Strategies for Success: Making Your Brand Successful
Tony Morelan
Sr. Technical Evangelist, Samsung Developers
The key to successful marketing is building your brand and creating a loyal customer base that returns to your store to purchase again. You want consumers to recognize your brand, trust the quality, and anticipate new releases. Building your brand takes time and effort. From designing compelling consumer marketing assets to expanding your customer reach, in this blog series, I offer suggestions to help grow your customer base and ultimately reach your marketing goals.
What's in a Name?
Consumers might forget the details or intricacies of your app designs, but will remember how your app made them feel. A positive association with your brand name builds confidence in your products.
For some, your brand name is simply your given name, the name you used when you created your Galaxy Store seller account. This works well if you have a memorable name like Matteo Dini.

In many cases though, you may want to create a unique brand name that represents your style. If you have truly different styles, you may consider marketing different brand names. Doing so will help build consumer expectations when they associate with these brands independently of each other. If not, consumers may get confused if you publish an app that is entirely different than what they have come to expect.
Marketing different brands can be achieved in several ways. The first is to apply for an additional seller account and create your second brand independent of the first. A great example of a designer marketing two different brands is Tomas Joscak from Vienna Studios. Tomas decided he wanted to create an "outlet" brand so he launched Vienna Studios Outlet. Each brand has a seller office account independent from the other.

However, for watch face and theme designers, this can be a challenge because you would have to apply and submit a new design portfolio with the hopes of being selected again. Just because you have been selected once, does not guarantee that your additional brand application will be selected.
The success of your seller account influences the ranking of your apps and factors in the selection of Galaxy Store featured promotions. Having separate seller accounts would prevent you from leveraging the success of one brand to assist the other.
Another option is to simply market different brand names under one seller account. When you publish an app, add a brand name to the title of the app and in the copyright holder field. This will create the appearance of an independent brand from your seller account and your brand name will return results when searched. Below are two examples of watch faces I published using different brand names.

The copyright holder's name appears just below the app title when your app is displayed on Galaxy Store. By default, if you do not enter a copyright holder's name, your seller name will appear instead. For apps that have already been published, you can still add a copyright holder name (brand name) by going to the seller portal page and clicking Update for each app. Next, switch the mode from Simple to Advance to bring up additional settings. Scroll down to the Copyright Holder field and type your brand name. Be sure to click "Save" before moving on. If you leave the App Information page without clicking "Save", your changes will be lost.
If you haven't already done so, you will need to determine when you would like the update to publish.
Click the Publication button in the sidebar and select from the three options:
- Publish Automatically. Your app will be published the moment it passes the review.
- Publish on Date. You can specify the date and time to publish. Be sure to allow enough time for your app to pass the review.
- Publish Manually. Once your app passes the review, it will remain on hold until you manually publish it.
When updating an app, be sure to leave a note for the review team in the comments area on the Review page describing the update. Click the Review button in the sidebar and list the changes in the Comments field. If your update is minimal, your app will be reviewed much quicker.
Be sure to again click the Save button and then click the Submit button. Your update will then be reviewed by the review team.
Marketing Info and Resources
Additional Reads: Strategies for Success
Look for new releases of my blog series, Strategies for Success, where I continue to deep-dive into the many areas that can influence your market growth. Additional topics to include:
Samsung Galaxy Store: Tips For Marketing Your Apps
Check out my video, Samsung Galaxy Store: Tips For Marketing Your Apps to learn more about creating brands, designing marketing graphics, social media tips, badges, and banner promotions.
Marketing Resources
Looking for even more info about promoting your apps? Our Marketing Resources page contains helpful information on promoting your apps. You can view lists of relevant hashtags to use on social media, learn more about discounts and coupons, as well as download guidelines and kits to help you get started.
Developer Forums
Post questions, search for answers, or just see what are the latest topics for discussion. Visiting our developer forum is an excellent way to stay up-to-date on all things related to the Galaxy ecosystem. To see the latest marketing topics, be sure to view the Marketing thread.
Follow Along
I hope this article has helped you understand the value in your brand and ways to promote it. This is the first in a series of articles where I share the strategies that successful sellers use in marketing their designs and apps. Stay tuned for the next post, where I will discuss ways to stay engaged with your most devoted users.
Follow Up
This site has many resources for developers looking to build for and integrate with Samsung devices and services. Stay in touch with the latest news by creating a free account or by subscribing to our monthly newsletter. Visit the Marketing Resources page for information on promoting and distributing your apps. Finally, our developer forum is an excellent way to stay up-to-date on all things related to the Galaxy ecosystem.