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Watch Face Studio Release Note


  • Release Version: 1.6.10
  • Release Date: Jul 23, 2024

Change History

  • Support Android Target SDK 33.
  1. Common
  • Support Memory Usage Plugin.
  1. Edit & Properties
  • Add Analog clock, Digital clock(HH:MM, HH:MM:SS, HH, MM, SS, Colon) and ICU date in Component menu.
  • Add Outline property in Shape.
  • Support capture types(Icon, Screenshot, Masked Screenshot) in Run Window Popup.
  • Support Style Option ID in Customization Editor.
  • Add Range value in Supported types of Small Box Complication slot.
  • Support OpenType Font.
  • Support Indonesia language in Run tab.
  1. ETC
  • Add to reduce battery consumption in ambient mode when using AnalogClock or HH:MM of DigitalClock components.
  • Fixed font clip problem.
  • Improve smoothness of animation feature.
  • Fixed complication data not visible issue.
  • Fixed minor bugs and GUI improvements.
  1. Common
  • Support Plugin feature.
  1. Project Management
  • Add Plugins Tab in Preference dialog.
  1. Edit & Properties
  • Add Rounded Rectangle.
  • Rename Animation component to Image Sequence.
  • Rename Multimedia component to Animated GIF/Webp.
  • Improve Tag Expression Searching.
  • Add guide text for Version Code in Publish dialog.
  • Add monospace fonts.
  • Remove Step Goal slider in Run Tab.
  1. ETC
  • Fixed minor bugs and GUI improvements.
  • Fixed bug that changes 100% opacity of a component based on tag values in AOD mode when the visibility attribute of a component is set to hide in Normal mode and show in AOD mode.
  • Add the Image resource for "App Shortcut" provider in Run preview.
  • Prevent jumping time problem on resume time.
  • Handled thumbnail option of the Animation or Multimedia properly when visibility is changed.
  • Handled the style name of the Customization editor added in multiple languages properly for language changes on the device.
  • Fixed [SC_PER] tag to work correctly on the device.
  • Removed unnecessary permission request on the device with Wear OS 3.x version.
  • Fixed "ENOTEMPTY: directory not empty" error during publish.
  • Fixed to hide all components in complication slot when provider is set to empty.
  • Fixed UnLoop bug when frame of conditional line is unselected.
  • Reorder supported types of circle complication slot on Camping sample project.
  • Change to save screen capture image with 72 ppi instead of 25 ppi.
  • Support Wireless debugging and update Connection guide.

0. Common

  • Support watch faces for watch devices that run Wear OS targeting API level 30 and higher.
  • Support watch face format of Wear OS.
  • Support the user guide link in About menu.

1. Project Management

  • Support thumbnail of watch face in case of circular crop off.

2. Edit & Properties

  • Support complication slot way that suppport multi types in a slot.
  • Support Text ID for localized text which is displayed on device such as Style name and used in Talkback case.
  • Support to display current On-Pixel Ratio (OPR) in Run tab.
  • Support to stop in first On-Pixel Ratio (OPR) error situation while analyzing.
  • Removed lottie format for multimedia.
  • Removed HR measurement including Tag expression, action and interval in Setting.
  • Removed chin shape in Run Preview Window.

3. ETC

  • Change version code policy. (WFS user allow the specific range 0~999,999)
  • Support to choose build type(aab, apk, aab+apk) to reduce build time.
  • Fixed minor issues.
  • Fixed JavaScript error while opening Watch Face Studio.

1. Edit & Properties

  • Add inactive bar state in Conditional line.
  • Fixed style order issue in Customization editor.
  • Fixed to enhance color chip quality in Customization editor.
  • Fixed to convert from string type to number type before arithmetic comparison.
  • Fixed to reset MSEC when user changes time with time slider.
  • Fixed to hide all components in complication when provider is set to empty.
  • Fixed to remove unwanted stroke outside of Run preview.
  • Fixed to disable click event if media file path is undefined.
  • Fixed to disable double click event on interaction icon in Customization editor.
  • Fixed to update style information and element together in Customization editor.

2. Etc

  • Fixed to update world clock properly in Tag expression.
  • Fixed minor bugs and GUI improvements.

1. Project Management

  • Add sample projects and change sample images.
  • Improve My Workspace to display all project files in workspace.

2. Edit & Properties

  • Support style set.
  • Add 'Event' condition including unread notification and low battery in Conditional line.
  • Add some conditions for unread notification and locale in Run tab.
  • Add new Tag expression. (UNREAD_NC)
  • Add "islamic-umalqura" in local calendar.
  • Improve Theme color from single to multi color.
  • Improve time zone / local calendar / language in Digital clock component and Tag expression.
  • Improve style to import multiple resources by file selector.
  • Improve Color picker to show current/new and recently used color.
  • Improve performance when multiple Multimedia/Animation components are used in Timeline condition.

