Development Environment

Check prerequisites first and follow all steps below to create a Samsung Health’s partner app.


Check following prerequisites before downloading Samsung Health SDK for Android.

Android Version

Android 8.0 Oreo (API level 26) or above

Available Devices

Android smartphones including non-Samsung devices

Samsung Health Version

A partner app runs with Samsung Health 4.0 or higher

Downloading Samsung Health SDK for Android

The SDK can be downloaded on the Samsung developer site.

Folder in SDK Description
Docs API Reference
    Describes the SDK's Health Data APIs.
Programming Guide
    Contains development information to create a Samsung Health's partner app with health data access.

Libs samsung-health-data-va.b.c.aar
    Health Data library of Samsung Health SDK for Android.

Samples SimpleHealth
    Sample application that demonstrates how to read step count data.
    Sample application that demonstrates how to read step count and daily step count trend data.
    Sample application to check daily calorie intake.

Tools DataViewer.apk
    A test tool for the connection between your app and Samsung Health that works via the Samsung Health's developer mode. It reads Samsung Health's saved data.