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featured Web, Mobile, Galaxy Watch

Browsing the Web on the Samsung Galaxy Watch4

Ada takes Samsung Internet for the new Samsung Galaxy Watch4 through its paces.

success story IoT

Accelerating Home Automation at SmartThings with Rule Engine

tutorials Design, Mobile, Foldable

Foldable Adaptation Essentials: App Continuity and Multi-Window Handling

Learn how to adapt app continuity and multi-window in your app.

announcement Mobile

Seller Portal Updates, News, and Announcements for September

September updates, news, and announcements for Seller Portal

tutorials Web

Game Physics on the Web in AFrame

Adding physics to Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality scenes greatly improves the illusion of immersion.

announcement Mobile

Samsung Enhances Remote Test Lab Program to Support Developers Worldwide

Developers get a chance to test new apps virtually and remotely on thousands of Samsung Galaxy devices worldwide

tutorials Blockchain

Step into the Decentralized Blockchain Future with Samsung Blockchain Ecosystem

Samsung offers two different SDKs to cover your blockchain development needs. Read more about them in this blog.

announcement IoT

Why We Chose Lua for SmartThings Edge Drivers

With the ongoing work to modernize the SmartThings platform and move away from legacy systems, we wanted to provide a better way to handle devices.

tutorials Mobile, Foldable

Adapt Your App to Foldable Devices for an Optimal User Experience

Foldable technology for mobile is a groundbreaking experience. Get a better understanding about the adaptation, modification, and design changes that are required.

announcement Mobile

Seller Portal, What's New in August

Check out the latest updates to Seller Portal!

featured Design, Mobile

Better for All: Equal Accessibility

announcement Web

Use new Augmented Reality features with just a few lines of code with WebXR and AFrame!

Use new Augmented Reality features with just a few lines of code with WebXR and AFrame!

announcement Web

Introducing the Samsung Internet 16.0 Beta

Enhanced search experience and tracking protection top the bill of new features for our latest version, rolling out now on our Beta channel.

featured Design

Better for All: Bringing Diversity to Design with Eglantina Hasaj and Manpreet Kaur

When you design with diversity, equity and inclusion in mind you're not only doing the right thing, but you're also creating more opportunities for growth. Through better design you can improve inclusivity and make diversity the standard.

announcement Mobile, Galaxy Watch

Unpacking Galaxy Unpacked for Developers

events Web, Mobile

Podcast Movement 2021: Highlights for Podcasters

featured Design

Better for All: Diversity in Design

In this installment of our ‘Better for All’ series we’re looking at how designers can improve representation and make diversity the standard.

announcement IoT

New: SmartThings Edge for Devices and Automations

Announcing SmartThings Edge for Devices and Automations

featured Design

Better for All: Developing and Designing for Diversity

In our series ‘Better for All’, we’ll explore how designers and developers can take a more inclusive approach that promotes diversity and builds better experiences.

announcement Web

Multiple Language Installable Web Apps using a single Manifest File

Multiple Language Installable Web Apps using a single Manifest File

announcement Mobile

Seller Portal Enhancements for 2021

Discover Seller Portal enhancement highlights and plans for 2021.

announcement Web

Introducing Samsung Internet 15.0 Beta

Introducing 15.0 BetaEnhanced tracking protection and a new search widget top the bill of new features for our latest version, rolling out…

tutorials Game, Mobile

New Game Changing Vulkan Extensions for Mobile: Timeline Semaphores

In this third and final blog of the new game-changing Vulkan extensions for mobile series from Arm, we introduce the timeline semaphores extension which is an improvement to Vulkan's synchronization model.

announcement Mobile

What's New with Beta Testing

The latest Seller Portal update introduces multiple and simultaneous closed beta testing and the ability to manage your beta apps using the Galaxy Store Developer API.

tutorials Game, Mobile

New Game Changing Vulkan Extensions for Mobile: Buffer Device Address

In this second blog of the new game-changing Vulkan extensions for mobile series from Arm, explore Vulkan's unique buffer device address extension which allows you to load a buffer address and immediately treat it as a pointer to storage buffer memory.

tutorials Game, Mobile

New Game Changing Vulkan Extensions for Mobile: Descriptor Indexing

In this first blog of the new game-changing Vulkan extensions for mobile series from Arm, discover the new descriptor indexing extension that enables bindless algorithms.

tutorials Game, Mobile

New Vulkan Extensions for Mobile: Legacy Support Extensions

This is the second of two blogs in the Vulkan Extensions for mobile series from Arm. It explores the new legacy support extensions which facilitate old applications that need to keep running through API translation layers.

tutorials Game, Mobile

New Vulkan Extensions for Mobile: Maintenance Extensions

In this first blog of the Vulkan Extensions for mobile series from Arm, explore the new maintenance extensions which fills holes in the Vulkan specification.

tutorials Game, Mobile

Want to Publish Games on Galaxy Store using UDP?

