Kit > healthstack.kit.task.activity.model

Package healthstack.kit.task.activity.model





class ColorWordChallengeIntroModel(val id: String, val title: String = "Color Word Challenge", val header: String = "Color Word Challenge", val body: List<String>? = listOf( "See words presented in different colors", "Indicate the color in which each word is printed as quickly as you can.", ), val drawableId: Int? = R.drawable.ic_activity_color_word_challenge, val buttonText: String? = "Begin", val textType: TextType = TextType.NUMBER) : SimpleViewActivityModel


class ColorWordChallengeMeasureModel(val id: String, val title: String = "Color Word Challenge", val numTest: Int = 10) : StepModel


class ColorWordChallengeResultModel(val id: String, val title: String = "Color Word Challenge", val header: String = "Great Job!", val body: List<String>? = listOf("Your task was successfully completed."), val drawableId: Int? = R.drawable.ic_activity_result, val buttonText: String? = "Back to Home", val textType: TextType = TextType.PARAGRAPH) : SimpleViewActivityModel


class GaitAndBalanceBMeasureModel(val id: String, val title: String = "Gait & Balance", val header: String, val body: List<String>? = null, val timeSeconds: Long, val textType: TextType = PARAGRAPH, val interactionType: InteractionType = NOTHING, val autoFlip: Boolean = true, val dataPrefix: String = "gait_balance", val sensors: List<SensorType> = listOf(GYROSCOPE, ACCELEROMETER)) : SimpleTimerActivityModel


class GaitAndBalanceGMeasureModel(val id: String, val title: String = "Gait & Balance", val header: String, val body: List<String>? = null, val drawableId: Int? = R.drawable.ic_activity_gait_and_balance_straight, val buttonText: String? = null) : SimpleViewActivityModel


class GaitAndBalanceIntroModel(val id: String, val title: String = "Gait & Balance", val header: String = "Gait & Balance", val body: List<String>? = listOf( "Walk unassisted for 20 steps in a straight line.", "Turn around and walk back to your starting point.\n", "Stand still for 20 seconds." ), val drawableId: Int? = R.drawable.ic_activity_gait_and_balance_straight, val buttonText: String? = "Begin", val textType: TextType = NUMBER) : SimpleViewActivityModel


class GaitAndBalanceResultModel(val id: String, val title: String = "Gait & Balance", val header: String = "Great Job!", val body: List<String>? = listOf("Your task was successfully completed."), val drawableId: Int? = R.drawable.ic_activity_result, val buttonText: String? = "Back to Home") : SimpleViewActivityModel


class GuidedBreathingIntroModel(val id: String, val title: String = "Guided Breathing", val header: String = "Guided Breathing", val body: List<String>? = listOf( "Sit upright and take 3 deep breaths in and out as loudly as you can.", "Inhale for 5 seconds and exhale for 5 seconds. Then, repeat for 3 cycles.", "Do not hold your breath between inhale & exhale.", ), val drawableId: Int? = R.drawable.ic_activity_guided_breathing, val buttonText: String? = "Begin", val textType: TextType = TextType.NUMBER) : SimpleViewActivityModel


class GuidedBreathingMeasureModel(val id: String, val title: String = "Guided Breathing", val numCycle: Int = 3, inhaleSecond: Int = 5, exhaleSecond: Int = 5) : StepModel


class GuidedBreathingResultModel(val id: String, val title: String = "Guided Breathing", val header: String = "Great Job!", val body: List<String>? = listOf("Your task was successfully completed."), val drawableId: Int? = R.drawable.ic_activity_result, val buttonText: String? = "Back to Home", val textType: TextType = TextType.PARAGRAPH) : SimpleViewActivityModel


class MobileSpirometryIntroModel(val id: String, val title: String = "Mobile Spirometry", count: Int = 3, val header: String = "Mobile Spirometry", val body: List<String>? = listOf( "Hold phone 6 inches from mouth.", "Take a deep breath and blow out fast, forcefully, and as long as you can.", "Repeat $count times in one recording." ), val drawableId: Int? = R.drawable.ic_activity_mobile_spirometry, val buttonText: String? = "Start Recording", val textType: TextType = TextType.NUMBER) : SimpleAudioActivityModel


class MobileSpirometryMeasureModel(val id: String, val title: String = "Mobile Spirometry", val count: Int = 3, val drawableId: Int? = null, val buttonText: String = "Stop Recording", val recorder: AudioRecorder.Companion = AudioRecorder) : StepModel


class MobileSpirometryResultModel(val id: String, val title: String = "Mobile Spirometry", val header: String = "Great Job!", val body: List<String>? = listOf("Your task was successfully completed."), val drawableId: Int? = R.drawable.ic_activity_result, val buttonText: String? = "Back to Home") : SimpleViewActivityModel


class RangeOfMotionIntroModel(val id: String, val title: String = "Range of Motion", val header: String = "Range of Motion", val body: List<String>? = listOf( "Place phone in your right hand.", "Straighten your right arm and move it in a full circle for the given sec.", "Then, place phone in your left hand.", "Straighten your left arm and move it in a full circle for the given sec.", ), val drawableId: Int? = R.drawable.ic_activity_range_of_motion_right_arm, val buttonText: String? = "Begin", val textType: TextType = TextType.NUMBER) : SimpleViewActivityModel


