyapps_get_purchased_item_list or iap_galaxyapps_get_purchased_item_list_by_item_ids method for iap_galaxyapps_get_purchased_item_list , pass in the index of the first and last item, the item type, the start and end date, the callback function, and user data as parameters for iap_galaxyapps_get_purchased_item_list_by_item_ids , pass in the item ids separated by comma , , the callback function, and user data as parameters when the reply is delivered, the iap_galaxyapps_reply_cb callback is invoked with the iap_galaxyapps_h object that stores the query results to get the request result from the iap_galaxyapps_h object, use the iap_galaxyapps_get_value method if the request was successful, you can get all the item details from the iap_galaxyapps_h object using the iap_galaxyapps_foreach_item_info method request for details, see the iap_galaxyapps_get_purchased_item_list and iap_galaxyapps_get_purchased_item_list_by_item_ids int iap_galaxyapps_get_purchased_item_list int start_number, int end_number, const char *start_date, const char *end_date, iap_galaxyapps_reply_cb reply_cb, void *user_data int iap_galaxyapps_get_purchased_item_list_by_item_ids const char *item_ids, iap_galaxyapps_reply_cb reply_cb, void *user_data response typedef void * iap_galaxyapps_reply_cb iap_galaxyapps_h reply, iap_galaxyapps_error_e result, void *user_data common result key value type description merrorcode int error code number merrorstring string error message mextrastring string extra result mstartnumber int index of the first item on the list mendnumber int index of the last item on the list mtotalcount int total number of items based on the first and last item index purchased item details key value type description mitemid string item id numberthis is the same as the item id used in the request mitemname string name provided during the item registration in the seller portal mitemprice string item price in a local currency mitempricestring string currency code + price mcurrencyunit string device user currency unit mcurrencycode string currency code mitemdesc string item description provided during the item registration mitemimageurl string item image url provided during the item registration mitemdownloadurl string item download url provided during item registration mtype string item type 00 consumable01 nonconsumable02 nonrecurring subscription03 autorecurring subscription10 all mpaymentid string id of the payment mpurchaseid string id of the purchase mpurchasedate string date of purchasefor example "2020-11-15 10 31 23" msubscriptionenddate string if the item type mtype is 02 or 03, this is the due date mjsonstring string original json string code snippet int ret = iap_galaxyapps_get_purchased_item_list 1, 10, "20200101", "20221231", __get_purchased_item_list_cb, null ; if ret != iap_galaxyapps_error_none { /* error handling */ return; } // item ids can be obtained by seperating the values returned by the iap_galaxyapps_get_item_list with comma , int ret = iap_galaxyapps_get_purchased_item_list_by_item_ids "item1,item2,item3", __get_purchased_item_list_cb, null ; if ret != iap_galaxyapps_error_none { /* error handling */ return; } static bool __foreach_purchased_item iap_galaxyapps_h handle, void *user_data { output_data value = {0,}; /* get properties of the item */ iap_galaxyapps_get_value handle, "mitemid", &value mitemid ; iap_galaxyapps_get_value handle, "mitemname", &value mitemname ; iap_galaxyapps_get_value handle, "mitempricestring", &value mitempricestring ; iap_galaxyapps_get_value handle, "mitemdesc", &value mitemdesc ; /* handle properties */ return true; } /* callback */ static void __get_purchased_item_list_cb iap_galaxyapps_h reply, iap_galaxyapps_error_e result, void *user_data { if result != iap_galaxyapps_error_none { char *merrorstring = null; iap_galaxyapps_get_value reply, "merrorstring", &merrorstring ; /* error handling */ return; } /* retrieve all items contained in the handle */ int ret = iap_galaxyapps_foreach_item_info reply, __foreach_purchased_item, null ; if ret != iap_galaxyapps_error_none { /* error handling */ return; } return; } handling errors during the iap process, various errors can occur, for example, due to an unstable network, connection error, invalid account, or invalid product if an error occurs, your application receives the iap_galaxyapps_error_e error type in the iap_galaxyapps_reply_cb callback handle all errors appropriately error code error code description iap_galaxyapps_error_none successful iap_galaxyapps_error_payment_is_canceled payment canceled iap_galaxyapps_error_network_not_available network is not available iap_galaxyapps_error_io_error ioexception iap_galaxyapps_error_timed_out timeout exception iap_galaxyapps_error_initialization failure during iap initialization iap_galaxyapps_error_need_app_upgrade samsung iap upgrade is required iap_galaxyapps_error_common error while running iap iap_galaxyapps_error_already_purchased error when a non-consumable product is repurchased or a subscription product is repurchased before the product expiration date iap_galaxyapps_error_request_payment_without_info error when payment is requested without bundle information iap_galaxyapps_error_product_does_not_exist error when the requested item list is not available iap_galaxyapps_error_confirm_inbox the payment result is not received after requesting payment from the server, and the purchased item list is not confirmed iap_galaxyapps_error_not_exist_local_price the item is not for sale in the country iap_galaxyapps_error_not_available_shop iap is not supported in the country iap_galaxyapps_error_invalid_parameter invalid parameter iap_galaxyapps_error_key_not_found specified key is not found iap_galaxyapps_error_not_supported_device the device does not support iap iap_galaxyapps_error_out_of_memory out of memory iap_galaxyapps_error_permission_denied permission denied verify a purchase this server api enables your server and client app to verify that a specified in-app item purchase and payment transaction were successfully completed the api returns a json object with a successful status and details about a successful transaction and the item or with a failure status this api can help to prevent malicious purchases and ensure that purchase and payment transactions were successful when the client app experiences network interruptions after an item purchase and payment transaction request https //iap samsungapps com/iap/appsitemverifyiapreceipt as?protocolversion=2 0&purchaseid={purchaseid} the purchaseid is assigned by samsung iap your app receives it in the iap_galaxyapps_h object as response of iap_galaxyapps_start_payment and the key is mpurchaseid response noteresponse parameters may be added, changed, and deleted success { "itemid" "item01", "paymentid" "zpmtid20131122gbi0015292", "orderid" "s20200106kra1908790", "itemname" "test pack", "itemdesc" "iap test item best value!", "purchasedate" "2020-11-22 04 22 36", "paymentamount" "9 000", "status" "true", "paymentmethod" "credit card", "mode" "real", } fail { "status" "false" } notebesides verifying a purchase, samsung iap server api also obtains service token information and gets detailed information of an autorecurring subscription item purchase submit the app to galaxy store 1 check the operation mode after iap integration, you must check the operation mode before submitting the app if you submit the app with iap_galaxyapps_success_test_mode, the users will get all the items for free so, before beta release or normal publication, confirm if the operation mode is iap_galaxyapps_commercial_mode 2 submit the app when you have created an app version that is ready for review testing and normal publication, register the app and its in-app item, and then click submit for more details, see the app registration guide
Distribute Galaxy Store
doccontent publish api reference this page lists the parameters, country codes, and language codes used with the view seller’s app details response and modify app data request in the content publish api [ { "contentid" "000007654321", "apptitle" "the best app ever!", "icon" "https //img samsungapps com/content/d33aazz11a/2021/0214/iconimage_20210214000000000 png", "iconkey" null, "contentstatus" "registering", "defaultlanguagecode" "eng", "applicationtype" "android", "longdescription" "the app that solves all your problems ", "shortdescription" "", "newfeature" "", "agelimit" "0", "chinaagelimit" "0", "opensourceurl" "", "privatepolicyurl" "", "youtubeurl" "", "copyrightholder" "", "supportemail" "support@mycompany com", "supportedsiteurl" "", "binarylist" [ { "filename" "app_filename apk", "versioncode" "3", "versionname" "3", "packagename" "my package name", "nativeplatforms" null, "apiminsdkversion" "26", "apimaxsdkversion" null, "iapsdk" "n", "gms" "y", "filekey" null } ], "standardprice" "0", "paid" "n", "autoaddcountry" false, "publicationtype" "01", "startpublicationdate" null, "stoppublicationdate" "2023-01-02", "usexportlaws" true, "reviewcomment" null, "reviewfilename" null, "reviewfilekey" null, "edgescreen" null, "edgescreenkey" null, "edgescreenplus" null, "edgescreenpluskey" null, "notifyresult" [], "sellcountrylist" [ {"countrycode" "aut", "price" "0"}, {"countrycode" "deu", "price" "0"}, {"countrycode" "esp", "price" "0"}, {"countrycode" "fra", "price" "0"}, {"countrycode" "ita", "price" "0"}, {"countrycode" "jpn", "price" "0"}, {"countrycode" "kor", "price" "0"}, {"countrycode" "nld", "price" "0"}, {"countrycode" "tur", "price" "0"} ], "supportedlanguages" ["deu", "eng", "fra", "ita", "jpn", "kor"], "addlanguage" [ { "languagecode" "deu", "newfeature" "", "description" "the app that solves all your problems ", "apptitle" "the best app ever!", "screenshots" [ { "screenshotpath" "https //img samsungapps com/content/d33aazz11a/2021/0223/deu/screenimage_202102230000000002 png", "screenshotkey" "screenimage_202102230000000002_filekey", "reuseyn" false }, { "screenshotpath" "https //img samsungapps com/content/d33aazz11a/2021/0223/deu/screenimage_2021022300000000 png", "screenshotkey" null, "reuseyn" true }, { "screenshotpath" "https //img samsungapps com/content/d33aazz11a/2021/0223/deu/screenimage_20210223000000009 png", "screenshotkey" null, "reuseyn" true }, { "screenshotpath" "https //img samsungapps com/content/d33aazz11a/2021/0223/deu/screenimage_202102230000000001 jpeg", "screenshotkey" null, "reuseyn" true } ] } ], "screenshots" [ { "screenshotpath" "https //img samsungapps com/content/d33aazz11a/2021/0218/eng/screenimage_20210218000000000 png", "screenshotkey" "screenimage_20210218000000000_filekey", "reuseyn" false }, { "screenshotpath" "https //img samsungapps com/content/d33aazz11a/2021/0218/eng/screenimage_20210218000000001 png", "screenshotkey" null, "reuseyn" true }, { "screenshotpath" "https //img samsungapps com/content/d33aazz11a/2021/0218/eng/screenimage_20210218000000002 png", "screenshotkey" null, "reuseyn" true }, { "screenshotpath" "https //img samsungapps com/content/d33aazz11a/2021/0218/eng/screenimage_20210218000000003 png", "screenshotkey" null, "reuseyn" true } ], "category" [ { "name" "others", "type" "one_depth_category" }, { "name" "music", "type" "general_category" } ], "heroimage" "https //img samsungapps com/content/d33aazz11a/2021/0219/eng/coverimage_20210219000000007 png", "heroimagekey" null } ] general parameters name type description addlanguage addlanguage[] add local languages in which you want to provide application information dismiss when null is entered neither add nor delete content , remove all when an empty distribution is entered see addlanguage parameters agelimit int the samsung age rating of the app see age category under age rating for more information valid values 0, 4, 12, 16, 18 chinaagelimit string age restriction for china required value if any of the code values in the defaultlanguagecode or addlanguage list are in chinese valid values 0, 3, 8, 12, 16, 18 apptitle string the name of the app that is displayed in your galaxy store listing maximum 100 bytes the app title can be unique or the same as any other app title registered in seller portal or distributed in galaxy store per the app id policy, if you register an app title with an app id that are the same title and id of a previously registered app, then you cannot choose the distribution devices and countries as the previously registered app autoaddcountry boolean automatically distribute the app to a new country or group when it initially becomes available y distribute your app to a new country or group n do not distribute your app to a new country or group binarylist binaryinfo[] dismiss when null is entered neither add nor delete content , remove all when an empty distribution is entered see binarylist parameters category category[] one or more app store groups that best describe the app see category parameters cannot be modified contentid string required in a request the unique 12-digit identifier of the app copyrightholder string for apps that have copyrighted content, the name of the copyright holder of the app maximum 100 bytes if a company is the holder, enter the company name if an individual is the holder, enter the individual's name when specified, the copyright holder's name is displayed in the galaxy store listing instead of the seller's name when not specified, the seller's name is displayed as the copyright holder defaultlanguagecode string required in a request the language in which you provide application information see language codes for addlanguage and defaultlanguagecode for a list of supported languages note if the app is published in more than one country, in order to pass app review, this must be set to "eng" edgescreen image file name of the image file app icon or logo file that must be a png file, 160x2560 pixels, and up to 1024 kb edgescreenkey string the filekey associated with the uploaded file in a request, you must create a session id and then upload the file to obtain the filekey edgescreenplus image file name of the image file app icon or logo file that must be a png file, 550x2560 pixels, and up to 1024 kb edgescreenpluskey string the filekey associated with the uploaded file in a request, you must create a session id and then upload the file to obtain the filekey heroimage image file name of the image file in some countries, the image file displayed at the top of the app detail page jpg or png file, 1200x675 pixels, and up to 1024 kb you can use this field if you select a category name of games heroimagekey string the filekey associated with the uploaded file in a request, you must create a session id and then upload the file to obtain the filekey icon image file name of the image file app icon or logo file for an android app, it must be a png file, 512x512 pixels, and up to 1024 kb iconkey string the filekey associated with the uploaded file in a request, you must create a session id and then upload the file to obtain the filekey longdescription string explanation of the app including a description, features, requirements, and supported languages that is displayed in your galaxy store listing maximum 4000 bytes if the app has two or more distribution countries, the description must be in english for non-english apps, the description must contain a warning stating that the full features of the application may not be available on devices that do not support the app's languages for link-follower galaxy watch apps, the description must inform users that the linked app must be installed newfeature string explanation of the changes made to an updated app maximum 4000 bytes use this field if the app is being updated notifyresult string[] email address es that are notified when the status of the app registration changes maximum 20 email addresses opensourceurl string for apps that use or include open source software, the url of the open source license maximum 200 bytes paid boolean required in a request whether or not app download requires a user payment y users must pay to download the app n the app is free, users can download it without payment privatepolicyurl string for apps that have a privacy policy that require a separate notification, the url of the app privacy policy maximum 200 bytes if a privacy policy is not specified, the category may be changed during certification required if the kids category is selected optional for all other app categories publicationtype string required in a request when the app is published 01 publish automatically publishes the app after the pre-review phase has completed 02 publish on date when the app has passed the pre-review phase, the app sale starts automatically on the date specified by startpublicationdate 03 publish manually the seller must publish the app after all phases of the review process have successfully completed reviewcomment string information to help with the evaluation of the app to determine whether or not the app is to be distributed maximum 4000 bytes reviewfilekey string the filekey associated with the uploaded file in a