Frequently asked questions about app and game development for Samsung devices and Galaxy Store.

Galaxy Store

Yes, Galaxy Store is the software marketplace for Galaxy devices and has essential content like first-party applications, third-party games and apps, and fonts and themes (via Galaxy Themes).

No, there is no sign-up nor annual fee to publish in Galaxy Store. However, there is revenue sharing for transactions that use Samsung Checkout. For more information, see section 6, Revenue Share and Tax, of the Samsung Galaxy Store Seller Portal Terms and Conditions.

Galaxy Store runs on Android OS in Samsung phones and tablets.

For games or apps using Samsung In-App purchase, it is recommended that each game or app have a different package name in Galaxy Store if the same content is or will be available in Google Play. For example, when you submit your app to Galaxy Store, use the package name com.myapp.samsung. When you submit the same game to Google play, use the package name com.myapp.google. For more information please review Prevent cross-store updates.

Galaxy Store requires a target API level >=33 and at least one 64-bit binary to be registered. For more information please review [Important] Information on changing the target API Level requirements of an Android app and applying 64bit.

The flagship phones are the S and Fold series. The mid-range platforms are the A and J series.

Galaxy Store doesn't impose a minimum requirement. You can develop an app for as many platforms as you wish.

Android versions vary according to phone platform/model. To ensure maximum compatibility, target the minimum version among the devices you choose to support.

Galaxy Store requires a target API level >=33 and at least one 64-bit binary to be registered. For more information please review [Important] Information on changing the target API Level requirements of an Android app and applying 64bit.

Samsung devices support OpenGL ES and Vulkan.

Yes. Build for the Android platform for each of these engines.

You can upload large files to Seller Portal (2 GB+ is supported).

Yes, you can upload AAB files to Seller Portal. Galaxy Store generates a universal APK from the AAB file. Currently there is no support for Play Asset Delivery or Play Feature Delivery. For more information please review (Android app) Managing the signing key.

Please reach out to galaxystore@samsungdevelopers.com. Please keep in mind that this email address is not for technical questions or Seller Portal questions. For those type of inquiries, please use Dev Support and the Seller Portal support channel accordingly.

Samsung In-App Purchase

Samsung recommends to integrate with the Samsung In-App Purchase SDK to manage in-app transactions and take advantage of the new revenue share policy.

Samsung has always supported third-party payment systems, and we will continue to do so. Many developers using Samsung In-App Purchase enjoy the benefits of easy payments, no PG Fee, and tax processing services. We are continuously making efforts to improve our billing services. For more information, please contact your account manager for details

Yes, Samsung In-App-Purchase has a plugin for Unity and Unreal.

Read more about and download the Samsung IAP Unity plugin.

Read more about and download the Samsung IAP Unreal plugin.

New Revenue Share Policy (effective May 15, 2025)

For more information, see New Revenue Share Model for Galaxy Store.