class RangeOfMotionMeasureModel(val id: String, val title: String = "Range of Motion", val header: String = "Right Arm Circumduction", val body: List<String>? = listOf( "Place phone in your right hand.", "Straighten your right arm and move it in a full circle for 20 sec", ), val textType: TextType = TextType.NUMBER, val timeSeconds: Long = 20, val autoFlip: Boolean = true, val interactionType: InteractionType = InteractionType.VIBRATE, isRightHand: Boolean = true, val dataPrefix: String = if (isRightHand) "right" else "left", val sensors: List<SensorType> = listOf(GYROSCOPE, ACCELEROMETER)) : SimpleTimerActivityModel


class RangeOfMotionResultModel(val id: String, val title: String = "Range of Motion", val header: String = "Great Job!", val body: List<String>? = listOf("Your right arm circumduction movement score has been recorded."), val drawableId: Int? = R.drawable.ic_activity_result, val buttonText: String? = "Back to Home", val textType: TextType = TextType.PARAGRAPH) : SimpleViewActivityModel


class ReactionTimeIntroModel(val id: String, val title: String = "Reaction Time", goal: String = "square", val header: String = "Reaction Time", val body: List<String>? = listOf( "Hold phone in your right hand.", "As soon as you see a &quot;${goal}&quot; appear, shake phone.", "If you do not shake phone within 3 seconds of the ${goal}'s appearing," + " you will need to try again." ), val drawableId: Int? = R.drawable.ic_activity_reaction_time, val buttonText: String? = "Begin", val textType: TextType = TextType.NUMBER) : SimpleViewActivityModel


class ReactionTimeMeasureModel(val id: String, val title: String = "Reaction Time", val goal: String = "square", val drawableId: Int? = null) : StepModel


class ReactionTimeResultModel(val id: String, val title: String = "Reaction Time", val header: String = "Great Job!", val body: List<String>? = listOf("Your task was successfully completed."), val drawableId: Int? = R.drawable.ic_activity_result, val buttonText: String? = "Back to Home") : SimpleViewActivityModel


class SpeechRecognitionIntroModel(val id: String, val title: String = "Speech Recognition", val header: String = "Speech Recognition", val body: List<String>? = listOf( "Find yourself in a quiet environment without background noise.", "Hold phone 6 inches from mouth.", "Read the displayed transcription as loudly as possible" ), val drawableId: Int? = R.drawable.ic_activity_speech_recognition, val buttonText: String? = "Begin", val textType: TextType = NUMBER) : SimpleAudioActivityModel


class SpeechRecognitionMeasureModel(val id: String, val title: String = "Speech Recognition", val drawableId: Int? = null) : StepModel


class SpeechRecognitionResultModel(val id: String, val title: String = "Speech Recognition", val header: String = "Great Job!", val body: List<String>? = listOf("Your task was successfully completed."), val drawableId: Int? = R.drawable.ic_activity_result, val buttonText: String? = "Back to Home") : SimpleViewActivityModel


class SustainedPhonationIntroModel(val id: String, val title: String = "Sustained Phonation", val header: String = "Sustained Phonation", val body: List<String>? = listOf( "Find yourself in a quiet environment without background noise.", "Hold phone 6 inches from mouth.", "Inhale, then exhale with a loud &quot;ahh&quot;." ), val drawableId: Int? = R.drawable.ic_activity_sustained_phonation, val buttonText: String? = "Begin", val textType: TextType = TextType.NUMBER) : SimpleAudioActivityModel


class SustainedPhonationMeasureModel(val id: String, val title: String = "Sustained Phonation", val drawableId: Int? = null, val noiseThreshold: Int = 3000, inhaleSecond: Int = 5, exhaleSecond: Int = 5, val recorder: AudioRecorder.Companion = AudioRecorder) : StepModel


class SustainedPhonationResultModel(val id: String, val title: String = "Sustained Phonation", val header: String = "Great Job!", val body: List<String>? = listOf("Your task was successfully completed."), val drawableId: Int? = R.drawable.ic_activity_result, val buttonText: String? = "Back to Home") : SimpleViewActivityModel


class TappingSpeedIntroModel(val id: String, val title: String = "Tapping Speed", val header: String = "Tapping Speed", val body: String? = "Place your phone on a flat surface.\n" + "Use two fingers on right hand to alternatively tap the buttons on the screen for 10 seconds.\n" + "Then, use two fingers on left hand to alternatively tap the buttons on the screen for 10 seconds.", val drawableId: Int? = R.drawable.ic_right_tapping_speed, val buttonText: String? = "Begin", val textType: TextType = NUMBER, rightHand: Boolean = true) : SimpleViewActivityModel


class TappingSpeedMeasureModel(val id: String, val title: String, val drawableId: Int? = null, rightHand: Boolean = true, val measureTimeSecond: Int = 10) : StepModel


class TappingSpeedResultModel(val id: String, val title: String = "Tapping Speed", val header: String = "Great Job!", val body: List<String>? = listOf("Your task was successfully completed."), val drawableId: Int? = R.drawable.ic_activity_result, val buttonText: String? = "Back to Home") : SimpleViewActivityModel