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Samsung IAP Orders API

The Samsung In-App Purchase (IAP) Orders API is used to view all payments and refunds on a specific date. Before you can start using the IAP Orders API, you must meet all requirements and use the required authorization header parameters in your requests. See Get Started with the IAP APIs for more information.

View payments and refunds

View all payments and refunds on a specific date.


POST /iap/seller/orders
Name Type Description
sellerSeq string Required. Your seller deeplink in Seller Portal, a 12-digit number.

To find your seller deeplink, log in to Seller Portal and go to Profile > Information for Seller Page.

packageName string Optional. The package name of the app for which you want to view payment and refund data. If no packageName is specified, data is returned for all apps.

To find an app's package name, log in to Seller Portal, go to Apps, select the app, open the Binary tab, and click the file name.

requestDate string Optional. The specific day for which you want to view payments and refunds. If no date is specified, yesterday's date is used.

Format: yyyymmdd

continuationToken string Optional. Request the next page of payment/refund data (a page contains up to 100 items). If a continuationToken is not specified, the first page of data is displayed.

If more than one page of data is available, the response includes a continuationToken. Use this token to request the next page of data. If the continuationToken returned in the response is null, this means the previous page of data is the last page to contain item information.

curl \
  -X POST \
  -H "content-type:application/json" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer <your-access-token>" \
  -H "service-account-id: <your-service-account-id>" \
  -d '{"sellerSeq":"000123456789","packageName":"com.samsung.android.sample","requestDate":"20230615","continuationToken":"e5ec039730164c50277f9a231b74c1b6e035d9184160d8b3d6b3de1f62691328fbe4c0c4863da52b3bcecef44a4c7acb974c674728c3cb173cb339bd41783f2c"}' \

Use cases

Parameters Included Data retrieved
sellerSeq Yesterday's payments and refunds for all apps.
sellerSeq, packageName Yesterday's payments and refunds for the specified app.
sellerSeq, requestDate Payments and refunds for all apps for the specified date.
sellerSeq, packageName, requestDate Payments and refunds for the specified app and the specified date.



Name Type Description
continuationToken string If more than 1 page of data (100 items) is available to view, a continuationToken is sent in order to request and view the next page of data. If the continuationToken is null, this means the previous page of data is the last page to contain item information.
orderId string Unique identifier assigned to the purchase receipt.
purchaseId string Unique identifier of the in-app item purchase transaction.
contentId string Content ID of the application registered in Seller Portal.
countryId string Three-character country code (ISO 3166) of the country where the item is sold.

packageName string Package name of the application registered in Seller Portal.
itemId string Unique identifier of the in-app item registered in Seller Portal.
itemTitle string Title of the in-app item registered in Seller Portal.
status string Order status.

2: Payment successfully completed
3: Payment canceled (refund)

If you want to test the "Payment canceled" status, contact customer support at Seller Portal > Help > Contact us > Contact us at the Customer Center. Include the orderId of the purchase so that we can change the order status to "Payment canceled."

orderTime datetime Timestamp (UTC) when the order was requested.
completionTime datetime Timestamp (UTC) when the payment was successfully completed.
refundTime datetime Timestamp (UTC) when the payment was canceled by the admin.
localCurrency string Currency symbol of the country's currency where the item was purchased (for example, $).
localCurrencyCode string Three-character currency code (ISO 4217) of the country's currency where the item was purchased (for example, EUR, GBP, USD).

localPrice string Price of the item in the country where the item was purchased.
usdPrice string Price in U.S. dollars (USD) calculated by multiplying the local price and exchange rate (localPrice * exchangeRate).
exchangeRate string USD exchange rate at the time of purchase.
mcc string SIM card country code.
subscriptionOrderId string If the purchased item is a subscription, the origin order ID of the subscription.
freeTrialYN string If the item is purchased during a free trial period.

Y: The item was purchased during a free trial period.
N: The item was not purchased during a free trial period.

tieredSubscriptionYN string If the item is purchased as a lower-tier/discounted or regular-tier/regular subscription.

Y: The item was purchased as a lower-tier or discounted subscription.
N: The item was purchased as a regular-tier or regular subscription.

  "continuationToken": "5b5496f44417c9f6b42c8768cbd3f5b5621cdd4021308af81c1e49b77602e9074ab",
  "orderItemList": [
      "orderId": "S20230210KR01922227",
      "purchaseId": "a778b928b32ed0871958e8bcfb757e54f0bc894fa8df7dd8dbb553c81b048343",
      "contentId": "000005059222",
      "countryId": "USA",
      "packageName": "com.samsung.android.sample"
      "orderId": "S20230210KR01922227",
      "purchaseId": "90a5df78f7815623eb34f567eb0413fb0209bb04dad1367d7877edfa136321",
      "contentId": "000005059222",
      "countryId": "USA",
      "packageName": "com.samsung.android.sample"

See Failure response codes for a list of possible response codes when a request fails.

Failure response codes

The following are response codes you may see when the request fails.

Status Code and message
Bad Request

  • SLR_4001: Seller is not matched
  • SLR_4009: Continuation token is invalid
  • SLR_4010: Decrypted continuation token consists of invalid data type
  • SLR_4011: Date format is invalid. Use the format yyyymmdd

  • SLR_4008: Failed to verify gateway server authorization