request, you must create a session id and then upload the file to obtain the filekey screenshots screenshot[] dismiss when null is entered neither add nor delete content , remove all when empty distribution is entered see screenshots parameters sellcountrylist sellcountry[] countries and groups of countries to which the app is to be distributed dismiss when null is entered neither add nor delete content , remove all when empty distribution is entered see sellcountrylist parameters shortdescription string brief explanation of the app displayed in the chinese galaxy store listing maximum 40 bytes use this field if simplified chinese is one of your selected languages standardprice string standard price in usd united states of america dollars that determines the default country-specific price for all distribution countries startpublicationdate string enter as yyyy-mm-dd hh mm ss when distribution of the app in galaxy store begins when publicationtype is set to 02 stoppublicationdate string enter as yyyy-mm-dd when distribution of the app in galaxy store stops supportedlanguages string[] one or more languages that the app presents graphically or audibly in its ux, instructions, or other ways communicating to users see language codes for supportedlanguages for a list of supported languages supportemail string email address of the person to whom app end-users can send inquiries maximum 100 bytes supportedsiteurl string url of the available end-user support site for the app maximum 200 bytes usexportlaws boolean whether or not you certify that the app is in compliance with all applicable u s export laws for export to other countries y you certify your app is in compliance n you do not certify your app if your app is not in compliance, it cannot be submitted for validation and distribution youtubeurl string youtube video id of a youtube video related to the app 11 characters the initial screenshot and hyperlink of the video is automatically displayed in the first screenshot location of the galaxy store listing addlanguage parameters "addlanguage" [ { "languagecode" "deu", "newfeature" "", "description" "the app that solves all your problems ", "apptitle" "the best app ever!", "screenshots" [ { "screenshotpath" "https //img samsungapps com/content/d33aazz11a/2021/0223/deu/screenimage_202102230000000002 png", "screenshotkey" null, "reuseyn" true }, { "screenshotpath" "https //img samsungapps com/content/d33aazz11a/2021/0223/deu/screenimage_2021022300000000 png", "screenshotkey" null, "reuseyn" true }, { "screenshotpath" "https //img samsungapps com/content/d33aazz11a/2021/0223/deu/screenimage_20210223000000009 png", "screenshotkey" null, "reuseyn" true }, { "screenshotpath" "https //img samsungapps com/content/d33aazz11a/2021/0223/deu/screenimage_202102230000000001 jpeg", "screenshotkey" null, "reuseyn" true } ] } ] name type description languagecode string required if you are updating addlanguage add a language in which you want to provide application information see language codes for addlanguage and defaultlanguagecode for a list of supported languages newfeature string explanation of the changes made to an updated app maximum 4000 bytes description string required if you are updating addlanguage explanation of the app including a description, features, requirements, and supported languages that is displayed in your galaxy store listing maximum 4000 bytes for non-english apps, the description must contain a warning stating that the full features of the application may not be available on devices that do not support the app's languages for link-follower galaxy watch apps, the description must inform users that the linked app must be installed apptitle string required if you are updating addlanguage the name of the app in the selected language that is displayed in your listing of a galaxy store that supports the language screenshots screenshot[] dismiss when null is entered, remove all when an empty distribution is entered see screenshots parameters to remove all content from this parameter, leave it blank in the request for example, "addlanguage" "" to keep the existing content for this parameter neither add nor delete content , set it to null for example, "addlanguage" "null" binarylist parameters "binarylist" [ { "filename" "app_filename apk", "binaryseq" "1", "versioncode" "3", "versionname" "3", "packagename" "my package name", "nativeplatforms" null, "apiminsdkversion" "26", "apimaxsdkversion" null, "iapsdk" "n", "gms" "y", "filekey" null } ] name type description apimaxsdkversion int the maximum api level or os version supported by the binary file apiminsdkversion int the minimum api level or os version supported by the binary file binaryseq int required when changing existing binary data copy the value from the contentinfo response this value is not visible in seller portal filekey string required for new registration or replacement of a binary file the filekey associated with the uploaded file in a request, you must create a session id and then upload the file to obtain the filekey filename string name of the binary file gms boolean required if you are updating binarylist whether or not the app provides the user with any google™ services such as google maps™, gmail™, and talk y the app provides one or more google services n the app does not provide any google services the distribution of an app that provides the user with any google services is prohibited in some countries such as china and is automatically enforced by seller portal when registering a new version of a binary file, this setting can be changed, if needed iapsdk boolean whether or not the app provides in-app purchase items using samsung in-app purchase iap sdk y the app uses samsung iap n the app does not use samsung iap nativeplatforms string supported architecture information valid values null, 32bit, 32/64bit, or 64bit packagename string the app id maximum 1,000 bytes versioncode string integer value that represents the version of the app code in the binary file relative to other versions versionname string the release version of the app code in the binary file that is displayed in galaxy store to add a new binary to your app, append a new set of the parameters to the existing binarylist you can register up to 20 binary files and the extensions of all binaries registered for an app must be identical to remove all content from this parameter, leave it blank in the request for example, "binarylist" "" to keep the existing content for this parameter neither add nor delete content , set it to null for example, "binarylist" "null" for example, to add a new binary, if this is the binarylist in the contentinfo response "binarylist" [ { "filename" "app_filename apk", "binaryseq" "1", "versioncode" "3", "versionname" "3", "packagename" "my package name", "nativeplatforms" null, "apiminsdkversion" "26", "apimaxsdkversion" null, "iapsdk" "n", "gms" "y", "filekey" null } ] change the binarylist parameter to this in the request to add the new binary uploaded with the fileupload api "binarylist" [ { "filename" "app_filename apk", "binaryseq" "1", "versioncode" "3", "versionname" "3", "packagename" "my package name", "nativeplatforms" null, "apiminsdkversion" "26", "apimaxsdkversion" null, "iapsdk" "n", "gms" "y", "filekey" null }, { "binaryseq" "2", "gms" "y", "filekey" "<new-binary-filekey>" } ] or, to replace the existing binary instead of appending a new one "binarylist" [ { "binaryseq" "1", "gms" "y", "filekey" "<new-binary-filekey>" } ] see app binary registration for more details category parameters "category" [ { "name" "others", "type" "one_depth_category" }, { "name" "music", "type" "general_category" } ] name type description name string one or more app store groups that best describe the app available categories and sub-categories depend on the platform, binary files, permissions, and other factors unless governed by distribution country requirements, the app is listed in galaxy store under one or both categories and sub-categories if the category selected is not suitable for the application, it may be changed automatically select from one of the following kids, games, travel, social, music, decoration, office, photo, book, lifestyle, tool, video, system, finance, shopping, education, or traffic health type string required if a name is specified that has a subcategory see next table one or more app store sub-groups that best describe the app category name sub-category type kids valid values play, learning, story games valid values puzzle, online game, action/adventure, shooting, racing, strategy, board, role playing, arcade, card, casino, casual, music, simulation, sports, trivia, wordby selecting a specific game sub-category arcade, card, casino, casual, music, simulation, sports, trivia, word , you are not allowed to select china for the country of sale screenshots parameters "screenshots" [ { "screenshotpath" "https //img samsungapps com/content/d33aazz11a/2021/0223/deu/screenimage_202102230000000002 png", "screenshotkey" null, "reuseyn" true }, { "screenshotpath" "https //img samsungapps com/content/d33aazz11a/2021/0223/deu/screenimage_2021022300000000 png", "screenshotkey" null, "reuseyn" true }, { "screenshotpath" "https //img samsungapps com/content/d33aazz11a/2021/0223/deu/screenimage_20210223000000009 png", "screenshotkey" null, "reuseyn" true }, { "screenshotpath" "https //img samsungapps com/content/d33aazz11a/2021/0223/deu/screenimage_202102230000000001 jpeg", "screenshotkey" null, "reuseyn" true } ] name type description screenshotpath image file image file of app screenshot to be displayed in your galaxy store listing jpg or png file, 320-3840 pixels with a maximum 2 1 aspect ratio you must register 4-8 screenshots if more than eight screenshots are uploaded, only the first eight images are displayed if you register a link to a youtube video, a screenshot of the video and the link is displayed automatically in the first screenshot location of the galaxy store listing screenshotkey string set to null if you are re-using the same screenshot if you want to replace the screenshot, set this to the image filekey create a session id and then upload the file to obtain the filekey and set the reuseyn parameter to false reuseyn boolean required if you are updating screenshots whether you want to continue using the existing screenshot true re-use the screenshot false replace the screenshot enter the filekey to the image using the screenshotkey parameter to remove all content from this parameter, leave it blank in the request for example, "screenshots" "" to keep the existing content for this parameter neither add nor delete content , set it to null for example, "screenshots" "null" if you want to remove one or more screenshots, remove it from the request parameters for example, if these are the screenshots parameters in the contentinfo response "screenshots" [ { "screenshotpath" "https //img samsungapps com/content/d33aazz11a/2021/0218/eng/screenimage_20210218000000000 png", "screenshotkey" null, "reuseyn" true }, { "screenshotpath" "https //img samsungapps com/content/d33aazz11a/2021/0218/eng/screenimage_20210218000000001 png", "screenshotkey" null, "reuseyn" true }, { "screenshotpath" "https //img samsungapps com/content/d33aazz11a/2021/0218/eng/screenimage_20210218000000002 png", "screenshotkey" null, "reuseyn" true }, { "screenshotpath" "https //img samsungapps com/content/d33aazz11a/2021/0218/eng/screenimage_20210218000000003 png", "screenshotkey" null, "reuseyn" true }, { "screenshotpath" "https //img samsungapps com/content/d33aazz11a/2021/0218/eng/screenimage_20210218000000004 png", "screenshotkey" null, "reuseyn" true }, { "screenshotpath" "https //img samsungapps com/content/d33aazz11a/2021/0218/eng/screenimage_20210218000000005 png", "screenshotkey" null, "reuseyn" true } ] to remove the last two screenshots, change the screenshots parameters to this in the request "screenshots" [ { "screenshotpath" "https //img samsungapps com/content/d33aazz11a/2021/0218/eng/screenimage_20210218000000000 png", "screenshotkey" null, "reuseyn" true }, { "screenshotpath" "https //img samsungapps com/content/d33aazz11a/2021/0218/eng/screenimage_20210218000000001 png", "screenshotkey" null, "reuseyn" true }, { "screenshotpath" "https //img samsungapps com/content/d33aazz11a/2021/0218/eng/screenimage_20210218000000002 png", "screenshotkey" null, "reuseyn" true }, { "screenshotpath" "https //img samsungapps com/content/d33aazz11a/2021/0218/eng/screenimage_20210218000000003 png", "screenshotkey" null, "reuseyn" true } ] sellcountrylist parameters "sellcountrylist" [ {"countrycode" "aut", "price" "0"}, {"countrycode" "deu", "price" "0"}, {"countrycode" "esp", "price" "0"} ] name type description countrycode string required if you are updating sellcountrylist countries and groups of countries to which the app is to be distributed see country codes for sellcountrylist for the list of country codes price double country-specific price in the local currency the price must fall within the minimum and maximum allowable price for the country, if applicable prices may vary by country if the price is below the minimum allowable price for a country, it is changed to the minimum payment amount if the price is above the maximum allowable price for a country, it is changed to the maximum payment amount if the price is null or is not set, the standard price is applied if this is a paid app, the price cannot be set to 0 zero if this is a paid app and the price is set to 0, an error is returned see entering information on country/region and price for more details to remove all content from this parameter, leave it blank in the request for example, "sellcountrylist" "" to keep the existing content for this parameter neither add nor delete content , set it to null for example, "sellcountrylist" "null" country codes for sellcountrylist sorted by region, then alphabetically by country name europe "aut" "austria", "bel" "belgium", "bgr" "bulgaria", "hrv" "croatia", "cze" "czech", "dnk" "denmark", "est" "estonia", "fin" "finland", "fra" "france", "deu" "germany", "grc" "greece", "hun" "hungary", "irl" "ireland", "ita" "italy", "lva" "latvia", "ltu" "lithuania", "lux" "luxembourg", "nld" "netherlands", "nor" "norway", "pol" "poland", "prt" "portugal", "rou" "romania", "srb" "serbia", "svk" "slovakia", "esp" "spain", "swe" "sweden", "che" "switzerland", "tur" "turkey", "gbr" "united kingdom" cis "blr" "belarus", "kaz" "kazakhstan", "rus" "russia", "ukr" "ukraine" asia "aus" "australia", "chn" "chinese", "hkg" "chinese hong kong", "twn" "chinese taiwan", "ind" "india", "idn" "indonesia", "jpn" "japan", "kor" "korea", "mys" "malaysia", "nzl" "new zealand", "phl" "philippines", "sgp" "singapore", "tha" "thailand", "vnm" "vietnam" america "arg" "argentina", "bra" "brazil", "can" "canada", "chl" "chile", "col" "colombia", "mex" "mexico", "per" "peru", "usa" "usa" middle east and africa "dza" "algeria", "bhr" "bahrain", "egy" "egypt", "irn" "iran", "irq" "iraq", "isr" "israel", "jor" "jordan", "kwt" "kuwait", "lbn" "lebanon", // only free applications are available "lby" "libya", "mar" "morocco", "omn" "oman", "qat" "qatar", "sau" "saudi arabia", "zaf" "south africa", "tun" "tunisia", "are" "united arab emirates", "yem" "yemen" groups "glb" "global a", "glf" "global a free", // only free applications are available "isu" "global free", // only free applications are available "gpb" "pan latin free", // only free applications are available "gpf" "pan-africa english ", // only free applications are available "gpa" "pan-africa french ", // only free applications are available "gpl" "pan-latin" "bts" "beta test store" // only free applications are available language codes for addlanguage and defaultlanguagecode sorted alphabetically by language "ara" "arabic", "bul" "bulgarian", "zho" "chinese simplified", "002" "chinese traditional", "hrv" "croatian", "ces" "czech", "dan" "danish", "nld" "dutch", "eng" "english", "est" "estonian", "fin" "finnish", "fra" "french", "gla" "gaelic", "deu" "german", "ell" "greek", "heb" "hebrew", "hun" "hungarian", "ind" "indonesian", "ita" "italian", "jpn" "japanese", "kaz" "kazakh", "kor" "korean", "lav" "latvian", "lit" "lithuanian", "nor" "norwegian", "fas" "persian", "pol" "polish", "por" "portuguese", "ron" "romanian", "rus" "russian", "srp" "serbian", "slk" "slovakian", "spa" "spanish", "swe" "swedish", "tha" "thai", "tur" "turkish", "ukr" "ukrainian", "vie" "vietnamese" language codes for supportedlanguages sorted alphabetically by language "ara" "arabic", "hye" "armenian", "asn" "assamese", "aze" "azerbaijani", "eus" "basque", "ben" "bengali", "bul" "bulgarian", "cat" "catalan", "zho" "chinese simplified", "002" "chinese traditional", "hrv" "croatian", "ces" "czech", "dan" "danish", "nld" "dutch", "eng" "english", "est" "estonian", "fas" "farsi", "fin" "finnish", "fra" "french", "glg" "galician", "kat" "georgian", "deu" "german", "ell" "greek", "guj" "gujarati", "hau" "hausa", "heb" "hebrew", "hin" "hindi", "hun" "hungarian", "isl" "icelandic", "ibo" "igbo", "ind" "indonesian", "gle" "irish", "ita" "italian", "jpn" "japanese", "kan" "kannada", "kaz" "kazakh", "khm" "khmer", "kor" "korean", "lao" "lao", "lav" "latvian", "lit" "lithuanian", "mkd" "macedonian", "msa" "malay", "mal" "malayalam", "mar" "marathi", "mon" "mongolian", "bur" "myanmar", "nep" "nepali", "nor" "norwegian", "ori" "oriya", "pol" "polish", "por" "portuguese", "pan" "punjabi", "ron" "romanian", "rus" "russian", "srp" "serbian", "sin" "sinhala", "slk" "slovakian", "slv" "slovenian", "spa" "spanish", "lat" "spanish_latin", "swe" "swedish", "tam" "tamil", "tel" "telugu", "tha" "thai", "tur" "turkish", "ukr" "ukrainian", "urd" "urdu", "uzb" "uzbek", "vie" "vietnamese", "yor" "yoruba"