3. Etc

  • Fixed build fail issue with characters not allowed in project name.
  • Fixed "Run on device" to operate normally when connecting LAN cable between PC and wifi ap
  • Fixed time update issue after changing time zone in AOD.
  • Fixed wrong [AMPM_PO] result for ja_JP locale.
  • Fixed to consider alpha value of index component in import gwd resource.
  • Fixed to support horizontal scroll with shift + mouse wheel in Conditional line.
  • Fixed animation lag issue.
  • Fixed description of Tag expression asin(num).
  • Fixed crash issue when attempting to build a project created in an older versions of Watch Face Studio 1.1.0.
  • Fixed value conversion error of hands component imported from gwd.
  • Fixed animation frame count error.
  • Fixed numberFormat() error of Tag function.
  • Fixed description of Tag function deg(num).

1. Project Management & Common

  • Support starred project and sort option.
  • Provide sample projects.
  • Remove new project page.
  • Add System theme mode in Preferences dialog.
  • Add Canvas circular crop option in Project Setting dialog.

2. Component

  • Add Multimedia style and Tap action.
  • Add Watch Face Canvas property.

3. Edit & Properties

  • Add new Tag expressions.
    • Functions for asin(num), acos(num), atan(num), deg(num), rad(num), pow(base, exponent)

4. Etc

  • Improve build time.
  • Fixed Digital Clock component to follow language setting in device.
  • Fixed ICON of the complication to be updated well in device.
  • Fixed Text with "Sync to Device" font setting to follow system font in device.
  • Fixed complication date and time issue to be removed after emptying the complication slot.
  • Temporarily disabled the feature that showing watch face after device boot with lock. It will be enabled again after platform upgrade.
  • Support 'multiple instances' feature for new Wear OS version.
  • Fixed preview image bug that hands component only shows up.
  • Replaced all fonts provided by Text component.
  • Fixed blank warning dialog issue after build.
  • Fixed group ordering issue.
  • Fixed jumping time issue on watch.
  • Fixed group resize issue on watch.
  • Deleted '3 digit' in the description of Tag [MON_S].
  • Removed android.permission.QUERY_ALL_PACKAGES permission.
  • Fixed tap animation lag when using multiple MASK elements on watch.
  • Update Open Source license. (SIL Open Font License)

1. Common

  • Provide Version Update notice.
  • Support Dark theme for comfortable & relaxed use.
  • Support color label in Layer.

2. Component

  • Support Mask.
  • Support Multimedia. (webp, agif, lottie)

3. Edit & Properties

  • Improve Properties. (Bitmap font, Curved text, Progressbar)
  • Improve Animation panel. (Loop times, Frame count)
  • Support Trigger for Animation and Multimedia component.
  • Support Bitmap font management in Setting.
  • Support Image Appearance for Image.
  • Support Loop, Copy, Paste in Conditional line.

4. Style

  • Support Grid view.
  • Support Reorder item.
  • Increase the number of each item.

5. Etc

  • Provide editor tutorial on Watch.
  • Update Open Source license.
  • Fixed known issue:
    • Editable complications that support various layouts, such as "Icon+Text" and "Title+Text" of Short Text Complication, display only one layout.

Known issue:

Editable complications that support various layouts, such as "Icon+Text" and "Title+Text" of Short Text Complication, display only one layout.


  • Use workspace folder to save build output.
  • Provide previously used build information in Build dialog.

2. Edit & Properties

  • Support functions in the tag expressions.
    • round(num), floor(num), ceil(num), sin(num), cos(num), tan(num), abs(num), clamp(num, min, max), numberFormat(form, num)
  • Support multiple image selection in Add component.
  • Change image max size to 2250(450*5) in Import image.
  • Updated naming rule for Style.
  • Fixed minor bugs.

3. Preview & Run

  • TAP action shows visual touch feedback.
  • Improved smoothness of sweep animation for second hand.
  • Fixed HR to be measured even in devices without body-off sensor.

4. Terms of service

  • Change the coverage of 'Watch Face' like 'for Android watch devices and Samsung mobile devices'.


  • Support APK build output for uploading watch faces to Galaxy Apps.
  • Added logic to check valid characters for a package name. Package name can contain only alphanumeric characters and the underscore.
  • Fixed crash issue when using non-ascii character for a project name.

2. Properties

  • Removed number type in Index setting.
  • Fixed undo issue on Dimension, Curved-Text in Properties.
  • Added new tag expressions.

3. Preview & Run

  • Fixed tag expression issues.
  • Fixed locale and timezone issues.
  • Fixed theme color, angle position and gyro effect issues.
  • Fixed opacity issue in ambient mode.
  • Fixed transform tag issue in a group.
  • Fixed complication data issue from watch device.
  • Fixed bitmap font issue for custom string including zero.
  • Improved for smoother animation.
  • Improved power consumption in ambient mode.
  • Fixed minor issues.
  • Initial version