Strategies for Success: Understanding Consumer Trends
Tony Morelan
Sr. Technical Evangelist, Samsung Developers
The key to successful marketing is building your brand and creating a loyal customer base that returns to your store to purchase again. You want consumers to recognize your brand, trust the quality, and anticipate new releases. Building your brand takes time and effort. From designing compelling consumer marketing assets to expanding your customer reach, in this blog series, I offer suggestions to help grow your customer base and ultimately reach your marketing goals.
Consumer Trends
Consumer trends around the globe can differ depending on location. For some countries, seasonal motifs and holiday celebrations are top sellers. For others, cultural influences help determine which styles perform better. Some countries love illustrated art and stylistic characters, while other countries enjoy futuristic or classic designs. However, globally there are a few notable trends:
Feminine Inspired
When it comes to personalization, women have become a large demographic of apps purchased on Galaxy Store. Specifically for watch face designs, this is due to the popularity of the Mystic Bronze Galaxy Watch3, Pink Gold Galaxy Watch Active2, and Rose Gold Galaxy Watch. The top-selling watch face of 2020 was Golden Floral Digital Watch by Tatyana Galkina, a watch face specifically designed for women.

Golden Floral Digital Watch by Tatyana Galkina
Digital vs. Analog
Classic analog watch faces that simulate realistic watch hands can be stunning. However, sales have shown that watch faces displaying digital time outperform analog watch faces. Consumers are attracted to the amount of additional data shown on digital watch faces like heart rate, step count, distance, speed, date, and battery level, along with how quickly the digital time can be read.

With so many options available on Galaxy Store, your apps should be unique. Creative designs stand out and give the best possibility to be noticed. USA Design has created many such watch faces that are graphically innovative and well designed.

Marketing Info and Resources
Additional Reads: Strategies for Success
Look for new releases of my blog series, Strategies for Success, where I continue to deep-dive into the many areas that can influence your market growth. Additional topics to include:
Samsung Galaxy Store: Tips For Marketing Your Apps
Check out my video, Samsung Galaxy Store: Tips For Marketing Your Apps to learn more about creating brands, designing marketing graphics, social media tips, badges, and banner promotions.
Marketing Resources
Looking for even more info about promoting your apps? Our Marketing Resources page contains helpful information on promoting your apps. You can view lists of relevant hashtags to use on social media, learn more about discounts and coupons, as well as download guidelines and kits to help you get started.
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