Syncplay API Usage
This document describes new usages of Samsung Product Syncplay API for Tizen 6.5 and higher, and differences with SSSP B2BSyncplay API.
Related Info
- Samsung Product Syncplay API
- Privilege:
- Privilege level: Partner
API Usages
This interface provides methods to get Syncplay module's version.
SSSP API sample code:
var Version = null; try { Version = b2bapis.b2bsyncplay.getVersion(); } catch (e) { console.log("[getVersion] call syncFunction exception [" + e.code + "] name: " + + " message: " + e.message); } if (null !== Version) { console.log("[getVersion] call syncFunction type: " + Version); }
Samsung Product API sample code:
var Version = null; try { Version = webapis.syncplay.getVersion(); } catch (e) { console.log("[getVersion] call syncFunction exception [" + e.code + "] name: " + + " message: " + e.message); } if (null !== Version) { console.log("[getVersion] call syncFunction type: " + Version); }
Make play list with video, image content to syncplay.
SSSP API sample code:
var PackageId = tizen.application.getCurrentApplication().appInfo.packageId; var sharedDir = tizen.application.getAppSharedURI(PackageId); var path = sharedDir + "../res/wgt/videos/"; var playlist = ["red.mp4", "yellow.mp4"]; var playduration = [5, 5]; var onSuccess = function (){ console.log("[makeSyncPlayList] call success"); }; var onError = function (e){ console.log("[makeSyncPlayList] call asyncFunction exception [" + e.code + "] name: " + + " message: " + e.message); }; var syncPlayContents = []; for (var i=0 ; i<playlist.length ; i++ ) { syncPlayContents[i] = { path : path + playlist[i], duration : playduration[i]} } b2bapis.b2bsyncplay.makeSyncPlayList(syncPlayContents,onSuccess,onError);
Samsung Product API sample code:
var PackageId = tizen.application.getCurrentApplication().appInfo.packageId; var sharedDir = tizen.application.getAppSharedURI(PackageId); var path = sharedDir + "../res/wgt/videos/"; var playlist = ["red.mp4", "yellow.mp4"]; var playduration = [5, 5]; var onsuccess = function (val) { console.log("[createPlaylist] call success : " + val); }; var onerror = function (e){ console.log("[createPlaylist] code :" + e.code + " error name: " + + " message " + e.message); }; var syncPlayContents = []; for (var i=0 ; i<playlist.length ; i++ ) { syncPlayContents[i] = { path : path + playlist[i], duration : playduration[i] }; } try { webapis.syncplay.createPlaylist(syncPlayContents, onsuccess, onerror); } catch (e) { console.log("[createPlaylist] call syncFunction exception [" + e.code + "] name: " + + " message: " + e.message); }
Reset the playlist, which was played via sync play.
SSSP API sample code:
var onSuccess = function(val) { console.log("[clearSyncPlayList] success : " + val.result); }; var onError = function(error) { console.log("[clearSyncPlayList] code :" + error.code + " error name: " + + " message " + error.message); }; console.log("[clearSyncPlayList]"); b2bapis.b2bsyncplay.clearSyncPlayList(onSuccess, onError);
Samsung Product API sample code:
var onsuccess = function(val) { console.log("[removePlaylist] success : " + val.result); }; var onerror = function(error) { console.log("[removePlaylist] code :" + error.code + " error name: " + + " message " + error.message); }; try { webapis.syncplay.removePlaylist(onsuccess, onerror); } catch (e) { console.log("[removePlaylist] call syncFunction exception [" + e.code + "] name: " + + " message: " + e.message); }
This interface provides methods to start sync play.
SSSP API sample code:
var onChange = function(data) { console.log("[startSyncPlay]data:" + data + "changed"); }; try { console.log("[startSyncPlay] b2bsync object : "+b2bsync); b2bapis.b2bsyncplay.startSyncPlay(0,0,960,540,5,"OFF",onChange); } catch (e) { console.log("[startSyncPlay] call syncFunction exception [" + e.code + "] name: " + + " message: " + e.message); }
Samsung Product API sample code:
var syncinfo = { "rectX" : 0, "rectY" : 0, "rectWidth" : 960, "rectHeight": 540, "groupID" : 55, "rotate" : "OFF" }; var onlistener = function(data) { console.log("[start]data:" + data + "changed"); }; try { webapis.syncplay.start(syncinfo,onlistener); } catch (e) { console.log("[start] call syncFunction exception [" + e.code + "] name: " + + " message: " + e.message); }
This interface provides methods to stop sync play.
SSSP API sample code:
var onChange = function(data) { console.log("[stopSyncPlay]data:" + data + "changed"); }; try { b2bapis.b2bsyncplay.stopSyncPlay(onChange); } catch (e) { console.log("[stopSyncPlay] call syncFunction exception [" + e.code + "] name: " + + " message: " + e.message); }
Samsung Product API sample code:
var onlistener = function(data) { console.log("[stop]data:" + data + "changed"); }; try { webapis.syncplay.stop(onlistener); } catch (e) { console.log("[stop] call syncFunction exception [" + e.code + "] name: " + + " message: " + e.message); }