All Classes and Interfaces

This class provides card information for enrollment.
The requested add card operation status is returned via this interface.
This class contains constants for AddressControl
This class provides AddressControl on custom payment sheet.
AddressControl is used for displaying billing address or shipping address
on custom payment sheet from "My Info" menu option on Samsung Pay app.

Caution: AddressControl must be returned in onResult() on SheetUpdatedListener to remove progress bar on custom payment sheet.
This class provides AmountBoxControl on custom payment sheet.
AmountBoxControl is used for displaying amount information on custom payment sheet.
This class contains constants for AmountControlBox.
This interface provides the common values of WatchManager and CardManager.
This class provides card information related to the card management operations.
This class provides card information related to payment operations.
This is builder class for constructing CardInfo object which is passed to Samsung Pay from merchant.
The requested operation about card is returned via this interface.
This class provides APIs for card management.
This class provides custom payment sheet which contains various SheetControls.
This class provides APIs to fetch Payment information details with custom payment sheet information.
That is, transaction details set by the merchant app.
This class provides APIs to create Address Parcel object.
This is builder class for constructing Address objects.
This enumeration provides types of address UI on the payment sheet, based on merchant requirement.
This is builder class for constructing CustomSheetPaymentInfo object.
The requested getAllCards operation status is returned via this interface.
This class holds the partner information.
This class provides APIs for payment related operations (example: in-app payment).
Partner (Merchants and other third party) applications can use these APIs to perform variety of payment operations.

For instance, partner apps can:
- Request in-app payment
- Start Simple Pay on Samsung Pay
- Fetch available cards on Samsung Pay for payment
This interface is for listening requestCardInfo() callback events.
This interface is for listening callback events of online (in-app) custom sheet payment.
This is invoked when card is changed by the user on the custom payment sheet, and also with the success or failure of online (in-app) payment.
This listener is registered when PaymentManager.startInAppPayWithCustomSheet(CustomSheetPaymentInfo, CustomSheetTransactionInfoListener) API is called.

Caution: AmountBoxControl must be returned in onCardInfoUpdated() on SheetUpdatedListener to remove progress bar on custom payment sheet.
This class provides PlainTextControl on custom payment sheet.
This control is used for displaying 2-line text with title or 1-line text without title.
This class provides APIs to get the Samsung Pay status on the device.
This class is basic class for each component on custom payment sheet.
This enumeration provides SDK supported SheetControl type such as
This class provides ControlSheet item type to distinguish each item type on custom payment sheet.
This interface is for listening SheetControl events.
This class allows to define Samsung Pay SDK information, common error codes, and constants.
This enumeration provides SDK supported card brands such as AMERICAN EXPRESS, MASTERCARD, VISA, DISCOVER, CHINA UNIONPAY, OCTOPUS, ECI and PAGOBANCOMAT.
This enumeration provides Service Types.
Partners must set their Service Type in the PartnerInfo when they call any APIs.
This class provides SpinnerControl on custom payment sheet.
SpinnerControl is used for displaying spinner option on custom payment sheet.

The requested operation status is returned via this interface.
Upon on success, status and extra data (if any) will be returned via onSuccess callback.
This class provides APIs for watch management.