
In the following examples, the existing subscriber must consent to or reject the price increase.

Weekly subscription example

In this example, the user purchases a subscription item for $19 that is renewed every week. The seller increases the price of the subscription five days later to $24. Here are the chronological order of events:


Subscriber: Elapsed Time from Day 1

Seller: Elapsed Time from Day 1


Mar 1

(Day 1)

The weekly subscription is started at $19.

Mar 6

(Day 1)

The seller increases the price of the subscription in Seller Portal to $24, the 7-day waiting period begins.

Mar 8

1 week

The existing subscriber’s subscription is renewed at $19.

Mar 13

1 week

The 7-day waiting period ends. Pre-Notification begins, based on the effective renewal date: Galaxy store starts sending email about the price increase two weeks before an existing subscriber’s effective renewal date.

Mar 15

2 weeks

The existing subscriber’s subscription is renewed at $19. The existing subscriber’s pre-notification period begins and they receive their first email from Galaxy Store about the price increase.

Mar 22

3 weeks

The existing subscriber’s subscription is renewed at $19. If the existing subscriber has not acknowledged the price increase email, Galaxy Store sends another email.

Mar 27

1 week + 2 weeks

The increased price takes effect for all existing subscribers.

Mar 29

4 weeks

The existing subscriber’s pre-notification period ends*. If the existing subscriber has consented to the price increase, their subscription is renewed at $24. If the existing subscriber has rejected the price increase or has not acknowledged the price increase, the subscription is cancelled.

*The existing subscriber’s pre-notification period ends either when they acknowledge the price increase (consent to or reject the price increase from the consent page) or when the subscription is cancelled.

Monthly subscription example

In this example, the user purchases a subscription item for $19 that is renewed every month. The seller increases the price of the subscription four days later to $24. Here are the chronological order of events:


Subscriber: Elapsed Time from Day 1

Seller: Elapsed Time from Day 1


Mar 2

(Day 1)

The monthly subscription is started at $19

Mar 6

(Day 1)

The seller increases the price of the subscription in Seller Portal to $24, the 7-day waiting period begins

Mar 13

1 week

The 7-day waiting period ends; Pre-Notification begins, based on the effective renewal date: Galaxy store starts sending email about the price increase one month before an existing subscriber’s effective renewal date

Apr 2

1 month

The existing subscriber’s subscription is renewed at $19; The existing subscriber’s pre-notification period begins and they receive their first email from Galaxy Store about the price increase

Apr 9

1 month + 1 week

If the existing subscriber has not acknowledged the price increase email, Galaxy Store sends another email

Apr 13

1 week + 1 month

The increased price takes effect for all existing subscribers

Apr 16

1 month + 2 weeks

If the existing subscriber has not acknowledged the price increase email, Galaxy Store sends another email

Apr 23

1 month + 3 weeks

If the existing subscriber has not acknowledged the price increase email, Galaxy Store sends another email

Apr 30

1 month + 4 weeks

If the existing subscriber has not acknowledged the price increase email, Galaxy Store sends another email

May 2

2 months

The existing subscriber’s pre-notification period ends*. If the existing subscriber has consented to the price increase, their subscription is renewed at $24. If the existing subscriber has rejected the price increase or has not acknowledged the price increase, the subscription is cancelled.

*The existing subscriber’s pre-notification period ends either when they acknowledge the price increase (consent to or reject the price increase from the consent page) or when the subscription is cancelled.

Three-Month subscription example

In this example, the user purchases a subscription item for $19 that is renewed every three (3) months. The seller increases the price of the subscription less than three months later to $24. Here are the chronological order of events:


Subscriber: Elapsed Time from Day 1

Seller: Elapsed Time from Day 1


Dec 15

(Day 1)

The 3-month subscription is started at $19

Mar 6

(Day 1)

The seller increases the price of the subscription in Seller Portal to $24, the 7-day waiting period begins

Mar 13

1 week

The 7-day waiting period ends; Pre-Notification begins, based on the effective renewal date: Galaxy store starts sending email about the price increase two months before an existing subscriber’s effective renewal date

Mar 15

3 months

The existing subscriber’s subscription is renewed at $19

Apr 15

4 months

The existing subscriber’s pre-notification period begins and they receive their first email from Galaxy Store about the price increase

Apr 22

4 months + 1 week

If the existing subscriber has not acknowledged the price increase email, Galaxy Store sends another email

Apr 29

4 months + 2 weeks

If the existing subscriber has not acknowledged the price increase email, Galaxy Store sends another email

May 6

4 months + 3 weeks

If the existing subscriber has not acknowledged the price increase email, Galaxy Store sends another email

May 13

4 months + 4 weeks

1 week + 2 months

The increased price takes effect for all existing subscribers; If the existing subscriber has not acknowledged the price increase email, Galaxy Store sends another email

May 20

4 months + 5 weeks

If the existing subscriber has not acknowledged the price increase email, Galaxy Store sends another email

May 27

4 months + 6 weeks

If the existing subscriber has not acknowledged the price increase email, Galaxy Store sends another email

Jun 3

4 months + 7 weeks

If the existing subscriber has not acknowledged the price increase email, Galaxy Store sends another email

Jun 10

4 months + 8 weeks

If the existing subscriber has not acknowledged the price increase email, Galaxy Store sends another email

Jun 15

6 months

The existing subscriber’s pre-notification period ends*. If the existing subscriber has consented to the price increase, their subscription is renewed at $24. If the existing subscriber has rejected the price increase or has not acknowledged the price increase, the subscription is cancelled.

