
A sonic expression of Samsung’s relentless innovation.

Speaking the universal language of music

While all our senses can revive memories, sound is one of the most powerful triggers. Introducing the new Samsung brand sound, “The Voyage. Interpreted to fit each stage of the user journey, the score delivers a consistent melody throughout our offerings. Jump on board as we set sail towards the future of Samsung filled with endless innovation.

Reliability meets anticipation

Bold yet simple, the melody delivers a sense of comfort and excitement.

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The stripped-down melody begins on a note of reliability. The harmonious 'do-sol-mi-re' melody amplifies the Samsung brand identity.


Our brand sound begins with stable notes that convey our promise of reliability. Then, the dramatic shift to 're' stirs up excitement for the future envisioned by Samsung.
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Integrating our iconic brand sounds, 'The Voyage' echoes the Samung spirit of the relentless pioneer. Bringing together the past and present the melody can be interpreted into different versions. The result? An unforgettable experience that carries on into every step of the user journey.

Taking the Samsung experience
to new levels with sound

Variations of “The Voyage” await you, in-store, online, and across all touchpoints. Innovative. Harmonious. Trendy.
Cozy. Different instruments and musical genres can be used to repurpose “The Voyage” to fit any context.