Galaxy Store Developer API

The Galaxy Store Developer API is a set of server-to-server APIs that allow you to manage apps, manage in-app items, and check app statistics. The set of APIs include the Content Publish API, IAP Orders API, IAP Publish API, and GSS Metric API. The Galaxy Store Developer API provides programmatic access to the same types of functionality provided by Galaxy Store Seller Portal.


In order to use the Galaxy Store Developer API, the following is required:

  • Seller Portal account

    A Samsung account is required to register for a Seller Portal account. You can sign up for a Samsung account when you register for a Seller Portal account.

  • Commercial seller status, to manage paid apps or in-app purchase items

    If you want to manage paid apps or paid in-app items, your Seller Portal account must have commercial seller status.

  • Apps registered in Seller Portal

    The Galaxy Store Developer API does not support new app registration. You must first register your apps in Seller Portal before you can manage them using the API.

  • Access token

    The access token is used for authentication and is included in the authorization header of every API call.

Use the Galaxy Store Developer API

After you have generated the access token, you must include it in the authorization header of every Galaxy Store Developer API call. See Use the Access Token for more information about how to use the access token.

API schema

Access to all APIs must use HTTPS (HTTP is not allowed) and must start with the following URL:

For example:

List of APIs

Access Tokens

These APIs are used to request, validate, and revoke an access token.

Name Request Description
Get an access token

POST /accessToken After you have created a JSON Web Token, request an access token to use the Galaxy Store Developer API.
Validate an access token

GET /auth/checkAccessToken Ensure the access token is valid.
Revoke an access token

DELETE /auth/revokeAccessToken Delete the access token.

Content Publish

These APIs are used to manage apps that have been registered in Seller Portal.

Name Request Description
View seller’s app list

GET /seller/contentList View a list of all of the seller's registered apps.
View seller’s app details

GET /seller/contentInfo View information about one of the seller's registered apps.
Modify app data

POST /seller/contentUpdate Modify app information, including images, icons, and binary files, after an app has been submitted and is FOR SALE in Galaxy Store.
Submit app

POST /seller/contentSubmit Submit an app for review.
Change app status

POST /seller/contentStatusUpdate Change the status of an app registered in Seller Portal.
Create file upload session ID

POST /seller/createUploadSessionId Generate a session ID required to upload a file.
File upload

POST /seller/fileUpload Upload files required for app submission or for updating an app.

IAP Orders

This API is used to view all payments and refunds on a specific date.

Name Request Description

POST /iap/seller/orders View all payments and refunds on a specific date.

IAP Publish

These APIs are used to add and manage in-app items for apps that have been registered in Seller Portal.

Name Request Description
View item list

GET /iap/v6/applications/:packageName/items Request a list of item information within a scope appropriate for the page and size.
View individual item

GET /iap/v6/applications/:packageName/items/:id Request detailed information on one item.
Create item

POST /iap/v6/applications/:packageName/items Register an in-app item.
Modify item

PUT /iap/v6/applications/:packageName/items Modify an in-app item.
Partial item modification

PATCH /iap/v6/applications/:packageName/items Modify the specified parameters of an in-app item.
Remove item

DELETE /iap/v6/applications/:packageName/items/:id Remove an in-app item.


These APIs are used to view app statistics.

Name Request Description
View seller metrics

POST /gss/query/sellerMetric View statistics about all of the seller's registered apps.
View content metrics

POST /gss/query/contentMetric View statistics about one of the seller's registered app.