Develop TV Seller Office
docapplication ui description this topic describes the app ui description file, required when submitting an application to the samsung apps tv seller office application ui description template 348 73 kb when submitting your application, you must include the application ui description created using the provided template file the ui description documents your application ui and helps the qa certification team test the application efficiently you must update and resubmit the application ui description file whenever you submit an application update importantuse the provided template file and follow the instructions in it do not add or remove content from the template, or modify the structure by ensuring that your application ui description conforms to the template, you can ease and accelerate the testing required to approve your application for publication application ui description structure on the title slide, enter the application and content provider name the revision history documents the changes made to the application ui description include the file version, date, list of changes, and author you must also define the application version related to the file version the application ui description consists of the following parts ui structure illustrates the overall structure and navigation flow between application pages use cases provides detailed instructions for using the main application features menus and functions labels and describes the screen components for all application screens, using screenshots remote control keys describes the remote control key functions language options specifies whether the application language can be changed and how to do it noteif your application supports english, use english screenshots in the application ui description if english is not supported, provide translations for all screen texts ui structure use a flow graph, tree structure, or depth navigation diagram to illustrate the navigation between all screens in the application the ui structure diagram shows the overall structure of the application it does not show or describe the content on individual screens noteall application screens and navigation paths must be included in the ui structure diagram for clarity, show the application screens as named boxes, instead of using screenshots or photographs of the actual screens use cases describe the application functionality in detail, by dividing it into clear use cases a use case is a specific and defined task the user can or must do, such as searching for content or playing a video the use cases must cover the main functions or scenarios of the application in addition to application-specific features, you must also describe any general user login, menu browsing, and in-app purchase features warningdo not provide a list of application screens, describing what the user can do on each screen such information must be provided using screenshots in the menus and functions section the following guidelines apply to use case descriptions label each use case with a title for each use case, describe the steps the user must perform to do the task you can use text, figures, and screenshots in the descriptions since the launch process is the same for all applications, do not describe how to launch the application refer to application screens with the names you have defined for them in the ui structure diagram use case description method example using figures using text using screenshots table 1 ways to describe use cases missing information is a major cause for application rejection if your application includes any of the following features, you must provide additional information within the applicable use cases application feature required information missing information causes application rejection user login test account with a valid user id and password device activation test account that permits an unlimited number of activated devicesinstructions for activating the device at an external website, if needed in-app purchases valid credit card information for testingtest account with funds available for making purchasesvalid coupon or promotional codes, if supported gaming cheat codes or master account for accessing all game levelslist of correct responses to any trivia questions smart view mobile integration mobile application package attached to the tv application submissioninstructions for connecting the mobile application to the tv geolocation or ip-restricted access list of countries from which content can be accessed and permission to access the content through a vpntesting ip addresses added to allowed list table 2 information required to avoid application rejection importantthis part of the application ui description is a frequent cause for application rejection make sure your use case descriptions are complete and include all the information needed for the qa certification team to fully verify each use case menus and functions use labeled screenshots to describe the ui elements and their functions on each application screen the following guidelines apply to menu and function descriptions provide a screenshot of each screen defined in the ui structure diagram label all clickable and non-clickable ui elements with names or numbers if there are many elements, use number labels accompany each screenshot with a table describing the ui elements for clickable elements, describe what happens when the element is clicked provide english translations for titles, headings, and button labels, if needed importantthis part of the application ui description is a frequent cause for application rejection make sure your menu and function descriptions are complete providing only screenshots without function descriptions is not acceptable remote control keys list the key mappings for any remote control keys that have been mapped to custom functions in your application special function keys, such as the color, "info", and "tool" keys standard remote control keys whose function has been modified or disabled for example, if the "volume up" key is implemented to zoom in on an image warningthe "return" and "exit" keys are designed to return to the previous screen or close the application these functions are mandatory and common to all applications do not modify them language options if the application supports multiple languages, describe how the user can switch the application language, such as by changing the tv language or country settings, or selecting the language within the application settings if the application does not support multiple languages, state that the application has no language options
Develop Smart Hospitality Display
apigetting device capabilities using systeminfo api the following keys are available to obtain the device capability information using systeminfo api device capability keys battery camera content api database download api graphics input iotcon push api led location microphone multi-point touch multimedia transcoder network opengl® es platform profile sensor screen shell dynamic box sip speech tv usb vision web service system keys build information model name platform name tizen id the following table lists the keys to check if a device has a battery key type description version http //tizen org/feature/battery boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device has a battery if it is true, w3c battery status api, battery property in systeminfo api, and power api must be supported 2 3 the following table lists the camera feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/camera boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device provides any kind of a camera if it is true, w3c getusermedia and html media capture apis are supported 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/camera back boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/camera key, if the device provides a back-facing camera 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/camera back flash boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/camera back key, if the device provides a back-facing camera with a flash 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/camera front boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/camera key, if the device provides a front-facing camera 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/camera front flash boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/camera front key, if the device provides a front-facing camera with a flash 2 2 1 the following table lists the keys related to content api features key type description version http //tizen org/feature/content scanning others boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the media scanning feature for "other"-type files which are not included in the media content types such as "image", "video", "sound" or "music" 4 0 the following table lists the database feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/database encryption boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports database encryption 2 2 1 the following table lists the keys to check if download api is supported on a tizen device key type description version http //tizen org/feature/download boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports download api 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/network telephony boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports all apis which require telephony feature if it is true, "cellular" in downloadnetworktype is supported 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/network wifi boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports all apis which require wi-fi if it is true, "wifi" in downloadnetworktype is supported 2 2 1 the following table lists the graphics feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/graphics acceleration boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports graphics hardware acceleration 2 2 1 the following table lists the input feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/input keyboard boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device provides a built-in keyboard supporting any keyboard layout 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/input keyboard layout domstring the platform returns the keyboard layout such as qwerty supported by the built-in keyboard for this key and returns true for the http //tizen org/feature/input keyboard key if the device does not provide a built-in keyboard, the platform returns an empty string for this key and returns false for the http //tizen org/feature/input keyboard key 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/input rotating_bezel boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device provides a built-in rotating bezel 2 3 1 the following table lists the keys related to iotcon api features key type description version http //tizen org/feature/iot ocf boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the iot connectivity if it is true, iotcon api is supported 4 0 the following table lists the led feature key key type description version http //tizen org/feature/led boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports led 2 3 the following table lists the location feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/location boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports location positioning 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/location batch boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/location key, if the device supports gps batch feature 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/location gps boolean the platform returns true and the http //tizen org/feature/location, if the device supports the global positioning system gps 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/location wps boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/location key, if the device supports the wi-fi-based positioning system wps 2 2 1 the following table lists the microphone feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/microphone boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports a microphone if it is true, w3c getusermedia and html media capture apis are supported 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/media audio_recording boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports to record audio files on a device if it is true, cordova media api is supported 3 0 the following table lists the multi-point touch feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/multi_point_touch pinch_zoom boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports pinch zoom gestures 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/multi_point_touch point_count long the platform returns the maximum number of supported multi-touch points for this key the platform returns a value less than 2 for this key, if the device does not support multi-point touch 2 2 1 the following table lists the multimedia transcoder feature key key type description version http //tizen org/feature/multimedia transcoder boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports multimedia transcoder 2 3 the following table lists the network feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/capability/network bluetooth always_on boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device must always enable bluetooth it means that an application cannot change the bluetooth's state visibility, connectivity, device name 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/network bluetooth boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports bluetooth 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/network bluetooth audio call boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports bluetooth handsfree profile hfp 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/network bluetooth audio media boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports bluetooth advanced audio distribute profile a2dp 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/network bluetooth health boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports bluetooth health device profile hdp 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/network bluetooth hid boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports bluetooth human input device hid 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/network bluetooth le boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports bluetooth low energy related methods in bluetooth api 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/network bluetooth opp boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports bluetooth object push profile opp 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/network ethernet boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports ethernet if it is true, "all" in downloadnetworktype and systeminfoethernetnetwork is supported 2 4 http //tizen org/feature/network internet boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports internet 2 3 1 http //tizen org/feature/network net_proxy boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports network proxy for internet connection 3 0 http //tizen org/feature/network nfc boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports near field communication nfc 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/network nfc card_emulation boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device is recognized by the nfc card readers 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/network nfc card_emulation hce boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports nfc host-based card emulation 2 3 1 http //tizen org/feature/network nfc p2p boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports p2p apis which require near field communication nfc 2 3 1 http //tizen org/feature/network nfc reserved_push boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/network nfc key, if the device supports the nfc reserved push feature 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/network nfc tag boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports tag apis which require near field communication nfc 2 3 1 http //tizen