en zh

Get Started with the Samsung IAP APIs

There are two types of Samsung In-App Purchase (IAP) APIs that provide the following functionality:

  • Orders - View payments and refunds for a specific date
  • Publish - View, register, modify, and remove IAP items

To start using the IAP APIs, you must meet certain requirements and use the required authorization header parameters described below.


In order to use the IAP APIs, the following is required:

If these requirements are not met, error code 106 is returned.

Authorization parameters

Every request must include authorization header parameters which specify the content type, your access token, and service account ID and the URL path must contain the package name. See Create an Access Token for more information about how to create an access token and service account ID.

Attribute In Description
Authorization header Required .Use Bearer <your-access-token> where <your-access-token> is the access token you requested from the Galaxy Store authentication server

service-account-id header Required. The service account ID used to create the JWT associated with the access token (can be found in the Assistance > API Service area of Seller Portal)

content-type header Required. Must be application/json

packageName path Required. The app's package name

The following example shows the header used with the IAP APIs:

  -H  "content-type: application/json" \
  -H  "Authorization: Bearer <your-access-token>" \
  -H  "service-account-id: <your-service-account-id>"