Galaxy Store

Preloaded on 1.2B devices in 188 countries, Galaxy Store offers the latest apps, games, customization tools, exclusive benefits, and a developer-friendly revenue share of 80/20.1

Unlock Your Potential with Galaxy Store

Samsung's Exclusive App Store

Offers trending apps, games, themes, exclusive benefits, and more.

User Discovery

Grow user engagement with curated merchandising, live operations, and Discover Tab editorials.2

Revenue Upside

Beginning May 15, 2025: 80:20 R/S for paid apps, themes, and consumable and non-consumable items; 85:15 R/S for subscriptions.

Samsung Rewards

Retain high value users who spend more with Rewards points.3

Your Winning Game Plan


Create your account

Create a Samsung account, register with Seller Portal, and apply for commercial seller status.

Get Started >

Incorporate Samsung's Services

Use Samsung's SDKs and tools, like Samsung In-App Purchase, to seamlessy integrate your app into Samsung's ecosystem.

Code >

Distribute in Galaxy Store

Register your app and in-app items in Seller Portal, test your app, then launch it in Galaxy Store.

Publish >
Level Up

Run promotions & track user data

Create a badge, promote your app, integrate with third-party attribution platforms, and track performance metrics and user data.

Promote >

Frequently asked questions about app development for Samsung devices and Galaxy Store.

Developer Forum

Ask questions and discuss ideas with other app developers.

Ask a question

Submit a developer-related support request to our support team.

1 Beginning May 15, 2025: 80/20 revenue share for paid apps, themes, and consumable and non-consumable items; 85/15 revenue share for subscriptions. Revenue share is subject to deduction of customary fees (such as sales tax, bank fees) as provided in the Galaxy Store Terms. Please see the Galaxy Store Terms for details.
2 Discover Tab is available in South Korea and the U.S.
3 Samsung Rewards is available in Germany, South Korea, and the U.S.

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