New Smart Lifestyle Photos for Watch Face Designers
Tony Morelan
Sr. Developer Evangelist
For those looking to include lifestyle photos on your Play Store watch app pages, check out the latest Galaxy Watch Lifestyle Photo Assets. Like the Galaxy Store Watch Asset Creator, simply paste your watch face into the “Smart” Photoshop file, and your watch face automatically appears on the watch—with correct perspective, shading, and more. It’s that simple!
Photos Made Easy
Choose from the many photos of Galaxy Watches in different environments. To take advantage of the photos' unique features, you must use Photoshop version 14.2 (CC 2014) or later and have a basic understanding of Photoshop.
These "Smart" Photoshop files use Smart Objects for the watch face. Update the Smart Object with your design, and the watch face in the lifestyle photo also updates. Use these new photos on your Play Store watch app pages. Read my blog, Add Your Watch Face Design to Smart Lifestyle Photos, to learn how to use our smart lifestyle photos.

Tizen OS Watch Faces
Publishing a Tizen OS watch face to the Galaxy Store? The library of Lifestyle Photo Assets for Galaxy Store is a great resource for all Galaxy Watch models and the Gear S3.
Your Photos, Your Style!
Show off your watch faces and apps with style. Look for more lifestyle photos as we continue to grow our library. Have your own lifestyle pictures? View my tutorial showing how you can build your own lifestyle Photoshop templates.
Resources for Sellers at Galaxy Store
For more information on signing up and selling on Galaxy Store, look into the Galaxy Store documentation. For assistance with setting up and starting your sales campaigns, the Samsung Developer discussion forums are where you can get great insights from the Galaxy Store support team and other sellers.
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