org/feature/network push boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports push api which requires the ip push service provided by the tizen reference implementation 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/network secure_element boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports secure elements 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/network telephony boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the telephony related apis 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/network telephony mms boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/network telephony key, if the device supports mms 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/network wifi boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports all apis which require wi-fi 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/network wifi direct boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/network wifi key, if the device supports wi-fi direct™ 2 2 1 the following table lists the opengl® es feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/opengles boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports any opengl® es version and any texture format 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/opengles texture_format domstring the supported texture formats for the opengl® es e g "3dc/atc/etc/ptc" the platform returns an empty string for this key if opengl® es or compressed texture formats are not supported 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/opengles texture_format 3dc boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/opengles key, if the device supports the 3dc texture format for opengl® es 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/opengles texture_format atc boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/opengles key, if the device supports the atc texture format for opengl® es 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/opengles texture_format etc boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/opengles key, if the device supports the etc texture format for opengl® es 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/opengles texture_format ptc boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/opengles key, if the device supports the ptc texture format for opengl® es 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/opengles texture_format pvrtc boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/opengles key, if the device supports the pvrtc texture format for opengl® es 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/opengles texture_format utc boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/opengles key, if the device supports the utc texture format for opengl® es 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/opengles version 1_1 boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/opengles key, if the device supports the opengl® es version 1 1 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/opengles version 2_0 boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/opengles key, if the device supports the opengl® es version 2 0 2 2 1 the following table lists the platform feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/platform core api version domstring the version of the tizen core api in the [major] [minor] format for example, "1 0" represents a web api version where the major version is 1 and the minor version is 0 if a device doesn't provide tizen core api, it returns an empty string "" 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/platform core cpu arch domstring the platform returns the cpu architecture e g "armv7", "x86" of a device 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/platform core cpu arch armv6 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device runs on the armv6 cpu architecture 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/platform core cpu arch armv7 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device runs on the armv7 cpu architecture 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/platform core cpu arch x86 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device runs on the x86 cpu architecture 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/platform core cpu frequency long the platform returns the frequency at which a core cpu is running unit mhz 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/platform core fpu arch domstring the platform returns the fpu architecture e g "vfpv3", "ssse3" of a device if there is no fpu on a device, it returns an empty string "" 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/platform core fpu arch sse2 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device runs on the sse2 fpu architecture 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/platform core fpu arch sse3 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device runs on the sse3 fpu architecture 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/platform core fpu arch ssse3 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device runs on the ssse3 fpu architecture 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/platform core fpu arch vfpv2 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device runs on the vfpv2 fpu architecture 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/platform core fpu arch vfpv3 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device runs on the vfpv3 fpu architecture 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/platform native api version domstring the version of the native api in the [major] [minor] format for example, 1 0 represents a native api version where the major version is 1 and the minor version is 0 if a device doesn't provide tizen native api, it returns an empty string "" 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/platform native osp_compatible boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the bada compatibility mode 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/platform version domstring the version of the platform in the [major] [minor] [patch version] format for example, 1 0 0 represents a platform version where the major version is 1 and the minor and build versions are 0 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/platform web api version domstring the version of the web api in the [major] [minor] format for example, 1 0 represents a web api version where the major version is 1 and the minor version is 0 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/platform version name domstring the platform return the platform version name e g tizen 2 0 magnolia, tizen 2 1 nectarine 2 3 the following table lists the profile feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/profile systeminfoprofile the platform returns a compliant device profile such as "mobile", "wearable" for this key 2 2 1 the following table lists the sensor feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/sensor accelerometer boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the acceleration sensor 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor accelerometer wakeup boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/sensor accelerometer key, if the device supports the wake-up operation by the acceleration sensor 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor activity_recognition boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports activity recognition 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/sensor barometer boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the barometer pressure sensor 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor barometer wakeup boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/sensor barometer key, if the device supports the wake-up operation by the barometer sensor 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor gesture_recognition boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the gesture recognition 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/sensor gravity boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports gravity 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/sensor gyroscope boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports gyroscope 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor gyroscope_rotation_vector boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports gyroscope rotation vector 3 0 http //tizen org/feature/sensor gyroscope wakeup boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/sensor gyroscope key, if the device supports the wake-up operation by the gyro sensor 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor heart_rate_monitor boolean the platform returns true for this key if the device supports hrm 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/sensor heart_rate_monitor led_green boolean the platform returns true for this key if the device supports green light spectrum 2 3 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor heart_rate_monitor led_ir boolean the platform returns true for this key if the device supports infrared spectrum 2 3 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor heart_rate_monitor led_red boolean the platform returns true for this key if the device supports red light spectrum 2 3 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor humidity boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the humidity sensor 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/sensor linear_acceleration boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the linear acceleration sensor 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/sensor magnetometer boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the magnetic sensor 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor magnetometer wakeup boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/sensor magnetometer key, if the device supports the wake-up operation by the magnetic sensor 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor pedometer boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports pedometer 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/sensor photometer boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the photometer sensor 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor photometer wakeup boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/sensor photometer key, if the device supports the wake-up operation by the photo sensor 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor proximity boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the proximity sensor 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor proximity wakeup boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/sensor proximity key, if the device supports the wake-up operation by the proximity sensor 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor rotation_vector boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the rotation vector sensor 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/sensor sleep_monitor boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports sleep_monitor 3 0 http //tizen org/feature/sensor temperature boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the temperature sensor 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/sensor tiltmeter boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the tilt sensor 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor tiltmeter wakeup boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/sensor tiltmeter key, if the device supports the wake-up operation by the tilt sensor 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor ultraviolet boolean the platform returns true for this key if the device supports ultraviolet sensor 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/sensor wrist_up boolean the platform returns true for this key if the device supports wrist_up 2 3 the following table lists the screen feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/screen boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device has a display screen 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/screen auto_rotation boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports screen auto-rotation 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen bpp long the platform returns the number of bits per pixel supported by the device for this key the value depends on the screen, and is typically 8, 16, 24, or 32 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen coordinate_system size large boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the large screen size for the coordinate system 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen coordinate_system size normal boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the normal screen size for the coordinate system 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen dpi long the platform returns the number of dots per inch supported by the device for this key 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen height long the platform returns the height of the screen in pixels supported by the device for this key 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen output hdmi boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports hdmi output 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen output rca boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports rca output 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen shape circle boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports a circular shaped screen 2 3 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen shape rectangle boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports a rectangular shaped screen 2 3 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen size all boolean the platform can return true if the device supports any of screen sizes and resolutions if the device has a display screen, it returns true 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen size large boolean the platform can return true if the device supports the large screen size 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen size normal boolean the platform can return true the device supports the normal screen size 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen size normal 240 400 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the 240 x 400 resolution for the normal screen size the platform can return true for multiple resolution keys 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen size normal 320 320 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the 320 x 320 resolution for the normal screen size the platform can return true for multiple resolution keys 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/screen size normal 320 480 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the 320 x 480 resolution for the normal screen size the platform can return true for multiple resolution keys 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen size normal 360 360 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the 360 x 360 resolution for the normal screen size the platform can return true for multiple resolution keys 2 3 2 http //tizen org/feature/screen size normal 360 480 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the 360 x 480 resolution for the normal screen size the platform can return true for multiple resolution keys 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/screen size normal 480 800 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the 480 x 800 resolution for the normal screen size the platform can return true for multiple resolution keys 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen size normal 540 960 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the 540 x 960 resolution for the normal screen size the platform can return true for multiple resolution keys 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen size normal 600 1024 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the 600 x 1024 resolution for the normal screen size the platform can return true for multiple resolution keys 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen size normal 720 1280 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the 720 x 1280 resolution for the normal screen size the platform can return true for multiple resolution keys 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen size normal 1080 1920 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the 1080 x 1920 resolution for the normal screen size the platform can return true for multiple resolution keys 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen width long the platform returns the width of the screen in pixels supported by the device for this key 2 2 1 the following table lists the shell dynamic box feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/shell appwidget boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the