HealthConstants.Albumin |
This interface defines albumin data of the user.
HealthConstants.Alp |
This interface defines ALP (Alkaline Phosphatase) data of the user.
HealthConstants.Alt |
This interface defines ALT(Alanine Aminotransferase) data of the user.
HealthConstants.AmbientTemperature |
This interface defines ambient temperature and humidity data around the device.
HealthConstants.Amylase |
This interface defines Amylase data of the user.
HealthConstants.Ast |
This interface defines AST (Aspartate Aminotransferase) data of the user.
HealthConstants.BloodGlucose |
This interface defines blood glucose data of the user.
HealthConstants.BloodPressure |
This interface defines blood pressure data of the user.
HealthConstants.BodyFat |
This interface defines body fat data of the user.
HealthConstants.BodyMuscle |
This interface defines body muscle data of the user.
HealthConstants.BodyTemperature |
This interface defines body temperature data of the user.
HealthConstants.Bun |
This interface defines BUN (Blood Urea Nitrogen) data of the user.
HealthConstants.CaffeineIntake |
This interface defines caffeine intake data of the user.
HealthConstants.Common |
This interface contains the common constants for health data
such as the data's unique ID, the application package name which provides data,
and the data's source device information.
HealthConstants.Cpk |
This interface defines CPK (Creatine Phosphokinase) data of the user.
HealthConstants.Creatinine |
This interface defines creatinine data of the user.
HealthConstants.DirectBilirubin |
This interface defines direct bilirubin data of the user.
HealthConstants.DiscreteMeasurement |
This interface contains basic constants for measurement such
as the start or offset time.
HealthConstants.Electrocardiogram |
HealthConstants.Exercise |
This interface defines exercise data of the user.
HealthConstants.Fev1 |
This interface defines FEV1 (Forced Expiratory Volume in One Second) data of the user.
HealthConstants.FloorsClimbed |
This interface defines floors climbed data of the user.
HealthConstants.FoodInfo |
HealthConstants.FoodIntake |
HealthConstants.Fvc |
This interface defines FVC (Forced Vital Capacity) data of the user.
HealthConstants.Ggt |
This interface defines GGT (Gamma Glutamyl Transpeptidase) data of the user.
HealthConstants.Globulin |
This interface defines globulin data of the user.
HealthConstants.HbA1c |
This interface defines glycated hemoglobin data of the user.
HealthConstants.Hdlc |
This interface defines HDL-C(High-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol) data of the user.
HealthConstants.HealthDocument |
HealthConstants.HeartRate |
This interface defines heart rate data of the user.
HealthConstants.Height |
This interface defines height data of the user.
HealthConstants.HipCircumference |
This interface defines hip circumference data of the user.
HealthConstants.Homocysteine |
This interface defines homocysteine data of the user.
HealthConstants.Ldh |
This interface defines LDH (Lactate Dehydrogenase) data of the user.
HealthConstants.Ldlc |
This interface defines LDL-C (Low-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol) data of the user.
HealthConstants.Nutrition |
This interface defines nutrition user intakes.
HealthConstants.OxygenSaturation |
This interface defines oxygen saturation data in the user's blood.
HealthConstants.SessionMeasurement |
This interface contains measurement constants that has a session with the end time.
HealthConstants.Sleep |
This interface defines sleep data of the user.
HealthConstants.SleepStage |
This interface defines the detailed sleep stage for the specified sleep data.
HealthConstants.StepCount |
This interface defines the user's step count data.
HealthConstants.StepDailyTrend |
This interface defines the user's daily step count trend data.
HealthConstants.TotalBilirubin |
This interface defines total bilirubin data of the user.
HealthConstants.TotalCholesterol |
This interface defines total cholesterol data of the user.
HealthConstants.TotalProtein |
This interface defines total protein data of the user.
HealthConstants.Triglyceride |
This interface defines triglyceride data of the user.
HealthConstants.Uph |
This interface defines UPH (Urine pH) data of the user.
HealthConstants.Usg |
This interface defines USG (Urine Specific Gravity) data of the user.
HealthConstants.UvExposure |
This interface defines UV exposure data around the device.
HealthConstants.WaistCircumference |
This interface defines waist circumference data of the user.
HealthConstants.WaterIntake |
This interface defines water intake data of the user.
HealthConstants.Weight |
This interface defines weight data of the user.
HealthDataResolver.AggregateRequest |
This interface represents an aggregate request with aggregate functions and the specified time unit to group result values.
HealthDataResolver.DeleteRequest |
This interface is able to make a request to delete health data for the specific health data type.
HealthDataResolver.InsertRequest |
This interface is able to make a request to insert health data for the specific health data type.
HealthDataResolver.ReadRequest |
This interface is able to make a request to read health data for the specific health data type.
HealthDataResolver.UpdateRequest |
This interface is able to make a request to update health data for the specific health data type.
HealthDataStore.ConnectionListener |
This interface provides the callback when the client is connected or disconnected with the health data store.
HealthResultHolder<T extends HealthResultHolder.BaseResult> |
This interface representing the result of invoking method.
HealthResultHolder.ResultListener<T extends HealthResultHolder.BaseResult> |
This interface is a callback to receive a result for the health data request asynchronously.