
Pages are where content is presented. A page consists of a header and body. The header consists of the title, and the body contains other elements of a page. At any given time, an app shows either a whole or part of a page.

A page consists of a header and a body.


  • Header

    The header includes the page title, which should be text only, without icons. Titles that are longer than the space provided slide in and fade out at the right edge of the screen. For a list page, you can also include action buttons in the header.

  • Body

    The body of a page contains content including text, images, or thumbnails.

    • Text

      Text should have margins on both sides. Without margins, it’s hard to read the text on a round display. When the text doesn't fit on one screen, the page scrolls vertically so users can see the full text. See Scroll bar for more details.

      Text content should have margins on either side.

    • Image

      Display one image at a time on a single page. Images on each page should be identical in size. Users rotate the bezel or swipe the screen to move between page. Access to More options is not available.

      Images on each page should be the same size.

    • Thumbnail

      Thumbnails are used to provide a series of images successively and can be presented with a title or subtext. Typically, you should place the title below each image. But, if the page has a bottom button place the title above the image. Titles that don’t fit slide in and fade out at the right-hand edge of the screen.


  • Scroll

    List in developer’s guides




    List / Virtual List
    (+ Snap List view, Marquee)

    Pages scroll when the text doesn’t fit on one screen. Generally, pages scroll vertically to display long text content and scroll horizontally to present a set of images one-by-one.

  • Multiple pages

    Multiple pages at the same navigational level can be shown in a series. In this case, provide page indicators so users know where they are in the series.

  • Select mode

    Users can touch and hold an image to begin selecting multiple images for a particular action.