This blog provides a hands-on tutorial on how to integrate IAP into your Unity game using the Unity Distribution Portal (UDP) package and then distribute it to Galaxy Store through the UDP console.

tutorials Web

Responsive Design: The Dark Mode

As promised in my last post, I bring you a dark mode tutorial ?.

tutorials Web

Improving web performance with responsive design

Improving web performance with responsive design--Making your web app adaptive following responsive…

tutorials Mobile

Using Remote Test Lab with Android Studio

This blog shows how to connect a Remote Test Lab device with a local development machine’s ADB (Android Debug Bridge) using Remote Debug Bridge to deploy and debug your app.

tutorials Game, Mobile

Using Conservative Morphological Anti-Aliasing to Improve Game Visuals

Anti-Aliasing is an important addition to any game to improve visual quality by smoothing out the jagged edges of a scene. CMAA demonstrates itself as a superior solution to anti-aliasing.

announcement Mobile

May Updates to Galaxy Store Seller Portal are Here!

Read about May updates to Galaxy Store Seller Portal.

featured Design, Mobile

Refresh for Success: Maintain Quality Themes Design with Olga Gabay from Zeru Studio

tutorials Game, Mobile

Best Practices for Mobile Game Developers and Artists

tutorials Web

The State of Online Tracking pt.1

The State of Online Tracking pt.1 An Introduction to Cookies

tutorials Game, Mobile

Integrating Samsung IAP in Your Unity Game

This blog shows how to integrate Samsung IAP with a Unity project using the Samsung Unity IAP Plugin.

featured Design, Mobile

Refresh for Success: Improve Your Process to Keep Designs Fresh with Tan Nguyen from butterfly-effected, GmbH

featured Marketplace, Galaxy Watch, Mobile, Design

Refresh for Success: Improve Your Process and De-Clutter Your Galaxy Store with Drazen Stojcic from Urarity

Spring is here and it’s a good time to clean house in your digital world. Here’s some advice to help you refine your processes and Galaxy Store presence in our new ‘Refresh for Success’ series, starting with Drazen Stojcic from Urarity.

announcement Web

Samsung Internet 14.2 Beta

From upgrading some features like moving elements to improve usability or dark (forced mode) to continue taking care of users' privacy, the Samsung Internet is committed to delivering a great user experience.

announcement Mobile

Enhancements for Beta Testing Apps in Seller Portal

Announcing two enhancements for beta testing apps in Seller Portal: test any app at any time and run open and closed beta tests simultaneously!

announcement Web

Test on Samsung Internet for free with BrowserStack

Click here to find out more from the BrowserStack WebSite.

tutorials Blockchain

Send TRX with the Samsung Blockchain Platform SDK

The Samsung Blockchain Platform SDK enables Android developers to develop applications that interact with the TRON blockchain platform.

tutorials Mobile

Remote Test Lab: Testing Your App with Auto Repeat

This blog introduces Auto Repeat, which is a tool that lets you create a test scenario automatically, repeat the same test several times, and reuse the test later.

announcement Mobile

Get Started with Galaxy Store Developer API

Requirements to start using the Galaxy Store Developer API.

announcement Mobile

Introducing Galaxy Store Developer API

Programmatically manage your apps and in-app items or check app performance, without having to use the Seller Portal UI.

tutorials Galaxy Watch

Remote Device Manager, An Easy Way to Launch Your Application with Tizen Studio

Tizen Studio Remote Device Manager provides an easy way to connect, disconnect, and deploy projects from Tizen Studio to Tizen-enabled devices when all devices are on the same network.

tutorials Game, Web, Mobile

Developing Mobile Games with Phaser

Start developing games with the Phaser framework.

announcement Web

Future Focused Responsive Design

Year on year devices get more varied and integrate into our lives in different ways. There is a trick to supporting these new devices on the web (at the end of the article ?.) But it’s important to learn from our past mistakes.

announcement Mobile

What's New in Remote Test Lab

This blog introduces two new features of the Remote Test Lab: audio streaming that allows you to listen to the audio played through the test device and multi-touch gesture support that allows multiple pointers (fingers) to touch the device screen at the same time, enabling you to test scrolling, zooming in and out, and rotation gestures.

tutorials Mobile, Game

Integration of Samsung IAP Services in Android Apps

An app server is required to validate a purchase of in-app item. This blog explains how an Android app can communicate with a server.

tutorials Mobile, Game

Ensuring Secure Purchases Using the Samsung IAP Server API

Samsung IAP offers server APIs to verify a purchase. This blog explains the necessity of having own server and how this server can be used to validate a purchase.


How Shell is Optimized for TV

This post describes how we have made `Shell` suitable for Tizen TV.

success story Game, Marketplace

Game Review: Mirages of Winter

Game Review of Mirages of Winter

featured Design, Galaxy Watch

Prime Time Design: Unpacking the Creative Process with Ramon Campos from Friss in Motion

announcement Mobile

Get Started with Remote Test Lab for Mobile App Testing

This blog introduces Remote Test Lab. For the beginner, it guides how to use Remote Test Lab for testing mobile applications.

announcement Design, Game, Galaxy Watch, Mobile, Marketplace

Get Ready for POW! The Samsung Developers Podcast Season 2 Starts February 22nd!

featured Marketplace, Mobile

Strategies for Success: Selling Your Apps

events Game, Web, Design, Mobile

Diego Lizarazo Rivera Discusses the Samsung Developer Ecosystem with AiLive

Sr. Developer Evangelist at Samsung, Diego Lizarazo Rivera spoke with AiLive about app and game development