Installing the Web Portal

System Requirements

To operate the backend system, you must have one of the following:

  • A 64-bit Mac OS (Intel or ARM)
  • A 64-bit Linux machine (Ubuntu or Debian)


I. (Optional) Create Development Environment

This section is only required if you are planning to make changes to the source code.

  1. Install NodeJS version 16.15.0 or higher from

  2. Setup the Yarn package manager:

    1. Run corepack enable in your terminal to activate Yarn.

    2. Inside your project directory, run yarn to install project dependencies.

    3. Run yarn dev to start the yarn development server.

II. Build a Production Environment

  1. Clone the portal repository from GitHub by running

    git clone
  2. Navigate to the cloned repository.

    cd web-portal
  3. Determine your API_URL and PUBLIC_PATH. Here API_URL is the base API URL to access endpoints and PUBLIC_PATH is the path that will be used to host the app.

  4. Build a Docker image with the desired variables provided as build arguments:

    docker build . -t open-source-portal \
    --build-arg API_URL="http://localhost:8080" \
    --build-arg PUBLIC_PATH='/' \
    --build-arg MOCK_API='/api'
  5. Run the Docker image:

    docker run -d -p 8081:80 open-source-portal

At this point, the resulting Docker image is running nginx on port 80.

If you prefer to build static files instead of using Docker:

  1. Install NodeJS version 16.15.0 or higher.
  2. Run corepack enable to activate yarn.
  3. Run yarn to install dependencies.
  4. Run yarn build with desired variables set using environment. For example, API_URL= yarn build.

The resulting static files will be located in the /build folder and can be hosted using any web server.

III. Launch Web Portal and Create Account

  1. Open your web browser (Chrome is recommended as of this writing) and navigate to your PUBLIC_PATH URL, for example: http://localhost:8081/.

  2. In the Sign in dialog box that appears, click Create account.

  3. Follow the prompts to generate an account activation email.

  4. Open the email and complete the account creation and sign in process.

Note: If you are the very first person to create an account, the system adds the Team Admin team role to your account settings. This role has advanced access privileges to the system, therefore it's recommended for your system administrator to create the first account.