October 2023 Newsletter

Galaxy AR Emoji SDK Version 4.1 Released

Galaxy AR Emoji SDK v 4.1 is now released and the developer page has been renewed. This release introduces 2 features representative of future developments:

1. Avatar Plugin for Unity enables loading AR Emoji and other add-ons using glTFast. Compared to other glTF libraries, glTFast is lightweight and provides fast implementation and high performance on mobile devices. It can also be integrated with Unity's rendering engine. The avatar plugin for Unity is also open source for the first time. Anyone who wants to add or modify a feature can contribute to it through GitHub.

2. Tracking SDK Extension Based on OpenXR enables motion detected by the XR device to be applied to AR Emoji, providing an enhanced sense of immersion.

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June 2023 Newsletter

Developing Services that Use AR Emojis

Galaxy device users can create AR Emoji avatars that look like themselves, which can also be integrated into various services. One such service, the Sign Language Guide TV UX, won a 2023 IF Design Award! It is the first UX avatar to provide TV guidance for people with hearing impairments, helping them to understand and navigate TV menus that provide limited descriptions, such as settings menus.

With the Galaxy AR Emoji for Unity SDK, third-party developers can easily develop services that use AR Emoji. Get access to the Galaxy AR Emoji for Unity SDK by becoming a Samsung Partner and start integrating AR Emoji in your service through the 7 simple steps in our guide.

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