Subscription Price Change Types

When you change a subscription price, you can either increase or decrease the price. The following describes the conditions when you change the price of a subscription.

You cannot change the price of a discounted subscription or free trial.

Price decrease

A price decrease is when you change the subscription price to be lower than the current regular subscription price.

When you lower a subscription price, all new subscribers and new subscriptions use the lower price. For existing subscribers, the lower price is automatically charged at the start of the next subscription period or payment cycle when the new subscription price is applied. No notifications are sent to the subscriber about the decrease in price.

Price increase

A price increase is when you change the subscription price to be higher than the current regular subscription price. You can choose to apply the price increase to new subscribers only or to new and existing subscribers.

When you increase a subscription price, all new subscribers and new subscriptions use the higher price. If you cancel a subscription price increase but a subscription was purchased by a new subscriber at the increased price, the new subscriber continues to pay the increased price until they cancel the subscription.

If you apply the price increase to existing subscribers, by default, your existing subscribers are notified of the price increase and consent is required. When consent is required, an existing subscriber must consent to this price increase before the next subscription period (when the new subscription price is applied) begins.

When you increase a subscription price in Seller Portal, it does not take effect immediately. There is a 7-day waiting period after you increase the price, when you can choose to modify or cancel the price increase, and a pre-notification period (whose length is based on the subscription period and the existing subscriber’s subscription renewal date) when automatic notifications about the price increase are sent to your existing subscribers.

After a price increase is applied (in Galaxy Store), you can increase the price again after certain conditions are met. See Subsequent price changes for more information.