widget since 2 3 1, this key indicates only native widget 2 2 1 the following table lists the sip feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/sip voip boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the voice over internet protocol voip 2 2 1 the following table lists the speech feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/speech recognition boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports speech recognition stt 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/speech synthesis boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports speech synthesis tts 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/speech control boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports speech control 4 0 the following table lists the tv feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/tv audio boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports control of tv audio if it is true, tvaudiocontrol api is supported 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/tv display boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports getting information about the effects of stereoscopy 3d mode if it is true, tv display control api is supported 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/tv inputdevice boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports receiving key events generated when the user presses a key of an input device for example a tv remote control if it is true, tv input device api is supported 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/tv pip boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports control of tv window e g main window, pip window if it is true, tv window api is supported 2 3 the following table lists the usb feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/usb accessory boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the usb client or accessory mode 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/usb host boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the usb host mode 2 2 1 the following table lists the vision feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/vision face_recognition boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports face recognition 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/vision image_recognition boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports image recognition 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/vision qrcode_generation boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports qr code generation 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/vision qrcode_recognition boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports qr code recognition 2 2 1 the following table lists the web service model feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/web service boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the web service model 2 3 the following table lists the build information key key type description version http //tizen org/system/build date domstring the platform returns the build date the format yyyy mm dd 2 3 http //tizen org/system/build string domstring the platform returns the build string including build date and time 2 3 http //tizen org/system/build time domstring the platform returns the build time the format hh mm ss 2 3 http //tizen org/system/manufacturer domstring the platform returns the device manufacturer's name 2 3 http //tizen org/system/build release domstring the platform returns the build version information the build version information is made when the platform image is created 3 0 http //tizen org/system/build type domstring the platform returns the build type, such as "user" or "eng" the build type is made when the platform image is created 3 0 http //tizen org/system/build variant domstring the platform returns the variant release information the variant release information is made when the platform image is created 3 0 http //tizen org/system/build id domstring the platform returns the build id the build id is made when the platform image is created 3 0 the following table lists the model name key key type description version http //tizen org/system/model_name domstring the platform returns the model name 2 3 the following table lists the platform system keys key type description version http //tizen org/system/platform communication_processor domstring the platform returns the device communication processor name 2 3 http //tizen org/system/platform name domstring the platform returns the platform name it must be tizen 2 2 1 http //tizen org/system/platform processor domstring the platform returns the device processor name 2 3 the following table lists the tizen id system key key type description version http //tizen org/system/tizenid domstring the platform returns the tizen id it is a randomly generated value based on the model name 2 3
Develop Smart Signage
apigetting device capabilities using systeminfo api the following keys are available to obtain the device capability information using systeminfo api device capability keys battery camera content api database download api graphics input iotcon push api led location microphone multi-point touch multimedia transcoder network opengl® es platform profile sensor screen shell dynamic box sip speech tv usb vision web service system keys build information model name platform name tizen id the following table lists the keys to check if a device has a battery key type description version http //tizen org/feature/battery boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device has a battery if it is true, w3c battery status api, battery property in systeminfo api, and power api must be supported 2 3 the following table lists the camera feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/camera boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device provides any kind of a camera if it is true, w3c getusermedia and html media capture apis are supported 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/camera back boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/camera key, if the device provides a back-facing camera 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/camera back flash boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/camera back key, if the device provides a back-facing camera with a flash 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/camera front boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/camera key, if the device provides a front-facing camera 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/camera front flash boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/camera front key, if the device provides a front-facing camera with a flash 2 2 1 the following table lists the keys related to content api features key type description version http //tizen org/feature/content scanning others boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the media scanning feature for "other"-type files which are not included in the media content types such as "image", "video", "sound" or "music" 4 0 the following table lists the database feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/database encryption boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports database encryption 2 2 1 the following table lists the keys to check if download api is supported on a tizen device key type description version http //tizen org/feature/download boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports download api 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/network telephony boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports all apis which require telephony feature if it is true, "cellular" in downloadnetworktype is supported 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/network wifi boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports all apis which require wi-fi if it is true, "wifi" in downloadnetworktype is supported 2 2 1 the following table lists the graphics feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/graphics acceleration boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports graphics hardware acceleration 2 2 1 the following table lists the input feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/input keyboard boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device provides a built-in keyboard supporting any keyboard layout 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/input keyboard layout domstring the platform returns the keyboard layout such as qwerty supported by the built-in keyboard for this key and returns true for the http //tizen org/feature/input keyboard key if the device does not provide a built-in keyboard, the platform returns an empty string for this key and returns false for the http //tizen org/feature/input keyboard key 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/input rotating_bezel boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device provides a built-in rotating bezel 2 3 1 the following table lists the keys related to iotcon api features key type description version http //tizen org/feature/iot ocf boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the iot connectivity if it is true, iotcon api is supported 4 0 the following table lists the led feature key key type description version http //tizen org/feature/led boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports led 2 3 the following table lists the location feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/location boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports location positioning 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/location batch boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/location key, if the device supports gps batch feature 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/location gps boolean the platform returns true and the http //tizen org/feature/location, if the device supports the global positioning system gps 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/location wps boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/location key, if the device supports the wi-fi-based positioning system wps 2 2 1 the following table lists the microphone feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/microphone boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports a microphone if it is true, w3c getusermedia and html media capture apis are supported 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/media audio_recording boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports to record audio files on a device if it is true, cordova media api is supported 3 0 the following table lists the multi-point touch feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/multi_point_touch pinch_zoom boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports pinch zoom gestures 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/multi_point_touch point_count long the platform returns the maximum number of supported multi-touch points for this key the platform returns a value less than 2 for this key, if the device does not support multi-point touch 2 2 1 the following table lists the multimedia transcoder feature key key type description version http //tizen org/feature/multimedia transcoder boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports multimedia transcoder 2 3 the following table lists the network feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/capability/network bluetooth always_on boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device must always enable bluetooth it means that an application cannot change the bluetooth's state visibility, connectivity, device name 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/network bluetooth boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports bluetooth 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/network bluetooth audio call boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports bluetooth handsfree profile hfp 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/network bluetooth audio media boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports bluetooth advanced audio distribute profile a2dp 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/network bluetooth health boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports bluetooth health device profile hdp 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/network bluetooth hid boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports bluetooth human input device hid 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/network bluetooth le boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports bluetooth low energy related methods in bluetooth api 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/network bluetooth opp boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports bluetooth object push profile opp 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/network ethernet boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports ethernet if it is true, "all" in downloadnetworktype and systeminfoethernetnetwork is supported 2 4 http //tizen org/feature/network internet boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports internet 2 3 1 http //tizen org/feature/network net_proxy boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports network proxy for internet connection 3 0 http //tizen org/feature/network nfc boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports near field communication nfc 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/network nfc card_emulation boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device is recognized by the nfc card readers 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/network nfc card_emulation hce boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports nfc host-based card emulation 2 3 1 http //tizen org/feature/network nfc p2p boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports p2p apis which require near field communication nfc 2 3 1 http //tizen org/feature/network nfc reserved_push boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/network nfc key, if the device supports the nfc reserved push feature 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/network nfc tag boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports tag apis which require near field communication nfc 2 3 1 http //tizen org/feature/network push boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports push api which requires the ip push service provided by the tizen reference implementation 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/network secure_element boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports secure elements 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/network telephony boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the telephony related apis 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/network telephony mms boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/network telephony key, if the device supports mms 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/network wifi boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports all apis which require wi-fi 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/network wifi direct boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/network wifi key, if the device supports wi-fi direct™ 2 2 1 the following table lists the opengl® es feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/opengles boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports any opengl® es version and any texture format 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/opengles texture_format domstring the supported texture formats for the opengl® es e g "3dc/atc/etc/ptc" the platform returns an empty string for this key if opengl® es or compressed texture formats are not supported 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/opengles texture_format 3dc boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/opengles key, if the device supports the 3dc texture format for opengl® es 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/opengles texture_format atc boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/opengles key, if the device supports the atc texture format for opengl® es 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/opengles texture_format etc boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/opengles key, if the device supports the etc texture format for opengl® es 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/opengles texture_format ptc boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/opengles key, if the device supports the ptc texture format for opengl® es 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/opengles texture_format pvrtc boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/opengles key, if the