Real-Time Item Management

Real-Time item management allows you make changes to in-app items within an app that is for sale in Galaxy Store and publish those changes without having to go through the Seller Portal review process.

You can:

  • Create, modify, or delete in-app items. Add new in-app items, update the title, description, or prices of an in-app item, or remove in-app items that you no longer wish to make available in Galaxy Store.

  • Change the status (availability) of an in-app item. If the in-app item is only available during a certain period of time, change its status accordingly. If you need to fix an issue with an in-app item, temporarily deactivate it, make your updates, and then reactivate it.

Changes are reflected in Galaxy Store immediately.

In-App item updates

Add, modify, or delete in-app items within an app that is for sale in Galaxy Store.

When you add an in-app item, its initial status is inactive (it is not available in Galaxy Store). You must activate it to make it available in Galaxy Store. See the next section for more information about changing an in-app item's status.

You can modify the title, description, or prices of active and inactive in-app items. When you save your changes to active in-app items, the changes are reflected in Galaxy Store immediately.

You can delete one or more active and inactive in-app items. When you confirm the in-app item's deletion, it is removed from both Seller Portal and Galaxy Store.

In-App item status

View the status of an app's in-app items in Seller Portal. An active item is currently available to your customers in Galaxy Store. An inactive item is registered in Seller Portal but not available to your customers in Galaxy Store.

To change the status of an in-app item:

  1. In Seller Portal, go to your list of apps, select an app that is for sale, and go to the In App Purchase tab area.

  2. Select the checkbox to the left of the in-app item for which you want to change the status. You can select more than one in-app item.

  3. Click Activate to make the selected item(s) active or click Deactivate to make the selected item(s) inactive.

    Your changes are reflected in Galaxy Store immediately.