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Good Lock Plugin FAQ

WFS Good Lock Plugin

Good Lock is a family of applications that enables users to customize various aspects of their Galaxy mobile device, such as the Lock screen, Home screen, and clock face (using the LockStar, Wonderland, and ClockFace applications, respectively). Good Lock is available in selected countries only.

A WFS Good Lock plugin enables using Watch Face Studio to create customization elements for a specific Good Lock application. For example, the ClockFace plugin allows you to create clock faces that you can use on a mobile device through the ClockFace application within Good Lock.

To browse and download the available plugins, in the Watch Face Studio main menu, go to Preferences > Plugins and select Download plugin.

To install a plugin you have downloaded to your computer, in the Watch Face Studio main menu, go to Preferences > Plugins and select Install plugin. Browse to and open the downloaded file.

To uninstall a plugin, from the Watch Face Studio landing page, in the main menu, go to Preferences > Plugins and click the X next to the plugin you want to remove. To avoid corrupting your project files, uninstalling plugins is possible only when no projects using it are open.

Plugin-based projects are created in the same way as a watch face project. On the Watch Face Studio landing page, click New project. Select the type of project you want to create and the screen size for it.

Yes. To create a plugin-based project from an existing watch face project, from the More menu for the project on the Watch Face Studio landing page, select Create project from.

For compatibility and complexity reasons, only watch face projects are supported as the basis for a plugin-based project.

To view plugin-based projects only in the Watch Face Studio landing page, use the filter feature on the landing page to filter your projects by type.

For details about a plugin-based project, such as the specific plugin and version that it uses, from the More menu next to the project on the landing page, select Plugin info.

To view details about a plugin-based project, such as the specific plugin and version that it uses, from the More menu for the project on the Watch Face Studio landing page, select Plugin info.

Since plugin-based projects are not watch faces, some WFS features are not supported:

  • Importing from a GWD resource is not supported, because GWD resources are watch face resources.
  • Functionalities related to heart rate measurement and complications are not supported, because mobile devices do not support them.
  • The Publish and Upload functionalities are not supported, because plugin-based projects are not distributed through an app store.

Yes, but only if the currently installed version is higher. Projects cannot be opened with plugin or WFS versions lower than the versions used to create it.

To check which plugin version a project uses, from the More menu next to the project on the Watch Face Studio landing page, select Plugin info.

The supported plugin versions depend on the specific plugin and Watch Face Studio version. If your Watch Face Studio version does not support a specific plugin version, WFS informs you when you try to install the plugin.

ClockFace Plugin

ClockFace is an application that enables users to customize the clock face on the Lock screen, Always On Display (AOD), and cover screen of their mobile device. It is part of the Good Lock family of applications, which is available in selected countries only.

Generally, when a watch face created in Watch Face Studio is installed on a user’s Galaxy Watch, they can use ClockFace to set it as a clock face on the Lock screen or Always On Display (AOD) of the paired mobile device.

The ClockFace plugin allows you to create standalone clock faces for ClockFace that do not require connecting to a watch, such as clock faces for the cover screen of Galaxy Z Flip 4 and Z Flip 5 devices running One UI version 5.1.1 and higher.

You can use clock faces designed using the ClockFace plugin on a mobile device that the ClockFace application is installed on. To install your clock face, in Watch Face Studio, select Run on Device and connect to the mobile device.

Set the clock face on the device through the ClockFace application. Select the screen where you want to use the clock face, such as the cover screen, and select your clock face from the Studio tab.

Watch Face Studio feature differences between watch face and plugin-based projects

WFS feature Watch face project Plugin-based project
Publish and Upload functionalities

Supported Not supported
Plugin update check Not applicable Manual check and installation
Import GWD resource Supported Not supported
Export as encrypted project Supported Not supported
Canvas shape Circular or rectangular Rectangular only
Canvas circular crop Can be enabled or disabled Always disabled
Unread notifications tag and conditional lines Supported Not supported
Health-related tags, conditional lines, and settings, such as for heart rate and steps Supported Not supported
Open app action for components

Supported Not supported
Complications Supported Not supported
Run on device Supports Watch devices running Wear OS 3 or higher Supports Galaxy mobile devices on which the corresponding Good Lock application has been installed
Run preview Circular or rectangular Rectangular only
Run preview in window Circular or rectangular Rectangular only