device supports the pvrtc texture format for opengl® es 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/opengles texture_format utc boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/opengles key, if the device supports the utc texture format for opengl® es 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/opengles version 1_1 boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/opengles key, if the device supports the opengl® es version 1 1 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/opengles version 2_0 boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/opengles key, if the device supports the opengl® es version 2 0 2 2 1 the following table lists the platform feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/platform core api version domstring the version of the tizen core api in the [major] [minor] format for example, "1 0" represents a web api version where the major version is 1 and the minor version is 0 if a device doesn't provide tizen core api, it returns an empty string "" 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/platform core cpu arch domstring the platform returns the cpu architecture e g "armv7", "x86" of a device 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/platform core cpu arch armv6 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device runs on the armv6 cpu architecture 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/platform core cpu arch armv7 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device runs on the armv7 cpu architecture 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/platform core cpu arch x86 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device runs on the x86 cpu architecture 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/platform core cpu frequency long the platform returns the frequency at which a core cpu is running unit mhz 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/platform core fpu arch domstring the platform returns the fpu architecture e g "vfpv3", "ssse3" of a device if there is no fpu on a device, it returns an empty string "" 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/platform core fpu arch sse2 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device runs on the sse2 fpu architecture 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/platform core fpu arch sse3 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device runs on the sse3 fpu architecture 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/platform core fpu arch ssse3 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device runs on the ssse3 fpu architecture 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/platform core fpu arch vfpv2 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device runs on the vfpv2 fpu architecture 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/platform core fpu arch vfpv3 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device runs on the vfpv3 fpu architecture 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/platform native api version domstring the version of the native api in the [major] [minor] format for example, 1 0 represents a native api version where the major version is 1 and the minor version is 0 if a device doesn't provide tizen native api, it returns an empty string "" 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/platform native osp_compatible boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the bada compatibility mode 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/platform version domstring the version of the platform in the [major] [minor] [patch version] format for example, 1 0 0 represents a platform version where the major version is 1 and the minor and build versions are 0 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/platform web api version domstring the version of the web api in the [major] [minor] format for example, 1 0 represents a web api version where the major version is 1 and the minor version is 0 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/platform version name domstring the platform return the platform version name e g tizen 2 0 magnolia, tizen 2 1 nectarine 2 3 the following table lists the profile feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/profile systeminfoprofile the platform returns a compliant device profile such as "mobile", "wearable" for this key 2 2 1 the following table lists the sensor feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/sensor accelerometer boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the acceleration sensor 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor accelerometer wakeup boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/sensor accelerometer key, if the device supports the wake-up operation by the acceleration sensor 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor activity_recognition boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports activity recognition 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/sensor barometer boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the barometer pressure sensor 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor barometer wakeup boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/sensor barometer key, if the device supports the wake-up operation by the barometer sensor 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor gesture_recognition boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the gesture recognition 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/sensor gravity boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports gravity 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/sensor gyroscope boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports gyroscope 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor gyroscope_rotation_vector boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports gyroscope rotation vector 3 0 http //tizen org/feature/sensor gyroscope wakeup boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/sensor gyroscope key, if the device supports the wake-up operation by the gyro sensor 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor heart_rate_monitor boolean the platform returns true for this key if the device supports hrm 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/sensor heart_rate_monitor led_green boolean the platform returns true for this key if the device supports green light spectrum 2 3 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor heart_rate_monitor led_ir boolean the platform returns true for this key if the device supports infrared spectrum 2 3 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor heart_rate_monitor led_red boolean the platform returns true for this key if the device supports red light spectrum 2 3 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor humidity boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the humidity sensor 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/sensor linear_acceleration boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the linear acceleration sensor 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/sensor magnetometer boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the magnetic sensor 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor magnetometer wakeup boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/sensor magnetometer key, if the device supports the wake-up operation by the magnetic sensor 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor pedometer boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports pedometer 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/sensor photometer boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the photometer sensor 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor photometer wakeup boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/sensor photometer key, if the device supports the wake-up operation by the photo sensor 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor proximity boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the proximity sensor 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor proximity wakeup boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/sensor proximity key, if the device supports the wake-up operation by the proximity sensor 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor rotation_vector boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the rotation vector sensor 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/sensor sleep_monitor boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports sleep_monitor 3 0 http //tizen org/feature/sensor temperature boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the temperature sensor 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/sensor tiltmeter boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the tilt sensor 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor tiltmeter wakeup boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/sensor tiltmeter key, if the device supports the wake-up operation by the tilt sensor 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor ultraviolet boolean the platform returns true for this key if the device supports ultraviolet sensor 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/sensor wrist_up boolean the platform returns true for this key if the device supports wrist_up 2 3 the following table lists the screen feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/screen boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device has a display screen 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/screen auto_rotation boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports screen auto-rotation 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen bpp long the platform returns the number of bits per pixel supported by the device for this key the value depends on the screen, and is typically 8, 16, 24, or 32 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen coordinate_system size large boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the large screen size for the coordinate system 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen coordinate_system size normal boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the normal screen size for the coordinate system 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen dpi long the platform returns the number of dots per inch supported by the device for this key 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen height long the platform returns the height of the screen in pixels supported by the device for this key 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen output hdmi boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports hdmi output 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen output rca boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports rca output 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen shape circle boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports a circular shaped screen 2 3 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen shape rectangle boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports a rectangular shaped screen 2 3 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen size all boolean the platform can return true if the device supports any of screen sizes and resolutions if the device has a display screen, it returns true 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen size large boolean the platform can return true if the device supports the large screen size 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen size normal boolean the platform can return true the device supports the normal screen size 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen size normal 240 400 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the 240 x 400 resolution for the normal screen size the platform can return true for multiple resolution keys 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen size normal 320 320 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the 320 x 320 resolution for the normal screen size the platform can return true for multiple resolution keys 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/screen size normal 320 480 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the 320 x 480 resolution for the normal screen size the platform can return true for multiple resolution keys 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen size normal 360 360 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the 360 x 360 resolution for the normal screen size the platform can return true for multiple resolution keys 2 3 2 http //tizen org/feature/screen size normal 360 480 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the 360 x 480 resolution for the normal screen size the platform can return true for multiple resolution keys 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/screen size normal 480 800 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the 480 x 800 resolution for the normal screen size the platform can return true for multiple resolution keys 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen size normal 540 960 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the 540 x 960 resolution for the normal screen size the platform can return true for multiple resolution keys 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen size normal 600 1024 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the 600 x 1024 resolution for the normal screen size the platform can return true for multiple resolution keys 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen size normal 720 1280 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the 720 x 1280 resolution for the normal screen size the platform can return true for multiple resolution keys 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen size normal 1080 1920 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the 1080 x 1920 resolution for the normal screen size the platform can return true for multiple resolution keys 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen width long the platform returns the width of the screen in pixels supported by the device for this key 2 2 1 the following table lists the shell dynamic box feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/shell appwidget boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the widget since 2 3 1, this key indicates only native widget 2 2 1 the following table lists the sip feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/sip voip boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the voice over internet protocol voip 2 2 1 the following table lists the speech feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/speech recognition boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports speech recognition stt 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/speech synthesis boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports speech synthesis tts 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/speech control boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports speech control 4 0 the following table lists the tv feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/tv audio boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports control of tv audio if it is true, tvaudiocontrol api is supported 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/tv display boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports getting information about the effects of stereoscopy 3d mode if it is true, tv display control api is supported 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/tv inputdevice boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports receiving key events generated when the user presses a key of an input device for example a tv remote control if it is true, tv input device api is supported 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/tv pip boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports control of tv window e g main window, pip window if it is true, tv window api is supported 2 3 the following table lists the usb feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/usb accessory boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the usb client or accessory mode 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/usb host boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the usb host mode 2 2 1 the following table lists the vision feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/vision face_recognition boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports face recognition 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/vision image_recognition boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports image recognition 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/vision qrcode_generation boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports qr code generation 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/vision qrcode_recognition boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports qr code recognition 2 2 1 the following table lists the web service model feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/web service boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the web service model 2 3 the following table lists the build information key key type description version http //tizen org/system/build date domstring the platform returns the build date the format yyyy mm dd 2 3 http //tizen org/system/build string domstring the platform returns the build string including build date and time 2 3 http //tizen org/system/build time domstring the platform returns the build time the format hh mm ss 2 3 http //tizen org/system/manufacturer domstring the platform returns the device manufacturer's name 2 3 http //tizen org/system/build release domstring the platform returns the build version information the build version information is made when the platform image is created 3 0 http //tizen org/system/build type domstring the platform returns the build type, such as "user" or "eng" the build type is made when the platform image is created 3 0 http //tizen org/system/build variant domstring the platform returns the variant release information the variant release information is made when the platform image is created 3 0 http //tizen org/system/build id domstring the platform returns the build id the build id is made when the platform image is created 3 0 the following table lists the model name key key type description version http //tizen org/system/model_name domstring the platform returns the model name 2 3 the following table lists the platform system keys key type description version http //tizen org/system/platform communication_processor domstring the platform returns the device communication processor name 2 3 http //tizen org/system/platform name domstring the platform returns the platform name it must be tizen 2 2 1 http //tizen org/system/platform processor domstring the platform returns the device processor name 2 3 the following table lists the tizen id system key key type description version http //tizen org/system/tizenid domstring the platform returns the tizen id it is a randomly generated value based on the model name 2 3