*The existing subscriber’s pre-notification period ends either when they acknowledge the price increase (consent to or reject the price increase from the consent page) or when the subscription is cancelled.

Six-Month subscription example

In this example, the user purchases a subscription item for $19 that is renewed every six (6) months. The seller increases the price of the subscription less than six months later to $24. Here are the chronological order of events:


Subscriber: Elapsed Time from Day 1

Seller: Elapsed Time from Day 1


Nov 2

(Day 1)

The 6-month subscription is started at $19

Mar 6

(Day 1)

The seller increases the price of the subscription in Seller Portal to $24, the 7-day waiting period begins

Mar 13

1 week

The 7-day waiting period ends; Pre-Notification begins, based on the effective renewal date: Galaxy store starts sending email about the price increase two months before an existing subscriber’s effective renewal date

May 2

6 months

The existing subscriber’s subscription is renewed at $19

May 13

1 week + 2 months

The increased price takes effect for all existing subscribers

Sep 2

10 months

The existing subscriber’s pre-notification period begins and they receive their first email from Galaxy Store about the price increase

Sep 9

4 months + 1 week

If the existing subscriber has not acknowledged the price increase email, Galaxy Store sends another email

Sep 16

4 months + 2 weeks

If the existing subscriber has not acknowledged the price increase email, Galaxy Store sends another email

Sep 23

4 months + 3 weeks

If the existing subscriber has not acknowledged the price increase email, Galaxy Store sends another email

Sep 30

4 months + 5 weeks

If the existing subscriber has not acknowledged the price increase email, Galaxy Store sends another email

Oct 7

4 months + 6 weeks

If the existing subscriber has not acknowledged the price increase email, Galaxy Store sends another email

Oct 14

4 months + 7 weeks

If the existing subscriber has not acknowledged the price increase email, Galaxy Store sends another email

Oct 21

4 months + 8 weeks

If the existing subscriber has not acknowledged the price increase email, Galaxy Store sends another email

Oct 28

4 months + 8 weeks

If the existing subscriber has not acknowledged the price increase email, Galaxy Store sends another email

Jun 15

6 months

The existing subscriber’s pre-notification period ends*. If the existing subscriber has consented to the price increase, their subscription is renewed at $24. If the existing subscriber has rejected the price increase or has not acknowledged the price increase, the subscription is cancelled.

*The existing subscriber’s pre-notification period ends either when they acknowledge the price increase (consent to or reject the price increase from the consent page) or when the subscription is cancelled.

Annual (yearly) subscription example

In this example, the user purchases a subscription item for $19 that is renewed every year. The seller increases the price of the subscription less than one year later to $24. Here are the chronological order of events:


Subscriber: Elapsed Time from Day 1

Seller: Elapsed Time from Day 1


Apr 2, 2023

(Day 1)

The yearly subscription is started at $19

Mar 6, 2024

(Day 1)

The seller increases the price of the subscription in Seller Portal to $24, the 7-day waiting period begins

Mar 13, 2024

1 week

The 7-day waiting period ends; Pre-Notification begins, based on the effective renewal date: Galaxy store starts sending email about the price increase two months before an existing subscriber’s effective renewal date

Apr 2, 2024

1 year

The existing subscriber’s subscription is renewed at $19

May 13, 2024

1 week + 2 months

The increased price takes effect for all existing subscribers

Feb 2, 2025

1 year + 10 months

The existing subscriber’s pre-notification period begins and the existing subscriber receives their first email from Galaxy Store about the price increase

Feb 9, 2025

22 months + 1 week

If the existing subscriber has not acknowledged the price increase email, Galaxy Store sends another email

Feb 16, 2025

22 months + 2 weeks

If the existing subscriber has not acknowledged the price increase email, Galaxy Store sends another email

Feb 23, 2025

22 months + 3 weeks

If the existing subscriber has not acknowledged the price increase email, Galaxy Store sends another email

Mar 2, 2025

22 months + 5 weeks

If the existing subscriber has not acknowledged the price increase email, Galaxy Store sends another email

Mar 9, 2025

22 months + 6 weeks

If the existing subscriber has not acknowledged the price increase email, Galaxy Store sends another email

Mar 16, 2025

22 months + 7 weeks

If the existing subscriber has not acknowledged the price increase email, Galaxy Store sends another email

Mar 23, 2025

22 months + 8 weeks

If the existing subscriber has not acknowledged the price increase email, Galaxy Store sends another email

Mar 30, 2025

22 months + 8 weeks

If the existing subscriber has not acknowledged the price increase email, Galaxy Store sends another email

Apr 2, 2025

2 years

The existing subscriber’s pre-notification period ends*. If the existing subscriber has consented to the price increase, their subscription is renewed at $24. If the existing subscriber has rejected the price increase or has not acknowledged the price increase, the subscription is cancelled.

*The existing subscriber’s pre-notification period ends either when they acknowledge the price increase (consent to or reject the price increase from the consent page) or when the subscription is cancelled.

Three-Month subscription example, three subscribers

In this example, three users purchase a subscription item for $19 that is renewed every three (3) months. The seller increases the price of the subscription less than three months later to $24. One subscriber consents to the price increase, one subscriber rejects the price increase, and the final subscriber does not respond to the notifications. Here are the chronological order of events: