Subscriber Consent

For existing subscribers, you may need to get consent before the price increase takes effect.

If consent is not required, the updated price is applied when the next subscription period begins after the pre-notification period ends. See the Management of In-App Products for more information.

If consent is required, an existing subscriber must consent to this price increase before the next subscription period (when the new subscription price is applied) begins.

Consent is required if one or more of the following conditions apply:

  • An increase of 50% or more of the existing price

  • An increase of more than $5 per month

  • Korea is the target country

  • If the existing subscriber has experienced an increase in price for the same item in the last year

If an existing subscriber consents to the price increase, they will be charged the updated price when the next subscription period begins after the pre-notification period ends. See the Examples for more information.

If an existing subscriber does not consent or ignores the consent notifications, their subscription is automatically cancelled at the end of the last subscription period that charges the current price (the subscription period right before the new subscription price is applied).

The consent page is where an existing subscriber can consent to or reject the price increase. If the subscriber consents, the subscription will be renewed at the increased price at the beginning of the subscription period when the price increase has been applied. If the subscriber rejects the price increase, the subscription will be cancelled at the end of the final subscription period that charges the current price. See the Examples for more details.

Consent or non-consent can only be given from the consent page on a Samsung mobile device. That is, the consent page only displays when viewed on a Samsung mobile device. If the existing subscriber opens the consent page from a computer or non-Samsung mobile device, your app info page is displayed.

When an existing subscriber consents or rejects the price increase from the consent page, the result is sent to the seller’s back-end server using the Samsung IAP Instant Server Notification service.