Develop Smart TV
apigetting device capabilities using systeminfo api the following keys are available to obtain the device capability information using systeminfo api device capability keys battery camera content api database download api graphics input iotcon push api led location microphone multi-point touch multimedia transcoder network opengl® es platform profile sensor screen shell dynamic box sip speech tv usb vision web service system keys build information model name platform name tizen id the following table lists the keys to check if a device has a battery key type description version http //tizen org/feature/battery boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device has a battery if it is true, w3c battery status api, battery property in systeminfo api, and power api must be supported 2 3 the following table lists the camera feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/camera boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device provides any kind of a camera if it is true, w3c getusermedia and html media capture apis are supported 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/camera back boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/camera key, if the device provides a back-facing camera 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/camera back flash boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/camera back key, if the device provides a back-facing camera with a flash 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/camera front boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/camera key, if the device provides a front-facing camera 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/camera front flash boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/camera front key, if the device provides a front-facing camera with a flash 2 2 1 the following table lists the keys related to content api features key type description version http //tizen org/feature/content scanning others boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the media scanning feature for "other"-type files which are not included in the media content types such as "image", "video", "sound" or "music" 4 0 the following table lists the database feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/database encryption boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports database encryption 2 2 1 the following table lists the keys to check if download api is supported on a tizen device key type description version http //tizen org/feature/download boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports download api 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/network telephony boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports all apis which require telephony feature if it is true, "cellular" in downloadnetworktype is supported 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/network wifi boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports all apis which require wi-fi if it is true, "wifi" in downloadnetworktype is supported 2 2 1 the following table lists the graphics feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/graphics acceleration boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports graphics hardware acceleration 2 2 1 the following table lists the input feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/input keyboard boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device provides a built-in keyboard supporting any keyboard layout 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/input keyboard layout domstring the platform returns the keyboard layout such as qwerty supported by the built-in keyboard for this key and returns true for the http //tizen org/feature/input keyboard key if the device does not provide a built-in keyboard, the platform returns an empty string for this key and returns false for the http //tizen org/feature/input keyboard key 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/input rotating_bezel boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device provides a built-in rotating bezel 2 3 1 the following table lists the keys related to iotcon api features key type description version http //tizen org/feature/iot ocf boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the iot connectivity if it is true, iotcon api is supported 4 0 the following table lists the led feature key key type description version http //tizen org/feature/led boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports led 2 3 the following table lists the location feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/location boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports location positioning 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/location batch boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/location key, if the device supports gps batch feature 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/location gps boolean the platform returns true and the http //tizen org/feature/location, if the device supports the global positioning system gps 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/location wps boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/location key, if the device supports the wi-fi-based positioning system wps 2 2 1 the following table lists the microphone feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/microphone boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports a microphone if it is true, w3c getusermedia and html media capture apis are supported 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/media audio_recording boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports to record audio files on a device if it is true, cordova media api is supported 3 0 the following table lists the multi-point touch feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/multi_point_touch pinch_zoom boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports pinch zoom gestures 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/multi_point_touch point_count long the platform returns the maximum number of supported multi-touch points for this key the platform returns a value less than 2 for this key, if the device does not support multi-point touch 2 2 1 the following table lists the multimedia transcoder feature key key type description version http //tizen org/feature/multimedia transcoder boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports multimedia transcoder 2 3 the following table lists the network feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/capability/network bluetooth always_on boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device must always enable bluetooth it means that an application cannot change the bluetooth's state visibility, connectivity, device name 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/network bluetooth boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports bluetooth 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/network bluetooth audio call boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports bluetooth handsfree profile hfp 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/network bluetooth audio media boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports bluetooth advanced audio distribute profile a2dp 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/network bluetooth health boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports bluetooth health device profile hdp 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/network bluetooth hid boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports bluetooth human input device hid 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/network bluetooth le boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports bluetooth low energy related methods in bluetooth api 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/network bluetooth opp boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports bluetooth object push profile opp 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/network ethernet boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports ethernet if it is true, "all" in downloadnetworktype and systeminfoethernetnetwork is supported 2 4 http //tizen org/feature/network internet boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports internet 2 3 1 http //tizen org/feature/network net_proxy boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports network proxy for internet connection 3 0 http //tizen org/feature/network nfc boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports near field communication nfc 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/network nfc card_emulation boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device is recognized by the nfc card readers 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/network nfc card_emulation hce boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports nfc host-based card emulation 2 3 1 http //tizen org/feature/network nfc p2p boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports p2p apis which require near field communication nfc 2 3 1 http //tizen org/feature/network nfc reserved_push boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/network nfc key, if the device supports the nfc reserved push feature 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/network nfc tag boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports tag apis which require near field communication nfc 2 3 1 http //tizen org/feature/network push boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports push api which requires the ip push service provided by the tizen reference implementation 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/network secure_element boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports secure elements 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/network telephony boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the telephony related apis 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/network telephony mms boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/network telephony key, if the device supports mms 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/network wifi boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports all apis which require wi-fi 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/network wifi direct boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/network wifi key, if the device supports wi-fi direct™ 2 2 1 the following table lists the opengl® es feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/opengles boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports any opengl® es version and any texture format 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/opengles texture_format domstring the supported texture formats for the opengl® es e g "3dc/atc/etc/ptc" the platform returns an empty string for this key if opengl® es or compressed texture formats are not supported 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/opengles texture_format 3dc boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/opengles key, if the device supports the 3dc texture format for opengl® es 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/opengles texture_format atc boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/opengles key, if the device supports the atc texture format for opengl® es 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/opengles texture_format etc boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/opengles key, if the device supports the etc texture format for opengl® es 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/opengles texture_format ptc boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/opengles key, if the device supports the ptc texture format for opengl® es 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/opengles texture_format pvrtc boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/opengles key, if the device supports the pvrtc texture format for opengl® es 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/opengles texture_format utc boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/opengles key, if the device supports the utc texture format for opengl® es 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/opengles version 1_1 boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/opengles key, if the device supports the opengl® es version 1 1 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/opengles version 2_0 boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/opengles key, if the device supports the opengl® es version 2 0 2 2 1 the following table lists the platform feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/platform core api version domstring the version of the tizen core api in the [major] [minor] format for example, "1 0" represents a web api version where the major version is 1 and the minor version is 0 if a device doesn't provide tizen core api, it returns an empty string "" 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/platform core cpu arch domstring the platform returns the cpu architecture e g "armv7", "x86" of a device 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/platform core cpu arch armv6 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device runs on the armv6 cpu architecture 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/platform core cpu arch armv7 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device runs on the armv7 cpu architecture 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/platform core cpu arch x86 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device runs on the x86 cpu architecture 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/platform core cpu frequency long the platform returns the frequency at which a core cpu is running unit mhz 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/platform core fpu arch domstring the platform returns the fpu architecture e g "vfpv3", "ssse3" of a device if there is no fpu on a device, it returns an empty string "" 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/platform core fpu arch sse2 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device runs on the sse2 fpu architecture 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/platform core fpu arch sse3 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device runs on the sse3 fpu architecture 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/platform core fpu arch ssse3 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device runs on the ssse3 fpu architecture 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/platform core fpu arch vfpv2 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device runs on the vfpv2 fpu architecture 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/platform core fpu arch vfpv3 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device runs on the vfpv3 fpu architecture 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/platform native api version domstring the version of the native api in the [major] [minor] format for example, 1 0 represents a native api version where the major version is 1 and the minor version is 0 if a device doesn't provide tizen native api, it returns an empty string "" 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/platform native osp_compatible boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the bada compatibility mode 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/platform version domstring the version of the platform in the [major] [minor] [patch version] format for example, 1 0 0 represents a platform version where the major version is 1 and the minor and build versions are 0 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/platform web api version domstring the version of the web api in the [major] [minor] format for example, 1 0 represents a web api version where the major version is 1 and the minor version is 0 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/platform version name domstring the platform return the platform version name e g tizen 2 0 magnolia, tizen 2 1 nectarine 2 3 the following table lists the profile feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/profile systeminfoprofile the platform returns a compliant device profile such as "mobile", "wearable" for this key 2 2 1 the following table lists the sensor feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/sensor accelerometer boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the acceleration sensor 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor accelerometer wakeup boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/sensor accelerometer key, if the device supports the wake-up operation by the acceleration sensor 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor activity_recognition boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports activity recognition 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/sensor barometer boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the barometer pressure sensor 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor barometer wakeup boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/sensor barometer key, if the device supports the wake-up operation by the barometer sensor 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor gesture_recognition boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the gesture recognition 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/sensor gravity boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports gravity 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/sensor gyroscope boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports gyroscope 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor gyroscope_rotation_vector boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports gyroscope rotation vector 3 0 http //tizen org/feature/sensor gyroscope wakeup boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/sensor gyroscope key, if the device supports the wake-up operation by the gyro sensor 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor heart_rate_monitor boolean the platform returns true for this key if the device supports hrm 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/sensor heart_rate_monitor led_green boolean the platform returns true for this key if the device supports green light spectrum 2 3 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor heart_rate_monitor led_ir boolean the platform returns true for this key if the device supports infrared spectrum 2 3 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor heart_rate_monitor led_red boolean the platform returns true for this key if the device supports red light spectrum 2 3 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor humidity boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the humidity sensor 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/sensor linear_acceleration boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the linear acceleration sensor 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/sensor magnetometer boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the magnetic sensor 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor magnetometer wakeup boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/sensor magnetometer key, if the device supports the wake-up operation by the magnetic sensor 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor pedometer boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports pedometer 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/sensor photometer boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the photometer sensor 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor photometer wakeup boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/sensor photometer key, if the device supports the wake-up operation by the photo sensor 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor proximity boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the proximity sensor 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor proximity wakeup boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/sensor proximity key, if the device supports the wake-up operation by the proximity sensor 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor rotation_vector boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the rotation vector sensor 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/sensor sleep_monitor boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports sleep_monitor 3 0 http //tizen org/feature/sensor temperature boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the temperature sensor 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/sensor tiltmeter boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the tilt sensor 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor tiltmeter wakeup boolean the platform returns true for this key and the http //tizen org/feature/sensor tiltmeter key, if the device supports the wake-up operation by the tilt sensor 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/sensor ultraviolet boolean the platform returns true for this key if the device supports ultraviolet sensor 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/sensor wrist_up boolean the platform returns true for this key if the device supports wrist_up 2 3 the following table lists the screen feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/screen boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device has a display screen 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/screen auto_rotation boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports screen auto-rotation 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen bpp long the platform returns the number of bits per pixel supported by the device for this key the value depends on the screen, and is typically 8, 16, 24, or 32 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen coordinate_system size large boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the large screen size for the coordinate system 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen coordinate_system size normal boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the normal screen size for the coordinate system 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen dpi long the platform returns the number of dots per inch supported by the device for this key 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen height long the platform returns the height of the screen in pixels supported by the device for this key 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen output hdmi boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports hdmi output 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen output rca boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports rca output 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen shape circle boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports a circular shaped screen 2 3 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen shape rectangle boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports a rectangular shaped screen 2 3 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen size all boolean the platform can return true if the device supports any of screen sizes and resolutions if the device has a display screen, it returns true 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen size large boolean the platform can return true if the device supports the large screen size 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen size normal boolean the platform can return true the device supports the normal screen size 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen size normal 240 400 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the 240 x 400 resolution for the normal screen size the platform can return true for multiple resolution keys 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen size normal 320 320 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the 320 x 320 resolution for the normal screen size the platform can return true for multiple resolution keys 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/screen size normal 320 480 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the 320 x 480 resolution for the normal screen size the platform can return true for multiple resolution keys 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen size normal 360 360 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the 360 x 360 resolution for the normal screen size the platform can return true for multiple resolution keys 2 3 2 http //tizen org/feature/screen size normal 360 480 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the 360 x 480 resolution for the normal screen size the platform can return true for multiple resolution keys 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/screen size normal 480 800 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the 480 x 800 resolution for the normal screen size the platform can return true for multiple resolution keys 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen size normal 540 960 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the 540 x 960 resolution for the normal screen size the platform can return true for multiple resolution keys 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen size normal 600 1024 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the 600 x 1024 resolution for the normal screen size the platform can return true for multiple resolution keys 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen size normal 720 1280 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the 720 x 1280 resolution for the normal screen size the platform can return true for multiple resolution keys 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen size normal 1080 1920 boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the 1080 x 1920 resolution for the normal screen size the platform can return true for multiple resolution keys 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/screen width long the platform returns the width of the screen in pixels supported by the device for this key 2 2 1 the following table lists the shell dynamic box feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/shell appwidget boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the widget since 2 3 1, this key indicates only native widget 2 2 1 the following table lists the sip feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/sip voip boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the voice over internet protocol voip 2 2 1 the following table lists the speech feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/speech recognition boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports speech recognition stt 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/speech synthesis boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports speech synthesis tts 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/speech control boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports speech control 4 0 the following table lists the tv feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/tv audio boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports control of tv audio if it is true, tvaudiocontrol api is supported 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/tv display boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports getting information about the effects of stereoscopy 3d mode if it is true, tv display control api is supported 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/tv inputdevice boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports receiving key events generated when the user presses a key of an input device for example a tv remote control if it is true, tv input device api is supported 2 3 http //tizen org/feature/tv pip boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports control of tv window e g main window, pip window if it is true, tv window api is supported 2 3 the following table lists the usb feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/usb accessory boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the usb client or accessory mode 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/usb host boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the usb host mode 2 2 1 the following table lists the vision feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/vision face_recognition boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports face recognition 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/vision image_recognition boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports image recognition 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/vision qrcode_generation boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports qr code generation 2 2 1 http //tizen org/feature/vision qrcode_recognition boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports qr code recognition 2 2 1 the following table lists the web service model feature keys key type description version http //tizen org/feature/web service boolean the platform returns true for this key, if the device supports the web service model 2 3 the following table lists the build information key key type description version http //tizen org/system/build date domstring the platform returns the build date the format yyyy mm dd 2 3 http //tizen org/system/build string domstring the platform returns the build string including build date and time 2 3 http //tizen org/system/build time domstring the platform returns the build time the format hh mm ss 2 3 http //tizen org/system/manufacturer domstring the platform returns the device manufacturer's name 2 3 http //tizen org/system/build release domstring the platform returns the build version information the build version information is made when the platform image is created 3 0 http //tizen org/system/build type domstring the platform returns the build type, such as "user" or "eng" the build type is made when the platform image is created 3 0 http //tizen org/system/build variant domstring the platform returns the variant release information the variant release information is made when the platform image is created 3 0 http //tizen org/system/build id domstring the platform returns the build id the build id is made when the platform image is created 3 0 the following table lists the model name key key type description version http //tizen org/system/model_name domstring the platform returns the model name 2 3 the following table lists the platform system keys key type description version http //tizen org/system/platform communication_processor domstring the platform returns the device communication processor name 2 3 http //tizen org/system/platform name domstring the platform returns the platform name it must be tizen 2 2 1 http //tizen org/system/platform processor domstring the platform returns the device processor name 2 3 the following table lists the tizen id system key key type description version http //tizen org/system/tizenid domstring the platform returns the tizen id it is a randomly generated value based on the model name 2 3
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